CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 5

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FALL..MILLINERY We are now> showing the very latest styles in LADIES' FALL HATS We have a large assortment to select from. Our prices are very moderate. We also have a nice selection of Lýadies* Glovýe9. Hosiî.rv. Waiaq. Underwear, Night- gowns. Lormets. britiieres, Fancy Linen Handk rc.L .,b- Notions at Low Prices. A. WN. LINDROTH LIBERTYMVLLE - - . . ILNi FOR SALE Ail material from Libertyville, Race, Track, Barns., Sheds, Fences and Grand Stand 1000 6-Mt CIfléedr Posta 20344t 0le 300 et n ri 4 camt iron Water Pipe 1 60-ft B.oo1 lwer. with lOxiS Water Tank A lat of Siate Slabs 50 Stall Doors, with hangers and locka 160000 leet of Lumber, from 116 Boards te 8xl4 Lumber One Road Scraper One Road Harrow IRUEL WRECKING COMPANY J UBIERTYVRIE, ILLNOIS S. J. DEINLEIN'S FIRST CLASS GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET This la the Place to Buy Your Fruit Jars Note These Prices: Economy Jars, pints, glass tops, per doz.......5$1.10 Economy Jars, qu'arts, glass tops, per doz ..51.20 Economy Jar Covers, per doz................. 30c Mil waukee Ave. Telephone: 31 South of ElectricLino um~:u:sss:s-----------U5~ZUU~ZU uMyRTv IrLu fr PINET !IUMDAY, OCT. 10, 1918 .Bi------- 08- -col - --m ma - --------a..aa LIbertyvIIIe Nelws Il you know o! an item o! localfintereat, kindly telephone No. 1 Dur another Liberty Bond today. Mnr Wm. Preston wae In the cf ty on~ HenrSngbling, wbo bas been crltically Floy'd See, who leat Camp Grant, 19 il bijsiness; yesterday. The Preston famliv 111 witb influenza, at Is home north o! wilb~ t1 ninoa are etpending the winter la Chicago. tbia ciiy, was euiciently recovered to Fern Leeter. daughter of JohnLeste, D. J. Lf.. Taylor le a vietti 0o! the able to be ln town tht. morning. Hie a very Ill witb the iapanisb Influenza. Ili a*Tf l er ntîtnte, Dot re porta the other melntera of hi@ family onrly for the doctor but for the coin. as improving. Mir@. ienman of Uliburo, Wbo hae nîuttity as weau, for aDy dfutîlnimitiug of J. A. Treptow i.e about the bueet beeu viating bore bas returned to ber file force@ ighting the epideui i m t LeMau ln town the@@ dayo, for the pat bomne. lamenied two weeke he bac been each dJay et tbe M. nd ire A.C. es re he Erodi he oysove thre re oine nblynaval station, preparlng the dead for' hr.A.Cte@bar t rund Tehy vrtee r onrnb hurlai, or for being tratimptrted to titeir parents o! a daugtr, boeSnay for tbs eau@e of liberty, do nott:fali theut former homes@. tonday ,ifght, ho was evening. lit providing for their SuccPs uyau obliged tu go overiand to Elgin to bring Searcb ur pockets and aom Il they other Liberty Bond today and show haCk the reMaînof Frank (luerin, hi. won't bo able to buy another Liberty theut that yeu are bshind tilt li iir aides havlng to look ailter bis mercantile Bond today. gloriona work. diffs and tbe perquleltes o! the office of Mir. and tire. Gobtieib o! Chicago, Mise Mary Nane, Bicharis, o! Ken- village cir.. peut tbe week-.end w tj, Mr. and tirs. tucky, who bas beau apsndfng titi paet; Lying on a bcd ln a hospitaiL n Charte@ Ward. few steeko witb ber &ont, tirs. E. 0. France. Paul D. liund of Wadsworth, MIsa Fern Ray bas aecepted a position Smith,' lait Tuesaay morcnrg fie Cn- Bon of' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hund of eith thte North Shore. Eletrie raiiroad cnnati, ebere abs ia taking a pose rad- that hamlet, strote- to bis folks of lis it the Oreat Lakeis office. netSt coure attheb lra. Stuater Matin InJuries and thus sends news fier- MIss Nelie Bond'o! Elgin, ila pending Sehool 0! Dramatie Art. 'of theirst Lake county boy ebo a few weeka withbar brother, Jo. Bond M tr. and tira. Wiii Barbour îtttedtîir went away in thte secondti rait. Sept. and ber niece, Mtr. Edwin Denman I iouobold gooda te Chicago, Tuestlay. 20). 1917. to e injuretl. 1 a mcm- @Mra. Kennetb Lovelila visiting ber Tlîey.ived boe for msany yeu-r and the ber of eompany C, .3O6tb Infantry. Ilis însband, an Inatructor tu tbe signal cilange o! residence le made nî.t..isary b)y ietter caya be was woundçd Sept. C. orps, ai Foti Lesvenworbh, Kaneas. reasun of Mir. Barhour bsln trtcferred stben a abell exploded within three F. P. Dymond bas beau drawn on the rmte liadisou.divliIoD t,,thi- main feet o! bimn, inflicling threo wounds grand ;ury la Judga Landla court lnnbile liai. o! the C. M. & Si. P. rai% y. ln hig rigbt tblgh. With the, aId of bIs i'ederal buildin.g at Cicagto fora moutit. It le up te the citizen@ t-, lat their gtin be managpld te rpacb a tinst aldi tira. Lmeale E. Warren and ditugbter, bands la their pockets and lt-tp put titis sta.tion, wbere he underwent an op- C Barbara, o! Waukegau. @pett uday diéttrietoveron thelrLiberty ftctdîluota. eration. He lm now convaleeclng lu a witit the formera parent@, tir. and liret. Tite. niechants bava rf*Pouadedi nolIy in Red Crose hospitat. somcwbero ln Byron Colhv. (bIs campalgu hn tbe way of adv.,rthse. France. t IjWe were miainftjrmued lastwek n regard to the tire at W. F.' Bafemane@ iaet steet It waa pu% oÙt hy volunateer 4 cV.-..n a.d (ha tire departutent. Clarentce Loveif. ebo bas been station. el et a camp in New Jersey, le apending a if teon-day furlougb at the home o! bis moher. tirs. Augute Loveil. Water Lagerochulte, a prominent husi- Oeemano! BarrIngton, feil a vIctim to I thiý-Odraded Influent&, hiadeath occurring et hie borne la (bat village FrIday, Outoler 4.' Local draft board No. 1, of Lake county. on tionday. cent James C. Miartin if Highland Park, th Plaine Field, et %N'est Point. Ms for trafning fa mflitary aporautics. tdi. Peter tiowera vhslted ber daugb. tir rs.. ticDernott at Waukegan on tena. Site a as accompanied home by e iteta grand-jaugbter, wbo wif I remain for a few days. Does Your Life Work Mean Anytbing to You? You farmers who have worked bard - and no one works harder -- to get together your Property, what does it mean to you ? Your property - your farmn and buildings, you-r cropsyu stock, your farm implements and, too, your home-ail oÏ thies represent yeau and years of work that you have donc. Everything that y ou enjoyas the resuit of your work cornes to you and stays with youbeae the heroic soldiers and sailors ofUncle SamE are standing between you and the bloodthirsty, mnurderous Hun. To keep the Hun away from you, Uncle Sam isnafot ask y ou to GIVE ee a single penny. He imply asic. you to LBND hum your money at go interest and he-guarantee on hi. word of- honor - a word ibat hms neyer been broken - to pay back evcry penny you lend. What is your an. ver? Have you bough, AU the LiBERTY BONDS yOU poaibly can? Buy Lib.ry Bo"d Todan Any B"nkMIlH.lp Y.. IL~UMUIhI lleaSM".e.C.tribte.d f. Wiaiag the WS 8 M RODNEY FARMS-R. B. SWIFT ment@ for the @aie of tbmýse bonds su nov fi 1-. up to the citizen@ 10 do thi-Ir sitare. Thei ladies of the Lakemid.. Cerpetery AssýocIation decîdcd at titeir Jast umtcitng tha% those h,) dhd flot pay Ior te care o! their lota would bo dropp..d fromn the liqt nezt year. The last nitiutg o! the Association ountil apring wfli he beld with M i. Mrtba Problîne on Octuber 27. Henry aorman reuling on tbe premises formerlir kuown as te Earry Blow@a' farm, balf-mlle nortbweet o! Dia mîtnd Lake, willi bave a public sais on Tnjursday of neit weet, Ottoher 174, at w hicb be will dispose o! moine liv. atoct, feed anti grain, armlng implemeDta and vehicies. George Norton. a son o!ftMr. and tirs. Bernard Norton o! Inglecide. died et nl coo n on nday, October 5, at the Great Laktes Naval Training Station, the cause o! hic deatb being Influenza. He le sur- vlvedl by a father, rnotle.r rwo atera and one brother. Hts rn-nains stere taten home for intectterît The Lake county C. apter American Ried Cross bas eetatrîîeied a, branch station nt Camp Logan. Up-to-date t bey dave cent 24(tcaeatcre. The wort 10 lu cha rge of Mirs. R. fi.tMiler of Zion C Ity and tirs. Jî-ancut-Aikenof Winhbropj Harbor. The chapter very mach honored (bat tlîey acre theone seeected. The Employces i'rotective Association «o! the American W ire FenceCompany at th eir meeting tiondati eveulng, (irtoher lIkT eeted Ie fý'low-ing olicere for the ensulng ycar: Le-wis Biectitoff, presidtnt; Vfctor Burton, oecretary; H. Vanliergen, trr-asurcr; Charies Trenner, Meivin Schuîltz antd Rari Feliere, trutsees. Bylthe curre@pondenee o! tbe Spring. 6iýi<1 fourtai. '.s e note thattir. and tirs. W. P. tiller and @on are ail atiiicted wltb iinlfuenza autteir home ln Carlin- ville, tir. Miller aas a former resident o! lborty ville, itord bis change of resi. dence stas matie Le, cssary by reeson o! belng appointed tarin adviaor o! tiacoupln county. I.!bertyrillie ownslîiv bas but mîna deys le! t to reacli Sheir quota for tbe fuiurtb liberty Ioan. The latent reports reeelved atttfa toffice are as followe: Lîhertyville townmlîip), $127.850; the total for thlé tîree banks. $155,850. This township bas $79,700t of the boan teobe taten up In the next ni ne days If we go over the top. Put . unr citoulder to the wheel and show thet that w. can make gond. Libertyville township tant b.oa lacker. The number of cases of Influenza re- ported in Libertyvlle le not matertally increesed. Charles F. Smale o! the bealth board staies (bat shere are about one bundred cases bus that tbe preven. tIve measurse adopted lacS west bave somnewbat cbected te apreed of the diaes. The authorities bave beau very aucoseful ln kceping tbe echool bilidren off the a treeta wbicb le Do doubt one of tbe mont active meacures ln preventing increaaIng o! the epidemie. This le an Incident that wae relatedt te tbia office ln regard te an iriebman,t Wv e flht 'Ing at tbe'front aud badt boeome lu an band to band encounter WlSb a boche. A captaîn was over- lèooingt(b.encourtter a sbort distace away. whes 10 hie amazement bho observed the I riclîman dlsengaged hilà. sel! from the bocks and corne unnlng toward hlm aittoSi) peed. He ccostedr bim and aald: -WhylPat what are yon ruannng away frointblim for." Ther Irisbmau anewered thua: "Excuse me Ceptalu but I ju@t put a lemon ln bis pockt." A band grenade over (bers lr sebat tbey catI lemona on account of r tbem b.lng about thl iîze o! a lemon r anud tbey exploîle in a lestseconds alter Ç hcavhng the soldicre band. t 1!9 in Banke îs the undert.9 1 r 4rmï0pe of ileNaional Bîkt-k- ste aLilijoffils laws Iiha$ e pn.'ven Vya test of fifixyyar. %eitehu evLi1 of$rnr Gmonme 1, onyaur money-in ourNaliiIAbLa> .THÉ PRST TIEONL.BAN# St.'John's.Ev. Luiheran I T,! Broadway and Part Plaee .IŽj(r iev.f R. O. iuerweÉ,IPaator.9 @On account of tha prevailling lepidoîn!q- there will b. no caecblom clasmes unil 0 toe2Mt. The Eflglihb ervice witb Èr17 -comunon wbich vas to ha heid on the evenIng of thel13th wlhlb deferred to thé ,veulng .of Sunday, jOetpber 27. No Sunday echool unili Oe ober 27th., Ladies, Aid mecety vii li e poatposea unUl, October 31. Thé uses. i-g terices il b. beld October 20, deîecndlnig bowever. upon conditionu Ua& that trne. R. t).Ituerger. The Independent pute Llbertyvili. first. Il osier HM fBIASI HEATERS SOFT AND SOFTCOAL OAKS If you want- -warm fnoors and corners -to Save fuel. -a beater that wiII flot smoke or explode -a heater that will burn any kind of fuel 1,' ,h the best resuits, and È-jid fire -over niglit- This wonderful heater will flot orly reduce your coal bill 40,1. but will,,!Iso give you uncqu-illed cold weather conmfQrt. Scientificaily constructed, beautiful appearanme Made ïn many sizes and designs. Made by HOOSIER STOVE GO., MARION, INDIANA FOR SALE BY 'uic k Libcrt:'vQIe, 111. i3ros. SHOE S.PECIALS To quickly dose ail broken Unes and odd lots mn our Ladies' Shoe stock, we have placed on sale a lot of fine Shoes at a fraction of their rea value-. There are many styles in the lot, in sizes front 3j to 6. but flot aIl sizes in any style. If you find a pair axnong these to fit you, you will be well pleased with your d<< bargain. They are marked ....... . 25 to $3m.00 We are well stocked with Childrera'a Shoes and are receiving new goode for both ladies and children frequently. For childrensa Fal and Winter wear, we are featuring the stout, broad toed Shoes, with welt soles, anti c. 'i show you these in several dressy and serviceable styles. Bed Roomn Slippers in felt, cretonne ..r, s atin. Consicler these ini your Christmas buying. BIJY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. W! SELL TII!M W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phono 29 fi. cours.. st. oif ses for lehool iiLD -A. ILL. )est the vuvuvwww" ------------ ------------- 1 cmm ---------------

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