CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1918, p. 7

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T.sRcq aw..wa TU ?fU1If~W VT1~Â.SEPT. 26 1918. Oao band. Thare vrai abig crowd. 1,lypU q Thom par-ut n s.-lingufr theweek .i B COM)R10 VILL aj:Mar o iejyer, tCai. Ameunaand -lggtip Sb t e . Lcbufth wtll bu lArao Riahuci. W L O 6oulud trogh tIffs wei. Rev. Sehool dd n0o$ he FYldaibut many W LLCONV leN3FO oeDUin Sn srve ft 7:45 to 8:15 AIAAmmnre. d dymitprise ou wild usAÂLL iN I A EN t an evcsotPrompl et 9. grapese. Mhg. unaise reaîtrai priss_____ lira. Of& Bam4a~ble @peut Bandai on grapuig, aplîli, fleur and botter. Oese VlvTitue cn viii Chico relatives. Margaret ýtd Jasper licCarculck wore Oee oiaPcue cn lilas liarjKerr apent ttire f n ithe absent roir ichool Frldaî itecauis îhey of "Trial" Whlch is to Fol- vree wth ber Mater, lira. Sprag t attenoed t ieotair wth tlher p mg~teIw erafe E. llib n. ( 'u bità . ' l 1DEVIL SITS AS PROSECUTORk Keauetb ient Su i I M LIB R Win. Wsier tr.i.ýe.u i16u New Version of Heaven Given a Ch'iau F rilay. 1ho ni--a tîreaet Li 4.c.In thai Evil Spii IICi OrlclRd(rra* auiiliary held ta; îIl a.iiaaàdli auUde U p fle'SSll Cl ait tili. , e.ek Iîî"dîtelogg ic 'l ip Oneî,îb clebat tel Olfi ur qluittb oltA .î.tul, .rP 5Al ~ eîi irOlIn Mondai. We wnn't lie able to get away tram Prseat ili. Tbnuredtsy c 1-1-Y"-', .1. C'eîiîn ini Knasha, Wl., came the law courts, even Inl heaven, says Thayer'o cake, lira. Bowling'. o lie"U .brne î';îa Voltes. Even the Chrlitafle wIlIIbes lira. Cable'. creami whwau a treat r.lcowlut ean, eba placed on trial. Christ will at In the ladeed. M§ eoelo an e. mJudgement acat and at lita aide wifl violting her daugbter, M re. E. Cannon. ait the devil. Christ wlil b. the Judg-ý Harold Daulelsanad James Leonard Uir. and lira. Fred Acheon ut Kenoaba, and the devii the prosecutlflg attor-é Were home tram Lake Forargt Academy attended-4le Laie counti tfair and LIl r. neY. Every sin that ta unrepertted or ovrSunday. 9. A.Martin and mao mpnidtheni 'wlIl bc brought up rby aatin aatI lieoov actbe copulb oe. E.A a ccm and cdi person on trial before the Judge lir. La Brnaabî acampflld b boi..E. . Mrtîn went ta Keno@ba and hé will accusie the guilty one di- lira. P. B- Danlli vilted Wauieg&n Saturdai evenînif and came home Mon- rectly ta hie face. TbeYe 'will hoe noh Moda.dal niornlag. escape, Baya Voliva, for It , seerauat lira. Albert brecoli waesia Waukegan Measrs. E, N. Cannon, Fred Sprng and tedvlkestako u isjz vsiter lait Tburaday.D the sam as the recordlng angel ini sorral af the Warren Booak famlly are hea e oe i.eit.b ns Berazili~erbascopieed n ddl- al w he s panlab grilp. wilinftlot ehojudged ta detormine t tieon ta the cottage of lira. Albert Drecoll, ÎMny tramn thla vlclnity atlended the whetber bis portion la bell or heas- Who espect ta mire Into It aaon. Lîberblville fair lait week. en, because lhe le alregidy saved lir@. Forben has ldeed her asommin lr n ia emter o acgthrough fathin aChrist, but lhe will hain atFox ai.and eînned a Oi Ure.weand r@ eeîe at ligr.ofanticeulira o ried ta deterine hie respective Poato ake n r re a eewe-ndgel fU.adM@place In the Kingdosn of <ld. Pakfrtewne.C. E. Denman. Sainie wlll ble appoîntei as rulors J. K. Derlng la hialag a large roui lir. and lira John Fulton andtienso oven nationa, saine a. governore. ati- cellar bult un Cedar Crsai tarin. Waukegan, having bien burnt ont Sun- eni, as mayore aven cIlles. athera judg- Fred "liln andaineaidTedî atrnu aeott h a esea magistrales. chiefs af police de- anmeconîract ai tireai day îeal ae u eteJmspertinenita, al acording ta lhe faiti- on cotrat u OrsLakea tati on. Polock bouse; aI90ea ln. Plock wlil fuinesa and integrlty with whlci they lira. Lucladas Crib nd Ulra. A. B. remaîn antil îhey eaa gelanotberhiouee. bave cQndurtted thILtr .busiessho- Johnsont ai pleuaianlallers L. B. Banner tranarated buine In fore lhe Day of Jutigment-i la% Frlday. Lake Foreugt. Mondai. The earth will go an juBt thesanme, lir. and Mira. M. Kapple ut Waukieal, J. il. Banner and aona tuai aiveral Baya Overseer Vliva. When Christ calld unfrled@ er@ ast rida. .conmes with bis saints ta grille aven caled n Ileaa br. aitFriaî. bIne riltans aitihe fair n aJ.ersey lied the earth business will go on Juai the The Angola cmeuery ocit met lai airif dais taday. Tiey'll till Fridai wtb Mlit. Mari Kerr. The Ladies' Aid aociey wîIl meet tor the lanti, îhreeqh lie wheat, rua fac- MIa.lJesiedJ, ur riacpal apni te bsinas Tunsiaiattenuo ai totries, trains, street .care, stores and Mi eek tedai be r r i nl caoetea.ies urdyatruo ,teeevrythiing will run on as betore with wek-ndabbe om I Cicgo humeaiflire. Il IM whie the exceptionthbere wll ho no dac- lira. Wmn. Waler, Jr., le qulte IIlsl - tors, fia drug storea.,fia saloons.,fia weei. The namt ' E. Martin, Allendalo," îîeaîç.rs. fia dance halls-in fact, ne- J. J. Brnatable waa la Waukegan an Ill., apîîeared In tic casualty lilt Bat. cording ta <vreor Voliva. it wIll buiness Taeeday. urday. Sanie persans thougtit l i just like one big Zion Cty. Arthur Joasn ui t a tew daya te iiglit indicatp the deali of anc o!f ho poit week wib bis maîber iCbicago. lîbo' - in serv ice front Allendale farm '"ý C la reiat letter r@4civeti b> the, Lake Villa. lnquirv showms uch Ila SCJOOL litJIJELIS L.enard',t rom thir mon John., inot tie case, there la, says Major France. i tella af a chance meeting wth l Bratily, in charge of the farm:a MUCHIXPIRKuV ti; Ii Walter IDanlela, andi great wai the jay *town nameti Allendale, Illinois. B ai the 1boy@ âî the meeting in a trange- W LL IE T3> country. Thel nfant bauut of 11r. and NIrs. IL0I E TL Wsý*lkt-f died ,a Crayslake Thursday ýfnint NiMr. Waîtkrr 1, repair malt Rssotluons on the deaih of Mns. fr tht' phone company ai Grayslake. Explanation Made as to Status Margarat Miller. of the Blanchard School, Whereas aur Hesvenhi Faiber la hi. A N EI KNtFuto or launtê widai, biaea fit ta reiiutave HE PA11 T ED1iNo al-o or tramn aur ndt aur leioved elghbbr. Waukegan. Sept. 17 lire. Margaret Miller. we humrbly bow InO S O UN A ; rP.pon.soteothe artirle In 1~ la ohedileace si)bis wilI. Nuw theruture O S ONS N Y; %ngSnwhciolabute lie Il Mtuu urt' mii I iaurdsct ooî house on Shertidan ON IK AL 'd0ul iagthtarngtea t e an ilceolveti, tbnt la tie paâing utfîur 1'NtW BL O TRdL ithou ng (a inthout a t e an Neigbur aurCamt ba ba uneai le ______and ithtthle chitiiron had heen sent muet talittlul metm'bera andi that ta the Yea can't peint our hol t in .1 lon oni.- oarlv te asoid the ci)ld. as wel tamily wu Oler Our deepeit a>mptbî City on .iunîiaý. Secctin iof .att;i b.-ng permuted tiîplay gaimes' andi direct tom ta the Father above for ordac i i !tepll ec uring school heurs te gel lip vrl ordnace inaldofthrpulicprcelai ion, a north ide rn-ddet-ncallcd up coultoct. I I soitr ndquiet. -mufor lb'. lrouiol;on ofi thc Sun office tht,. mrrning and ex- licoV<.thaIa ctîty ut Ilee resala- iealth and gootd order o! socielv"I plainf-d: tiois ic predon lIbe miutnes oa unr was violati by L. E. Chrislenson of Tii. fiel u-'thitt'le ,ovv whichî ordere, thai a olly le ent t thîecounlty 20 arîîavne ad1i .-alhad bu-en oidered by tlie triete has ant scop le sntla htt 29V, (, e ari, aeue, aînd l aper îtnent a rril i i tlii-,hool ilp te te paper.. adacp emn h aly 'sb ssiioe ea r I renft tlrmeandl the tustPeiare at Our Neighbbur court ibis mrrtilng Io atswe-r tic 'ory fiucli sexedti tenstlî%ea. The Ethel M. Ilougias, charge of paintin ghis hause on the tuiisee, arc Caui. M'm. Smith, E. W. Edtih Shepandmon, .'iî it i,~~liudon and i.hMoone. sabblh )ay.Theoffeýe ýis om 'The- fiel s tiese trustees havi Cara D. LHamliu. nitled lait Sunday and t i s " learn made many improv""'e-1" eit this Cedar Lake Camp Nu. 460, K. N, A. ed th.ýt Ciristenin md hircil a mat. schîool during thie past s..îr. The cost ta paint tie bouse. Special Offics-r has lie-n somethliig liki, $700. The INGLESIDE Austin î<I<-erie was sent l Io tt e ednoticuaOtahe toard utats A practIcal "goati roada' meetinig will promises ant ihe found the man e'n- sould nfot h-ach agaîn luis year un- hoe held ai tngltelIde, Tuesday, Ociober 1. gaged tn painting. le liformeui hiiltes Improvements acre madie. The It la for te parpase of completiig theo liaIlho sas viaîatîng a citîy ondin- scitool was îjraclicaly unlnhabitable thorougbtare bclween laglealdea anc ai ik' ltemnt esîs fol pupils and leachi'rg. The Iras anceandask th ma teil st.II eestheni-fore wba were electedti tf Long Lake, Everybody iutresited are wa3 loarned liai Chrislenson had cul vear made tic exte-nsive improits- reqUeated ta caoiniy la tbe day, witb the top of bis finger off and taI h,-'nient. andtIn the cours. o! lb im- teamea adshavel. andtiehopnîparedta ~had hircd a man tromn Chicagoat o pravemenîs the aid slave was ithrowfl eta oubll ithe ruait I. complets. came and do the painting Jobi. As ouIt ecause il had len raîcen. The 8new anc waui orticreti but bas net ar- sn as thc officer Informnedthle rived yet. They hav eliadt a smali R USSELL J paîinter that hoe was vilating the or- ail slave but of course il ha. nat dînance lhe quit anti showed lho waLheatedthic romt praperly turIng the TeLadies' Aid socley wae very willlng ta obcy lie ordinance. It la tast week. As seonf as the ncw slave 'fiearrives evAryliing will hoie n fine porli attende t aUlra. J. D. Mrra'&. allegoti, iowevcr. tlint Cistensafi shape, In fact. it will lie boter than Ver lew ram thia localiy attendeti urgedth le man ta go ahoad and the tic Blanchard schaal bas evcr beon the. cunti tain. The weather wae very resaltitves he sas summoned beforo betore. t believo the condition wiici disageeabe. Jatic Blsbp. I ha.beencitr e htchldrcu encounlored sas consiti- dlmgembe. Jstie Blhop Il as een haredcrably exaggcrated la lie article la C. M. Grbani andtfamlly o Waàuiegaa, that Chstensan vilatedth le ordi. the. Sun lalt evetinig." calleti on relatives aturdai. fiance beforo andi Il was tecideti ta Oel. DeFonnia lias returned tram is hemaie an exemple of hlm. FIRST W U I5V N hoapial shere lha laed an operatton onu 'fiesetion of lie ardinanewlc lIK V NLI.UJI bis noms and throat. 0 vloaid noads: "It sa a nt l. i B Y K L E I Ruth Reddlng ha@ rturned to ber lla iereby deciarod unlawful fon nana 1.M..1, ...i. ---y 117 A _ -----ar1_1- BOYor otumeI Jahn Rasm of Rochester, Wl., calleti aon rlendçý Fnlday. lira Anale Bard ot lrbana, Ill., and ber son, John and wtt. calied onthie Corie famailles Bandai. lire, 9, P. Bîven ham retunned tram a 1mw daya vinit wihh relatives. S&UGATUCC lia. Camsr end daugitar Maron, ara @ pouding tia week at William Bieia M. Amana andi daugittene, Blen andi Usatia motoredt l Waaiegan, Mondai igut. Shirley Thoaim svîst' tRBth Knox, itaaday. ý lin.licCormacki u.i'b'IoSatarday. lin, antiMrlins. VttiMeyer and" famli, lMr. Doyen ut UnÂi-, , .i.anti Ba-s K~ Delicier ai Caifornia, s eIted lin, anti Uire. DeMeer, Suntiai. lin. Potgi went ta Chicago an a bualnseatrip lMondai, SROIL NEW3 Sciool cloSetiTneday atternoan anti ail wsnt lu tie llaule training tanna ta beun Govennor Lowden andthle NavaI persan, ta carry on or contact tic busineas of any trowde, calling or ath. TO iN en work or occupation withIn the cor- para-be limita of tbe ctî aofZDon, on Arthur L. Smith, Son of Mrs. Suntiay, ln any nia-ce wthln the pub- A. Smith, Was Killed on 1 lic v 10w, or wltlii nthebe harng aof y 5Sy Tlga nighbors on paesby.' Jly _5_______era VAISDONEFORMER ALSCHULER MAN OF Enisted Last November as a WITi tISSIE F a Volunteer and Went Over JUNCTONflkRIN4 ThoAcross Last Aprl oo __________ln action ln Luropel Voliva". s1e lfntaheo tl, vIdene 1-fis na-me 15 Arthur L. Smith, a ~ussay la the case braugit by Ma-r- yoang man 22 years of age, s3on of nehail Ileld anti Ca.. la estnain bie Valiva- f0111 from laîorfening witi Mrs. A. Sailli, farmerly a! Wauikegan, theIn emplayos the case belng la the but wio le now living wliYare nature of a requeat for an InJUUÇtIOn brother. ah La-ko Forest. clurging malicious interference wibi Smith was kîlIoti on JuIy 151h, ex, tic emnployee af bie la- worka. The Voliva people have been teati- cording 10 a telegram necoivoti by his fytng for inany montis off and on andi motion laie MIonay afternoian. Mayon Clendennin was on the sland Smith was formerly a calter ai al. day 'rhurstay. MarshaUlel cd lie .Piauler wrapped factory, Wnu- wlll now tartlnlu preening île ie kgfat nllt ateifnn of lhe conhroveriy. kgnan nItdlthIfnry Ina: aI Roci lslaad. H~e lt Wàukegan lu Novembor et O O JA~ ~A11 lant year sud accotdling ta hi. lettons #0 O MA S N he annlved le"over there" Ap il 21111 Acording te a 1011cr r;-celved by AUTO MO0VINQ VAN bis motiornena long a-go on Jaly I4h he was JustgttIag aven a gis aI A liI uEF grain elevefi day. latpr he, wtt..killei._____ This would indilcat tint lie htoitle- covoreti from lie g"a alu. and ent Heavy Moving Van Crushed in hack Int action Ho wss with hi'. Front of Fiearse, Carrying tnoops ai lb. Marne wh,he ai' Dead Sailor to Chicago killot.- - Tic interestîlgta ling abuolit Smih HAPPENED 4 A. M. TODAY wL'. liaI ho sas a vttjnt,-i r anitnat among lie drafteti men. II was tas'l Nocember tliaIlho went t., ChicaLo Driver of Van Says Hearse andti bndenod is ,ervIrîý t., tht- go%- Lights Were flot Burning; crnment. lie passedthei uuie Three SIightly lnjured tion anti aas taken inIin.-tscv____ Aflenis eniltintt, Stiltu a--as i sent la Jefferson Banrach t-r- hile Tiemn ercutlvfig as a~~~ont~~~ .iog lscu eaî nd hati close c-capes from spseniuts wenttbrogh bs corsa luit r:-ceiv- njary an dealh carl>- îhhs mornIne Relatives la Waukc.gan hreev when a motar icarse, ielonghng bn ëd lie message on Mouu-iii nelv nng lie Indeppntienut 'nulrtaking Company aint tiown la Lake Fart - i t-electe bayes motion. but dîid not uuuuart tliet ~Cicago, whl sîtetline soutîtInt sad ewsto br bcaus S! alradyGreen Bay' aa nti uth of tic uhlim, 'uutt ben w ho ion g focasev-al e s . vce sub-siation flar Lake Bluff. thatig networryng fanari.-roh iu. cianlueti iat-i Into a ponulerous i> licruin aingi heaneyl romthe n.-ton moving van trck,. ath- ilbt AccndIgl. teyltet tieni-c~front furnitane on ils way front <'hicaga te ion until tist monning wh' n sic was te betolda point In Wiqcn'.in. rie frouit of b bo lId -tle hearse wtt. crasit In a!. If Il ha,(' been an cgg shIcl andti tis indcrtat- W1ii5P~ "a rS, wîth thm citatffeur. wpe mono FîKSî LAKE Morl. sroul njrd Tic accident ocrrtIrirn g s BOY PLACED IN dense fog whIic hung like< a pail Sclose te lie groundl The içarse 1'. CIPPI ELI ST painteti gray wtulch reýnîl--rrul Il ai- most Invisible In the fag. Tie driver af lie tovlng tr'trk manete, thit-thle James Walshi, Lk. Forest, Son ibeadilghts on the hearse were flot of Mrs. Walsh of Waukegan burnin. Writes Home Sad News Tic hearse hail hein el-In 0tle Great La-ko'. Nai aI Training -station PLANS RETURNING HOME Ite nemavo ta Chicago tie bots' of a I wiowo-iat ie iur!ng lie nigil. Tells Mother He Was Hurt in Tt~had slarteti back ta CIIicagoata Such Manner'He WiII Have four a'cback tbis marning. to Goto DnverThe chauffeur a! tie hearst asserîs ___G____enve that ho cauldti alpreiv lic ap- James J. Walsh,. son of 'Ilrs. Waah proacblng moving truck anlil i was who ]Ives ai the corni r o! Genoseo a fow foot awsY. Fle tlîinks he anti Cînyton jstreet, is rîrobsils' lie woaid have bien aile in avohul a col- finst boy ta recelvo lnjuurue, fighing lision hati not oneofo hi'. empioyers In France andtiela h placetIlfon lie grabiedth le whcol anti catised hlm cniplile liaI, wiich mnuest hat ho will ta ec secontretof t!he machine. be dischargeti tra m y anti ho Tic front o! lie maviig truck sent home. clîmicti apon tie hoce ti tchenie.e This young man as namueu is James cruthlng ilt owtt anti In J1. Walsh anti howa acu.uffeur fortle wltdsbielId. l'layton Marsi aI Lake lunesl befone ACI frad sacewsso i lie nlitedin he nýy ouryeaslte Canrat aotWelzel cu-lnblisiOtiui licenisttiin it tai fuiryensandti his conern sent Ils motu- ago flc 21. New-s that hi' bat bien hennie abhicbbok thle body o! tb. unippleti andti terefou- vas.ta beave dead iialor lae Chicago. tic service cornes to tuuuuuin tic shapeI a! a bitter Itai'. Iott il nIextracts qy ~uaj o! which ts as fotlotu tei ing bow hli' AS HE t~IS IIINUi was injurct, uor : "Mtipr, t1iii ru-exti,, ta lie In lie lECR SFO S nnvy tmach long.en. 1 oppecl la talle H R E O tny disciarg sorne turne :boutMarci D SE TD - FAI1LY orApril. 1eunli or nte-u. D S R E site than whaît .m rnnking now. Yoa andonstani. a-t. uiT le ave bêeeT can't James Walsh, Taken Sick in go lu tie tivy s i ans a-ny more; Milwaukee, Repents of His tiey pal me in ,t tu- five witi ail lie, Unpardonable Acts resl a! tiecipu t- -thal'e -the at tae____ ha callot a-nu t! uts hi thlng tint wilICAGDB CUT KP ni-ver haptiin, tiut the woret part o! ________COUT,_ KIP fIbis whcn I gî t oi t1 have tae tas' out Was the Father of, Fourteen fiern lis putuof tiecocuntry' In or- Children But He Forgot tiern takep m, îhealli. The tiactar taitru f 1t tviasteta go eas t About His Responsibility t migit a cil shoot myscîf hefare fe l-cun li ioat o I -a: e slIt u ouît adahoît - i aI chldren. fise years aga fao- yean on le.: ;il t 1 t epentis apon lie Ilan i îîtn !aspmî elîmate Sn 1 Ibiught If T gel outi n tuaingtenc an -ic circuit cort the sprtng anîl co tn Denver, Cala., mitnaco!-tecrui or anti get a job in 'ome machinoeiop Mosae wie uns a boardinJ hua as a latho hant on fine work." h.ewfern oadn os an tie corner a! Clayton anti Gen. esce street, came ta big sutitet deathIRlusMilwa kec inel Fniday, t NOSTOV INandtihe sîtinn liu ing about itleI UAAJ tnt on s tiying hoti, or aften h. SCUUUL,'KIDS TOLD"'o bÂSis ane tiaught was ta have hI. TO PLAY, S wi!e anti chiltiron wilh hlm. At cordingly. as ho las' tying, ho call lBlanchard School North of City ed for lîls wIfo anti ciltren and word came ta them la Wa-akogai With 14 Children, Not Heat- andi white hifra. Walsh anti ho ed at Ail idaughterg AIIcj. haslened te laMi$. The shantagi'o! slavet andi fuel waukeol when lies' arlved tîteno arspa-rently bas bit oneofo Waukegan ho hati parseti awas'. The fa-cl lu townahilp ds trict achoala, even hoforc ho praclicals iîed Iînstanîîy. the real calti weathen bas set la. lefieyrsag Atgml1 Accondlng Ita areportliat camtes tsfieya;aoAnu 't lat the Sun. liceIBlancuhard sco la- liaI lie separate matntenanice w, ca-ted ah 1anchar's corners, a short gra-ateti on OIns. Walsi'a applit.p distance - nnti o! Waukegan. hait lion. Shobati hon tho motion o been untiergoing nation unusual con - ditions during tul'. week o! cool faurteen ékiltinlanti soveli-_ai weather andti hcre le;fia fuel. 0f them a-eno ow living, but that dit course If tien' were fuel 1h wouldnt emtmaerwh ap.H have bhen selces w ilhout the etove. o, en amle îhWlb Thus the leacien andtiheb.cildrea, nefusîdtie10support lhon antiaie fi yabout 14 In namien, hatdile t ogther na-ly hadti lu iîng an a-chia Ia lie achool room a-ad triedtihein agAinet him. H-Xwever, lb was ver bIeel lae kecp warm. Wien tbey get ato col. the thache MIella lie ci- siantîs' aften lie action wa saat timon ta get up anti runa around a cd la caurt andtihle separate mal ahort lime In ondin te gel circulabltou-ea oîtihi lic jutig RAY N. SMITH UàlsetyvOIe1 lM. lu - ,- - * Rmase the Limnit FVERY fariner who has access to a pile,- ,-'stable manure or who keeps live stock ort his farmn shoulti have a Corn King Kanure spreader this year. Dan't let power anti help cond ilions keep you from raising os much as you can on every acre. Begin to use a Low Carn King spreader right after harvest, antilent ilize yaîîr ields There is no easier, surer. or better way to secare a paying increase in crops frorn every acre yau plant. Haw would a thirty-bushel-to.. the-acre increase ini corn, or a ten-bushel increase in wheab look to yau next year? Al ighh, then buy and use a Low Corn King Manure Sprede Three si7es -small, medium, andi large. Ail Barrow boxcs. Ail steel frames with working parts of th&,- spreader securcly attached ta the frame. Turas shart. Drive from bath rear wheels Returfl sprat, driven by worm gear which insuneq even spread ng up hill and down. PIll cames alrai:tiiî an steel framé. Soliti two-inch rear axie working in rafler bearings carnies seventy-five per cent of the loati, AII-steel beater cannot warp, shrink, or rot. Buit up ta Inter- national Harvesher standards of quality in everyrespeet. Boy a Corn King spreader andi use il. The ancreased yield f rom a few acres will pay for your sprSxder. Corne in anti place your order now. BROWN & SMITH ROUND LAKE - - - - ILL M - ---ai- rn Bell Systemi Go- operation Between Telephone tJsers Trkes three individuala to comPIctdý atelephone conversation-the person calling,theopemtor, and the person callcd.l If the tbrec tire prompt and accurnte' and the conversation is as brief as possble,j the line is soon at the disposai of others; if notp it is probable that before the Coe versation ia finished, one or both spoak'4 ers wiil have kc,.6î a social orbwa acquaintance waiting to use the wime Co-operation between telephone useswJ in this important respect willimprovoJ, the service. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY'- 11 James Walsh, 64, chef aI the Repui- At lie proaoal lime thse l*aYW lîcan Houac for tour day'.. died Satan- ment la constructîng 220 hlimes të day wltlle bolng laken îa Emergency heip bandie lie ioaeitg aitICIs hoapîlal. He hecame il] whUle ait work. ffleon bricklayers from WaUiggaM Héart trouble is believedtu l have have gone Wo Rock Isltandti lassab o, tie work. A large hotu-I there àà* causet deaui) He enîcret the ct'OIiy just been commnandeeret ant iwlli 1* bospîtal for tneament Augusl 13. bal, uset ta o olite local, mien. toeç* left Si-Pt. 13 against the wiahes of er wtl mafiy governfment emploreg IThe followlng dispalci tram Pock- phy.qîcianu. Walch sait at thie hospilal Islandi show. tic action that my be that ho haîl several chljdren, but tidti Ukcn ln Taukegan heforo long ffl. flot know wierc they livcd. sidlng the iouaing situation becOUsO more -irinus: Mm. Walsh andI ber <aî;glter anr. ock I-tant. III.. Sept. 2t.-Wlitb rangeti for thc funeraI andI tic nc- tic tireat tiat cvcry bouse la Ro« mais wre ntêrednt filatiee. l-land whichiIs nat kepI occuph,, maIn. wre nteret atMiluîuce. svil tic iotmanticcred by the ogovesif.. Oint fiir tic donration o! the war. ITh*f ar.ninat aithoritieg hmicr stlEg ugs* 1 oder frtraWshington. have ~O MEN F 014 IERELIV iled lte a wncr of lie Roc< ia 1l~ llnitsp. aoeo! lie largeat habtla e itri-cilice, Ihat il will ho lakIW IN4i IN IIOTEL COM o r btht e durati nmet cob 1 or todtîsi on mte a ctand MANDEERED BY 610V. ing arsenal taployes anti th fn Drastic Action Taken at Rock 'O':n" con tfthe lcm Island by Government to the erectian of 220) twoiling h0uiï1ý- Kouse Its Employes arrangements fan which are nealft compellafi. MAY TAKE COURSE HERE The lndependent'a dircmlOtlofl IS Somne Such Action WilI Be Tak ilofRA R-nto cot. tion Here Is Relieved Tint hatb%l antie-rs'unoccupilet baisse in Waakegan mas' be cuinatan- teereti is' lic governmfenli. f l la foîmati necess atint ioiisitg for govenument employeg, la inticatet by lie action liat han jastbeben ttea . 9

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