TXiBRRT Lxr T flPWim1NT. 1(TRu sfAV. Ô i«T' 1 198- PAG FOUR L-l&iiÇLV LLàJL Lk"U&M41ýPUL Lq .JL% To give up a littie sugar, a Mite x wo. f, M i ie . MOtg1 but a email payment for you ta make ta tite mai wito offers bis life fur you. Saturday and ail Next Week- The 1 4th-Recurance- of a Notable Event. ______iÔ Thing, move rapidly HERE, so it would be well te take advantage cf the un- equaled opportunities at your very earlie st convenience. Go* In addition te the many special econo mies we offer a notable saving in our own 206-208-210-212 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, M .BLIIJ TRADING STAMPS redeemable for $1.50 in merchandise. Attend our Oc>tnber Econoniv.Sales w' w w - Emphasizing Anew Our Reputation as This Community's Greatest "Value-Givers" Child's $1 Gowns & Sleepers at 79c Extra heavY. specially purchased gowns and sqlpeping garments al izes 1.50 Musin Giowns8.5C Gond fuit mises, pretty etylms, al nicely trlmmed witb lace ani em. broidery. Sale of Corsets 1. 15 A very unusual value ha. been arranged for this sale. Corsets usually sold at $1.60 are included. 14CORSETS CORSETS -atl.5 at 3.00 American Lady, Fr> Values to $2. 60ln isset and Mdmn. Lyre styles for medium aud corsets, front or back low buste, all sixes. laced. 75c Brassieres 49c ilegular 75e 'values in brassieres of good style, ail Sizes and nicely trimmed. A specli'lot of $1 25 bras- aigre at 89C.111 CHILDREN'S Week at HEINS- 1.50 Wash Dresses at This assortnîeîît inicldes a lim'ited number of pretty styles in al sizes. 2.50 Wash Dresses 14 3.98WashDresses 2.79 97c Serge Dresses 4.69 Chitldren's ail wool serge dresses; in values to $6 and » aises to 14 In wanted aityles in a special lot, while tbey ___ ast ai $4.69. Children' s Winter Coats 3.98 Manufacturera' samplea lu a fair range of styles. izes and colora. COATS at- COATS at- COATS at- 69578175 12.50 VALUES ta $12.50 lu VALUES to $14.75, ve- VALUES to $10 Po clottîs mixtures, novelty fabrica lours, soins velvets, cardu. and pile fabrics. mo:st ail aud heavy clotie, sIl raya, mixtures, chincitilISI aies aud colore.,'styles. etc. H*TS for eilidren in values ta i ATS for chitdren lu pretty velvetit, $1.50 in good colora, new 95 icely trtmmed, newest I.9 styles at ............................styles ai ..........1 9 The Season's Greatest Seliing of Coats -and Suit Includeâ N'umerous'Deairable G arments Remarked to Sel! et Cost to Us In This Sensationa) Sale -special purchases, delayed shipments & our regular lines afford mogt.startling economies on newestapre Cloth &Pluah Coats to $19.75 at Cloth & Plush Coats to $29.0 at- Fur Trimmed Coats to $35 at Coats to $46 Now Selling at Coats te $5950 Now Seing, at 0L50 The above listed, lionsfIde valup wilil create a sensation auong coat buyens of Waukegan and vicinity lu these asi4orineuts are the finest ci- amples of the designing and tsilor,,îg arîA. lItre are voats of Sllvfrtooe.m. T weeds, Vlours. ltroadeioihs, Scotch Mixtures; Plusitea, and fur trlmmed coats. +Suits te $19.75 at Suts te $30 at 14.60.1985 Certain unique trade conditions have created these extraordinary Su assortmeuts. Every color, fabie and size is ineluded. $135 Canadian Blue Muskrat Coat 97.50 Suit. te $45 at Suit. te $52.50 at ~~t.- 1: i ut Opportunities-typieal Alex Hlein Co. styles, alvays the late',t, comprli se -, $195 Muskrat Seal 7rimmed Coat 127.5. SilkWaists to $3 at $19 Our ènormous outiet and keen buying knowledge were instrii-j mntal in prodîiiug these unequalled values in pretty silk waists. Waists up to $2 It will be a short-lived opportunity so hurry. Good fa4- ric", pretty styles and most .11 sizes In slightly soiied walsts. Waists to 7.50 Waists to 12.50 47-- ;' 8Am9C The dintiest creations in ultra fiebionable georgeite crepes in asked-for shades, cleverly ernbelliahed with tas- ty embroidery In contra4ting colorlflgs.1 Handaome "Frencby' af- faira in new beautifully tint- ed and caElored georgette crepea wlth generIeus appli- cation of hand entbroidery ln beads, .11k and citeniel. Economy Sale of Velvet- Dress 1Hats -at $5.00 Here are pretty draped turbane, taiiored Hatters' plush atreet bats, new shapes witb coiored facinge ans, trîmmings tuai dellght the eye-of o, tricit, burnt goose, wings aud ricit vel. vet flowers. The Raft at 875 Titis price provides an excellent, and unusuily varled selection of extraor. diuarily pretty bats in exclueive Pat- terne and styles. You wii find dreesy * bhats lu êaloriugs to matcit yaur euit or coat developçd from satin eolel, .0/Lyon's .11kt velvet. Beaver cloth and vaeour. _____e&Sil-kDressesat-1O75 165 eg411 colorsan ie > 89c Silk Gloves 59c Sash effects, braid, bulton and embroidery f ý-- . .. . - , - . .-- 1 trimmied good colors, ail sizes and neNy styles. -Women's s41k gloves of goodquaiity, al izea. $2 Silk Gloves 1.29 -Double t,lk titrougitaut, ail colora anid izes. 75c SiIk Lisle -Hose 39c -Seconds ln good colora, wondes'ful values, ail sizes. 1.25 Pure Silk Hose 89c -For womnen. lu aIl suzes and colora. Serge Middies 2.98 to 5.98 -Alil wool mlddles, navy and red, al l zes. - Sweaters 2.48 to 4.98 -.Cbldren'a waol sud silkand-wool; mucit reduced - $5Silk Petticoat9 385 -Beautlful ew styles sud colorlugs, extra quality. Two Special Serge & Si&k Dresses to $25 150-75 Siiecal-purcitases pro vlded haudaome dresses, o. black satin, wool serge and panamaq lu al COlors. Dresses to Groups- Dresses to $35. 22.50 Includlng wool -jerseys, serges, voiles andi baud. some Bilk dr6e s.of most favored style,ý. $45 Special1 -at327 IAlmoât super.hual efforts ta produce the season's great- est dress values culilated lu ibis seusatlonal priciug. Ouly ~' the bauldsoment styles Ud fansi.fabrice were caueldered iu $1.50 MIDDY BLOUSES la Plalft wl,ite ln al sizea. speclally $ prlced ai......................... I CdExtra Specil- B argains Bathrobes, $3.98 $5 VALUES lu wonien's blauket baibrobes, pretty colors, ail sîzes. Cord. ]Robes, $5.98 $7 corduroy robes, beautifully made. wanted styles, good colore. Knit Caps, 47e Girl.' and misses' knltted wool caps in mauy styles aud colore. $1.25 Blouses, 79c Bay' strlped sud. corded madrasa blouses with soft clas ansd Frencht cuts. Kitaki blouse epeclal et $1. Sweaters, $498 Womeu'e lpon wool sweaters, .11 colors and ases. Sweaters, $875 Extra fine quality, itandsomest veaveesud coloringe, many etyles. Mec Union Suit, 69c Cildren'sa ribbed union suite lu good quaiity, a wouderful value. 50C Vanta Shirts and Bands, 39e Titose pinte., aud Iluttonlese un. der garments titat babese like. $1.50 Petticoats Special C Colôted sateêni.. petticoate lu a va- 7 Economy Sale of- Wool & Silk Skirts 3- Values to 6.50 Si]), poplins, liessaliîe satinettes, wool veours a] IîieItyfahries in i good Co ors and styles. Skirts to $12 1 -at 76 5 lîsuidsome skIrts of lipavy silks Ia ail sool serges and novelity fabrica eheekaplaiîds, st!ripes or ,plain colo Skirts to 1 4.50 -at 1O,098 Ileavy milk failles, scotch woolei ait wool sergesastin-slrilîe iilk pc lin s etc.,.in scores of th'. nevýest sgît and colorings. F$150 Values in- Q 7r House Dress Aprons 'Jc: Light, miediumn and dark colorings, assor-t- ment is lirnited so hurry for an car!y seleetion. House Dress- House Dresses 1 Aprons to $2 to 3.50 1.29 1.9& Really pretty styles in These values for titis* extra good materlals, de- sale only. Good quiaUty sirabie colorings, iu ises. ginghame and percale.. Waukegan'a Greateat Fur Stock $ i Fur'Scarfs to 16.50 I A number of very pretty furs nave be grouped for titpcetal selli. Newe styles to citoose frin j Seal Plush Scatfs 5.98 Extra iteavy, titick pile, silk iined, the rage, regular $7.50 values. s Scarfs to $35 -at22.50 included are fox, F'rencit couey lyj Chinese blue wolf, raccoon and otitei sirable fura in the luxuriant aulx scarfe. Scarfs to $50 at $35 Specialli Priçed Muffa to Match lu thisi assortinent you *111 find a complets range of ltesi a,,n's most aecd-for fors In ricit.looklng styles and excellent qu tea--dosena i fwondertul "barpaene 1w avallable. Economy Sale o] Knit, Muslin and SiJJcM- Unàderwe!ar 75c Union Suits 59c Womien's union sulls al, sites, 1008e or CUIT knee. $1 Union Suits 75c Wonen's extra heavy rîbbed union suits. 39c Vests & Pants 29c, Womens rbhed ves and pants ln al aises. 1.5 0 petticoat, gowns chemise &t corset covers -at 97c Pretty styls and very nicely trimmed wii.b laces, embroideres etc. Corset cover.a in .11k or muslin. Silk Underwear Special 1.79 - & - 2.97 -At $1.97 there are values to $3 in cheinise. gowns. corset covers. bloomers and pettîcoats. ln- ludtng musilu aud .11k. -At $2.97 is the famous Itallan s11k underwear. c c v o c i i i i I q% .-w4ý gmd%.rwvb 1