CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 9

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TYVIýLLE INDEPENDENT _________ LAU CUNTY J EPENDENTLake County's Big WéeeklyWUKGNEKYSU LAKE_________________ <.M raw mOn Voias m dem àbdG N EK U VOLUME XXVI-NO. 42 PART TWO LIERTYVILLE INDEP«ENDENT, THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1918 TOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YE&R IN ADVÂ&QI I. Uà1l As N ew 41. 18 us merflor Total Sales for City Show that. Waukegan StI Is Way Short of Quota CO. TOTAL OVER 2 MILLION Waukegan, Should Go Over Top-North Shore Towns Must Carry Co. Over As a result of the Intensive dive nails Tuesilay tbe number o? bonds sold ln Waulcegan up ta lasi nlght bail reacheil a total of $5 1.,650, vblctî I _ ________________ I _____________ i _________________________ BUSINESS QUIET IN REALTYI, LOANS BELOW AVERMiE No Big Deals Reported in the CoUnty; Loans total Thlrty Thousand for Last Week By A. K. Bowes, assistant secre- tary Securlty Title & Trust Co. Blusiness o! the recoriar's o Mie for the week ending October 12, 1918. Number of conveyances#, 79. Numnber o! chattel mortgages, 7. Number of trust ileeda anti mort- gagea, 9.. Total number ro? Instruments illet, NOUL WIIIE, HURT IN FRANCE, EIETS OVATION AS lHEREACIIES HOME RETURNECD IMI&EI 18 THE GUECST 0FP HONOR AT HUGE DEMONSTIRATION ON TUE8DAY;- WHOL E= IAGI18OUT; 8OEOOL CHILD- REN LMN TEE ROAD, BAND PU~YS AND WOMEN -.BLECS8 41DRISS THE YOUNG SOL- DIER WHO WEARS ARM IN ASLInG "Welcome Home, Our Boy" The village of Fox Lake, the m... mire te vty stii $149 A0 nder Total amoinî of Ibans, $30.0510. """ an cil "' i d '". omiiae lte quota. The bond sales for Tues. Business bas been quiet and loani andi deferencne tu the firat eturneti day moutat 10852,00.Thetotl beow he verge.Lake county Marine, lnjured ln set- of homondatei$52,4k0.cThto pt elwthefavlowg aet mreiprvice abroad vben, on Tuesday atler- ale o od nLk onyu q Te loigaetemr mo-noon, lie left Great Lakes station and Tuesday nlgbt as reportedte10the UÀ- tant deals. q berty Loan heatiquarters bere vas rode in an automobile te the home $2,38,2 Waukegan: Chas. A. anti Anna of bis parents in the villaeto grect Ekion bouglit iwo lots on noth ide thîem for thbc rst lime fince bis re Assurance bas been maile thalthIe May streel, just Wet of Suodorlîn si. lurn trom abroad. aubcriptions fromt the Amrîcan Steel f rom Gustaf B. Nystrom, for $2400. Tertreiieonqeto a andi Wire company will be ln by Sat- 'nas. andi Maranda Leibelt bougbt Noel White, 23year-old scon of M. urilay. tbe closing day of the Cain*- a lot on southepasi corner ltdwardi paign. Members of the campig asnd Chasînut Mis.,front Russell Eti- Sd n. EdofWFox wellko e ccmmttee have been assured 'also wrds for $1.000.jieto FxLle -tht the Envlope plant and the Ilugb T. Bircb andi Arthuir T. Ga!t1It wstems vn locso Hardware foundry wlll submit ibeir bougbt part o? the Durkin pruperîy! n te litory of F"ox Li.. e. lIn fait. reports by Salurday. shoult Iln Secs. 3 and 10, east o? rairoa<i on lt was an oc'casion whiht-he, villag- belp te brlng up Waukegant's total the fiats, for $61000. 1r11se vi forget anti whlch be sales. Tbere are several other large ln North Chicago: Brovn Portas- ieSapr of Lake Countyv hosory factorlea vblch have nlt yet nmade a bièC (onveylng Malaclnery Co. took' for ail imte te conie as il mar*ks the report. Difficulty bas !)een encoutît- tîtle frmm Cyrenlus A. Newcomb 'j , tirst homeromlng front inhirel lAkp et-ad bacauseoo Spanlsh Influenza. te about 600 fped frontage on ea-ti <ouyfgiers. Returas frrnm the country districts ide Rush -st.. for 14.750 I racîlcal ly every man, woman anti areslo an fiis eard tereare In L.ake Bluff.:('arrie L_ l-oicombl child ini the village turr.ed out te gaveraI of the amaller communillea uh bu 4 ce eto renmk hshm-cmn eoal whieh nIl fnt gel their quotas mn. ogtaot4 ce es fGeî saetîl oeýmn eoa laislbe hurv I. C Buneti con By Road ln Sec. 17, Shielda. ju.i aone an dte tbink 'hat i wae atl doue lety cbalrman ,a eled Codai' It thert. t Lk lf ro log .lntsuch a short lime shows how ibe couty uot et$30000 vii lt lierreabelm for indicated considera ' iltiaiers of Fox Lake are ahi,- ta gel abtantquniesf.$,000a00kegalnet-1 ienonr? 6,0subjecu 10 810.od4< il,.togethpr in a hiîrry anti put nier a obttne ulesanti ean Lk cumbrance h16 stunt of Ihis kind ln a manner F orestighlndPari and Liberty- In hakePForest- Annia C. Sharpe 1%whlcb tes vcommunities in ti.. coun. ville go "over the top." Lake For-buh33.fPe rnaPo stid vcullmoeup. est already bas donte. te bo1gbl 33 feet adfrenaeonryeat sdel olWte mprov epn a ra lTe foliavlng table shows joan forabne $38,0ron00.eryVeeie Nel Wta basor teen at 1Grai tala in Lake counîy îowns upl) e fr$800 Ae tto o h at1 a Tofflady niglt. togoether nith tihe l lla a Oliver I. Wpt. bieng one of thes il mon sent bak quota a wich are supposetite0b,. j terbaîl bourbi ,0 feet on southB ide trona France te recupersie at the big ralseillurlavvetciMfoîyr ts raining station alter belng injiîred in Totl, te Date Quota from AberI G. Zinm'r for nominal service. -e learned on - Tuesday È Anioch..... ...... $ 43,600 $ 8470Onaonsideration ntarntng tii:t be vas igoing te bave .Ê2eo8s 81,000 Arthur W. G'ruel ant i vie bougbt a furleugh lasting until Prtday anti Bonln '9,00 8,7') 5 fet o se'lsaId Hoevoti ve. accordingly sent word te i rnotber Cuba.............. 47,700 39470 f rom Fred C. Noerenbemg for 425009. at Fox Lake. Eat Dee-rfill . .. 461,300.594,6.50 inIn ibrtyville: Martin .1. Healy lMrs. 'White arranget ivît a Fox Ela ................ 27,800) 53,75A bought the ('atzr ix aci'e5 in '5W Lake man te take her to Great Laies Premont............ 6,050o 39654 I 4 Ser. 17, from Cha. h . Harder fori in bis' automobile anti brlng her son Grant ...... 10750 39i $11000.1 home. Accordingly, il yant until 3 ]Lake Vill......... 20800 49,9-70 In Grays Lake: A. D. Wall<er O? oclock tbat it vas definiteiy known Libertyville........ 142.800 207,050 i Holton. Kas.. bought the Madison ihat White wouiti surely .be ln Fox -Newport.......... .12,45() 47,1001 property on sitb sîBde L.akîe Mt., for Lak<e during th- latter -part o? tbe ghiells ............856,850 794.3,-0 Indicateil consideration o? $4.000 gsîîb aflernoo. Vernon........ ..... 22,850 48.95r0 jecIto $8000o encumbrance. HurryPlan, to Greet Hlm. 'Warren............ 24,250 5-1,85"i In RondLake: FiraI SIate Bank Just vinen the word spread that West Deerfielti.. 23," .00 44,250! of Round Lake bought tbhe John W Wbite was on i, way te Fox Lake, _Waucnda......... 16,00() 52,50)0 Hart proporty ai corner Railroail anti intereaied people got tîusy onî the Wàukegn ........ 5IaSSO 768.150 Cedar Lake aies. for nominal cousid-ti.elepbone witb the resuit tbat wben eation. White andti he aitomo'tile partv am. Total.........8$2,318,25 $3,063,3100 In Ela: Henry E. Bum bougbt the rived in tbe western part o! Fox Lake Louis C. E. Reese 40 acres in SW 14 village, a demonstraticn had been The telegram sent te Secrelary sec. 29, tom $7,250. preparedtie1 gret the returneti mar- .lamnela by LewIs F. Mason of Iis oly n hih a sk tatth bue Anton anti Aniela DoWmirowaki lue wblclî talrly took hlmt "off bis aet s rom thheaskavs tatIhn ho -bougbt the Geo. r. Johannsen farm feel' anti wbicb causeti him sucb . acetsfrontauheg avalstnioefnlely< o? !57 acres in Secs. 8 anti 9. for in-embarrassment that be vas ait r' acc fount o? ibo iniiuenxm ittion asilciteti consitieration ot $14.000. sub- inclînedte10 eave te automobile anti! ï*etlrofthepnflenza osirtato r. sject ta $9,000 encumbraulce. valk down the'ralîroadti îack iln or- i étrre upne nd f potet hre.dem 10 reacit bIs home, wbich la near IMaîy ;predlct that l may bave tie wbat Is known as Setts landin affect of causîig maiiy saîboma 10 stiiy.wawa WtWuTp.i & T &à! I tbn,,,ns...,. 5'. ,,o,..nn te.,d avay volilntarily ln thae bell'.? ibal tise clty is unfrlendly te tbem. - l'ire Ciief Sara OFarrel is very auxions thal the cty commission sec, It vay clear teadad six more regît- lar me o te ire department. wi. maya the presenî complemani is t.. amall. Ho dosa nol lbink taI a plan of saiing more caîl mon" voulti vers outI saUifaetorily. NEW VICE LID IN ALL COMTIES 0f NORTIIERN DIST. Every City in:Northern Illinois f0 Be Asked to Adopf - NeW Ordinances Evory city ln tbe 19 uiatbern coln- tteu of Illinois, comprlslng the fader- 4l nortitern jutlcial district.,viilb. >é1kei toa aiolt the anti-vice onui- banc being norketi ot by the coni- inedi egal departments o? theoUteîd Ïtates, Cook county muid the city o! This became kuovn yastorday nisen 'UnIteil States Attorney Cine, 4vIsl superlntendinrtIse prepgra- t of tIse crdinmnceà, advisod hie htefefçes theagoyerumeut niabeil the k4bedbes to serve mas mogel tatutas ëôr MY1taldd*00 o i or o Cty. TO AÀRCI R TiIIJR, POSTOFFFICE CLERK Arcit NicArtbt1t, ageti 24, living aI 315 Nortb County stréet, passeil avay ai tbe Jane McAlislor itospilSl this aflemnoan ai 2:30 o'cock, ileatb fol- ovlng an Illnesa on pneumoiiia vhich a!velapeil from Infuenza. Mr. MeArtbur vas employeti as a nigitt clerl: aI tbe WMaukegan 1>08t Office. Ho becama 111 about lbree veois ago anti appeare oil l horecovoroi lin fine shape. I faci ho fot so mucb better Ibal ho vslked aver townuana Penîng. Thete îreacbery o! the dis eaLle manifesteil Il8elf for ha suffereil a chili anti ieveloped pueumonla. His condition bas been extremnely crilical for ovor Ion days. He bas bail a consultation o phYsiens lu addition la a specialist, togetiner nitin expert nurng,,but al efforts ta save hlm noe i n vain. Bésides bis vidon -ho leavei bis mther andi ane brother, Harold, sa emltpoyet i atIhe pouiaffico, Thse de- easueilw as tbe son o! Arcis U- Arthurt, Or.., vho conilucteil a livery be. for a number of yeamriaund nso aa vas deputy customs cofcr ortihe local port . Theg senior Mr. lic Arthur iied 'a fen yetre igo. main in teest andti wti the cus- tomary modesty ihat becomes a good lIghter lie accepted the expressions4 of admiration and friendship whlch the villagers threw at hlm In the shape of personal remarks, fiowers. etc. Big Gathering at Sehool. The peoplie had ai;semnbled i a the sebool bouse whlch stands at the east end o? th- village. Cathered' there were at least 100 school chiu dren and praclically every man anti woman resident of the village. As the automobile in which White was rlding came In view of the crowd, the village fire bell starteil to ring andthe Allendale Fsarm band, whlcb bail been hastily summoneil ta the plats. tarted playlng I"K.ep the Home Fîtes Burnini."1 Then as the automobile drew near the ehool bouse, the cildren threw .Ilowers at White andl with one sc- eord star ted tn sIflg the "Star qpan- gleil Banner.", .A the automobile neared the irowd of exciteil admirers, two chu.- dreil carrying a huge banner, *crs which vere the words '*Welcome Horne Our Boy" to' their place In front of the automobile mail as it was driven very alowly aloflg the strSet, led the way intô the busleus district of the vllage. The efect vas very <otqm M s Pm sTVO.I THE STORY 0F MY EMPTY SLEEVE Noel White, Fox LakP Marine, Home- fî.îrh Fightin-g at Cluhaea Thivrr, Relates foi. thie Readers of this Il>a)îeî' hlow is Aî'nu wis I-il- (eIQI'P(HeI.pless. BY. NOEL WHIT.E Tte Retbrn5ed Mlbine VYoitask me 1e vrlle ha tory as t0 hew I bappen te baie an emupli- sîceve. Weil, that ls a mîgthbard tbing for a feIllon te do aller h.- bas passed tbrougb experienc-s as 1 lues are always reailv te do oum bit andti ty our hast. bere go.- "I vas injureti about Jîtît 15Ii- hen i was lin Belleau vootis. France-, a m<-mber of the '11h regiment of SMar mnes. wbich lft for servlt,( îýroad abou t hast Tbhanksglvlng (lid . The woods in question bas be.îii lubbed the 'Amemican Marine Woods' ant iil vas Iheme vitere a lot of thard fight- Iuig 100k place. "At lte tîme I va.-hurt Ibere iwasn't a real b-tIlle on for lteo faci là, Il bail quieteil dowu quibe a bit. 1 hat Just ceeoff wath abhrt lime ho-1 fore. There ver- seien 0? us in a bole, viting, andi irying 10 keep, out of the nay of the German stielîs thai vere iioatlng ail amounti hi wasnl' at real dugout. il vas ]iîst a sort o? a sheil-bole which gave us sonme pro- tection. "At 1aI a sheli manie along andl trolce flot vers- far from tiheme 1 anti the other seven men vere hiding. PractIcally evemy 'ne ofus ere burt by the fiyiuig sleel, but as le the ex- lent of tbe Injuries of lte other men, t annunable t10 stauc "So far as 1 was conmerneti: flnd- ing my armo limp aI my side, I ran te a Redl Cross man anti 1w gave mie firsi aid after shicti 1 val'ied tm miles le the Redi ('ro-.s eailquarters. Tbey treatoti my Injuries properly thora anti then sont m,, te an evacua- lion boapîtal wheîe an opemtilon vas perfommeil anti a piece o? sholl vbich bail penetrated mry arm about two or tree Inches above the êbov vas me-I moveil. "This plece orilicil 14 about onel. inch long, one-haIE intch vide anti n quarter o! an Incliuick at mne enil. "This place o? abel 1 stili bave vith me anti h ant going ta makre a valceh fob out o? If as a mouieuto oi ibal eveniful occasion. Vas, 1 prize Il hlghly, vby abouiint I? Recause Il vas the means of pullng me outý of businêe anti preî-euIung me go- Ing abeail and beiP whipping tbe Htuns. 1 vlah 1 votîlt gel veli enougb lu i lme le go bamk anti belp finish the job but îbey teltue I von'l ho able 10 use My arn for about tva. yers. Tbey 1011 me ibat il villIbe ail righl again. "Vie bailbeen up in bbc vootis about 15 tiays before 1 vas Injureti anti vo bailsean soine prelty 511!? figliiing. 1 vas among [be boys who vent 'over the tep' aiChtaeau Thier- l'y anti o! course ve neyer will forgel tbat ejxlprleuce. "I arriveti ln Ibis country on Sept. 121h, mat vbere I landeti h can't îay, but 1 came le Great Lakes station nbere tbere are about Il o? us Mar-1 ines recuporating. 1hbave a fur- 101gb vblcb astq until Frilxy anti thon 1 vilI be back aI the station un der orders the same as tbe rsi o? lIse felons. "I tti nat enetinter an>. submar- luesm golng averseas or coinff-gbock. AMn 1 glad 10 gel back anti ses my folles? Tan bot I am, but ai the sain lime 1 tilI nanilike tl, ho nilh tbc other tolons over there qIong tbeir bit." ASKS INJUNCTION RESTRAININ#I BANK FROM COLLECTION Frank H. Wattles Replevins His Dairy Farmn near Volo, Lake County The Stftwa rt State bank o! Si. Charles, Ili.. anti Phllip Peterson were made ilefenilants ln an Injunction pro- ceeding flleil In circuit court at Wau- kegan today by Frank H. Waitles of McHenry county wbo le representeti by Attorneys Ramnes andi Rames o! Woodstoclc A 15-acre dtiry, farm near Vole, Lake county, la atiissue ln the case. Wattles relates ln his bill that bc- purchaseti the farna, together wltb ail improvernentsý and 31 beati of dalry cattle. le enlered Into a ver. bal agreement wltb Petrmon, be sayt' whereby the lutter was ta condtin the fermrasebis tenant from Marcb 11917 teaNtaicl 1. 1918. Tbey Went la an attorney, lelling hlm the Le-rma of their verbal agreement sud ask- lo in tlm beduce h toawrltlng sa that they could sign IL. Accordîng ta Watles the tenant waa ta conduet the farm and feed te ýattle frcom thie grain raiseti iereon. As remuneratlon he vas ta have a bal? iletýreet 1. the crops ant iaso, -ýw4bwto rec'elve one-haîf the money rfe ceiveti from the sale uf milk. There vas ta ne an acounting e. "?ry montti. It appearg, accordlng ta thé charg- 1es ln the bill. tbat the attorney neg- lecteil ta insert ln the contraci that the dairy cattle were toabe feti front the grain and hay raiseil on the ferrm. eibher o? the men noticeil Ibis wbeni they sîgnet i t, accordlng to Wlattlef. On Ciee tiret of Marcb, 1918, the lease was renewed for anoth-rl year. XI bas just corne te the attention o Wattles that Peterson bas borrowed $1,000 from the Stewart Stute bank cf St. Charles, giving a chattel mort. gage on one-haîf the grain. bay, etc. on 11ré fiamm as security. The bank plans ta foreclose onthis Frlday. Oct 18. Wattles asks tbat the~ bank be re strained hy InjunctIon from taking ibi course as lie says tbat the sol(, -f this grain anti hay lo contrary ta the conîraet which was that bis cal- tlde were ta be feti outil the filst of Miarch, 19191. ln addition ta iling this bill Wat- tles nas obtained a wrtt o? epevir sa that be con get possession of bi propety. BIlS ABSENT M4IND- EDNESS CAUSES 11114 TO LOSE IS AR14 Frank Didio Peglects to Get off Car, Thinks of it, and Falls Under Wheel Frank D.Alo, wbo lives on Ohio at. Chicago, vas enroule te (Iroat Lakes day morning. He apparenlly forgol te get off lb. eloclric car vben it stoppet i a the !nain gale anti reacheti hiI ilécision te beave the step alter tbe car bad gol under vay again.. Men vho saw hlm, decare ho seemeti suddenly ta recaîl that ha vanledtie10got off anti. net realizing that the car vas veli untier 'vay, he .atepped off-hackvartis. The rosfult vas that be vas tbrovn back on bis beati anti as ho vent spravling, bis rigbt bandi fell arros one rail andtihie wbeels passeti ever IL. The vlclim vas plceo up by sème sailors. placeti in an auto anti ruabedtiet the main hospital ai the station. There the art vwas &Mau- latoil Just aboie the vrîst anti laier tbe vileini vas ls'ceuite a Chicago hospital for permanent etntion. The naval station beapital la frequenily useti for emergency cases 1hut civi;- lana cannai remian ibere only long enougb tb geothie firat aid attention. At a meeting o? the cainpalgners in Lake Forest Montiay night, Il vais an- nouncedti Ialt te comanunlly bail reacheti anti passed i is quota o? j800,- 000 anti voriers tateti that ibvy votilti hoable ta make the total $1,- 000,000 by the endl of the veok. Saribsau nma In tMdlloenry anti otber nortitern Illinois counties are non buisy. samaeof tbom runniùgn4 ~ght anti day. Farmers Ibis year ver. urgeil eacb 10 grow a patcb of sari- hum cane andthebaresult lias been a tr*moutiously incrooesea 101 ON lIONOR ROLL Ilerewith la 'a likne',s of Arthur L. Smith, one of the few Lake count) boys to meet d'eath in action abroad. Smith wax a member of the infantry and ac- cording ta the reports to hl. g mother recent- ly he met dealh In action ont mother la NMrq. A. L. Smith, formerly of Oak street. but now living lit Lake F'orest. Art was 22 years et age and was born InIltigbwoodI' whers' lie lived many yeara. lie went acrosas eas [ast Ai)rll and took part inu many of thé- Important enîgagements. i-lis motlier f roi wbonîthe worit. waa kept for a couple of daya. was îîrostrated by the shocking news andti he rurden has be"n harder to bpar as a resuit of failurp to g"t fur- ther details regarding her son. The only message shp receivod waq thai hé had been 'killed In action." 5-UFOLD ,TRiEDY MAY DE FAE0 14URD09S FA MILY "Bubscribe te the Fourth Llberty Loan 'tlig your bunkcer holler,. *'Oon't Jet it be sald that Amarîca la puoffgal of ita nanhood and paraim., onious ofi ta dollars. "-Borrow If you havent the rsady noney. Thalle what 1 have don@ and 1 don't cure what my bunker@ wilI s.y. 1 want te subscrîbe $25,900 te the Great Lake@ quota. "In my opinion those at home Ère recreant in thoir duty te you Il you don't match dollars %-Men Yeu are sacrlficIng youraaif."1 F'orexolng were 5Oiso? nthe rail bot shots fireti by <overnor Prank 0. I.,owden in dellverlng a speech ta thousands of bluejackets anild vtors ai the big review at the Great Lakes Naval Station Wednesilay afternaor.. At the close of hi5 Insplring tal't which was beard by a large nuinher YI ertr at rtdY ireat aI..HsU, 'of Waukegan people-0v, Lonilen vas WeII Known Here, Unablé given tbe skyrockei yelI by the sal- to Get Word from Folks ors vba abouteil in unisoil: "Your excellency, vo thank you." h.ncerlaînty anti a possible Oive "oo luck, goil bye, andl may Goil folti tragetiy front the foreat O ei of bless yoii, tieclaredth ie state's chie? Minînesota are tbreatening the re.asen - e'ecutive. o? Secretary E. F. Murdo, In charge The shant battle vas one o? the o? Y. NM. C. A. work o? tbe grounîl hest seen ai the station Ibis year. aviation unit In the naval station. The aibietjc prograun asesO va an His Nille anti four baby girls. the elId excellent one. est o? vbom la six anti the yaungesî Follovlng are extraats ramt the o? vlîom vas hemn la.4t Sat'îrday, are governors talk: somewliere In thealire chammeti reglon I '01ffcars anti mon or the gretSt' about tbe hamilei of Hanlcy, MfInn., naval training station In the vcrd., word regardlng their fate. Tlîirty- lion. Ivo of te 40 lnPabtants orItie vil- "Tbis statin, sitiateti on ibie Great lage are reporteti to bave perishoil. Lakes, bas furniabeti more offteedl' réealved a lelegram aninounclng bbc tbree meniba9 than ail the other naval birtit ot bis foîîrtb baby daugbter. At statiosa in the country. tae samne time the Sundny palier vas -Our friands on tbe seaboard laugh handed im telling ot the destruction aithte idea o? the worlt's greatest o? bis home by tbe tire. Since iben naval training station on fresb va. aIl efforts le gel word ta or from bt.-.1er. family have been iinavailtig. ! '.The mîidle vesi disproved ibem Murdo vas the only one or Ihe :h' .a tbe Initei siates bas disiprovaed "Y" vericers on te station vbo vasi thal crîmînal comipratai' calleil the spareti by the iniiuenza -epidemie. Imperial German govenmenl vina vbîcb causeil tbe dealh o? tbree of tlougbi that because America vas tbemt.ile lias heen vorking day ant a peace loviuig coutry she nouîd'i night sînce the epitiemic began at.flgit. tentiing stmlcken sallers antioor- 'Americans on every baIlle fronit vork anti bas mentli erain. bis coin- have dsproven tbat. rades fear, may cause hlm le lose bis "'This station andt aptaCin IlOffeiti reason. ba nroen that the Uniteil Statest TRAININO FÀA FOR GIRLS WILL BEPERIMENT Plan Tried Ouf at Liboetyvifte Has Been Found fo Be a Complt# Suocr The Uàbertyvllle training feat tor vomen vita niaittu become real agri- culuriste la ta ha matie a permanent Institution, fer var ta eanti ail ime by the vamau's committea o? Ibe Siate Cauncil of l)efeuise. From nov on thie farm nl ha cbiefly a ilry farm-tbe parlicular vark for vbicb vamen bave been founil te bave te grealest aptitude-- nitin ieparimeuts of poultry raising, animal busbanilry, bee-'cepping, gener- aI crops, vegetable gardenlug and home oconomics, Most of theno vom vili be actual experience, but an boum a day vîli ho given ta the clasa- roona aide oflIse fat-mingIindus-t-y. There are 38 cava, seven horses, four sbeep antisauie pise on the farm e t present. Titore la a veli- equIppeil milk room ant i ry. Flfty- elîht vomen bave talion the tva monîba la six nmontha lrslmslh~g 4broukh the summer anti cempletedi the syalemotlc course lui diverslîleti tarming. NOT IN CONDEJLL CASE Miss lAvlnia M. Sylvester loday denleil that abe la agsociate caunsi tu the. Elizabeth Couidel vili cou- can man a navy equal ta titat o!faMY ln the vorîti. "The revie'w 1 vitnesseil vasthe Most impressive ight 1 bave ever wltnesseil. --America stands vitb yeu boys of Great Lakes. i fe11 Sure about the future o? Amerîca beforo 1 came hare but vhen I bebelti the change that has cornte ovar yeu mon &fter a fen yacks of training, I am saliafleil that human nature bas taken a nev dig- nBity becauae of war..---.-.-- Illinois anti the middlle vest l preund of the achievements o? Iti sol- tiers on lie nabttie fronts, -but ws knon ai tbe navy a? the Chritian panera bas kept tbe flair of treedOm tlying over tbreo-fourths afltheoei'tb, ne viii make aur full contribution ta 1keep forever the' Iiag o? frcoilom aboya the waters o? ail mankinil. ~lebe magnificent young manhocil o? America la net onlY a revelatUon ta aur enemy, but te oumelves5.' No vonder lte generals o? GermallY un- derestimateti the nortb anti value of American manhooti nhen ne st realizeti our Irresistihality vWheu chailengeil to combat ln the wcrid'a groeatn ar, 't viii folion yau men of Great Laies ln tbe sterm tosseil sema m& on torainsOil vith lthe ceriaiaty tbat tbe bonor of the middle vest la saielen your banda. IlWe knonr, ne bave mhIdîng taitb i yen. We are p'rend of ycu. TheDoyle Pmorem, At1 the begninttiof the revien thse girls' bond tram thse Armour Pick- ing company of"Chibagc, vho acc-m ianleil tbe members cf the Amiet-IOB Mleat Pacisers' assoclatiom ta thse Bts" tion. tbrilleti the sipetalors witb thé& test case. Sbe states thal sha la notl cannecteil nlh -the case ln mny man- <fUU I M usT E De, LI

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