CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 11

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LIBERTYVULE IN'DEPENDBN.T, T1TURSDAY, TIIL'RSDAY, OCT. 17, 1918 PAGE TM=E JWM. FLETcIIEI, COLORED SOLDIER IN. CASUALTY LIST ".The Bugle Boy" of Lake For- est Is One of the Latest County Boys to Die Wiliamiî lch'ir.. 'r olored yaunig man frontîîlakit i"'r"'t. laf(lie latesf ta b., adIit i l , i r"i Ilryi 1 ist of IN'orii h r iii liii viceivr'd ai bis hotu' I Lal-' tore't ,fating thaI hf' (î'l iried In(rivirf' in Iranc'r on Sll tuilir i'hrer wv. 'a m oriv f iitil)Ilinois and was amlong t1h iif . ' t t se tacrosq thiý as "thi'- i oi 'io '- îand r (di-i if tie c.!IV n 'i 'iwî*e q-ar atrl er lie i.iîi d, i ;r' n iraci iiing <1u a lîkl'andiîi uiiîriîngly w:îs auî iîPltiv serve' li wirk"I fr i lie Wcnuisn livêtry fort j;iî,i-uî lrs' u id wal.; Wi-ll lru,t'iiliiiniit iii»irisa shere ieA GIRAYSLARE MAN IS REPORTED WOUNDED s ijo i ,i l-4 iinii..riý Iii . ,r iîiiîitd a(rij ces. F. 1 , frir i ray'i.i iv "4" ~ ~ %ý! s 'i athianadian "Su, i ' . . . XC,'iIian ariliv blit tii ' ' ,;,iiiid'-r. le ~n lS , i . ro I lh atirai ni re'iii i' i . ci ur' -iii ni a' LATEST WÀR NW PERSISTL14T PEPORT THAT K<AISER HAS ABOICATEZD London, Oct. la à perisl tent revival of thre report that thes Kaiser las abdicated. The reps. (n from Amsterdam that Germany haa acepied ail of Presidernt Wilsons conîditions ua belieed he,'e to te approaimately correct. According ta ân cachange teiegrapir ) company dispatrir from mtrm it reported from Berlin tirai German, acept& ail of President Wisone' con drtions puovrinýg the intereste of the German people are safeguarded. AMERICANS WiOEN THEIR BREACH NEAR KRIEMILDr '1OY 1frit' mi iPress) <By Taylor) Wth thre Amercansaiat Verdun, Oct 16.-Tire Americanis widened their breach in the Krîcmhilde uine In an ail day frgiii netting iheir biggeat uay atolsg tire Aire. The dough boys store" ed st. Juvirie. Tirere was bitter fîghting between St. Georgea u'nd Landres where ouc troops penetvated formidable wide -defenses in the l-ice of terrific ma chine gun ire. Nearer the Meuse our tanks helped ckean out the ma- chine gun nests and ied.the offenîie n thre asecult. Thre Germans are desperaiely throw ing ini reinforcementa in an atteniPi to preveni a complets break tirrougir by tire Amer,icafl5 ,,ear Grandpre. Two sGerman counter-attacks were defeat- e d. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC IN AIIMV UNSiER CONTROL. fis tinitcd tpress) Washinlgton, Oct. 16.-Fiqures as to the influenza epidemic in tire army reaching Secretavy Baker (hi.s ater. nooni indîcafed tint.tire disease le now under controli "JOIINNY" DOIiNELLY DIES IN- WOOI»STOCK;9 LEAING IdOCRAT "Johnny"'rC.flonnetiY, for years a prorniarr'rt drasiocratInlatuba. the (tir dtastrlch tutîl tn 'fr years dernscrati S rclîre'.etali is ct S pringfleld, dled ai bis honte' in Woodsiock Tncsdey get tébr nomru Iis dvatl i ftilowed a -par- atytit afroke wlrIi he sustainpd eonie thrve ,or finir accus ega. He waa liorn lji Woodsfock and alwuys lived there. Mir.Tonnliy waa 62 years aid anid was ingle.lieus' several sisfens and aire brother. Ycars. ago after he refircd from fiec ie-giifrle Dormie,- ]y was s depoty-LU. S.,murabai friT Chi- ,cago At one time lie was regarded es-thelctead4ng densacrat o! thc stbi George Neia.on spent Saturday wiiîh hi, inollier, Nirs. Rose Nelqon.- MISS Alice Doyle S')C-nt Sunlday vis lting ber foks at Wadeworth. Water Breen spent Sunday wlit is parents here. He lm attending thc Lniversity etfClilcago wbr're lie wfii iroon ivave for overseas. Word was recelsod' by the polie laie Wednesday îilght of the death of D. Kaiser at Camp rani. His par- ents live on Ilth st. Thei Wolf fainiy la reporied tri b, ail Iiproving. It was rumored that Mr. Wolf dieti but bis friends wiiilire glad te bear It was a faine report. illsRhoda Sboup leaves next Wued- rîesuay night for liremerfou. Was., *wherrë the postponed wedding wltii lient MeKinney, rwlil fake place. Midss Shoump1usd pianned tbis trip sometime ago but was detained by the death of her niother. Aliss ua lrerGrotb aof(Chicago rpent i! fiew dayr wiliîMiss W'lnnitreri S'aies8. Mlrs.,drs. Thomaîius NolriIîii iwiur IN Ilu herbhoe. MOTIIER JOINS SON WHIO DIED AT CAMP iRANT Mirs.Jolie Sitrrinor lil '.î',lavay .rt lier bornie iriîiu>, Oet 11, antiier victim or Influenza. Mrn Stearviin returned (inly iaat Mond-,j frrini (amp tust et wberu' shù %%asr <ail ed lry the deab ô! bler csonIliarry. S1r' wam fil upon bier reurn and gr'îw îiji idliy worse, the shock of! Harrys de-ai b contributlng te the serlou.4ness of lier condition. For a number of years Mi., Sbarvin bas been janitor of the North a"boi la Nortb Chicago, and unlits the ardinary janitor, bas takien a verv real and persanal lntereru ln th- scbool. Teaüberrs and puplis bave found ber a frlend indeed and their grief at ber sudden passing a is eu ';bc Icaves a huisband . .evîral chi 1dren, among tbî'mi, swa sans in th,' service and a large arrmtrer or friendi; ta meure ber lo«. Jo'ieiîb O'Keëe leavr's trnigbt fui liochrster. N.Y.. after a a'uek's fur- i ough spent with is mothber bere. lie bas attended Uiversity if Chi(i go ince May. Miss Elizabeth Doyle lias refurr.'l] ta ber home ln Libertyvîhle.i A dactar front the tate beaith di parment s'as in fown Friday e'nd1 rr5ked Ibat a ccr.sus be taken of tuie1 influenza cases. Tbhis 'ill lie donc ai; once. The scbooi teaclcru rit the toi' n wli lie c'lled upon ta do the wark. Max [irzylior'ki. ;iresudent f 0fthi' Norrthî ,clooi board callcd a confer ence oai the North achool teachers Fni day nrglii and oiulined the wori. Principaltilc loc and bis itr'eruu starti'd tliî' work ttîis morning aînd no doubt a r.'port s ilIt hi'rrady befrir, r igtit. 'Trhe SoîutIi scioritdistict lit a sttari sork in10 ieir district today or. Mondaiy. Sîra. iea-on riturni'îi home v estr day. She bas bi-en apeiudirig .î fra duys in the country ssiting ber math er. \lrs. ThomiuaNolon. whose busiaiîd dicO lat %scel ofpfle-unioniuui, aIi 1f22 Soriith Park ave., la vers seriaiislv i! a irsis alier Iitie son. The Zembe funily of Sout:i Park avenue, are alat'riotisly 111 witir iu fluenza. Tari nurses art' luatii dace. Tire niother o! Mrs. Jacuob K.iiiîuin is vliting hIrei'fronti 'icago tira few days 200 Si.CK CHILDREN Theint eaclcra rftbe Noti sciîoîî tiade a <ompIte censrs rit the nirnu tuer (Ksi'i rin lire aarîh aide Satur day. They found over 20tu (uses c! ,i ý kIt¶i5ss. fully one half of thent cas'- of Ilurifla. Ttiere were as bîgli as, five arnd six cse in one tamiiy. A large nunilier of tue cases wcre oi. the roat to recovery. The situationî 1, a eil Si ,lus. Many o rutie c ic bail fot hail niedical attention uati the people did fiai knnw wht tier tire " hurd inilueuuza or not. Thc repart will ho turned over ta the new ituarantire officer, Joe Pr-yborsiki, for funhîr in vestigation. Mrs. Will Stchuman sperît Monda> ln Chicago. Ednia Nelson s able ta bc ai wora again after lier peceftit lines Vernron Htabri visitied is aunits. Mrs. J. Wlelch sud Mrs. l.awerenÇeý 1Tuead.ay. ýý Tii. Helser.taniiiy on Lakoslde ave are alilvery I ltb Iluenza. Mre Helser s'es ta-ien tn the bas pia! Toeuday affernoon withb Sion cilai pnepumonla. Nurses arc faklng rcars of the cbil4reli. Mars. Delta o!fiChicago, wba 'visite(. Mii. Nolon o! South Paru ave,, passeil away ai iter borne la Chicago. John Gartiey le roported to be mach better. «"IT'SUNTRUE" That's What Dr. J. L. Taylor, Coroner of Lake County, Says in Reply to Charges that He and Others Influ- enced Eliz Conn>ell in Leav- ing Money for Libertyville Hospital JOHN L. TAYLOR ýNE WEST TRACTORS EXTINGUISIIED BY THE WAR BOARD Tractor Makers Allege Unfair Discrimination and Predict Serious Food Shortage Dîscusing Ilie curtalinient bin ra, tor and farm iniprirment manufacture raii.ed by thiýrec nrt ru] ing <f th( War Industries Uoard. ,Hlnry l'ai' rJniiton, eîitor rof Agrinioior. a 'iii kuts',n t ractnir a.i lont ,s.1su ".4.uinrim,ýi i. unr forrr it' i ir 4rr brus tfîîd siiirazor'in l,i,'îorv if i lir recent order of!thii,W'ar lndurufri,; itrurd i. flot oidtel Tlis rui.n2 li tn it's ui' prodct i on rof farusi r torstandl farrn rîrr'î l.from <1e1 I, 1910. 10 0it. 14 l«:r. fo iliire tuar Leva of the produoiritîn rif i tic i mont hvlires tous. in orner, it bu said Io niake asailablF an aditianuii 5Oi). 000i Ions of steel anid lrnn for ma r pur pome- , Fiirtbermnori', ziruines'tric;or crcens. mans' of wti.",h meredis- iiin'tls 'vfiictiuragi-d îy the Departmont af Agriculture f0 gît ready for large Iractor ouîtputs bn 1919, will lie lino lied lo the production of lii tr.ivrr caeb. thus prarticaily forcing them Io i-usiendiiînrS rXVarlou us (or la,.r b'en aiaim cd for Ibioo actiorn of the X\Var indtt'u lIr1i. hoard. Osti'n-ihlthelchcibef reasous arr'tire c(on'ir'rvatiO1of rit sf andt irrin for waur purîîo'.ea uond th!- ,hang'ýr rt iof 1rriiiu ot f faruu trictors duitrng 1419. The flrt tof i hi ai' reatîîîu is iiîmj)-rIýtuuandl îitriri tic, if irue. Diii tliii.ri'iri atilt bebur manufaciurcd ut.ires tif noli essînt!al- thai cîruld far bhi ti'r Ii tîr' hauî fzirni briri ricît irilr aîrors. Anh! as for flic seconrutirusoti. thinre i- aîrtually an undrrrprooJuction or fafuii trao:t trs us co aitfhirî tirseit tintue a condition whieli wiltlihe gi ieîtly ex aggi'ruitcd ext vear su le riraft broardsanaud war budustre-s Iakn furiti er toh of aur diuuiîiiiing t.rrm iabor And rime vuintot emunhasize trio stroat. )y the fuart thaiar nwiim.î or chlîbl wlir woutd be irira 1,s bchind a hors. ploy' i-n aoruraatariîi trictor wiili thto r ri.Ii r rp rigre.ssu vr' iaiu fui-turnerasu ho h:i i' ti intednitlions o fiuipbit iin diselopitrg efiieint trac tors for (lui'»V) mruuket, wsIll ot q uit qtiui t-rit undi r sircl a iiroi-eing. Alruadr' liîuy artetîganizing to pro test itier'ugicu l u ratluintprest s oritbu country,. andl utnipiiug suili be hetl in kliiiagoirnliaifew dui> s tri isusa tire situat iou andii meni iirectîy suith Wsi,linglori. The g,ý% rntlieit lhuan on fancy shor s, whiihw-Iilnitt(liye sa ard dî'liglrtfui t lut a of uiiariy's i'otgear sîlI b'giiur f0 oae'itacîrfvf'it liefore (hoeund 0frflhe întatir Cîîig ai tbe ries siioP,'ie(-ocr(rlinrg toclassi- fiacation, lieight andl stylo, ilîl begiri lit tasiorin-s'flrouigtout tireîcourntry (ijet. 1,rtetaliramuit arlaaersý are gis rn irut Il .1 litru1 tb rîlposP Ofr Ibeir prsont storckItof shoe, at ther present prîtes. Afler that limie abat dealeras will carry only (tie re-gulatiaui grades of slîtîrarungitng lu prire trans $3 10 $12. att afrs'ltch wilt beat (he oins nrîrent stanîp. rtasIfying (hem Ili thei irem' grades. as foltows: Clasa A. froni $9 to $12ý clas Il fromi 1tri $,,;u;,0;chas C'rfrorji $? ta $5.50. Daiy Thoughf. the iii.- loseiui>. EXTRA' WELL, WHY NOT? Why ehouldn't a teiesa îman make a good solution observer? Why couidn't tihe room which a whoie man's legs require in an airplane, b. usd s additîonai sforage space for &erilbomba, and other airpiane squIpnienti A legles. man, whoae arma are pcwerfui and who otherawise s 'aillright" wotudlb. more ularing j (han a whoie-skinned man, nir e trne. out of ton (thai's what they Wiukeganla liglos youlg man wants to know WHY. the above facts are mlot true? E.rri Mo-ran, Waukegaiî~i-. , Younzg l'la"î, ie bock in Wîîukiu.ýiji ,i * short iiuilneo4 stay. bu; iiîg o f ionm Atlanta.,u.., wbere j,. bren iocated for same year . Wlîrr lie'lbas been mniýui' '". iiviiîg. Moran, irtranige ti ri ', beýen riinilng a iaundry of hlii rainii Atlaînta. aind acarding tu hi and I ll, lreîr .iei bas been niakiiiiv ' t Jiu'causé fls wife'a lîeallb hi okr la îî (bey conî'luded ta seli tbeîr i, i.' iiacrirîlngly ho la' ,'i Ill iirundry reî'r'rtly and abe 'ii i-oi. h rie îu flefor a ~ij whîirle1-i., vsiting bere aiti,, 111 lansfl for the future. Mrîa."l is recatlIPdri, s r iý. l iii'î rouiîg Mfan who -i ruri' agir îbî lipuiing a ride ra i un hetwr'en liirr and Chicago;, rrau .oer uid hoth of bie legs c<iii i .lie nom lias inrelIY a very t!i,'imp. and iS obriiged fa go about'i, a lit- tir %rheel piatform, pkuahinv lilllqeif r uni goin biiiliands. Ds, .titis 1t-rrible handicap, Maran siri n, tr liave r iiiie gond because h r i,,,, d mrinstrai-d an enorgy andi atiwi which few wit ait thiirr liiir 1)osi. es s Ife bas donc crjin-r irabis secret sersvice work for the'cii m'ent and la saidt]a opos-s- ii'u along (bis fine briseuse rd i tri i Iliat hi la legiess and no ,îîui*î%v. vulî (-ver susppct hlmi of doiîîg ii,!ui- ilrg aicuthlng linosi. Aspired t, Be Avrato-. Nlw the question ii1 iu. i a lei umari a good maii', 11Si i air-plane tombintz? Tirais what Siaran wîiiiii iictri knoi It itait I'ri t"the fao. (liat ho ha--; ben dobing dect'îve a ari for I'ncle Sain In sar deirart- tueint inatteri, he liîà haà a grpat ambrition ta become a nir'iibcr 0f 'he av iation cons aiid lia., h oderel Irise sers ices la the gr'ýeriureut traor iirree fOfles. H-e lis for inerely t(-n' rdcred bis servie -siîîî he bas sar- gued witb goiniettofficiais (bat be le iust the sort iof i man ta us'ý In airpiane fighrîng t ii'uase hi' ba-; 1no limbe. "flere la what 1i ail fo tiem," Fald Maran. i-f iitlîem tha't1 ibriugbt I was juit iliie feIiow ta, do f be bonsbing lu an aitplare.he ,£act I f the marier i... that iIiii nie In an :inr lane wc corui;i g tt!at nany floreý ronibs In an airrtiî ii 1îas'en't atýy floirs or feet. to tilîr itii)iiespac anti accordlngiy tiîev ciilii pile ir)Goibg undernealb me, rîiliiîg thers..n tlîat ilegs and'f*e, ian irrirnartfman wouirld takp. But i miiV 1knu y riame and that is as fair as i 'ver Sot o11 nuy airpiane aàitiiin. Muorant It l ri-iir.muas inarried In Waukegan ses cii cars ago andi sliortiy affera ards hi and iea'ife twent soutbhcr' ihesstartud a iaundry and ss'lîrr Mforan îicrsonaiii' lied charge of (hi ,î,u"ia-. LOWDEN VISITS STATION &C0«ijnuen Prom Pare vmm i nrartieiairsaiîîd iiiijirs' ic',I).arlng.. X'iedneaday ws, 'iii it rmumrin the il4tory of Criai ti'h lait ua bind corfposed entiivî'y mmf wîrnîcupasacil li re slow befovr (th, commaînaunt. Ellis Honor Guests. Tien fbcrî' wlrm mliteniers o! the Elhuas wio seern' ulsri brnor gus,. 011 thbe Stationt 'lu r v iii îied, in a bodiy trainflue NMainuGale ti r eats by the revicwirtg etiumii Tiî'y acre ac. caniPunied trom ri iu'ugn iv a band front the Stuatiotr. And laf. buitfuît frontî Icat.s'as the rculiltlc shaiiiin attiî' hiciliwas saiged oui the tirh irîni iilosing tIre reiewlr5. Attend Bosing Show. Affer s-utc bing i he res'iew and abam lattte 05r lrIxnvden andi bis party, ai-comiiiniuil ly taunt. M! tctt and bis uidesu, wsenLto t Ire ravine ilieafre sucre thei srekly boxing -boue waa holding forth. The gaver. nor watdred sithli iiiresL fbe tIgiters and was noticeri tme noditirs bead iii approaul as sotue laiklalided a beavy punchî ta is iîlii tminuit'ajasu. Afier witiiesing Iwo or threc bout% Gavernor l.A,ai was lntrriduced tn the spctators b' Lieut. John Kenno. dy, reterce as "The firat gavernar In the Uînited Sta os ta camte out 'Lhoat. footici' and 4da'lane uthre ho stnod on fbe war praposltlour." COMPARATIE PRICES ON P00DB APAI B MANY FOUND IT RETAILER8-AND OHARGED TO CSOES IMPOSSIBBLE TO F.iiowîIng are tair prices for foc asln Lake counly for tine current REGISTER TUESDAY week. as deterwsined by the. food administration. Names o! ail dealers Belilig at prices ourtalde oft tua range should be reported ta G. C. (trIdley feArl! food administrator for LAke c ounty, or la tawnshipoadmiinistratora s nWa thtJde R- *iit. wIll take the ptoper action. esnW SthtJdee (Prepared by the Waukegan fond adl miniqtriton. Effeetive week beidn. aieda1Pil nrLn ningOstoberlb. Ob.Enough to Fi11 One Book Rotai priceu customer 3aouia pey for the. staples named shouid floti uxceed tihe toiiowlng. Tha tomt ta the retaiter of earnh article alan la givcu iranulated Suqar (in bulk) .... Bakery Wrapred Bread .............P White Flour . **"« White Fleur (('n buis....... Rye Flour (in bags).............. IAyo Fleur'........... Whoie Wheat Fleur Graham Fleur............5 Barley Fleur ... ........ .. . Rice Fleur................. ...... (Uniicr the i'res.,ideuf's; proclama ers muai buy with eacîh four poiiid.s st itute. Conszumera iîas r' cholce of ri) fitiar, outflour. but kwheat tiaur andt[ hour. wlsole wbeut lour and cake flou Corni MesS (white Pruak) ....j . Corn Meai (yellow butk) ....... ..P Ham&a (whoio)....................i Bacon <beet grades> ..... .......... Baoon tmoditam grade.)...........i Bacon squamea (wholo ...........I L.ard (best grades, earton) ..... -lad (bulki)......................P ('biesi I(fuillcrearn ecut ta ordiri . Chesne (full eream, brick.........P -runes (50 te 60) ..... ......... . Prunes (60 teo70)................ Prune$ (90 te 1001.......... '4ominy ................... ....... nie. (fansy)....... Rico (blue rae>)......... 3ea.,, (navy, hand pickod)...I Bearn. (lima> ................... 1 viik (highset grades) ...... rili (medium grade@)>.............1 %liik (ovapoe'ated, net sweenoua)1 autter (creaanory, extra, bulle) ... (On@ cent higher ln cart Sutterine (standard greces, cartons).F Outterins (standard grades, roll@).) . fflttrine (mesdium) Poile and bulk..1 !qgs (st'icUy fresh, candiedi « Egga, cold siorage.......... ......1 Potatcs................. .......r - Iid voit registter Tuesday? Cost te Retailer Prie i. Consume If1! oiî are 1kA the maajorlty o! Wan. Per 100r Ihs. $10 !4 o t 1 il j lipople ýoii did fot. Nany Pet lb. loaf-814 10e ftibdi I iii gi'.tirtIeecause Ibm' farirot -Per i- bharre! $t1 151.50 $1.55- 1. to (la o-voothe-rs negiectod to be- 21ccann9e fhey teff ifta othe judgesaen4 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ibP4 S lik'0 leciion tir arife in their -Per t1-8 harrel $1.40-i.70 8.0Lsrnamea frrom thP pill troks-stiii otb- P'r, s 'it (o Ithirir iolling pisces ta 51lb. bag-32 i te àS7c iegisier and fîîîîîd tire ioors clatei. '-lb. ba-32C 7c "W'hftt'.utire ans.wPr," a numbpr or per li baK-20 ' 32c men s.siîed the Sait. l'er 5-11,.lnag- uic :î; Per lb.-iI 12e 1216c Thî@y pirluteti oufilihat tbey bas" afiaur relairs must su'liunid consun 1 nios c i ltri a tirw pveclnct 'rince the. of whiîte flour a poliid of .somti sul-Iituar teIclionîanrd becatis of (bis tact L'iml.corrfflour. bai;çîy ilour, rîci' tbî'y aslsiid hiauvie ieir natten potato flour. lr' lirur, grahain onit r t n(ii' xîll Irook.' an that ttrey ur îîîuy ire old wtthiuut subst.itiifr'. v ill o hi' rileI'o rn giaier Pt the Pet 100 liii-$5."75. le eleciioiî fextt montii Tbu'y coud! Per 10oi Ibn -15.7F le unIiiunilr'land %s ly lue diro f the Per li.-34e 3SC priling place-; lîould fie ils Pet lb.-4bc 54C Inquiry by te Sun reveals the tiet Per b.-toc 44e that thei law doea not recluirA the lPrv lb.-37 îr', idges a ntij rlerki ta ne art bond for Pî'r lb-3ic i7ü te ihr lr registration duîv. Tiuey rP,- PNt lii -3îOC 'i mainiin ibeirîiollng place until (rlb 31;C42 tiii';hase wri1lîisi uown asiih.itç Perlb 4 i' i toes ta file one poil hoali. Thon !) heir 'work for the day la convnîeted. Pet lb.-14c ilie1Tis Is flot truc wifb regard ta thre Pcv lb-13C '- .! ,ernd and lest regIqtration day two Per lb-lc 15c weekR 1later . nainely October 29. On p'er inti Ira--T25 1-2c. ' lîu date the judges, and i'ierks must lier 100 lba.-111..5 16C Ilb. remnaîn an dàty in the polilni places Per 0 iOO tba-U0O 1c Io. from seven o'iocli in the morning i'cr ~ ~ q( irî iu < nti! aine ociack at nlgbf. This wlt! îer 1 $7iermit ailtiiose wlîn desire ta regis- 18c *-te ter ta be acsommaodated. It le cu- 17e Ut tomary for the cier'touoflicials te 11 i-2 2etc write loto the jpoli boolis tbe namirs tOc 6i4e of menewbo base vated et tb-ý pro' tons tiriontube> cincf before auit,]wbo arceltnown to Per lb. SSc 40C bave the sanie sddreas but men who Per .1-c Gc have moyed aince tbey voted lest t'er ~ ~ 1- lb rctS ot be regiatered If tbey desiro in Daze 54c59C' vote. Diizen -50c 55e Wrifo tif n yoîîr bat ta rcgîs3tcr an P'er liir lus,$ .pli. of 15-lins. 40,,' Otober 29 and lie sure o! a vote et thre Novi'mber election. THRITDAY 7 HRI-DAY Friday will. be thrif t day at the Gloibe. We have Iisted most unusual values ini staple -nerchandise hýndfor this oneè day. Read every item carefully and be on Table Damask 7'21iiwh n m a ciiized table damn- aiý-k iii a goud i înge (if patteiti, vl~1]i$1 .00 )v:1lite, spee'izlly î'u (i 1foi'r Iîriii-(a.N-anFfl( dayî, pcrv ai d Ft , Handkerchiefs Onec lot of saffihle hiand] livia lUi' and 12, ' v! t v pcially w"itor Tlut svand \ i 5 (1.1Y V .lv ecdi Pepperel SheaetlýIg F ~ritla.v oau per]ard.. .......5 5C Wash Cloths ('ially 1îî'aed for 'Thursday. anîd Friday only, cadi ..........8c Outing Fknnel Plain w~hite anîd tainy outing flaîîm'ls, regular 271/2c values, sI)C eialiv priced for ,Tliiiisday and lriidax' oily, per . . 0 Lend the Way they Fight Bed SheetB 72x9(> mcli fine quaiity sheets. A $1.50) value ini the regular wvay. Seiiyprieed for lThursday and Irriday only, i.1 eail .................................. Medicated Oheese Cloth Ried Cross medivated t'heese elotl ini 10 yard Iengtlis. puitup in individual packages, speeially pricc(l for Thursdav and Friday only, per package . Bleached Mualin 26 iicli good quality inuislin- flmll lIa('lld, an exeeptional v'alue -spevial prived for Thtursday aild 1Fridav onlly,25 per ya~d' ........................... . ...... 5 Crash Toweling lloney coni crash towc'liing, a regular 25v value tipecial ly priced fur Tliu.rsdavN and Frn- 7j day, per yard .................2 1 Haif Bleached Muzlln For Thutrsday and Friday wve wvilI olyer, oui. patrons good quality lhaîf hleaelhcd înislin, 36 imehes widc., rcgîîlar 35e valute at flic yard.. .....-...........2 c Bonde blie and un wi May, Irty. )WB, foin tons arn. îcks eor. dnd. der. corsé eda, eke, raki, ngle ieeg- tore On., h'atr- 1105F arit-

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