CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 6

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sixRTY 41O '~SIN WSI Wiukegan, Oct. I15. Influeénza ian taken a death toll I f l TI I ~ IAJof 61 lu Waukegan mince Soptember ~.d > l I IUv I U - 20, vhe the frt death tram t hîladis- Out0 ccurred hore. There lare ai <j J prenent M 6casée of influenza and -08ë-00» peumflonie, lu Waukegan. 'tes ta thte cities and districts. NIE~ITiiose tatistîe ere communient- ~ ~UY ORE 4)~95 [lai- in 7 ruiîi exclivsîe OfT III ' IL i'NAR DLUet tC. ifi. Clair Drake, director o (oîri8 tisat are Illinbohsndias 5heirthe state board of heali th ta>'y ya or llonieit-Lak conty1 U RTA RS EteiormM sent b>' Mayor W. W. Pearce PU A 14ÀDETODAY n . l oeilor ,,Lakt ehont uail$eaasln response tea atelegtim tram the W itesar tne miiiiof dîlas egalànododt.b oado h TO MERCIIANTS t; G 1 ,ý .n lequota. "FLU;" liE OBJEC1& TS a 1wbaih ordSEft "Thelim fo 1,tt:,oti apealIS Dr. Drake isa rcquested Waukegan li%:Iri p.ap bush sta send ml avaliabie nurses and ph>'- Local Merchants are Sum- k71 l rîî;.rp buifl stand Little Lad Which Arrived for Bi51 ,s ta ather consmu Ities In dire Woned to a Conference inl pint. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petro- neeti. Te this m'ayor Pearce replied ith Cort oue 2P. . - ,r -t1ro u:riiof men W:14) chius Wont Bear Name that Waukegan Las none ta spare at th or ohe2PM ave bren sr'in mrnti bere, 1 shall go_____ the presant time. i to i( u.escabrweelI e The statement matie b>' Mayor ecIl BOND SALE BOOSTED you e.i -i perr.onalty if you wsh me tX MOTHER HAS FLU AND BAB3E Peare this aitmnoon vas the flrst fîc lIanîo,- rirt - embarasYeu: te <tMclannouincement or the number te Many New Subscriptions Tak- sienon ;rhor wili take down Il thit Nurses at Hospital Applied the of deaths causeti by Influenza tlu V ou Tdy it tii yen anr say.NmeBcue hidC e Wau'iegan. ta( e ou bdy Ciy tii Tlire 1uard of Review of Latke coin- a. eB au Cid am Dr. Drmkes' tctegram te Mayor Of J $300,000 Shoi't ty lris ixet' the minimum for Pcdi While Mother Was 111 Pearce folios.-b: 11rle. duia t tat lias heen calhed litre- - Chicago, Oct. 14. 1919. Waukc'gan, Ort. 1_- a- i Wl,? ihcy think tbey cui Becauge te ten pounti ha>' as Mayor W. W. Pearco, l -'-'c-print- tise Rt of hp .=en-cabk' i ts',l t at.ilOr lt¶.f oiran.t.tbeJzxo±er..hP d4&rAfateo r eéeu--u------ to fthc court itouse meeting thi if ar ita at'oti mut iths- waP taken sIcic wlbh Influenza ln the Veilderai anti state gaverument ur- av temSuon woulti require lots o!fr l itIfîrttier argument can do soehi' IMcAlister hospital, the, nurses anti gentl> rsquet yaur Immetilate repi>' y - -ta print the naines of business mn g i'ing in your subacriptions and ltu frienda of Joc Petrachius, the south te the tollowlng inquir>' b>' ire, cal- Ge t.OT calleti wauld accupi- very' iî'bte: ,-Ilor atratbasîs vithout tai.- side undertaker ,have unofficiaily Icet. to print Uic names af men viro ri- lng up persanal matters. If yau wjtt namedth ie chilti "Fui." umber of casqes Influenza anti n apontiet the cati te attend tise ahide bytirothir verdict, aIl weil and The matiser vent taete hasipital i peumonla ln yaur cit>' at prerrent. tw 1 eeting voulti accupy lics stre thai good; If nat, ve'îî have a littie tatitat seek Tisursatet prepare for the Numbor of deathe tram Influenza anti <E lo priait thoseofa!tire mea who !aitledwibh yott. the states attorneyani d arrivaIioftbite new heur te the sautit pneumonia stnce Influenza first ap- D tu rospoi. tnryself, in aprivai.. vay.rr ide undertakIng establisisment. The peareti vitit date of! Omt deatit. Num- hb But, itila salete tasay thît iefore __________next day site vas taicen sick vith In hber af doctara nov practiclng ln your fa loiglt fals te joan siiperlii t!-i fluenza anti a bai case dil peti. ttY. Number ot regisbereti nurses b Eaukegan viii be iunireil. of tiroir MAN H Oli HIIL)LI Andtirtenr, ta complîcate millters, thr snti,numliro f practical nurses. Are 00 selntils of dolars moar tlitîn i t w-ru, day o1llowing. a ten pouand boy mIl medîcal nursing anti losPital service Ilium illanina. fIJ A J:flTdI t. eqisal ta thse denran'. Wil any ofa01 As detaled btetoa. tusirti s neîr .au4iÂvR LtîN .Uz rAaa.S l Nov ihen, liecause te motiser isatiyaur dactars or nurses volunteer forlit ryba have neb carne thrîîgh on ttîr, IIlIjJdU the Iu" and because te itabaievas service ln other iIlls communities3 In vere <attet' ta tir., Court buW, '-.-IONIj" NIFIRI4L UIfi tise irst ta arive at tite hospital un whlch arc ln dire aeed of assbstanpe? bt t oda> b>'.%Ir. Wteeks but.,otien the'y ______ dem such circumMasnces, it vas tieem 'Salaies for doctars $20() pet mantitfof arrived, P.F. ETFlana cran. r-p-i tir jut-~ ed proper ta name tise youngste! and expenses. Salari' for nurses b ilng the ferlerai reser-re hoard, ivar iti *iet. **hmu** of "' - ity 'Flue"-and sa it bas heen calîtti Made knavn on application. Answer Ri Charge o!bie metng aridtir pitlh- Spends Monday there Vis- cicr sioce.1 questions clearly bhi-wlre at once andti 1014 théc business mmntisey- must ir rt iting is Relatives Tise mther vas quite sbck for a- give full détailsa it mail. Atitres n ucribe or ho and. otisers wartld detmeth inleapevttg be vreautesgcd mmn t kav.wiv it>-fmitd ,TELLS 0F CLOSE ESCAPE gains ln connection wîtit ber mother- C. ST. CLAIR DRAKE, CE "The tiane for atppeali s past - l____ hoati. But the nev arrivai singular- Director a! Publice -balth. w 17oll're bore ta liuy-that vas is iri Lieul. l.Avrene Il. Schmuitl. ne- ly, didnot catch the xèrm anti lim ~msuésage, added ta Itrtîeing- it 'v of W. E. Schmalfuss, manager been getting on fine. il¶oveer, . tb *fbc board of revlev ot Lake couat ii Zion Stores, vas a visiter at Zio a slabavIng Its traubiles foi' Mr. lS E LBIE F A *t>' bue Oued a minum for each m-la tCity ycsterday. The officer itas been 1 Sfamit>' iFEÀ Petroclbus vas laid up vith the in-h c afeti bore ant if iau viii subierir'- attachedtiet tht U. S. Destroyer fluenza for camne days anti theit 2% DD S ,PAINT IT B -t (lt &Mount ve viii nat press mat-"Wiippie" and !q nt present on futr- vent nid son le isa at tise haepital, a À R S 9C 4»i furtiior: If yosa dont titen ave Iough. T-le las bnrn lnu iropcs'u v.a- victin o lit. The father lemabie te y f~ l~upf~ ohmS bhave a lttle talitvith yarî ta ers for 13 montita ant i a t.,ien b. out again nov but stili la ver>' YELLOW; ftEIUIIi i out the reisean. ,psrt ln mais> exr-Itlng chasse aier wak. Ail Unes Representeti. ,ubmarins. l-e believes thti> mde Asked if ',P' Intendeti adapting thela lit rluà mtle.gaherng f mn; mny itsat ermit -1mt« a ' "11'iu * as a permanent appelia If somebat>' bati stoicu a bicycle tonmelooketi clicp me they realizedtb lnuirh lPe ysi laisver>' difficult t hnfrhesn m erct~s et ram yau anti you hati matie a dt-Il - vi> the>'vere caied. Titeme va- btell definitely wvitn a bitba le maien bas ceeu Po mueb of ise sormoiv bhlsmanti that It be retumneti or !aitnt *&MprnUut ter ws bta!r acortovoueitiatnq ucauseen dsesthaeb arrlneauewtldcasfth thet f hetbif t fâeewu a baker, there vas a cigar ung. HePitas taken part ln t em rea atieca'«s b as liougtt nWmup *anti if tisethief. beforo tetiirnlng It. Ir aba4tbete vus a ciothIng man, theme of inan>' mon, vamen anti chiltiren ther<m nest naholt A 1 erno-tofba ilt'sdte he h igiiatt ýw (net) an untiertriker athaugli fromtopedoM iv"esels. fi otne aetee eri at a intugetivte cwhe el ite aigniicat I for auythhng». iflias meant so mucle nisgetv cli elv h jur meo se oed). tiere vas a cgair Lieut. Scbniuhl lias been rocaî.,tl liers, Itfiseu %peiled slorrow anti doath. vouti yau think vas thse "meanpst MMs je« pesentI. sme hat men. tramn France anti arderedtiet repart N.îsmpoe lkac~~ man" ln tao-txe thlef or the owuer ti Mae dt'uuis. saine piano, mon. for dut>' on the U. S. Destroyer 1 1 oitu sc a f the ike? vM re@rs ctme jevelers lin tact "Thatcher." Titis vemelileePKiacteti but ve' Iho ivs n ak i MU tho gswelers la tise cil>'at ill onuta arrive ln pari t thse latter part they lbave the hospitul." Blufread Chutiala Nrhivcag oake ed to apperil Ustent ere a! this montit and thse affier viii P.S.-And It mslieoadmittedtitc nBluff ail aorce lustoronth othr i ae m n. there ver- bnak men, then join ber anti start for Tranceé j atM.Ptoclsgyso h;nlght; he suspectait two young men; el UWM a Mauta men, anti lu tactonce mre.WordP¶W 'la rther strong; whon aun ho notiiedthefb.police lie demanded n 's0tmUIme - -Amena- - the - Kftagadan u ndeiska the Ui Ilevais,.whom-e- uspectéti. ru.-i TUm were man>' witahati beeauvlch Lieut. <cliîhIl ati was ven cma roatiuf- i>' bes ho*bmwdltroTius'1turc Ue iclg b>' a certain nigitt or hé i te" wt di d titi appcar--tbe ln- fteir vessewuai rivena»hors, os aun b iss is eubr.would bave tbem urreatei. The wbeel i V.UIWacs's ere te Cee themIn lter. Isandi on th. caaat of àAfricu duriun - *came bck asesecroti>'ase it vent- fi 1%0 minuté the chairman toIdthUica hurricane. A hle was tam In tLe IL O 11 but It bai heen painteti yeliow. Chi- MM éerweuale tleun tr obcTibs aide o! the. visuel anti every oabUct t DJISR LC I s ,udahliaantibifs friands cannot grasp il m l c, he ourd otfi'eview allootimntt on board the vessel let ail of lits the Itica a! Inferring that a mavho t UARW Vaslà. rush ta comPl>' vlth thtelilongings. The ship right,-d itsesf TIONS UNCOVERED demande hlusovo lneontîtiet ta the r ,Beusl verybody 'seemet muxlaua bowverand lthora ver. nlirs es bt application of -yalaw"--dbey thlnk I f» "a ~ etU~ l mmedfiutet. The> Thte boe in thte s aio the doatra>'. iIt ifiae th ieves botter tbaa the bike. ussod weiltg for the chance, a or was patcee tefssjoirly anti siti Waukegan Women Have Bee n a r qbu ey bi>Iailt seizéti hofore. salei aortthe nearest port for re- CIln od n Cer P'urthermore, Chudablia we«ea r i Ne more "Appels" pairs. Cay n Foandom es Lberty Bond button-be wantiers If Hmot la the b'mlisheil whIcl Mr Befo re tumng ta is hoans mito M yHoesthe bhike thleves bave one.h Phiasi thi'ow t tité business mien Bfentan Harbior. Lieut. Schnsntl visit. Wonsen vorlcers ha Wautkagan bave Wbo ilu gatherç,e issie a messag5ZPe d the Great Lates Naval Trainlti j heen able ta relleve mauyBcaséof1IiT theb.etnature of! vicitthe>' coutti Station. suffering In famsiles vitîcit have lieds .4N U(i T -mat magie.: vIsiteti b>'Spanisis Influenza. Cati »We are lersfor a defirlte tutt05gtA Impresqîve ceremon ati>'vs elti lu tiens ho man>' homes, tc>'samy, bet Iaeéfore we:rt in, horse at<w tkellacictorti circuit court Wetifesdiy gars desrtion. D0tg~Ms E (iASSED NONIb St WU "d -lu scad for %s ban oa!31h gaticr te t ailbae part ln the ratiter Hiasmelrelch. humane officer. I . I urL E Z I T N 1 belli ollrs.Tissi- ln 111-z' lhave imressve eremany visen tht large gether vitis two ateér Waureice w). triet t makis afaidi tr¾uticnOrfo portrait of the laite Jutige Ftront wari rtnt, sîsibet homes on thse sorttb eïli (IlIL. presente te thie coutt anti placed inh anti aiea In Nons ChIigo 5e, c-.l Tom Merchant Writes Back le 1 illtirasha nriw corne iSheti tht courtroam. Thse portrait of Jutige cbîc'crna hati been contributeti. ThePso that He Is in Hospital ai tses cees. trappeai: vs thave corne Frostvas presentedte tatht count>' b>' erecoaketi bv Mi's Iimnrerer,unFac r o tes teIslyou jut W'iTt y-ii;lr ere enativeis of the late jurlst anti the sr- aniRouanutiIn(aFrancredre- b 15 i lsd 1teSunethst YriitelU t eitance vas matie b>'Attorney' E. tD.mand wsrt tI aeîst aut<ean. "Th'li ixbiliiint,. 1, 1- ' "I'lm Zynoids sd en ! h arm-- "We foi man>' homes wviper" Tom '.Trrhàr. sno! J,.D. Mer- tributél aznong the pen" Z, ~ 'ilrbon. Apicture aimaevas prerentei itisere vas nt a scrap of fond," on,' rh-tnt e! ,irtsIlavenue. la nov a tic- ant itufena hatTOI tnrsbl'u o!tis lae cunt' jtig, Rphu Ba fa!tisetWauiregan vamen assertn'ri tîm of Influenza anti confiner In the bauds te the extent of 2 12 lPer cent 1ev aofltoclrford, snud isa vas otnal.: to threSun. "In ane case oa!Vtls kIntigeneral hoepltal at Roven. ramce. et your net vartli.1>aceet.uigR.. eh ayield Jug, I s, suc- tiscre vas a grocêrri'astore juit acri Accarding te ltters rdcelved trans "Man' mrehuts ntitana""t-ir c~c.rt~ Jtig Fret.gavea vr>'- tstreet. Sans. a! ise people vert Marcisant on Satunda>", liela stili very 9proâlted greattl s vrluie beautitui triliute ta hig PreAlecesOr, almost faishei as tise>' isui bean boa weak anti does't knov 110w long ho antI i t la a mr harIbndfaitlta.tti>' siit rttr otatctut aeIfamisisedttasenti out and get fondi. viii b. confinedte tahte. lspital. Thc tond arate irsibtae b bonds 1 OM. tpramInent place In thé court h"Deat bativisiteti man>' of!Le It vas 7tva months ago that Mer- 'Tie bndsaredisniutei i ti. taunhoes ve visiteti. In man>' places ve chat vas on. af the Victime of ,t" -vsy: The total le given taebise vri founti severai members of the !nnillY uutard gas vîleli the Huns sentE -taus fedenai resenie tdistrints. thi 1 Tise llbertyvile Intiepentient lisestîhl il~. If vulti b. difficult ta fînil scronsetathe allies,.t-e vas ta'cen tricts appartian ta tise states, the 'tise blrtge't circulatpou la t.«e coit>' scenos of greater desoaibn. Pi.O;ile ta the itospital mut treateti for An - - - ________can't reatize just bow ipitiful tLeme tise vitli sucocais. gtting lunsucl _________________________________________________ conditions are until bbc>' soc tblm Condition flattlie vue taken te at TheloejO~Hrib P-cadei.W. . roth.Vic Pesdont. vith titeir own cýyca." covalescent camp anti reainctiE Tisegsanme n amen bave' been the there. until tire weéks aevlien ha 19 It la Interestulu te recuit that ln i - etIiffiA>1IS recent letter taeh biancéSe. Mies Ruth 1À 0 UR osie>'of Waukegan, Lieut. Dahring- A4~IIAIilI er sald that lie had been up ln an aipaethe day betare and the en- FUR TANK SOLDIERS gine a rkg dlanth he j ewswren adyadta hyjust mnanaged te <et back." There- Nard Starr, Waukegan, Says fore. the tbougiit la that perliaps Cooties of ail Breeds Live the next day, the l7thofRpebr Hiappily on Same Soldier and that pssibly engins trouble IIRITES Ili HUN DUOT thathhdy were unable ta <et back te the American Unes. . ýays Rats, Playing Tag Over Therefore, If they dnedd i their Bodies, Interfere with or: or intii.y r;oir tun pngrn. Sleep Many Nights place In Germuny and are trying te, - muke their wuy back to tiie Amner- "lThase sqiuare-beads (mesnIng the, can Unes by night ln order to avold uns) have rece!ved Oniy about one- 1capture. Ighth of what the>' arc going to get The teiegram sent toeliailies ev af rn the Ainercane-the woret la yet Waahlngtnre early Saturday' was neot i corne," writes Ward V. Starr, of deliverey until Sunday but he wIred Çaukegan, or the headquartera de- bis sister that hc would taire sterps Lîchment, Slth Pl. A. Brigade, a part toda>' te stirt an Inquiry relative te >fthe famous 149th, ln writing to Lieut. Dabringer. ilse Winona Beadle of this city.__________ Th'e Waukegi young man's letter taetmoethn nsul ntrstbe1CIIURCli STEPS AS acutdby the Hune alter fourU~W Acardlng ito tarth emaotieeonae ALTI German table.ST not o partieular about aoelating j.UL lJ~iI *ith each other as the beligerents. I German, Australlafi, Trench and Unusual Ceremony Held Sun. Britishi coaties appear In0 hoan the day as, Resuit of Health best of terms and bave taken a warm RueC sig huhe 'ancy te the Tanks. the differont RueCoig hrc s 'reeds aIl camping out on Individual soldiers. FIFTY ATTEND A MASS Mr. Starr'a tetter la an interestilng one, giving Intîmate phases or trench Temporary Altar in Doorway lte. The letter follaws: "ýWe are at the front ln another of Church-Other Church- big drive. trying ta eud-thId-War-be-. es Abandon Services fore wlnter. At ttimes 1 tbink It will bc ovèr betore Christmas, and then The mast unusîtai Cathoie ms igain i dan't thlnk so, because we ever said ln Waukegan was that of. til have another bard drive ta Sunday moning at 8«'lrk, t q make. joseph's Roman Catholle church on "Se far in the drive the Germaris Oak strepl. when. with the wors lp come running up to the Americans pers icnepiing on the F;tepi adlng toi with their hands [n the air. shouting the churcli. Ftlîr Rempe. standlnir Kammerad, Kamerad' for ail they hn the daorway read the mass rat ber are worth. Tlram that we can sec, th.. permil a violation of th- heaIt1- here I.n't a gond flght 1(ft ln thém. muies hIyhaving thecocngregatian ln because they knoýw they are l[c'ced. side the churcli op ordinarlly. But the>' are juRt that Iznorant and The health rules are againot lthe ,an't sen It. Don't worry-those congrerating of people bnqirld build -quare,-heede have recrived onu>' about Inge and thereforp, ronformIm: witli one-elghth of wbat the>' are going inthelb"reluest. ait churche aan'loneit -et tram the Americans. The wor.i t tiir services. ln the case of Fath"î Is 3 et ta rom-. Rempe. however, be dprided ne he "Yan will lie htereqted Inlncnowingi ather <'ourse-he derld"d te bnld e that i arn wrItlng this letter In a duit- 1mass, but under 1nu-ual condýtlon-% out built b>' the Germasý Another IIIB plans wPr/. carui"d fot a% por tbA tlhlng-t'mn wrlting -It w1th Oermn explanation he mido when he e;slleri [fic an a Germon table. snd last ot all up rpariahaners anid to'ri thom in corn- the C',erinans heid this <round for tha te, church as uosal, that they wauld last four years worshlp outeide andtilrld nat cou. "But worzt of ail the flerunan *c flirt with the bcalth rules. ies " haven't lef t them at ail. Borne Arrived there the 60 members s.ix ,)f tem have as maf7ne Meight ser?- a temporar>' alter erected lnbth- ee stripesi on their bocksa. Oh. bow ehuret entrance andti ley wPrA toit' [lie> can bite! Like the sang we, te kneel on thé long fli.ght of stePP) xlng: "The>' go wiid. sinspi> wlld ov- leadtng Into ilis churcli. Th--,aitnr er me-what? Cootip.e'* Ir you bave boys were notlnu attendaucea on the flot got them you're neot a %aldier. OnA prInot but otbcrwise the maso yen' -et ihh, fpllown sald ntu. of the, differ. ihead in the usîtai manDer. A mas%. sut breeds cared about wliere the>' tests about 20 minutes and for that 1 toppeti. hecause lie bai (lirmafl. Auu- periadth.eii stepe answerOd as ts. Strili#n. andi over>' kilit on hlm. kneeilng benches for flie worshlpper "It sure latg stbulg boy and. -ani, whpn it was ocr the>' rema whers we aie" at iglt. Tlh. other, ed the>' haA particiPs±ed tuunon.f tight *0 siept ln a place wbere the the most lunusual ceremnnes evei Srats lcept runnlng over us ail nlght hplti by a local Roman Catholti long. 'The lest niglit w. just Sot churci. nlcel>' aslecp whén ail of a sudden ALL OTHERS CLOSED a stheli- came singieg over. AU It It wa» a notable fact that the saiti weu 'Wbee-e-c-cBooMI f- V' right' Catholic churcleinlaWauliegau and over carhead. 1 dtdn'ttitd an. rth..Chicqlo were closed Sundal, but the>' came about every tiwa iiad id timers deciare tlic> cannai utes. Ba aur god nights sleep avain recaîl l îen their douo weré ail was broken up. If it i-sn't ane thlng It cloed ail day Sunda>' hetore. la another. 1Tite health rides prsvented therm 111 guesu aid Waukegan la pretty 1 pening anti the churcli bells vere deati. But It won',t li much lony-er sulent, no masses werp saiti and thus because ve ail viii ho back there; an Intcreetlng notation l9 matieln sonner or Inter, te put a littie life flic histori' of thte local Catholir ln IL"'* hurchee. 'ThicProtpstant churclie,. have often ciaseti when union sqpr- vicsetc, rehelti. but nat g0 witb NO ~ ~ ~ h N IS S O D Roman CathotItc hurrhe ,-their, douo neyer close of a Bunda>' ail day. UJ~. t was a strange feeiing for many NE ',;,,BRINO HOPE > Itonmn flabhllos who liaven't mse masses fo fr mai'years. DKIIRIN(iUR'S SAFE In a letter cent ta ail the priests af, the arcbdiaceze anti whlch was MAY E "SEAKNG" ACK rend InD ory 'Roman Cathatic churhl tichwýnat cloed titrougit beaitit Waukegafl. Oct. 15.1 mules, Archblshop maundeiebin urges N'o word, havlng srriveti tram ahîy,8a1 the pastors anti their people te at tlie sources callild upon ta deter-: get bebindthéis united var -work ctm- mine If possible bc the ot fLieut. palgn for soldiere anti saitors. The [tomer Dahringer. Wauicegin avisa-. Catholies are ln varkIn h unisaon with tien observer reported "«miisaîlng in' the 'Y. M. C. X. fteSalivation Army action," relatives anti frientie are tri'- and otiter arganizatlonu lice-war: hng ta figure out wbat "miglit have camp caitpaigu. itappened.Yt - titauglit that Dahringer was killed ln!u I iuD 0 a16 Komosha Uku have voted their .10 dRm-Wakgav e lku clbeïr dry onu buege iiztw vtecluquryt Pogbrivthe oh te l o ioutor Prste Jdead l Srenl$ of iLuke Poe est, fIothêr in raceofly luewt t earn milady. RAY N. SMITH Some Lighting Facts, You Want to, Know About Right Nowl Your dollar today buys lesa bread, leas meat, lesa clothes than ever- before, but your electric dollar buys MORE. And you can~ make it buy stili more'by using Edison Mazda Lamps For MAZDA Lampa give three times as much light as carbon lampa without increas- ing the amount of c4ar- rent used. PublicServiceCoI of Northare lhm" 1ARC-F UtL MIP8 LAKE. COUNT Y WAbKE"ésN DAILY SUN at the special 10w pnice each $3-50 Size: 3 ft., 8in. by 4ft,2 i. Libertyvilieï Independent SFarmers, Attention! For your potatoes oats and other amaîl grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION - 65 Centsa Pint 0.! 0 The best and cheapest Antl-Smut on the mai- ket. DRUCE-CLEVELÀND 'bRUI CO. The Rexall Store The Store Thot Saves Yoa Monel lest wus ton u i Mr. au opn$ a bau qui Joe F Albiert worb lu au pxteti were bol lever Suac Ut I. tan sta> ait Glasset i cars fat 1 moula 11 Utse. tram Ch relatives son Wili. Id s, C. lire .J. K. 1 meade foi contraci boxes eu trliftu bolug us anti chi others C( les cioti goodest, hcavy ut for chlk kindi>'se Utse. 1 atiroleal Ctosa lw setting 1 work b. old.faabi the iadie Ibis wott Last parsons Oscar il wsil kuo eldeet su éld the Ur. andi bers, no extendtitr long au Lake@, Si @peuit %iii A. l)Ou$ cettaitutt Lake@, n Our ville Uts@. Ja wms bro day Les abteL'nui suri lie. exteeri ( ieu bei Mr@. En ville. Jul Grant U hoiiowli spent On bis educ door, alir 6auscen lace will was do home ai boing w Erneelui 181)3, s hesides i aur deei meut. Book K ùelcghba their tc. Kr. a @pont B Borenoe tir. i daugbt ]grs. M The à Ibd Fr Sevet lu thi. Nobras . . 1 - - cy-

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