CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Oct 1918, p. 9

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LIBýERTY VILLE INDEP-EN-DENT LAKE COUNTM )PEDN ci"' Gra* eeiWAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUME XXVI-NO. 41 PART TWO - LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,TIJRSDAY, OCT. 10, 1918 $1.16 PMR YEAR IN ADVA MS. FR139EE.ÀÂMES IS - RI3ALTY BUSINESSç PNEUMONIÂ VICTIM QUIET DURINQ WK; AT EVANSTON 80OME LOANS ARE $49,OOO Wife of Former Lake County *y A. K. UOWEB. Treasurer Passes Away Af - Assi. Sec. Securlty Titis & Trust Co. ter a Brief Illness Buiness of the recorder', office - for tlie week eudiu'g Oct. 5: WELLKNOW IN OUN ry umlier of couveyances 67. WELLKNO N I CONTY Numb"r of chattel mortgages 14. - - .Nu.ber of truslt depds anud mort- Spent Most ot Lite ln Wauke- gages 20. kegan-Made Suocess ln Tta number of Instruments filied t Important Position Total amount o! boans $48 5(00. p Business bas been quiet sud lbansP Waukegan peope -rere shockcd about thte average. 0 Ibis morniug to bear that Mrs. Maude The following are tlie more import- Aines, wîfe 0f former Treasurer Fred sut deats: E. Aen f Wako-anhad aileil Waukegan-Rev. Lou! c K. Octford E. Anesof aukganhadpaselibouglit thé Jolifi Scotford bouse on away Tuenday nigt st lier home lunte side of ('iay ton st. just vent 0f Fvausio)n, follawiflg a vry short lit- Wesitlt. for $4500. neans. Nahian and Rose Fishter boUght0 Mra.Améi we takn Bei aoutone of te Sauter bouses on east side I Mrs Amn aiitaen lc abutnortit Genesee .-". lately occupied byt tour days ago withit nfluenza sud te Dahringpro for au lndicated con- pueumonla deveio(ped Inter. lier con- sideration of $4000.V 'qlion ha'I tpen railir . tical f-~ Mary .Ieukiusou bouglit teéAnnaP two days but nevî-rii,eless lt ras a fiH. utciiinson bouse on wetot sde etreet for $400).v mhock to lier relatives ln I oI. uotbogtte ono whenwor catieIlit së hd pss-bouse ou north tîide Belvidere si.c ed' aray. just west of the' electrie raiiroad for .Mrs. Aines ra.i a sister of Nrs, El- $2;;(0. den Johînson,.lot Gillete avenue. She Alex il. licaubien bought two lOts ras a datglter of Nfraud Nrs. Jan. on eaxt ide Northt ave. about 1?5 ft t Sautmeyer, former weil known Tes'- north of Ridgeiand ave f romt RussellI dents o! Wauicegau sud for some1 H. Edwards for nominal considera-s years site had been living lu Evants- tion. ton wltb ber mother and younger Mr. Beaubien aiso bought 8 3-4 acres brother. on nortli cide Golf rond Just rest of Sinice leasing Watkpgau. M rS. Northt ave. froin H T. Crawford for Aines bad been emptoyed lu Chicago nominal consideratlon. and for sorne imit eld a position I isie sud Berha ooduaand bo4iglit willi the B3ush Electricai('o. of taS ite Mary Jenkinson lot on west sid, cily. Slip did consideraitie travëliut7! Wad-îwortit ave poust norti of ]l)th for tat cornpauy .and oniy recentie st <os' nomnal cansideration. about July 4tli, returned froin a trip jThe Chicago Tille and Trust C~o. ta Callfornia. lier position ras one. boX titie as trustee ta te James B. af conRiderableie rpousibility and l' lotbiS, 84 aires ln section 2 sud 10, oras geueraiiy knowu tai Mors. Aines( ou the lake shore just uorth of city itad licen maiing good lunlier work for limita. ibis bg companoy.1 ighlaud Park--Samupl C. Ferret] of 'rs. Ailes wa.s :,'gyears o! age and;fuî',auapoiis bought te Goodman A.. came t0 Waukegan aiten sie ras S*-Engels place t soutit cas? corner a! yanng girl. Sh ited ivdbre up ta the i.*k, sud t.Aurei avesý for $1504> sut)-. time tat site roved 10 Evauston and ject 10 $22.000 encumbrauce. ras one of tite reli known youing wo- West %ntioch -Frank A. Karg ipur- men. Il was riten Fred Amnes Of cliased te aif interesl of ('atherinie Autiocli was deputy cotity treasurer Karg lu lot 14 lu Sithut)u. div. on of Lak<e couniv litaI lie nîtvnied Mis Laie Marie for $4000. Santme3tr aud lis alfe bscarnie ac Waldemar atd Ingriti Andersoni of bis assistantîslunte office during bougiti four lots in (rass Dec-p Lake, bis reginie, as treasurf'r of Lakp sut. for noinal consideration. county. .1. A. Nîssnick Co. of L.ake Blu!i Thte unforlunate climtax bto ho fled lis cerlifîcate tof incorporation) young peopeso life came allen An" 'howilug capital stock of $2.ý0û sud ls afier bing ' eaunty reasurera w be ite manuftacture of dishiti- years. delpar-d ,usidenlv front l.8 er-s-r, etc. '1 couuty and e leit -ind a sliralge in 1 Uî.ke Uaunty Gravel C'o. of Liber te county acctints of about $127. NEVER I4EARD FROM HUSBANO ht bas always been rumored since off and on that MIrs. Ameq as; lu close toucil witit ber itusband, that she knew wliere lie ras ail te turne, &fter lie disappeared. liowever, persan@ ou theic luide deciare positivelY titat f romt the tine that Fred Aines left Waukegan until ber death,. Mrs. Aines neyer knew ritere lie ras. She never took steps ta secure s divorce f ront the former co)uuty lîc.a-urer. but accordîng ta reports froin close frlends, site had piauued ta do so a Yesr Or so ago but neyer took the final steps. Il was reported a year or sao 0tai site planued gettipg a decrcc in order ta be married, but lier plans appas. ently cita!ged. Mro. Aines maiden usrre wss Mande Santmeyer and besides lier parents ie leaves two brotiters afld the one sisler, Mrs. Johnson. 1 The funersi of te late Mrs. Mande London. England, Oct. 9.-Tite cty1 of Cambrai bas becil capturad by thte1 Britisht. Heu. and eisewhere 8000 pris. %oners were taken In yesterday's figitt- lng. Field Marahal Haig announced te capture or tiis long reulatinqGe0r- man slronghold ln hi. officiai state- ment.., t>'. hIe filed ils certificate of disso- lution. Cyclone Feuce Co. filied certifcale _mbowiug increasi- o! capital stock ta $1,500.000. SCIIOOLS, TIIEATERS, CIIURCIIES L'UITT T1WLUU' A 11Ir,. A TUEIibIUe bauII BULLET] CIJRES STEELE TO Dpli@ê9 WED IONE REYNOLDS ILJN I IU 1Ul ; ALL UA 'I1IILKII!U3 IIIWS. AfILKNWJN gFro FORBIIIIN N S EPIDEMIC W ÂNES Waukegan's Richest Young 11 is Mani Heir te Steele Fortune i5.%mneLma .d . Unp-- EN' MANY NEW CASE&. Springfield,Dot g-Lhew Casse Yes' terday ln Lake county ecilesand towns o! Spanish Influenza were vs. ported tb the eutle depàrlmeflt,0i publie heslth todos -foiiows: Anti. och 68; Lib.rtyviIle 76; Hlighland Park 600; Mon City 95. IBULLTI DAN PUBLIC FUNERALS. Dr. S. S. Wlnner of the sMâte board of health this afternoon announced a ban on ai publie funerais. There are to be ne moe. churcli funerais durini te epidernic and ln lte cases of pri vate funerale relatives oniy wiil be permitted te attend.. A total of 26 new cases of Influenza were rsported Tuesday. itl a prédict- de, however, that the number of ne> cases today will be langer. Alithough le insists ltat the epl- demie lu Waukeran Is clearing,ltat the number o! cases of Influienza sna pueumoula are growIng le-s,sud the situation as a aboie lsa nc rliici sliould ual cause undue alarm,.Dr. Wlnner of the stale board o! healti board at ïan Important icouferenei its'ld Tuesday eveuing at .tite office of s-ityhealith commIsslouer Sellas urgcd tite adoption o! drastIC change iu Waukcgan rhicit resulted, in lis lssuiug of onders îoday IlisI 'rnmediately bringa about titis chiange lu Waukegan: lnsmedisaly ail public and pa- rochial acheola, sxcepting the bigit scheol, &Il churchas, thitlers fr1 ternal snd labor meetings. etc., and ail places ritere unususi gatheriflgs are lhable te occur, such as billiard sud Pool hall$, auctiofla, etc., sa cloftd unlil furlter notice. AS TO SCH-40L8. The reasous, given by hDm. Wiuuemj for ciosins' the citY scbools are:f FI}tST-Because the epidemic 1sf affecliug more eilidren aStlite pres-f eut tIloe titan il bas liefore-in al!f about 5" Pe" ceaf M lui-PUPila 1 lthe city bave been more or lesa a- fec-tpd hately. - SECOND-Tite luadequate uurstng facilities for lookiug afler lb. chli dren o! the public scitools. (Dr. Win- uer says lte Red Cross fallesi lb Pro- vide tro nurses for the sehool chul- dren as prorni.ed.) AS TO PUBLIC GATHERINGS. Thte reasons for closing lte Public galterlugs as given by Dr. Winner Aines will be held friday at 1:30 1"IRST-ProximltY of badly Infectedi o'clock froin Heas' 'hapei, 906 Chii- »eagitboriiood. particulariy Northi cago avenue, Evanston. witli hurla' Chicago. Spealing along this uine Dr. via auto to the Nctli Shore cemetery, Wlnner said: -l amn going ta serve opposite North Chicago, where Eiden notice today on Mayor Christiansen Johnuson, 'Mrs. Aines' brothpr-in-iaw, of North Chcago that Unie$s, aie- recently ipurcliased a loLi. t waà learn, îbîng is done by the city or North ed late loday that Mrs. Ames' passlng Chicago immedlately ln handling the was very sudden. that while she had epidemic there, that the state board deveioped pneumonia after a severai fellwii-qael4ohm day, sickness, tat site seemed 10 gpt of the entire city and charge the cx-1 on niceiy until this imorning at 6:4- pense of doing go to the cltY Of NO. o'ciock, riien al of a sudden aud Chicago."1 without warniug lher heart just SECND-The epidemlc ln Wau- stopped-thats ail, according ta the kean la decreasing as ie sbown by doctor. it wa soniy a few days ago jthe careful compilation of records of that '.%ra. Aines caiied ber sister, Mrs. cases. The dates and niber of the Johnson, by phtone and warned lier cases reportedl on those dates fol- ta -beware of the epidemlc sIiich wasîow: sweeping the north shore, cautioniug sept. 30--68. hier to look ont for the children. oct. 1-38. tured Forenvile and reacited te wes. tern u otkirts o! Wallnoourt.. Thte Angio-Americun ittacit soutit et Cambrai was esumed et 5:20 a. m. today along te wbole front. Rap. Id pregreas la beinq mode. Thoe attsiik la ont tb. front of t.e tild ahd fourt armisa. Lusalnight asdditionai progrès@swaa made saut Of Beqyohàrt and beWard $out of Cambrai te Britisht cap-1 I Boitai s nd Marais. oct. 12- a6. oct. 3-11' 0ct. 4-17. Oct. -3. Oct 6-13. Oct. '7-26. Oct. 8-26. MORE DEATH-S ARE DUE. Dr. Winner said further: "When lu. flunza begins te dedline and It real. iy'is deciining ln Wau'4egan, il must lic expected therc wIl be more pneu- moula cases and deatha. The num- ber of pneumonla caues and deaths aiways increase when te Influenza epidemic la on the waue. Titla not oniy truc iu Waukegan, but itla1 true tu every other community where there bas been au epldcmlc. 80, as the deatits and pneumonia cases tu- creaise, Waukegan need not fear that lte situation la. becomlag- more. alarming and reailso tbat Io a gens- erai condition ln ail Communities. SThe geberal situation lIn Wagkegfln shows that everytbing la uinder good MOVES NADE TO CHECK INFLUENZA EPIDEMIO IN WA'UIUAN-BECOME EFFECTIVE AT ONCE 1-Ail parochial and city sohools excepting high school, 1'ordered, closed; ail lodge and labor gatheigu forbld- iden;, theatres, churches, poirooma and every place where -people congregate ordered closed. 2-XrthChicag served with notice that unlesa proper steps are taken to handie epldemic utate health board " will step in and do it and make city pay expense.t 2-Children torbidden on streetz excepting when on er- t13rands; gathering of chldren on play-lots forbidde; children to stay ini own yards. 4-Idle teachersfrom grades to b. used in making com- a plete mSuvey to determine where sicknesa exists and send help to them. Statement by Dr. Winner, state health board repre- *sentative in charge of north shore situation: t "The situatioi ISlparing i-.' Waukegani despi te the 1nurn1Wr of deaths mfid pneumonia cases; North Chic'ago is in bad shape and mlist risc to the enmergency or we will Step in anid take it mit of their hands; the worstiplace Lt along the north shorîe î'ight 110w in the matter of sickness, dis Evanston. Waiikegan nîiust not get exited-îîîorc. hpneumonia cases aîîfldeacths always oeeur as the inflixenza rcases decrease." c-ontrai or and ne will sûan have the couference Tuesday evenIug co-Il ab woie thItng slamped outi 'piyiug wltb lite ab6ve, lte grade and 3, HIGi SCHOOL Is o. K. 'parachial scitools resily heid forth ibis mrnrung but lased aS noon. The,' en, we bave taken titis cour-e because as a ahole tite higb scitool populatiau ha:. nol becu affccted." said D>r. M'In- uer.«Strict ules are teins' enforced amoug the bigit scitool pupils aud noies and titroass have lippu carriel on by the nurses." Decisou 10 oadopt thèse drastic changes lu W'auiegan were brouglit about as a resuli or te coufereuce riiditas attended by Dr.. Wiuucr, Dr. Beliowss Presidenutlîck of titc school board. an.d Principals oRgefi aud Clark. and Mls Ninuleit, thte nurbe. TEACHERS TO MAKE SURVEY. Dr. Wlnuern ut-le anoîber very lui por4sut staleim--au inday ahes ihe de clares taI te t>aeers wlo ianl b tiessed front sehool duties for lihe present lirime i lie employed ta maite a botîss-,to bouse canvass lri Wsuitegsu and inakîns' a survey to determine itîsltessw mauy cases there are sud abat te co<itiau are as a rbabe. He said teèse teaciters wil ail be providesi wit masks aiten tbey go into anv home sud lu titis way tey silil prolecî theinselver froîn i nfection. Thte teacher., are goiug 10 -be or- gauized systeinatically ta utaXo a itealtit surveyand tey wnu alan lesse lite.riîîre aItte varions haines sire of the principals 10 bave tite chilsimen gatiter sud titen give then taiks lellingthemrital lthe purpose o! lte cioing of scitoolis ras sud ritat ras expecled ofthem lu car- rylng aut healtit rules. EVERYBODY NOTIFIED. Complying riitlte decision of lthe beaitit aultorîties, formai notice ras sers ed today ou ornersand operalars o! ail places affecled by thte mules ou lte ministers. losige officers and ot- ers. Accordingly thealera bocited Ibeir doors, poobroonis closed doan ltheir tables anti evemvbody joined lu the inose ta nid Wauitegau o!flthe epidein- le o! influenza In accordancv niitlthe clate healtit boardas desires, MEN TWIT HUM, DIE 'WALLOPS 0O11E;AND BR'nEAKS 1115 SKULL Unknown Man at Lake Forest Smasherl Charles. Thomas OverHead with Gas Pipe THOMAS IN BAD SHAPEý to sitor iow titese cases shoulsi be Chtarles Thtomas, an cmpioye o! titc baudbed. lu titis ray il ia fet taI rayfraa Li oetI, an absalute check lunte n'mber of thArcaketarin t Lahe iarest 1> lu cases wilh be asailabie lu a ver' froin a very severe inury to is skul short tInte. hhKa eeV noasvr Dr. W inner nîentioned the e'im a-te fractuere.l to thal Ibere have been 2900 cases to Tfraure. m wsstuc n h date lu Waukegau. lu alite Mtes bead alit a plece o!. gag pipe by a titere have been lorty deatits, a h aeIno tebtl PLAY LOTS TO BE DESERTED. plant on thte Meeker farm, an«rithoi Dr. Winuer issued s wrming 10 ail oter empboyes elarted itiddiug, de- parents snd chiidren te the offect clarlng hlm 10 lie out o! bis head, tIsaI ail ciildreu becoouflned ta their jtc onu premises unlesa they have been The inubeame very inucl Inl- sont down bru or saine place onucn,,d. picked up a piece o!fgas errajida. Tbeî-e ius fot ta be a» gatit ipipe sud before Thomas. could jump eringa lu vacant ols for play or auny-a ysmedh ortefr- XhIg o th sot ules Ithapensbead. Thomas feu aover uncousclona ta be on oue's arn ProPertY. sud ite ras burried 10 the Laite coun. NUJRSES PREVENT MORE HOS- ty hospital rhere be is no< being PîTALS. îreated. Asi. d nty tere badu't been more Thee ljurv may ho a very serlotîs bopiais openesi u ite mergency. one ad il canuot lie determiuod for lie said il aas due ta thte !act that alwdy hte ti elfa nurses rere tnaraillable. Horever, a fea day, teit e it is arhei frac ho exprossed hnpe lunte itaation wl u entIrl la dthela it ttath riten be aaid ttat te United States rsdeeuleytmlteat h1lt public beallt ser viue bas c!tered t lapaue"te a h furuish doclors lu ail coinnullie.. came lîtto te boltling plant. be admItlesitat au enlorgeucy had éx$sted ta WankegItn. h., deciared tbat non te rau. o! the epldeutic la sncbtaI lite doctora are bavtng more lime tb carry ou Ihir roik titan ýbefore. He aald tete are sever, ai in wncsnero lte doctors are hslving les l do titan previously sud titat la rby be aaid he wiii Dt cau upon lte Lited States public healtit service for additioual doclors. -Making et Petato Fleur Cadillac, Midi.,' Oct. 9.-A meeting o! cilixeus mi li e beld hem. Mauday nlgbt to delermmîe if potato fbour can be profitaitly mauufaclured. Titis clty is teé center o! a flourlablng DO- taln Iuduslry, Dr. H. E. Ijorton, agrl- cultural commIssioner o!flte Ameni- eau steel and mon Co., mliidiscus SCiIOOLS CL.OSED AT NQON. ite potalo fleur question. Aithougit action ru as ien ai thel (Dm,- HorIon lives lu Wauitegan.) CULMINATES ROMANCE ii919 - Hgih School-Renewed Ac- quaintance in N. Y.Si k i One of the most Important mer- nagges titat bave laken place Mn WU- kegan I many a day Is taelaite place James Peterson and Wife te., tomommor afteruoon riten LUeut êk -wit Charles N. 'Steele. Waukegan'a Hall: gethe w -B rother.-il- st Youngmin, laites a bride l I t I aVd, 111 ofInfluenza person o! Miss loute Reynolds, elde-sI îlaugbter of Mr aud '.%ra. C. D. Rey- LARCENY 15 CHARGED noids, 121 SI. James st. Thte marrlage cuiminates s scitool romance bogun lun lthe Wauitegau Are Accused of Having Coin- higit sdiool prier te Miss Reynolds* mitted a Series of Tlwft graduat'ou In 1912. Drn atFwYa Steele atteuhicd scitol lu Wauite- uigLs.e er gan but dld not gradîtate. going aray te military scitool iusiead. Hiorever. a James Pelerson, a local drayussu. durlng lte scitool day. ite sud Mis s JneMw itebo sp itafliosu Rleynolds acre logether ofteu sud Tuesdsyn lit tiat it bd lem nr develops tlir acquaintauce ra, iuded y ih te te rahuy16M renered rheu, durlug lte Past year Ia chare o!theft. ]er and us.qu Steele ras assiirned ta naval cluty in abchae of -iaw--M- alterb aIs. New York attd lter. again met te bohri-e-UPtr« l was iudlcted, ts i11 o! influenza at bis Waukega yuu oman rito ras home.Tite Peternous and LIÀe worer living Iahere. Titeir ecquaintauce ricpened Into samelhing more serions lndIcted on a chiarge o! bay(fsg les.. snd tey bgan akingplan for tietllatcd in a sertes of thefts Ires. ,andthe bean akig pansforthelocal freigit bousca coveing a icog future. perlol. Thte yong roman came home On Tite grand jury ou Tuesday brougt a visît 1telier tolite, arrlving hiteslu17 Indictinents. 'Oniy ciglit o! thse* Nl.%ouday noon. Lieut. Steele aise ar-jrere public. Il deveiopcd today tba. rlved home from New York Mouday five o! thein rere against James Pee aflernoon. erson, anc agaînst bis ni!. and 0e,ý Il ras not until ber arrivaIitome againt Lange. At telite it IwMg titaî ibis youug roman. viho, flor anet kuonn th4t titey re. i11ias&d ý few years itas been earniitg blg sl* rosiest ro ad tie ltat thie rotos4 amies luntte cast postu¶ as artst' lte indctinents be aupPressed 19 modei for gons, etc..,iade bnOom aler titey itad been piaeed luac-nIl~ to er frieuda and relatives that site Thes' aiready rere under bonda planned marrying Wau'îegan's riebest il ras ueccsssry .tat uer bondaeb young mnîs, lt' son tif lthe ite lmesI- made out .falloiong the retura of t dent of lthe FIrst National Banik. tite îudîcîmneus. itead of lthe Steel biouse sud brother Petcmsou's arrest luntte tirst Piao*, o! Miss Bîerthta Stesie wito non accu- follored a raid on bis in pies the Steele mansiOn o1! Shteridan thousauda o! dollars rortit of vsarie . rond sud Grandl avc. Mnde, alleged ta have -been stolep' Miss Reyntolds had lier Plans ail frein local freiglit depots. rer.. made for th1e reddtuc itarever for fouud. Thte police aetlite lime aeI lier gowus, etc. seri ail prepamed ed titat Peteron made a confession et before she came home. guilî. 00 TO. CALIgFoubJ.A. _______ Ensigu sud Mrs. Steele plan leav. e-su'~wswea for California nitere Steele bas itecu transferred by thie naval authorties. S ELV SI À I They miii cemalu ttere for su inde!!- ulle lime sud ahen ltee r la oves, lbey nul corne back sud llkeiy occu- Auna 1. Sears, rîdon of RlebUt py te Steele residence. W. geare. fammerly o! 8w-s. Roaliu Charles Steele ras oue o! Wauke- & Co., bas flled ComPlaint nith t» gan's youug men rita,riten wramCaok counly boamd o! review agaiaÀà braite out, at once volunteered bis thte $100.000 personal property aai services, 1île enlisted In lte Davy, Ment onit em Persona] propertY la ras made an ensIgu u Inte reserve' Cook counly. Site Chaiuts a resldeff and lthen laler bas heen promoted laIl Laite counly and litaassed ths* a lieulenaucY. He gave btis fast apei ou $4,500.000 rorth of property. T»a b oat, the Dickey, to Uncle Sain anti SÉars etate ts valUcd at over $2Qý it ras aboard ltat fie ras made coin- 000,000. mander when il did patral duty at ite Soo bocks. Laler ite rasiPut aboard OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL a sui citaser ad dld rorin eaztrlt ESTATIETRANSFMR waters, 1P»sMmai m tv ,. Steele and bis sister BOrIIs 1heo LA»E CO. tiTLE -AND TRUUST Rted titeir fatiter'a estate,- esbid,,*r asîts Sé f Mitie. Titis Om _ about $3,000,000. Tbey have «Mi» Mas ta-as i. hus4 te bal! lthe eelate aud lte balance comes tathem lu s year or so. Il ras F. H. Bartlett and nife te C. W, hast January, a! 1er ite ras lu service Mcaffbe, bol 4 Highlaud Park $14. ltat lthe nherilsuce ras ttimned over Rarriet LBaliey 10 Harriet Droun. tb lthe youug man lu arcordauce nithlet10 4 'Druce Lake $1. te father', nil-Il. W. Toihand nîfe 1e F. W. CWr Steele neyer elected binseif presi- Dnhits527 te 45, City $60. dent of lte First National Bankt, Jsmes Loner Patate te P. W. Cors mitose stock lie coulmola, but te feel lit lots 15-16. cily $150. iug la be wahi do go wn thee ar îsj C. W. Aldrldge sud mîfe te LOUfa over sud ite setties dam te. active.- M. Aldrtdge bol 22 Ravinia $10. buslues. Steele ls about 25 yeare Hery Veder sud mile te AUMle CL obd sud bis bride to be 'la about tite Sharpe iaad iun Laite Forent $»W0 sauteage.0. J. Bermcsiteim aud rite tge08111 sam -e.L. fiolcoinb. land lu Shiells Mtr. r Niargaret J. Treed 1te .,E. UdU» lot 33 Fox Laite $1. LIBERTYVILLE'S lz odlanbuu tK Aflhl eIIbtiAIIC n lot 8 Fox Lake $1. FARI N À m v RÈÀ S FI.eH. Bartleit aud wîf e leNamuli Hulen sud wnfe blockt 107. la UqmtU TO 01TIER PLACES P.. atet-nwtetNaM Tiie Libertyville trainin& fam Indes $899. 9aceins te be catching sud it la liitely L. C. E. lIce.&Mud ifte b-It.19 Ythat smilar institutions Wibt s00B be Blum 40 acres la Ela tP. $7250.- restablahed lu olther states. Mm,. WII1 Robert Seller and rie le A. A. M 9lisa P. Hamilton. vice presidelit o! Doussîl b ol 2 Grass lAko $280. the Womeu's National Fam and Gar- 0 . B. Nysîront snd. mi!. te C deu association, aud UMn. Harold L. Ekoni sud ni!. lots 23 sud 24 CUQ 1Pratt o! Ner York, arrived lu Chicago $2400. aTuesday and wnu inspeet the Liberty. JOa*pb Vintal sd nife e low~ ville fainrit ere Young roun re Pa]ou.etlo. lot s Clty 8PS*. bains trained. Manter l la ucerv le S ]WIX 14 lotl14euJWW POUR PAGES

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