CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 8

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24r~a u~d Viciniti~ I t tir. anI Mrl, oerge Woudof FI ubbard Snnday isnd ail tîr. tecool latu t éiC ~~~Sds, isltd ti.' f'rme'e Itirer ii i r',elcomed Ili-' 'veek. 4odi viltedth.f,ýmPr' mo Ier Frîeit. Rida arc.1 lwtb preumroafla,0 r lt , rtbut ail ,ari- lad toiknow thstat laerrlet Hodg, n ho11lias . -Oii ohî th1ire i Improri 4" n et ls improvinmc i,% %N,&îîmgeiiiîrin, the (GreatL ikes r Tle Voilman faluily Wlro reîderii.riî i tUv hrreli orne Satur-T 4". Knigge boue. Ir'ai, îmr'r.erl (. Md r ,Uiiertyile. FRE- . rcNr.. The, Red Cr- " r .rae- r.î r'tR'OT EN E -»#sday and Waicra.tlttr,.a nh M da corne out are irircdi fo 'siel Ithîr Ice ' 1,k ,,j rdaugbter, tMatha t tadu o. uTbg chai t, rru as lrge %v, r , lr r.ilire londay. I ~ onto!sugîalrle"icgc bInhe* Nii._ \rr ;i z of Chîcago, l@ victlng ueht.01 ti, i irr rergradfalerJ. S.h ie. John Iving lirent tbe week.. or]ir..l8 willaher parente a! Wuniedortli îIîe g .sel,, wbo le employer] lmsGrâce Pj!alente. taii.rliertriend. by Mil.. Ire iireinaf Lbertyviiie, spent I Mise Dorothy Suydanî o! i.l,,rI;3rille, Ssii r-. eveing and Suuday wtlh GeIbn",andi Moaday. rlrtrr er. Roy Kulgge was lu Are&aua, buwinese. 'Mr. ant tlre,. Henry Hertel etertalaied êaray.comurany trerrn Mlwaukee aver Sunda;y.9 On accoutoftbe epidemiC af intiuenra, St!,. tub& e! Brn a!f Wauksgan, li. èb lieleeifgathei.Marturians whiehb ,aae e;r.inig e rrral weeks witb relatives i loba,. besa heid at the borne of Ie riî,.ortîtviil 40" aHull ha. heen postpoued. o.. .Ir andl ire. S. J. Wagner and lMr. bote Neille Srnith, wbo bas been geri .A rslr Frank Hiraunmne o! Vola, 111i le able ta be ont. ! petit Tbtreday eveaîng at the %Villow I LeO putal @penit Sunday berne and Irjil i yetarned îloaday accoinpanied by bihiers ft uaik Dartlerof GraSlakte, caiied ife.. on relatives br Sunday. Scoiis cioeed until furiier notce Mlre tBurney Arann received word laet bocauee of tetiienza. . Mouday (ili the deatb of ber sîter, tirq 1 Mrre. Boy Newtbu ndr]cidren are 'George Lui of Wankegani. Thre neweo! ~itsitng ai Wasaga, 1 I lirert Il bcarne a. a @hocklit ober rla. Dr. adtirs. Youngt iotor0-rtri LakCre ,-anrd frieud e be.. tr@. iuxeue,- 0Geva, Saturday. r u t the Mclimr buepital front George Vii-ern, lire îrrrîrrgestet Cliof!rtirrr.irnIa foiowlnic an attack of Mr. and %Ire. Frank l...-, was rk Il tllrîîîrreh uii tiduenza* Ber deatt is eon,. uf tu a Chcago lrrioiteI si aurdmsy aller- tii,. ,.ddest wbilbia.o ocurred in tire acton dangr.rouetn il wtlî ajrjedirîti9 ie. iilty for soins imie ae sie!. lbhe mother Be was operater iniir SuidtrIaflrrrnrrion ut Itt eniail ebtîdren, ail o! wîoîn witb tiut bis cruiion leqnl nîlnarly tir- laîber are IliIo! the dleeaege and were lanproved at thI,.nte--ut 11e. urr,rIe tu attend the. funeral. lire. Lux - - un-r t&trtyfive years oi and formenly [VANHOr.t.î-ided lu tus s-minity. uù to Allut Wrlz an1 dringliter, Elizabreth,. 1.1 ,Ce ut the Volo cemetery. apent Tburedas in tiriigr] PRAUMJEV'IW The youngect son oiI 'fr an-tW.ic. firak YIckierv. wag tl'krOi tri Chicagi' l'uti Pegelow and Sirs. F. Staucliff atarday rnd t)1,rated ou Sunnray fur I vere Libertyville catIers on. day let meute apjrendlcitie is conditioîn bas rweek. bom Ivery serions lut at lst reports be M. F. Wells andi danghter rnade a I. matriSie etter and albrîpe for bis Ibusiness trip to Libertyviile Saturday Mtovrery. afternooa. A few people around ber. bave bati William Edwarde got a permit Sunday flfueua but &il seem la be recovertng. ta brlag Fred Towner home from the UmIs Avis Pa>ne epenit the weekend in McAllster basptal, where he hffl bea loy..over twa wseke, tnot ahi. ta b. up Mlite was un cburcb services be very long. Hie les dolng as weil as cau LAKE, COUNTY ~ELESTATE YRSALE Iumprved Farina 10 to 1,000 Acres Wvra-ï ble Tenus Of Payinent lb... Farina W" 50 ~ OMiles .Of Chicago n.Itet Produce Market la ii. WorId WROPERTY IN TOWN >'OF AREA. (155mb t Ockago> SFOR -SALE Modern Houses Vacant Lots factory Sites Acre Tracts fSubdivision 54Tracts For Truck Gardeners Poultry and Sinail Fruit AiEA HAS Water Works Sewer Systein Gas, Electricity Electric Railroad Soo Rajiroaci ~ eit Line Connections Beautiful Lake constituting Popular Summer Resort Area la In The Market For À,ANuinher of Industries. Address: M.HARDING, VV1ý F41ILLINOIS. b. expected consideriug the operation. ' Mr. and Mms Pedereen of Chcago, spens the week-end at the A. C. Ricbardsb home. Quit. a number lu thîs vieiaity are slck with Inluent& or grippe. Mre. Dena Rtzethaier called on several frende Saturday alt.raoa. Mme.H. Albrecht le entertaining ber two Y.lec..from the. cty. Mir. and Mrs. 1. C. Richarde and Leslie -Hlefljw utS-&o t-m el"Frldary-- Butite Boltie vas called %o tie baié of liari Butchînge at Glnvlsw ta car. for the. faml,. wha are slck with tiie taus es. HALF DAY Nit Sonda igu a sepectal serviceg wUIii b. ii.d astihechrci lii honar of the Costanlal celsbraloma. Rot. C. W. Warren willi spea on 1*1111aols Contrîbu. tin tu the. Strggle far Librty." Al are cordialiy invIteti. Suaday sChioof i1 e. M. Teacier training elase 12. Church service 8:15 P. M. Vernon township opened ti itsLberty Loan campalga titi a patriotlc nýetng1 Fridar igit, September 27, at tue Bail Day Coagregationai cburch. Tii. speaker1 wa. Jiuliaa B. Arnold,a noted Engliehi1 leclarer, mon o! Sr Edwin Arnold. B@1 ha. had wldeexperlpni.n a le diplomatie service ta Engiand and cornes ho Arerca al tb. Invitation of the. Amen.- eran Coanicil of Defease. He spolke on "*The larvesîs of the War," ehowIag the change@ tiiet bave aiready taken place la tbe democratie nations. The art liaI womea ar playing la the war anti a! greater changes tu corne after the tar, a more ordli spirit of co-apera- tion betweea cauutries la 'tbe Leagne a! nations wlcb l. baund ta cone. Bis deflition a! libery ta. strlklng Liberty la (ierrnany le wbat 'the governrneîît gtvee to the people. Lbertyyla America I. wbat the people gîve ta the got-erfi. Ment. l11e governanent le ebat tire peoplenale It. Uelng a large map ltintratitug the wesitern front, b. ex- Oraind tire recent h4ttie and déeribeti the. naure ioi the grounui over whicb anc arnmmnunir gbt yVU itg WaY tri Berl!mî 1 Hue i,, nm wa irrrno voilromile e ac. W ith i I.îrrrrrîry while unr armDy le tlt four 1 u, i f eri.nA goond crowd wam Ir-i or rîîd tire addreâe was Weilt rt-tu .1ý- i WAUCO DA uite Stioatlofii r gaiite ed Waue,,nd rierI. ut tir, irome ut lic h.,ý lasd week. Mir sauri lre. Ficher ofil ato,%i Wurouirrviitors Wedniîiday tîi»dSe Ntite Murray wam hume<lvi r! Suidriy.j --- ---------- I'ABESTTEAIHlL A.s0oLi !IO The irst meeting of tbe year of the. parent-teacher aâsociation of Wauconda1 townoblp, was bield iast Friday evenlngi tu the gyrnaaslurn of the igb echoal. A patrliflic prograrn was weii given and eathusiastically receved. A brie! but excellent addreee wae griven by Kl. C. Kent, deaiig witb queeions of general lutereet tu be decided at the coiniiag election. It is tu be regretted thai a larger audience could flot ûave beep preeent to be heneiited by the inatruction and inspirlng talk. A nbminating cornudttee wae aamed ta present a le$ of oficers ta be voted an in general meeting. The neit meeting wilil beid on Novesber Sth in the higb echool build- ing. Au Intereeting prograrn will be given. Ail people la Wauconda town- shlp and neghborbood are urged ta attend these meetings. No o@ interet- ed In education shouid fail ta attend and asit ln every way poeeible.* The. abject of the parent-teueber aesolattôn le ta brtn« the home and school Into dloser relationahip, belng musqalIy beiplul. There waà neyer a tîme Iwhen the. youth of aur land aseded thLonghtfui guidance so ranch snoie, whea the, atmosphere la f lied with la4eret. Corne loin forces wlth tehose who are trylng ta urround ith.eldrea w» -t~he bei, inluencoe and heip ta make tii.. -fit ëeltîss a ïw the dIeBg demacracy 0of the.woed. LA"E LU 5 Jl Otorite91buubur.a Md B. . &Nabua Weassed busIes aEdsn ak Mr. and Mms. Joseph Tomleky anbd daughâter, o! CrysialLake. visited aet thé home of Mr. and Mr@., C. L. Prett, Ilburaday. Mr. and d ro. Fred Monaae0oCicago,1 for several dtale st week.9 Mr. ad Mr@. Brockway aad daugiter. of Palatine, visited at libe home 01 Mr.g and ire., Joeeph Hias, 8undu.. Mr. and Mr@. Fred Wafuer and farniiy of l3rayoiake, were Wanconda viellors Tnesday. George Bosiffl qui!Fred Converse 0f Rtound Lake, transacted business ber. 1'hureday. Mies@ Lililan Sauer of Long Grave, returned bome Saturday aller severai dayis visit as the home oi ber brother. ber. Miss Belen Murphy 0i Chicago, speat Sinday at ber borne here. Mise Bath flapke wa. borne over Sun. day. Barry Klrwan of Chicago, dpeat Sun- day at bis home ber. Las% Satnrday about noon an emer- geacy cail for hospîtai bed garmeate for six year oid children eick wfth larfiucuza lu Waukegaa, carne ta the Red Cross ai thie place. Telephones were freeiy used and Imrnedlately womea came ta the B.d (,ross rooms and weat to work. ks the garments were aeeded at once the. women worked an Suaday also, and were ahi. ta send two dazen cornpleted nigbt gowna to Waukegan on tlonday morning. No wornen could have rés- ponded more beariy and wbenever more ernergency calle corne ali wbo are needed wtli drop other work and corne at once. De"r LTnce: Weil ber. w. ara at tact lu France aller alancet a year'o training In thie States. My lest tit triîd upmn French soli the morving of lb, 20th1. iVe caime ly tire way o! Engiand andri tad a very plceaail trip Since. ibavý e 1,1 thce talces 1bave @@ea many interretilCibrîglîte. On on@ occasion i athi le pleacure o! eeeing a subrnarine ini action, t rance le a beautiful coautr:y and on.soon gets to lite h. This le hie second camp .we bave hee5 la in the-arrim-îng lu Franc, the Sirst beiag anu Engîrirh reet caîîip. W. bave no complainte to mate a. we are weii fed jaud have goor] quarners. Say, Jake do yu n ow wbat outtit Hloaard Flagg belungo to? Or Io lie stili inaa bospital. If you coin gice me any In- formation about buan i nltic very pleased. Please write me and jet me bave the. dope frorn the tabe@. You wîill Snd my addàes Vlowi.. As ever, Bill. Pvt. Wmi. B. Allernan, 364*Armbulaace C. 816 Sanitary Train Ameticau Expeditianary Forces Via New Yark. ON LANDAND SEA, DANIELS 15 SURE Sceary of NavyrGQua UtGt Lakes, Tells Sailors 1"Keep Up the Present Licks" idr. and Id 13: Brandlng werti Okl1l Ing, before 2,000 salIors Friday at *vltars :a s. Great Lakep naval trainincg statioa, iss Anna. FInk speut the week-end predicteti America woud wia "an et ber home. early andi combplets vctfry" 8c~ol a. es clsedfo ti. psî He eaid ho hoped the. AmeicaW Sèý01 bs ben cowdfor be utaavy would sali tutouHeigland andi IyO weets Ouaccouai 0f1ithe influensa.that ho woaldl ho with it whea it Tioen were Do services ut eltiier 09 ith siashed the erman amY. clurches Sunday for the s«me Nme. Seerctary Denlels motoredt t Great Mir. anti Mre Aug. Fro.llch vlelteti Laike lit. lu the atternoon tram the chicago uon ztation vlth Capt. W. relatives in Crysta Lake, Friday. A moffett, cjsmeandant of the sta- W.. Prebmnts building an addition to tion. Tii. secretary was acconipaied bis houas. . by hie 'wIte. Win. ilartman speut Wednesday la A speétl revue yas gîven ta his Chicago. !hanor. It coaesteti of driling .1er-, The Ladies'5 Aid seicety bold their 1 cisese alitheaie. flag exercises antd la concert by *the Great -aites bad. moaithiy meting Thuréday aiternooa "ulily.anc great trouble tleteIng et the. home uit Mrs É,. Geery. TIey to 1G.yar-qld baye wbn are afrali enboyed a sbcia l hbur al ter the. businesstrie war wlll be over before they get meeting. Into Il, the secretary added. '"When MiseMali Heler ad lIe. ictory ta won 4lnerea legolng tu ldl» JdtwlHIer nd r@.George v the boys of 1the aavy a 900d long Webrmnbrg 49! Lbrtyvilie, speat a& few leave sa that they can seau their eweet- day. with tbslr parents. hearts., anti yaur sweetiearts -tIi] Mire. H. Anderson andi Mis. B. Wels. yelcon.e yatl. -n recognition of your man are balong tiose wh arae sick witb svn h onr. Tii. quota for MEa In the. Fourth > jNqI>y flLI'. KIJ1 À Lib.rty Loan ia $57,250. Up outil lfaturday evenîng, Ocet. 5, about $ 15,000 U 1!D bati beau subseribeti for. W l I ii B ii Pi Miss Lililan LIpsch of Chcago, was a icuet atthe lbeary borne Saturday andti« L T L Wm Bnesching went ta Waakegan odfo rhrMe.sno lionday tu serve ou the grand jury. Wuevor d qm rteur DIlser. son 0f Tii. choir practice ut lie Evangelicai Supern t nvisai Der, ie jue of cburrb was poutpomied laut week. Uaw. hl aing thnoavel rprlcbh elPf ccci, It ln tbongbt ther. wtli lie a ed ta maee. retîcarei net week. Snîîay ftenao, te bra dd ilo A letter ta, hie parents shows "that oui thie former ttauson îarm, nartiiofai b. recentl1 WUa ioen tram the mbip lirruîgtoii, was bunad to the grounti builitng yard at Oakland, Callforna5 Tire eau.. of the i.e leunknawa. lMr. and wae piace.d l b.innteI Sacs, %lire îwuer, aost a great deai ai, force of a ney yaahlp that in now grauin anrd ji Iltrisay. enroute ta Japan. It nappemicu ru bel TIi, c-gultar uwetlig of the P. T. A. on, o! the three'bôats w ic Dilger Sac mrrî iirtr lac'weelhati helpeti tura ont ln the Oaktlandi 're. ltt iî ciiioi aas Dot opened rard..and therefare ha felt qulte elat. ' i,» tr, ,t r! .Iorrf tru.tecewhelti theîr Prnor ta -nllisting ln the service lust triii.aluiuei meîîriri.hg at the haut Mon.- July, lhgrwefor yeare an engl- S day ncer at the Waîîkegafl wire mnli. lli- Fi-h Wele.uipt f aiLlaronti Lake, 111%t presclut trip l a sort or a tr7- korS .'4'Irîi-i aria.'.. lui iuueCberli, coming 0out and If lhe milits goodti he chancO* ee-ri , Srsil rlrî She.,rw bas a.a C filCtm hp wIll b. retalacti initire Oflit MIX -ilr w.,rl poeits.e bavttmg murt" n.rrn7 farce rather than in thre ehîi 1 il 1ir L ntr bruilding work. Au unBIJSY ON FLANDERS'RFELUS The. folo wlg letter WB5 "'""ntly rece yd by MIes KaîerInt <(oie, wrltten hy A. E . 6, Who formeriy was eifployed luanad around Libertyvilie, but Who, for the. past Sear bas been. doiag service for Uincle t3ar n i Franc.: '*On active service wltb the Anerican Exipsditionary Forces, France, 8 25-1918 "i)ear Frlend Katy:- Weil Katy. 1 guesem àou t iluI bave fargutten you. but 1 bave Dot. Geel But 1 have been corne busy 01 late. HOW are you ail? Finle. i hope. Have Dlot heard from any of tbem la a long tîme. 1 gues you bave read of our succemf «Over Bere? We are going at top.speed ail thetlme. Dou't bardly bave tirne ta wasb mry lacs any more. I guese ail the old-tlmers have joined the. service by aow,, poor boy. How la -78he dose not write ta me ait ail any more. Do you ever bgar f rom Bates? liy the, way, what dld Ibey ever do wlth Byron Proseer. 01v. MY regards toaianad write oun. L.uck ta you -A. E. " Postmaster J. R Allernan le al@o la îreceipt of the followlng lester from his nephew, William 8. &IIemran, a former 1resedent af tuts cils. whese hie father jfor yea!&-wao station agent for the. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way: Sornewbere lu FraSice AUgnsl-2l.1918 Spice Cake 2 Cups barley lour. 2 Team pooneifill oda (Ievel). 1 Toaeiioon!nlilnnamou. 'j Teaspounfnl claves. 2 Eggse ,, iup brown @Cgar. li iCap crn cyrup Sli('p fat. iCul)unolasece >Lnp cour milk. Mdetod-Si!t tireýt four niaterialsi to. gtber.&Cr@arn fat and Pugar;alddheaten1 yoitei and syrup. Beat mn mulIcse; add, mutk and flour altemnately to crmned mixture. Fold la etily beaten wites lent. Bake in layers or cnp cake@. Ginger Drops 4 Cupe barley Sîjur. 1 Teaspoonsful eacb of innarnun. ciovet and ginger. 1 Teaspoonful soda. 1 Teaupoonful @ait. 1 Cup browa sugar. 1 Cup malase. 1 Cup bat water. riu Cabortealag. 2 Eggs. Meothoti-Mlixcamne as spîce cake. Bake as drap caokles. This maes. 100 drap cakes Barisy Pie Cruel 2 Cape barley Saour. %4 Tespoanful bakiag po wder. >Teaspooaful sait. 3CujvsIiortenlou. Cold waîer ta mate as@tif[ dongh.e Caombias by sitingdry Ingrediente; cut la rat until aky Dot meaiy. Add colti weter worklng âas little es posslible. Roiid Peont tcookI.. 1% Cap baitl y our. i Tospocaul ea. tartar. STepoonfui soda. 1lCup gwond peanuts. 1 Cao ugr 1 Tableponful fat. 1 Topgg. ivalis WMR SUSSMTT E iIPTS Devilsa Food (Bariey Four) 1>4 Cape flour. 1 Teaspoonfa s. %4 Cap angor. %4 Cap corn syrup. %4 Cap butter substitute. 2 Squareschiocolas. %4 Cap saur cer. %4 cap bat water. 1 Týeapoonfali vanilia. Mtiiode-moeur. and slft flour and soda together, ciem. sbortealIng and sugar. Add syrup, then add beaten eg and saur cream. Meit chocolats ln the bot water. Add wetand dry ingredieflts alternately ta creamed mixture. Saur milk may be used iaetead ai cm..m, teen increase shortsning ta %>01ai aucafui. Bake la layer. or add a littie more four and came ralafase and makte a lesf. Bouled icing (Corn Syrup) 1 Cup cora syrup (Ilght or yeliow). 1 V bite egg (bealen etlifiy). Metbade.-Cook cora syrup untli St draps from spoon la large pieces. then pour over hbeaten white b.atiag util ready for cake. Ricd Sponge Cake Scup rîce lour. Piucb sait. 1 Tesopooafui bakIng powder (level). %4 Cup sugar. ys Cup corn syrup. 4E goe lTeepoonfu i vanlila or j uic. and graied rlad of Y* lemoa. Method"-fut dry mabtli together. rBoat yolks outil ligbt coiored or fiuffy; boat @ugar lu gradually thea caor YUP and Slavoriag. Put beaten white@ on top of thie mixture. Then @lit Saur over tbern addfôid ait toiretber until the dry Son %dieappeare. Bake la a tube eàke pan la a moderate bot oven &bout 40 minutes. Turn upeade down unIl cool. tter Ilours ticed lu thecake nmai,'b. a@ r oilows: white crm bt, 1cupful; or iîarley tiour 1% cUplui or oal Ilour 1,%*up witb 1% cnp coru Ilour. Ail nthmr in-. gredieî.fe dtaY the msie It lm better tc tiaivor witb lemon juive wlien uemg eoru or irley tiýjrfi c M.tliod-Mlz dry lum"tdhm, là. meg lbtly; adul fam, corn squp aM4 miii; thea stir lu dry materlais quickly. Tht.s a athlct batter. Barley Fiaur Muffins 2% Cap hariey fSaur. 2 Teaspooolul baklng powder., %4 Teaspoaafult sait. Y, Teaopoonfui soda. i Cup éopr mlik. 2 Tablespoonfui eyrup. 2 Tablespaonfui rneited fat. Mlx same a@ ather muffins. Apple Sauce Cake IY,,Cup bariey Sauir. 1 Ir.sopoonîui claves. 1 roaspoonfoi cInnamnon. >Teampoonfulntinegz. >Teaepaaafni sait. 1 Teaspoonful soda. >4 CUPsugAr. %4 Cup corn syrup. %4 Cup butter Wubshltute. 1 Cup appie sauce. 1 Cup raisins (cnt'>. Mlx dry lagredienîs: creaw hbtter and- muar andi syrup; add sauce; stir la Saour and raisins. Bake siowiy aBout 1'hour. These Prices WilI, Interest You and Save You Money by Trading at -.FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Calla Hains, per lb..................... ..... 25c Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, per lb..... ...... 45c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb.............. 30C Hamburger Steak, per lb ..................... 25c Frankfurters, per lb......................... 22c Veal Steak, per lb.... ...................... 30c Veal Chops. per lb,......................... 30C Corn Beef, per lb, .......................... 2c 3 Ibs. Manor House Coffee ................... 95c Diamond Salt, per sack.......................5Sc Pancake Flour ....................... .. ...I13c Argo Starch, 3 packag es ..................... 25c Tomatoes, 4 cans................. ..... ... 25c 4 bars American Family, Galvanic or Ivory Soap .2 5c Kitchen Cleanser, 4 cans for .................. 25c Pet Cream, large can....................... 14C Armour' Oats, large package.................. 28c Salmnon, can ............................... z0c Campbell's assorted Soupa, per can ............I1Oc Sweet Potatoes, 6 Ibs. for..................... 25c Potatoes, Irish, per bushel.................. $1.65 5 Ibe. Good Luck Oleomargerine ............. $1.70 Creamery tub Butter, per lb................... 60c Toilet Paper, 6 rolla for.....................2 5C W. wil i iver in Libertyviiis on Momdays. W.miassdays and Saturdoeiy. Phone yoaar ceder in the. monuing. Peeches for Canning. Will Pay 46 Cents a Dozen for Eggs G1IEO* M --LANE79 -Prop. PHONIE, 89 AREA4 ILLINOS ---------isss:-- 5~~.s ~ s.s. ------------------------SS UZ~ Yt 4Y( ce tih (1 fj N THRREare two, (2) kmnds of insurance. Aflothare good tiil death takes place, or. ou wait some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind kqeeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. tiil you have to make dem and for money. One retires, the other groes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a.sea- sonq, but the one good k lind às the kind to buiy. Your Lif e Insurance should flot be negiected, and, when, seiecting same, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY le as good as the best and1 better than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILNI Mthod-ftif t dry lugrediente together. Ms fat, sugar, water snud vacillia latu dry materlals until nuf% enougb ta roll. roll tau>% la uhlckness. Oatmeal Maccaroons 1% Cap roiled oats. 1 Cup ehreddered cocoaut %4 Teespoofui sait. %4 Cup sagar. 2 lge Mebot-Beat eggre snd sugar thoraugl. iy; add other in)grediete. Drap hy tZa spoonfuis ana we lgreaffed pan. liemovel frorn pan ssBonas haked. Oat and Baisey Muffins 1l% Cup barley Saour. % Cap ground rolied oat@. 1 Tespooz.fui sait. 4 Teaspaonfui baking po!wder. >Teaspoonful sioda. 2Egge'. 2 Tabieepotiaful corn syrup. 1 TabPespoonful tmelteil fat. 1 Cap saur milk. ý 1

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