LTBERTY VI=L INDEENET TUEBD , OCT. 17, 1918 Are, We ail claim to be patriots. We Financial S ? But, WEFARE NOT We aIl swell with American pride every time we read of another wallop the Yanka have handed the Boches-(and it liappens frequently those days. But what are '«we" doing toward the winuing of the warý What are you and 1 and our civilian neighbors doiîg? We haven't any of us been gassed! We haven't liad our eyes siiot out or our legs eut ofr! We haven't been taken 3,000 miles away froin, our frieiids and p)eople tu, be gont4 for mionthes and inaybe years. We liav.en't been asked te contribute our time to the Unmited1 States Government imdefiritely for the paltry pay of a tioldier. We haven't eveil been amked te, GIVE our property and money to the Governîneut. Ail IUnele Sain is asking of you aui mme and our rieiglibors just n9w is that we LEND bimi our MONEY ani our credit. You say we are 1X)ING that. But are wel Are we doing it i the samie spirit of sacrifice and patriotistni that 2,000,000 American boys on the Western Front are willinig te give their lives? We are N<)T! If we were, the Fourth Liberty Loan would be ov'er the top at this moment by a billion or more. What's the matter? We are ail buying bonds. x x k k. k ING ENOUGH! k k k k We are cowards--yes, we are. We are -financial eowards." We are afraid to, take a chance with our credit and use it to the limit iii buying bonds. So, we who shoul<1 be courageous'enough to buy $200 wrth of boends on the liberal bank plan, l)uy about ik50. Anid we who should walk iip and say 1'lh take a $1,000 bond," oifly take $2-00. We wbo should subsctibe for $2-5,000 buy $5,000. Aid then wée ail go about our business thinking how patriotic we hiave been! How cau we he prend of ourselves! I-sn't it just as weak to be a fluancial coward as a phys4icat cowardè If it ie physical cowardice te, stop fighitinig, then it im financial cow- ardice te s;top buying bonds se long as wve an BORROW or SAVE the money to finance the Purchase. Nobody ever went to Jaiil or to the p-or bouse as a rdsuit of over- buying Lihtrty Bonds. NoPbody ever ueed l"sel a dollar, even if lie should contract for more bond'4 thau ho could hiand le. (Any Liberty Bond sahislman will explain.) The boys "overthere" need your financial backing to the litnit. Coumiderinq ail angle-i of tht, situation, don't you thjnk that ai; a true American you should at least double your subscription? k k k Double Your Subscription to the Fonrth Iiberty. Loan This SpaceContributed to Winning the War by Lake County National Bank Lyell H. Morris W. F. Franzen Ideal Laundry Dr. Chas. N. Stephens W. F. Hafemann Chas. E. Mason Dr. E. H. Smith Fred Jochheini Lew Flagg Libertyville Flower & Vegetable Co. r r r