CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 8

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---------------- mmsu1s-----------sas UlmE sus. MTr andicinit< I OTATRAi ESTATE hw hewae ,frd i ie lîoiarsper ton TRASATINS 9" . ra ' i i tr ,did Dot acoept. TRANSATIONSb rit ai lie donc l,.ii 'i, ý -mmi from thte Sythe»s transactionie thé. os'iîersnIîpIi ra 1 îîTIilîi- -i ,$34200 whlch 0im f the very hast Ia,ýd tanIFrmoiit a1-lirîte salnef 0'. oatewould te lownuhipchaaàged bandeé 00 or, a til ,1-iter titan $45.<0 Adam Boehm pîurchacd the Tutrcr-i- - the land. Wblle Uêrr ai10acres thre m- niii rtiicýrt t;., 1o. .-' ther farmer@, did et Aiea and juqt acroé tit-e ro-id frnit is. ltki-i a ýai-iscouaf of the cost. bom é arin ahe&c hi- tais llsed for i é,r f 'le 1 1 il- .-dyet I 1 Iii e to ehlftyyears a - TInïot: .î t ill t cire, id$600 00, S. F. Rouée piitîlo4îc i,1- M illia,,,i Z il, i l j rif t$1212 (00 or a am f trmOt 10.3 aires -- wlOIr ,utdi iti . t-cI.-. iil >~:)0per acre. et Aiea OU the norLil i rîh-!ti ttiitil I Lake. AREA BREVITIES Botta of ihese 'arme .. ciitain gtahland .%rr iîiiî d lttie son, who Ibai need@ tiliîîg.Alre-î.-D tie i cierw rbe.. irtc o Libertyville are fil ibr. areanglaig for a îorl t-. .fl i i 1 I-inza. dranage and tare îîow !atiiîiigtit.i tei,,Mr. -. îzai.cth Lang and Mir. and Mir@. for.thot purpio-§; ible . l. the laCe of ii, raijàer iii Chicago, vllted the thé lnereascd Co@&oftatf gri8IadlabIior. tsrinerrc .is, r is. Peter Litc-htilld,ou@e but these pmen are ex piecac.d. ilutcrs- d,. astct% i-c fui, farmers and tully realize tùe impoirt. Mr. aild Misî. John Jerrett are the. amcsofthorougb drainage. a in- fautl obr rda Now the 8sgnifIcant fiituie tif tlieri-e ltii, te@o, oraFi transactions la the tact thât botîb pur.xMiss Riachel Betketsweiler atteaded clamsr. bave iti.d ail their liresintii (lithtue )ij iiîuae" party and davieait Irumediate milaty of the tarmin ii ic. jLii..-lFre.t college Saturday cvenlng. tlon and are known to be caret ii huyers Mtr aitdiMr@. Arthur Johneoa and - -taniIîY of Chicago, spent Saturday and BARN RAISINGS POPULAR -3unia-v with Mir@. John@on'.. motter, LastBatrda aferii)ý) @oetllugMrs. Latbrop. Lit atnebnrdaymeaterîinconetilg Fd Sci.licker leIlii wlth the Spanisb far. of eohn Wdrcd ino arîicd n the vn.iflueniza at St. Louis, Mo., where te i.. ho@ cbnch, the ilî.ilwt , the rails i iplii ýeî. tMr@. Schlcker 1.fn Sundav tb bng of thc tran.- is rh o aut jt iilation att,-ti hi. etock and ldairv hart). 'lirftaîwo v %re l -an Ayn3.ley rof Elghladd Pari-, sixty wth îourte.-ni fie' rt . Sand,.Ilauv.I'i-l i 1t teAynslcs- bome ber.-Suinday, .lgtt foot baspail-nt onier tlite e fr~- hnna Lathrop @peut Wedncrday etructure ThebarnW lieu crmmjleîeîla a' ii.-Great Lake@ whiere a ncphew ofn *wllite nmodern a iners tiartîcular ua li " taind odlo àttaàcbp.-d Thimistle lichrd lbarn .f Oi-.Avenu lot Sparta, M h is aëwîi- tiIs character tui lie liit in the e aslifai r i,- t care for hir. Dean, wliose bealîli of Fremont îown8i; tf.. ecaon. Tfiîs 14lr, roviag eiowly. ctass Of iîiiscrei-. li-ly IndiUatesý the tigh saliatliîî thai t un rs ,plaie AN O .UPOn their tarai lanîd.i J L. Shepherd and D. S. f)olpbt motor- -el to Chcago, tionday f0 o o up a lightlag sYîtcmn for the M. W. A. hall. PROFITS FROM LAKE COUNTY John Wlrtz, Jr, bad bis large barn FARM LANOD- r ioed Saturday aft-raooa. A large From a fiefld of forty aîreoî oats la cruowd was on hand and everyttiag n-cnt preonttowthi, to ad oe-hlloff lceiy. Abountîful lunch waas erved liéé froin Area, the owrrer thrtlshed Ifewre 19" buaiielo. machne ncaquire, which MI@@ Elizabeth Kuebter waî a North wool, vighoutbettr tan iOOChcago vliltor Saturday. boih elig t i ont baiterthen 2>00 t Mrs. William Vickery and son motored *pris.would Cive. liOn$1470 00. Buttu newoiFdy.Ty ud thiswasDot il.Fromthi cro teGeorge doiag aicely and thiat te wili, balkid ttirry eightt oris of 5f raw foir recover. tir@. Orpba Harding aad daugtmr Helen, vlalîcd ait the Henry Grabbe home LAME COUNTY Moaday. E. A. Raasom bai fatea the mail route REAL. ESTATE whlch Roy Newton bas tad. It i@ rePorted that Rtoy la golng to a-ork ila. FOR SAL sore this wlater. - tMr. and tirs. Fred Wirtz and daughter 1mproved1 Farina @Peut the week-end wlth relative@ la this 10 to 1,000 Acres viciit. «l 1eoowbreet ot Favorable Termi ber hueband bhsminoved f0 1he. hume of 'of Payment e MMrs H. C. Payne entertalaed tirs, Z. Oenan Of CrYstal Lake, Thureday algit.g TLes Farina Mlisses Bertha sud ElIzabeth Kuetter ILIL"lLi le ikal--were Lelîbton callers tionday. Within 50 Miles 0f Chicago Grea1teiçt Produce Market iaThe World- PROPERTY IN TOWN OF AREA - 4 s3aurb uofClcago. FOIR SALE Modern Houses Vacant Lots Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision Sinali Tracts For Truck Garcleners Pouktry and Sinali Fruit AREA HAS -Water Wori%, Sewer Systein Gas, Electricity Electric Railroad Soo Railroad Beit Line Connections Beautiful Lake Constituting Popular Summer Resort -Area là [n The Market For -A Nwnber of Industries. Addresa: F. M. HARDINGI4 ARE,., ILLINOIS. i PRAM£ VIEW. Mr. and tir@.A.C. Richards were elty visitors Monda>'. tiré. H. Holize and daugiter Baffle have been qulfe slck tte pasm n-cri, but are on bbc gain. Mliss Eramer Is a-mb lier lister ut ttc paroage for ftac preseat. B ,O. Fritet and fanîl>' and grartdta Guttler a-cmc viitors at tce M. W. Kncd- lcr home Sunda>'. tilis Samuels@ta.. been ickthttcpaît fea- days at thi- Loch tead bouse. Ttc relatie and near neigtboré gave Mir. aad tirs. Towncr a surprise part>' tionday o ening. It belng tteidr fItt a-d- ding auniversar>'. G. W. Richards oh Gens ica spcn> the wsek end wibh relatives here. i3adîa Stancliti n-as a Lake Bluff caller oas day ftl. weck. tir. and tiré. Jos. ttecd ot Glenvien- vlsited with relatives on.. day lait a-et. tir. and tirs.L. Maether vi..ited at Grav@ Lake SuRant.m Monda>' even MdissesRnt Hapte spen> Paul Hase., Phîladeiphia, oui of danî recover>'. Died, la Ci SlmEon B. RB leaves an agi ksser, tirSe and a trothei a daughtcr. Elyn, and aé Hi@ boytood aeih lii>of Cobas8t&"»i uis..P. UoehrusrJobn-Hu M hemani.Ms. na Rdisadu uét Winters atianddthe fuera the iaiil.énsa. oOhabri. Eirm»yer lu Obicago, Satar. ekway 01 Palatise. visted daji. auconda, Frida>' aud Sature Usa.'. and R . Pstt, lftfor ArgS.. lad.. Tuaea wherstbey are drilling a dPotter and son, who have weîî. 1<g of influenza are mach Mrmé.Nellie Waltt wa@ the week-end Eues> ot MmsKnickerbocker. -n lé speadlag th. wsek ait kre. Fred Shanle>' of Rogers Park, C'hicago. wai the. ruant of tirs. B. B. Kress, dcCormlck li a viclîna of the Thurida,. bhis lé ver>' utfortunais Dot Miss irmena iianicbiid &peut the ae doctor but for lt on- ltrpr ftcae lhtlnal vl., tut aillare glad to know Mîneartofihé.wihfredel uprovlng. Ediie Therrica of Highland -Park, wai )&)@y. Who la at Camp G1rant, the Sanda>' gueet of Virgil Solig. a eaort turlough. Otarie. Parson wa..caied fu Rocheeter, dare cised boe, %i@ week Mina., thl the serlous iliacés of bis son of thé lIluenza. Han>', who léanic theaospltal asttat of Wbeafon, lé @pouing the pae the inberes> of the P. L. Z Warren Pettip and Marie Scanlan of ad. EBlgbwood. werc married la Chicago, Ira. Earl Townsend and sons Prida>'. te, were Waunada visItors tMr. Bofmaatcr, pr! ucipal of oui gram. Ming. tuai sebW., wai called loto sorvfce Iast tiah Broacteonà and Rath Tueeda>', and snt > tce Marine bospital t 8nda>' at thoir tomes tiere. at-St. Louis for t-.catmnt. Bo far the a wbo is a sallor on battis- board have uot sncecdcd lu getting ota, tas beau vervlIII wltb someone to lu a militar>' bospital lantMr. and tirs., Charles Rudolph of a, tut trom latent reporté le Granada, Mina.. and lMr. and Mire. J. uger and on the road to Meyer or Wtacllng, spen# Monda>' at F. B. Meer. Chicago, Octôher 6, 1918, Charls Ellermevcr, wlao dled fast Ruoéeil,,-aged 631 -cari, lic Wedacsdmy of mengitis, bavlug bvcen ed mother In Waukegaa, a poorly for soyera&[a-cake, wai hnried Saah Russell of that Place. Saturda>' attemnoao af Concorda cerne. er, S. J. Russell et Volo; also 5cr>' b> tbe Ragie lodge, 1. 0. 0. F. of % Wfanlc Sturges@ of (lien Chiaago. He e iaces a widow, Mtro. son, S. B. Ruéselila France. Louiqe Ellermoyer and a home 0f friands. d dig were @peut on the old bomcstcad faLn-arVolo.lun te 80'.. tie aWa a reéldent of %'auconda. I ra Cook eali@ted for artu> service Ia8t a-cek and lctt for Libertyville, Tucîda>' troun-ber.. bcen-cnt tui Erancton te fate up a coîurse of niechanelal engineering. Ira i.. one of our ludutitrious young mîen and ae are sure lie a-lui make toud. We ,Alch lm succeés. L&KE ZuiCcH Meédanie E A. Ficte anidJ. Sact@inger épent Monda> lai Chicago. John Sei-blftlé on tbc siet 1lie. W. Prolin aand F. Binu motorcd f0 Elgin, Thurada>'. 1ev. and Mîr@ E. Biner ertertafned the former'.. brotlîcr froin Elmburst over Suaday. Miss Elsie Kohl wai a Palatine viltor lait wect. Mire. Willam Bclrgtorn returned [ast wcck Frida>' froîn ttc Mcercy bospital whcrc ste bad been for threc wccks toiloa-iag an operatlon. Marshall Norton now cmployed at Elgjir, spent ttc weet-end atis@ borne here. Mr. and tirs. B. L. Pnim motorcd to Elgin, Tucéda>'. C. Weavr and tamliy motored through Aizonquln lait wcek. H. L. Prehin speat a day at Round Lake ou business. tiré. G. Wetrenberg la matlng an extendcd viita&the bomeof ber parents. ties tiabel Heller épent Sunda>- at home. Mrs. B. G. filiman wai a Palatine visitor k riday. Mieés Clama Prchm motored out from Chicago, Tturéday with tir.adtirs. d. Johnson. tites Dela Kropp and Ida Witt are Improving alter taavlng heeca ii witb Influnza. Fred BIalctt for Tartie Late, Wté., iSturda>' eveniag, upon rccelviag a teleurain thattirs. BIaa-ai qaite lii. tirs. Launa rturned te ber tome@ bere fasf a-etet ater an extcndad visit lu tianhaften, Iii Auguét Froellct and sona Arthur, made a trip f0 Wiscouian lait a-cet. Jota Hodgc and Frank Ronse>' a-ie callerc Saturda>'. Frlends and relatives of Ed lirandlng a-ere surpriérd iact a-ekto0ieara 'of tié marriage >0 Mios Cbrictine Ludolpt on aBéiurda>', October .. Mimen11,ose Ercman, a-to bas becS qulfe 111 lé reportcd mnct tmproved. tir E Braading and Grace spant Tueéda>' la Chicago. Lewis Hilaa aai slct wltt lIluenza DEF~J Mr. and tirs Lincoln Pettîs returned - ,--- - -otmeiatra>,baiz pntsvea Ttc couaf>' Sunda>' sc4ooi convenftia onnomowoc ay bvlgstinga siéer, at Wautegan lé postponcd to Nov. 7 a9lnOo rnwevstu aaoe, and 8. - trs. Larsen, Neltter ttc tlib or grammar sciioous WAUCOND'&peined this a-et oun account of ttc lîHincaiza conditions. tirs. OH. M urphy Io .pending scierai Mis» Elcanor tycripent ttc weet-end daesthif!s -set in Litle Rock afttce with Miss Edîta Boiold of tianhelin. tome olftMrs. Aice Mc('abe Aici Itiliman rof Great Lake@, waa a if îîad f-ay lé spcrdinig te e a-ct a>guesn t athiefatters, E. B. Wllman, fthe honme of tli grjidntither, tirs, Alice Sarurday anîd Sanda>' (iarv. A. tromtfapeaf severai days the pait1 Mis ilrhua Farîîsa-î,rîu, entertalned a a-ce t a Sanarnon. iI.1 nuimii-r ifirciihcan bcr hornc lait FmI. Il i.. exptecbd that tlic churches a-I be1 dîîy e%,,..iii i tp resent >peut a ver>' opened tait 'Sanda>' for services andi iI.-iiaaî.lcn.-ilrc- Sunday méciol, ai t tcre bave beaunDo! tdoirlits i...i11 iiiiiiay wn-tt triend,. ni-a es eoof lIfluenza reported tlî p'alatineaetk Miesé Gra- e liiI hý i s--rlt te tint of Caru Anidersotn IcaeaiWcdaesday forj flc s- k it I.--iin aivationîfilid lu Misslslppi. Barri' vKirs% iii iiila il. i i clent the tir.eîand irs sXH.- Mutlte @peut the a--e k-eîîîîIli % utaii. l aee-,itendl sith their daughtr, tirs. B. Mrmc Liirî,i f q, ta. eikveste Samuel Fritsch o! Englca-ood. gui-st .f Islita.--trii las las>tii-e Sarat Atlirîtsviltcd ber son, 55 tr lii-ir~c dâms of Norn-ood Park, a-to lé M it. arnd1 %Ir...1 - in iiR 'vot ciltcaizî, q it.-fili. îtu rude> - ici ted V.%iiitla i, i ,t;,àt iurd1aý% .NI m rtsliats Pioc.,tola lan p bospital1 iti.Errl ial ii. fA Aa. us petidinig, iii tltîiîgý, iîtinAr hait au-operation for thui wee te. .JI oiter le dolug niccl>'. HEAD STONES FOR OUR DEPARTED HEROES The 5tb Gene ratl i.eccrtbl y of the State of Ilinois en actcd a ciatule to provide for thte tuatng o! a mec-il.'ofthbbhuril places 0foldier.. and ecailur,3 and Iocating fie burlai places of sîldiers and satîtîrs and reportiag saId huriliplacesf0tote Federal goveramerit arnd îran..îîortbng fu ..ucb burial places andl iet ttng np, tead- stoucé provided ty th, Irderal gos-cm. nient. Tu carry ont the purpo... of this &ct thc Adjurant Geai-rai ofthttc tate la ctapowered to secur.- utsîtne qualitled person a huce dut>' If ebould be tii inspeet ttc recorde., to visif cemetanies of the tate and by any rclat.le ineans tu locate ttc hurlai pince-.ofti aci peroon wbo served lantcniitar>' or naval service of the United Stalcé and report sanac togetter a-it t hi-nuiner ofthtt reigment and deigniarion o! corupan>' tu wblct olier éervcd and of ttc command, if lai thc marine servie, thc rant and period of service, a it naine and loca- tion of cametery and location of grave tu surti cemefery. lit aai urfhem made flic duty orf ttc [ier.~eo udéignaaed tr oi lriutead thé trancpîirtatioa of monument@ or tend ots-es tunish d b>' the govertrient bo ttc graves of suct soldiers and sailors and @ceftute setting up thereot. ln pursuance of tuis acfttce under. sigacd tas been dcsignated b>' ttc Adîtant General f0 catr>' ouf the pro. viqions ontlned above. It isthe patrlotlc desire outhttcpeople ofthe ttcatco(ifIllinois thaf tich grave of eaot - nan who tter on land or cs wnt tort tof do battue for bis nation, te approprlasebly marted, ttat future genealons me>' tnow a-tare their bernesle. The fait le of necefflby a large one and in Ifes uecessful caccution 1 detire to ait for ttc falicét possible co-operation aud assistance on ttc part ut aIl ui patriotlc ciflzepuhli. E. R. Le WIo, Supt ot Records ut Burlal lPlaces of Soidiemé and Sailors. AUCTION SALE. Thursday. 1k-olier 81, a> 10) a. m. t'hritif Peterson taviag decldmd to (unit lartnlng n-li li eut public auction on the old Bartaes Farm ou Lincoln Ave, oaa milue north of Dcertlcld. 3 aLille.. South or Evorett: 21 Bead of Cettie-8 3f mciii wtt e .- by their sîde, 10 épringers, balance rai hers. 6 Horee-teain dart bars. 8 and 12 yrs, a-t. 2900 Ibo.. teain black colts,will matctîed, 3 yre; bay drlving borse, 8 yre oltd; sorrel drivlng torse, 5 ycars old. Bay' and Con-80 fou tîmoft>' ta>' baied, 430 stocks bill corn. @Painm Toot:-lnteruatlonal Inol . IH. C. ta>' prees, self taed; 1. tB. C. 12-t. P. gas engine, I. H. C. Keyâtone 12 diét pulvenîner, 1. BH C. manure épreader, L. H. C. ha>' tedder, badger seeder. sud and stubbic piows, ibovél PlOW, 2 ew-4 ticCormlct mowers, 1 ncw; 2 corn pfanters 1 new; 2-sectlon harrow; 3. section spring tooth tarrow ticCurintek grain tiloder, Dserlng corn bluier, wafer trîîugh, torse rake Kpystone tay> loader, 2 sulky cuivators. potato dlgger, lunch tire wagon. capacit>' 5 tons, gond an nea-; trou--thed wagon, 3 nea- ha>' rOts, 2 8 lnt Bain wagon, land roluer, 2-yd. sei dump box, 10 mut cané@, mutk pails and étrairiér, Cable stactIing outlsi coupucte, et fBmlng harneas, neari>' nea-; dotubtle srrey btarie. Tiii:-ljnder $10. cash; over $10 15 utonthé tredîf t s6% ltereél. Christ Péteruon, Proprictor. John j,. Wick, Anctioneer. J. A . Sctiniike, Clrk. FIROT -IN LAICI COUNTY-Thé Independont. Indepmncen: edr UOU DOKTR'S AUTO; 1IS MEANUST TIIJIF Here's Waukegansa lai est patrlotlc giacker: Dr. -Radcliff teslat nlgbt near midnlght reepônded ta a sicit cati u'bere a Patient lay very fli a Franklin atreet home. Ha drove bis car there and naturally lait It out- slde--aithough a smati one, he could 'lot very bandily faitsefi; Insîde witt hlm,- or bide it Intis Medicine &»ad. But whan the doctor atfejadcd tte Patient and retnrned f0 the car ho found that One Of thé meatiait mon ln town bad been there d'uring hi3e atsence-and he had stoien two of! the colls trom the car. Dr. RadclifeI today exPressed his aPpreciation of the tact. that the thiat did lot faie the other f wo collé. But any 'skiuîk" wlro willi bot a doCtrs car these days (and nights) whea there are go. maay hurry caele to aid the sick and dying. ought t0 go acrocé ceas and Join the Huit mur- dorera. NOW THEN if ttc doctor by having bis car laid up. was delayed ln gcttlng ta sorne other home aller a hurry.up. cati and the patient dled as a result,I a-ouldnt tbat thief, wtioever ha may be the murderers ln fart? MAN WHIO "UNDIS= COVERED CROCKER LAND" IS AT-STA. Donald B. MacMillan, Arctlc i plorer, a-ho pros cd P.-aryo ('rociter l.and' aas a mir-cge, is the latest av.1 lation recrîjîf af Great Laite-. He Itg lni tligbl D. offi-ers' training echoot, '\Ilîc'%flllazt a ln the Arctlu- a lidernes-.laqi JulY by Capt. IDolb I tfartleft Peary'- torner ckipppr. île! was living on eider diiclis' -ze. Iai- 'Millan predlcfed the lime woulul -om,- T soon when airpianes would fiy 10 fheJ Norft Pole. 'STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS1 [N DEMAND Prepare New ,and Secuire 0rie ni Tacse Gond Positions COUR~SES OFFERED IN Gregg Shorthand Rationai Typewrifing Bui"e"s Englisi. and Spelltng Office Training Comamercial LIe& Commercial and Conversationai Frencha. Tuttan iayabie mounthîyr. by the cour-se. B."icalfour rmuailus course for graduibras ut seredl>ud hbIsA cliolu..Specill caisec tor sfndents bave ..omnireted gatanrnar échuel sort. Poilua. guseratteed, MRS. Phone 130 Caqh. at the Car Leave your order now E. L. DAVIS Phone 129.W Libertyville, 111. Tiiese Prices WilI Interest You and Save You Money by Trading at LANE'S CulGCERI AN»9UARET o FOR FRIOAY AND SATURDAY ONLY t GEOR GE McDODNALD j AREA. ILL Potatoes, Irish, per bushel..................5$1.651 'Pillsbury's Best- Flour, 244-lb. sack ....... 1il Mince Meat, 2 packages.............2 5C Salmon, 1I L can..................... 20c Campbell's assorted Sou ps, per can ............I10c ' Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for 28c, and 1 pkg. Washing'i Powder FREE Lima Beans, 2 cana ..............25C Matches, large pkg.. . . . ... .. . .. . 3 3c Plont loa ties. . . . . ..>. . . . .. ... . 3C Best Creamery Butter, per lb ..........60C Lard Compound .............. 2 7C Best Kettle Rendered Lard ......... 33c Fancy Prunes, 2 Iba ..........25c 1 1 lb. All Good Oleo .............35C 5 lbs. Aill ood Oleo ...5......... 1.75 Best cuts Round Steak, per lb ........ 30C Best Pot Roast Beef, per, lb ............ 2 3c Pinic Hams, per lb .. . .. .. .. .. ... 2 7c Pure Maple and Cane Syrup. per can ..... 25c W. wit liver in LUbertyvile on Mondays, Weda.sdays and Saturdays. Plione your order i.itiie morning Poaches for Canning. WiII Pay 48 Cents a Dozen for Egge GEO. M. LANE, Prop. PHONIE, 89 AREA, ILLINOISI - - - - - - - -u - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I -THREtm are two (2) kinds of insurance. ABoth are good'tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goos to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tili you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- -son, but the one good kind is the kind -to buy. Your Life Insurance should flot be neglected, and, When selectlng same, do' flot get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS A Car of Choice Potatoes on Track $1.40- per Bu. Total Co. T( Wauke Top- M As a malseT ioid la bU reas mates i *day amg sale of 'Tuesday berf y L Assuri and Wlr urday. r Ipaiga. committ- -t IL tthe Tardwai reports beip >0 gales. 'I factorles report. Ret ur are slow - mveral leis thej ty chair: colinty iq obtlned F orest. ville go est aires The il taia ia raeiday quotasa raised: .Antioch tienton Cuaba East De Bi& . . Premont Grant . Laite Vi Llhertyv Newport Shielda Vernon Warren West DE Waukoe Total The City ln Pitept f ro account *tirredi -Mauiy Pi ,effact ot Sa-way V( Sire iiXiouii Ita w.>' tam mcn isayî flac emall. 1 of aMlin, eýut *satl Ever>' tes of 1 4ai nort> ; ked t tance bg hlned lei iates, 4 Obicago. ýThis ,Vhe U] 41,la Mt4w of naRfçges zinnc .iý -- ---- --- -- --- il

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