LIERTY VILLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT iNDEPENDENT VOLUME XXVI-NO 42. TWELVE PAGESO LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUIqTï, IIJINOIS, T'IIURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1918 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANfJ DETENTION HOME PLAN PLACED ON FIRE BURNS IJOWN SMALL BUILDING ON ELECTION BALLOT 1' THE DURAND FARMý Judge Persons Enters Order Ater Receiving Petition With Thousand Names UP AT NOVEMBER ELECTION F: ssage of the Proposition to Permit Better Handling of ail Children Cases FIrp Wpdnesday evenlng deqtroycd a smaîl warehousp. building on th,. Mr.e. SoIt Durand fanm at Lake Illuff. The building stooti apart fromI tht. .-w harns and cennîinedti tûnsî gasoline, etc. One workman ns mcd John - received hud burns abont i the banda and liad ta consult a duc- tor. 'Ml bs 10 Mrs. Durand was nol large and Ihere wa% no danger nt any tlime ta the main buldings wbich arc- of ranrte and thus practlcally fi reproof. LAKE Ch. IILPS BACK THEM WITH THE MONEY TO WIN WAR BY THEY MAKE SAFE FOR YOU SUPPLYIN6 FOOD Hundreds of Tons of Carp are Seing Seined Out of Lakes throughout County 1 WILL SUPPLY MUCH F000' Removal of the Carp Also WilI Have the Effect of Pre- serving Game Fish U. S. T1IROWS OUT - INVENTOR LAKE, SUBMARINE MAN j lirtdlgelîort, i',,nn.,Oct. 14. Simîon Lah-o, li n,tr of 1h' L .eul.' a: !ne, antd ti) I a short tine agi) jotil a ane r of t, îî o- a totnic SIIipbi ildi,. p '~' ~ 5 .- compaîtv of Sttaî'î,rd Wih Kent W. MeNcil and Archiiald MeNeil, Jr. or of this city, %a t, forciiîly ejected frein ~ o" -.the prt toise.i hy offleers of the de- WEPtLT partnient of Jus;tice today. This action thlosdl. inventor. refusai to reimain ais ay front Ut. shipyard and waF the result of a ~~ chain ef circttmstitnces whero Il wtsý found by the zovrrnment that mider As thi e rsuIt f te pre4enialion 10 l SE PI~IZE N NE R PR E l. Ir "Food l WiWn th(e War," ie County .1 dge Personm of a eîto outoNtcerlainly will do her shar.ý for,____ contalning "ev ,rai thousand nme.ieiokQ itîring the next fe.w we.'ks itundred 'FR NK SL S Wauk,îcan an1i, L-ke Cotînty rsien tJii't ai, Pri'-iilîni Wl'oni, îarrhlng (,f tonsof C îrpul be s*fened fron v. iI b'- prit leeed at the Petction ln, 'treet lu Ffîb aivenue a m--an brai,, 'i. lakPs an arteam'- of this coitle Novemtîr-r tb vote on the. propo"itlon 10 inte 1tilîrtiv ay paradle Vî'-ad Bic' 'titire wa,- a tume wah' oearp was -. I 'UN 11 ofesaYsýjrga dtelion home ;at thrOuthie police Une and start"d la itîn:§di r,*-d edible but invest.igatiîon 1. ISO U DAY ..... ilken for t d op ren t ni eln ward te(-president.le wa' Iirmp the riveruintent revpaled tbii th-lb ' .0 N L -N qun ('Ilrr.di ai " y et zéetil FercI service menI '15'i-ewii tîif i'd vtluet andîl ;i att-IN L lîîîîîîîdiat y ý,tria nreIr-It g tii"VP1 andl îlaped in an aiitineobile, whlcb i iiiv eau ic eltatîtî'îi in sîîcb îîîniîî tition itulgi' Pe,on tsuit-re-Otlb ne- speee iiV .l lmdw ifh t--.palyv an linportànt fîuetton i oî,.r w!'Iih pla,-ee ltire prolîo. -ut_'-.a fw inute-l le rthoîdfil iettFrank Lafayette Mlu 'la a-k uîîn ' iiiî îiî~, alt âvO:îvAae mnu-3laialoir >%lar"et sued hiîghiy esteenteit'41ail , ýrer'idtng Istinonth alet d r( N olt t r w'sfoîînd on thelitereet. îîurinrtr-' ýla ýfe di' tw l- 1ýabout îwamile noriA a tlt- Tire re are' no)fil-f!i,î, llanq ia -t' bIn li,appamre nibliere tat the mniit. ilsitîn ve drns tidi r the persontli diet laite Sund ay eveiti i iueîii J ii t ut 'if a Ironui e îîi , ) e o ni av bat e ountnpi mt ed hitan 10tbf diirectionO f o f'I ,11 f Osh warîieni. .in dat h beugIng ltienz'. '- ý i itil ations tal ýi, 'îI t îi ii t, m a i !îe l-ft op prP-lîjînt, tiiir. aîl l:arI ld toward lii litv Ill'tir,« lx' ru .1of l t P0.l llt o ii ug t'l i'o r th-- of îîarisors if 1h--- hlm,, btithiespecrt crue" mciina-ere have iî.-în .ti' inînz etrî out of t""i' He ae boiain thiý \1'il et27, 1- ta f't. rs-foîrlth(-, l'o îiti tk .Spcetaiîîrý ue'icec'l <l Iake, n th,, Fox Laike r-iron. .lti -îîr caiite Itio - de. tait wa.s boardIt o toiate- , 5îh,'.ovtiîlî-anmin .c i rvire nmehtn,-- drOva * a at Lihî' 'tirii- t. tthe rsi laeip I,)ame.d 35 )sare, il mîiii istld 4dat s apîrm"'ifor 1îp *î" andl th,ii.t i.t!e mans head 'sas iî-sding, te u,ited.IlIetweon Z.(ffl anti 3,0f)() iUpon reachlng manlo i,,îi % l'ans unt'ýd .r.î î~ d-iroi,. - .hiýt'o-r 7'ie, Ttc re'vrlver îikd tpa'rtttpounîli of carl, aere r.-move-tithe rs' uuaraetiMs.F i.-îudm f&cîl iIi * ( un bornie con iront i ed l*.e buliets. div andIi ila.u expecetrîhat m,,r- diughterai Mr astd %fi- .1,hn ',uydam. ductedîl't., :-I;-e lîl,î ilnriî.irti' h l The mntwaq laken 1n a police vIa wouidbh e rnoi--d as lime went onI Tatent were bortie, ltit ain shîtuhdIlt,.. înlargi'îi or aboîher a ne. Ilion, iubere bis name was given us V. As s oon as L.ake Marie Is seined car.' Kari, Allen.,1'ernoui antd .1tit, lawiîh honme shoUld 4bc, constructed. * . oo.apn Iýer, e dne.a full% tht' siners wilt go to Fox Lakel the wldow, te ageit i tUa-r, Chtarles Jîun ele wori lit Wauke-gan antd! cording ta the police, having any andl îthli.'tmk-s intIhe viinity whAre sinsser surv ive-. Lake ('aurtv bas lncrea-iî-d turng itarniful blteui, saylng be merely tarp are known 10 abound. The fmuerailbook piau. 'roi the reu- te lasrItwo or lhrpe yeare untili 'ne-aeaeiad littepe tWeleeyitresting to a-atch Idouce aI 1:30 o'elock t--.teîaitaler there i, ucit a 'alune of Il tat one MIent. t he processe of' remos ing the carp.1n000, bncIe but inJîrv-. i.-srs te@ esligl witol-, div3. Satiurday, aI dP voted to 1 'r. Wilson imseif did nat seem ' Tsis 1,don it. lymeans of inimens: Icouducled ti y iT - EIlteum, aller titis clas of ruses alneo fe nee .tr dnalt ri'st i enet.. -Th' tl a de-nîwhici thte remnme-,i, luId ta retsIin * neceî-"ary lu devt îe evt n more limeetit lgtva i gassl t prttIe tbn fgnefst~ Lakeside euinetery. thr-ý riami. but did! roi hait bis mar-1i. le neces-îarv thal ail gate fish caugbt Thte lalgest difficully bas beer-n en The poliîce Quckly pused back thte It the nets eaal be tbrîan back mb 2 IL counler-- t roumalt the lar'î of a pro- erov.d. tire laiýe. Tlii deçiumy gaine vardenita MI ES Ofr ON perly equipr,(-d èdeeiion borne M are,' on baud tb sec tbat titis Is donc. Himmuelretcli ha& dans splendid work Thte carp are lad.l into large car,- R TER U S À wllh the llnîi,îd facilitteees hýhas q iV;TAo~I iiart'elîîpped Io C'hicago wbereî hail, but iltre are tîni when t - IRKI S A TE he, art' mmed oer 10 Lite fishitngNA LST IO haome l, an crowded witlm iotin.,p.ri a I (1D AVA pani,. Sanie af titeniare sold * tat titere le not roont for ýther., aho ON IILJ U WJI Y A T 11 fresb %hbut large quanlities are canned. ____ ahould be art'd for~~p Thpre are tîto reasons for remnoving V'ery oflen It le deslra!îl.' t.m IkÀY' 3AiUI the ca rp front the tnland akes. In Centracts i{aveei wardied delînqu. ut ciildren It cus'ny homl th thpit Or-t place tbey deetroy ail the for Important Improve- thier cases ai- pendlng. This h as flot varieties of gante fsh, eating the mnst oi tOc bées possible ta any exlent, hp 10 now itecause of te lack of a deteution home. Under te rircum.tauce,.- t isbe- Ileveti that citi7ens will be glati to vote in favor of te proposition "o that c-iilrens' cases cati be handled better In future. NEW LAW WILL MAKE 'EM STEP UP TO BAR TO DRINK rniniing o!flquor In any fort lit' publie by wameru or te sale of Inlox- 1 Icanle in ans' public place frequented by tent will probaily be pi'ûhIltte In ('iticiino withln a week by elty counaIl action. A îractic eiîy ordinance han been entalively drafted. it prosldes% Il- quor niay be solti aniy lit the one room for whtcit the license la lssued. Under (lIe, provbions sale would ho stopped n- Public sestauraitîs or cabarets. ilotels, outside ofrte habel barj rooni. Al bau-k roonus, or cafes, airtianct- halls .tijarent or connected with bar aooms. .Any place wiatsoever where mien anti womon congregate together. EPIDEMIC "BEGINNINO 0F END," SAYS VOLIVA '15C t 7.5 .81 0 s~alin )5 i ilîki a fabrica aln colq 50 eSt tyl ssort- 'etion. esses !or this* qnaUty ,alez. 3 nave be g.Newe k llned, 35 tîofly ly, id otheri fit anin Imprvemet t Cos $2 j,- mali O..b and te spawn lnt large Imprvemnt t Cot $20,-qîanities. Thiis as a tendencY ta 000 Launched; Plans desîroy Oishing In these laites. Th-. Keep Traffic Open ,eoîdresa e lat the carp mui- îîîîly rapiuihy and Bupply ninci foodi, s-seIng Iteef, pork, etc. TO. BE EIGHTEEN FT. DEEP OUBA IS ,OVER THE TOP." Tite Un-at Laites simtwai la no u nui Thto, î.îlîî ofCiia, un iv.hi ch d- r construction. 1arringtîîn la t1mî-principalh Place -A.,i XX'-rd wasrpecel ved Stiii fron,-------------------------. , . -d, Tite coni raii for te construction of nearlv taîî îmile,. of concrete road- v.ays nmo-il'lvirîýi 0f te Main Sta- tion at Great lp h as been award. Pd to tite Jîii A Sackley company of Chiciago. t ;i announced by Lleiî tenant Will-îtit toîml, carpe of ciii engineers XVo' e ailItegin lmm- d!alelyý Tite new syr-e,,i -ahl Inrlnde roatta TAYLOR DENIES FRAUD CHARGS IN WILL CONTESI,, Prominent Lake County Phy.ý sician Says Elizabeth Con- deil was not lnfluenced MADE UP MIND HERSEIJ Says She Told Him She De. cided Years Before Death to Leave Money the -management of the Ilousatonte WoulInt It have bcen foolish for A M h R Shitipbuilding cOlnarp ro1'duetion Of me10 have coumitled a crime bf TO Iit.,-,-wa'.îha cpi' rol, i 'sr 1O ood to gain notblnz by ItC" DÀIS HAR TOp,,dîleît, q i l , nilV'p Tfiti aas the statement made.todil SUE CONDELL ES= IP'R!îîîî lt¾,re etttllio5ci tttilttJil >'l coutbyM"i t it at h" p . cA pDi iiîîî ai,.y Hart tinachicit she seeks ta terd iP NNhttnî -Of \VauiX'gdtt A itreakl the îvii of bcr aunt, the .1At TATE FOR $25001 2airrnia ft h.or fdr tr fs lzbt isPor forh onty s tO' liwst b'ii ru i r ged is liebet illtatD r.Mi aI \fir. Lk the hexda% of Ilie C thrbi btDr al Cii. ftiibail infiuenced her aunt by-fraud and rhrouigh Caunsel SheObjectsl!.z lýany.Lateiy lie bas 1ad i-pentiosotrt h â ito Approvato doAppratheal,. rii, er e:ttte or $20,000 as the end0Ii to Aproal'f Apraian ent of a niemorial haspital at 1db of the Estate crttille. leaving a bequest to 01111 -YOUNG COUPLE one of her nany relatives.:i NANS RDR ETASDE MARRIED AT CHURCH Dr. Taylor bas been qulte l1Uofti WANTTUESDAY SETERNOON fluctuza airdtodav was the tiret ti __________RNOO lie i otid lac seen for a statement. - Miss Caudell waa flot Influe-84 Atty. J. K. Orvis Says Admin- Ou Tuoseday aiterîtoon at tour o'ula'ýk y any one," Dr. Taylor sald. 814k istrator Included in A,"- a<',dt'irre itnarrlag~e .1 Mis@ aronid not need tu be. She told me tbl IC intlnette Edie of Warreînlon, ta ý'ICo ber money waa lier own and thtt fw praisl Wrog Prperty JohnS, Peterm a1 Citîcaga. Rev. T. F, vousie had planned to leave lb h Reamperorned he ereony whcha hospjtal. No one sought to in"u Waukegan, Oct. 5 okpl,'e ,aIt tie Metodi-it chnr-h antd her la mire sucit a disposition ot b9q w s witnresr-d by r latives of te youngesa. Fitîer coinj)i(iations were addej ciauPli'ste to the Eizabeth ('ondeli wili coftest Mis@ <arrie ('hard. an surit of tbe bride, " So far as uer relatives ae 0 casep whpnlilills Dafi,-y Iart. the niee plaved the wedding mared i@@N ertieti1 dont' belleve that any aito starî'-d Lbh-canir-st, appeared 11t Dorothy Meau, a cousin of Mise Edi tireur put un an appearanoce untilu b courity court thi.,morning througli Wall the hrldeowald and a brattiter aoflte knew ahe coutl not lve long. ir counisel, Attorney J. K. OrtIF, andi groom nac:tFd as bestiau. Bath te have heard for a long timte that 0"~ oijeceld lathe ap;roval of the ln%' en bride' and her attendaut v. re tàlîernuî,n sort of a conteat would be etarta aM forl of the patate as made by Dr. J. gowns of navy bine charmeýuse, the, we have taken toa steps toward t L. Taylor, te udministrator. A mo- bride@ banquet being af white ras-s. establishment of the hospital. W. e lion was made Ihat the court sel Mis@ Mason carrled pitik rose@. absolutely bianteless of the eha*UU aside is Ç'tion 1lu the case. mtrlt eenr Iewdim at tade ucainsi us and Most certaI Attorney Orvi-, contentlcd 'hat b -'returned la the home oifte brides' wiii niake a figlit ln court. Alt fore bier death N'ii,s Condell present- mater whi was preltily decorated diîtaiiof the affair will lie aired S cd to her nie,-. Miss Hart, several wilh antumu colors and witers dalnt thtlfimie." notes. certiOicates of deposit, etc., Ag- grgin. earhy 12,hOO, andi sait thiat titese Items were Included lithLie In- ,enlory Okld hy Dr. Taylor. Accarding toe'tIr. OrvIs,- iea Con- delI firat gav'e ber nlece a note for $100t, fthiolng It wlth the prer-entation vf a nate for $1. 'PO. lie sava there v.'-re ta-lt ertificalcs af dppsit, nie for $16, andi one for $100, both of a hîeb acre glr"n bis client by Misa Condeil. There v. as a further pres ent, ite satys, of $1261 wortit of ç,hattel pr.)prti'. '" r. Tîtrlor dlaims that ail thes, teins helong 10 the estat( ,' 'tir.Or- Vis saiti, "but a-e contend thuît miey lite ( tiutuao!,ard'and DakthaI toil p Ibn itlle ,ils anîondritha th ie office-r i uirtera un Norlt Chji beong to iss Hart and wc 'ýhalIlnu for BureauaofoYardsrandîDocks aîlinghto ibeibout stiouutedfora$ es1ol aantD.Tyû Washington tiat the cotraet fr 84ý -2.75 hati been subscrlbed. Thte goan ad a1gtcthbatFtuefr$- gis D.Tyr contruot ion of the ettbty bail beerotub b $950.O hus ouse froînt, iM ian Station. uilî's' a seulîement Is nîau. î"tii'e awarded 10 the ChicagoanadINorth sîolt1ortua111$01:0.OnTiur- Concerte Imnprovementoï- Dr Taylor lncluled liiese it'ni- itmt western ralraad. Work ls to bc cam dytt trl'ua$1.bu 'la One of tilt roada 10 be ianproved the eslate, be neglected unlil,4 plebet lit 120 tiays, or approsîiatl-î andt oday saw a blg lea'p aiteud and- leads front the -nain entrance te oui- aintost a year afler tbî- Ohling of ilimeb hy Febr'îary 10, 19119) The prune wasta.--fo«sfeleae t hn golng dtelnulîîîî north of Second ave.Inevntory, to include, an $100net-, announced as $204104. lbey have ianded over thte top. Titis 'siti hor.i'ý:î"rtited of 24 feel fram Granger Farwell. Lateeundy aternon arliwas E. W. Rlley ie rbairntan and MI.P. concrete. tateAnitdakflofer ondso anw:dLaniey anti W. G Carmirhapl assist- Aohrla1 rmteMi t- WiOD O UT stmînled lit staklhg ait the graunhoseathe e e us age bants. They al worketi ard with Aohr -u to h ai t AJCNABO UT put on thte job, It waaKali. bacon" anti lantded witîm gowîng col- avenue 1'. he ibe Mn road 10 Can p Pu iaq sya ldsnot JisFarragut ad ee.Paul Jones TU i:-aI liebcconstructeti Pu Ia daca i o fJt Jois ad ewe, ore. cf 18-foot col',er- te H sas. af Waimrondmt. LuXe county, was The new suitway will be between oeo h alr nue w ek Camp Farragut and Canmp TDew-ey.- The niain rot.O tbroîîgh nortit haîf uvo ah- n a torpe(do or mine daningeti Tite subway will enable men ta h--. os are belng buFi'. of Camp 'htit tir ' wilite Inapros-sîl lt aîeîi îiieoaofuse tar-en tramn one canatp ta another wti Eighteen Fect Deep. wth hI foi-i)l coetP Short stretrit. othei of ttle niled Snn ta othes s ast leaving te(,Station grounda. Cou-! 1 si i, i a-î ie 1 feet below ,' es tf oner-,t-- rons i-i aI e conetrttct- ls l terUn'tied Sat ev. g getbut0ftrffeutth Mim Site surfai '! iullie 142 feet îouug tt Iu Slnt ila h cIi d i wirc tehhîng bhlm that hi and on Shteridan roed will lbe greait nnd 4rt' -il otb g wo -~rd son ,, arioti.qly 111 ai flîîladelpia ]y relleved. walks 12 feel wltie anti a 24-foot rosi No Macad îmn H-.'cftrth. LI',ut ('anmander W. IL. Allen- for mnolor t .-aftic. Arcordhltro t,atiiii' ement matie Iiiaeînldl lie departed at on"e puble wrksoffiersai yeterdy 1forlwIhe p-,bri rr)i, fdenatmeiit Sal- or t.- oat. t A tiatgitter, Ivan, Ile pubicatars llrer sit yst1dyjone oi te w.-a-alita wIll be fr -nov.'a t Atlîantic Clty awaitIng ordere taI the construtctionti of te subwvmy cnuujln tll;e and w11l be separateit urdiv ah .911 tî'e'e"nt macadam t oaraýl h eehn ev atoulti not Intnrfere wtlî trafllc0O1t - a nîroî fence frontthe reat of the rni-ssii :tim rein lu Ie, bat lug îroffered ber service-s Sheridan roati andt iat at uio ime sîmbw, oala -rfas1 s rof rpp,,Ir ainlît- al ada whcn ia ltu g n avn enu atoulti the roatibchelcosed to traffic. 1sa aîot lttiau~iglt uaerp' s i epvt îi ttei Titis la despite te tact that five cotu pv.ay a es-l tlionut aîoîg teu)r. Wb avdwhcn crele bridges wll be buIt antid i ngbcSuto 'oin5 'l large tmmnel dmîg. nlthe tion Erotui- n 11 leti i Prt'lio it.a i lilans tave alsgo heen V.'iile Chicatgo cîs-lians have gon' lare tnne dg. nclnpl r;q(%-., 1lIled i mat' fon t pirk. irlvnsviy on tseabruml baif wmuy on te t4ty'e 2?tl4 Arrangements have iteen matie liit Cimp Fa-m a ii -of te vtîhw , f. 01,-'litt ,.tt-nd àjong the al) hoatîtquota. the iluejac'îets at lte te plans for thte shlftinz of raffue ' front the Fit SIrI 'ittienri -a ý'f7. ,, '- ' -si; '-'r ilii'tdtl'îgInsîrti- r' fl't t..i(ee Naval Training station witit the complebtit cof certain pai t a nal t i'w Cttitp flewey entratee Iallt1',e mlI -il No de lîn -' s ctd their $1,000,000 Mark of te work. The elsctric lin, 5 atil' from Coimp t' i.mlin enrse iat i it-m' in itis regmiri ali i'dve tmîrledtl t raise a seconud shift ilîcir traffle froni one set of front Camioit"-mri-, Thte incline road v r'lr hh- ii 'lirsýent litiilitin.AI noon Saturday thelay- trmclieto another dîîring the worl. îî:îî froîn tht' f, iti Dewey entrtlncs mseî t't l hloint ittte IlIn aîbmar- '1emporary trestle bridges mmsb h wil resit it! '- -bh antioient ,' eIn., linte administration lauilding j ilît by the C. aitd N W. for thuir part af Ravin'"',. ',a p.-tie of tih Fao ALL the fi-e.4t'me IndePen. sîgn, symnboli7ing tl,,e compeiion or cwil trafRc wiile te concrete itritig- Firs-t Tegirreit' dent te quolt, relreshmeuits weore serveti. Ont ai towui guesîs includedth ie groom s father and tilier relatives of Chitcago. Ensigu Pelers, whu ita@ been luilte service for soute lime, taling pecual traliing at te M unicIpal l'ler, Chicago anid liNew York, experts ta isalI800 for dtuy averseas Durinig hie absence Mire. Peters wilil nake her haute wlh her mother at tarrentou. $48,060 SHORT Saturdtày, Oelober 19, le lthe tintiiaed for siibmcitionm taeiclose la the Ftiurth Lila.r-ty Loati i Uflesm ftàaI wirk il a oe btlneen uîtw andiithat liue, Libert> ville l.a nat "gaîing over lthe tttî" Tite ap- pt-iounutent assjiguiedti ta be raleilui Liberlys-ille s $#207.055. Up la the tilie iii gtlng to prebs, the enni ai 415.1l00hbati een subseribeti, ieaving a balance ai $48,500 1 be raised by Saturday. WHiO DROPPED A (iERM1AN MARK IN ORPIIANS TAO BOX The î. aukegan puitlic was gent- tits toeIlt- orpbanage at Lake Bluff on imi a-itn the lazgers place-! týiCs it. ýlipels af lthe iten.andtihte tilttlon lIt-u theatomen about ltha itre--la of the city. It alh $.*1:l0.77 was dcnated te lt,' a,îrk nnd the siomeu taggerq fet'h Moatsttlfe. The tagger, iiine 1i aIl, 'serer untier te direction tof Mui.ý Ilulcbinson anti Mrsý. Armsýtronz. i'lnd as Germnan Mark. lIt tit pennienIckels and dititi ,aiti tiallara wiih wero founi1lfatLit,' boxes. was ansetunîtail donation- 1h àwas a Germait mark. Noiithie q.tea Stîion le: Wito put it the!re? Wa1.9 t TflISfYEkR'S-£ROP.- FROM WAR GARDEN, IN LIBERTYVIL How lais his for a war gardon'tOUA man la Liberbyvillo ttis sunmer rabd te folowing amaunt oi productu CUI ltres lots, -)0 iy 13.): Sitallats alti 700 ............. ...... Shialiotsoui hanti, 1301 b, vaîneti at.OH per lb--------------.......104,00 Tatlues-------------------......... g00C Tomatoes pliate ... ........ 10.0< oL mi ..s- ....................-........ 10.00 Teu busluels polatoe......... 20AO Four busitele cherries ........... S Titres bushielo- peare i.-- ii.Ïý. . 4 381 ba@kpuls af grap........... 2&.59 Total------------------.......... 262.0 Titis garden le lacaled at Fluet &84 Broadway anid the owner did "i114 neceeeary work itimeeli, turIng mpm, hours witen away tram bis rrguaW work. FIVE NEW RECRUITS DEPARTED TUESO4j Fis,- nin, rpgisî.-rpd anti Claaslfîe ui tirait baardl No.1 tof Lake consby. seuil Tueeday nîoanug to 'oibwu nniver@ity, Evanstom, for bnieeà 2 t Ing for aruy service Titeir Damesag plaes îof reelîlente iaiiow: Iral.cielllt atit oo, Vauconda. ('harls Jarzembawski, Itondout.1 ('larene FI.Rasmuispeu, Highland W Arthur P.[Both, Highliand Park. Erneat iCtgeil biAiis, Lake'êoiu.t. Jglmum P-Hapkins, former may@r Cii- do ileti unday, a vicUm <*1O lluenzmî. Hpr-was mayor between IIM deallu of Carter Harrison ant Ii eamiîov t-iuttilin Stan tre liig'elcetion of bis son, Carter. Jr, arnîu d or wav it a fon t ~05' uil % hait .on îu' C rutan timon, y v tii tiaIone week - fierbie a wattt'il ri ii,' i hi, tuti trth tit utimborne in HighifaD It wouiul be int.'ros'elitigo know i Pruvate Auglusl Bensofl la repu %vîta., as ack of the uernmn mark. 1dead In France etflifluent&. ,- Lake Counly-'s Big Weekly GRculdom etertimo&herWeekes in Gounty Combine WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Tite influe nza epidemîn is Inter- preled t Zioru City as the iteglnilng of te end. Dr. C. St. Clair Drake of te aiate boardi cf healtit was ln- formed Snnday lu a lu-tîer stignet by Wlbur Glen Vliva thAl the, world isý comlitg to an etnd andthLie epldeniic la only "tite firet citapter ln tite book of sorrows." or te ellent q