CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 2

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LIBMTrnItLI D IUEsDÂY. T17, 1010 t- Se DePOCR FOUR FAMILES ý PROCTREPNDIRD lBORE- _ .1 auSBWu&IOf n»., Ufe. Accdent sud n ealt, Plaie0"laAu. iomohtl suad Worklng- Sule mCompenallon. Sm Him Bèfore PIWting Your Insurance ehInisa x5 - Uibestillmo D OfeuPeckmm'D-8g Store .WEIL DRILLING UStIERMAN & DOLAN ZION CITY Psaee 173-W F. BMIRSTOW ~Arbe and Granite Monuments nmetery Work of Ever, Description ;Urespondence 5olicitci 116 GeneseeSI% Wa'ikema D. 1. L. TAYLOR MU.l to 380aMd 7to 8 p. m. ises cie Broadway', opposite Para Ubertyvftllelinol. D. GOLDING Ov.r nmra National Bak Sa Phai.19-J. om. Pitons 157-J. * Llbea' ~Ivlbl u Iofe MDL BF L SMITH WitAi0001?! NATIONAL eaux. mff a te12 a. M. and 1i laSP.M.. thM. N. STEPtENS, M. D. PHT5ICIAN ma" SURGEON 8»"hlatlenon it-e ta lbdiselegeofithel *Eye% Eare Nose ,o Sime examlned for Ot18m" @Masovpr Gel Co. Tel. 100 ubertrvule. Libertyrlo.lle la>i.1 DR. A. G. CAMPBELL Vettrinary Dentit Laid vy Stibie Uhetyville, 111. Usuteigan. Lake ioe.t Atiocb iNenoha fbeue. Wadwortb. kuaseli and other adjacent towns ELHANAN W. COLBY * Attorney-at.Law 3m. ai nome, Cook Ave. Phono 168-J iWOITYVILLIE, - ILLINOIS LYELL FL MORMI ATI'OEET-AT-LAW Llhe~tyvl Ililnos Lue.Buiding. ,M. ntoue 11-M. Oace Phone 1b PAUL MAC GUFFIN ATODJET AI LAW. LthertyvIlieIlliola Paum sa MAWTINr-.DHCKER AvTOasEt-Ar-LAv UT Wmashlgtou Street FAUMEGN, - . ILLINOIS' Office Piton. 848 ne. Phone 1860-R "'COtRITY FEED & FUEL CO. RAY N. SMITH ihestllie, DL Amm « Wthrop Harbor, go the pital ln Chic,%- F~ wy- stOM 0onodîlion, tire mmhers of te famly aro aut- am 14nuenraL. m". non 0tkn1, qut. suddeu1y. ire Attaoks Two Hauses on Lucia Avenue, Causlng a Damage Close ta $6000 CAUSE IS NOT KNOWN NOW Waman and Chlld, Bath 111 af Influenza, Are Carried Out of Burning Building Waukogan, Oct. 9. Four familles ver. driven tata the street ltle Wednesday atlornoon viten tire attacked tva bouses on Luçia ave. The loei laesetlmated et trom $6000 ta $6000. Thase vito ver. rendored hamelege me: . 110. iTCrIUiNSON FÂMILY, 1603 Lucla avenue; hauge burnod ta th gronnd; fumnlure a total loama practicafly Do Insurance carrled. csnt Margin. Au iaveatuafla b te ho made 10 find vhY te b tiaii make a diserminaten Ilateee of Waukesai The priea of barioY fleur vau re- duced ta 33 cents for fise joued baie. Grocors asaert lta ince t lie ie regulatloni made lt possile to obil viteat fleur maie saml, ltat tDie sales or harle,'foeur bave takm aa .lump. Il vas fttIhat a reftetioni in price micht have a tendenoy ta popuiarize 1h10fleur a9Bin. - ,Me prce of creamery butter vas lovereil again, lbO nov 0rica belng 64 cents per pound in huit or 66 cents in cartons. Thtis la a redite- lion of 2 cents per pounit. Theo puce of potatoos vws lovered à cents per peck. the nov prIce be- lng 47 cents. Itlàt clalped tat lo- cal deaers are paylng $2.25 per 100 pounds for polatoe e sit Ite nov price doent allov them mucit of a margin of profit. Cold storage egga have heen placed back in the s ciedule again, lte mai- Iinum seliD« price heing -plaffl at 65 cents. Thtis le 4 cents cheaper titan te price for slrictiy fresit eggs. EDWARD) PLONIEN FAMILV. 1507 Lucla ave., iraI Cour tenants: consderable tumtlure saved; ail ÀT OU À damaged b,' ir. and vater cover.d S IOR EA YT iy naurance. SU S!ÀYT ARTHUR WALT FAMILY. 1507 Lucla ave., second floor tenants; S N ~ i-IU tuw friueparti,' detro,'ed. but coverod S TO» r1UTn I RiK b,' Insurance. FRANK fflSCHURER F.kMNILY, ,apt. Moffett-, Gets CorpS of 1507 Lucla ave.. tiird floor tenants: . Fire Fi hters and Doctors furnU'ure colnpletely deltroyed; no, far innesta Cali Insurance. Mue. Sciteurer and iter citild voie THEY WERE NOT NEEDED 111 lu bed of Influenza a i te ime te building caigit fimo. Thte flamea itad Ilvor ready tu tond a hand to the .attacked te back starwa,,te an- needy, Capt. Moffett of Great Lakes. b,' egrestramlte third floor sarat- on Maonda,, hen ho héard of te ment viten nelghbous vrapped Mis, terrible tires titat aie sweeping Mia- Seheurer and te chitld up in bianketà ue.cta., gol 1,000 altais and doclors and carled tem la lite honme of rel- under oiders preparatory tu leavlag atives. for te nortit. The tire broke out a inte Hulcitin- Thon ho vlrod te goveroraiof son home about 4:30 o'clack viteb Minnesota and tbld hlm be had! a ail membors of te tarl,' ver. lbousaid mon read,' ta go ta hbir aa. Th. cause of te flue bas not aid itgte,' anled tem. The vire ,'et bepn deteratlned. A bey' living came back t tat the,' ver. cbocklng ini the n'iK1,borhood tel- of hearnr É41- frAand ddii rot aeed te men but bouse viitta crash. Almost lImme- diatl,' ho aav fiames and tbld hie fater vita turnod In theo alarm.L Plames ver. hursllng tram te vin- day. wbten te tire dopartment ai. 'lved.1 Il vansame lime betore theto itee apartmeut hanse la tee osaIcanght flue setiis gave Plonien lIme lu save part of hlm turttizie. The uP- pe- ipart cf te hanse vas complote' 1,' vrecked hy te fianes viticit hum. ed trougit tez-caf. The veit side cf te bouse aima vas ituuned Ibraugit alloving te fiamn t t lack te lu- bibio of te iraI and second floars. la seauchiig thrugit the ruina tbiis morniu llutetnsan~iitaIt to- t pick up his vif 's vedding ring. LITTLE SU(iAR 15 ALLOWED WAUKI3d flAN.FOR CANNING One-third of a Pound Per Per- son Is Allowance for Octo- ber, Clark Asserts ABIDE BY REGULATIONS Price of Butter, Potataes and Barley Flour Lowered-No Baost in Food Prices f ocau8e Ike count,' exceoded its cannIng sugar allolmeut for Septem'. ber te allolinent for te entire cana- t,' for te mout ofOctober. accord- iug ta Food Admnlustrator John S. Clark o! Wautcogan, hiu been culta 20,000. Tiis la eesttan one-thitrd of a ipound peu persan for caunng titrougitout te cunI,'. "Th nugar situation lo comiug aiang la fine shape," Mr. Clak as. iqetod aite food admnistration meeting Woduesda,' nlgitt. 11 amt re. clvlng fev re'qnegts tam canning Ma- gai certiticales and Ihere la every Indicatiou taI oui consumption for Canning durlug Octeber vlIb b ver,' amai. With regard 10 ltte tva poual allolmeut il appeaus tai people ail aveu Waukegau are !aling lmb lUne ln fine sitape and are net atempttng ta gel more taonlte,'sitould. Mauy are ual Uiag teir lwo ptmd allaI. ment. I arn cutvluoed. bnwevor, ta ln te pat titere wereý many poopl'. bore, ito purchased sugar fam Can. lag and thon usefd iltoý generai punpseo." Titere waesalume di.scu . '1 lu vitîer te price of! t ..' r -d ihould be cul duva. Tite .'irg companies lu Chicago ar. ellng bread tom 8 cents vitile rel-.eras.eil! il la their cunlonsors ah 9 Cents.Tiis ln 1 cent cheapor titan t., s efor vhItci breud i retalled ber, but bo- Cal merciants assertt tdChicago ballera mtliiiare chargia tem eigbt sud cnbalf centsi peu bcaf and tey' cannaI affore la aell lou hait ail tiat they cauld use a lot of gas masits. Capt. Mafetbau Do maska aI lthe station but at once teck up b,' phono vîitite var depailment temalter ot sondlng Borne cf Ils SUPPIY Oa! gas protectors tote it ucien district. 'We itad a thausand mon read,' la leave vithin an bous notice a'nd the,' vould bave doue valait ser- vice. But, forlunate,l te, voie ual nfeoded." saId C'tIpt. ?%j,,Tiett as he rý ferred la the readinees wlt viticit te station le illIng alvaYs ta ciý- oporate vilb communltiosnueediug titeir belp. LaIe .%onda,' nigitt a repl,' ta CaPt Moffetl's aoi vr as secelved fram Il E.> Samnuelson, executive cleuk te te go gaveinor la viticit ho sald: ï7aý for te oSfer. Goveruor aul Adjutaul GoeraI are ila re-stulctteu roglon vitit nevexa.l ompanles of National Guaids and Home Guat'ds sud situa- lion ln veli lu baud. WIlI vire If need for more men" If called, te bluejackets vîli nIait ont Instantl,' for Duluth,. Minnesota. a trtp of about 12 baux'.lu In icit re. glon lh. fiantes are ut te vouaI. The' woîk o! the allaus vonbd ho nol on- ],' la igt t le fliantes but ta aid te familles lu dialiessansd to openn !xes o! commtuicatlaa. 63 14EN WILL BE SENT AWAY IN À 1 DRAFT . 21ï25 Local Board Gets Instructions ta Send Draft ta Camp McArthurA Waoa, Tex. 1he Waukegatt draft iboard tlA mornlng rocelvod oidere ta seud a drail of silzy-lhree mon te CaMP MO- Artur, Wico, Tex., bot-eea Octeiter 21 and 25 Eatrailiniont orders are ex- pected vititn .exltov d&pe. Nô- lices viii b. ent euft l te hOmon 1 i.oid Iheselvez ln resdlneea for fialb ordeus la department. Titis viii it te augesI draft sent tram Wauko' gan In manthe. Calîs had beon reclved la loptem- ber lu gead tlwo drafts duIng î te lai. tri prtulof taI noatht or te flut «f Mt mon, Ibut te e oei f Spanit ilnnueuza caused the Prot-ont mnarsital general ta rancel bath oiders. Thp Youngg inFn lwi vtImate up t, draft wllte le 1,1yearz olai mo vito reglred bore June 5 and Aug- unIt 24 Tté ere vouecaslled sud OZ- atInnd eeverab veeks goansd repor't wnm made 10 te offie of te adJu- tant goneisb 0fIliluols on October 1, ltl'ng Jmet boy man,' mea cam b. squpptied. itleinbeleved taI arrangemnt$t willi ho made ljp give te draft a !aeelcelebration. Tho Indepondent put& LlheilyVilei firtat.- '. -..-, !- 15 NOW STOPPED Foc d Admiistrafor Clark May Recelve Notice Tomarrow of this Order LITTLE IS USED NOW Leus than -3,000 Pounds for Canning Purpose$ Given Out Since Dtober i st Waukegan housewivea vito have neglected ta obtal ttL'!r aiiowance of caUnint uar are, ta use lte street vemacular. "Out of luci." CitIMeO paper totay prlnted a no- tice b lith effecl that the, food ad- ministrallon bal etoppod tesale of ail sugar for Canning and preaerving purposes, anouncemeat Of viticit vas made lua aider toaail retlIlemi Sugar purcitaoea, il vas annouuco-d, wauld b. llmlted ta a week's supply for urban Consumera and tva veeke' uppi,' for rural consumera. Thte two-poirnd per persan Ver montb maximum remaina uachanged. John S. CIarlx, food administuator of Waukegan. annouaced toffia,' lit he bad flot 'y--t rprplvp'i notice of surh a ruling but said that If it had hen lissued lie probabiy would re- Ceive word lomorrow. In the ab- sence o! officiai notice he conltlnued to allow Wankeganpeople smaîl cannlng allavances tada,'. ",We have iteen follculpng Instruc- lions ta reduco te allovance of Pu- gar for Canning purpases titis manth." be sald, "and te resixît le that vo have given ont certîficates for les titan 3,000 pounda titis mantit. This la ver,' emali. Porno people vita haveitad U1ti1e of thoîr cannIag sugar allolment ver. alloved 10 paundq but lu most Cans e ohave' retietod the o l it-e paundo. 1 thIinktIhe inalarit,' of people have don. aIl their ranning by iis time." Mr. Clark le lnCllned 10 helleve that when te beet siigar croP Cornes lu the latter part of ovember taI there rmay ho a slgbtl,' larger aflaace per persan for dompstlc purposes. BOTI! DEPARTMI3NTS 0F NORTHI CIICMiO CRIPPLED BY 6'FLU"9 Police and Fire Departments Have 60 and 30 P. C. af Men Off Duty Now PUBLIC MUST BE CAUTIOUS Northt Chicago bas been flgittlng teL "lin" an dilicenîl,' as possible but il devobops Ihat bath lte ire and vo- lie dppartmout have boon victims of te Influenza geint et-eu vorse tit lte oidinary citizen. In tact bolh departments bat-o bocu badl.y iaudlcapped. aeccrding la May- or ChItlilansen, -uba statps tat about 30 per cent o!f te lire depaut- mont la off duly as a resuit of elcit- noe and about 60 peu cent af!fle police deparlmenl. There are six irernen on te pay- rola!olte irp depailment aud titere are tour policemen. Accordingl, te remot-iig o! 30 per cent of te irernen and 60 per cent of te police department, leates bath departmonle ln a-amter haadicapped. position. Accordiugly, Mayor Chiistlanmen urges overybod,' ta b. careful lanlte malter of ires because viit the mr loua Ilinessaffeatteng the departmont it la nalural tg piesuMte ltaItte lire moisvitoare ablee 9tag ate ires cannaI wurk as efficenl,' as If tse entire force voee here. Se I111a viti thle police department. Ever,' loyal citizen must b. carbful and nol get lu trouble itecalle ho vll! bo denied te pleasume of listv- ing lte policemen eaU aI bis home ta etigitlen ltings ont. If Ira of ainova vacmu%,pou vii and lillunte UbertYVIbI le ttdet Real Estate Transfers Oct. 9, 1918. J. W. Hart and vite to Tirst State Blank af Round lAite, lot 1 and FZ. Part lot 2, block 1, Smlith'sAÂdd. to Round La'e, WD., IL. J. C. Bartlett and vite, et al., 40, Adelte 'Outing and Benevoleflt Assit. lot 9, blockt 3 Malmond ,LaIe Park<. Wl), 1125. P. il. Iartlett and wvlO la Jose- phîno Holeeek, lot 53 and 64, blockt 8, flavia Hlgblaflde, Highlanld 'Park. Deed, $1058. Dunne, lots 29 aid 30, blockt S. Shore Acres, Are&, Wl). 110. Sheldon Sehool t6 F. C. Erkmnn MELTING POT Jeet four icoros reate. And nohMnR ev deu. oulyi,' t-. Kinder valtlng, and vatchlng, Deats baunltsv g Ive. I dld mp service l inté Cvii var, Cvii? Wall, s igrov aideî I tnov War le uncivil, especiay avor lheie, Wbore aulaciacy mates Il 00. Bultvite. var cames, dan'l lai, H aui dovn te aid ruzdl oader, gsi. Raoli up pour eleevo., vîit a gîla And go fur lte ion. 'm dolng my (hit, eicotllng the 9eloted MOn. Not drifed, liylng ev teep step, Cariylng aid giai,'. stumbling alang, Behidlthefilfeand dium, hep-hep hep. The oni,' man ltiedistrict litIlookedsais,, vie. ieft hehînd Wae a crppled teamîter, Nlad, becauoe ho vu bind. Whon te acting ergeantenlil teroll, Thes ames. tell1he. mIni,'a quesi lot But lhor.'s Dot a mY-phen ioft Witente,' eorefiom te melting pal. Waî Eagie Jr., "Bore." Naturallzed? No, original. Wall, 1 suc-ai youli mate a gaod iaidisr. Hleap good alter lte Kaiser'@ bahr. 1~ Bey. ve oa't itom 70U. Ail the Mmn.,I i fht lit*eboes@, Molicmaim nowý shaved of my eue, John Bull, 'or@, but hl lb.h navy, A joily Drlih tar- LoaaedU"ciS am, for ihi. bloody var. Moncier, your nam@ e i. renc, 80 was Lafayette. 1 vant 1ev OgitI. Deneati thie stripem and star@, In trench. Nez t a 8oteh Iaddle, Bandy vhere'e lte pip- Piaytng yankee doodie, Zest fer the aigiti, Belio Pal, a lIum elate. Tour ail rlgitt, Yez can't hop th. Irishi, F ia. nla nth.eflgbt. laeoIsaa, your tin. bine, Yaw Jeroemebeiongm Tew the wandering 1e., Miambo, lte relabie contrabanid, Biacter thaà a ton of coai, Sure home, the biacker the ekin The wvitithe Boni. When 1 nstMIj grip On that Kaise,. In de riaht iace th. 1ev who reailse the futurs values of Leke ooniy land. lte road. Evidentî biy l ad enliylni the»e for nm#ne ime. Dozen of automo- bilem had prohahi! rua over It, yet Ds 9Ms el the diverebail thougit t il aill whit l stop aid reeu i»te fiag! The reet of thé vay to charci t tat tiunday morning 1 did a loi of hard thinking. Whaiklind of a man wat e he io es@$ ihai flag mlte road, or who lft Ob iylng thIes la h.tramplid on, eveit oupposlna I acldeniaj tllfeuIom i, machine? Etldmntly, h. vas pro-Germa.. for no true Amoeiian of red hiaod would show such dierempect for hl» country'@ fiag lu poae limes, lmiaJonein var lime! And a 0 vthe otelrgWho Peaeed over lb. flag viltout pcingI f up'l It's one sa" bolthat ihors UAe Dot among theu one lino American,--no Dot onel For your tîne American vHii shed the last drop of red blond in hi. velus, ubea neoesaîy lc keep ltai flag fr. being trallildlln te dunt, suiber un lte batth.. fild@ or public hlgitvayel Il's Dot §oU ,nuch the iag lesil, s asvtlIl stands su A "Buy at Home and Support Your Local Dealer" Your community's enterprise is measured by the high or Iow stand- ard of ils stores. If il is to thrive and progress, the local dealers muet have the whale-souled support of the home people. Stand to- gether. The mast effective way is to patronize each other. The North Shore Parcel Dispatch offers unusually convenient-opportunities for people ini this commu- nity to buy at home. There is no need ta go away from town ta trade. Patronize your home dealer. Conserve your lime and save man power. If your loca dealer hasn't what you want, he can gel il quickly. Tell him tc,'Phone -hie wholesaler, or jobber, with instructions ta ship via the North Shore Parcel Dispatch. Your requirements will be filled not Inter than the following day, which is quicker than if you wentîto îown ta gel them. With such fait service, the dealer can keep up a larger stock on leus capital and give hie local support- ers better trade faciities, for hehas the advantage of getting "Delivery Within 24 Hours" Information regarding the North Shore Une7s fpt merchandise carry- ing service, may be bad by applying. ta the nearest Dispatch office of the NORTH SHORE LINZ Mlwaukee Sxh nd e Clibesi Phor, '.Grand 943, Chicago 137 Seuhi r it Phoe, Cental Mo Lbertyvilie Phtone. Uàbotreutle 74 1 lots Silo 26, Ravine Siope 43lib.. Abeâ, Oct 10, 1918. J. IL Orvis and vite te W. T. Oui- ilvan, lote 97, 98 aud 139, Sitavi Doi. on Fox Lake, QC, $35. J. 9. Hsse and vite tu 0. W. Reek. er and vIte, lot 3. block 3 "At Hom" Suit.. Wauconda, WD, $250. A. C. Zimmer snd vite ta O. 14 Wet- teritali, W 50 fi. lot 7, block 12, Hi1gh- land Park, WD, Il. Anna B. Horuing and iuaband ta, A. D). Waiker, lot 8 and W. 15 fi. lot 4, block 4, Oraymlake, WD. Il F. H. Bartlett and .vlfe la Rult Cur- riden, et al., lot 27, block 5, Ravinla iligiands, MHlgband Park, Deed 1999. Ma&" J. Durla nto H. T. Bircit and A.. T. Glt, tract of land B. of XR&I.ln sections 3 and 10, Waukegan Tvp. WD, $6.000. Oct. il, 1918. S. C. Joltan.en aid vif. to Aulon Dombrowski aid vite. 157 acreslnf Sections 8 and 9. Ela 'pvi.. WI), 810. K. C. Lanýe, et ai., la F. W. Cornish lots 42 and 43, block 16, ÂiniBleade Add., Waukegan, Deeds, 83. R. G. Tracy aid vile ta Chas. Cal- lanait and vite, iat 103 Sitav»e lob., on Fox L.ake. WD. 8150. P. C. Noeîenberg aid vile ta A. W. Gruol aid vîfe, FEut 50 foot, blockt 13, Ermoor Add.. Highland Park. V Ris fadder the devii vouidn't mou for ltaIt counts. For ltse Stars and him,,Brlpe la 1h. symboicptlte vorld'a tio blacktulader face. gresteml republic. Tite béat va,' ta Thon came a Buselanshow oul- respect for lte fla te o lttl Growling tai,lilte a iear, for Il, as asbout tua millions ot aur Th@ ltailaom, and lte Biglais, countr,'msn are dolaL "*over there" ab Alil the Allie. uer.thore, lte présent Instnt Aati in boys, oasroopline valting Bovees, étécazoi aul Letlabo the. When 100 me. Kaiser SUIl, figitlna game at once, but lte Ist of In Berlin, rernomber these yards ail vo can do bore at bhomo la: FIao, lu Kilt,,kilt, kili. respect and défend 1h. Bas againoet ail Z. P. tiotebitîs, comer;>id second, lu ophold and &id Shteridan PosI, G. A. R. the govornmuent la ever,' poamble va,. Fiftyh-Ove ysars ago rnp fater voiuntsoi- RESPECT FOR THE RAG ed taobep put daun th. rebeliion and 1 &IBO voluaoeed ai forty tub> eip pub "Sir: Young m»i drives up lu front doun 1h. Spanlaîds andfIes Cuba. As of a réidmnce viit a large Amerlean fle« <It happeitod ta, refflment va. nover camoullaged on the raditor of hlé ford. caiiod. For there vas a greal surplus Fleki the dust fia. hie irousers and of volucleere iu 1898-mttre titan was 8110eM vlt a poeket handkeîchlef. Opens needed ta vhlp the Spanlards and teatb te btod aifltetord and mates a digital lte. lao respect ourirm, wviithlie,' examlnation of te Inaîde, w v aut ii.!,'bave donse er @Inc@. And lte came oid la 1h. fiag ana removes lte greametram leeson iii evenlual,' ho drive. home to hlé O ngera' »Thates ail.-H. w. B. lte Kaiser and bls eo.eaiied "Importai The above la fin. "A Lino O'Type or Osîmîn goverument," and tho,' viii ne Tva" In The Chicago Trihune. Asn.0.1t augitt a vholeeomo and imtting reopec b ceadore are avare, "B. L. T." of lte for oui flag and the nov biand ot Tribune le amre lokeemlthh. Ierefors v o tiuin" uitch Il represonta. bave tu taire "aIumn" B,'Thomam L. OFarreil vlth a pincit of sat! Juil the dame, lte MANAGEH'l OToE: Word bas luel Incident may actuaili,'bave occuired, aeached me Ihat te government do@e juel as nairalad. At an,' rate, vo hoar Dol approve 0f1lte UnltodBstato tiag a great deai nov.a-dayo oabout respect- belog u9ed s an aa l ot for le(gte. lng the flag, and aI lite came vo me. a and alter patriolle gatheringo ofulin, good deai of dlireliect ahovn tlait. To kind. The other nîtut I attonded a ilintrabe: lst monlt, Angfuel, I vas meetîug ubere te fiag vas uo'd an an empioy.vd on lte Hauthoin far.. WIt- aitar eioth It t1he bible upan lte top 1ng tu an lte ndid likaukee avenue road and vo ver. Infoimed titat the govein» ha LIbertvviiis on a recent Sunda,' morD, ment domto not approve of I.1. i se td. Ing. 1 fnund a otali American fiag la white and bine buuting inmlead. à"

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