LTBMITYVTTAL INDEPENoeE1T, TBUMDAY, OM1. 17,1918-1g PF Libertyville Flower & Vegetable Co. desires to announce that they are now prepared to take care of ail local orders for Iflowers and that they, also specialize in floral de- signs of ahl kinds. First Street Phone 10 - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS- Auction Sale, The nderîgne, havýing rented his farm on the shares will sell, pt publi auction, on the faim known as the John Carolan farm, 2 miles south of Everett and 2 miles north of Deerfield, sale commencing at 1 oclock sharp on Saturday, October 26 Thirty Head of Cattle-Twenty-two cows. seven of them aspri ngers, the balance milkers, six of the latter to be fresh in 3 months. One Holstein bull, 2 years old. Five 2-year-old heifers and two yearling heifers. Four Head of Houses -One black mare, 6 years old and I woveighing 1,500 lbs.; spant bay mares, 5 years old, weigh- ing 2,800; one 3-year-old sorrel gelding, weight 1,300, Twenty mlk cans; 500 shocks of ripe corn, cut with binder. TERMS-One yentes titue on suins ovér $10. 2. discount for cash. JOHN CAROLAN Prop. C. W. PETTIS, Auctioner W. H. STEFFIS, Clerti FOR SALE1 Ali mateirial from Libertyville Race Track, Barns, Sheds, Fences and Grand Stand 1,000 6-t t. âi-n. Cedar Posts 20 34-lt eaar Poles 300 leet 6in aàid 4-in cast iron Water Pipe 1 60 ft S.eel Tower. with 16xl8 Water Tank A lat of Slate Slabs 50 Stail Doors, with hangers and locks 150000 feet of Lumber, from ix6 Boards te 8xl4 Lumber One Road Scraper One Road Harrow h 11 1Iri.- Libertyville News Il you know of an item of local interest, kindly telephone No. 1 _____________________ .1 mms--------------55S -pps s --------- BmoeLbryBonds today. James Davi. and Haraee Bnl kieY dov RE RDN S L Born, Monday, October 14. tu Mr. and with a dray ta Long Grave, Tue EdayD N S L Mr@. Charlen Jocbbelm, a son. niotnlng. onl a foraatng trlp . h MWs Jeannette Mundes was th@ gueft ,ppeted tu, returu pentifîîlly eupplled 0 ut f tIeDdsi l, C hicago, Saturday. wîtb eider [not the hard kndi and O PROVISIONS MissBett Jochslmwae he gret t sîrghnm motasses suffictent tu laMt thprm Mis Bety ochei wa te gest01and thelr familles tboUugb a SOeed UNITEDI STAl Ecs Faoi) ADMî. INUTA IOrelatives tu Gary, lad., Sunday. ne. WÀ$IîINxTON, D. C. Sptemibpr 21, 11 i ý. Born, 9aturday afternoun. Octobes 12,Tbe sh..arp trosot a a k or ]ongcr! J . .Allemau, Esquire ta pastimaster and Uts. J. R. Alleman, a au oloooeued tbe lpaves on the ticcesied l'utmtatti saoi. (auted theni ta fali coplausly. Thc Lîbertyvîlle, Ill. SE lam J, dut wt tbe cltj usu RUEL WRECK1NG COMPANY 1; UIBERTYVILII, ILLINOISla Auction HSale'@I On account of the farm being sold, the undersigned will sell, at public auction, on the premises known as the old Sam Connell earm, on the Telegraph road, near creamery istation 1 mile east of Rondout and 1 mile west of Lake jBluff, sale commencing at 10 o'clock a. iii. sharp on ùî MON DAY, OCT. 2,8 36 Head Graded Guernsey Cattie 6. Head of Horses Pigs, Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys A Quantity of Hay and Grain Ail Kmds of Farm Machinery and Tools See Auction Bis for Compiete List of Items USUAL. TERMS 0F SALE. SID. SMITH, Pro0p. FREfl GRRB, Auctine Vaut letter ut r-ent d]ate lias 1.-en refetred ta me fur repi.t. The starYypou luote ln regard tu. "nu restrictions an the buying and sellrug of wbeat ilour" le frequently beard tuintl le entlrely %% ah- out foundatian as Canada has very strict rutes aud reàculattans lu the cou- servation of wheat flour, sugàr and »Maw la Is wverthelese true that there. bas been stanues l u certain sectionsn wbicb causes travelers tu lorti a wrang Impression ai the icreat wotk the Canadlans bave doue tuward the con. servation oi tood. in Bankzîs 4le underly InÊ pr"Iple of theNaionl LnIdi4&man 'The stàblifrof ils Iaws lkas l'en proven V/a test of fifiyWvcar. %,,Le ùlduleve of ybur ,Gomrn"~ 1, oriyaur monel./*3n OurN4olLk Cnlted iates c..i admluîitiu, Mary Sel aRoîulai.piiuurii ,r î i B> tWilliamn F. Ficher. a tber hopre in i IliF a tîI riay. Mn... Rouis n-as bru u in Ena and CARO 0F THANKU. rcime nwilliber ftllr'..tanirlv ru, <hI We wleb to tîaiîkounr tietide and cago in 1SiI). For man .v yucrs hp nClIghbots for tiicfn kinduese ebownuusât %at, xconnecte.! nul th,, Clilcazo utl. tle deatb sud huril-A uituuidarinig baby. lie _____________ Mdv. aud tIre Clarley [)yer. Thie independent lesde &ai. efor inany ycars live.! lu Moitansd * iuiiy. î away lin iiigo. Deatb rî-iiefram a fail sîî.",ined Tues- d.,> nîght prevlous to hie death %..hile out au hi.-. duti"' as stiectal u..Itlmumau. lie (lied ai .a hospital. 'nhiere le had taken, wlthOîit regainlng conecloustiese. everal membersof Jacob Goldeiibctg's ew aeIe a and' burnlîîrg of ily are rpated quIt. 111 wltb f caves bas cause. theair t<îlelllwdni iieuza. mmoke, almostilîvaling ibe deni i fthe' Kre. Warren Nîchalai bas been qutte aliermatb ai tbe noribern turesi fires as for several days past, hut Io repatted noiied au Bunday. ptaving. The Lîbertyville Ftawer & Vegetable1 fou HaulanIs again aibhis pont oi Company le ibe Dame oi tbe plant l'y the y, alter a slege uf about thre weeks aId depot devated ta, florficulture. The h Influenza. new utanagers are pushtng tllngs aling leý'Claiâ Eberwine of Chicago, seas ,n ý oireiatives and finonde lu tiispst week tbey iurnished morne cxqi s j, the lutter part oi lalIt vesi. floral design@ fortheii Frank Fted Jachbetm took a test tram hi@ SIhuler andi Lyman (0. Dennii.uî, aât dally lalon., Frldai, suflIciently Mr. sud Mirs. C. 8. Hoag, wlî, for tbe ng ta maie a busIness viuil; ta Cbîcago. pasi thirtecu pears have rmade their JoehW. Barlt eturned a iew daesbhome iu Libertyville, bai..rn',ved ta Iousfer nexede iel ('eb» a hicago. lu a letter iluN% ,icli sIce ub. arada and other places lu the westsî bdfrteIdpnet rHa eýpeak@ of the many trlendesIc .and ber how pour patrîsîliss by belug a plus luobanti had meIna.!.l th i, -uitycay- becrler, tbe luîau la lagglng. le a lbond lnirthat ebe deelred ta k.-Ipin faîuel >o,§St and heip put this lofi aver tIe wlth fintereets lu Liberty% illc and thai ,P. PIé would be enabted t0 do moilînough M re. E. H.- Wells leA monug the i, umeir resdlog our calumue. 'lie affllete.! with the Influenza, ber Sunday, the air lu tbie vi,-rîlty was nditian lelng qui te erîtîcai the firot oi quie bazy aud the emell of bloke was iweek. plalinly' dîscetuabte. Th,' pîcuamena Frank &ppley wam able ta le an the waA satd ta le ibe reult of îhe toret ets a short tîme. Monuday aller a tires rairlng Iu northern Mîinesota and Pge 0i abaut tbree weeks wltb the Wisconsin. The îbeory nas advauced luneuza. b, saine that It mighî bave the effect ai Corpoaral iRobert Wood, whiia etrain- slleviating the tcrce 01 thëic uflsuz tanfu meclaulcal wark in a Chicaga epîdeie. lu aDY eveut, vie ina be hulcal ochool was the guesi oi home truly thanitul that It did iîî.î occasion is, Sunday. . the Il@oeisaI t hdld on il..'ceeue oi the Mise Blanche Selbanck departed, Mon- conlarastian. y mning, lutrSan Diegu. Cal., where Tbe baardofai lli per.,ually talle.! ce expcte ta epend tbe winter the Iau île twa pool tons rn the edty, esAt aif fiende. 1Muuday evenloag, requesrrnîc thein to Mias Helmil Spate af Chicago, arrivcd c'O@e, a dernaud wbl<-i i...'> compIle.! nre Satnrday eveuhug, tu @pend tle wiib Immediately. Thet- a.o inade thot v,,e-k-d wnul Mies l§ Drohy tHarding ai requetiat ail places oI luinî.ss-ýpteveut r hl ,)mc iuAres, a nuiuler of peuple mrn onugegatln9 1e iainily oai Willliamin alrond, six iluitîcrein anîd indulglie n ,rnceeaty lmben, iincludig biclf, have ail b1cmuconve.rsatlion, loalng or iii îng. The Il witilnluenza, but acnareto u the juan hla naaie-) lustri- t,,i t,, preveut -ud ta icoa.env. p.', icl uii nin liens foir iin. . gaeiug on Mn.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h h lii iN tlCIatemtri'cts or lu pjuHl, i -ai.e places. Mr.tilanKaplieiAN rhCi en. Ti,, rcgular -ufi-Tla.1 *i' ring of the oý, ari, cd 1bute Mudit) rnarnlîig la i Boanud oîf'lru-.-- 4.~ -4, range .ra nul -ac are fo -n rdiighten.M..ra1, X 'i,.utuue .,h 11,rimef. H , 1, l iUiir 2.Th ,barlettAis miii. 1 , - - f;i7u , s aîîiunrtloued Ro,'rt iinnlîg. tiiuialartiet at aud uIIstrlLîutî r ..'t,- u idstricts [, N F lagg's iarbur sjti as i'alliîig ýwbu hld rin, I..-îiîcue oft lI ni fi i-nO. and lookiug alter business.I Iaw: LIlsri rt- 1 72) au'I73. Ap- mdccc ýrsIi cin'agi,%Iandtb3 portîaion u), -'-t -1;,14,70, -74 and -Nlrm. 4;<iuî,î1 lou.-utof Chicaga. nas b7e* n-as m .r 11!, I. J lv bytheccant> uS, t t the loine of lier .ftàtim--ilaw j et ii ri .uui 1.-r.rlitse Dot havîng il rtuu-tior'-lir-liwr. randl tr3 George met îltnbP rt- 'fIthl anand Il 11 [ui, 1'. - Iridav if i-i n c..k untîl Inat ta l». r, I-,.i util ards ted bj un-I m1v I.ujciirr e tir-.à,ý lane iurudcc i'iuewda ' inmoru- flundîsi -. - ý>i.sui r-. îraFi unesom, ig fuir tics ci nti - iii. ltiresplusetii Baepertav1o Ili tr I an rd l.ibpnyvlllc me-ssage iaiiiîouî-îiig the deati ut i-ritlMilwaukee >i - i, îrsuaiiy a busi si-ter. M r,. 'Iioîîîiîn Freest,,ii. Mund.ay thoanuglrarv. i, atm'- t totally ,iesertem i nili liilit ht l iiii cc aud îleh e pil. ý- r n-ii au thlie.street MrI. anul tr %bif. C miii aditaugli cuid easilvillitn T h e clicelng a te i'ieiti,. JaI i,,ago, acre il,, guescte tle chinch.'e riàr 1 i,-Rre are partIl ,r tIc î,u o i ii Mr. and tirs.E. j. rtmpuubibi, . i r - nî, iu, o ,a-. 5 ais, 'arroil. fSund& v. ltIrs. tvallsce sud the nul.' for th.,.- i-.- r. uton oi gasltile Irs. C arroll are milliers. But theIc iruî'îi,;-aýsu.letbe patrlIlt I .--.iedry, a deai wa.. maie nlieelubsev sea u. rmiiultlous.,adapte. E: i. Irans ranselreîd !ils tarin of ¶90 I> ilh' lou-ai 1)f r-I iltiita stan i -res iiisecetion 7, 111.rt> iI- townshuip,.0ui the pnesaiiuîîu î,î¶lueîîza epideuIt. i. lleuny Elierîng. We are liai adc'lsed Tbene inay iu -rut fîuuudatlan lorthi ssi t lie eonsidenatiou chearv iliat tr!.' eailed ilueuz Mary Elcanor. thedauglîten af lin. ami epidemh- bas tluve pîrîîpagatedly lGerina AIre. Arno) Newsam, lm crlticaiîy II ile. se S. @-AsNi-i.ii...tIre bas leen n suffered an atback ut Influenza, iben the liuit ta lime iý i,,,1,epratians. Hîstar Clualuliig cougli, sud le naw lbaught .recards ibeir impojurtation of thc Hee-s tu be. tutu iced nîth appeudîcitis. Slu IDReVOlUtîuurar> laye, a pesi ile TheSpaist Iflunz ha ben are i r i utf et. Laler, thie Tdin Lpietl nd up a bas lecu cci-devlscd irich,-la or inülebnasem as a id l Liieryvlle nd p t th laeetem barg on Aiiuri-an imnpartaiounsc reports ithe prnuLîbiiles are-that the cnned park. lulsuoi gas né anatler ii acboolehI l e apeued agaîn au Uauday navation fl i caite ot barbarîinm, lii ath a traneul nurse lu attendance. tbey must le cari-lIDoa, lest tbey sîîu Miss Atina Miller, Who baldo a posît- tlîcîr on subsisteuce. Already tliey ai tion ai Lake Farst, came bains Ili, the eaid ta e, elliîg ail tIc praducte ai tl atter parit ni lasi week. fibe le affllcted salif tat ere umanketiable. The etesthe witb Influenza and le at the haome ai ber leed tathlImage. and wbat tbe ba@ parents,àlir. and Mts. Jopepb Millet. relus ta eat, tic>y sutisi theuiselve Mies a MMiller, wbabholds a remunera- ton positian lu one of Cbicazo's mer. UNIDENTIFIED MAN KILLED uautiie bouses4, nas a guetl Sunday, ait ~ .M t .FS RI tbe baoule ai ber parents. Mr. and! Uts B .M t .FS R Joseph .Millet an.! iamliy, narth ar An unldenilied tuant wai struck an ton. lnstantly killed np tnain No. 146 C. M. Evelyn. tbe luttle daugbte r oi Ut. and! St. P. Madiîun-Jauesi'lls taist train i Uts. Charles Jocbbelm, was critlcally 11 8:80 Wednesday ulght, ane and ans-bs tbe latter part ai lasi week an.! the tiret mlle-narth ai Morton Grave. The ira oi the present weei. The tather, Charles wasi golng six ty'tolles au bout, owiug- Jochbelin. naaialoII111Monday momiîng, adene taogîle engineet cauld liai s an.! unabie to attend hie uouai dutles. hlm uniti tua [ate. Re was aImu Lous Hlil, t i- lce are a drftgraun.! la pieees. The lady wai tait Lous lolte, l tic icefum ofdratato Western Ave., station lu Chicagu. board No. 11, l iscitY, te absent tram dup .bI e sabsence heiug neoces*. OLD RESIDENT DIES si otated _ly reasohi ai quarantîne regdla- ltiaus ai hbis.bainl Prairte Vlew. Hie MUts. Clarîsea Bîlînsil, wie of the li 'îalr an.! sîster are afflicted wnl Alexander Ililinski, for many years 1Influenza. resîdeni ai Lake county, dis.! ait i John Catalan, resldlug two miles sauth home lu 1chîcaga. Wedniesday. M oi Evereit and! two mlles forth of iBlîlusit, n h ainhoe wae faruieriy Deeriel.!. will bave a publie sale at 1 a0 d ae asleolv er wbtcb be wnUl dispose ai 22 cows, 1 bull, by ina daughtere. tMrs. J. C. Vals and UreGeaorge N. iGrldley. Burlal 4 horees, 20 uiilk cea.!u 200 sback@ taie place ait Dlaind Lake, Frit of i pe corn. Usuat terme. at aus p. mi. m - --------------.e, @5@ O5 @~O~~ lCHRISTMAS SHOPPING More than ever before will it be necessary to do the holiday buying early this year.. Presents to be made or sent away slîould have more than the usual time allowance. With this in mind we hfve arranged to care for your early buying in many uines. The Christmas handlkerchiefs are here, fine assortment for Ladies and Children. Bed room alippers in several attractivç and useful styles. Purses and pocket book.«. A big lot priced very low, Linens by the yard for towels and scarfs. Silks, velvets and ribbons for ail sorts of fanc - . A few fine fur pieces at about one-haîfvalue. New velvet stoles. Gloves. Silk ho>se.- BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. W! SELL TUI!M W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY y y yailhone 29 669666669» 0000040" ----- ---------- il Ilosier -warm floors and corners -to save fuel -a heïater that wiII flot smoke or explode -a heater that wiIl burn any kind of fuel whv*h the best resuits, andd ld fire over night UY A HOOSIERo' This wonderful hcater wiII flot only reduce your coai bill 40,1. but will aiso give you unequalled coLd weather comfort. Scientifically constructed, beautiful appearanoe Made in many sizes and designs. Mode by HOOSIER STOVE CO., MA RION, INDIANA FOR SALE BY r Schanck Bros. a. cit yiie- 1. -------------Sa~