CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 3

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LIBERTYVrLJË NflPNDENT, TUU MADY, OCT. 3,1918s NQTED OME II OMaNEO ER so are people whto could flot haielU 4I4 NI pwff o sAg"I0 e oae raised sufficient money to»do so P(: turned Meath-Wonde Rfu cover, ' i 11141'I C UP E BL li emflon Every Hmnd. TeB nihla len as AUIdAftLc lnL - LDI '~JWaukegan laregarded asanother UI!C D f SonWith Nellng Gift-Childhood B ARD VftI4BAN srong argument why Waulçegan AIICA uiF J ILJA, ",01* on Parmb--beievem Calied te _____ hould be perrnltted tu have more_____ Josimmys Mony Oy-Brlne Me& This Is a Matter Which Is Be- ca o escasasitta h oa oa BasHmt mi-Seorth f n~o hnLd be ato .pziý1î 'di.muit bekept In warm ro mi 1- lW r A c Bets in ef mfor th Ock. . iu iedit" in Court A ti n Filed efors t av D.Hawkins le beislo Find Wh~o Issued'Order eool racting pneumonîa. Late Saturday P. M. nh a kc ak a new precedant.edm________ before since the. ÂpoutoIic day. bas uch ESIESAT RB yi asnsPoet sTe multitudes with uch entulam Ith ETIIOS JENKINSONRBE up-Wîfre Chrgper s ru- suh aith, ever thronged oeh enhî ~retApa set e i crowded Into a. auditorium a lasr. e anhl averApa I H S EN IS N - IneCagsCu togther and coegreaated wherei'er h en toSat u bas cerne, ta ee the healer, Who is cred- en MaetSaeFullyinHrBl Itdwihhaig n utreno -tens ot Administratorfor Coal DIES IN IA. 1101E î~mnF~ffhÎIlok beigacomng h~z fr Bd.Did someone evpretpp hI. au-, for Mrq. Water Larsen. 0! \W'uîýkpgzîn. thoriy bisuing the order whîî-îî Chicago and Northwestern fitad a bill In the Laiie ce uiv irruit aloauke reisa Cav e. tIf mp Employe for Fifty Years, court asking for divorc,- frîîm the show Wauu<Wauegan t aebs egrj ea o curt a a flg mr lnaoha aliotment of hard cai? I edtu Ful ii5 lta eqtio r;npbim avenPlanned a imliar action. 'Ila re- Fue Adinitrtos Esinna lm.11~Word reached Waukegan Sunday alled Larsen eaught hi3 laI ~ - 'aa l flt ale e aswe, bt wlehha ooringof tise death of Thornas Jen- C(',hicýa9o botel wltb a cilpeity of ~. hoPPes te be able. te answpr as the kmn. n id bis hoire In Rocictord, la., ticer. Their arrest felleau-1 nd Lr S requit of an invffstigation hê l9 con. a t the agp of 195. Mr. enkinonwib en at oncean nonnced !, soiiidfl ducttng. i n bisivstgto ha bas be renîembered by mrany eder r,,I- a bill for divorce. He bld tlien talc thej assured support Of al local ceai cýiin iatheugh lie ieft bore miany Ing steps aiong that ]ina Iui his dealers and the indrfds Of Imdlviii ' Years; ago. lie was a rettred North. coun-sel bad not yet il(d 'ler bill. usti n ae n tyt en he westrn ingineer bavlng been ln the' tbpretore the action by ~îW h obtinaeycei.employ of that company fer over 50 19 ln Chicago came as a s1rrse1te Thp statement te Mr. Erakine bv 1yearuc. day. ufeof thp officiaiseoftihe state tuaie Many years ago he was emifloyed ILarsen now will ha ptacd in pogi- administration that ha knews fn ntedvso of thnorheshn tion eof iiing a meos-bill. butlin the * HWISorder having bPen givan te the Relus 1,ad fo , as Duled he tainsof mpantime bis oriperty i -lad un and Zlcb a macn-as aSis,. vî t- sucislna .,!Ce. Isconsiidered-muI-nfi"cant."-. I wichortelata Jiames neigh-ais cer attibut«eascb peaetration et sonls mahThis tact-, it- ls Raid,. yublald i uete Mr. Jamesonigv as hceies- DaW*er fer good, bansedomn appeared le utr r eknsnwsteods the Ilhd now and tisen, aeng the suid- before Raymond Dlurhamo, siate fuël brother ot Mn. Wmn. Wright, Mrs. leua expanse of time, orne goodiy maci ndmhn.uraior, togetiser 5-ilat-ber IWmFio.M.JmsHhirk vits st-ercui pvertrm auoe bs art-, ln connection vitis* ha local ai anui McaLarînia Pilifant et this city bornehusmo resennblance t-s hlm andl. lika Imation In t-be hope tisat thaetaie fuIi him, fas , lvre ihs litethat et-bers mîgni liu [tuner StevenR. F.uirIka, Miner. go freet. ±sU. t».,..hIad an hapreraihei upon tu Issue Sc.Fahutn1-maieaase u Nil.. EElli e £ iLie. R-. . Eslnt n ideo -etraodcpcuntin luuil I nthier home bn Mînneapolus a fpw t.b:thi-nii t-, dislpose or more ceaI liera, i-1-.smssîry, Utaih, 11.v19, ii 015. The fat- t-bat Wauhuagan du aler nnonttua ago. Sa iiimii 05 u5~ sfgii-.uae bs. sdncvcr have heen pernittedI îy tih, iewlan-rr hr dre i--o irai oenin y.s'siav iteaine, 11-4tcal cos.h dock te purchaqe n rese rrvne n eogl o un)ro te -u-s ii Ens y 11.1t i, 'Juil Nh IioiImtIls iqwldow andl the follnwing bail .d f.111Ii iili,-Ii ri^. ,'Ssi uy .î-t 1stiPPia of tueithatIsl, dm"-irs a v ', .m, iaumun e ' hl utti. iehime livvehl:EuppWtu - auîni lS m-esnegis, ii,.~., mil bm--n tiermîtti t-e mihain doai oniy for hIre urîv.,m EignWe- misa-sa' drsad mo, atb-n a.Thi': McsFan l-otcbkiss andl Musa iunniif.EL rs iohhnierrsaibveotbe a. permittl te las' hy a -upc'y Il>draur SîIdIim. lankinson, Rocktord, la: NMcc. n. sasP~Csm il sO. oisii~, -on lirin lim tisawnîer. is regrdeda% Nhlm.Stlaugh. Kooteol, Idaho soi ~ n. ~ aiaa Ces . -sIl- onun of t-be strom n pýarzume-nts l- St-caBellF9-in, Rokann.Wagh. -sgIft Y-m m-1, - lb . t n iiitîi- sisie filiadmlnhumrtilon shotild i Mrý PIiffnt. Mc. and lMm.-W 4iltiri,,I, TilmuilA$ Pr CuIX. permit \Vau'imgan t-o have more coat, WcIzht t-nilFson William i-,ft ha-c 3-lus til. F'stbibls, il. r . ). 2. lm .uîtas thpre are binuri ilM o? guelaa tirnoo i I attend the funeriV s c.-t iSii -n,.Su s.-.,res -Imop1 hwo lias-c net heen ala toi hch alhl haheld Tuasday. tus - il lu ,Ii l f-ina I sun, ' b 1,18- ana] du I, -d ' il.eii 1 ;.1 ltu,. l IlS j i 1ia ,s i ,ai- l i. Ainiuumns,-.i-i ii.le Agi t o oBec »Ibré leoea Mssiid Ns.s.. it. E n ry. aiîiiir, ln. ..r-. > t-rNlisr Plili-, A. iv. imlkis . taca -l '.mm iiIiiei 1s , t., Is t. ! H SSvf tisse.' ýICinmt P. E. EMEIiX. r. sieT.yi-,t.e nîlr,si 13 y.,. rtue e , co.m.i P""* . l 'il ""-. Il a 54Limr Trsnbi Oa sIt iuiimsi 05,5 ýfr ci. iig Otb getest erc 845 B.dlMS., FIMiituaYIM11. ABU insee 55.. e oostsitec.ene and tSs- dren. et bilmetsu:1 Trettment Melpe Ais. tArte numbera boulotte Rev. Hawkins -dailly visrever bhose b. t oud. Buffr- ormfrtmRbeusssatlmmNeUraaa.Si-is Stomnacis Trouble, Dyva, osIain DIarrhes. Pisa, UvS- ilisuW* ie. -_1 gletP$em, srs;Trouble, Los. i we-t ieTroublai. Dotai emi os-a. M%1mofmemory DaMpag ]ami. ? .-. - habit Bcd vice. Moisisconlg a hm b bave utt-riy taslidttl obta _ s; te lge o Mo frem Beny otbeS tr euqt imatav«e. Rev. Havkisla a=im a vesl lsa 11 NnbtS: mad beL doscrltion bei. cash do hmnjugistieNo âneconkno th@ M orundgt& bin.SHOOT THE LEVMRMTr or reaiso the migtv pavier ho h,. îîaRL UT W N AN C>1 t-bey soles l itheir csoun o e F U. To -- PR ND D N G( me0 Iis Mauia imte-o u ie l; lob hie pronoce laa »yte vhicevesy sie*- on sou @P";It lbas autant go muets DSn TNILI> OUT ON UNCLE SAm. tod ov ,W h ave bodtt-be oaportsanlly lE~E P )Y UG TALY U an o ut partunity la osai fl t-o -U Lm oucLr m-SY-.E * yon; maie tise tmoat-ofit wviSe 7051 i7 uUL.. ~UW or yau May regret lait-fer lie bas sLana. YocM u H puwu i 0f t-be vanderful venta etft-is greotS L R ~ nu~ ai,~.a recavered viser. he vas brDlie un-AndEMNATE the KAISER ceunteil nssbers vbero Noen colledsapek fertiiemieves. 5Mt@ von-kDO T"PlE LJN from chldliad on ab ecncroveoil it-h D " " = "-LN E :nec continuai Procession et succees atter mnthr. ManiF recove,. even wviso tr Put yi'jr tnt dollar bito the FOURTH LMB of hr ehnnvrtaîkei vit-b or TST E ES BE YO EV RM D seen. 0f the vonderful thînga &bout t-ln. SEB f B TY U M M D mnan. tiser. Il OOo ed. and le none tise legs wonmertui ibat ho la wth un nov as Cant-luu. BECA USE a ttol Faste When Treattmg. JD bine heamer cmmmeces treting them Shrongsof sufferers vise bealoge bim daily si a '-cry eariy heur, and continues YO U CA A" T L O-S,- tbroughout the day vît-bout refresisments -or r-st-..that- ail may bN treateild T s.anoand0 onf att~ wrd monesbe lurnei awaY, fert-ey bave cone Ioeantitn enl gtewrda moafar te met hlm mid ho viises toses A EIAN R O TN Y tetail. A U R R O T Gr Yeats ste htev. Dr.Itawkuinsa Vaduaited5Ta' htmle hs ntdSau as a physicien, but lielias t-ravet-Is smidle and eliegs oniy te the biberpower ut wa ink th» U te Saes tn aId flm ln is work. He la reslulariy 17ATION IN THE WORL . ordaineil as s miciater et tise Gospel. acd à loves tesol olow tise command of t-be Mas- ter: "Go ïo lnto ait-be wvedndpdreachisC M A EK O N R U verk lie ban gisen is ite, sud tise boni-TM B f DE SO EA I- saefollowicghinstedfast tait-b, con- vioce lise mont- akepticai: bis healing gît bis mars-lous cures, autoiait, greatestlSO GO TO IT. LIVU UP TO OUJR REF thinkers. Lar e Numberm Witt Cono. î As 1ev. HI-awkins arrives, lie viii bs,, PUT YOUR MMN ON UNCLE SAM'S FOI reeted by large number of sufferera bail-LO N ND ETSP T TOV R 1HA lfo rm Overy Point at t-be compose. it-le, DL r P TI VE l (o0ts troam every ova n d comrmuoit-yABNsH T IL'O N oit-g up eariy te arrive ina timo botoeAB N H TW L ECHO 1 tise gi-cter numbers ceemincgsaer ln tise * day bave bad fiime t-e ccumnuiate.- Net- aA BA G T T W L E TH D A moment willbh otst; Dot- au Iestant 5at- A B G I ATW-B T E D A enl. The isaler vili take Do nourjIslment-K a'i .nil, but wl Iocessant-ly wld bis Mas- I SER BILL AND HIS HORDE 0F MUR ter art- trom eariy meorning unt-i laietsinj JO T 41 17DlC "V ATTt n tbe dat-ba'it ail nîay le treat-ed sud nouae NOW t N VE YB DY ,LLTO E bat-und way. I Escrs- avaihabie accommîodation ait tho U ,BU ,B Treatumw Roomo Ias bren nrovied tetaites gare of ail, regardiens o e number camn- T A SM . kag and Rles. H-awkns t-rtIng earir Ilih be amply able te treat ma, pr>mpt yee-o -fn yu l tise ounirofet terarrivas. W. oua leret- very rmurs It any anes sioul misa ties an nPpprt-ult-y as t-is. As t-is #Î,nn, whe bas doue cnosoucis for oufferlog shrt¶,sles oar. e relie-s tor t-be silli recelsad oetht-e people Se sers-es; bit-tic or mout-b or visates-er Itbho, tlt-nsgrat-etully re- cels-dad ogest far towards ligitening the burden o f coiis healing verk lopsem s 1hTA.q.,, cL...&a£ * po hlmaas lhe lourneys onwari tront T isS'.S u *O ed t i t1lgf1i ttmwn te t-own on tise pigrimaage etf hle , Ail sufferers are weicomeil hy tise beaier E M imacif t-o cone t-o hlm nov white t-bey i:mnt r n leaytata- Jttbe iiLAKE ..C(IUNTY NATI(I Par te ie neneen t ahi comintte hlm toi- ini t-hesier lu is treasinis routie ontil tires P. Mn Rnt 404 ofthie Gras;Nortbern Bdi., -9 v. Jactac.iel- .indications are tbe wife ni fils maký tlng a flgbt for part of It 1. The bill filed by Nirs Larsen echarges ber Iusband wlth cruelty and habituai drunkenPs.ý Shp daims In the bill that ber busbandiq worth $25,000 and adds that qbî, îîiributed rto this accumulation ol')ro!erty In both money mnd servi", r,rdered. Mrs. Larsen ssed tIý court to grant an Injunctien to r straln tLar- r en from disposing of has property. eýJuilge Edwards this rnnrning igsup(l thp %vrit restrainlng L.arse n from dis- posing of any of bis ri si ýais. In her chargés et crîiiîIv she 1charges tbat In Januan-, ISIS, her hushand "strucc ber ta - shortty i-i ber in ail sorts of r , cs"She sava she bas ne means no support herself or pay the court Pxpaýnses. 'o, rO fflH foi OESTR GOT. ERTY LOAN. IN YOUR LI A STINGY lq sthse GREAÀT THE GLOBE~ PUTATION. )URTH LIBER 1BANG. THE WORLD. LTH K»nEL WDERING HU ho War by 'NAL more r the 1ow rthe But doctors dont know es-ery t-bing About t-is spanish fin. If yen are given liberty,' We t-urnn us'bae t teyen. But. vben Mgain, yeu get yowr pay, Well greet You vit-b a grIn. Now, dent torget ta see us t-bon, Because ve hIte Yeur t-n. Whuy was neot Wa-ukegan buli IFE. aieug t-be sheres oft the Demi sea? 80 SHOULD WE W ORRY. And theretore t-be Suns ý-dilt-btis rnerning att-et neadiug wbat- Saihmîr Jack ssii ln t-be abe verse. sat IA1~T. down and Peniailt-bis anaver t-o Salier Jack:* The sa-lier t-bus who gisat-is stanza 'EST Muet have t-be grip, t-be influenza. Waukegans kiodness se trequent-ly AS sbown Seema quit-e forgottpn, perchance It-'s flown. I)espIt- bis peave Jack moust admit- We gis-e the- sailors lats te eat-; RTWe give ilîern uances, shows and cineers And ]het- thiilmngie vit-baur dears. SjuSmt bec.niie Jack's dessin vit-b OF s.W- ul U,itblame bim visen hc's JNS. blue But s-ait for liime ho heai bits pain Then wehconne bat-k fu force agalun AndI f ira fatheil t-o isbe etre Ouîr love for 35rou cennid no more, If tranl with us. Yats mus-t agmee wVe've stiowni Yeu every conrlcsy A.nd ha whe tà1ls t-o say itl'8true 't ~ ft; surely sicli vit-b Spanteb fin. Mcm. John Sibtey ef Antioch ha-n eceiveut word tisai ber brother Harry Spmoholtz liail dicdin bF'rance as a rt-s4uit, matt-be effecta ef heing gaBseul. b ~ T hae ing manshmre toranerly wsa ~~ ~t,<-um Juriction. Mt-Henry couný t.,1ut bi- vas wcU knoovule Ânt-l- -Wll Whyt-e today movoil trona HERE'S A SAD CASE. "Both my mauier and father are aick in bed and 1 can't get anybocy to take cars of them, can you tell nme." thse Red Crois nurses are sending eut help to families like aurai" asked a 9 year old boy oser the pho ie ' morning. And Superviser Bairstow's office, hoadquarters for the R--d L--ons nursing staff was notlfied ai once by the Sun. IlWe'i liook loto thse case at once," sald thse supervisor. And, h. dld. Supervisor George iîrstow ls î,-r.ý much lnt(erfýesIn the werk heing doun le aukegan In the prescrit ep- Idexnlc by the Rail Crossi narres and Red Cross sociéty. Inr@ ra-pense te t-be apeal that assistance was needad In tWaukegan, the Red Cross association 1 f the district se-nit ire special nursei 3te Waukegan to asslat In caring for 1the sick. Accerding to Mr. ilairstow, these nurses have been worklng with; determinatton ani without regard te hours. Tbcre are maie and femnale nurses In the loi and the local Ried' Cross division bas furniqheil ma- chines le which thse nurses are but- ried Irom one place ta anothe(-r. Accerdlng te Mr. Bairstow they are1 taking care of many cases le the cern- munlty without regard te whetber thse patients are wives of chiidren of salors or connectedi r any way witb the service. They just are deing the werk et good Samaritans luicause t-bey reallze that people In Wau(egan cannot get fnurse.; and bec4u5e medi- cat attention by experienced physt- clans is almoat an impossi4bility. "We iqtrucc ona place where fivea chiidren and the mother were sick le bed.* sald 'Mýr. flairstow, and w'- struclt another place where 1 arn con- fident that If the nurse and t bail fot gone loto t-be bouse andl given the pa- t-ents the attention ibid was necess- ary, death would have invadeil Ihn place before night. As It was 1 am confident that we ovarcamp the sit- uation and the patients wili recever. A lit-tIc urther nrglect as thça reau:t orf the inah4llty to get medical aitten- tion andl nursing woudd have heen fa- taI in this case. i carnet express my- 1self tea strengly on the way the Re.d C'ross nurses sent here by the society bav-e leen worklng In t-bts prasent crIsis.' RECIPROCITY' OR MIAT? The Fteraid - ExamnIner Sundav prIntail this lttle ditty:.1 WE SHOULD WORRY. F'ohhowlng a rumor that furoughe wouhd lha grantedl today and S'.i day aI. Great Lakes, Dr. W. 9. Bei lows, city physician of Waukcgan, an nounceil ha would quarantîne the town against bluejackets-Herale E~xainer. iVe are pleascd it e se yeu. satior, Wfth your pockets ful et jack. Wie know wbenlit la payday, You are welcome te our shack. We want yeu le aur city, Becaume vo love you me, We have lots et thlngs te moil yen. Wblch wili ceax away yor'douglit BREAKS filS LEO TRYIN6i TO STOP À UNBMRED lHORSE Roland Dunn Sustains Bad In- jury in Woods North of City arle a,').. . d i ,j ta c îl.av.iti~ HORSE STEPS ON HIS HANO the gf~clxue. bigia t Accident spreaîng uf i.fluciazasould lesau AcietFirst One He had Had materially. in Many Years Driving BUT, ut- s-eno. there are sever4, Into the Country reasons shv t-he station I15netaloudm~ %Wedtr-sîiayi andl Saturdays and thqw Rolandl tunn, well known Wauke- are Bhown In a statement made bn- ganie, son ot Assessor B. A.t)unn, the Sun today by Capt. MoffeU tt ý sustained a brolcen leg snd other ln- answer te a direct question as juries Sunday afternoon in a rat-ber "wby 1Isot the station elosed te IB unu-ual muinner anil while gasiess tors as a mean.ý of hbailg kee& Sondai-i have fnot interferred with biso Stindav îleàsure In the' least. be Iikeiy down the sickness! n0w wlu.hed Sunday wai, horseless Sue C1%P.ui offatt aiil ha regretted day as v.ell as gasîcas. t-bat- the publie laid any crlticlsm MS Dunn an-! 1Miss mess Bower et the thse station alithorîties *ecause hoe1% couniy eerks office, a.4 waatheir prac- deairous Ot cooperating Ine mvmal lice for Juany year'a, went drlvlng Sun- uayàsd doing t-be best.t-hinge for tMe day. For yaars they have taken awa herse andl buggy ear-h Sunday and 131101311 f the ebmmtlnity et aU tUmeg. bave gene loto t-be country for the day. And, afier he bal tînished, orne baà* ceeking tisair lunch over a beefire aed te admit thai, agaîn, R wua ont C enjoylng Nature te Ils fulleat extent. consideratIen for the public,*t-be They have useil the came herse for ats-es of the boys ai the statien, I yearg but Sunday the liveryman asked as aec aeyfrttbttb flunn te take a four year ci becauseaieItc(ofaPy-rsht i ha wanted smebody else te take t-be st-ation lasel closad. Capt. MofteM herse he usualiy drove. said: And theres where "Rolly" made the j "The station la flot opened Wel- mîstake-if ho had stuck te his ewn nesdays and Saturdays as a re"S homse. bie weuiuin't nov be laid up for et basty consîderation. Decîsiana severai weeksonat Tbey hadl driven Iot the woods o>. te close the station foiiowed eAref& posite Ur. Radciifes. place just beyond consideratlon et the circurntaneu the north endl et North avenue. Tfley andl conferencea ô? the medical cw cooked thelr lunch, they ted the horse perte here." and Dunon went over te changetthe an- Thse medîcal experts declare tht inial te anether spnot wbere couid taIfiez aCicnabu t graxp baller. The bridle was off an dth Inlez lantotgim f# therefore, as flunstarted te move the THE OPEN-It la contaglous In oIOOS hersa. a hrsnch oftIho e eire ardtisa quartae, such as a raomn, sireetot ees animai and be mada, a dasis for It, theaters, etc. There la wher. toil flunn tried te gc-ab hlm huit wW danger len, according ta thse experqý throwm down andl,s the home went hsadie1ntrlyavtoW over hlm. It ianded one foot on hise hs dleinaual aet m band whbch vas badiy laceraîed aud ýliw lns such thlng@. in the meiee bis rigbî ieg was broke, I Now then, supposlng ve close& juet baby tise knee. the statieni Wbat about thebo thmfl The animai ran out et the woods, and fathers who cerne here t- op then down town and flnaiiy made itq their sous whe are sick? Tisey cenS- waî- te the liverv.«nt then comne ln. Açordlngly, If t Miss Bouper c abfld a decter and an ambulance and Dunn was taken te hegcrm la net contagious le thse opoSig physIcians office where the Xray pic'tbe need et cieelng the stahon tb- turem showed a bad break. He then vîsitors Isn't apparent. was taken te tihe Diien aPartment over "But,w. do flot ailow any vmti Warrtns store and the leg wil ho l the roomm, where the boys are 1 piaced le a cast as soon as tise nwell. ecpigweete r e v Ing goes down. - Dunn ls advertisegcXetn whr tie'ae eatw manager for a large store le Milwau. et the lads snd are anxloue te ut~ kee. He, vilh bis tather snd brother tisOm. Sureiy nobody woiild wlUh:~ lROY estabiished the oid Reglater, Wau. den>' a mother tihe rlght te conte kegan s fir t da lby e e paper . the stati n a nsd tee her Blk S UN hARt TO I3EJ UP We allow ne strangers la .1 M BARD O IRP UP buildings." WITI FLE îN~ CUNS t.te Moetat explilned tehtb»e IWITU FLEENQ U S tht heand bis aida have werked , bard that t-bey ,thenMseves have boOS W RITESBROThER almeat exiîausted. He persenmlly IWR1111 ESBROTIER ene t-o the bespitai three or awj Mmsdlyand bas been deeply 1. E. Lauret Writes to Brother fected by the raging epidemlc. N6j,, John of Somne of His Ex- ever. ha Insiste that- bis aide et t» periencs in Bi Drive station itiout damsbt krow boy f, Periencs in Bi Drivebend mdicasotaofs ait i "GAVE 'EM HELL,"1 HE SAYS than th eiasam t tions, beeanse t-bey haveba John Lauret of 721 Ugbtb street, grester experionCO. -- Waukegae, bas Juat reolyed a let- Thua, aterOS"beyUg t-h*e<m tes' tram bis brother. I. E. aImre.t. vb. ant-'s explanation et the room l villi the 47tb suippiy comay ln thbe station ia naît clomai. di, France. The laiter-ar bau in Bm nehelp but t..i t-batlift-bhegm Ince MeV and tWins ethalng i,' closm4 tigbt-ly t-o thopublIcieM tlOtPated la t-he bg drive a"gaut *6Uves ofmlsar..tii. chancee. Hunesabout t-be ttrset A«ugt. The Propagnudata vol aay ft The blggent ditfioult-y t-be yanlm bU killing tbem tie, thaa'. viitl*p be mai4. vas la keeping up Witb tihe vaut lot D ust.» 1-, a tieeing Gersuang. And se the Station l open t10 & Extracta tOm bis latter talov, Public an themane iays uas eor n Prance, Aug. 7. 1918. tise station autbols't admit 00$ Dear Brother sudd mater: 1t-boy are neot urging peoaple to e go '. Pteceived Yenr cari a.nd vas Sied ta tise groundsandithns lit la üp lw,: t-o bear tram yen. IlIe people thems.lves t-e a larmgt II Weil. t vas le t-bat big drive we tent-; tbey den't- HÂVE logtheres«* mai-IUPsiose Yen read about it- Piles- Weili, '*a ut favethem h Nall.I~I W ! and plenty ofet.ILTbey vent se faut TercrsI -eofc t vo could net keep np vlth tbem. cuTy e red thae ofcoun t»b -Wblle writieg t-is letter there are that y ler of.Lae o nd la-si W ahelli go ing and ceming MytSyv~erstereH. ZIen Cat-y, eid r. boa-i, se I gel al kfindsetormusic VC*a-'mobuce Ziavn Ct ye d Ibe% while I write. Wben 1 go te rest Vo vs hch, ve aase pe tit t1 camp I viii have moreti4oe t-o Write. t-hem win June Casesn va 58 I bave been On the move ever sine@ e m lnJco atsnIpenvas flua t bave been bere. Tbe iengest stay $75 and coats. Bot-b ee orweri ts ve bave maieet aiaplace va-fi ne-$0an st.Btwe odr l t-cen heurs-tban we go abead agale be centlned In lail it-il tise ffl se yen sec wc dont get much chance were paid., bui neliher ever wu iib. te write., ed in a ceii. t read that 11ldm balcîilsted and lMayor Cendenîn of Zion Cft-y ,1 thatt hit ikcs il. Wei, It- In't- bad In tetlt3-Ing a few iays ago ltu t la. the staies but ii'a differesft- here. jnlotuofi case brought- by MsbBsW John, if iuck la wît-h me and 1 e- Field andi Coumpany t-o restrtn fVous er gi-t-bock I wiii have much t-e t-ail and lis mein tram Interfering about wbich I cant tell yeu nov. You thnir wirk-men. iestifled t-bat- t-be etl knouv we are atis-ar. Yeu, talk abouticuclo inhdvtdt a n seeng cOntr-wel, hae Renfines of bath flepev and CasgemUC more count-ry t-han 1 eser expiu-:ed t) This. "lstefc htteM sec. andm a lot-ofet cictemeit &]on.. couincîlttiera aime votes! te, psy Ib wlth Il Yeu eughi te ha hera wben w fion a. ea or lvi> bro vin b bave a barrage going. Wnîy, ynu cario un aya o w-&owmh neot bear yenrseilthtbbk. l'ien t iero wft c onvicted of-asault snd batgMt., nre shela coming tram t-he other aide, anme compiaint bas been raismel Im Same noise! But- t d.n't beanc ibam cause t-be councli bas. ta-ion t-hie -m any more. dnttion. Inasmucis ar ah three of t-be aSO Wei,1 oi hîink or inuicli more were convicteil ot la v voluiep te wrIte ibis tIîuîC but wîîîirrl- more Sonne are asklng wbetber t-be. «W when a-e gct bolru- eoun' uhn council et Zlon vlIigl Ixt-t-be $44M0 tremiain i aset-r, suit bî-ougbt againat Dnpew anS.CW> You botiu-,persan b', John Ijevers and 30 NAVA. STATIN NOT KEPT VWaukegan, Sept.r P(oni,' la% iebe-n crltilzlng la

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