CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 6

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Cuu~sty SE~êt ; e... ~. s..~ = z IIII& 0F ItIFLUENZA WIK WAiiKPP1AI ~I'.NflflL~ SEI RILil »STATEMENT BV DR. BELLOWS - olt - '4aaCommussîîo'er niiows th!&afaternoon issued tise fzatow- Inn statemesnt: "As a prophalactic people su auid spa,>'tise ne sud Ibroat s--ver. ob ,i times dm11>' witi soame weak MflOptic sncb as Deeli's sou'- tii., one part of tieseoalution to *eNr parts of water, or a f ifty sy cent solution cf pesoxje of - hyr0Ogn. Tes alaxative and avoid crewida. - EveW after tise tempesattIre -bas gone dowu people, should -keep warm and be casefui1 not te Catch cold, tisug avolding thse dan- ger of pacumnonia. *1"iWqad not recommend tise 010ioing of tise schools ta we can seateis deveiopmirits me closel>' whiie fise pupils are in scisoni. J'i have ordes-ed the pictaire bouges cioaed, ant i aval peo-' Pi peare proiibitti trou, vlsiting SWaukeganu ntil the dsEase le un. der control. "Wlsere such a lamet number of people are %lnîcken n sucis s à1aort time tise discase as probabi>' air-borne, and tisôse wna are sus- cptible gel it-thoze wbo are net, do not." r 'aulî gau, Sept. VJ SActng on Int-tru'"--- romtDr. NV IL M. eilows, acting heboit cue'nmissliî "er, the Waukegu il e toila>' serre, - Sauce on ail titeatre aivuers lu Wau bcsaineaeand 10 keep îlaom clos pspdlngfusther Instructions. 15 s iow ni ssuiug bbc iraatic onde a18 "atad b>' a desine o choeck th ýIc o! Spa'sltInflunza 'siU to behogttiug sucit a tis- pon Watkegan. SiT Oafe 'nars tiis mas-ing sei »Od vlng picture films Vbiu ti -I .1 21 -l -j I -i ---t mM ere ta btivo presenteil toda Éi cmncefled ordîîr, for fuure ahi PM et filma untîl thse theatres ai Mm 4t1rough permission oft t âmth comIsion er. ,W%. -situation wit be laid befoi be dty cornmis-,i n at the regulE ,"ti*g tonight and It la believeil D wio, iII ho given ful authoril haadle thée situation as lie sec 'Na. ban al-to lhas been placedc IPM Th1'e dance tu have been gi *' SUUray night at oiml ptk un4er the direction of the W >mp Commuanity' service, Vas ce as «Va. the dance to hava ha4 Itffte sane nigbt at the armac pthe Waukegan Volunteer Tirainli .IL% fact tIsaI three deaths, two )W ,and one ln North Chic j». bave orcurred 'wthin the las if Non, al due ta Pneumonia devel là frein the Spanih grijs, litbell( ýi bve been one of the reaso ,Wicb actuated the Wauiregan hea âmmaloner. Iien Vera Gatterman of Libei *trftt was the first to succumb he snala.dy. Ferry Harris Of Uti etreet died early Bunday morninga Uime Mary Schultz of North Chict Ibi auddenly at the MeÂister h pitiA Sunday about 12: 30 P. M. Wkyucians admit that they b. aq man>' cases of the Inluenza 'Wîukefan that lt la dlficutfor th lo attend to, al of tbem. Itv latby Dr. BelowB that draitie et «P the. only mea»a of checlctng siewlns epideailc. Clm aNorths Chicago Schoole. A&eting on Intructions front Ma Peter Chrstiansen and Jleatb C, icailoner Westerhagen, Cblef of ,4ic. Roy Shoop of Nortb Chie %ed ite publie achools of that t noon today. The sebools wili tabi clos"d until the ýppdti nic $Sp*1ah influenza is cbecl<ed. ~~cal, A North Chca-go a( .when it wau learned that a iwtnb, Tý'heodoreoDiHurst, Presidentt F. W. Churchul, TELEI - ECURITY Tii ASTRCTSIOF TITI Capita WVAIJKEGAN« NewsI spection b>' Misa Mlnnîch eacb Mon' day monnIng fsom uow on. Tbi, la not- oui>' golug ta appl>' durissg the cpi. demie but 'usIlI continue Ibrongitout te yoar lu au effort to look aller the itealîlu o! ous- pupils. There ian't, a case of Influnza among the nunil1 of. NE lU lii ~ ~ V ~ the bigl scitoal an& we are gofng to1 A promineul nors-i se 'oman call.un od te Sun sud sii: '1 believe l la Pta ite cit>'oni f akgnt sobool teachers are ll 0f te dis -assume the initiative lntitis ses-mus rase and 20 nue roOtu situation. Mtust Wsukegan 'sait untîl 'sere founi to he ilI ofthte disea- an5 epiditmic la bore befone radicalý s-heu su Investigaition 'sas conducied alops are taircu 10 Preveut bbc spnead- toila>' i ng of Ibis Spaulab Influenza? I1-ion't i Chiot sbot' nitcaed tlitIparentîs sec tbe heaîtb authoilies suggsîlng to or ctool ciilinen kéep ±hem et homo, snytiting for Wauiregan people to do. theu 'sitin thels' o'n yards, sud preventt Wb>dues't te conucil gel bus>' sud ý tbem fnorn payisg 'sllb othes- chili- denani of ls healtîs dapatment that ticr ren unUil the apidemie la oves'. Tir te>' i îrulsithlie public wIth Information are abouli do Ibis, he eays, for the satet>' relative b psevntlng Iis disesse th oft lieir own childritu, a s elI as Out aprcailing. Muet 'se Vit uttil It is wlg o! regard for tbois' neigihor' cîili- - bre? Titat te Wauiregan's course us- Wa non. Chief Shoop announei tfurther alîv 10 'sst untll liIn a crîîîcaî s that titene 'sîlibit no publie meetings 1iuto o hntybIf lofa or dances dnnfng te epidîmie. nu ratites'titan trs-îng ta prevttlit sas! Wauiegan Scisoole open. OU lan John S. Clark, auperinlendent ofu -ig" 1Tues-e arc 4.500 cases ut Spaniqh Lai achoola ln Wankegan, admiited touS, InfluenzaetGatL'san hr al tisaI sevenal ieschers lun te locia l, Ihave iteen more titan saitundred sac ocbools as-e liI, sud sai ite Plan 1.,il102ts ince b>' Sept. 9. arcnniing PcN helng follos-ed o! keepiuîg leaciters. Ie home wen tbe havea sm-ee c blni'fo aiaemont (Capt. Nisottt ta1aI- q boresi aten lite> haelna ses one't a>' te foars of relativs ofa!men Pt Ho a>a s'slci l tullC Iitt Ot In.lutraining sud te sel a rost sensal i chlis-en sud tlIte>are tuti altosed oil u ouaI s-lmons of tbe ravages outhIboth, attndscitool tritn te>' h.uýe clis. 1i Mee sys that If il le postibli 10 du so malady. The ileat rate is givon nt aWs he wold peferthiscoure *toth1, 2 per cent, itasedon uastotal of uloi closiug of the scitoôlg. Thte local 4.0 .ae reposted lIcete(,lueuin- actouls w'sf11 nat bitclosoil, te aUi. linu uf te epidemie. "0 uiuesa lil appaatat utheiisease vani CaP'lot itîdeclarei te situa-C be cheiseed ln no cother nanuen. lonits' shlni aud, tes-obing uow h-c, Tit epdetul utinuucza as lui abot 1,000 cases suiticiently tii WatikugtîetaI a i l imi' hocause 4se-lo lasas-ranI portnsfes- ls lue P. lie- ssurit a scarcil>'of d bae topla losppr o tti a . hrepos-I am lolteSu two -. asertion itcitei te tact ftat Il fac n"cases Aites-e tanner>' emPboyt-s, gils, . enieolncsa-'1 Idses-e Involveil. In titese t10ases los- h airo!nlitemn il bee ne- , ýu It tooir 48 bous-a bo get meuilcal ah- - etorhe enblbe e- l a! tention, s6 bus>"es-e te dodtos ,tlctpd,,lho explainoil, oni> as s psr-- IL *~Fluali>' the isbani o! -Oneua Ps ia]tionas->'moas-o 10 proteet, s-. tient decied la burt'> ber 10 Chi- nouuding risillan population.' Th ise numiter o! cases la demaeasing 10 -t Ir,~ cago fn ondes- tbat semightt bave to oLaus' ab ofl ai.g te propes- attention. 9rcna ay atMoftsidg; eh People bave becu wonderng 'siat t Daly Reporslato Relatives. ne Thée nearest o! uin o!fte mou are w n te, do b couuleracl te prospects o! hte influnza. Meesa a irs-a'ii course intarmed Immedîstel>' 'hen te>' are tl int and a revettkn lakp otue bospital, tIse capîsin th, ch Spray tise tiroat and nose wlth a explisu d dal>' reporta on topir th iay solution; or, gargie 'sîti samne bO- pragross are gls'en. 0Tbe caplalîtsfo P' ition; or, do botissprsy and gargie. oaeet olw:fi s-a And, keep boweis oen -"Spaniab influenza fisat:appearcd i atn lie Mos Potent Tr atmcut. Gret a lea Sept. 9, The total popu- th "1Acces-dIng te Lieutenant Comman- lation of te station lois>' is 45,000, re se der Owen J. Mlnk, medical corps, U. sud toere as-e about 4500 casesaouth loir a. N, tise experience et Great Lakes Spanisb Influetnza. About oua thon- >n.isa siow tht tse oa paentmai. and cases bave lbera transfenned tlaPr tise sontattemotptntms- BaseO 't us-e lutise preventieta of tise discae tbase hospital. t es la tise use of nasal sprays or douches hab s ! aa payaiob of Dobli's solution or otiser miid au. er ps-icauionary.measures takan la 0 01n tis.ptlcs. Tise. contractllsg tise dis. not ouI>' roi tghe numbes- of 15 Iv- aasaudhputebdmmda. cases but la reducing the virlence of I t>' 1>' and kopt therO untflitbey are en-te diseasa and te cansequcuntnm-e rait tirsi>' reovered. The trealment meci- ber o! diths. Two regimats- tbe au- lng wifi flacbhat Moulta is tise regu. lt h and Ienîb--so fan bave net lt s ýe jar use cf Cafmisfcs, bot drinko4s pa single case, and bbc situation ln 0 us'> wltis Dovrs p@wdei's and aspîrîn for- general ia rnucb Impraved. hi Ing. tise relief of pain. eils Rate 1.5 Per- Cent. e Wtb the neVa tILt Ibere hasauoom "The ieatb rata tas been aboutl1ihi loco maaay deatha at Great Lakes ts' i 1-2 per cent, whisct Io bela's lie 13 lothon as a resuit of tbe epidamhc tof in- deithit ae in the east, 'shicIs bas ieenci rew luezaWaukgan thi mo igaou -2 per- et. Sioce the aiveul lev- nelmnoseso h aucis liesand use progresa ofthe be ns situation vils retarence b iittlf and ilsoase is ver>' favos-abi>' fnfluenced. Lîth lts residelsîs. "The nuassien of na's cases ounte- The Sun 'sas besloged b>' telephone sstîo os'l bu a!'htI st>' ails fs-o ifactory owuera, tram moîl. 'sas >esles-day. Tht diseasit neacheil' 10 ero and fsom citîzens geucral>' VIOialsta igitest point on the 191b and tasc8 ticaare iemandlug that Waukegan take been steadhl>' decrpaaîng since. 3 tai %bial necesaary stops can bc takan ta "The familles o! men sutterfug - ago potect Ils resideuts fs-un a scrioSas fsrn the diseasge, living in lis avi- t toa- epiemic oftsfIis' SpanishIn tfluenza. comit>', have hecu greatl>' subi b>' Liait One o! tbe most Important stat. Roi Cross and tIse nav>' relief societ>'.E ýave ments relative ta tee piemie aud Libent>' bas iseen restricîi lultet i in teps being takion tepreveut titis hope tathIs bla IIpas-hall>' prolecl lem spseadlug ln Wauiegan came f rontlite civil comanunitios. againal thedils- vas Principal Rogers of lthe hîgis sobool case os' sI Ieast give tem ltte oppor- teps 'sio sai:l'Marty parents of Wa"nke.t tunil>' b prepare -onlils fnes'ltable as-- tcgan are 'sors-ei ovor thoîr chlhisen's rival. statua In igh achool. but 1Iw'saut t assure them w'e are doîug everytblngý WAUKEGAN AVIATOR IN ACTION ayos- posbet1rvn n ehei ____ 'Am- amnth tudents. Titis moruing i lu'e heen sisot st and have sisoti cagoMis Mlnchthetrainci nurse, ex- ai m." clsv amnti tthe titroal, eyea, soi nose o! Tite abuse laconlc message eceit- 1 db rý .W arne rn e ever>' stuicutlin 11gh acitool anid'se dt'M-.HW.anngsf-uae- o!f as-e happy to sas> there wasn't a case son Lt. lomter Dabringer tilla o!flisea City' taIlniicalod a pupl bain>' tou.c irs tfus-mal action lu wblcb the Wau- rtedl o! thvItnflunzna, Iegan moun who have entered the ais- n- a! .11 le tjA4uo deelid oillhave au ln. jservice, bas heen engaged lu rince te wIrn egan. - - The mcssagÏe carne lnlte shiae o! a -lciter receiveil b>' Mss. Dahinger W. B.* Smith, Vire Pspsidant. Saturiaattîndogtl tisa fisst newus ,Secrelcrv snd Manager tiat te Yong Watithegan inan 'sas1 actuall>' engatiz uinballling luli te PHONE 81Iair. Up t1,nowlite bad been lu train- M E & TRUST0). 11 btDwCO a ely nt' n i 1froua day lu day VIito pcisasing theq 'LE TITLES GUARANTEED . Ilun pltnrs su dnxg glory 10 im ielf, to bis coutryis> and to Wauire- i $1 25,000.00 gn - ILLINOIS For Sale and Want Ada. In Tise lndepcndeut hrlng results. oere lfon te allrson Vaju as I.ors - That ominaini of agbae tbts In we utenanitd CaCntentommogS.~ ed herbyPety Ofiers ' thraa mat satnry hef th lSne esdet NetTwnt CntsApec o wteent his aning ectin aoute FORESSTRE T COS Tbra ln a an nused hearaciorsd ImlWnt R L MAES wITh una e ndisovgereti titat oaecanry Flashd"aiStarai Cared "ale oue han chofcted he batstaicono-hea ideaOl Plabn, atio s Tokahath psy wefor tbewn.anhe re Consrnaion Ae 2,of 1So. lihi Ned rbut Officers icare Able la Sthe asevd o! henstatohewryypilJalcmwl Nt dont CenH t s eingonig rcomaili attsec tionatbsovrthe epoyo ts 1liu bl înuuosryHere wtaodno btte aiowe tortaire basF3RClbESrSTOr lRTouCLOSEHa thon fIbeoanunuda lu qatisai. et trdmchitran' ta o ~~Ctty~~~ 'rfteigam asn athtase n'qeto sto called datetarseooa n Carr i k,, ght RULE It pEttygraTins waB 'thea dsllôrdnthat one ouncheshaDeeiv" nasicto be iklg pace(nconecton itsao bti>' oreatbe hebae lu Rolerth anrciigfo rte ofA$12 a d, l POSBE Seig fAYi EPR hl nWTke paslet raIl i snboaernfopodence sbool. l n and -ortis Cicago mbas ly'urtiter or eIc ai undurtsn waatoundity n Hb is oi be s ia e il f hepln ai t b i ie bowclce the atand lnae ta ndlgcrpaVsripd > i mfl, sa l nrcrain odtons -dthe py'focear e prkothrln Calesancplice Wepdn21,dsyn1igbat. on s ud tes of paigs ut hu as 2em milrs' bts. thebtract and tise colnît Vasaraned li polietce Noat t but Off cer a rep A blo e e vm er t la Ihia: ote so tre ns ta o tnhti o e Po lcU ed a strate Taf -o ho~ ~ ~ ~~~I arharvn n ts ln fcre t te sir'hvsrem so loi'taIbs rneningand uapolen i plC' to oieeaiin tise ewin of B i te l regular y iat wey resîl> haver do e L"gIi ft>' 0aharEgen. o ietsarderl wingmacine lerto ot uedth pttyocrsSt aIes Attone>'aendhbackngonsent. .dusr Not hicgoto GWoutk Ian ew tbree o fou akay mts 8be reoa, tugan tleroutVhen horsbas ecom nueo! te imosudinftigos vin hltt teaain. PJociUttSsgmtc iM is i'sre trla g. nett indu é rl thlba e so nad -Bo at But lite at qs tio n aschag igaull de totie charo t ion ' dlerly 10 resu Ci t o t typason of Great e eatc or s ein theseha bats coni e a t cIe, n aplcto bc tereinu pac eiîelnce 30 n w0 ithtebasuaymr s yhvntheplin.c that .for as lpoc$12 o p»th,~ lew i g macfnsllr hnni n b>' e . pri Salos hareoroft. F n a cr an ceain dstrcts o li wo, s orne o! lbert aincndions the uet s icerstcart oic e re oftut în soU Poaid e ett eilst ayngible n 'a$ig t Ihee ailoras' d ay 20cbt he sSun we bats. The tct o t he Jtng oCIl w s ara7d l plc hottébue t crt is ty fLit îe t - ' his îTh a ot'icr- ta cocut before Poied abis traleT ayor ,ho ote nuarryng o the pdastndof up ia te salo"' -%ive coe s lor iay nt and î oe ig-iI li* Oe bat inga t anncrwigerei »ty a son eW havi ato ie e co]hatttt o d f"uul aachreo iodry litke>'ga e ors n oea or fsmsson forther t o t oiiectamg. us, aeow sfnlt $200bran , en-a etin ( h in alets ran t bl te lp of onpr f t eg y ceti 'tld ti ttornyWauid hab clonset The sort gof bîpiaslnd. Long agoand aebe eigbt t lO oda h oesroscag ad ioth Chicago for t eat Ltitoan he -e froin 10 la 15or tutsa da 0 Wbal feror," t îsg ra ema"wnd 'lor a s tit ed wss oneiovte and .a nd e lct t httt w ase 1 een gî-lling the o SIt gv fea sut toder." oc ipad. isîrago a greel man>' people b~~~ase ruarge Butth.e tac wuthwn store wh, fun no-i4th ibis ii 'on mn g lie ha arie suna, o e q ht w icscr-llt alrIarge n ulluyrtaeithé uclgeose u.i sode, a rougit oa teiexpnansuioen ofGrwtg rl C fr swn, hts ae cnut esc btatsior. t saîlos. Drons ater- witn d o te0coi- ct5ne a t at s t-oted ln ' eoulintbd m d.t h un a hiniges ul yîu lu titi etty oitcrs hae enP rofi ha s-erinu retedan qs ion.h ()we, sme o thm da an n commisutsionefoe riti ise careku li'h dotsdbu-'t then i tta nblu ei a>'n and s i ls'te an ruud l ats.itletaInwe %emathe hr-iotçpeU>' offi 1 i os e li t trM.witen l ite se Cudtemr Lodgs Compaint. cer wuos. Vthe sawitas St ornae iooUe-tliit Ttsýo moi h e ba at nserst an l p ut lu moe breath an th ollies-to aout 4 a 3 c. te re volv ri lot Itr ist.ent lu ie Dt u Sn suds ud a , we h dt o t wa r or 10 e ACCos- igt an10 ,uusltgaia onus ba 'ushas inea who broîîght autts pont sllos lbave > ath e r h)l(ýiiave ns 'd o e.n ipsstaig atilc- o h Suthe geOt>' p oiermt o r pyextî gortt- than 0fbavethe stoares df o lit Tbc i > a in bas ein rgara, as ot ase onemîgis r a t e a- c batl t lite Sun buitthy av )i ma1tler ,duitb St(oresanut lshng ie str, )og ut ite b als Iei i: 'Wb dontîar th a tsalIons are coîlecng scn om- detia tîîe xon aveste lo ws.u ratingatofthewiNa l th ion l co n li re]> rin 10ab olît -chne.ints %'ar fr,"tei l gra e ad 00h0 Vih lte ewlg o bas. che rot. e s<tdlie VIttn h "tu 'Wit, gotiti o rd as-s-est ustim-e as jua ld tat Ibrpied and ar teslo t aîl iesal o s an lue. osl ®rhnl l W uýeza coNot l icetntfe abats or tse 0 ch ptf îeuentst-d, iha e d b g oier pian wbegrehyt m n e o le a vel fcres itthe>'dmdul expte 10 m a e ntt i-l efettintaI etut Urness nois ba g0ehl u ie aaiors eOotis-wnn somthlng off l tbemselves'thos ed as am autho tv di le le bitfol a]ir.s"es flir oMoer nsw e 'sas, O'W bats I rathe wIth iti' plc uda" nt0 h oW bale siigae lYiteSun, a basi. ety ofitecasavelite ffc r bu lea Offce o! in ti stte andor estiont ,a n inetiga tio ail iit." Sn cMn i te a or diegti Sa fr . I or unes aitereri'sbuted it- intt lrerat stha l1 enaî> uwIa e . theuychief pett>' offi- llY h O goore hs st ag en t heo a lng Thmo ite b atnwe s t eanuegs n s' msorf e tif morn te ta a3bolieute a devilvaeraiet bal tsemrn t itheîDl' oSuncens ar n>'s p o the w bats rani Li tehety co i soutba idoâice boJoussha, e as ho Woterigbo the poir nt aiteering al be a lt 'heu dco lr e e pool r so t il p. m sud nof o n e hotnpetty o niter ing o f btt gat 1>' to haethe lo stVobes do nf col-h e v er ba nued in bas b is reautborasy nga new i t ise Cas e. cr. lectlngttse Sbat roi hantheumotem Hc'is an-"es Ofcdne sda nig tzwa eseon ln lim ee o onger erith e il -otia hem otatand havsedte r aw d went.tIarrail in dean ho pain hi o carrye obats a lbu o : yo n'at 5 5 i ery ta alfine.olciga o - d cs t n a te tw »sr avpee l oos kwd.IL uthsd 1 hth f ai info hi elwslos il 'sdw e i eié o sle uan s tt aalo o l Soiet a o ln cor-lkl rn bu cag. en arse 5eto hala, taie Lbeng ofatwn s- SoTh rpoe an Requte sts i %NhTise v Wauktest mon, wso bineus onrd hav te senesto:ei. ad h falo o st wfiee TuIe sdayngt wr n -ole pl herethn e bégasroe Drafth ts oarthe cle Him SRete jus ied th threnpoliceataeo tio 2 n t vnlecsi ao'skiffson ow fto ecind Paxpers omait o tIltise ctha ntittims e warebulg Buls Ilt adav thoed allnew rue fotns om tig of itt-lvs oe s- _a_ l il crite t iv mua ona- -ed bls." e lime agowaVhenehyl.t1e esîl- abut GtheP lk wee an 01 isaout othe a lensldve ante una'e It erl cu4hese OAR îs NCE SEtod VE ITbffie ofedersgand juttrny.tewhAt sarivs tga tifon n d tdvlpIhteo t" Seade. ,ofr s1ohrti me w erehad sen dmeft wa om haOn O heatIbea' we saton, e ptng ___hola ____ rtmorssion1ebumae iOn aopaineta c hach saner o(q thea tyoffc r etoufbasrCseof tMari batsanteOh-tiseSothentcfsie. ose n really PFOfieerin , of the ailor proûeerin cou ie Tthabude eftle-aPol roweret l or.e.randno ne. teluelvesinhe ho cn anofbat i s. ytaesaighor ohvm Whi le îeras t tion bbcIqisiathiohe New I RtalcietCainepctly nul' he bas dctad Aige Hia ury sWednesday alrnig an pern biave enoa-rlongrourtt tiletorplanane e swd" ettahjoli nireal c arte h hae ta'bereboLte> a u li o ta a tuncb-o!ihe.n uI udr $50 od i have tem see.It ald t ihe eur Io lie aire hshencage md GANIna ARE r.TEE ' 15abato, bts-c'a wheetepit Ran>ouheSideton'Manevel'Ibt e s Samel iie. a-mowoo chreoflternd po-tavcorneseI iwaed. t~rts,89Henioî e Sarnuesdynt hwr r ssii wol te uae ben theairscotache., a finuoarTto eon MLyn Steve Sit eofaeirrostin staion tauthegaoric ta'igma brceles Begslamas cbmn. t.helliig. htte oebig sewd Iismanesra Ie pi.0fmrWngBaStoTset1 ite rat ite case 'sas prte feent oneb, ®r0 cens aele shernttajeeaslt eerbbardthequntrloudtaeraeigan r .R andjry-is, an c bat>' ail foptin rc the cil>' Viic-ti ODra osi 10 asala hlVInrsIn'tan thywrIct lto-ne>' TotheSun tee the Wea-ai tere.bI hal a swlg n bsA#nlpatea 'bib sralie lo>' MHars niteomplaite o ach sieo oenàslonla 5ocnt. irfotoubetokbatecrnsacth en abe"on iofsjustice > lt hel lit iell>'teffierawbeh re haased bels-attho ad la dvi>eTheiidetndo!scit. a daer that tse ie sbat tae he taind ta t ite rm s ta o 's ho o uHim g e id0fIe>' shfloi luehe Infor til. ell boys tl 'sit bdsetin emOtt b liteIoefi-tppe-byiCth o ue. the cJusioWens ot liternand r cesave acocarsthen fouc a plan He Iaasgbtoe imre Ao.lee tVOsOt te moen biesuWhohavte Maire 2 Cnt o aMa? iane lta bt oss-takedo so taof- liq uabt a uart100acnde-in tei baccarisrythoas bith statonlite cuse it W .uL Lacn e Chaniete irory sdetiare zone. tuaIe>' 'ses-a, bavetoele ot sud olla O rtunlasa af ahana a teretoresbe ol nîhageugmaletrmiber te".is-e'1 te iOdlthea baose heofics alhveed reaponsoy aeps-estenîIes oe o tes 'nue PO tei beot. cutsln Bl Wle Be-m a Btout 209 ye o ag Mior Sdayomuel. t'hletoupei saidt thy have ben makig contdetslial. orFlenThesysathaMr.lLon sos-ecanuote Tittitis seanowr f lan 5 maossiblea eriaea hroias ee Chamo-rIn H. hroughlm r io-'fra chies due t shanei10sefat hal ponlserof a>tfor>' 10 Wcaureyan uletPeteIl oo ps-o titedl orior 'a nned aomte Ptie Oagornbut 15 stro wt ot h bi e 'sato> Tedrycae s-peetd h 3r0sceuntaie s whaos themselebavd e adchace o etandgsempthe'grvidjuryat sHpeR.nHarrsa ilhami, fs-yan tk i n t unheaCiof halls, met luoad tao!tis lnaîiIutiosn. avetdlutisoatthoney fortbiSuon the setty ctaketIis alia are ser- in 151bis ' t thaesmaIe tes- M. aots M. arisad'silb h macin Oerto l 5hunilts. sud these sal tbis tuBestom Vna t. ton dbven iL nheoborehe a hte o! is u enestab hlmze bthl un etryIng t e do titsront JryWlticb, Il is aotatcathed,oetIl ficepprwnt hatnoros evi el he roit banoasrs tbe dra ise Jus-y 10Ocucuda hateven a tmISe balte tatnbheenationa the im ba's ta oIl. ola ou bis a>' theyou te>' el indrcti.te>col b> b s pr aicet t u-n t h fies,10ho s i tiz4en of Ibisau et b>'n el o ncsinsaer.of the a d is.r 'sir t plce sai etahae n tnîlao'ee ysnltsieti g. lee. eeta h e a ucae h Moei'tne e ensna a St? o!ha ing taenbhosstep aes-s, butnw-cirabtoraquastoffic semil teri.e mcorimpo, sitio on tecfor the-causVtant bneud plaern. Testhery that a> abotIL azo.ne1 sas point.e shel c. for ult oI'ofliena thb pcr o t la ve taqu esti on b lin, bthei 'prestthir oI htLom fou 'sent onue; off qu!stion lths annn oi s tbaugh Berga0rlnorn is ttheeikganot thed l iqusvsen an. or eaord-. ifth oitatns f ewnaPlro la w5 25 r o gt onelanyo fci.twil h po ma hisrt af plad ta ose l nddarlebats - srkngdetiopjdeb>' adertatI opr aesJut la duea poce fo some ,ta tetatt> Ofce.t 0 .R . i>. 'li a Ja e bo ta ca rryulte>' os- oe ac te> ordr atorsd dsIonn nieOcfor bus-ned som Laao. In.Whueoh uJall airgnsd ienx tt boys ttaitemser hi li wo'ts. hedryzoerriengly, drsiro lite fniios-tmors edlon emglvethatavteiaichlitet gra tig emtngo-yvId ht> ssa raines i tore o- tmintakig ot Ibnchs ofýhaIs. aviinn Mis own hnor bistern lise pofficer bav e amoal, are t tamet ise KniOfls o Pyit s erse-ovrt IeIn> hc btsi h ps-oui tl ite extry ou, o! 20c s a plte eB ta T hi s fro As-th r guiovr eo ige. s e Wt o ae I Is hedamyo ue tis isi sulliaIs as row nedb'th(, bs-iugblbacer the'son that $5000 'sa aoias ro el heoit e b >' tea ut ad hoi>' for ta-e'BnMRe fLhstvlc SA IORS aprn't Cto reLECT auptub oomah fo rCampg ant so- iath e oi>' Lirc ont > ati ittlueni Tite of xthe st a i e bas tho Sun ladsevi ions a tie sankiesk e nl ae a. iuthe r puta cn sdet hat co veno evnng'hre> l ssebw h *'-.0ksdlhisrts'Gas t titattpningf ld e,. eme afe flecovgltSTOLEN AUTO hab lèheetttof Grand Rapid, Idic. me to Waukeman toda yabd looated a local garage a swali touring car ceh a man and bis Vite aold moine eeke ago, claiming the>' were in a rry io get bacq to their horne and 1flot bave tixue to drive. The le looked ail right, seeking that 8wlfe waa wlth ber hiusband, and edeal was made. The shberlif tokk seaion of the car and wiii taire back to Grand Rapids. lHe expiatn- to, Chief Tyreil that In the party the time the deal Vas made In Wau. tan. were five pert5oný;, Including ector wbo was making $300 a year. eidesý that the man's wifPo was a rty tn the automobile swindle and every whikh went on in titis part rthe country. The s;hefft .'id at one car was stolen and sold lu lwaukcep and another in Racine. He ,as on tracir of thoge cars now and nt from Waukegan in Racine ta tir up tbe matter. The sheliff explatned ftîrtber that he doctor- con6pired with the man :question by getting duplIcats nurm- er plates, etc. and cbanglng tiîer ntbe cars that were stolen. ONE Cent Invested in Eloctridity From Our Mains WiII Buy- WeIl Just Listen: IT wJ' operat a16 -cand la owr a 20-candi. power Tungsten as for four houri. It will ra a 5mw- ing Machine Motor an hour, or a Vacuum Cleaner 45 mainutes. T iiopirate aWaVshing Ma- miobile tire punp30 nminute.. h wili ioe.p a 6-pound Eloctric Ira. bot 20 minutes, or mnake four caps of coffe. in an Eiectric Percolator.. IT'S enough te oiloua quart of water, or boat baby'. milii twîce, or keep a Haating Pad hot two houri, or Cook a welsa raabit inuan ilectric Chafing Disis, or hast au Feictric Curling Iron 15 minutes a day for two weelis. or toast 20 afices of hread on on Electrie Toaster. Wboe eléie can you buy amuch for so lieUe? We ssiil ai the satce.earu Eiectriciii Appliaiscen-Masi, on isonthfi Paument». Public ServiceCo o1f Nortboeralilanois -OF-F LAKE COUNTY1 PulsIihed b>' the WÂU1CÈ. AN DMILY SUN at the special low price each.1 $3.50 Libertyville Independent Farmers, Attentio'n!t Foryorpateot and ote= emilgrain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION S.65 Cents a Pint . The hest and cheapeat AntI-Smut on the mar- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELAND bRUI CO. The Rexall Store Cor. Madison snd Cionesse. Ste. The Store That Saves You Monee E: moettal oveaing. and Ueet M*. U wllh (bC" Misa M week wl MIlîbu n. E. P. Kenueth W in. ' Cbi.caaiu i Ounr t ait day nm aiari ou] praaent i Thyer'o lira. Cabi indesil. Harold Voe bon over Sun( lira. Le Mmre.P, Mondal. lira. AI vimtor la Mema ion to t] Who exp. lire. 1 homeosat Park for J. K. 1 cailar but FredIlit on a cool ,LirI Jolsnsoms lma% Frit Mr., an. celied uns The Ans Prlday in Ilas Ut week-end lire. W week. J. J. Bi busineee Arthur pasi wee la a Leonard France. I Walter L of the lu country. AesslaiI Wberet lnhiniltm m froni our lir@. Mai lu obeil ha it llemoiv Neighbo muat tai farniy, and dîne Coguîi.rt. ilgisIv ClOpe te uniera, t pajuerg. i ol Our N A prsa hbah td thoroug Long L requeste team a e et" 'uni Thei pooi'ly t Ver>' the coni disagreo C. M. caIlsi o Oco. 1 bompila bis nom Ruth homes Il John ontil lire. bar so Corde lire. lire. spandit Mr'.à liarthi mlgbt. shiri lImmia Mr.: lir. tanS> - Douai Ull. 1 lir. husine

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