CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 1

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LJ-BERTYVILLE -LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDPENDENT VOLUME XXVI-NO'43. LAKE COUNTY IS "IOVER TUE TOP" IN Lake County-is Over by $842,. 050 Margin; Magnificient Spurt Wins the Day SATURDAY SALES $275,000 Roth City and County Over their Quotas in Excess of Twenty-five Percent Saturday Sales in Waukegan were $275,000-Bloth the City and County Over their Quotas in Excess of 25 Per- cent-Committee Gratified Over the Wonderful Demon- stration of Patriotism HOW IT WAS DONÉ Quota Subscribed1 Antiet h$i 7"$ .t Avon ..-15 ltenton .7" Ci " Elt a 77't 41.40 Frittbont ..... t'-t G 'tri tiratit' . . ... .. . t 34 r61<1 Vprntn .... ... 4 iS<t() 41.5P Wamrin ...- .. 53,9110 40,5(00 'tet l)eerllel 4 4.2.1 fli .%Va uoeitîi. ..... 7t5 43.->00l Tola g ....... 7 6 3.-t1 $95 MAY REACU $1.000.000 Chaîrman H. C. urnett announcéd toda>' that thc-total substriptiori et $851,000 fer Waukegsn la nt Cern. pisté. There are a number of addi- tiens to e hémade. This, Mr. Burnett thinks, may bring Waukegana total1 up te à million dollars. Plus auli seriptions received in Waukégan dur- ing thé lest 24 heurs of thé drivé @meuntoti tae vér $90,000. Chairmtan Ournett éxtended thanka te Atithosél who havé assisted ln making thé drivé s succén. Waukegan net only subscrlbed Its quota ef $768150, ln thé Fourtj% Lberty Loan campAlgn. but it went "Over thé tep" by a msargin ot *183,700, îubscriblng a total et $951,M5, or approxi. matuly 125 per cent oft ta quot&. Althoughseméne oftise snallar cnsnuntes fulIod to subacribe fIsir quota Lake éaunty vient "ever the top" ln fine shape, thse total subscriptiena runnlng about 25 par cent ehond of thse quota 01 8463,MO. Laite county's over. aubecrptions was 8842,050. Dedians Breaks Loose. A bediamn broie loose lu Wauegan Saturtiay nigbt vlien théleiAbent>. loan committe nnouned t 9 e'clock tisat thé city's quota hati been over- subscriheti. Aimait smultaneoualy thé eîrens on thé local pumping sta- tion anti factorise Abeut tova began te sereaun anti thé din vas aimeat deatemimg. Huadréda et Peeple ruadt h.' buletin in thé vlndov o! thé Sun offce, glving apprexInuats toiais wltieît vere ai tbat vere avail abis at that tome. Total reerîttts in thé boan drive 1iP te Frltay iht, as given ot hy the local rommittée Saturday momIng showeil that tV1ailegan tîli vas $91,- 200 short of Its quota. Witli but the one day ta vcrnk thé comutteéesot out on an intensive drive and the officiai ligures show that $275,000 vas sabseribeti thé ast day. Hardie Makes Statemervi W. T. Hardie, Wankégan charman of thé drive. and irst assistant te R. C. Bîîrett. connty chairman, today éxpresseti ireen satisfaction over thé neanits. 'I wishlnIci até." hé saiti, thet vs apiretusîedupivl thé loyal spirit aud hearIt' support gisen us by thé big majoritv of Wa.tkegan people. Lité ail uoetttuntle, we bavé seanésiaci- ergtr. Some may bavé ojectéd ta t1u" méthotia u9etiteaaaen thora te thir dnitv, but 1 wisb la tate nîost emph.iaîlav that Il: vas nol dame wth Fimv Intention ta indIcate that they vere siacitérs, but te evakon Ibeta from thir lthargy-to show 'them taI the uountry le at vat -anti to tnakp il plain that vs mus' bave moetuvt a rr-y on thls var.' Plan Brought Résulta. 1 Mr. Ifardio refé-reti te thé Board o! Revew Mtiita nrsrted hem. vlieré. bïite b' 'art(i. aee"sFed citizents, par- t1itilrly li tt i-ess men, wat It telt they weri' a"i" t. P;y ne ic hou! iin- vet ln o"li" 'hat théeibon"d Issu' migbt go ot "r. Under tliti.'pain hbn,-i't" of the, rity'qs i"t ;'.e~n t" - wer' callédta ciLi; -""!-t tntdtw-- Fhovi (Contnui-d t-i ,nr. lr BIXTEEN PAGES IBEMTY VILLE, LAXE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIJRSDAY, OCT. 24, 1918 TO BE"PIi" TfiS. VEAR SUYS iOVT. That is for Folks at Home- But the Fighters Are to Get Real Turkeys -Turkeys wil win. the war; eat plg." That le the latest war fond slogan as alvplied to Tbanksgivlng day, for, according to Atteociateti Pres-s diý.' patches trom New York, the goverfi- ment hait cantracted for the entire siupply of colti storage turkey andi a arge percf-ntage of the fresh kîlicti rharuk-gIving bird, la order to assure ;r' ular Am.-ri,,rin 'han'î9iIn9 day for the Vanks ahroall., etî.v rt ti 1zsui,' lint If ymu hat ali' erutb, -t n îf hi is COOke'] li-V Xnittetl tr s' V" t. -f r t" i r net Y"11tng t 1r. th,. :,[ !t . t i f t tand th-j e . orit ry s'dei> 11, e t t s .,j thlat t' 're anuit ttur..ey t':,i tttti 'nd lputît' ;'wn iî' ui t. b voý'tt!la b., a gratndti aii i oriou s fc I ng, foIk- WPit i ' tri t:1't!i 4 ' Thatîk<git ing "t, !il . l t dolrt, gt-e, pig, or v.t he ni'.s er)rIe vi' l -re. itta bou t t I. f'til "TIAT FAR IS IN OUR TOWN" INSIST WARREN FARMERS Say Libertyville, too Long has Had Credit for Presence of Farmerettes WHEN ITS IN WARREN TWP. Citîzéns of Warren townîship vhc hati qulte a lot of pride la th,,ir tavu déclare il la imé that thîir township bs gvén crédIt for haviuî thé onhy vomen's training farm ln thé cauntry tinsteati ethaving the credîl gKo la LihertyvIlhe. A véh-inovo résidént ef Waren township polutéd ot the tact that the eld John Harris farm, nov ixiOvu as the Aines' farm. anti vblch la being useti hi thé tarmerettos ua ademon etratîve place for vemen f arflulg lit actualiy hcatet InluWarren tovnshipi anti uot ln tibertyvils tovnship. Tbéy point ont that evorythlug that bas beensu sl about thé tanm bla heen satd lu coanecllon vlthl ber tyville rathér than mention the tact tise fatai la lecati lu Warren tovuý slip. Thé farun faces thit 014 plani rMa snd thénefere la quite a disae nontli anti voat of Lbertyvilié sut ie actually néarér Gurnee than anY ather isamiel. McAD00 ORDER PUTS SHIPPING ON CASH BASIS By a genérai ordér of Wlliam Qt îMcAdoo, diréclor'genérel o! raliroatir ail crédit arranguments bélvéen shup per, consîgnue anti carrier bavé be uRnnusiét anti a nev cash hasts plat adopteti. Thé plan vanks as follova L relght la delîverédt 10 ngular cue 9tomérs ou Mouday and freiglit bIhil emalleti or dliivsréd semée de yto shîppén an consigne,being neceive( thé moruIng of thé néxt di.y. 1 ehîppér or consignée remita vitl checkt for tise auount durlug TuaE day so thet it may ho rocéivetibh thé carrier turing thé morning Wédaésday, thîs la to hé Iréatoti a e cash transaction. TANGUENOT PUTS WATCIIMAN-ON THlE WATCI; ,DANGEF r Train@o anti Street cars dashéti nont t anti soîîîh Monday and the gatea ti Wstminitér avenus, Highvooti né, é-r évén quivenéti. Noonue usiné at i with a little round igu vlh STO inl blackt on a vhite backgr-oundi. r- Péoffléinvestigateti anti toandth tl guardîantof lvPq ln thé dIlch hy tl - stie of tlivtrack-suoozlng. igt nidv uundng is oar. vllb bi héati on thé sott aidé o! a rock. e Wel. tliey 100k olti Dan flélent ,'bchull.anti saleti hlm If Il wu n nu ovure.qn of autiflu that laid hli -mt. biit l'e soorusti an aibi. "Nuz «Ri i fi "met tanglefoot vhisky Anti 11gbwaod la dry An~them with the morale that, wins batties- KCK'XW Caiael " Woe Association - SafEMR bý71 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEIAR INT ÀDV MARY J. RAUIilT MES IN CHIICAGiO Aiter an Iliness of morne days vrith pneumonla, Miss Mary J. Raught dieti at a haspItai at 5228 Callao avenue, Chicago, ttaturday evening, October 19, 1918. ileceased watt a native of Lake county andi watt adapteti turing the tender setare of ber lite t.y lMr. and Mr@. Ainbrose Raught, of this clty, wlth whorn @ho bas mine madie ber home. She waa for morne yearé ln the empluy of the Sbeldon, ochools, more recentiy bavIng accepteti a position of a istenographie ebaracter with a mercantile firm in fthicago. She was of a cheértul, genilai disposition, beiji etibyli er tt..r parents andi a larg.' cîrc!. a ti of it lier r. miitrie aer.. t. ratech ýt toti tv i Suridna nit. u,'t tiii uteraI t: k'nàg plat'. t'lle lt ttrtia,t iet1- i) a ieruý ok, b'ili t.t.ei.ette lbctng itmitdwUt' ,3 ~t i' iW,.rT. E 1, aitter wiihuht-r remrîtattea ,rPlati 1to reFt ln itî..t't..tlet.r IMiIECTCII~~NOW WIAT TIIEY RCASFCTO MRS. JANE MqCBRIDE 30 LB. PICKEREL DO IN A SIIAM BAT* O f DRAFT MEN TO DE TAE AND GIlV1NGi IT UP TLE? HERE IT IS BE MADE IN CO. 'trs Jane Nir r t t i: of lli ttej Ruelle lft-en i iaceeagto, iltilut liter fiîttîe £ I lae rea, Tliiurwlay, Oi tt'thi17. litn That's What the Menl who Are~ Station Scene of "Fight"' with Men in Class 1 -B May Be Senti t) danel urof tll y eirdi3 m 'ntis Seining the Lakes of West- ý Everything that Is Seen in to Camp Under Order Just and 27 ditys ie cause.uf ber i:eath ern Lake County Did Real Action Issued by Crowder b,,iuz comnplcations due ta .aPnlly Site _________Wall Weil knawli and Iilîlv est(ttnti ly TAKE OUJT MUCH CARP a large cire' e o a tuc ray ai i______DIdid YÔ thie sham battie a MAY HOLD BACK DRAFTS theui nUuîiberité hie planeer resielitq o! Already 5,000 Pounds Have c;rat Lake,, we înunstay? Weil, may-icentrai jLi' eî $'jy8e te eut' ived bis yo. did buîti ynu dIdn't knov ex --by itue saut, i'hanîaw %lcrlrle, andti ço ar'tly tiaughtre. ni. Lottie lilell a!ofr'née, Been Shipped to Metro- wh l toing on, dld yotî?.Drf f 3Mn upse oanti te E, Iz iBîeo ra politan Markets pr- --thGra AeB1 rfof6 Me upsdt ne969Ezaeri !Ap. t~leti7n ,a.vs wa, !happning: 'm' Leave October 24 May Be Tii: unerah ook plaee Souday liter. spnn h ahlso i ,Pcuyadtoti.ectoté Idea of thé reallsm of tsar. the 1ev T. E Reaien, pastor Of the M. E. ret vinthe art w iel ls ri~eng Whi'n thé frst gtiii as fireti wOmç'n cburch af Libertyville. afrar *Ilch ber untier te tirectlin of two gan1d-var. gave a littIé mstart and muffled their flundretis of Men, wbo becausé of reoine were laidti etre in LakesIdoe 5 drAn. William Stratton of Ingletide éare. Thon as the tierces trugge rernedial detects bavé heén dîsquali. cernetery. ranti Henry Kern (if Waulcegan. wéni on théiev awRcctstemed ta the flid for milltary service, are ta be r lTyp ta Saturday night altogether at ace lo hi~llreaalei nvt *4115 pounda of carp had beén remov-- îloe. n ace te hlpia elsiid naccardance wih n D ElD (IIU "front thé lalces of vestern Ilke carpe racine ont over *,no mai's order just lssed bi v Provost Marsbal ru flR IILBIUDENT Conythrough -the senIng" and hring Ir. thé vouuded. Trhey Gênerai Cravder. and placuti In army Thé lggest catch otfia19h I anY eue sa'w Lieut. Kennedy's 'van-lors ad. camnps vhere lte phl'sical détecta can l 'iIlv D C E tséining vas one day last week vhen 1 ie cureti. Thé cotutry la to ho OF MJLiU II FAP â)IEà 350 big large carp veighing on an vance. uîovîy at fio thon fastér in cambed for alil. ucli registrants at average of ten pouneds vére brought purruit of thé rétroatiug force uarderone in In one lhaut. ih~ o commandi ot Lleut.-Commnlnider A. C. Wiéo bsnoic".dfotyt en AIVAY IN 1ONTANA à tofalbeughelhlmdu-ii hate?.They aaw the received fi' thé Waukegan board up àcaugbt and thi-awn hack Into thé laie, Pit vas on Saturday tat that thé men tank go bluudering aleugi and m- lu noen today lit la heliovedti t ho on- Who are vorntailuner the vatelul torcytties rewing Il 0t ehi Thev <lié way hffel ad probably *III ar- l'h ouieds of Etel Bell Brown, rive shortly. ode agie f1r n n ' orée o ,f r. Keru.ull aiei otaPur vaeeiIo oc oi tto Likowise an drder la belng éxpect- A. Brown, of Hobson, Mont., viii ho erl hib outimae eu 's If. C' A. men as they gave coffée anti éd vbîcb viii Instruet thé local bulge out vltli atonishlmont. Mfr. grieved te bisar of lier suddou deatli ,Kerusasys that thé plekerol veighed éstas" ta thé e unzded moun.vho hati hoard ta rée-exaMiné ail men nov In at lMacetaUin Montana, on Octobér at leatit 25 or 28 pouundsansd vas the se braveiy tallio n.ld, liaring Ce Claeas 1i.Group B, *vho havé hereto- l8tb et spantisheInfluenza. Mité big»t' pickerel that Ofly of the mouts act that they ooldn't lislp but thuinktaré bavé been vîrtugliY exempt tromn Bell Brown vas hoeatit Reckefeller, déngaget Inl thé selnlng ha i er soenu. that thé boys «lover thons" are going mllitary service. Lakte county. Ili., June 19, 1896 and ýOf course. undel thé tavit, v asnt Undér thé mev physaii teendards, mcavet ta Hoebson, MontgaAJune, dpossible for any onéetfthé mnn. utbrougb the é vrY thing,theY Raid vbîch Iu viiscorenlhéannounced. di5ft 1911, vhéré aile livet I snco, oxruépt- .y gagée!Inl the ishin gto itéep tisaI par. they reaiiy éD.IYed IL. boardis viii transter thousarlis Of ing twa anti eue-hait yéai'a vhlch ticular liseh, no mattur boy mach hie Reports. these men tront GrGup B te aCronp C, shée pént In Uhértyvîllé, gelng hack moulli 'satered for It or i fingéni Wlreieeé stations véeeostabl.shled f-01litéti miiitary service atît they ta Montana In August, 1917. She Itchetin Ii te t home to thé tamlly. lm Wli bu sent ta army cantjomsonts vwas mari-led ta Barnard Clayton W'hén thé ates are béing seignd-ju On eacb etftthe 1>attle rots" and vhere tbéy viil recéve médical Smithi of Mocasîn, Fieb.. 1. s order to rémove thé carie. of course messages veresenéft bac.k givug Vie treaiment.Selaé amtr e a > ohurgae fsb retakn l té ntsofficiai reports of thé figit. Theotirt The local draft board bas rt elveé faiber anti mothér. two brethons, Bert but that lit vhy thé game varden la message officially neorted ta thé a oi-mmunicatloiî fr. mn Adjutaii Gem- anti George anti tva sîstera, Mrs. W. preFent. tasep.tieat that classaoff iait éral Dicicitn régarding thé statues of A. MeiColinna anti Luella E. Brovn of laFm.aeYtbonhc. v théers et 5floa h CzPuh and Siovace In this court- liobson, heaidés an ageti grantimother vater. 'OmW thé carp ta retained "1Conditions West front blghly at tr y wbo havé ual hem aturalizrt. and sevéral Oncles anti aunts of Lakte' P. tram thé sein allier tbéy havé drag. lsfactory. Wilholm." The communication ativicés thé Connty anti many frients. ýn get acrasse thelaitkéncm h enaietIm orsta, o h rsnte L ,Thèse carp are shîpped Iinto Chi- lTh fntmethé ffnie fiot re a bsoarde thtl , sf thé he coitn _________ e. ago vheré tbéy are placéti on th@ dilateî o h fesv ocsa munîcation statua that lit may lié polo ELLEN KATHERINE MITCHELL r-s markeét anti vhite yearas ago théy tollowot Bilhe, later. tii énlirt thèse mon In 19 usédto te howen avay au garliage. "We bavé met the euesny and thVthé Siavir teg' îî. tue bécauioito ! itielenKtern ithlfg Io lhéy bavé corne nov tobch recoguizéd 'irl no sosis. Konflody." Jugo Siavit, Czet-lîs snd Ru isénlans. LteElnKteteMthlae bd as a gee I lsu for frod sud in man>. Undér an act of Congréas ut July 9 tour ydaro, dleti aI the MeAllâter bospItat If quartiers they are eagerly sougbt for, an appropriation vas madie for thé la Waukegan, Montiay evening. the cause bh In fart. in certain dIstricts In Clii- 1ERLIN REPl~Y READY., TO orgamîz.atlon of sncb a l8gIe.n. Pe- of ber tieath be!ng pneunucnia andtiotiler es- ce go and NowvYork, théré are many KEEP Up THE WAR; DE- fident Wilson bas ordereti. under thîs erlomplleatlond contractei î'îIlowlng an )y classés of people vise prefé,"catii te NY LATE ATROCITIES art, that sncb a légion hée forméi Inoealnaapniili.Seab f any' otiser kinti et fis'l. this country. oatnfrapedlil.Sow t)r aiThe MarioChanelLaiteGanss Lake Altbotidh AdJutan' Gémirai Dlck- st Lake Villa, Nov. 16, 19113 anti was thé LakeMari, douéelLake ad a Copenhagen, Oct. 19.-Thé Gérnmu son (if Illinmois, bas eyred to Proïost only chilhi o! Mr. anti ',re. John T. atrne bas heunFx Ak. a repty tu PrésIdent Willon's latest Marsha] Général Crovdsr, askIng Mitchell ai Llbertyville. No lutterai vas mamti amm feinFoxLate.Cam te <t' Nas publisetInluBBrlin Friday bien, tacancî'i thé ordér of entrain- helidat tiheOoe hrebut rlative Warden Kern bus héen supervlsing evnigant, acconding te ativiceti ment of Illinois troopq untîl thé tait l h le e this vonktutaose. that no ga'-iie fial r0' îtégérni cptl tcnant é !teilnoaéiéi oeatamîanieti thé bodly taLake Villa are kilieti. ýfo h emucPtI i otie e fteIfuna pdmel v The wonk oft sélnrifg Fox Lake is - t iilowitg pointa: na instructionst have béen receiveti In ewhere at ltBOon Wetnetay a short ser-1 takee Lakte andi Nipprink Laite, bas net-Germany cannot ceaseelher soi- Waukigafl as yet villi regard tin vie watt caujltcteti et th- griave, Re.v. T. béen donc by a gang of men under marine war. holding hlacit thé 63 men 'vhO has"' E. Iteam oiicatlng. 'rhsle the secondi M. kllgo cer.2-rheré la no edéfinIe agréeement hure Octlitr 24 for Camp McArhttr. iéht cu ntélitl lht v R Gir Illm <fMHny ameson an armistice. -Wara, Texas. vekt e Mcrm.Intchelle tiratirhavln Wardén Stratton bas hoen l charge 3-Président Wilson%' demanda are ______M____________othr hvin ofth Ibspart of thée ounty, vatchîng cot rejécteri. i eurtburieti but ten dated ega. that thé game fIsb are not removeti. -cenial ia mode tisat Gernifns Mrs. Stévén Audlkonis, 1025 Lin. Kathérîne attendedtrioe M. E. sunuday th go jar thé seinera bave hbne, atic 1 at ae er ata în ira at wrk l>ot tw weks nd tey illperpetrated crueties and robliéries In coin stréét, North Chicago, sucuumb- coladlë erwsammlro bt wrk auOtéver vesitlnti til;ey viii torcupleti territory. edtutapneumonie% antIinfliuenza et the j ise Ktmball's klndormarti-a Wlîerever y-i pratupll ther n autîl itlaTtot that 3érueOct. 19.-Thé Berlin Bourse Jane McAliter Bepitai Sumday morn-,I@bhé wenbeetil e-io ed,&d iP practicrony thé chatteoflas. éen e-bas buen throvfl fie oanethén panité. ng at 7:30 o'ciocit, ber déath rvtv u ereury ietwiituen 1e P movti fona hls baînof lites T tie I laréportedtietbatmaritime stocke;t log Ihat of ber huahanti vhe pét-til' ber ta ber mauy trits. have nov heen engilgét In thé tank droppét 25 Per cent anti chemîeai îiway hurely 24 heurs previetily. The us fanor h tt i va véé bt e efourtseprr'tncts trom 10 to 20 per cent. foir-chiltiren et thé coupi4 aso .are 1 lt canot sin e y thdwaher aefforts130Germany's repiy te PrésIdent Wil- 111 of thé diséasé at thé bastitil. 1 Witr.1Iliarlerjttliî'iti tant son ilits éu I gueidtigoonh y hé eteaien w iii not hé prepareti andi sent for Ita ali aleéof five tisys. T'fli ti' '%rtir i irIir"-l.ultieîii it la in crtot g uanyvie h lieseveral daya, atest Bérlin adtvics thur tînt vithililt inovlng 'su. i ii '.. . . tli, t54 tial tbai litsmoth.say. The Reichstag probahhy vitiehé Ite anti chiltiren had been réenove. ta Thé .émovai et thé carie hi seinsssîjimonedti tamont Tugsday. to the hospîtal and lié lîkewalen di .'. tl itliive"-i'.til's Waukegaa, a 1,an annual affain In Lake ceunty, - fot 1l:mo'v Ihat lié thé feurtbrcbll- i ,, _j l .1t ,ti't iîî *telittir, ou@ lm thée hain of lais Inwestern Lake The independent's circulation con- been home. Thé mther dil,(. t CP* , . v hu heteIl ilie belli hy x" caunty seewing te have an abuindance alirtae ofREADERS-not ef contes' etîl.i vîtholât havlmg hbeen im' ie", .t-îlrtutt'hé fis F." of tuls particularkIind of outlawvlier i-ubant'a death. Th" r.i , *1-ti.t ruei,.%fleoio tinta, ancet ift(.satideat ou record bure. it. HIE BOU(Ç1T BonJ JIOODLUMS PAIN JuS lBOUSE YI3I Richard Smith of Area 1 tim of MFsplaced CrItk Atter Investingi COMMITTEE DEPLORE Aged Man, Deploring 10 ancial Status, Refrâ rFrom Talking of 0 Lake County's Big, Weekly GroeIatIosG m an er Wu" mesniCounyCombined Zahn, "., Wl) Antofi qhburn ai. SUI). WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN il' cause, ueif'constituted& irnitir,îs didi fot happen t0 ka iir ltet of Ared adipi tut.or at lea8t placeti the o heu an Wdt'causc- the> fait h "bondisace, tbey dtieemed ili' oi' ti,"r etitiusaam teai thi 7G'ý car-oa maWti itouie li night aud dau!ait', i th palul pait ta iti iicat t heir bellef wasà aslacker. An the ageti man, swall0' terrible insult dît net aveu' the farit ta Charles Smale of ille on Monday wben ho. tu lent furtber on the pi referenre te the purchaUs boants In accordance with rangemient ir' hatimade Ï Sniaie hy phone Saturday l' attbroken the ageti m« menit that e didn't lik.e il. Anti Mr. Smaic feels evie nier the affair than Sinitb l111 happens ta '(now aill a bond miater. Witb Mrs. % Libertyvllle, Sraie on 1 fount Smlt n his wood-4O woati tespîte bis advance41 the-ni Smith ln détail Weat limancdai statua 'ihilhfeu aire not familier vilti, .- HéP éXpined hu'w lie a 't1evloua I]Gan bonds, lehop statua now and lie vouai là promis, that ho would tJ over vit], hie aged vifs a comnalttce know later q,~ lcided thé3l wore &blé tâ "You must Admit thami young as 1 used to ba. * *" as hastily and as emee couid when wv o es4O1*' aged man.1-_,ý And, sure enougl,,:bout urday nlght héie 1 . told hlm that ho liai e would arrange te tajtéS and ordered hie 1a=0 Of course the agimmu out en ti.he usq m the fact to Area foli eh anybody but Mr. 1mai. told thé balance ofthme. .Paint the 1Hew- But, durlng tda body vith lous jiMt' te do nometbtnwent t&' home and daubai a lot ci I« opon IL. Mr. Smala, commenting matter said: ¶It semel a do anything of thie sort had explalned every datai amces te Mns. cranse and atter that vo vore =fai te ahide bi vbat lhs dli Thun, vhen -lieclSd nie li4 evening and told us vhe* I de, ve vere sattlled. Tkai that on top of that. aom go eut and try te take th tÎheir ovubauds, efl, it lg figure ont. W1ien couuj named te handIf thea. I sena that they sither qbot lovéd te do It aIl or nOUS.4 that a- terrible inluatoe. doc*n Mr. iSmith snd K1 greatly vhen 1mevaul stances and rnealizus fie W as mucli a bond*gm'baas, body ohé ltu aiàse eoenty1 aceribed, vhethen lit vau ftX or a thousand of them '1I cialiy déplorable wben orne consitier that 1fr. lmiftb old-vhén the boodiama is lits bouse reanchi Iat aie If they vIR dot aven an bas doné. 1 hope te doubt lt-thé Prindwpl si the tellav vlio la sf salary and viioseoaeté teeq have ne vay ofgS they do ln the case à owme praperty." WEDS M1LL11ONA1RESý STEPMOTHER OF 1 Danhory, Coun.. Oct. 31.. girl of 25 one day snd fths à mother ta a Man 63 Yoam rnother taelierp.yutbiu - chiltiren. éach oid seni I mother. aud get-gnandmoq stepaon'sgauclfrup ovwn age-and iastty brMdsd H. Rundie. 8year 014 Worth 11;0.O-se of Miss Giadys A. Brt>WU ton ati New Tari. Trhe independeot iota 1

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