CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 11

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tuberyi1 Independet 4ke Cîounty In4a»endent - Wmuhàn W.e#ly Su Lak« cauntY' aannual cSinty !Air ne But, bothreolet lsa piâ'*,t.fhat 'le yor waa à falluro, du. ta the they Il -kms.hh if IParls 04 .Nsw idwshrand due ta, the opidemie Yerk a ove .the. hht-4Ald 1414H la estlmated tii, aao. EA If noobnry (»5 a walne UW. Bo.. 1-1i un bohlnd clos ta 0"as 705, i1'aenuappart fetthint the pa osevt the ti.Intoforence #t8 à, ois1dey dPRIt niâda abit what oa f the weathr man and thi e r.the erir long e 1 .thore'. aa o- su eorm., Ita toa bad for the. sOn- OU the. qv Sawr fi 'au q.s<gfor pro.uc ysr ty ta mako tho. coanty vytil.ThswlloUpjo er a real caunty affair, one by thei. :or WORU0V5O' Iso ïope and for theppl. of eý efor t 1 Itaprguo -And', i 00M .h hrnsyg I(NEE DRÉSSES, OR lHIlHEh? S., os 0thy'5 arn«tiý higiior Kno" lonoth akits? Thoy'r. fnN.1s l , ioylhe tfil l omn ln Parit, whils"Now Yorkc bu5 y t0 si fth wr *Iff bsi Mme to the opposite çptIoftlOU. Olii* .,for ui &rd and mIl.- 40o W'df have ta decido for Itasf- mg éethan. $a, for that roaman, let* md Waulcegan wilI have t. doolde hurry .mdo h ra e4lt-to ir tofif ater Chcago roaciios Itas "a à aMetta« the fait doprting moi- slons. oty wlIi our %mmn USED Ito hava. Polowins are fair pricie for'.food$ tulà*#sivfrto enn week, -as detem-iuned b>' the food iWmlaltd lm. N qor 41l dealers sîilîn at prices outulde of Iis r»e O peuj sreliolta 0e . C. Gridla>' 4der.zl food sdinitratfor W LaS.10e o0»41,or t tavaaitp e ulaaratos Obb vîli tae.theaproper ccdiu: . I. P1exAred hi' the Waukosanroo i itf$ti. Ulaosi Vaek mbuiu, uiuggoSptab4r 27, 1918. tisteli pfi0'i euitîSuW (<i bssk) .........Ps 1ql1,gi7S 4i OMuuaied lugar < cartons) arPe rto-lic 10e, Ity For......... Wraprei Srea..........Par Ilb. a»W4% ll WhteFt..'. . ....Per 18barrai 150-.64 1;65-1.70 iWhite Flour 4,n buik> ............. 5l --U -i 38C lys Fleur (in baga) .............. 5 îî.-iso - 39c lkjO Ptaur -.....................Paer 1.8 bwrr .ei-S.40-1.70 iSl.r WNWO o at Floues....... ........Slb. bag-88 42 e 37< hasliam Fleur......... ..........Slb. ba Ie 7 5llOly Feur...................... Per 5-b. bag-S-Oc 3Mc Ilys Flou. .......................Per 54bbas.....oc -35c tic. FlouY ....................PFer (I udr ti- Preidet'a Proela" tion rs*all oast a"Il sud consum- ers muII ljas watb oaci fou pouns luf vilto Soar apoea of sanie rmb- iitute. (on',umer9 have ciofaicornai, cèru foeur, harle>' four, ros Saour, na' l:,ur. b)uckwieat flour sud poisto foeur. R>. foeur, graiiamn gour, wil' wwat flour sud cakea four mc>' b. oIs i vttban subtitutes& $gfl Meisi <vito buiS>............Yenr100 Te-S.8 Obra Meai (yellew huk>..........Par 106 lba-5.11S e (,îs (hole) ....................Pon lb.-44o 38c (oc best grades)>..... .......... Par I.-48o Sie hon(medi..mgrain>)..........PIr Ib.--ode 440 »ocon *quaes "(who).............Prer li.-37 41C tard (bat gradses, «aion)..........PFer lb-île 37e ari (buik).....................PFer lb-30c ne (full cream eut t0e rder) eh FPer 11-45w-u phesa(fuil cream, eut te orior, a.w>Pas 1b.-404 1114 phaeoa (ful rean, ek>......... Fer lb.-37ôC irunes (5d tlu.400>...............POFer11-146 'ao Prunes (60 ho 70)>................PFer lb-Uc Je *runes (90 tiIol 01 .............. Par lb-fle 150 (falny.* -.::*......... Pr 100 ibs.-lb. tzeo (Mlue rose) ............ Pa 100 iia-P.00 nomlb scnu(navy, huni pckd), 100 I1.-$I 1le %511k (hlgheat !rao) .............Ise 8 1 ik (mdium gmaie.)............. 170t îtilS (evaporaci, mt .woeeten*i) ._ i1.2a 15c .uatr (coaausry, extra, bik) t...64c 67c (one cent luli9ir la cartonam .l a tube) huateirlo(standard *sSaIv tata.> * For lb.-34C 30 'îuttarlio* (standard crédea, ei.l) .. . per lb-li'c Dutterino <sium) raol@ 4»d bulk,. Pen lb-30c c 1[gg» (il quy roleb. candiai ...Doen-50c f63c Potatces .................. 100 lb.-043 Dpt. OfI.- b1.>59 iC NOTICE-Alter September 30, dealer* WhP art paylng the. new price for sugar art prmtted ta cl'srge a profit of not ta soeed Ii e pr lb. 79,000 IS LAK(E COUNTY QUOTA IN UNITED« WAIIFOND of the. Y. M. C. A.. Y. W. C. A.. Na- tiou-ai Catholle War Conuil. Jevisîs Welfara Bouts, A. U AL, W*r lamp, Comtuil>' Service, andi galvadiL Ar.>', andl iii aepravai of the coun- t>' ciptet' Stat eCoundil ci Siefme. aIr. Georg, stcted hs did ual belteve e Ditrict Cbainanncoulal opete uproplr>' ithout aOectlng. lts o"n Th lNil~) ARWOK A~-assistants, sud binrptale for Th(,I'NýTM,)WAR ÙRK A4 lie personnel of the district commît- (PINSE' P CO'%ERENOE O eel. lie STATE OF îl.l.lNOl.a vas heiu M. Dunklin, epresentingtie Lake a h, l..samle iio.-I in CiIeago Tues- Couuty K. C'as, Mns. Gallegiier and U ay 'à M rs . D oole ', represe uli g t e ladies L'Eoqueît addr,-ssea vere msade b>' Cthoiic -weeies, Samuuel Schwartz, ~Shiwoul Eddy and Governnan 1.0e.regraDntthle Lako Count>' Jeisi dle n. ' - Wolfsre Board, stated tho>' vere set- Tie foiio,viig delegtes ver. prei%. isfiOd viti tie appoinle. for Lakte, eut from ake CQuuly: Mesrs.Bd- cqty wlek,. Dunkiii. S. Scivam'tz. . 11. 1'rite ýjc*olam vzascrnied. Sicil, Wni. Siroug,. John Barrot. S. Chairiam Caxou stated te stops. A adîhornP. J. b. Bshop, J os' ecu5ry hi o ets'teu lu achcoun'. lecveà., and Mids Mary Lyon. MIssSn8â ~ agfiatian o!fI.the tg ýMar> Hilehins, Min. William Dock>', m~e li1e and Mlrs. t;allagicr. 1ie niattôn darriesi thel the.-quota M1"iLTES of the DISTRICT for the. districtt. $624,600.00, b. se- Lake, %IcHiinry, DeKalb. Kane, Du- i oincna hlleux Î,page. Kendll. sud 1WIII Caunte., adtlug siiouidbe. hului thle Y. M. WAR WORK C&MPAIGN àET-UvPC.A udigC(godaett COFERENCE, Loojalle HoiciCiiCh". A. dbuilding.c ag dtetcb "cage. . The quotas for District No. 3 vslg The nicetiug va. cellesi ta order foum htelse ta folos: b>' E. 1'. Sedgvick of Lakte Cdaty.' ON COUNTY ...s 22.100-00 N. Gorge nomnifiatoalR: aH. c -M(IUINRY QQIJNI'Y ., 41,700.00 ON o! Aurore, unaaqlmously eletet. LAKE v.......oCo MR. SEDGLICK vas lieu otetd DIIALBCVNTY ... accretar>'. Tyenty-four persans vero DKAE COIUN'rr...... 3*0 preseut. DUpAQE COUNTY ...35700.00 Tihe Ciairman oxplained tie pvrý - M"Aj oOU1n4TY .. . grnuof o!tie campalgu ha date. andmILLCU .. 6.u0 the org4nization as fer a.sIefectesi JLONT.....12t00 for tihe benefit o! tie -four orgaiisa- 'NIL.......... .... dions anal befone the othai' tiret u-__en_______ titresi tie menger. Mr. Claxon end M. Sedgvlck vers releeteal prmanent officers of telies- .t trict associetion..C Tii. ciailuan saeea that count>' ehairmanied been -appointesi botore 'NoSti Chicago bas soveral cases of tihemerger and vlid latuknav lie '- ijnia luuens, pleasure o! the meoitu>as55 10 led. i the. muerai o Mnst Charlea ùfatter- charuen.,'Tie mation vas md tint theae chelrnren be confirniuoj.,M. mon,i5 ileisit Iber boue, cbrufrj Bedgwick statesi tiit, m nof the làUhety m a r Ieion itreets,Wci- eppontees, b. vou% iobject, ,C* s", -Sanie, at onet'foeé. >thouhgiltise CiSIfmtIsiof theio cout> t sioslbe efectedsi' b>',eunitel Sw.The » ý*enu tan vil atlah hie . ,- - - , SPPT. 26. 1ih1&-, boy Dameid 3lister rea.ched the big conclusion that uhey'd lSe (o e th* world aed afner tii.>' bcd bo i"show Vy'l~ a nman known as "Midit. ey' de Rat' and anather man vii.s »ame in fnot given by them. Derktee stole $1100 trom bis Unele Elbert Ne 6 yack, a Cook county commnisslonor.1 The lier WaB made from Novack's sa-1 loon et 2128 Leai'ltt et., Chiicago. Alter aurrenderins 8200 of the. Vl- 100 tu "Miekey, de Rat' the 1>O>s boarded t heole výted traînsanduirode prîctcall>' ail nit in CbieagO. Then Tuesday morning they boasia a St. Pau~l train and vent to Vax Lake. It vas there that the tjniuS.ll display of huge '011. of bis brouglât about tihe dowufell. of thc iall--am lads md 'no* tbeY are làthe ti.PX lake jall whlle relatives are delib- erating over the ProPer comra ta pur- ique. The. strange part of It le thât flfle -the lads Woe stoppg e t the Waltonan hotel, tvo Chicago detect- Itet, tant ont to laool for the. lads vho ver. Suovu ta bave a lave for the laite rogn. were et the aidjolning bétel, the LsAkeoidO. Aecordngly. viien Mra. Olaon of the WaltOnlan botel, graing ug aiclout b6Sus. the boys bad ton muih mane>', lephon- ed ta Navaci lu Chicago sud vau fald ta bold tic baya. the saugestian vab mcde that the detectives Probably cauld b. locatfs et the lekeaide. Thn.aise caIîOd the bouse next door and, vitblv a fev iminutes the twa boys ver. 1 nthe bands of the nmen who bcd been bonking for t'uem. Boys Tteli Thoir StorY. Aiter being locked up lu thq Fox Lake lau tii. youtbtul exbtorer* tbld their Star>' reticentl>'. DurSiee '*as -more trank tiicu bis cam"DfianWvbOI lwould flot give his first nâme. Noih or boy would tell the, rame of tei second man via induced tiin W eteal the. money-iioth admitted thet "Mickey de lPat" va. the one vba dl- r.cted matters. 'lheiy sad thet b. bcd taiked witb tii.. several timps anid tld the. ,uephev if the.cOntnniaaiber ta vatcb ttar a big day'a receipta, and thoen slip in, grab the maney and ment tii,. Montda>' vas set for the big bau! andthe e upbew got avay vith "thei svar- as becaclled it, later aneetini Gitrami "MIckey qWte. declar- lrbert iïï 1>abuilte ~ * ES ~ I 'Iie'y thon hcd 1600 holveen them lm MlghIandI Park. John Engel; FC UN YO3FC ilceh vas tnrnod over 10t'Ornats-- hotgt the, C. îles Berry place an iÀn C A CflIIIT aoer Novack *~ben ho 'rrvt>d ai don PaiMk ve for $1100000. aItiJU>U J Pox Lake Wedneoadsr. Nels M. 'Hiik)mà»n boughltbe SadY Novack v a. kc4Sly dlsalnointcd,.A. Simmionai place on east side- Uncaîn The aupervisgrs ait Ileir closing over the. turn lu iis hopiewva le, Ave, nôrth ç' Beech st for lndiated sessionraiaed the selary of lhe coun. for, i. expleined, be bàd carefully consldetatloji. et *7500.0i Iubjeqrt to ty cler', tbe troasurer and allowed raised tis lad a. vell as twà sister8 eeuwebrmnee. the superintendent of schools $60" and a brother, ail chidren of bis deail Carl XgYti boight 2 lots on eaft a year experbos. 1 . aiter. Ne bcd givon Durke every ai- 'sida Pleesant Ave.. north of Roger Prom nO* the clerk gets $3,000 a tention that isi.ovu chld could have. WiltSMa Ave.. running to the ral. year &pinot $2800 In past-same and.ho ald ta avehlmdispa~ i, oci, fr*î redLt. artoitfor fer the tesurer-, the suserltendent's and hasai, t bae hm deply hr, ond fre fed . trtltt or$40i), sisry romains $2,000 but he ilaia gratitude lu ibis va>' va. alijosi îc.o th NinueelPlo: John A. idogg 1lovod $600 oxpeumea: the caunly muÏi. Ho did flot knOv vhat courr. bought tie Ama Bus praperty for judge romnains tii saqie, $3,000,. the ta foliov -but conclu4d e e ua$37o00. doput>' aien f vas rased ftm$400 leave the boys la'tii."village jail for in Prairie View: Arthur C. Petors anme.1$12000h. hri rmis h a tev days pouding <décision as 'o houghtt ho Auguat Il. Weireuberg sae,1200..taB 2é60 viiet vas b. for hem. Thus, h-- re- property In Spragner subdivision for The supervisers In cotlag týeIr urnmd o Chicaga and b, boYs sili are ý.0,50.00. budget for the coming yea r rIeimdIl a Fox 4ale. ' in moton Towuship: Thomas E. but $200 ovor la.t vçAr and tihe Bath Durie s aïd Glter are jusI fGray bougit the. corspr 24 1-2 acres emount estima1.ed for runlug the. past14 earsof ge. n Serian Rad t Bech romcounty vas fIxel! et $266,600. Il va. pasi14 ears0f ge. n Bierian aad t naci rousiovu that the receipta drain v4rios John R.LVallon for lndlceted consid- sources yUll be about $90,000. therl- BU'5y- RSS oratian of 14000.00. for. the tax ev>' vill be $176,600. The. in Lkt Villa Township: William veriona Items talbow: WillintWft bougbItiheThos. WiI; JW7 ervie............1. 00o U DU IIN iM K - mintom aru afI î'.0acres In Sýc. 10 j Foreigun'witness féeos.........200 ET 9j frqm Pet*~ Wilmington for $10500. Court reporters a............ 2410 Q Mathers' pensions ............401 Coroner's focs.ý............1,000 LO NSA $9 ,3 0 'LE Commfissioners tees ........ 00 - m E lYES Blind pensions ............F00 Eloction expensem........... 2,000 Business 0f the ihcorders Office .41"IliMiceibaneous cdaims ........ 26,000 foi the veo*À endlng Septembër 21, AI VILiIf Pub Bdgs.................2,Q000 1918 iiy A K. Bovea Asat. Secretcry Poor daims ................ 28000 Seeurty TitI, & Trust Co. Maintenance CO. fr ....16,000 Number of oavoyeii.ce 122. _gotfl.ore Georgfie Ives. wio, for Road bridges.. ........... 19,000 Nubr fCiatl atags~ . 1 urua'tU iîttle store on the Stato aid ronde .............. 15000 Nunier f Cattl Motgac.%6. »k f pMoe's Lake vere shoclced Count>' bospital...... ...... 35,000 N'umber of Trust deeds and mort., to w r cfthe deti Tuosday of bils State ciaries............. 7i000 gages i5. wvi. Stationer>', supplie. ......... 6,000 Total number af instruments filîef àe fvas4aviplm af double pneu- Salaries .......*-......... ..21,000 143.mpuia a" d bfen icS InChicago Feos Ca. atticera ...........15,000w 14.aotfi . sUz tb4 trouble sterting Brti.deatb certif ............. 500 Total amnut o of ls» $97,3j Jo Ii about a Special BMid. fund .........15,000 Busnes he tuen ull brs--udl r.M .va but4luas !it. on boudea................25.000 bas oula tos a lstite.*5. gBbc'as a popular voman among Payanent bonds ............25,000 Icans dublet hisero aast peà. "lg". Druces Lk. & Total ................ $24600-00 be folloving are the. more impor- vomal ô Jg unusuci .Physical The board voted ta give'1*5e Bluff tant deas: atreu r thi caiii% esa shock- orphanage $5000 Initead of $4.000 for thi Wauikegan: Jo"nILu & Addie & ta aU br.,~the. coming year. Fluton bdugit W* o f thc Thos. 2. MS E E>' a larg, vote the suprvisors GIray' bousse.ontient aide Asi street T.OoOH Novaimefo actionn thrc.o- juist ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AI not iJli t frldctdM R khaonaor rol ain orn tiiê col- Jus nrthofJuIààSt fo Idicte ýLiont. B. W. Goasb fDn rot,1ors. The f eelivX wva tiet thc bour consideration oi $4,000.00, subject ta vas uarried ta Miss a 1:o . Flood; rail b. uot until a lator time lacuinirance. ofa Gurnee aI is h Metliaut prsn- and atter mature deliberation a. ta an ak Foci: nus~ u bugh .c o BacktaimAve ., Chicago, aetviiet vould b. tice'bout,IL menu- Bil lhioisAv.,tour o'clock on Sept. iti. The cou-metormeralbsugo e. 991.2 foot cm east ad liosAe, ple vOl b.e, t home ta tieir tionds The committee va. cuthorisosi ta soutb of Lindemi Ave. from, lohn Grif- et 0080 Blacistane Ave.. Chicago. ai- edvertise for bd.sud lot cosntt fith for $6600.00. Subject lu encum- ter Ocetober 151h. They are nov tak- for audItint count>' records. brancé of$6600.00ing tir baueyUiou tripin the euat- bramS af*660.00.The bride ls lie secoud daugbter of Anua Scboîz bougt the. lntèrest ut Mr. and unir. Herry Flood, veit Snavn LOST-.On 'Sept. 19, In ]LaSe E'oet, Robert Scholz linte Charles SchaIz fearmera at Gurnue. ]Lieut. Goodbsud wieSoc êre *i.VT place an nortb aide Vine Ave., just la J ee egittqiiiitg crps 4t Muni-' il te Sotchterier gpy cr *ea.t or Oak Ave, for nomnal c iou- 'le, Chiago. The bride la f eudly; aavowra tu Pea'. Mds - ibt kuovu Young vonien' mark c o er. Pion. LAe.Forent sidertion lieWarren tovnahip, viere or tam-' i le-lbetyvil. Town~ip: Wm*yê& lie for man> yeara. 1 706; f*l15 ea 224-t-vil A Cag of Policy 'HE got'ernrnent demand for ail kinds of wearing a4parelý for mn1 iiÎo great, it us cauàed i& shortage ýo! all adii of yanila that go, Into the îniufacture o! clothlng ant fnlishings. Tlue îsîaufac- turers in years gonv 1l'y were offering great indmceîîîenit hinerelîants to huy, offéring liberai discounts qnd giving theni froni 60 days to fie months' time te puy for their merchandise. A great changelias taken place in the last year. The manufacturer.t eau now sel more than hoe<an deliver and lie says. to the merchant, w-e sannot allow you any more discouînt, we cannîut (lx- tend you time, our tersis are net cash on receipt,9f goods. We Mu~st P*y Cash, Consequently We Wil1l Have té Seli for Cash Cômnmencîaîg ruiemday, October lst, we will go on a strictly cash basis. We imbsitively w'ill itot seli a dollar's woî'th of Hier- chanduse to any 'oneon erodit. We sincere1Y hope that car good friends tvill realize the condition tlîat conftlonts un and will take na exception to tbiat new rule. .~ 4 It la not heitî se .1our credit in't good, it's hecauise we bave te pay cash andti we inust Bell for cash. When we ,'limiinate the kom that alwaya gees with a credit busin*ikés we van seIl Ifor legs and in these days uf conservation we must saVP'-11il weaue. Wae knGw that the good and loyal triends of this st(>ÏlcwilI hpprecl4te the conditionand will give un the patronage as before and we guarantee to save you at least 10 lier cent over thue credit systeni. AR4 those k nîwing theinselves to. bc indebted to un wilI con- fra great faVOr if tlîeY Will come lu within the week and close account. Dolttl& Wht Waukegan, Illinois Put to yourgsdf the quest ioni, bc hone8t in your e1n814er: "Amn I reridy ta do un i1 con, fo hclp my Gountry in ti rii? Buyi'ng LIBERTY BONDS wili help Véry Ssli R.mdq Plit The Lalcy-Llgit exhibit at the. Lake County Fatr,3asune of the out- standing featureg of thoe mae' exhibit. and attrected s mueii atten- lion as any one Ibings uioviitise. Werner 8&, Co., lie olectnical augey fIrr of Waukegen, togetiien vi"l li.ý Re. Motor.Co.. iad e largo tout. 20.0 neer tie main entrence te the fair grounds, and mounted on a 50h oli croie hase, vas a Lelley oelectrlc ligil and pover plant together vitb a set: of storage batteries, vhicii gav e fiarmers vho sav It a comprebanive Idoa of boy an electric ligbt ami pov' er niystent boSiok en plrapcnigmtai- od an Ia concrete hase iu the baosdiit o! their home. Very fev of tie peupleo vhàolle ad the fair felled to ses tha oi qi** fal>' suent ruttning machins, .* man>' returned ta viev 4tic,1second * tllrd tume. Quit.e anubVeto aia ors vbo hasi other litl n# gystema thir homes, spoke favoaeii>'of hq' Lallv and commented' favoral>' de the ifferent tMatures of the plaut 'eiicb tbcelr <avu did mot posséimi lu. front of thi e tt-waa&lot* banner som.etvemty .id tet 1 nemJis Wemner & <b., Wsakossa. eouuty disîrinitaers aUI.Mote*<1 of Ubortyvlle, Pal A, ofyetLÊ" N Villa sud Blackburn -rtfe0 Wouconda. local dealors fle'Itants Ligit. During tin, vek Iwi were solé teA. M.-bus Dr. W. V. Il. Ame no4 of Libertyvuflo. Was.k,,jpt5 meuce on tbe Casiy boý«St They are gainatote 41t *ti* baen, geragos, msbiear u Ing room snd esIf horu Mr. Casqe> are botb y' atuY ther dWacisuta blave ebocteo sud elaetriC POWer 061 hinrp10a 1are lobkina folwrd vli h p eanticipation to thi 5e vm elW cou enjo> lte couveuioacec of citty In ttiiOt&y. Mn. 1). M. Fewcett thein factior%?& prcamttitve elsborad lou the ~5> foatu?.of thole >' ýPlent to allu ' came nr liselRseMotor .zUbitàd i accuresi s large nmbii.?of u'0g. for the dealers et LiboryiliW' FVilla aud Wauconda. Mràî vot pleinai ta tic editortbtitYOS Î taperate the Làele Ïlant dIreotb1 tthe genoralor as veli as throWp tbBq haltleo andi secure, a mtMe~..- Ho erpleincd that tlais as a desie adiventage ovor other plants es- ahi» time tifature vould omble â* fermer 1e bave ligiil vion the. 5sf1$- les vere cutirel>' dlscouneetodÙ01% the plant. Hoe asé explalnog.tha %~ lwultian vas eoutinell>' idepeuszet thi. batteries. Tii.ILqJley lm 's the Berling higb tensoa mqMxlo q 7 iciuaevely. Tiie Benling ucamoe usai ou aeveral af lie veil 1m * OtirDalno canpanIos and souseoftàh h1giost nriced automuobiles are salb, this syatju of inition. Severai atlýer tMatures of the IAin# ¶' Lîgit sud Power plant ane a.iftonB. Water coole motor. Roblas I& genergIor direct connectai te shah pqf englue, Hess Biuit bu3ià rod biMriug biioiugan @essiO beerins. Seugama type M. I poro bourmemter lie saute as le txclusiveiy on the Ut18. bath suiciasers, cruisersand sbaawUO, lie erkglue la tiraIlle goverfto 10 centrifugai governor liaI U w vtthl' 35 of ebsolule 5Us PIcn'SI startosib>' poiin 1L auI avitci ansi popo automat8olSrw tha batteries are tu>'chfbdy rings aisill up lu thi. ltd the boýtterI@s are dovu i 80a tie plant shauld be starsted W thora 4gatu. The batteries are alwt= cut ave>' ironi lie generetar W* lie englue slows dovu lu omisetha lie current does net pas bacStu goneralor. Tis aperates autoMt- caîlly. Thé .Lemt@Y COaaY bave- Plage; eiectric lUiht andi power vS. reach af ever>' tarmer lanLako è and no dosait a great uMy vii th advautagc of tli.chance "Of a smporter article tiat viii gziveé faction. flsc.a, jL Thie prie.ofthé mont lo velI vithin liereco 7 tarmor wviowov biis own ime witb the prooperit>' the>' ar enjogiSE Ibis- yeer everyone of tah e i ta de ftniovers shoulsi certael>'gIv theuselveoansd Iboir fauill* tht. grei canvonlence vhich la mov e<.Ç sldercd iii' ctty foikp te b. a noOsoilSi Waruey & Ca. o! WauSoa44iN thoîr managel' Oea. Schlsm un q~ 1 the prospective purchaei' tric light equipmont that hoe-'gui pleaseal ta came ta tbelr ionffl M molîmete tihe complets out of an viring. fixtures. OIc, viiithoos wim fnot only guarantee ti yull aise guarastes lis vou* M material usod. Mn. ScblumJ b3ý4m mer>' lu the empla>' oR ïo 01018 Service ,and la wv11 b»woVnevsw , countY. Ho la comalderèidis «,t»e bort experts on goctit OuPP&P t lie state. Ree Moton Co., Ubertyvilil, ?S. Avery. Lake Villeamsud lackbigg,'& Brougilan of Waucoêd& viiibc, pl$@& ai teaestiuate, lie co«tl ddtk&le"glE it 1 A

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