CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 2

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191&k IAS. De PROCTOR 4SURANCE fVire, UÀt.. Accdnt anti HMMhl, Plate Glas". Au tomobile andi Working. M'aia Comnsaton. SmHim Before Placing Your Insurance SPhone 154 t 4 bertysille, I Ooe Dmowkr ugs t4r WELL DRILLING *k wu Pa Fm te wit.te MI AUStIERMAN & DOLAr{ ZVON CITY SuaPae173-W P.- BAIRSTOW Marble nd Granite Monuments Cnimetery Work of FEver- Dlescriptionu f»rtpondence bolIiIttc 16 Genesee St DY. 1. L TAYLOR in . a Vivt HaUss md D U idi 410VMa-1 lin 8:30 an" 7 te 8 P. nM. &uSU." In froadvay. opposite Pa, Uàber4yvl1e. idaole. *DI GOLDING -~ DENTIST Houa 8 lo 12 a.n-1 teS 5i. Over Fuîet National Biak . Pion 19J. ...Phone 167-J. LetvfeIllinois DR. EL IL SMITH, DECITISfD. .oeu»-a 1 12 a. nm. and 1 inte6p.m.. * AIL. Libest>'vllIs. Ilhis CHAS' N. STEPIIENS, M. D. I PHYSICIAN sud SURGEON fWspudm ientonivento the dies..,of 10.3 S Eye, E-., NS%, Thre. X5OI szamlued for lansa IMW OVr Oas Co, Tel. tIon Libertyvife. DL O. . DUTTHRFDàLD. VBVEIIZA.R SURkGEON. UàbertyifelMinois. DR. A. 6. CAMPBELL Vaiennary Dtsult Lad Uvery Stable LbertyvilIe, 111. ourbkesac.Lae Forest. Autloch. Kenosha Oune.WdswroTth. Rossell and other adjacent towuà - m.ANAN W. COLBY Atorney-at-Law, OSes aI Honie, Cook Ave. Pholil68-J UBERTYVILLE, .ILLINOIS. LYELL FH.1MORRI ATIOEEY.T-LAW Lbestyiile - Illinos Lobe Buildiang. au. phon 11-m. OMca Pion. ta PAUL MAC GUIFFI, A<vOENET Av LAW. LIbrtyvIlI, Illinois MARTINr-.DBCKBR 807 Wa.hington Street IVAUKEGAN, - - ILLINOIS Ofie PhoneoM8 Dci. Phono 1860.R LMR COUNTY FEED & FUEL CO. RAY N. SMITH Raine, Sept. 1.-Ra cine niay go ~ sa reauit of the goverai.tent D SVfg approvedl Racine college for a dent's .&rmy Training corps unit. « Itogovernmnt may ordér the lo-. of... staloons w1tbln a Ive-mile moe, vhicbviiilabaireInail the sa- * ls la the City. ELECT SAilli! S CIL&RMAN F Tu REP. CO. COMME. Wauitepaa, Sept. 17. W. B. Snith of Wauitlgan vas ibis mornimg éflclétichairman o? the reopublica county central commttee. an exciting lection maring thé first meeting folkswiflg thé recent clciOn of new members. R. W, Churchill, Grayslake, was bis opponent andtheb final vote vas 18 ta 17 lI Siths fat or. On the first ballot each got 15 votes and Thos. Appleton, Laite Forest 1. Thon on the next voto the otit voté vas défective, the die betwéen Smith anti Churchill reniaiaing. On the third ballot néw menibers bcdcorne lai anti Snith won. lit wa, singular that a tie contest develoPeti tbis ear as two« yoars &go. Theai W. F Wleiss anti . D. Gos rmn along on tie baitts for niany votes. Fiai- al>y 'Weiss von by one vote. Tl was generally expecteti that Weiss woulti ho a candidate agate ibis year but hé vas nlot. Martin Deckér, North Chicago was lectéd sécretar yanti Superviser WiII Stratton of Ingieside, treasurer. IMr. Smith anti Mr. Deciter also acteti ts lemporary officers. Chairman Smith uirgeti the moe bers to roalize the responsibilit they have lu ad*.ancfug the campaign of McCornicit for Il S. Senabor andt felt each one shoulti bend i bs efforts to make thé G. O P. succesRful flot oaly for that office but others as Weil loliovlng thé meeting Jutigé Et- varda addréssed thé members anti urgeti théni to encouragé votera te lavor thé constitutional anienimeait character la inpeaUve. The tate la nov being orgailiseti by congresslonal districts anti il la tiesireti that a comiitteé cf et lenst one from eacli precinet take charge 0f Uic campaiga inlathis county, théve- fore. your proence la destred, et thé first meeting of tliose InterestedtIin thie subjet, tu ho helti Bt the cIi. cuit court room Iin Waukégan. on Moaiday, -Septemnher 23, 1918, at Il O'clOck a. mi. Follo.wlng the discussion of thé Inatter, Eugene~ Runyard vas elécted permanent chairman and Martin Deciter Bécretary.. The président vas autborlzedto, name an executive com. mittee of five or gevon. BEAUBII3N NAMED TRUJSTEE FOR THiE LAND SYNDICATE Motorious Woman's Land Syn- dicate at North Chicago Up in the Limelight Again 300 LOTS ARE AFFECTED Have net Bein Able to Get a Clear Titis to, Lots Because of the Mixup An echo of thé famnous anti rather notortous wioman's Landti Syndicate of North Chicago, vas seen Ià cir- cuit court this morning wtî,n Judgie Etivards appoilitét Alec Besubien, trustéeo? cwhat renialin aIn tiei,' syt- tit-ate, repréadiite inlai300 lots ti North Chicago. Thé appointmnit of NEr. Beaublén as trustée for tbis éstaté waa noces. sary lin order that légal tltleo can hé issueti vieai thé property la solti. Thèse lots are Ovaietiby ,popOO Oail over thé Unltédý States anti for thé past tva yp 1ars Ibère bah actuaily béén nobody lI charge o? theni. .It vas thé Wotnn Landi Syndi- cale vbich vimen launetid here at North Chicago many yéars ago. after thé contlng o? thé wlré vorits antiin- torostéti teachers anti vomén espe- ciaily ail ovor thé Unitedi States the usé o? thé namé North Chicago lead- ing limnte10 eliévé that thé nov city muat out of Waubégan vas really a p-irt of thé hi gcity of Chicago. Thé naine -Nu:th Chicago" aiaturaliy omis- led mauiy people and ti l as géaiérally recognizeti that thé Womna's Landi Syndicate vas amoliOn Oaifothé bik landi misrepresentatioaie that va-, succesaifully carrieti out In the United Satea. Thèse 300 lots that remained in North Chicago anti scalterétiaat uver the placé ail thèse years andtihta ovaiers havé nut disposeti of the Thé syndicale has not been in oe.r~ ation for many years anti up te about two years ago Cari Saylor actéti as trustée for thé property. Since tY.- théré has been no trustée anti that -la ýwhy Jutigé Etiartis totiay made the appointméait. Thé appointment waa matie In hehaif o? the boîtiers of certatn bonds that vere lasuéti againat the syndicale many yearc aga. By thé appointment of a trus- tee, persoa who owai these lots witI have a chance te gel a clear titie te theni anti macîe sales If théy désire. WAUKEGAN COP 18 ATTACKED I I plana Wbich are béing ativocateti throughôut thé siate. The Commîttees. Thé members a? thé républican anti tiémocratic county committees as electéti recéaitly are as folipvs: Bouton 1la por tH. I)eppew. P, , , 1' T . I-t dl'- lOtlituf : -A. S. Burge-ss. Bénton 4-Ralph Fihi. Benton I-John D. Thomias. Bénton 6-A. F Sorenson; L.5. Ilérgan, (Dem.) Nevport--James G. Welci; Denis Roirtian (Dem.) Antiioeh 1-X. N. Tiffany; J. J. Morley (Dem.) Anttocb 2--Chase Webb. Laite Villa-Scott Levoy. Grant 1-W. -J. Stratton; Thoe. E. Grahami (Déni.) ('rant 2-Hovard Scott. Avon 1-lt. W. Churchill; IL J. Whelocit (Dem.) Avon 2-Ml. P. Huson. Warreai-L. P. Foulon. Waukégaai 1-W. F. Weiss; C. W DIver (Déni.) Waultégan 2-D. A. Hutton Wauitsgaai 1-Ira Hoidrîigo; Frank MeDiermott (Déni.) Waucýegan 4-Fred W. Churchill; D. A. Gratiy (Dem.) Wauitegan 5-WVý. B. Smitlh. Waukégan 6--C.liollsltin; Frank Btdinger (Dem.) Wauitegan 7-Carl Martin; Peter McDerncott (Dem.) Wauitegan 8-Fred Buckt; H. N. Dowe (Dem.) Waîalcegan 9-'\. P. Dilger; Jas. Chambers, (Dem.) Wauitcgan 10-Chas. Crapo; C. W Lutter. (Dem.) WVaukegan il-John lBrowni. WauitéFaa 12-Thos. Barron. WaIuiégAn 13-John Janis. .'*auitégean14-Héairy Dlacon-, Pa- trick Drury (Dem.) etihelts i-Tom Douglas; John Fal- véy (Déni.) Sields 2-Wm. Vander'ilool; T. J. Garrtty (Dem.) Sieltis 3-Martiai Décker; E. Rt'- geli (Dem.) Shîltis 4-Tmoe. APpleton. Lihertyville 1-Patfl Macfuoffin; Jes Msloy, (Dem.) Liberlyville 2-H. B. Eger; Deainis Llmberry (Dent.> Libertyvtllé 1-J. H. Rouse; J. W. Cooper (Dem.) F'-emont-Geo. Trout. Wauconda-A. 8. Pavera: John Biaicb (Dom.) Cuba-Miles Lamaiy. Ela-Buul Fie, Vernon-Wm. Bock; A. G. Maetb- or (Dent.) West Deertielt-B. P.Hutchinson. Deerfiélti 1-A. J. Walsh; M. J. Gibs(Dom.j Désriliti2-E. S. Gall. Deerfielti %-W. B. Brandi. Déorliciti 4--fed Schmaeffer. Déérfielti 6-Carl Grant-, John eO'K-etfe (Dem.) Deerfielti 6-John lUdeil. Deerfielti 7-W. J,. Obée; 8. St. Pe- tor (Dent.) Déorfielti 8-Geo. Vétitir; T. A. Dooléy (Dem.) Jutige Etiards récent latter te thé commîlléemen asklng themn to at- tend the meeting foliove: At tluiat emaIntto? thé legisia- lui., a bill cwao pfaetiprovitieti for thé qubmiaai o! ofthé question o? a constitutional convention 10 Uic vol- et-a at thé générai lection b ho ielti on Novemiser 5, 1318. To aecuré taisconvention It lé nec- ossary liaI a majorily o? ail volés <'ast be lithé affrmative, as ail vho do aid vote on thée Doomtloai are counatétid a Sfln lt, andtilnasmuch as ibis question ln suhmIttèti On a separate ballot, ilvHiiréguire conaiti- erahie *work betveén nov andti hat date te se. liaItuhs question recelvés proper attention. Theré are several t-asons vhY e constltutîonal convention la tiésirabié ai thIis limé, thé main one being Ihat Pondltton% havé ase ebanged Oiatee 1870, arien thé Preaent constittioni c as adoptéti, 1h51 a changé of corne -,-----~ T MIS ARE SAVED Ovet 300,000 Pits a Week Are Saved'by Saiors to HeIp Manufacture Gas PULITZER AT THE STATION. WeII Known Newspaper Editor Begins Training for Avia- tion Commission at Sta. Great Laites, 111-. SePt. 21.-JORePh Pulitzer, iBdltor of the St. LOUIS Pest Dieialch 'anti director o? thé Press Publishlng Company, linishéti hie dé- tention perloti ln Camp Farragut yes- térday anti came out te begin hie spe' ciel lrainiet for a commission lai thé naval aviation corps. Hé is studylng thé nov aviation school- on thé station iaité front. Hé bas alreadY beon avardeti a ratlig as a chief péttY Of- ficor by thé bureau o? navigatio n su Chiot! quartérmastér ln aviation. Mr. Politzer vantedtietaenter thé, flylng echool, but vas disqualifiéti for phy- elcal réasons, anti hadte behocontent viti thé grounti sehool. Hé la 33- yearm olti anti has a vIfe anti tvo chiltiren ln St. Loul. Hé en- lîste t Io months ago. but was net cslled unttl threp epkois agoý Save 300,000 Prts Weekly The 43,000 sailors of thé naval, sta- tion hère are iending a helpling hanti te their brotiiers ln arns ln F'rance li one more vay. Théy .,have bovin te Save the stones fromi peachés. plume. prunes anti apricotp te ho burnéti for charcoal used lai lie makiaig of gas masits. Boxes have heen placet!Inla ail thé gallénles anti mess hallS etoré& célye the fruit Stones. As fruit lisesrvéti vlh thée aiiorg' "chovw" every day, 43,000 sailors sav- Ing éach a atone a day viii be able le contrihute 301,000 stones a veek te help fight théetieadly gag. But It 11s .ttted by commissary sewards hère that il laites three carloatis ofruit a day 10 serve thé tars. Epîdemio Hite 1,000 Thé épidémlc of SpanishIinfluenza among Gréat Laites sailors remaains about thé sanie as it has heén for té lest fév tiays, according te thé report senior médical officer. Theré are stili 1,000 cases being tréaleti. T u of ? 5rie matie cakrqsat Lpicote lunches vent begglng lai Chi- cago anti elsevieré as a réonît o? thé airder that no Gireat Laites sailors can go Into the dlty for their usual veek endi fostivitiéswvIle tié epidémie lests. SENO OUT NEW QUESTIONNAIRES Followlng Instructions .récoliet front Adit. Geai. DIciteon the Wau- Policeman Geuerai Hicits, is son.,itegan draft board on Salut-day mail- Chartes Hic'is, anti Chester Mann, éd out the fîrel balci of question. véré attacitét anti héateai by rive naires to men heveén the ages o? Waukegaai youaig men about one 19 to 16, Inclusive. vbo registereti olocit Suaiday morning . The po) for thé draft receaitly Tiese que,;- lice at-e looilng for thé assailants. tionnairés ahi continue to hé sent Tbey have thé names of Iwouür three ouI te Wauitegan men at lie rate of theni. o? tén -per cent a day. Siniuiar lI- Charles Hickts anti Chester Mann structions weré sent out. to ail draft hati been at Kenosima iti tva youlîg boartisli thé state vomen friéntis. scearding to thé po- Adtj. Geai. Dlcitsaf annotiliedti lat lice. They got off thé street car théetielay, vhlcb' bas puitIlilinois aI Edison court anti stastedti b alk Ibretiays hehinti othér statés, vas east lai Washingtoni stréét. isé due to the fact thé original telegrani Weauiegaii yotrng mon gaI off thé car bas neyer been tielivereti bo hlm ai at tic sanie limé anMifoliovédti lmn. Springfieid lai front o? thé Hicits home, just Nov éditions o? revisèti slective east o? North St. Janeasîreet, one service régulations lesuneti y Geai- o? the five nmen asteti Hickso for e eral <rowder fi% Aug. 5 as thé daté cigarét. Hé réplléd thal hé titi nat froni vhich draft boardis shall dis- story, thé fell, askéti Mr. Hicts« regard mariages of mon via régis- sgt9ry, tihe félliov Mr. Hicks' friéndti lred Sept. 12 as grotittt for exemp. If e*ba a cigarel Reseating thlis lion. Thé ao-cailet i slicer marri. SInsuit lcks ttithé félliov 10go on aiscut bis businesa. Hé saya lime fei- lov tien trucýc hlm, anti they start- éd te 'cmix IV', Mani, vent te hie assistance anti time otimer mcn joinetilun 10help théir t t-end. Policeman icksa, atîracted by thé ocreania o? thé young irgMen anti the souaitiof the ffgit, ruaheti oul of thé bouse lnai onigova, revolver lIn hanti. Ho tirai a shot labo thé a ir, t.hliklig te disaperse lime figimtérs, but they continuai. Timon lhe officer "mixai lni" grab- bing one o? the men, anti Wrestllng bum 10 thé grounti. Wimoa thé o? fi- cet- saw timat bis sonivas oneé-of Ihoe vho bat béén attaccetihé lo!dtim la go inoathé mnuséandti tléphone to thé policé station for assistance. Whtie' the young man vas lai thé bouse one o? thé men kicitétiPolIcé. man ickts lIlimeoys. 'Phe fivé men tien disappearoti. Policeman Hickts vas conlInedti 1 bis homo totimy as a résult cf bis Injuries.' Cbicago's Ihird gasiesas untiey vitihé lis last, an autheaitic source stalti yestertiay. 31 vai saldti iaI thý government'a objecta bati been ach- leveti, anti thal automohiles voulti hé operaltd as usuel néit Sunday.-Chi-. cago Examiner. age provision say: "Theé tact oftiepeaidency resultiaig fram thé marriageo f a iregistrant o? -the clae af Seplembét-. 1918, vimo has ntasrled ince tho date cf thé in- trOductIon in congréas of the &et re- cmiring is registrtilo, te vit, Aug.I 6, 1918, vilii hé ilaiegaitiétias a grouait for déterrai classificationi.» ORDERS LIMIT ON DIAPERS MUST BE SMALLER NOW Washington, D. C.. Sept. 21.--COU- sérvation ibaa beén appiédt 10bablea' diapers, viich mustIhé raialer in lth@ future, thée war industries bouzd an- aiotlaied totiay. Real Estt rns r sepember 12 1918 13, Wiîmiaigtoa's second Eub.. at H. -F. DunIop t10 mien ar.,on, lot 13, Wiimlngtonoa 2nti SUL., Deep. ]Laite. QCD. $10. .Albert Nafé and vifé 10 14-nv Dt- mer, lot 10. dlock 13. Port .to Sub., Hlghland Park, QC., $1. E. U. Hutchinsali, et ai., ta Wau- kregan Y. m. C. A.,aiaitm part lot 5. blockt 3, Original Waut<égan, 11 , W», J.R.Conrati anti vîfe ta A. P. Beaubleai, lot 13, block li Cummlinges e& Co.'s Souh Sitie Atd41 Wauitegmii. Ili., WD, $1. September 13, 191&. C. E. ilunt to Emil ant i Anes Kr(- I m 1Chicasgo M3 SoamiCii Sreet Phoe nralSMei88 làbertyvibl Phono. Lite«llei 74 6Iizacb, lot -10- mmd part o 1 le 1?Redfi.ld. lot 3U. 9eca s'Ait.. te fi andi 18, Binait Park on Petite Lake, Walikeilmn, ILL. QCD. si] WD, $600. A. H. Webrenbers andi vif., to No Ltimma iBchulz to . A. anti Cathor'. A .Ptrs t1,lc . lo ine A. Galivan, lot 11, Nippersink C1 étr 1112,bcc . ao cltb suis. j'o Lake, WD, $10. I swfflqw<% mb dlvlý1on te Prairie PF Eth'8?9'Ft irad and busband te Vlev, f"500. thl JA. l. WllUcoz . ,lot.s,& 9 anti south t I part lot 11, block 73, Highlandi P&*, IEsther M. Smtith' et sI., 1te WD, $13,100. ibriatine M. Smlth, lot 2, block 2 laiu N. A. GriMli anti vifo et ai., te Fred Wilson. suis, on Long Labo, Il. B. Whitney, S 1-2 lot 8 andi N 23 ft. ec uhnt .of of W 44 ft. lot 7, block 12, ln OrigIn: m .H- ~ ad ubni oA al Waukegan, on' east aide Geaiecée B. Cordeli and 1da Slimnas, lot 18 a]l et.. bélveén Madison anti ClaYton. -Shavws sui. on Fox Lake, $10. C W». $1.o September 14, 1918 C. E. Bluait, te. H. J. Priesl, lot de Mathias Miller and vite to 'Mary E. 15, fluait Park on Bluff L.ake, $10. 'u Jobnuop, lots 11, 12 and 13, hlockt 2, Frankt Schar anq vifete 1 SamiuelCc Oaklanid Sub., Wau'iegaai. WD, $1. Schar, 'lots 27 anti 28, hlockt 6, lai b Jeaie Lazzaroni te Hart-y John- Deerfiélti Park, $800.7t son, lots 19 anid 20, blockt 2, Oaklandi a Buab., Waukegan, Ill., WD, $10. J. M. O'Connior anti vifé, te Mr. tj Willis Stroive anti vifo to ?1. A. Frankt Miller. lot lai Hait Day. $1. Griftln( lot 10, block 11, Original T. E. Gray andi vife te J. R. FuI- ag Waukegan. W»I, $1. bc J. HI. Leslie anti vifé te F. U War. ton andt-ifie, aiorth haIt lot 7,. huitb ner anti wifé, part lots 10 anti11,i*12. northvest addition te Wauke- pe Beach Grovo Sub, on Marié Lakte, gan. $10. of W», 82,50(). Sasy A. simmonts anti huabantiof Salome Barbaras. et ai, te J. C. andte t N. M. Hokanson, lot 25, euh. of je uJ]la S. Barliaraf,. F. ',! acre sot SW. 1-4 Sec 14aTw 't, W», $10. part block 72.,lHighlandi Park, $10. a5 Wm. biutlin to Cyrel Damnack and Geo. F. BBflseol éstaté te W. 9 Georgia Blaitey. lot 4, bloici 8, KIrk Johnsoai, nortbeast 40 acres, N. t IL Pe'sAti, aueanII.wW. 1-4 section 35, LibértyvIlie tii.. i9 4 Septerriber 18, 1918 $10. W. B. Wairath anti vîfe te Abigale Ralph Wiimiaigtoai anti vif. té W. Hunter. lot 333 Shaws oti. Sub., on Fox Lake, W», $150. Wm. Wilmiaigton, landInla Avon tp J: K. Valisa and i vfe to V. L. Reza- $10,500. be'c, S. part lot 5, Nîpporsinit Club F. H. Bartlett anti vîfe to Cari Sub., Fox Laite, W»., $10. Chicago Titie anti Trust Co., te Maxrty, lots 41 anti 43 lai Ravinla Frank Hess anid wife, lot 17, block H-ighandis lai Highland Park, 14600. 2. Marshaildalé Sub., -Lonit Laite., P. H. Bartlett anti vifé te Helen Chitcago Titi,- & Trust Co. tb Mtyrtie Nath. lot 18, blockt 3, fîrt addition J. Ernst lot 85, Wilioais laid Stih.. et te Ravînia 3Highlands, Highland,. Inmleside. Deéti, $125. $0.t Chicago TitIé & Trust Co., te W. Il$60 Eraist, lot 17, bock i. Undenhurst Robert Dr ite, te J. A. Reevés, ln Atit.. Ingiéelde Deti. $1. - i lots 7 anti 8 bock 8, Kirk anti Pow- n Chicago 'itié & Trust Co. tu e Jantes Burnis, lot 23. blockt 1, Lindeai.1 el's addition. Waukegan- $10. r hurst Atit.. Inlaisidé. t>eeti $1. W. D. Cravens te Mary C. Myèrse.s ,Chcago Tille & Trust Co. te Mette 70 lots. Wlnthrop Harbor, $500. J .Kragh lots 4 anti 5, blocit 2, Liai. denhurst Add., Ingléaldé, Ded,$1 , Joseph I. Cooper, et ai.. te PF W. G. N. Povell Etate to Alles B. rornish. lots lI Lake Shorp euh. ln Ryan. lots 2 anti 3, blockt "D" Pow- section i6, Waukegan $1. 0111e Dlvlson, I)mcels 1.ake,4 Wl» Aima Buseestécate te J. A. Magg Septembcer 17, 1918 lot[; 2 anti 3, Hainéavilié. 8$3600. t John Griffith andti vfe to Della W._________________ Hoyt, S 99 1-2 fit. of N 2 acres, lot 216, Laite Forest, WD. $10). SPECIAL ABSESSMENT NOTICE C . DePeyotér Berry anti vite te DOCICET NO. 133t John Engels, S part of E 1-2, lot i1. Notice la Hereby Giveai te ail pet-- hiocit 28, HighlandtiParkt, WD. $11,000. sons Intereteti that thé CIty Council F. H. Bartiett anti vifé te Eugee0f the City a? Norlis Chicago has-lng Waldénmaier, lots i3 anti 14, hloc'i 9, ordéréti that a supplémentai assessa Ravtnia Highlandis, Hiighland Park, ment be matie ta cover thé doliciency WD. $1. ln SpécilAmésanent No. 119,, for John R. Futon anti vife te T. E. the contruction of a sever with nec- Gray, SE part NE 1-4, Section 33, essary manholes anti houcs conaier- Béntan Tvp., W», $10. tions o? six inches Internai diameter FI. C. Edvards te P. W. Cornieh. lot lni a portion orCréénUild avenue as Il. bockt 15 anti lots 41 anti 42, blocit -z toiî, cwit: From a point I an 15, Armsteds' Atit., Waukegan, 111.,eitn sewer lai the ceater o? Twen- QC.SI. tleth street north along the céatpr oLulsé Gorton. et ai., ta Anna T. liaio o? Greenfielti Avenue te a point I. J M'R. Milwaukee Sith sud CIsboua Phone, Grand 905 . , . d - Il, _____________-I à au ozimtfüg sover in thé conterOf lxrtemtth. Streetad trou ttOnCo qortberIy along the saitiConter lno )fa80d Oréenfielti Avenue to. a Point in es Sooth Oi f the.Southi lino of Fbufteentit Street,;slid point being Lh* conter lin. produceti of an aller iflhng Hst andi West, aill In the City of Nortu Chicago, County of Lake and ti tet.of Illinois. The ordin4nce for thé saine being 01 file tu h tki fie of the City Clerk of sait! City, andth te said City havilia applied to the County Court of Lako CountY, fiat. of Minois for an as- asement of the coot to cover maiti delcency according te the bonefits. and an aasessrnnt thereforé havini been made éad ireturnedti te nd Court; the finae bearlng thereon 111 oe had ait Ton ociock A. M. on ige th daer of October, A. D., 1918,or s soon thereatter as the business of th Court viii permit Baid ordinance provides that the aggrégate amonint of sald a.ssesrnt be dIvidet Inl aine (9) Installmonts bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum front the date of the firet voucher liaued ,on accouai of work dons, on saiti imirovemont. Ail persona doal,'lng may file oh- Jections lIn sal4 Court Sore saiti day and may appéar at the bearing andi maire their defense. Dated at North <Yhcago, Illinoi, bils 19tli day or Septombér, A., D.. 1918. HÀRRY MeKINNHT. Tie person appointod by the Presi. dent of the Board of local lu. provenients to mako salti assea- ment. Wk.y sept. 19-26 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Pubnlie Notice Il ereby égiven that tne Sub- %cribers. cl the last viii and Testament of George Wickenheln, deceasod. wll attend the .Cunly Court of Lake County. at a ternnthereof o. be holden at the court Hoube lu Wsukesan In sald County. on the fSrst Mondait of Nicernber next. 1918. when and where &il persons harlng elairrs ataist aid estate are no:tfed aud requested tb prescut thne saine igo said court for adtuditation. r'AR0LINbr. WICKER8IHEIN. Eeutr CHRIESWICKERSHEIN. Ee1 tr Wankegan, Illinois, September 9. 191A sept 1219-26 ADJIUDICATION NOTICE. Public notice le lierehy giron that the Sun)scriber Exécutor of tii,1£,,,t WIi andd Festament of CARL WE- WETZER. déeaspd, will attend the County Court of Lakte C.ounty, at F& térni therpof to hé holdenai a the Court floue 'lInWaukffan In sld County. on the tirst MoOti*y of No- ve.mber next. 1918. vben anti where ail persona having claims s aginât said éstate are notilrl-andi requoit- ed to presont the saine te sald Court for adjudication. WILLIAM A. VWEWE:TZFR. Executor of the Last WIII andi Testa- ment of Car] Wewetzer. docti Waî'%ezan. Ill., Séptembér 9. 1919. likYIiECKER & IlEYDEDCKEII. Atty for Es9tate. NV'kly sept. 12 19 2.1l FARMER It WilI Payou To Use Te NORTH SHORE PARCEL'DISPATCH Time and again you have loat money because of slow freight delivery from Milwaukee. But you didn't see any way of overcoming the difficulty. Think now ef what the North Shore Parcel Dispatch means to you: "Express service at Iess than express rates." FAST MERCHAN4DISE CARRYING SERVICE By phoning te Milwaukee for yeur merchandise and requesting de. livery by the North Shore Parcel Dispatch, you are ure of delivery within 24 hours-often ini considerably lesu time if gooda are prompýt- ly delivered te the station. You are loaing money evex y time you put of[ using the North Shore Parcel Dispatch. lnvesfigae-today. For further m4afcseio9b epp lutIotthe sarest Pearcoi Dapétch ofitsc f the NORTHI SHORE ULNE 14 ed ot Pt Ti A. u .h thý ga ta] th- tii en v Mc ch An lih h2 bit TPh tac Col lin, vo

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