ertville Independent, J o n*v ndqndet - Waukegan Weekly Sun fflce Tlophone Number . LibertYvillO Exchange- ate adi t téoPoutofio et LtbertyvIllé, lit., as Second Clagom Matte' Official Publication for The Village of Libert'vvillO. OIS Publcation for Lakce County Sourd o Supeviis' Preoedlnge 14 U9vry Thureday. Adverttetlg Rate Made Known on Applicton. OUIJPTIOIê PRICIE, $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE 4 SMITH...................................... .................................. Editor * MITH....................................................................... Mnager M . £CKHAROT.....................................................Local Manager LOWDEN FOR PRESIDEN2T Lakte county people are not surprised that a definite move «'s made nt the state convention of Repuhlicans Friday ad ivemeted Gov. Lowden as candidatè for the Republican nomin-1 ,*don for ne i mf Ever ine be assurned the control of Illinois affaire, Gov.1 lowden bas displayed 'unusual exectxti#e abiity and bas at- twaeted nation-wide attention because of hie ma.ny ideas in state It wax a long time ago that the Sun advanced hie name as e trong possibiiity for flic pres4kncy but Gov. Lowdlnlîjuiqeif ,,as discouraged taik along tlat line because he has insisted it 1 ight intt'rfere ivitlc his success as governor. He has begged his Mrends to keep quiet about the matter and they have done 80 uzvitil at the present timie a real boom waa launched for him at tue state convention when Chairman John Harrison in present- Iag the governer to the convention said: ilI teel confident that the star of destiny on its way to our »mxt national convention will pause in its course long enougb Ofer Illinois to shed ite light significantly on our state leader." The dlegates quickly caught the suggestiofl and stood eâoering while the band played a patriotic number. The imci- dezCBo aitc'êUO' p V»a any other Mature of the Iargely at- tmedt wume eoWBYUon. *The discovery of tIr e%%ie ludiau bu-i-aI place ou Bluff Laiket iof Interest because it ailda iisterical associations te the laker 4qigons of Laite county. For many years pow-wows used to be ffd on tlsè Vidvard property on Grass laite st wbicb Indiana fpm ail over, Use United States would assemble on a given time Wid psy bornage te tiseir departed guesta- This burial place vas #%own ail over Use country and Col. Vidvard up te the time lie edtiis year always made it a point te have a proper observa- lisof Use event even thougis in hlm latter dnys it vas flot as ela- ý&pnte as forînerly. The discovery therefore of a second burial Vounds not vPiry far from the Vldvar place la interesting and 'A trtber proof that the laite region of Laite county during fisc 14We et Indians was a popular place for tbem te assemble andi iOmd mucis of their time. Still wben you lotk about and sec1 * ebeautlful lake district ofthtie county it isn't any wonder to fIdn* that thse Indians uned to assmble there and mate tbeir 1ýSnes there for a long period of time. Witb lots of gaine. with 19M of Iii, 5mg à«IE isauIfl oery urrounding the terri- l iot ln nat ural" for tlsem te love te live there thse same as it ls fo iS icagoans nov te go out there snd pend ties ummer. TFhe 41seovery of tih. aeeoWd blirI ground aboya that tise property la tisat necit of thse county abounds in histerical Indian associa- tions and ilMtliat'remainS to brlng theus te lighlt steexcavate simoot any place along tîrose very beautiful laites. Tise. fnest compliment that bas been paid Captain Moffetf et Oreat Lalies station vas that given hlm Wednesday atternoon bg Admfrai Benson, viso is the raniig off icer of tbe U. S. Navy Md-' president of tise General Navy Board. Admirai Bensoxi, eter inspecting Use station, and witnessing a review of the seat- am, said tisat words failed bim wben he tried te give proper oredlt te Captain Moffett for visat be bas accomplisbed at Great Lekes station. He sud that Great stlll maintains ifs rep- station et turnlahlng thse bet men for tise fooet and thaf flie spirit manifemted by the Great Laites station boys proves fliat :ailsire is impossible for the American îîavy. Beeanise of the promineilce of Admirai Benson's positioni,ftho praise thaf he gSave Captain Moffett must be specially gratitving te tise con- mandant, for it slîould be recalled that Admira' Benson is ciief et generai operationg and commendation fron a miai like hIn3 Am1d mean even- more than if it came from tise se'-retary of «M navy, wbo sdmittedly iR nîot se oxperienced in naval affairi A iriBensoîî. Admirai Benmon inspected every depart- ýtand lii xprculoionas forough, appreciation therofore ~~ed thtie station isliq«lfisat bhm been claimed for it by ,t~bt offciais viso have visited lîie. Captein Moffettamve said -Idoie bas thse right tîr tee a keeu seuse rot pride over visat the 4émlral aid about this big insititution. hé over. numbers; it la n our achcel, b l(a When tst Sunday'a record Us cern n oui cernmunity génrslly. t ha* pled, Ir the conservation, goal Uce caused the theabérs te, cioe, t han Shewn to havé bien atbalned. thé bar coused ehop@e nd factorles to e huan. on Sunday motorlng wilU hé llfted. piél'd motergali>'. At any rate, net more bhan one more t theréfore Us a serUous situatUon wtl hé motorlesc, according and lb Ua up te éveryIndividuel te do8 te presens plans. hic bit and 14ELP CARE FOR HUM-1 And thug pepte wllU have a féw SELF and hl* fsmiiy.É more Stndays Udft for meloring bhis DoctOrs are na scarcé hère now ase1 fait béforé thé fréézeup cornes. hén's telh, théréforé préventIon las And wé ait boeéthe savlng In gag éven more important now Ihan evér1 haa helped Our beys over theré--for, béfore.1 thot's why w @fil dld it se graclousi>' -In hoes that ib weuld ho a bé ne. THE BLUE TRIAN'GLE fit. Thé biué trtangle-thé "iittlé badge _________________ of blue," Ua thé slogan of thé Y. W. NriGHY tUSPîCîOUS C. A. for théir Novémber drive for itliooks, asuIlIf héré : réason la funas in connectrcn with thé Y M.* suspect ver>' slrongly thé work Cf C A., K. C., Jéwish Wellare, War aptes In thé spréading of thé Influen- Camp Communlby Service, Américan za throughout thé country. Doésn't Librar>' Asse., and Ssivabion Army it seém strange that the diseuse shouid wh !ch havé unitacd for a sum of $17,- break out simu;taneoualy ln practi. r00 000 et thé réquésb of thé govérnf. cally éver>' armny and navy camp in jment . thé country? Lait year wé bcd thé Infantile paralysie épldémnic at thel "Wear half-soléd shoes," saycS ec- varlous camps,, thé yésr béforé foot- I rélary McAdoo. Veu, thé govérnment moLfh dseae srtadamog té ct- nééds léather for batsu, harnais, gun mout diéssecp'ad aongthé I@linge, soldiérs' shoes and ethér le and this yéar Influenza. lb doéin'l thînga. Wearing yeur eheél longer sécm just thé ntural cpurse-lt soeéms lsséna thé commrcld. demand for deigned, lb anime that "eomébody" lenthér and léaveç thé Uesbhéjr makIng stcrtéd seméethlng ésch yéar. tsa an facilitiez for filling geversmént neéds. easythig toaccmplih 1 thede- W're surprlsed te noté that Dr. easybhig t acemplshIf hé e-Brown ran fourtb n thé 2:24 poco et mens exîst who weuld de t. Lbérlyvllle's racés Thuraday. "Dec" évents n which ho baa enteréd In NOBODY WILL COMPLAIN Lakte ceunI>' (fer instanct thé couty> Il look* as If thé superviser wili hespîtli) and Iheréfore w'ré surpris- Ilkély givé serlous considération in éd that hic namécake dldn't gel firit thé néer future thé matér of naminr 9plpace ut Libertyvilé. 7many changés et thé counby farm as A way ta belp tep thé spreading of a résuit of thé recommendatlens and Influenza: Stop splttinq on the walks criticisme made hy thé stats inspec- or ethér puble places. ChUag héaulth ber Trué Itlas thab thé county ha& officiais déclaré Ibis practice Us alding gel aleng as but lb ceuld there--hut, much ln thé dlséminatién of thé *thé fact romainsetat nehody W,,l germe. *crilicîce aven éextnsive expenditures If, you- tart sneezlng, thén tart ef mnoya et thé.p"er farm, fer, thé cpRcylng. t maforçuntés who ge thora ehouid -~ _________ ehavé thé haut cars théy can hé gven -and t hoeé who DO N"T havé -teo AÀ FEIW,7NCIDENTS le y méans le provîde proer cendiltions and beuses for thé leus fertunâte. DISTINCTION TO SMITH Arthrur L. smlblr, wsukégcn'a-fieI seldler to dle ln atalbi.*rond thus automnatically occuplo. thé boner spotl ln Waukgcnle bolier fiag. 0f cours: the city la Intarested Uln ALL Lait Ceuni>' mon but i l ca auîgnîficant hemor that cornes to the ont who la thé firet FROM thre doIrnIy sent te gîve bi@ Ilfe la the couse and gifve lb on tte battlefiold. Il la fittîng cise -élnh. n . , aàOh.5 of* 'One -wnr departrnient issques ardem totenewspapers that they sn.', ln hl@ 0884, t W-. - M .young me who bad voiantserod hie mang conseri-e japer; that they must flot evea excbange tbeir services rutber than ircving beeri pqoea vitis neighboring new-spaperm---sll because paper la scarce draftéd. Ail thé more crédit thOre- ..Ethésainme departuient in extravagant te a point vhorp it foi'e pose te hlm end te bic f*mîl>- la r4dlculous witb retorence to the ending ont of casuslty listn ht vrbd ocdé M soMiea. Pm Insae6 I. slip vhlc cardes the camalty list TAKE CARE 0F YVOURSILFI WTJULD BE P>UT ln an ordinary number 6 3-4 envelope ot or- 'Heip etbérs b>' holpfflg Y"'OUf. dinary q«Uaty. DTBTEA: It arrives dally ln an eupelally Gel bhe proper solution end spray b0avy monla envebope which measures iSil inlches. Measuring your nose and bhroet. TaIt. a laxative, «itp, It vas found that Use envelope la jut SIX TIMES LA1IG- Kéep bus>' end b>' your muWevli efl MBan 8ee8q %kUMZMD&55 t 111elt isttholu crnMPing itL.cond#tloer hetil Four nelghbor that bsIt laseen (bat witis every dny's list mailed ont, Uncle Sams mach. lm valg aive envelopes 'ibere he is umlng one-and f heu fot Nri hcg a c .oiîl menton te tct taf he pstoficeand ailcarsarescheoim and ts lihiai>' le élOed ln- meto h atthttepsofceadmi a r carrysng "fnîItoi>. Therofore il le up te ,»B oxem. of Ove timues tise weight Uat in necemasry. Tise ver North Chîcageantse all le as - dolmirtment could conzintently I*ln ste practice-what if preaches. Itéganles. FROM THE FRONT On Sunde>', Seplemher 22, CPati eamnore ai tbo 808th EnginoerO sPOke 10, an audience compomed o1 membere of thé lot Battalion. 2nd Ilinais Pteerve Milti utdlefdcillianm ett he Rigil OSchol Field ln Oak Park lu the ilerost of thé boys ln servie "aver thore" and thé boy@a that expect tu go "-over Ibere.", Bia sort bakm on somoof thé Incidents as thé>' tmranped an the batilafiant@ vore ver>' amnsi4g ngcd somo vére ver>' sad, 'but thé e oh luif' as héoagled tbem ho liied to omit a much as ho eould. He toid of the troeént that our boys aun receiving from tbm Frouc vasver>' gond as overithinh liaI they enu do for thomn vas hing dons.. Ho elated an Incident ai a Froucb soldior vho hast beau in thé e r taiaimaet tour >eaie, hé having nebsoaf bis legs and vas sent homse larejoin hls faml>' again. Ail thb tremahed i fbiseail faim vasthé housesvhich vas parti>' vreek0à and 10 whurh morne vine@ vers cinging vhich hail hiaorned out vith the moat beantiful red Levers he bail éver seen. 1Thim Frenchi soidior upon entsrIng hie .placeéwvascocbe>d b>'another French- >man, vho Intormed him thet a bocho vas huried In thé conter ai hie gardon. He Wed thet yau hbdailguht ta have COLLECTION 0F FRUIT PUTS AND NUT SHELLS Thé foîiowlng bulletin bas juet béén recétvéd from Centrai Division: 1. The American lied Cross bas béen askéd b>' thé War Départmént 10 coilef i fruit pits and nul @heile. lu thé absence suffilert quaititie. of ecooanut shelle, the plis and shels make a carbon 4et ouittd for us'- a@ a protection from Gier- man poison gas. Thé following should. hé coliecled: Peach Pite Dase Apricot Pite Cherry Pile Prune Pits Brasil but Sheié Plum Pite Olive Pite Suti and coryute ntbutr 2. Chapters are requestod to estéhligb collection cénteré et ciruveniént points vithin their jursodiction. 8. Ail pile ani sbelle muet be tbrougr- 1>' dried. éîtber lu uvèns Or b> tire sUn, before thé>' are shipped. 1'lere isarno réasan, howvvr, for asparatni tire different kind aofpiLe anrd éhélla ta au>' 4. Furtiror detalie, inclarling OhlPPIDg lostruàiis, vii h seul Yau tri a few draye, but do ual vale, hagina t ronre. 5 Lacir Chapter ehosîl Oîganile a maivage comrnIttee lu lake complete charge.of ail work and dételle coonectéd wish thiseampaliu. 6. This te a case v hère quick organi- zation and ingemruit>' are iuvaluarle. Tiré oemun for coliécling %lais muaterinilel short and quickly passing. pleasé give It your imerneat Connidera- tion @0 that ve maril rendér thié ver>' Important servicel5a a Mner salis SLEPT IN BJOUSE WIIERI3 JOAN D' ARC SAW LIQUIT OF DAY Ae a climax ta bis miiltar>' careért vhich bas progressed oer élncé hot vas a littie teibov and able ta c&a vooden gun, Useut. Col. A. V. Smith of Wankégaii. mécondin cammand of the 149th artillor> whicdr ie dotng sncb valiént wva n in rance lit dit,-t tng beckthrie. Huns, bas donésoe-11 thing vhicb no daubt bus tirréd his seul to the 4eptbe I Accordtng te thé Seest lettér hé bas sont te bis mothar, Mrs. W. E.1 Smithr of Hickory Obt, Waukegeir. Col. A. V. Smith BLUPI' ONE NIONT IN THE ROUSEIN 1WMWHR JOhN OF ARC WÂS BORN. In -bis btter hée lI réértat tiré incident ln blé lite vhtch v115 b one hé wIlbneyer ftd.Thé uittle bouse vbero thb. Grvr ofetthre FuencIt, thé Idol of thé vorl& a houý. je sver>' close 10 thq Gernian lin rî .td Illtgtiieré vheré thé 149th hart '-en datng auch great vont. CM.i3,mth vas al&Ys 'reab on hiétor>'," i l hschaob ind "lu cal- logé, héovas vrwpéd p iu bister>', inti fh'acbtevéments ot men anid velh- en c-noté and bucause of hie milit- aristlc téndenciem, hi vap aB peat ad mirer et thé mannér In vhlch Jean camé ta gavé thé French. Littledd ho thin u os héuvstsudyiug about a r ictary. wod ld hno oul agratr riilgeconé1 an>' amrantan 'bivilasnt i acon derful thlng thal hé is-to hé able tai vben hé uetuuns ta Waukégan aIter thé var ia von, 10 hé able ta eay: «"When 1 vag acting as lieutenatt colonel tn France It was my privil- oége one nîgirt ta sleep ln thé bouse virr Joan of Arc vsu boun." Tt Is a distinction vhlch tev rn vas necessary ta obtain thé services of a trainéd nurse. On Saturda>' thé condition af one oI the smalier child- ren becamne mn criticai that il vas leare-d that both phe and beu fathér might euccuMrnt thé deadiy malady. On Sunday, hovever, tiré condiUJon ef M-r. lHarris and thé thréé childréc vas reported tf0 hé co much Imrpoved tirat il vasbelieved they vere ouI et danger. Funéral arrangements vil vili nol héP made until Mnf. HarIa and aulcganle poud10 tini tirt--d the children are able te attend. MrIl.-!. -*.w h-un 1. In v.ý5a one aI her saris vho las making gond prlviieged ln thîs manner. "TOU6HliSLEDDINi" FOR AlTYS. IIERI3; SOMXEWILLýQUIT Waukepp.n Attorney of Many iYears Experience Says Law Business Absolotely Dead SAYS FEW MAKE A LIVING Asserts that Some Planning to Enter Army or Navy Uhtil Atter War Is Over Waukégan lavyArs are havtng a "tough row ta bas" and severai of thèm are on thé paint or getting Ioto near future , acording ta thé alate- ment madé toila>'b>' an attorney vbo han reen 1iotte 1ev business in %Vau- kegan for rnany yéaus.. "During ail thé yéars 1 have béen Jn the law business 1 neveu have seen business so quiet," hé said. . I doubf if thère are man>' lavyrtrs ta thé cilty vho are makIng more than a barésliving and a number are nol dolng that. My avu business bas dvindléd dovn ta nolhing. Wauké- gan lawyerésUi around in their officer,4 aIl day long hopIn>' fou éamnetbtng ta lui-n up but ln thé majarit>' of cases thé>' are doornèd ta disappointment. Theré J& absalutél>' nothlng dotng. "I havé bal <éd thé mnatter ovér vitn éévéral lavyéus boe and somé tell me thé>' Intend ta laite steps ta gel into thé navy or army as thé>' tiguré tiret théir proafeesIan vîli be a los prof esuian until atr the ver." Asked for the résson faorbbthe tl- ing off In. buctnua saltternéey aI- trlhutéd lb part>' ta thé tact Ibat no many menr bavé gene mbt the service. ne potnted rpt ajec liat théré le lit- Uié movément of rel éstaté. Be- causé of dueppng off tn maies ho mays thé déemande for loans bas dcereased and thé maklng out of contracta b>' abtorneys le not réquired. He seid that the oni yattorneyc vbo havé any- bbing te do aro thse vbo make a practice of trying cases. and évén thé number of bheaé bas talion off ta a markéd citent mince thé éntrencé Of thé United States lu thé vsr. PERRY HARRIS DIES. 1Peurry W. Harris, Jr., one of Wati. kégan'a Most talented musici&nà, passéd away Sunday Mfnrning et 2:30 o'clock, et bis borne, 113 North Utice stréel. flol*ing a hntélilInéss. Déath vas due ta pneumonie vbicb devébopéd tram an attacit oI Spanlsh Influenza. Hé vas 88 yéars aid. Mu. Hertis tlt a 11111e indtspoméd fait Tueday night. Wednesday 1 morning hé féit worsé. Wben hé con- raduated I rom thé Wauicégan High rrchooI trétore lhé vas 17, béing a mers- ber of tiré cla.,rs oI '12 lie boue lb. di.ýtinvti<,n of tr-ing lire first boy val- edirtopilan tire Wrnrkégan htgh school Earlv inlte lire iinf.teted gréat BUTTER PRICE IS 65 CENTS; IJiJEST IN CITY'S JJISTORY 'Iilark trop" molasos may corné 1)ae-l< mb favor as a prpad for bread if the prIre of bett'i- continueq to ad. Nance. Thé Wautl<fran food admin- istration at lis we(kly meeting Wed. needay night fixed the price at 66 rentF3 per pourid, a hitherto tinheard of price i nthe vlclnity. But the worrt 1.4yet 1 o rmp! Food AdmiS- 1strator Clark as-erts; that herp coco *lit hé75 ceflts per pound and éyéfi that mav flot be, thé high-water mark. The price up to Wednesday nielit had hpen 62 Cents. Nicholai Reardon. a member of the food (board of Waukegan. asmerted that the demanfi for butter bas falon off fully 50 Der cent sInce the pricé startéfi seyward. Hé- thilnks that poe. sibly this may have thé effet of brlnging the pricé down. Rundreds of Waukegan people are using butterine a,' a substit'îte for butter, but tbéy wilI flot purchaxe It for thé prevatling ptice for a decid- ed incéraaé ln prIce Io proanlsed, e- pecially when theé demand bécomées more keen as lit will continué 10 do. As a forérunnér of the Increaces tbat are In corné the pricé of butter vas boostéd trwo cents per Pound Wed- nesday ntgbt thé price now being 89 cents per Pound, thé higbest price tt ever bas been here. Thé tact that the government bac taken practical- ly 65 per cent of thé output la lm. ed' for the Increane th the butter price& Sugar le goin gta be oneofe the next articles ta be booelted, accord- Ing to, Food Administrait« Clark. Hie ooIte for th~p rice tb sdvanCO nbout lte firit of October. ' Thé pricé of egme vas booomted aia by the admnistratton. the nov maxi. mum pricé being 53 cents Der done». tva cents hlhér than lest week. Théepe c f full creàm biek chees vas ratsed two cens lper Pound, the new prico betng 45 cents. Theré vas noeétalIt ot ratsIng the potato, price but action vas detérred until néit week to avait possible de- vélopuients. Local gracerm aseert that mont of theé potatoes are comtng fia tfram Chicago, practicaîly notre corng tin fram thé couutrY. RAY N. SMITH Lâ>ertyville, NIL wkwea the deiken-boneê rSldutt nov» w wo asumnd the lioid hif Ienéi------- l gtand tbat any peece that mq Cý omS vl! b.e oe forced by G er- iafonusd o et l$. a ne red mlWT £ m mie M, t» N]a% ..... ,Sp..s 1recenti, mc etial y e mdadte e onn ow A N TA.D1> S wq It ~pasatng through thé hoche had heiaut)LU doms look aU if t&0. Um WU& bO teone to make-a4ce all 1ight, removed ta on other reettng placemÂéE ei e re aLhevln but, of VU M W WTE BUEENDER, THAT'S Somo lime lter hé paa.edâtit aI va20<cou" . m"chant It took un a Ufle ilto SM itted uand the. Hun thought we'd agaIn and et tho end of bie gardon vers " » two graveof aur Amrican hoy's and move too elowly. But, once on the move, we've kept It up and upon thoîr graiée voré planted to over. FOR SALE OR RENT-Rouse and theres going to be no stop until the HUn DOES3 make penee on flowing Most heaubitul floyers. 1 bat tea 4'BA+Efarms. Ineurance agent and caliéctor. his terms a.nd those termill will b. something like.this: Hie bands Ite"va>' Ihoy are taking carsofo oui ___________E____ dwin Austin, Phono 29, 9tr heroeff. FOR SALE-Six percent FirsI drtgage will be up inteaier, bis guns .iprwled on the ground, Uhe t"B1' Captain séamore al@o epoko ai vhat lu od nLb oetmluao FOR SALE--Choicé résidence lots on will flow frous bis eyes and ho il aày : 111'm al ini - I'm all teîng acomplimhéd b>' thé Lierty Loan@ Intere payable Jul>' and, JcKnIanAvureGrréy'- througb. I though I could do it but, I eûm!t. I'm for peace of th&I jon are ubscribing 10 50 iber5Jly Denominattons $500. Maturit>', 2 to FOR RENT-6 roon, fiat un Orchard St. .tuy kinli; Us. eIibi tgb1 aM&. l'y.done wrong-,SPARE MY ln this country'. In one placé néar thre 10 yoare. Geéorge Anderson, Phone 89. Inquire (iéo. a. Cooper. 87d1 LIFENOW" Ad ten w'lltai itove wits or alie infront thé engineersencountérod a wmip'Luké Foret, fil. FOR RENT-AbOUt 50 acres of guud LI ri NOW.1 And hen WIl tal it oer wit Our llies it vas,,îbought to ho ai practically lr ad obidn@ ernsa Ber]lin and sScewhat we wa.nt to do about it. na usé. Thé éngineers In four due@dug FOR SALE-OneéSpan Blaerk Bae, tar,4m n~bildings; th f iipryvev ditches and dratnéd that evamir, thén 8,000 Ibo. WiI Irade for grain, oatsieArm, 4 m.J. rinrîh ai L40tbtrl Accordiug te, Chicago reports, Louis. Peters, Uhe manager 1h.>' hogan 10 la>' a foundation of rein- or haey. 200 Washington Cî rcle, LakeAeboiag.11 74 ass prmotr o te cnteplaedracng eetatLibrtyill, oroed concrets In a epaco 900 test long Foreet. 872Aé,CcaoIi.7- adpooeoftecnepae aigme tLbryile y400 fet idé, thé> nez& buit a mile FOR RENT-186% acre. farta near bas tendered bis resiguation to the Liberty Jockey club, the bc-of ratlroad in four daim. Whon the FOR SALE-100 breedtng Ev.. Gradé Diamond Lake. Wrisé or phone 10 lief being that hie retirement will permit Use carrying out of Frenchmonsmaw ail tht. thé>' deelared Oxford@; 5 Oxford rame. J. P. Guerin, A. Lowel. 1519 Irving Park Boulevard. plans for Use.races. However it in understood that the men who the Amroriane vore buidng a fort and Phono 265-M.i 873 Phono Wilington 6871, Chicago. 88 2 plnto ast for an injunction in tbe Circuit court of Laite countya@ked thé enginéore If that Wa@ not $0, pla but théi bold them to watt. Nxt Ibère FOR SALE-Two Cbester White hoar + IMSCULLÂNEOUB +' already have their papers prepared a.nd the minute it le deftn- cm@i. 10 îi>m bà, lae t..he rtlrÔad pige. A fev cilo mb ville Orpini. ikl tht sepawil b taen e avethemee, seylia tbi ad uti, hinater train ton Cockéreie for breedore. A. L.Dorier, WANTED-Parm, 40 ton 160 acres, Lake eylndeoosuplescey*ad SWd Area, 111. 8.8 count', vliiit>' of Llhert>'vlfe peé. will go intus court and see the injunction. There seems to, b. a ,d fepié,te Dpoédd ferred. Givé location, tmprovemente, hutld a cold storegé ejpi t bAli.-89 ful deeclto n ahpis dr general feeling that tihe promoters of the meet will not tl'y to 900 font hi 400 fet. Tht. building tho>'+ à uAL EBTAkTic c+tinsdcahpié.Ade go ahead with, their plans in view of the statement fromu Seere put au mnen days. Thé building va,. Jay, cia Liberty v Ille ldependent. 85.4 tary McAdoo tbat.freight cars may not be uned for tranfportlng 70 el high and la prohably one 0f tb. FOR SALE-An tmproved 40 acra farm; WANTEO-Man and vile 10 work on tetist iggéte torage planbté tel have over vihh or without stock, crope and tm- @ailatiarm noar Chcago. General ofilrss acngthere. That la vhat joaur Amorican plénents. Immédiate possesion If farm work and nerai bouse vork. OakPar mss bo av sevedamremn l mt cty redollars are dotngi for Y'om vien you der.d. f. M. Harding, Area, lii. 28tl Write. giving full particulare, exporienne ana lustation w o fve s icipd a.l ire r."i Beatciyause nveet them tn Lihérti'b'ondo. It ini For Sale and Want Ade. th The and ater>' vantod. .JE. Mrrion. 1734 furnishingra lutaino M iCPlsakr. eful providlng setorage plante 01 tht. kind for ndpendant bring résuita. ttulierton A ve.. Chicago, 111. 8332 they eouldn't nmake flie village board contîe to tiiiwith refer- 'our soîiière over tlatFrance go that thé> __________________ ___ ence to r-hiring oine main and 'firitig' anttiér, fia-v ail struck- 'May havé plect>'. Nov ta tb. rime t e n10t1sh i oh old iudt rwwos hsca a therowas o fir deprtmen to beck n grund omî viiid o uu e t heorthat In thé course of evénta and yéars, summoned. ronaoe time Mr. Har. and rida evninga fne hme brn in* tpte gont ba s't05ormon u t nd h ilone. Tht. sor 'hé vouîd, have thé distinction, thé ris bcd been ubject toaas ofa ther ats no k riam inatmé et o chean ihompen bl are s eadhr ase.heard b>' Sh privlèege af sleeping In thé bouse astirma and 1h11 condition ot bis lungs esenait means 80 a managaedr ets wnaordlng a:théPwhere tilt, amons and renownéd tmade It ea»y for hlm 10 cont,-act fire d l ep r m n a t o pli e rthso wn a e h o eton a gtaloerl o f vhich hei a m te ér French pa$riot sav thé light of day, în umoni . On Frriday and Saturda y lr eatetaffords? and vho te proud Ihat hé vas able ta a humble littié place yet one vhich bis condition became no crItical thal GASES SNDAS O NDhear it. CaptlnSeamiore lait Immedi- has hecome vorld fanioup becauce or relatives practicaiiy gavé up hope. GALUSNAY OEDUp TO EVERYBODV atéli for Washington ttr delltvértnl vht sh. didn latér yéars vbén thé Mms. Harris and thé Ibrée children According to advicesfrOm Wcmh Teépidémie of Influenza ia upon hie addréss 10 the éersve Militia. IFrench veré aimost réady to givé up hcm I !téinunaso le :t 'y ir ln'the world will have to their credit