CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 3

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ta A. P. Beagle, >ark $0 rau Wl) neu ie- Va L ER ad la am& It 's the American Navy's biggest job. Enormous numbers of soldiers, unbelievable amounts of arms and munitions, millions of tons of food must go daily. ACROSS THE WATERS L ives are staked Ol B>'hGil It Ia. s lttie rivr-almosa sbrook. a ga in st u nsec n Itaas caliet thé Yser. One coukfi tal f, .i d. ~5i~ t UiCuth. WJIOU n- mines and treach- erous torpedoes. Some day our navyand 'its allies will corne at grips with Germany's strong sea power. There must be Ing on's volce. The bInas couldtird aver It witii ane sweep of blieir wings. AndtoanIlu bafk itter. werc millions af men, the one turne t bward Uic ather. eYe tao ye. But th. dl fference whicb sepatedt hem was pester thon that between the. stars ln the ky. Itb aa Uic difference wbtch seporates Justice framin juaglce Thie on la egreat tuat the sea-gulis do not dare ta cross, lit. During seven days and seven ntght, the grat steamabips of Amer- Sen, ging et fMil peed, mutI drive thronb thei deep waters before thie Ugithouseaci France coae jta Vîew. But traou.eite to analier hearts are toudhing ODVITTE GÂBTINEL. no, failure. We must provide more ships, more men, more guns, to rid the sea -of murderous jackal Ger- mans; foui fighters that they are. Join the Fighting Fourth Buy more Liberty Bonds and help build a bigger navy. Buy bonds the way they fight - to the utmost. Buy toda y-at any banlc-cash or instaliments Save to Buy andBuye to Keep" "à iaSpalc ontrbatedto Winng te rA. o ,____ tric lUne, sugzestfag that ha b. given a posion aa,--4agman nt ona of the campanyt rcrossfngs. tiuring the tatit week iîtr. Coulson lias heen iualle to get anaugh la- horers ta fil] aIt the demanda matie b- the local xar plants. Ha makas an earresl 5 fil,'i for men ta get la- ta essantial enipoyment. ZION CITY BOY VISITS (GRAVE 0F QUENT. ROOSEVELT AioTlhr t-r . - Toftinterert lias heen iTeifl T"TITT m- il"Plorbe, of Zlin CItv. ' oîr uS.,141 W' -C. Forby. Ho( ,aiys Ihat ho's ttir the grave o!i ?TTT'tTtin RiT T'TIanti th at ha In TTTI1d t î1% t T Alrady soine o! -m n ilîî T milany' have v1sllî'ti àITr;l rITe. -î 1rotahly byMthitme, "TTFîti'tY 1,iî urPatiy mate a - "grtniTale T T he'gravt' of the son n' <TTTTTof 'ti ri ra.1 best known men. 1- Or LF.r, i la canpne with the TTîib u. T I inantry' In France. 'i -ent T il'îa Wiconsln towo hc T Ts r' ~ T' i-s rcwlng batwceI'î " lîi<daTand ti ilxco. %,%,I 'TT :ira, he '-cnt liant" -sITTTTt ' 'T' î orf.a Hîn aoitiuir, 'q T in T't --tletter ha aflys' TI I l i- nI wtld becs! they i il 1ti--r h i ,"er saw them bha aid, ýre eau". tt, i ueif' titrou- itîranîl lueca'ondercd at, thougli, TeCT si uni icat horges. aua Tt taires TaIT îîttie îngceuity U ase ir t " Der-"-' - - .- ts si Mati "cache" money whiere Uic guserameont couritlias cauaed many tgaspeOulaN Mouat rao't fInd tii. Captain 'Kldd huilei s ta whethar or not tbe sensaiMo 4w Coin- (Inn Mount piete lot of fils pirate Onmg.' seinewhere wero inJectedto the> euae. er, 4 S-la. (U iallberi ... .,.. ...... s tooo aloag the Spansh main., where no anc ha re-opencti. Mauy laok for 81-la ............ ieW 1 MO 15,055 ever di t fint iit-where if neyerdii sensatiooai uiscloeures. .. ...............f.50 13 a living sout any good-never hult* ...5.e0 3300 olla-ee lelttimns~ Attorneys representing Goldb.rg to 8-la, Hosif zer ......100012002.OO ferlng-never belpeti alang the worka the position tram the tirai:ha 144n. (60 caff SerT ...... ...... .....(. 01)5 o civilîzation and humanity -jugt flie of $2500. togetiser 'wtUi10d 10-ho,(45 calfber) ...... ........... 21à,«00ou 1 16-ha. (50 calibuur)--------------------------end oney: absolutely deadilike the In the caunty jail, wuexesl Alrplaae macinue <Tua........ u otauf ai fhc pirate wh. hld IL. ter ti lunthece -thuis 10e Cast ai Varfaus Kînde oi Ammnunîtion. 'Tii. brave thlng now tant hîding ana oi the arguments a'Ivsflcml 1 pounuier cartrielr ......... . 8~ 0.72 fnaney. asklng the eupreme court ta es 4 pouader iiirtr1liîOe ............ 180 Thse only thlng tiat counts In tl th e . 3il. siiei-------------------------L00 «»,** teribhl ime tu ervice. h ae 6-ta. shelt ...................... .1300' Serviewlth flic colora, or servie TeGlbr aebsbe 6-la. ....t.. .. hve&a0.testeti bitterly ut eTtry stae of 14-la, uiisTI j fusn- lu'emoît aheli feret their livea for lie rlgitoenua proceetlng - id the final dectali ta $,.s f- 1r TiiTT r i i Torpeitaa g, to VTtiiiPT saili caus. the supri mercourt fa ta 'whetheg lesuiag Prfce of Varfous Items of Hhling anti haardfing moncy la ual not a new trial should bha gr Clothing. service. It la the opposibe; t la tal. wtll ha awalTedi with conslterabW* Rubber iO,oTi. pair................. .45g nyotof-vc.Tti pe ee filaaketa. Taah ......................:6,3o 1t's iiioîii'sîrthoti. Sensational chiargea madte 10 Jergeys, etînt......................... 2.7 A teslerter ho the army stands up jsnîteraibf us) ech -r................ 4- luciafre a flrlng squad and pays the tlnt,, of ih' haring by I2aaac 4W ji,pers tdiulgar-i',T îih:............ j',- Jîînipcrg (Itres-) al -............. .7( ,1proper o ane dsirar abi're', fathi r af Phfiip, are e e>01 .fumfTT i Untdri'is8 ascIi............. 100 A hoarder lau hi' aeererwb b irtJ thîîroughly t. cage the e-à L-eggls. par ............... û) entîtiet ta the saine pealty. ctieps iatck for anather trial. 4.10 N,,kciîeifi. -,h..................... 1.20t 'Sametîmes ha la marely thouightleas. :'oînc effort w. as made £1aic Oversufttseatin ................ M Sm5 ie h 5 I elih OT5rTn ots. eaiuh ......................AR t omtms .1"ja sloai f the' other trial' ta "<et" Sltatéa. Shirts bf ne P.0.)., ach .............i ltIfyIi i adîigI VB îrn' ae4.Wedbtto Shoez (1191)Pi r ..ale.................. à 0i wrang ta the United States itndt a tesd- Sioýs ii), pair..................... 4.00' l7 wrang ta the warld afid civilsa- fort lafiet. The states, attawqll Tfrs i-air.........paI .........ii8i.0 an., 'tat iieuit that he batl borrOav Treoîr"i w'f".pair ............... LfI Tie, worît tocsnat ricatiCaptan f' ltaeider Goldberg ast baS fuýi@r0-I.iTT iTavy), aach ........... 1.51 Kittis. Nar tocs Ameri'a. aT'Tpted It as a gift prior In tI unairtsi'otton) , 5c5 ........ .40T But Atocries tines nc'd 20,.000 ,trial, a. a " ceptet sand chOMs TVi' i-ait ai the oavy per man per more Liberty BlondI tuio rs. 'ai t-.nst hlm were' tismisseti. - tiay dtTrlflg tli fIrs ixahmoniaof!0fthe If 31--have an-yrnoney stoT PI clawsy __________ fiscail veur 1918 varieti irota8049 on out of silft bhîaIl 1ft oul ndhave IlT h nend t'cluat. th. largor types ifi vessais ta 80M5 on canget Ifito tho iRt tli"ilutof alsait he RneAedeRntscrataionq the amaller typea. faormai-fourth Liberty Mtsofjitis.t f «d The Keeper of-the Road to France p It S. D. NEg.SON RAY N. SMITH LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE B. F. LOVELL Co. PAUL G. RA4Y FORCED IN CITYFour libry Loin. Save Livea of Fj! -S.T E'X Cr T' 11 S 1 ilr -S1; j ihi l (1 1,i i ll ii'r 111 TTZS1fi tî T t ir T. Il; Fngligh by a chorus rof TTTTrTTiTTTe TTThr- ff.î '"it; Chairman Coulson Unable to ty persan..none aof' " " ' ' ;- e.,itE!ior.M IitoiSt Fui emads or elpby ~orni t e nl i l of i,- bi k , P I -to . 'TTTSentiment Develops in In. * Local War Plants dont%" direeed bythe anly inS-IiriliUr fTt tPlITfTYt 1:lenaStuto pureAmpieni, n ldnn ;natlcanîilist- tvria! fr '-lTh C1TTTITtTSSituation le de lT,ni'.trTTitTH ortif elic istorN. Theiti ,le' in the S,;geraik lasted 45 LABORERS NEEDED BADLY iiiiTrts, tirt 51(1iTl o~îrle thef Tic neT ITrltTT. TI rm SR DTEGEM NG 1 pIIs of (ciers 'TrTTc.' orflice variti I 'Tiot lTgiTTTTI Grnyro-SRA TH GEM N E Those Holding Non-essential tli(lUTfllc Tîlitua ' of IwTiiUiit Ti'.tmils 'i,I'I l$.uýiXiOoIT 1and lihabits ofTioniTTraire.s differng El it eI L1i£riq Employment Probably WiII 1wli. IY in filoî"o.'î' I i% iî v tîese and mi. TiCT 12, T~i i Wf, Minutest Detail Given as Receive Notices Soon man'y atier strlkliTii;fcature'i have WVe iTi' STTTITT fnw TTT:tt inaT'TTe I How Flies Were Caught been l:îkcn unto tiIf i. ýlvn'a by the thée fîîrth LibtertylTiii . Thi' Uni tedan itbue wINau',egala men w1îl' , la lI n P..womaUnis courir!] of thé fotîrth LIhprty States %i TnT tiiiito1,rrTIn iTTT2T I T"- adDstiu ened rmle dari.iTiiar'bnorgainizatîi is part of their to fi&rT (IIlicefigiîtg. Al l jrî îiîiploved et work fno: TT TCi,., e iare In raisi ng t tii' lllion4ie t heT ii ITt T thelic rT'scfî tiiw ITT'iTTT ertif bythie Unitedi5 , Tîcifourth lban. TT ilTTTii'this %nnrk C~i"" TT""' î'TT r. i- fTTrtflfrst. ç,îîui nd I ilere i, thp l'îtpst German "11e" fiilent, fnay expect witlT' iT' Tii- (\t f,ýIfw mtte Ofn forelgn-.qppnl{ing tlîlri ITiIT. 'IT.-fTurth l9 the 'ig it lt S so90 odthat It ha Worth TIi s ta receiv lôtr i Cve beniornc li tvcriiT'ieCOil Tc1 TTfT" Ilgin order teo show Just ho-w oihirchairman of! Ti. f 'iirai com- ly andi ather sivislTtiIon. The latn TTe iiTthIT i-ifiinfTTy sceTiT ttig Iiflzu PpC'id an-t people taire a nTTlfiity labof' board rif t.I T outity, opens SeîîteÎiitr 28 Tnd continluies un- oii t:tTt,fl i tT'rTi'ti IIIlion . Thf ' Trunior ras afart -and helleve lt witt insiriietlng them ta ri lort g Tm 0~o cor1. fTTTtf5fTtIfiî'SlTflCf"Tif'd herhir. T iat îy can bé asT TI'lTf'TTffil 0tbr1) i',rtIntlrewle hl ia wliire hh foti TIg lwa rd Acerordlng ta Felîr J. Strcycktnans. fIn terni., Tf liglîtinu. .TTI't toefIliitrate. * eT ,a h a eo w nffifg the war. federal rése'rvé dfrritîr of the iîîreign At thé rate rif cxleiciture shnwn dufr- tnTlav, news ahrBfo te Saý long as the nom: ' r of niTfn wha languitge dîvîIfIori. andiMrg. ('onsttn- fing the itiàiti aleatf utolandithesgthrrfo te voulunteereti for esscrTT,I '«km-l fine Iiowar<l excrîtis'e tecrietary Tff lil ~~'fStittîTTUis tite bîrrow on *the wer' tOli rep.'Tildy that anyw sTff!rlint ta Nif111 alt o, if th e the w., TiiiTiifl' iiTffTt, siomp lilc of thie'fîiurlh lf,tyri'nls enongh ta sup- fron two ta six doctors, firBt ait Vat-fans war plants In XX .iTk,TkTTan and I tupendous tfik wfîf h the wanîen oifîport Tifily 16 ITTTTrTTafnd 40 minutes aif(Qrant aTnd tiTeAn at G;reat IAkea, Lke county Chahrmauî (',,TIf-in waii the fareign dvffTTn have set ont for fghtfng. bejen shot .,s rtitt f a dlscover not go Insistent In T n fiirrng the them seîves cn Iwf ie iT fit tr m the T e q iue .ton 19, wiff y u lie anc (y fng nmode ihal the v hai apread work or ffght" order . I.1 ur fflrig the et t hfat: vlrttmally nl that the m em - 2 7M1,0 WiO, l yllT Anierfetin s Pt p'In l lfuie nzta gerto m aliciously in SaSt week hé lias i(T'i many ap.besolhlrlîriestfT ihrpr yaf ftTleslTT'iiî,îtîgte(e p e a i s f o r m e n tr o am r i s f d u - h r f t r ra d o h r *y u a a l h t r f f ý à I i h e tr a in f n g c a m p s a n dt th u s w e r e lties and lbas heen unabi. to fMI1themto tîcptnts In t1w 'p:gT'nt.q wlîfchare mnsfor Gli firs andlit mnutes' ah h cuec hetril f oT is afthe fallirz ff in apptf i i'cgven liavi' i trifomon In thal Will XUiiu tidtlT' govei'rTtent youV demie thatbas awept bath Cale ni CaiI ns. Fvprv man ,T!To,,il'a ppijti thcy tp ireItAitiIý-rittlITSnv, trivial proT ratst? ta hlm for Pssentili s I hs been In tinring i t he pubî' li ttîîi he "roll Itla a kiiiiiîif thîIng t aik. Lts look i4ow sorti a stary gets cirounto pl :Tà c-'lwhere h."ca', . ;ru a go-id enaîf <ffiitfiii',." 'Tié*y' [TtfTTillty la into the irlthiiiîetfi(- f It. and how it la reqIleated and boit~ a'Taryatwar cusi. 1 ts.enTalI etr dftri't ttti",ea . t,ritTy'andiT Your persiinallasîire of tire go slncereiy, was forcefully emphalo by the gai crnment. Tîown wilî hé tiiIT'lta TesgnIile ane ntitit niweuiîth ........... 2,140.00 cd n, the case af one South Bide Vk Up te the préenilt i7 , iilas ymeitTIpersatîtareIreîîhat ntliInTi the Your llirsoTnalsl tirnt'T nfu' i' w-ho rame Up town In great: hastei huinirî-s <f men an ' o i Manvt oso i > p iiiv nd hi iilniiulieii .. 4.X ,îî,îîîjeants have crnm-- roinOet',_ w1 ilT) Ic ihétn- Te l t -n hr rngtIve , TiTt 15ta iuiy.iTTU get a "ill%-Idi'uiil" Wrakegoan d olmn hensmewhat T r iTrh siiore IiTi' '- ' 1is n ir' Tr r"It.ii'son).-<'f 'lhcfolki TT'i'<T f f iio ' 15 iît fr vei n t 'nIlîr 'pro ratl a rk g np lc m ni o e h t is I gi ni1rig to tliiiii !* 'ni in t athé %%ii - I îh h'vor th Trran- of thie naitfinl mTi thifôlloltig manner. (Itros ' tAtc ho ;I,. -'Io TalitcestTTrTs ITft. '<,tl%îî I:Iinres. spartII Yîîttlire as-kcîIltalie ofie cf025,(M000 "Well they have gat those guya.ef T1 ' -r for si-h WTT .' i- ' j ant g il gri -s wfi I ii 'ti on Tt >ilaiii At Trli fsn, ha \% I "c'flv t te last,' safd thie South aider. itiýav î'xhau"te'I .. ;Tti:TT!ý t , t'wat. i 2f itTITTa thiinilf tlT i .lit tIT'fi rh gtîvs do >ou mean?" ob tii , T'1 i t' .I of I. ~5 Thei'foodTlq test i ,,îbei tg (i T f ielltfel it ith e triitsn foTr 18 Iii ra andth be policeman,. 1T(asun TiTi n 0w Tii , . Tait< ' . t as mpnrt;tnTtieofîre i'ric 1,i 1i. - 4) iti TTTtiT. "They have Fat hoeedoctoalsS TilT--enti aork . rl ý; rT'a <'OIT the m-fliC eTt fTf tiei frig- ln I The Uniltedi States lant "tassîig ft 'raLaswohveen T,1I jcrîsetinofl -"i i i wil, .gulte dlV'ivi,,'I <'hve ttiaiT Trc laIT the' iî,t." The tfIt'tl ng nflnena I'ndiit iisk'si i:1 ., 1,1 eck oT h'i- uiT'ltire% 'Oclita lii' Icrn,t froona Fi rvt-ing înyhiaiy forsn "hnntI-ni." 0a nore tiginflTceoa. ant tey aaia e lbc'i asqlirel I TIT 011o1liotnati aITi T'TtITuiC'tTTlIlutltfrii'thTe ltoi t' giverfiment tskfiîg yau ta sadtom akdte paantau VT 'fv h ni m k<' T h ' a ilr. 1 0isn i sT' -,'T lînii lu'it tIs of f rtIrt - f r î til -h" t het icreverse -,f that ' wall antidihat thcnm al desd." Coi'lor: ( pl thit i ni ilIl;,. P lon mploefl n IIjý ki(,Iiiriýif loti"l"eIlsthat o rlghte?"Isexatlaghnedexl tind th b lîce i ci 'etienougl i T î! f i ta tt lr, %n5 vo't , i wlitn. 'iTo 11Vlîh ti fîrd f f fl'the t ' I ii 'i t ictue. In liccutan 0,11 ch strprîseti. . ili)I TIT T hlmnow tuT Ira-tie aic vî'ry nfiitîiiihf)represI ftCTl In a ýeyolir hbatik Uccouft aitititiîas ytor "Yes. that's a fart, andfutel tion. î'oinîinfty Ihintaprepare a fort, exhîi-"dildefd" framto he buslness o)pra. 1 funialtni t t iII hotw Engllil-'speakfïîg Antcrl- tIîin'ithiat rrepos"lhhe <.01?' tecitse ar'd h'9fiez M N 0 88SERKS rais bow hey clin Save ta hef p inthie Uniteii States protpts yaur iffe pedteInlez bount the tTlîe aîho i'lAtitef't'a-in ehorues, raIl evidence oftlitqbarrowfng the gavera- "How tidti fey do It?" ESSENTIA WORKO iiiug..t'uitanndi elitfts sutîll have filent mercly taee the kîntiaif iîoney "Well, hêre lit the way It wa S prttper artistfc si'tting, thue walman's you have hn ouir pocket anti givea you Those pro-German dactars l REQLTEST (iRAN cliriDJ Pierre' Nutnîfs,'clebratei Chihcago thé Iban. Titan thî'y came aiongt ith.&i artist. as couisuliig dIrector of the Ta make It clearer: The United ct grsooe i l h emunclh. Nuytteis wil aisa e lechai r- States Issues "promise8-to-pay-on-de- scooPFtin, scooped o tesapail A ged William Jones of Wauke. -an Of the caunnt'h's cOmmlttiîe an pro- mntnd"-TnfthITut Intereiit~n that's ta eegteeia h aog gan Seks o Do is Bt to tiin of qpectacles. the kînti oi iori'y yen have la your carrled that gun ta Great LAOM ganSees t DoHisBitto "There lenon greater force towarîl pttrsî'. Whpn yatf lend thlat kil of lhon. Then they gave It onc H elp Win the War the final weiding ai the Amnerican @oui nioni'y ta the government you receive away fiew the riles and= ths than hy hringlng tîgether for patri- as sî'curffv Liberty bonds, whlcb are 'fiunlias gaI apreat bot h. H-. C. Coul.son, chai rmain of thé.eotlc purposes the foreign'speakhng Unitedi Stattes "promis4es-to)-pay-at-ma- tion.", federal ammunily lahor boae- of persons of the country," 5fi3'5 lra. turity,'- wfth Intereat. In allier The, policeman sanlbed and Lake counts'. va, confrantedti tils Howard. words,' you anly swlip one kid a Tlkaotofedn ti marnlng wjTIltT a- unique cases of maney for anather kinîf that le bctter files-hf that lsn't spreodMig 1IL' 100 percent patriotisto. * WHAT LIBERTY BONDS DO ) --.425 better on each $100. One waa tht' rase ai a boy fifteen Hawever. the upsiiot of the motter have suiother guese. The wy T years old who has been 'working ati4How TheY Keep Our! "Watch Doge" l h5pane tte r sralgts thie Marshall maltresa workts, blit of the. Navy on Guard. Wc are llghtlng n war--and lt le a but If spreating lb.h ile now fnts fmseh autai a ositon -rend, bous file wsr, wthbout sny "elage aDreadlng the 'tWi' thc eaIit thratigh taniuorar> slacknew, He, The. follawlng liait show" ta thie Plu, business" or limitation.Itlknw auy thtlifnelas" clissera of Liberty bonds the cent o Cosi the authority of Presbtant Wilson) "Y'ou tbink I am kldlng.iý"M'lS deeiret ta be pit to woek Lait once In varions kinda Of suppies sud equip- thal the. wsr la tu s ini-no "dýrsw," south aide reaident MdSb. some tarin of essential employment. ment bn the novy dcpartmeat. Tu'hi stalemate" or "lie dovia." jt nai roui Mare remarkable thon tus, ha-w- ligt bus been suppliet by Paymasfter lItoa scoat as beavy as $660000 s ever, was tic case of William Jones General McGowan. minute If t tiets tetaiae ofthti e I P1 of 747 Northi Sheridan rad. Wait. Approximate Cent .f VeeeStam-lt etmui e ady flie nyt. ini n kegan, who saiti he was 88yeis aItd. pleted Prier' to Juawn taea3%Ib.red1917.tiig n Ha sait that lie has dten.cnaiders' ateut ...................... RW050 everythlng. n eeybd elO **T Axmored crisler ..................&.001 TbSd.ore yeuand as bIs worlc lu gardans, etc., but wishes Fushaî .........................'.0. 08 muscasudtheii goverumeot every free te beasoble ta do somethlng 'whîch il Detroye . . .' ~dollar flt than been mvil or cmn be Eubm&Nn help wIn the war. EMImated coiÏ«à*Vïris T'yp.UO4 ' i1scti as ive go slong. W. muet taile III want ta do my bitlÇ he said, "I Veseele Now Under onastruotlon. an1 the. ourti Liberty bonds liaI và am still atrong, tespite my age, andti *tl.hlpn ................... M.«»oepmbV eaunpy for.M nyE ert S.W If yon have an opening l'Il lie a BattIs cruiser ................. 500.000 Ege t S mlhytikci a"Scout cruiser.................. '= CAPT. KIDD WÀS A H04RDEUI or Not SupremeCo t mightytickle man."Destroyer .................... ..0000 Mr. <'ouison liket the Spirit that CoastaI ubmarlas ................ M'M GranteyHm la dIng It Du acuaetHi ad anao snthl sa-going submarlne .............1.430.00 oardng Grant Hmdla New TIta[ose acuaedth od anan snthl Ceont of Varicu., Gune, BBond Jpn Nobody Amy' Good-Buy Ubnd& The fact that the. Philip G1b ta the heada of thé North Shore aler- Lote Contracta. cas~e t e vio,.,ie il. the from one aide to the other without r-iis-

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