ê fi ~ Famous For Unusual Merchandiuing "L)EEDS" Not, Won qw. lear R~WAND 'ALLt XTWEEK -.offrIndfr your appraial an assemnblagze of the"NwrFlFah nsr flecting préenently in their pristine beauty, the gen'ius of the wbrld's'syecetr.Ti ae fully chooseq0Coeooz of becoming apparel is complote WI* every detail, offernk dispIl' alalike tempting to women of eco'nomxieal incfuaticins àîd womnen of unliinited mieanw $ fo, 'with this anneuncment we hid yon an fi your-friends a cordial Invitation to re nii, kka round, qtU se wh&t a eharming amry of pretty things to wear we have ready for you. A Wo fui- )Msplay oi- We Believe .We- 1kwe the- FbstFeIC&t Véry Attrictively, Pried at hI le 1C-oWig Sale aw $25, 950 $2-$2.0$3.5I*59 29O.ý and up 10 $95 $5$120t. 19 The best dressed women in any "1circil select their clothes at Hein's The rangeof styles in our Fui and Winter coats im eqîially no~ wide and ini doing no they a1-e privilegrd to choose from the largest, moot styl- as our rang of prîceswhtchIeavem ver littie to be dèfredl. There are !oh, lowest priced and, raaily the mont diversified am~ortments. The mem- eloth, plush and fur coats gdi.2eota trlmm ed w ith fur or pla ini belit- 4on's newest nuits are liera in bewild erlng display. ed, panneird, pleated and butiton -trImnied eouts, l.b. Dresses-9.75, 14.50, 18.75, 24.50ý, 8 adup 6 l~tretig ndbnoJerseys- : eres The dru ieu. «7 iersin n tprtn-adue ProI>ably no one material la worn more ezeaiveiy -. Ti. 141 Ue serge dresses are particularly striking in te a w0mab's waî*&obe-tis Fani and we bave dozens of than wooi jersey-the dresses of tliis tabril are eztreineiy teWtic u sjalitari style, or la combinations with satin. styles In ila ot Ail kindvwom $9.75 tu $60. pretty *and fasblonabie; embroldered, fringed; $12.76 tuo 'AflcoloM rIfned at 814.50) to.50O V-Élu«toValuesto $2011 Womens 2250Merceruý -at,*$.0. --at $19,975 -t*25 A specal sale group for the 0f>ening dsy. Pretty "New"I-thts Fail',scuits ln oxford snd uavy..*ery A very spcia purcisse enables un to maie this new stytes la plain white and colored effects. pretty and popular styles. Fair siteinae. astoundlng auflouacement. Ail colors, new stylep. hthe. Fali OPenhng Sale- stylish Waîsts At the top of the illugtration we picture two *aipta which ara typical of the styles yoti'1l Sud ln or uaist shop. Beautiful georgette crepe. are te lie Ws at any of the prices quoted abov-elaboratl mbroidered., FaliÇorsets You wfll flnd corsets at each price desIgued by fperta, for eame-, gracefulînemo of line. and general tSmifort. Front and bock laeed, up from $2.50. In the Season's t' Modes Neyer have our dimplgUkof Fall- milline ry--1 ways qulte the larges. lb the comanriity-been so varied and extensive. Here you will.ftntl the season's mnost charnilng creatiobe - la the - utra. stylish panne velvets, satin soleil etc. ,(Seslt ure.~) The prttie.t style. ,lu bat uialin and s1k un- derwe.r là te be )iad accrdingto prie- Then there iS -the band-made and haud4ebrolilered underwea.C f rom 82.98 np. Distinctive Styles in The Néw SIKfrts ý$15,-7 989 12 ,-16 Skirts! Skirt a!! sklrts! !!-4akfrts of heavy s11k failles, satins, wool jersey, serge.; new -woolens ini big plaids, stripe. etc., ln pleated and panneled cf- fets, many with side-drapes,4 fringe trimming, uew. pocket ideau and belta. SJde of' Furs WIII Two Very Special Prices S27.50 Rlghly irnportaflt is this sale of furs including »«ek pieces la ,adues to $25 in black and taupe wolf, eifnexe civit est, French coney-Jynx, etc, ut $16.9à., -Other fine scarfu te 440 at 127.50. ChiIdre n'.s Ap-rl- -Cihildrent's crottain» Fafl's uteat siytles, maly fusr trirnmed,$598 te $1695 -Childreti's ,ash dresses8 up to $2.50, apeoial at $1.49. -Girls' new bats 79c to $3.509- boij'h ats 50e La $1.00. -ChilWren's serge dresses in stze8 to 14 priced upwad fr<m i85.90& 'Women9à 1.*25 Voie Silk Hose at, MR iT»iuhday uîy-vomeWs resufrr p.ss $2 Double Silk 18 Gloves Special gt, Wo.m ewi mvyul.os obe iwqw± l uwt a vahllaa 141i8".Mdeor- Values to 2.50 '45 in ChJièns Dressesl A ve.y0"elW«Cles.«o! chilrép'a vaSSd4~. la aiue te 1 it à"eMd eoira, SiIk &Wo Sit té. ilt50 speiàla1 Reeav eel eUEl lciao k iue 7 -