CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 4

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LIBRTVILISaN ToiehonsNumpr i Llbrtyii7iExc9n1 a .PotfceLbrtyville , nl% end aent l atte el ndome ho ow pher cdan eer s u . Iat n e Officiai~~~~~W A Pulcto o h ilgeo letViO ace hrayncrmtl uteu fce eu IWL. .Ci I O âS+FO AEO ETHue n L eIp nleii o aeCuft or fS P VS l'P e di . s em r h n m d o d )' .d a fO flf t'-f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ais. Isroeaetsdcletr xchnge ---------86» Uvry Thurday. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. siblity and vas advanced rapidly umIli she vau conuid.- 'Lake County Mani, Be- APPLES FOR SALE-About Oct. 25, Edwin AustIn. Phone 167-W; offic@ 16 Ot IpION PRICE, 01.60 PER YA STICTLY IN AOIVANCE erl > u otv1ue ,~~i ieved In Hospital 1 amn comîng to Libertyville with a U O be-Cocer2-4reltso ~'5.MiH...............................EiOr f a naturally happy dispositionei sheawemd te have tried WWNFRIG ATR tanàdarhdgarletie sncb aa KitngNSuow, MKne v.M@Oiii "_ SM IT H ............................... ...................................... M anagr t 0 ~ t t i Z t a nd D35& e her p a lli tln o u g h life acco rd - B adw in , Ste el Rs , S weet auseft ., FO R SA LE-.t 4 9 ~.r u n 8 I , M ITHoca.....anager...............v........c..........Wa..n.........e...........Grnagrntes'retolden. Waneo*rgfeôrannOtiemiledn. F r fraLake ni fIiaLke Vlla.600 stacl in IdtIRT e ailte sv ud desires. E.t obveWas Commander of a Subma-tortiller ilormatlon cail Il. N. Mazhain, sol] aud ood buildings. LoisprIce and stae n it vic te vergevoancoldne hve rine Chaser; Internai Ex- Phîno 219-R. . 41.3 easy ternis Imimedîste -possesson. mumourited to, any degre.. Her deatli came as a sheck plosion Kilis One Man FOR SALE1Ilbeadocatts,2-yer-oId 8oek. feed and Implprnents il destred. to her many friands and seemed to Oou at a biewe elfers. Borne Bolatein and tmre shoirt- F___M_*_Hading,_AresIll. ____ s had just attained the pinnacle of succes, v hich she Word bas just been recelved of the borna R. Epker, Phone 267-Ml. 41-2 FOR SALE-Two tarme, 48%-a, 1 faile aspired te, a success vhich enablsd her to entireiy forget, serlous woundlng of Lieut. Robert FOR SALE-Winter appleu..uood es- iortb of Liberty ville and 121-a,.5 otite the pust se far as v vithin the pou'êrsof human belng Mudge Curtis of Lake Florest, a taor Iug aud cooking. Windtalls, 81 lier otot Liberbyvitie. Ubaues H. Psterson, VSamer me.ber otftiattery "C". of which bushel. Bergerokfarin. Phone 278-à-2 Liberty ville. Phone 298-H1-2. 42-3 __________Leut. Col. A. V. Smith, now of the Lberty ville. 41-2 FOR SALE OR RENT-55-acre iarm. tha bthrsunin hi pac mve 49hiwigcomaner l9t. urFO SLEFod tuommander.6 twetigUeut yvlCur 4-t ______________________________________ The one thought ,htbter sl tî ecemv is was inJured In an erplosion aboard FORSAE-or--or------ -16--------beryvil. 94 is tat, f te AMs ALOW ermny t rech painodel; tirettisam conditlon, speedn- HBAVEN FOR THE HEROES i hi tru h e ies ALOW Gerznany tereaeh peac- . te submarlne ciiaspr No. 219 whi ter ptcbt dr . l neOLABU The vork of converting Fort Sheridan into one of the the woPresdent Wlof the' Lalia, coun'nt --maneu.F1 4TlOrfatonScii o beusedforritoy w rmwas recelved ait Lake Forest late gat- FOR SALE-ieare, good for caunfing or et. lixiulre tirs. W. L. Attnldge. 40-tf Mbguet base hospitala in the United States, te eue o ber army and arms, vill merely g back into her ovu ter- thowunln oÎteLae outyma _________bu__ toLing for the vounded whsn they corne back from the rio' h re ÂIIY terms of settiernent vili be acceptable urday afternoori. lkugS'oRP@t.Ar*i"FO;E-Nvmdenblat oz felse -rope, tre.A henrhp asbttesame mncte nwt i eiefr Complete detala fteexlslnPon 6-,.42-1ý ovner.Fut tetadPr 'MMI greund bas been broken and workmen are nov rush- murder viileist-and, he will be in position to say in the have net een reeved but it Io sup- -----aeu.A esn hn 9-.4- výÉ ork o the construction of the main base bospitai years and ages to corne Well, we just vent out to try and pose ta h ave fieenaor an Internai na. X EAL ESTATE WaNTEnS AtJusonone19-. 42-i W~~~~c nq e b ued frt spup s. he an bulig the woldbut fo ndit vas to bgwe ckiîhd, le misainofatde citwre a FOR SALE-A Troogu bouseluieerield, or housekeeplng, i lus uss l niy. tr. h 18is t bedoedBorTtiW urLOST TeNmanHbuldig ourt;teTrWrLtoryO vas ouaserîtoIiiasas klodemonetetblistg ed ceptionof ll. medrn wtds Wpezeotonotbea.Ida yoArea,. 1.Are& IBo; Bo224 l have a capacity of 1,000 beds and it is doclared thé it niuredeverdîy. Lî.ut. Curts waC Garage sud chielleu bouse. Corner lot 42 pi-1 offiiai are trying te get as many men as possible te vork intact APTER as befere. Just a case vbere vs tried te> one of the latter. 100 by 200 wlitb lots o1 fruit sudWNTDFldttr tipiecçer in i..îoî lethng h c .eadmi waobigedthtoweber- 1-1a serubbery, au Ideal bomne Two bliieks l odcuiln Arr eoe c thi.s building inorder to hasten its completion. The d oebn hc sadi a igrta e bar- i.t lie 'r,)oed ble ntin farudebasaser.eri abagIn Heury codteion.ake i. l phone, vourided from abroad viii be coming back home very gandfrH WVR bydd' ikUte Idn l spital in iingland. rutiler thon In mir n oimr- go, gnesw e veren't tha euuntry, as bis craît i§lesaîd t ftaken ai once. Herrnar P,-,clow, 6111 -- ébortly, lu fact, many.have already arrived and aeat base bevsnNorhtA@.,Chango o!on vetn ers we An anyodywhokuovsa G*'* hav ' enIfoigate 41 -, s- @tripe over forfbead to esîsoulder, end -baspitals in other parts o! the isc8ratritiaknv tatthy ii al jstLme41_____of Lai wbite,loncg eairs. If fouud pilas. Up te thepeettm bl Fr hrdnbsbe - 7j LIeut. Curtis la 94 ypars -old. and The AbortyvllO Independefli bu notify Carl Laue-, Sh,rmsrviil&, 1lii. end 1 âsslgned the task of being a base hospital, very fev of tek thet was in the Harvard class of 1916.the Uic best olrcui5tu. In Laas O n etive rewsàrd. 42-1i , uunded have been returned bers as the facilities have Of course iu this discussion of poss'ible peace, vo muust Be tty." n the ican borde lh_________________________ mt eenprpard. it th chngng f tisparicuardeclared war the followlig April he waters. util Sept. lot, wben Encin ADJUDICATION NOTICE. 1 ldlng hovever, it will at once becorne the most import- not forget that there are tvo million fathers and motiiers ,nrolle(l In the il. S. navy and vap utswspontdt iueatPbi'oiei eeyr" httehb #t base bospital lu tbe country bocause of its locationuittis country vbo are deeply concerned over the velfare among those selerted ta faike the1, (junior grade) and ordered ta foreign acrier. Etecutriz f heli iii udeta- wuCiao'and sft ftersoswoaedig uy i erietensîve tanigcourse in thefirst service, With bis promotion hire. Ceot-fiaurntt Cusi aiten teo safetvaiof their sonse gvboaare dolvedutinservicec mnabnConuty.Crt ofae Cai t, lit a tertrcWkti At te pr tine tool sheds, teahd, etc, abroad. 'Wbile it is easy for tbe average person te insisV claa atArnipoli. îl gradiatetche cd ettcrs o!suIelatie cosîne Attepesent -1e h vriie edIwth hootirs and ws mnade eiîsti;ndation front the. commander of te l.aidcccutoth fi i r oncIsyoi Icicember ~ ~v ben p t u an ev rytingla sin ruhedse hat that the allies go abead vltb their plans until Gerrnany is be,,placed In commanid of the su' special antisubrnarini' forcs. net. 191. ateuaicberS ail ier%ý1ns aia ýImè actual construction starts, no delay will beencount- viped off the face of the earth, it mustnot be torgottenil marine chaser 219. Snon !trarci In January, l Iut. 1 s(Cirti, mr claime airaiit sali etate are notiied and '4ld Shertly, therefere, people living in this vie4iitv tat i order to do so a lot o! Iives ,muet pay the price. he wa" paced in c'ommaind of a fiee' riedMs Iael Bkr d ap rqtdltlcesitr i acet..c or o ý VMf have mnore of a chance to see the returned heroes frorn Therefore the question la, vhich la the btter course te of six chaslers. The. chaer 219 had ifrdba ,welh en.rAnua Marte IU.Iico. E.ecutrix fw been on conttnuoiic duty *wIth t I-. or Alfred Baker and (Co. The o Iaq,îtc,'.(oolr7.11 '*roa titan lu any other part of the country for tbey viii pursue-to wipo out the Germans at the cost o! a fe rpecial anti s.îhmarine force-In hotu f Pliers reside at Lake Fores. t1072 b. li celaing te Fort Sheridan lu great numbers. bundred thousand Aznericans and many allies or force __ Thon will Lake county people be able te ses the real Germny te a poace teinuvhlch rnlgbt not be as ignornin- k«oces, the mon vho bave given part of themselves for tbe lous a las te her as vo vould ail like but wbich voulcl ,cse o! Liberty and Democracy. [t wont be a show-place .bring back borne safely hundreds o! tbousands o! soldiers ,.-s--,it viii be a heroes' home that's ail. vho otherwise vould be sacriflced. Atter al ve guess it's ____________a proposition vhich Washington can decide btter than A MILIARY DEISIONlaymfeli throughout the country. Tisvar must be fought eut, net tàlked out. It must be aettied by a military decisien in the fed e yad- "Hu-ns kil 930 at sea; shoot U. S. troeps in lifeot's. ~na.A "ace b v reads the beatilines in morning papers-and in adjacent' ~ - - Il . agreement" wouid leave the German government witli coumnis the Germns stll talk of peace, peace settied hon-i power te start another van vhen it sav or tbought it saw orably! Is there any sincere American wbo thinks they muother chance for increasing its dominion. "Imagina- deserve any semblance o! an honorable peace vhen, as1 00%, '- said--Napeleen,-"i"ules- the vorW1- .-"Lthte-kais-- their breath.stili shows on the peace request, they "shoot .r's government be able te, say te bis people: "We foughti U. S. treepa lu lifeboats?" No! Let's give them peacel ,*. enrd te a raw and saved German sou froni inva- with the avord and canion. Let's make them eat what. -Mon' and that goverumeut vili bave a prestige greater they're delug and bave been deing. They've been savage 11hanIt eujoyed lu 1914. Its peoplo vill be ready te fol- -ilet's show them vhat others can do. Give them peace I .1ev it into any adventure which it may choose te launch. after they bave been taught by force tht they can't ~thing but a xilitary dVcision can break this pres- " ýshoo U8S ropnl lite boata" atfter they bave torpe- *osovlte German people that civilization can net be ded a ship; that tbey haven't the ieast caim for gener- iffunted, and lay thetoundation for a permanent peace. eus peace vhen, as they retreat, they absolutely wipe eut A military decision, a victory that is indisputable and cities, biov up historie places, etc vithout any -possible rnplete, is absoiutely vital te the safety o! the venld., reason from the standpoiiit o! soldiery. At the very moment vhen hie is pleading for a parley and'bevaiiing the "avfui siaughter," the kaiser la de- Well, that repiy o!. the president's vas sure right te porting theusands o! Belgian men and boys, and forcing the peint and sboved the Huns that the Uei for biuffmng thera, at thte pint e! the bayonet, te dig tronches n sps htthyaeo h u and ar . - okep Alogoing until they lay dovu their ans and accept the ternis the reads, of Flanders are logged with Belgian herses, I vicb the allies ARE WILLING te grant thora. Mr. Wil- cattle and hogs, being diven back te Germany by thei son Ps roply bas dons more te cernent confidence te him and Xuns-Journai. ______ is administration than anytblng elsè e b as doue of lats. PEAG, BUTZW.&Ri' There vas a tsar that our goverument b ad i t'pUS t foot Senator Poindexter 'o! Wasinlgton expresses our)Iînit" ,a fev days back,--but, vien -tii. pr adfl' replyi personal feelings on the German peace proposai vbien ho vas sent Monday, thore vas ne dodging tlie tact that it says: 11 think if President Wilson on the strongth et seothed vith dtermination andi dellance vw b ny por- Uzis German offer undertakes te bring about an armisticesosvrntvllgteccdetepsdntosesd le viii be committing a crime against civilization. Ger- 'Peace at any pricel' is tle cry !rem abroati. The am armies are being fiercely pursued by the allied trop same slogan vas adopted sorne ronths ago by a certain sud tacs disaster. If ]President Wilson under thes ear- L~ake county 5politician vho poBsibly, like the Germalis curnitances cornes te Germany's rescue by undertaking te ao esn bc ehrai a aia ihai bc - 8by tbe arrn of the allisd mlitary povers hoe veuld be hs"lis r o onzn f rSedorlg a service te Germany equivalent te a cc>ossalhis"lis r e ousn ! vtctory. It voulti guarantee to the German army vit)' ail ugrai o si ob lnig oatc uk tizeir equpiment andi supplies a tate retreat to the Gorman l Berf gamrlal. la a hwsb plan in etCen traly 1retier, vbere they vould instantly re-establisb thera- beofer aey. elintht shvar gilsheov icres. theenra mives. We voulti thon bave no means whatevsr of cern- povst av b ute'o I TIr vAr agailstat All. I peDling Germany te keep auy. promises as b as madie. ja aee IHIGÂYOY htial Suc) action by thte president, lu my opinion, would be a paigoGem ec lnsteTbueiey letrayal o! the cause et the Asueican people and their Seku tGna ec lnteTIuencl expresses it vheu it Baya: "We bear tle voicé o! the dove. Coul at,' tg b mor tre thn ecJy hattheWe have no reason te beliove the volt iif dead." senator bas sai- Doesn't it seeni sane? Doesn't it seeni Nommeu and a Ci' tovard tite tailsubermes te demandTi e- As a rule the fellov vho starts a quarrel usualUy geta paratien o! the jort thte senater pointa eut? -Wsll, ho the vonpt et it lu the sud. That's vhat.the kaiser nov la sâit. And, se do ve! tbînklug if hoe has auy brains lett te use in thlukiig. - lu cenuection vlth the passing et Uns. Fred Âmes> Iu the kaiserls frantic effort te couquer the vorît ie « ecanot help but think boy bore vas a case vhsrer a discevensti AMerica. Iyoeug voptan arome te a big.omergency and camne-eut on - --- - -- j»i.. lu t ho cmseoetUn. Âmes, the unfortunate climnax to Laon bas fallen but the loan la nislng. WhIohTre You acln in This Flght? nhenoisome -Prussian -cagle orSthe glorlousAmerican cgle? lui Liber'ty Soude the wayer boys figlt-te the Iery Émtui ,Buy today-4 jtany bank-caah or inatalimenta This Space Centrlbuted toWiflflig the War by WiII Knigge S. L. Tripp W. H.. Knigge George M.- Lane Citizens' Bankp .ail of. Area, 111, IL~

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