CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 10

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M >4 w1 wPr -% *T wo * NER CANADIAN ,GQ"eRnMEt-'AND RIW S TII PORTEI TUSDAY Eodeumê Se I~But Surely D kegan, Officais Say ~ '. alowlv but a reytle ht-Sranrsh Ilu flut-za ta lo'ing ils grtp un Weu'.e iI ai gan. Daitistht- numbtr or u-si.%seý vr reported gruas malter. Ont' tIi'op at-w cases wer- rt-prted ta l Tup beaîth departmet Tut-sday. la tac',u- tht- situation is cdearlng ta sicit an Da cstent that il Is htlled the Rej ment Cross nurses who have rendt-rcd -ccle wil be able to ltave he're ln a ftw bieta deys sud routder aid ilaciller aItielnt-ah -Waukegaa physcians nuw have o~Ç~~5 1LI1.%~whitl dlficulty in answerlng tht-jr cat. . 7 82I1iI1 Tht-rt- are few at-* cases and tht- e, - 5 e-an devota morc timete1thleiare o! . .. 2 tht-jr aId patients. o Just bow mut-h longer thie qitaraitl . at- tint- ban Wilt bie ke;L ounte chroul. 14 -iport theatres, churches. Pool rOrrs. ec.Co la nul knawu. but tht- gent-ralb elieii ('tf le that it witb lie ilfed intuhIe ut-ari proa future as tht- danger of another st- loua outbreati appt-ar'. lohase pasqeti pIret Tht- dtath list front tht- disa-se 'eIIg aice laen rntstaýI: Il ' Il'.s ~ ~ ..~~,~ n EDWIN j. SÇHWARTZ, aged one-ar ah yeer. son out3Mr. apd' Mra. John 4 ' '1~ hep j, i Schwartz ut 91,R Markiet streettPa,-.'- Ma's' UtIel Lmb. together WIUhi SCta f ocks have workt-d wonder. 1 much mort- extensise estaie. It h whir cd away Tuesdty night at 11:401 let whole Sheep Tribe, j, being Froin a few scattered dloaks. the- in-i soid mach land teulie used exclusive CRIab ocleck af pitutonaa nîd iaflue-nza. givea tht-btst af tare tht-se 'Wool dutry hl iengown inmb ont- of con- Iv for aheeb resng and ist tachia cld ATONE VR'4OEC, ged wo t-.aa Wntsd day Whn illa i' -dsidereble Importance. Nova e Soiesetlers. aid atnd sew. itl mixe i A"I VHOEé aedtwoyers Wate" ay. Wenitisrelie(weoila is fa parti.uL&ly fiane texture jierming ia the- sureat money-maker ' daugiter of Mr. aind Mrs. lo4uis Vnho- dthlt amb and malIen are fetching and te ia great demend by New Eng- and that sht-ep ratatng ta ont-offth have vec, of 1131 iteAister avenue,. e- I bdromt M pres; h lnd anacturers of fine wooi-n'bt-st pe.yig branches oft m tal ides command s figure that beosU s underyt-ar. ta 1917 tht-y bld 72 farming. ed away Tut-aday. dteth bting duet, ý he price of shees 75«, and more;: cents for the. unwaahed. aad 95 cents 1 - Western Canada ta tht- logica liea pne.nounla and influe-nza. mdi the~ the- annuel wooi clip brings for tht- washt-d product. As 'tht- abaet-praining country, and the in t-pisE HENRY MICKEY. agtd 29. a col- big mont-y tlcthe- shtepraisera'l ocal dt-mend for fine-wooi wanet: dutry, 7ecially ia.Southera AIt tht- k Iiec is taeasy t nest býsuffit-lent tb meetttht-a.pricea. mont berta, l astaauming e positior ort-d man, dled at tht- nlacktiaont," erat-eftforts te increese the-m aiseo Nove Sctia's weol wes exported only second tu graingoin.T e boe.S. Gent-set- i. W'tdnes-day niglit amd q îeity of their fiocks. te New Englend. Soulhern Alberta Wo, Grevers liat Noo .1 N hu tht- impetas given to Tht- Dominion Aiantic Railway Association la ia large meneur* e ride ait 9 o'ciock. Deàth was due thi brane af fermiag bt-en more Company Ie hepingz tht- farmer, of axouaible for thia, as il anssue complication of influe-nza and scute Marked thm nlaCaLnada. Tht- Cen-, Nova Scoie in this direction. It tihe sbeep rainer tht- inimumAn getritis. endien Goerament in its far-s.ighted- premotes prize-asinning contensanerd troube la marketing bis clip adt lion URS. CATHERINE 9ROGAN, ot mu bas, threugh ils t-et- l ltttiwagte a continuai campaiga for tht- maximum of prices. Tht- Associ i eme. setblodd s nctm ail tdatation and encuoragement eft ion's shipments cf wool thia t-Pi North Chicego, pasaed away ',bis communtiezseintt-d to shetraiag. fermera insbeep husbandy. In bava totalled nearl>' Ivo 1 lii h- musarniat 1:1300, 'c i ttht- tmerg. The Shropshirt-, Liet-ali'and Ox- westernCndateCan"an Pacifie, pounda. Thie s .ritly in aht- br t-aty hespit.talita eBowt-n Country fod renia troduct-d itta ova t Reiwey te doag a like 'work but on 1aiflat mesr, ttï:1t-2< l Club of pneumt>ia and Mi.BroUnand edbtr thret-e ehdren Zion City Thuruda>' nigtît. dratia bu' George Edîsard tDakre ut \!iskegox A IIM @ET lt vert- rtmoved ot IbIssPita etW-l-ing due ta pneunionia and influenzas. ltchPr-,al a Oaçwdenlt- net-day mornung but ber condition et lier buaiand las satioaedi at Uru .tt \Vau't,,gan.TtX. Oct. fre thettlimue wes rt-sarded as vetr'cn-Mr. .j ~ Penillîlon sas a grîndsor. c Nj'IFI WHITE9 Fro MR& MARY SHARVIN. ared 57.1itim as owF5an.A MATNCUK, ot Norh Chictigo,l k and accordinzlt a coum f Vs NIse- Y h a eploed tr yaua t th etIl,-tirreidiag on 141h st., Nort.h Chicago). .tR-.'rts ut this eity 0 tr. LAI(EBOY, MARI1NE of1 trttables in Waukt-ln auitsatd Ipaïsed alîaa>'Frida>- aflernoon ai ib -ri Titi- -tri ic,1-.s ilhIe ai 2o t sway Ibis moming et 4 o'ciack a eborhue. deatia beiag due 1 to-umotît1. Tîte-ýda>' aI Crist rcnth cdtap,. sUn rmPS ht. n *Bmseu CounIry' Club euergene>' hs 4folowing influenza- 'Vaaiike7an. il - pilai. Deah was due to Pne-u'enta~ MRS. VASVILLE, 14liîtsîreet W) TWO BROTHERS DIE-Word bas , 1 Condepeait-a tt r aad nflu-aza - jman, dit-d Thursday ut prit umonia foilt-enmrivdobht tah uKish eson tUtti dovri hrough the single ý MIKALANSKI, 5 ytar'. id. ut iowiag influenza. .fu Water Rooney. aged 17, and bts uin1, itn-l t oxLae - ~~~~MRS. JOSEPH i4ANSEN-Died a 0rte Ewr.aei 9 obtn Tht- procesion made an eulry into'da 12=3Ptscott s rt atwr.agd1.bthfr-T * TWO INFANTS, ot n 4h Il . otocti Friday utglt t f uuau ite %ijage proper aboutt4:20 o'cloctt onnt- onst- r esd22d et. n t cse io one n 22 st.folios Ing influenza. Sh.- 'as itý star- t.,idc Io eunnla foîowiag in and a. -oon as lie coutd gel awayll, obd and tornent> %is -itanna N'tvkt- lfn - did r'a ogatttt expressCon'. JACK< BOOTH -Ageti 13 vearf, no. iire non t 2 Wlockr dieudwa>' nir - c er addin I t-en et Mr. ad Mr. Water i3oth o I,.t nI eve i oun g at ? 'clot-k ibtt- daded w t-r hasbatdid i- strv icvk a' hisbie a 1-nh WI mdhs yto hum' h dtdeBwtn Country' Club emerg w'h - tt-mmnn a 3oik.Tt- a lnt*ho'mehi ~tad, Scaylebi cnty ospte 'is maniae rofi tt bi-'eebt ihct' ~ ttn îtbsince lai-t Thursday night.* rtt.Ion-a Sulidngontt * pacutaonla foihowing influenza. Ht- tabi itBoth young meun litrt- hum inWau hall b-en it-k five days The- f-tili Seventh Deat t *anrington kt-t'mu Tht-m faîher died about If;e tev Am -l i-i livesa as .232 sseward sarmet. T-ai> v ears agou About t-n or 12 st-arq 'i e Noug- ianvont- is rizt rni in li camne troua Deusyýr originatis andt a ..Nrrington. Oct. 1-Barririgiii 10 go tht- boys nnd their mother re- n a s*- 'ng anti it developqit i la iltiq * body me>' be taken thtei. Mr. Boula tisi ha i it-seIth etitn atht- tuttu mis t-d Iu Ku sht-rt-tht-y hnd ~t;tu iedcosa r tgi trafflc manager at tht- Bar.-lNl t-asi elideutie.The, silnt tz a lPh rt-iie< I;i-me- Tht->' ati bt-tn sork-1Iake - are rakin; cane ut tht- ljured i Pat.-on out.,A.P. <bart, veit known r - îung at the- Nash Mon venu s.A ti-te nijtt tfr i - frhel B. EKESERBnoberofCamulll-n H-9iei Inonfl awig thinti brother also vas IIo! tht- dips- ontje on a furlough, tht- hone vas le DeKeyser. dledat Camp Grant. s 'hort Ili1nees. Bis wfe sand brother caP-ehim r' ecos-ering. The brotiierus ru lanti the wouud gent-rail>'bl * Iotord. Thursday tolioing an at Alfredi are atso rejiorleti s-i-, tua utart- uriu-d -'hi- th-ir mother and etti teck o! -patumonia. i', sIietr lie-tht-sanie allit-t. Ht- w5lt24 sean- hroter-Tht-rt-mains vilb arrive l ahdiKee ndTre nep t I4ttr and Dugdalu- oad and he lis atît amindl-avpeCune son. thrte-wlL-kt- Waufregmu Tut-yday on tht- 10:16 a.,>uk tht- vometn aI Fox Liake are ý0 ed tht-ne prior to golng mb lithe amiy. DIId. '.%r. ("hunni a ws a memb-r ut m. train for in*ermt-nt in St. Mary's teti' -ni ahoul talkiug about it. it dc ,9 Tht- bodl>'is enouate luo Waul<gn o tht- Rtserve Miiiia and long a rt-i cemeîtery. MNir. John Pundt utf Oak s' l<-p.itl,ut aller White had loft thets buriat. dent utfliarringoit. tnr-et, Vuk-gan J, anaut ofthe rnaloîoblt-as lie remcbed tht-mainan G»E.RAGTY -Kaths'riiie ltn Fottuwlrîg 1Ithe -tlh t' i broîher«. part outhelb'-bsinesa district. practpi Gtrgbty. ege.d is t-ans an: tbee -3 at Saturda>': MRS. KAPELLA, wite ut a ho,,-i cail- ti-t-y iomatu in tovu maltted 600 inontits. Oct. 9, pat-umonia. tiaîligbset' FRANK TATAY. mge-ti 1. dîtd ai t"pra! Fox iLake-, tiietin \lcAjiis Ion p îauting a kiss on tht- >oung ian'asv o!f Frank J. anti aKtherine L. , Siter tht- Jane MeAlister hoapitai Saturda:. 5fer hospitli Sa'arda'. nigiî. lit-ti <ht-t-k or lips. Noaht Isasb -Of France'.(rîit-vrm ~ntghit lu tt-ak, det-t-ine{u. .IlglaWttnt -ni- îaepý.cicti fort la agoouj lg ir- _but -he isn*t -tard to M., John J. and Williaru 'r.tua-railptao n tltua M al.'su aibtnaeifr soie time. fn ,ach sort out reatîent, hut tha Frida>' moring, (Jal Il, !tri aie tr1ai1 r'eidlid aIt 32() South W.-'s sdn. -e,î. lit sbe undensseut a s-loti tliittmatt-n. the wottitn mat ina iste rezldt-nce. Lake tluIf. MRS. REGINA GREGOSKI, .<d v-p ra'i<îu for ah-ct-sa uit tht- ivtr. itt un expressiug îbemselves and s58 Mr. Geragty s at-Il i.nussn iiithii j77essed alva>'Saturdat- aiI -r ihoît.îm e Ile.s-, hcr hu.-band site lr'avs oneua ptroahly ai tht- pieient ltme White a eity. For st-ara he smaiu ehif I ai Rtsi. dPalhb h'injýd Il'1)> ft.-t On.Tho' fait>'lm at-li kaurn ti tî ui-S tht- record for hsn tcle to istratitne nulne- uoh -ttt!niatandInlueni-za. Fox 1 t I <tes ops that %jmr, itmre- uscuatory messages than an>' r&ailea under Frost uni I',TrYSAAI-cii ,yer, oi TýaP!a'>d'-alh ia atdetdintu hu inan lu Lake couat>'. th t-r. cI1 Mr. ant iMrs, J6seoh Satt. ,o tiuif 4wi'ia thée eptdrtrilnos,!i. ~Ittt, 'suite te voten preatit-titbitr ANDREW MADAJ- Ageti 26, died tij i '.r anti < veue Norttntmtna ts-- p' eneeat tt tt- hliirbtt-. i> t tar afi ia McAlister hospitai Thurutiay afl.-ri fi:hae ur -b Ciî:igo. dl-it Satarday in tufj:., eln , huh oiti hase -l uIar 'ît scaseno e mafnt-d stîh tof a. noua, from pat-umonia. 11tis wife andtilmniaadinitfluenza, tl itue p'railuhao h bqal]îetl hIrsat n.casbe fleartl lss-'s uth chidren aise are ies. bt-mig vit-tu FELUX SZIERZYN SKI. agu. , t tt-. iain obntiwt rd.w of Inluena. pssée!aiva Siturdayev sningýlt'MRS. ELIZ. GERRY MILLER-aged Ilorwadwt iPtes MAS. RUSSELL. C. PALMER- 7tttcîeiai hih hme, sz~Souit-ictu il-jtht'. afleraotsn nortb utWhite,, ut course.bsmsa'Itr LUCILE A. RUSSELL-VWas bol', îuark a.euîî 'riî<"-ii 1 aa rta nttn She wam a -ting thinga 1totaik about and onf Sept. 19. lIsfu. in thet bs-aoutWatt-tn- olfpttnoix aiîiiu.miltSru tr. <2' rry.ot Chetnitl tr-et lartit-ular thIng be mentions la tha. it-gan, couttofaILaket and tate of LEONA PINKu agt-d i itari, daugit 1aitu. ani :d Etimouds out 14tliiin during a certain pp-iud of tht- figlt Ilinois, anti matie ian-led ta Russelilt-ertof Mr. atîI rs, pili, ju <in', f i MRS. ALBERT' MILLER, et Bt-r. Itut- sile bt- wa.s wllh the Marines, C. P i e.Oct. .-il,187,,s-be passed fî t-f i ireef. N orhîilu ( itra4u <b-1 iI' I ll i . 'li-l a ~ - e u t o pll iî- U rtn e e tl tg n ito elae Jul>' 12,I1. ;Stra'tti i t ,r ttutttyI,ti t'5r tss a-l Ittus uoie odtht-y vert-kili- Wak a ,ay si-Ilt ranullci f p> rt thi'l r-ut anty hoitiii lb oesthat tht- .AtItî u *~ ~~~~~~~ htr rohe,1 GRL--m- -h h-~Ils'a 3 1 Qj cByý*,IEFBRUT S S tete Supenintendent etfI'ighweye. T11<15-AN) Hasa 1lru: aI emakof titisiid tg ipnd I d tnt live On tbe Pro' toRsîu b ridrneed-tad tht-tfre te Surno f . io.. hw ,'"lnvr tans' bt-at-fitfrent Iheun thesystexu tot properiy laid cout Iread Disease Stili Sa ntacuîîmodut- tht- tart-ns anmd Powerfuil HoId iehaîll ote naniat t - The- bond issue hiyalen s te w tu ba (Spectal le1 Tht- Sun) tht- t-d of rosa] building in llinois. - 'but lm sImphy tht- begLanlng.- Il itglit@ ticaga, Oct. 14.-Tht- r'sult ut fraitiework upun sîbteit we itl bud a att--ide surît-y b>' tetegrapi oftifsnte s>'st-ia uf i'adia t vit *U t aah ry Illinots coîmunt>' ut 1,000 lu ait iosvn end ueîghibortîoods. But Mireîsltbuild ltae framework: firat. Il aulatlon on over. gis-en ont iteit' ias not laid out stth rt-fort-nce t ýdây aeht b>' Du. C..St. ('air cotut>' unr tcuoship boundaries. btt at-. titrector et the- alate depant- mather sili tht- Idea e! conutectintl ce> ters Of population sud marketing, t of publie heatth, show Iha, 22". points fîur ttrni sud faclory j,"s'dct5 es and towns In Ilinitois bave bappti Tiat tht- grent proiportion ut tht- liai. the PIdemc ofSpansb i flu ie orignates la tht-se cet-aers of POPU- d~ hi epîemieut Staniat In l aîtioutnîîndta-etafrein une et- tatt-at :.Tht- nuîber ef casea reponlti anctîber liqs aiosn b> a tradmticonsul btat- -127t-ummitnitlra Lý 55,725 ofîtlaken In 1918 lis'tht- slate hlghvay de- 1~ 541 PartaienI It a la ino-uperatan vitit -h 17,94t are itn Chienago amui :t7-tht- uiss at- tit-,ge. dova n ste,. -Tht-e tuavt-bt-en Tiis enBsscovsu't-sl47 stationstla i titatha from Inftlutentza anti pneu. I l Uities snd shows thttMItpu'r cent Otf tUbN itigttay trame originules la lte lia itn Ctic-gajnd uti491 in 'b,' doisu luînaad neturas tu the- town-41-% pt-r se couitinihii-s viîteh have mc eti1t' touril traffe ltrough thet-ite istittu281,1i.per u'rnt W afrtai trame' <bu 'nsinct-d lthaI lthe ridt'mic hat cht-i prupunliarta which ru'qui reti upt and vit-trons i-asures. lthe tederartimetî t ofheatth bas or- -udt hat ail tiiit-tre. ini-luding nuttu pîcture shows, aIl ait-ht gclioouî. lodges amdailtitpitteus of public usc-u1ent, etusédtiiînttilthe- epIdent. sabsidus. Ait iiuhlic .îîheott rit art-lac-king lit adequtélî-iuli- andîî atrs.iug supervitsionti s-t-ni' - toit in the 'anden. lmrom tue iift-'.iuotu et' uw t-,*' saiti Dr. tDraket, viw(,siMu t il eer>' cuimunil>' ta tlltnois wsut afiet-netib>' intint-uza bt-fore the- lt-mit- sutut-ites. On tht- hasts o! reports wbich reached us today, estimait- that tht-r-ans' nor it in 11 0,000 case-s lunlt-e tate ou' le ut (Cbicago. n tunalysis of tht- Influetnza situa- i in Chirago Iodas shtuw! 'hi thelii te-,nie bas nia t-'each-d lis <rt-il re. For the- sut-k t'tii7 Seîtetin r28, tht-ne st-ep 59cases na;îurti ul Ciciago a itti 176 deaths. Durinu lit-t-k endint- Oclober 7 tieru, ýre 6,104;rse, eported vitti aths. Tht- total nîlher utfîitaltii ma Influienza anti put-unra in tCht- go durna ttht- past Ibret- s-tt-lt i- 2,264 coipaned wiîh aunie- 156 for the- sait- perio1 dut irg lt- 1s fise years. Aititougli lthe ,tuatlon js ,adIn i a>' down state coîmunillea, il viii vu wr.t- hefone lit gels lit-emat- rdinig 1o menbers ut the .'at- ut- lnza commission whIch uit-I 1>'y. rThe tuvu ut Assumptîof !1t Chit Dn cont>', it it apopulalt iofI 1 blias rpportfd .7,0 cases and lias kled forý'14tIl. Tht-rt- arcounisfaut btoms anti une regiateneti tîuïsc ti le town. neennp, w!tts a popliation ut 1.224. muorleti4t(( cases. Tsi-ta ductot's e luIn reenttraanti bath tire iii wittt ifut-usa.Peoria reports10,000 itie- anti Rorkfomd f000ttt. lu Pt'unluu vi mergen->' ospitais have bemi nuippeti ant inlaRocirturd im-ducal blp has lit-tn loant-tifrona Canil ant wbemt- the- eidemie 1'.rapils eing brout-ht suaden conîmol. monet- ian 1,200u cases have taêt- Pponted ta Kankak-t-.Cairo ri-port oca. marengo, alia a poPîttîiIn 0o 172 rt'portt-d 49(; cases anti lis keti fon the- bt-p o utstade diactort ti nurses. Nokonils, vwirh hba ,pulation ut 1.d72 bas report cd ser 00 cases li-l4t nu bospîtal taciiit -atlahle. Blooiington reporta 1,20C ses vilb il deatts. Tht- state ht-alt d-par!mPlt ut, s extremte cane In order lu prevteni to fan as ptosstie tht- at-tdiss fîrttt- pr-d outht-e contagion. AtI pt-taon. 'e varat-ti lu tst-ep avmy front cr-cist t avoiti the- persuf wbe îaist.t augis anti spLta vithout eoven~, te tact- wltb a t-bIb, and tu cousuff tphysielan iîtuedat-i>' upon 1ht Irt _aympltoms ut what nay seet-mtI Je an ordinar> colti. s ng, t. lii- fuîrm. dItl the 65 pur et-a uiglitatlit la the- ti)wnK. 4T pt-r cent vas t roi lownîtoto wn; addtng tQ his lbhe ltrotîghtir toturtttraMC uf ht/i pt'r e-t, ire bas- "11%pt-r cent of the totltraflic foitustng the-tain -tîsîl'.frintuîisn to towaD. Itisconl- Iiin tbu'e.-orrei-inops et tht- actionOf cur ts'glistatuns- ln connetltng centers of poîiltuitn ist%%-i aYt4g out ttsM Yl Front the- foregulingthe t-rt nie no tai.teii,' tacrand drink lthé watt-r (10111-t that te bt-ad Issue sYstem COV *nlght and nornil!K tend m"-ethat thtjr tring ae; It doeis the mtjority of the owelt- are kî'pt ln gouti condiitionî, foula truseitng ronds ot the- oite w*wiiiwt h froiti ani ooké'd friti ndit take rare of fron 40 toa50 per' cent o? i m, r yutt- ii u t-un the t-ntre h1ghway traffic, of tMinai. 1asr yufe il e éon (;r'ntingt litIwe tcot Improve ail .tricken mc tlbthis dimti of tht- rends ut thesanme tinie. lit i ae-,Thbé tar sttrétigtient-l hé brolicbia! parent fiiat %% è tiuldulie tgin with those tubts and lings. 1 sowi Ifused in a receivtng tht- grentest traffle and leti faniiy otf ine when tlis .disoa4o was the- othèesfîîibuv ln the (inter of thetr stweeping the cty of Atlanta,GC. Imnporance: that is wpe soidnuli'- %cars ugo wtthodt the lets of one. ptrovo tht-e urndatryrontds litfore tht-i E~EMMA IÀIS main rondsm anis more tan a raiirnad : G ;l-ad avé- .'otupanv r. t id but id t he' *fceers" . be- 7 iy fore fi constratlît he "ma i ineY Zon1i Otn titi tînsil, of <quît y. fnuone cou b S ts nouha rni lu t ry it as dispute te proposition flitIthe main i P.rt-t'ly li nhi'.t anti wii ce ronds esbouid ttlie Iniroved first and lbe- I.ixdif tkül ne yond question th.-y will be Imîtrovedl f1irtt: ht-re the sîtuner tttey aepo ll vided for the- a<tnre eaon ura aur ~ O V dlT R attention t th-sa Important rondos. If, titerefore. ire shaih approve of' te bond Issue fier iutpcovirig tiis sys-1OFP S R DI tem (if main roant',.ive wIA-1 tht-n be nt %w aukegan frieutis of Rev. andi Mrsa librt îotae p tt-tîtesio utth-e1 Chartes Thorntaur. formerby of Wag- r'oads that cnard ewititftic bond af~i lent. If You l ire off frouî inte bonikegan. îDr. Thortion bing a pastar 1 ystemt, ht-tp pt ilo rver ln order theft or tht-Fi . t Mothodist chitrch a few yu innua!tbe sosoititive in lituproved )ears, ago, wert- saddpne(l te av lu road te ourt.ti tutwr or farin. tain of thé deithof their two grown Do not tthirik, itoueyer. tieat the-Il> daugliters, Vera and tutogene. Tht- terests ofthttîîîe hroffbe tî'Ireg off thii frnmvr pi'.ited awa> octur)t r and b4ntl isué' sý.teiitof rîtt l hae ten tht-later October i?. hoth drîtaIc. os i-ittketi or iilt d The- fitt 10c1'runnigiai ttteir hinte tln Pap'r%î lic. thal lite plan t. ris ieblt tti l stm 11iosýzaadpnuolawr colieeted frmuttlîtmh fies above I spniblucfor boand pemha the annotant rc-qiirrd fir the ptÎynmfitrsoeit ~ ot eta of tie bonds anti iuîterest and takiI --- r-are ut thi' maintenance ut the raa, ,AUCTION i-halil ieused i o iiruving these road-The- undersigned wiii se-lt at public leading out front the scti. Tbe amutî11nt vaI]Jtîie should avertage nearu auction on tht- Andy Graham farta, ly $2,000,00M anntalty and wili be t-llait-thret- mtit-s wcsh uf Waukegan. and ted ta the- rouaities under the sttesnid! onehaif mile aorth ut Spauldings tpletn. Corners, on tht Milwauke-e road, on il This mens that the countici will Tuesdav', Oct. 22, 1918 at 10o ctoci iprovide an t-quaI amount. inakIng a1 sharp, the folbowtng property: Five tottl of approximatelr *400000b on- horses: 1 ha', wl I1500 Ibs; 1 bay. wl y nually for 25 years or an aggregste o 0f b;1bak t10 bs ry $100.000000W. Iadadton. he rare u 20 of 1burtw 40 b: r! the bond system rondo and the stttei wt 1500 111.; 1 gray, wl 1300. ThIrI>'- a id siyitem ronds, as fast as Improved, sixi cattfle, 10 sprinters, 4 frt-sh cows, il itIniien nff frunt the- bands of the- 1 kded Iilkerit. 5 hteffr., 1 Hostein iftossusnhip highway eomnigsoiier andl bull. flay and Grain: About 40 ton@ s theto twnship rond aad bridge fufld. ut choice No. 1 Timolhy Ha>' ta barn. lnmountlng lueumure than SS8OOOOOO an- 20 uui,80b ab>,80soi t uatiy, wiii ait be avLltable for nose1200b as80bu'are,00sok tr upon tht-se coanecting ronds. Yod wlliofutrn. Machiner>', ail aew: Deer. ýtht-rt-fore, set-elant' Included tn 1%. ing grain binder; Jobaston corn bind. 1bond Issue plan te a very large guru for. er, Dowagiac drill and grass seeder. conaltructing these ronds that are flot Blue Star curanpuler. Det-ring mnove n part of the- bond Issue systemt. er (5 ft eut), 12-dise harrow, 3-hersè * It-15 apprnI!ttt.,therefm.-it-1h51, JolI eederi 2twoa-ctian -battrawye-ifl tL wlli helliyourseif and bht-tp your flt-g$l. utw. 1 walking plow. set boti sleds, ir bor to get a good road by sup'trdU international aide deli rake, , the bond Issue even lhoagh 7you, n Johnatorn hay, rake, International rai,' happen te rt-aide aiong thet lystemi - --ha>' loader, ridtng culvators, 1 single lie Syetem. cuitivator, 2 foai wagons. 1 mili wag. It Burrows-"Thanks for the- $5. olul on, wagon box, 120 tetit ha> rapt-, fork lechap-but whnt la this pamphlet youvs tend puile>'. 10 maiii cana. grindatone, thanded nie?" ys-"t ,aiways give lia>'racik, une-balf horst- powe-r Fair. te that wilb a lutn-lt tlis how ta banks ga* angine, 1 double barnes strengtht-n 'hie ruauorY."-Boaton and 1 single hamnt-ss and ther ai Transcript. clos too numerous te Mention. TERMS-AII suams et $10 andi under - - -, ~cash. On auma over that amount a A NA10-N , 6i ýTH crt-4lt of six manths wtli be given on IS N IS SODSUWMPIY approved notes bearing latérest at tIlt ratt- ut pt-r cenat fretin date of sait-. L'toe ýa '3dem-.1PRINCE BROS, Props. Fred Grabbti Atictf net-r. Emit lurtt, Clark. GENER4L HARNESS REPAIR. t 14G AND> SUPPLIES ]k C*. HLKWIGtbîrty yearè witlî the late Fred. Palmer Hàirnes. Slifn, w1llîes toannounc that he is Dow ready te do ail kindis 4)f iîaruwsn repairlng., First Class 'Work - Rlght Prices. - M 0-Met-Ion St., (Mer) Cor. MoKInIey Ave. South Bld. UI. .1 i'i. Is col ",.The E est *Wilia mniattri- lu b.i a LIVOI it bis horru on SuiIf mens hi' n laincu%, h. -Sema i Wa h' thRIlN lé,.î tbatusii vid t 'tt t, Tes ti tet0 it e t "4'ts. ftu .-T anil-Ily net- il *t Grt, - deaese t- oermtait ine çt Germai reachi uer. p rolps --de'tns chineý

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