CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 10

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PXIM TWO Lr"BËyryvrhLEflx S. Recording feus elvdp- B o r o u er i o vioualy reported earned .. 347.16 Toa eodn e e. 12963.80 Court Costa earnud ...*1718.16 Officiai Procoedings of the, Regular September (1918) Ses- Court coat recelved 1439.- sion, Reld in the Court Houa. at Waukegan, , ioualy rerpofted earned .. .. 23.50 Lake County, inUois Total' Court Coati; received. .$1468.20) Miscellanacas Costs earned,. .1084.00 Miscelaneous coats rec..1084.00 FIRST DAY Charles Everetti........... Deerfield Total Costa uarned..........65717.68 Supervisor Kirschner movel to ad- Total cashs recelved ........ 5511.00 Waukegan, Ill., Sept. 10. 1918.> jorf until Septeintoer 23, 1918, MNon-1 Expense.n Board of Supervisors et Lake Coun-. dty ai 1Io och7rk A. M. 'Motion Salary.................... $1500.00 ty met in regular sessienin the Cout riaried. CI.'rk Hire ................. 3409.60 House at Waakegan, Illinois, witli Waukègan, Ill.. St 3 M tPsag n xpes.....46.63 Chairman Maetbur presiding and the Board net pursuant te adJoaru. followlng members present: Supervisera Biratow, Barnstable.niEnt wiîh Chairnian MaaRther presid_ Total exPenssu ............ $4966.13 Crapo, Dlger, Egef, Picice. Holdrldge img and the- following mumlser.s; pre- Total earnlngs in excelas o! Button, Kirschner. Marin. Mae hr ent: Supervisors Bairstow, Barn- expanses . .. 1...... .... $ 761.52 Meyer, Monahan, McCulough. 0 'Con, stable. Burges. Clark. Crapo, Dilger,Toarcepahece f Egert, F Mar expenfses................554.87 nor, Paddock. Ringdahl. Stratton. gr Fc.Hoîdrîdge. qtate et Mar-nsî.. Thompson, Vercoe, Webb of Antioch. lie. Maether, Meyer, Monahan. Mur- Co vcLkas Webb of Waukagan, White-.2. LeMCaluh Cnor adc~ ,wls 0. Brockway helng duly Absent: Supervisora Burgess, Clark. Ringdahl, Stratton. Strang. Thornp- 'rpotby him made la correct te the Muqrphy. Strang-4. son. Vercoe, Webb of Antioch, Web)3 gworn on cahit sa-s tîat the foragoing Minutes of preceding meeting read of Waakegan, Whiitc--26. best of his knowledge, information and upon motion of Supervisor Kirsch- Absent: Supervisor. Kirschner-1. and belief. ner approved. Minutes of preceding meeting ruaS LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY. Superviser Meyer movud that ail and uipon motion of Superviser Meyer Sîîhacribed and sworn ta bafore mac. buisebu refurred te the proper Com-a. pproyed. this ISth day of August A. D. 1918. mittaus withouh reading. Motion car- The follcrwing petitions were pra- A. D. BO'1'FoRD. ried. sented anid on motion of Supervisor Notary Publie. Superviser Kirschner înoved te re- Hution referred to the Commiliee On Superviser Bairsîow moved filai. fer the malter ot a County Honor Roll Sw«rnp Lands: thîe report be referred te the Commît. of the men fighting in the present war Sîatc. of Illinois, tceeon Settlement witii the Circuit te the Public Buildings and Grounds Counî> of Lake, os: 'e k- Motion carried. Committea. Motion carried. The following resolation was pre- To thbe Hoorahîle. the Itoarit of Sîîp- Stifle'rviser OConnor, Chairman of bented: ervisors of the C('ittin of Lake and t1h, Comnmittee on Selîlemnent with WHERE. i he Juvenile work of State of Illinois: the Circuit Clerk, submiited the fol the Couinty Court now fully warrants Your petit-fotier BIernhîardt Trieger, Olo'ig report: the services and careful attention ci resîectfully relirpsents ,înto )our T V'5Ikegan, Il. , ug. 2)6. 1918. a Probation Offîcer who cao devote Honofable Board Ilial he is now anS To the Honorabi, Board or supervji, full time te such wo.k, and bas been for several years last past ors, Of 1.0k?, Coanty, Illinois. .WHEREAS, the County Judge bas the owner of and In the occupation Yomîr cnittle, on Setlement wi, expressedto yoar Ccmmittee bis wil: and possession af ail of the foîîowîng Circuit Clark 'sould reqertru.îv ré, llngness te designala somns suitable described proilerty lyitîg easterlv of Pr e v b.,examine<d uI ll' person se to &ct, should this Board the meander lin.-: The soatb 908.78 prorts , icuCl and Acoaîs 0fî.e il Airat provide reasonable compensation feet of the îîorflî 1776.02 feet of the Irfokwaye harluit Clerk ag ud eord, tharefor. norhheast fraciional quarer of section 1918, and led lt-', sanie correct. THEREFORF., BE IT RESOLVED. tWenhy-six (26) Township Forty-six that the salary of the Juventle Proba- (46) North Range Nine (9) East of We Aind that îuring lit(- haif yra' tien Officer 10 ha, appeinted l'y the thme Third Principal Meridian. lu Lake [bat there bave been .29403 docrument. County Jadge fer ful l ime service, as County, lîlinois. _ rcrded, fliat thie arnings of saîd requlred hy him, ehal haand ta here- orpt oe ute ersnsCrutCIcr, iduring the said hait by fixeS. Suring the terra for whicliia 0eaoe ecib.releiaecar amount le the sauta of Five Tbou. lyingwestely ofthe sand - Seven Hundred Seenteen and Pifleen Hundrad Dollars <1500I lyi fscl f b une ine 63-100 Dollars: [bal the RpeIPîýs mr par annum, and necesaary travelling uPolithe PaYment by your petitloner the office for lit, eid hait year expensea (including expuanse to an tIolthe County o! Lake of the usual amount ta the slma of Pive Thousand ruai meetings etIlîlinois State Pivéb. îllco per acre as provided by resolu Pive Hundred liet-n Dollars; bOaý tion Assocstion anS Illînois Confer- lion by your board. the earnings iu excesof expensesý arc ene of Charities, enS CorrectIon.I 1tbel Your petitioner iherefore prayq Seven I-undred SiXty anc and 5211hW saute ta bul payable monthly by thict that the Chusrian of the Coanty Dollars; that the reciipts hn exce, Coanty Treasarer on certillesie ofi Bcarid anSdîthe Coanty Clerk bu aut of the expense, iiiotute10pive Hluut the Ceunty Judgea as provided by law thorized te execute a quit claime deedi dred Fifty-four aind 847-100îtDollars Superviser Eger movud that the lithe nianîe of the (ouniy of Lake- which Salu lias icI-n paiîî 10to ýiu resolution be referred te the SiieciaIýl' i IIiof the lands and lremises hure- County Treasurer and bis reci-ipi Committee on Detention Hmne. 1I in described l'.ing westerlv of the theretor is <lIed w)th tais, retort;,%%, tien carrneS.I meandei line ta Bernhardt Trie-ger. would therefore recommend t liai th. . The folîowing resolaîlon aas pre, uton the pa>-ment by hima of the Ic-Port Of said C'ircuit Cleihk and Re sented anS apon motion of Superviser, asual prie pet acre. corder he aPProed. AUl Of vhich b Bairstnw adopted: BERNHARrT TRIEGER, resppcttulty subiiiitted. litesolved. That the folIosing named î Petitioner. tAMES OtCONNOit. parions bu and they are hereby se- Statg of Illinois. A W. %VERCOE. lerted to serve as; Grand Jurera at tha' Couirt' of Lake, ..: T. Ml CLARK. Octeber. 1918. terni of the Circuit Bernhardt Triegur being irai Salv Commitîca. COMour f Lake CWntv. Illinois . vur- 1 swcrn on his oath Sunoses anS savos No. 22 Wuea. ini sut ho Section 9 ef an Act unîltledi tOat the malle"a and things tated in e0fth aukn Treasîre "An Art cancerrng Jurors anS te the above and foregoing Peirtion b'. Ste Of thilinoi yTesr Repent Certain Acîs; therein named.- hlm subFcribed are [rue In sabsiance La1ke County. as. app'2ýved and in fore Fubruary Il., 4 I n tact.Rcie hsQtîdy0 uts BERNHARDT TRIEGER. R1918 of h O l)rookwaî F li Iui O W Fare> Benon Suheribed anS swOrn 1tehefore me de if or mli 57 live1) i B. C. Thom pfon. _ R entop 1 tOie 141h da% of Augast A. t.) 1918 for exce'fes todn 1 'l Iitam leason...... . Newport eal) ALICE WRIGHT. estJu 1 lDaid Puen ..Antioch Notare Publice.E3e)NIl E.ui k mn .. .anticl t t liijCounty Treasurîr 1~nia C DuProt Grant oiln:y of Lake,.lis: The folloaigît:r a-peiî Lee Barnstable Lake Villa, otl ooabeiOnHudetSpc E. Dolitle............O, E. v*i.,orF of the (County of Lake and HihlaXnd Park. Ji' Frank Burke ..... Warrer S;tate of llllnoiF: Sept. 7.19s Joseph L. Przybor-ki ..Waukegar, -Pat MeGrain ..' > ... Waukegan, Ybar ,,e'itione.. Ray mond Pregen TOe undIr,,izn, cm ilîli. Jas. Salmoen............Waukegan 1 zer. respecifiilîv represents unto rour 1hi , to0f t>erfed, County (f Lake T. Heran .Shield. hîba s-' ýn fer seraI vear. Pasi i ry for [bepu fl<gooa 'j'ic.î F. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Ewn heS ooal Badta w n-adti ridve knoosina, e'hhIl l C. F. Wright . ... hîb'ryill1 tOé- owncr of and in ihe occuii[Io drosng thé SmaI- nSe-'îîî,r, TaWer, Fuank Vicke-ry .. Fremont I1n d possession of ail rf the following i ,c nli iano smîi D. L. Putnam .... ........auconîl . îibeîroerslsngtaaeryaf5th-rd'ire t,,-ait ror. GeorgeFyo-l c..........Cuaalnemeander lUne: TOc saab 400fee-t timate(I to Si Ft uali-dr, Wilraem Bueschmng ........Ela îct 0le forth 217.6 ý2 tee! Of Ille nortb î -841),,Iw5.' î uo i, u Chas. J. Heruchberger . ....Ve*rnon Iast fractional quarter of section than 12 cents on ýh'Soe $ et i the Iit John Doyle ..........Wesit)merfielttl1'.ensi-x1264 1 onship Fart> six 1st a-eSment rtll etfa Id t(Aun.iili, John Pulnarr............ .Deerfilid 146) Norlh IRange- Nîne (9) lEast Of 1 farthî-r duelare that thé,. l-.îy o! George Bock..............fleer)elî¶ î'e Thîrdl Prin,-il,, Meridtan. in .ak' thc ruad and rrilgux in saifl t'ah And lBe à Further Rpsoil'.ed. Thai ("uintiI>llinois for two ycars la-:ý pa't wal in ea, the fllowng nmed iersn'- . so ciar uetirionm-r firtr rIpresont . car for the fuli)amounit iou,'d they are herehy selectd t0e rve a ý h ltiirn foîinn rm awlsO-ri-dueenfiralr., Grand J urors at ithe Ileîeni Oit1911 'l. tatein' v i IaI e qoi elainingdecoi l iiuta,rb-d i-e îiîicnieî pi frrin Terni ofvofl.aptaOal CircudeelatdbrouriurosaI el fo.ak t Ten ftCrutCounrt.of inoîs:for ail af ile atiove des, rihed real alzes ilîcurred In tayiug oi, altering. CountcîIlieoisi %pmerly of the meander idi-ning or oseating roads. and thie A. S. Burgess . î ..1...... BIton "loi upnn" ia tOnffpti aorprta§si î ini cdiiifor- John Bow .............. ..Benton ln lo h )a1htb orpet.mjrpr o 5i evi tioner liét, lit (auît y of Lake of th te e rdnaryrrePair ý'Of oaI1sand John 1D. Murray ........... Newportsia oidi,-s ,fre 1-iiou"e Charley Smith... .. . AntiotO isairc'lier tacre as provlded Seton:1 f rlcetV af n As-I J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t E )1v.Atc'reiltob>10!oadtarevis#. thé, laitri relation la loué]- H. P. (treiiiei ......... ,rani botîr petitloner tliereforî- praru. that.j and bridges," bOn the IBoard or!ç up. Scot Lp.Viy ... ... IAke Villa tlle Chairman of 10e Caunty Bloard.lJervisors appropriate a sura siîfficiplit A. W. 1-forme' .... Avon andI the ('ointv CleIrk III auhhorized te c-over Iwo thouaand dollars Bart-> Flood ..Warren té, etecatu al qiut daint dued bIn héï <*2.0004 or th'coat of Construîctioînof Frank Onukla ...... .Waikegan naime of tOep CoîîntY Of hmke for ail said bridge. TO- town off t.e,rlir. AxaI hyheck .. tWgotikegan of the lande andl prei,îiterein Se- will fîîrnish the. balance. Art. E. Strilui-.... ........ atikegai% sceribed lylng wesherly of the meander JOHN FIIEIRRC., J. E. Fitzgerald .... ShiIds hUne îc RaîYmond l Pgeozer, upon Commhjscioner of UII Tow of l)fierfll Elmer Atkinson .... Shieds paymeni hy hima of tthlsaita]prie o Supervisor Wb fWlkgn Thomasi Kern ..... iherus ville acre. p m1oved thai th 0f Waiîkbc î-ganpf Oea. H. Hertel . reniont RAY'I1ONI l> t'GNZI-ll. te Ille 1taad and Birdge ('ommttee- George Benwell ........ Waîiconda P-oîtionor. Motion carriu<l. John Miller.... . . ... Cuba Siair of Illinois, SimPervisor Vercoe. chairman or the' Fred Schamachur ............. ý....a (ounty of Lakeas:- tommitte on settliment wlIiîth. Lloyd t.. Maether...... Vernon tîsymond-Yregenzer be-ing first doly Ceantv Clerk, siit'miited the follow, Bert MEton .............. Deerfieih wiîrn on bis, oatb dcposeusou ,lsai s lng report: E. C. B-uber,. ý............9<-erfield thlaitIhe matîers and Ihingo ,tatpd .i1 State of Illinois, Ilrellerick A. Watkns... -Deerfield lime a hove andl îoregoing petion I>. Lake County, es. AnS Be fit farther Resoîved. That hIIIsib.ýcribed are truc in substancer Board of SupervIs;ors: the folowing named peraons bu andl aiei fact.- Mr. Chairian and Mpnitiers of the lhey are herebv s;elçcted te serve ai RAYMIONDî PREGENZEII Board of Supervisora: Grad uroF i he'arh,1919 Terni ISihtscrlc andl sworn ta 0,fore e Yoîîr (ommirie <on Settlemunt Grand Juron- atgthe A D. 19 wilh the County Clerk, te whîanlOi. Ifllinoirciso: f aeCul (ui l)I d.y ut ARo BO. 191. report of i.ew A. liendue. count:. J. L. Bisbop.......... ...... Breton Ic .EMRBOK cle«, W as referred, report as foi 1. . Cain............untn Tîe h-e ~ Nolary Publie. lawsa: 1. . Cain. ............ entn Te F clonExpense Bills of Ille W have exanjined said report sud Thgomaes-es......... ..Netirl.cimr Eleiiion of Septenîber litO serihled saule with the recorda anti Thoms Cole..........AltiOlt1918, acre lresented and on motion 1 a cu' fsi fic:biISii' Norri% Procior ........... ..AIoci f 'àtierisor Murpliy rete.erta lthejtue hatr yfa edlng Jae 1. 1918n. tOc 1o- Qa.p..................-rant-1--lec--n-C1 ýPe~PEN4DENT, THURSD)AY,.TIIURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1918 )_ Ç.S. Appley, superifltendent of the 5Lake County tarte, subnaitted the fol- -lowing report: D report of C. S. Appley. superinten- dent of Lake County Poor i'arrn. Libertyville, III., Sept. 10, 1918. Jane 10)-S. P. Evîlaizer, Elec. surles........... ........ 1.48 June 10-A. J. Stein, Book (Péople's Home Llbrary) . '5.50 Jtine 13-Waukegan 011. Co.. 100 «gs-s. gasoline, at 30 1-2c 30.50 June 13-Interatate Sand & oravel Co., sand, gravel, etc. 4.90 June 14-Public Service Cc.. EIec. iight and pôwer.....23.01 June 19-:C. M. & St. P. Ry. Co., freight on soap........ .26 jufle 20-t7. S. Pest Office Dept. box renî.................... .45 June 25-Wm. Laycock, repalr- Ing engine.................. 5.25, June 27-C. S. Appley, expens- e,; Highwood and return for Wirn. Clark's U1. S. Army Pa- r pers........ ................ 1.00 July 2-Misa Ella StapIfes; hGuseho',l services ..........14.00 Jtlly-6-A. F. Raught. sharDen- ing iawn mower............. .85 July 9-John Cress, one basket currants........ ...........1.25 July 12-C. M. & St. P. Ry Co. freight 0on tobc. and vinegar- .76 Juiy 13-Public Service Co., elec. light and power........ 17.55 Juiy 25-S. A. Mattsofl. build- ing porch, etc .............. 17.50 Aug. 7-Bernard Miller, stack- ing grain . ... .. .. 4.00 Aug. 10 Alton State Hlospital, clothlog for Elsie Kane ... 7.42 Aug. 10 Public Service Co. ee. light and power... 20.21 Aug. 13 litîrand and 'Kasper. 4 barre),, Ilour.............. Il 1. s0 Aug. 1.5-C. M1. & St. P. Ry. Co. freight oaIlotir.............1:1 Aug. 18-E. F. Appley, rcpair- log porch................ 1-d Aug. 23--C.'S. Aîpiley, expens. es, postage .itaiups........ . .10 Aug. 2. -V. S. Appiey, expens- es, railroad l,,re of 3. Smith te Chicago......... .........1.11. Aug. NI-C . & St. P. ity. Co., freicl a n sug.1r .... Sept. 3-C. S Alapley, expens- es, railroad tare of Wm Clarke la Milwaukee .... 2.0-1 sept. 3-C. M. & St. P. Ry Co., freiglit on sagar........ .52 SeptU 7 Intersiate Sand & Gravel ('o, 51 3ds. sand. etc. ai I)1k ................... 40.0 Sept. 7-A. Ilu-a., alarm dlock, etc ............. ............0, Sept. 9 - ha,. . Peterson, threshing grain............. 31.S5 sept. 9-C.M. & St.R Ry. Co. freight on washing powder .2 Sept.-- M. & St. P. Ry.t'a. frelght on sugar..............52 Sept. 9-F.J. Elfering, sharp. eoing plow%ý et(............. 2.9d Total paid out ............ $21b5.28 A-NOtVNT RH('EIVEI) Joue 15-I.. F. floak, Ic1 $0 1 lune 17-L. F. H406<, 1 caîf. . 2.3)) Aug. 8-l' P.F lo0k. 1I bull . ,.145.1)o Eet7-E. Il. Corlett, butted 5t1pplied: .July 1l-4 1-2 Ibo, at ..... 40c &mîg.9:; lbes, ai...42e Sept. 1-8 Ibu., a)...44c 'rotal........ ............92.78 Total reccised 3)30.2" StVI INL&R y lune 10--Balance lue Leke ('ounty...... .... ........ $232.7 Total reeci'.ed '...2 Tatal credit....... .......*3.$w.0:) ratai paid out ............... 295.28 Sept. lo--llalance due La0ke eounîy...................8. 287.7 Siipunîisor Ma) er movcd tht tO'- report 0e referr '4etch Couîîty Far7n At.ditiug Commitice. Miotion carrîtd. 1.ef- McI)onomgh, (ount>' Treasarci. -ubînîlted the followîng report. Waukegan, Lake (ounlv, 111. To thelidonoralîle Huard of Sunerv., ors: 4 )i.ntlemfn I herewith, suhmit the County Treasaurrs Anoual Report of tO, <ounty, Heirshlp, Miscelianeaus,, ln slilute. Road. (Coanty Bond, Naiî-High School anS Building Funds. as weil as the luheritauce Tai Nloueys ani Wilncss Feas. aise tihe-lai nings o! the office. dating from September loi, 1917 te Auguat 1st;, 1918. inclusiVe. COUNTY rF-t'NrDS Reecipts. Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1917..$74762-71 E. J. Griffin. Sberiff, excen;s fes......... .............764.79 L. A. liende-. Ctinhy cierk Cxcesfaes..............1787,1.87 L. Q. Brockway Circuit Clerk excees hees. .............. 1845.52 Malt lquor licensus....... .4400.00 Transferred fromt Milcel. laneous Fund for Statuas Attorney's salary...........666.35, 1Transferred freni Wîtnesu,. Feu Fund. Thr-e-Year lIm- itation Art.......... ...... 68.50 Cash barrowed iiu anticipia- tion of 1917 Toi Levy. . .. 40)i400.o0 l'au f Road Outlît by differ- tof wnshipsa............2047.Z;0 Use of Road Outit Iy Chica- go, S. Ul. & M. EIec. R.R. 210.00 tUse of Itoad Oatfit, Villarge ftLake' Bluff.............110.00 U7se of Itoad Outhit. Village of Ares................... 130.00, [Ise of Road Outlit, City <if Highland Park............ 400.00 UIse of RoaS OutfiI. E. E. Farmer............... ..... 80.00 1Chas. Russell, acet. Joe Root overpsymunt an Canstack 1 Bridge. Town of Cuba.. 25.00 Su$n Printing Co.. by order o! Court, overcharge for publisbing Delinquent Tax Lias.s....... ............1800.58 tid Tobîin. support Jas. 'her- ry, County Paroi........... 48.00 ýGeorge Rockenbach. moiiel- P dvanced ta J. J. Laticas- à ter for supplies ln Hoof y sud Mouth rîuarantima ... 14.18 t'. P. <lover. Quit Clam lîeil latept. lot 2, block 1, Orig- inal Town, Waukegan ... 1.00 W. G. Valisa, refond banalf ex pense Wmn. CnImmings.. 23.60 C.- P. -Pe[ui'sqoà, ertrrin amour4t aIllwed Gallon e Irou Worîsf & Mfg. Ca., St Deceniber meeting..........134.75 I Clis Webb, support JAi.. Haines at County F&rm.. 2160 Arthur Cole# Bayon Estate 281.90( Chas. E. Thayer. sale of Frances A. Acker tt .. 46.61( Jonk......... ............. 2.00 Sarah B. Clark Estate ... 161.4,4 Transferred from Road F'und Henr~y Buer Estate........ 241.51( te cover .Warranta la- - sued ..................... 9038.54 Total.................. $50002.941 1917 Tax collectedl by Town- 1Dabrsmenta. ship colOctors. leps cer. H. A. Shoa, Appraiser R. D9.1 Mlissions..................110507.14à Hill Fatale.... .........$Il126.18 1917 Tai collected by, coun- H. C. Couisoli, Apprai&er C. ty collecter, less commis- H. Ostrander Estate .._ 15.00 sien 0 ................... 6309-13 C. T.,gey4ecker, Appraiser Lee McDonough, county Ante J. '%cCarty Estate 55.14 treasarer, exceas fees....10 4 yl if1oiiAppralser - - H. R. Wilson Estats... 87.00 tôlal.......... ........ $347862 C. T. Hleydecker, Appraiser Cash on bind -Sept. V. 1918.-$55297.74 has:C Puille Estais.........63. Diabursements. , Benj. Parnîalee. , Appraiser County Warrantas......... $247207.44 Alicall W. Cooke Estate. 116.20 Jury Warrants............. 9344.60 Lyell Morris, Appraiser W. 'Coroner's Warranta ... 828.0(1 E. Csselberry Estate ..* 10.00 Foreign Witness Pees... 42.50 Beni., Parinsiee. Appraiser C. Court Reportera Fees .... 2415.00 A. Smilth Estaie.......... 769.00- Mcthera' Pension Fund ... 360.00 Martin. Decker, Appraiser Coroner's Fees............. 1001.00 Water C. HaeyAtate 507.26 4 Probation Oficer's tees ... 1022.96 1tervey C. Coulson. Apprais- Pubiiahlng Assessment Roll1 287.04 er Arthur Coles Haven Ko3- Transferred te Building Lte................ ...... 48.00 Fund....... ............. 30000.01 Curai Ap»raiaer1 - - Sarah B. Clark Estate. 44.3:3 Total ... ... .$292508.54 hasC. .4King, Appraiser Cash on band Sept. 1, Henry Butler Etate... 41.50 1919 .......... 5297.74 L. A. Reundes, County Clerk's1 fees................ ....... 65.0f) $34780628 Leu Sn)aiL state treazarer. - 52945.64 HEIRSMIP FUND. Les McDonough, Coanty Reeipte. Treasurer 2 per cent com- Cash on bond September 1. niidon................. 1120ý06 1917 ....................*1281S.514- las. S. Deming for Estate of Total ................... $5600294ý Richard Wolf............. 505.86 COUNTY BOND TAX. John L, Taylor lfor Estate af James George ..............81.8rSI)its Edw. MeDernîott for Es«tate- Received troni Towriship _f A 1 1 . , 1.... ( nIlectors .. ... .... . ,_$30173. of A~ugusta 1. Lyon .........11 Paul NlacC.ugiln for James Canlin....... ....... ......200.10 Pauol Nac(tiffin for 1.Viij Il. Price........ ............. I P'sai MacGuffm for Larkin F. Price ....... ............73.3 John Ganlor for Mary Cola), 45.22 Jlohn Giitor for L.ake taolab 435.*211 Leon Van llache- for _Fstatu of Chais. L~. Duyck........ 175.19 Sam Yampolaky for Eslatc of Louis Wizelman..........72.2 S Josiah W. Butlier for Estate of Wm. Il. Appler......... 600 QO Total..... «...... ........ $15017.96 Cash on hall( Seplember 1, 1918.......... .......... $13685.80 Diabursements. WV. J. Smith, Aduinistrator John {awley Esitate . .... $ 532.1 Elleî, A. Appley. Eshate Wil) liam H. A.. pley........... 609i01) Jameé Conlin ................2(j.00 Total......... ........ ... $1332.16 Cash an hand Seplemn)er 1, 1918.......... ..........$13685.,o' MISCELLANEOUS gUND. Recespte. Cash on hand Septîruber 1, 1917 ....................$1 1318.St6 Paul Nlac(-uflni for Mariha l3urnett...................502.40 Jamés . 1Welc9. State Attor- neym tees ..ý...............66.?.- Plat Tax, Town of Shields 42 4.137 Extension Fve-s fron, Town- ship Collectors..............88.2f; Total............ .......$ 205 00.2 1 Cash on lîand September 1. 110.8.......... ..........$31264.1X, Disbursements. William J. Smith, Estate S. A. Kennedy............... 6631.56 Fred Bullen for C'ity Park District...................725.00) L. A. Hendee. Extension fevs . for 1916 tax............. 6859.::' L. A. lHendee, Extension fees for 1917 lax.............. 7588.2t; County Fond for States At- toroey's salary............ 666.3 A. L~. Roers, Fiat Tax. .. ....04) B. C. Tha-e,rPlFat T.îx.. 4. 5 t Wm. H. Burnett fur llartha .urnt...................502.40, County reasures Commis- sion on lat Tax ..... ..91 Total............ .......*172:l5.2« (Cash hon h sud SePtemlîr ,-I 1:18.............. ....... 3264.1)(; BUILDING FUND Receipta. Transferred fromn County Fund by order of Supervis- ors, plit imb Liberty Bondi; . .. . . .. . . .. . 30000.09 Inleresi on above put loto Certihlcajo of tleposit. . . .100.09) Total........ ...........*30300.00 Cash on hand September 1, ................o.o INSTITUT E FUND. County Clerk's Coatsa t Sale 5OUj County Collector Costa at Sale.......................f Commission on Inheritance 'rai.............. ........11 Intierest on Liberty Bond lu Building Fond...........3 Banils Interest on money de- i posited...................iln Total ..................$34 DiabjursementiL Lee McDonougb. County . Traurer and Sup'r of M.- sesments.................$2800 J. B. Stephens depaty countl treasurer.................1600 Sundry Clerk Hire.......... 464b, Pohllshing Dalinquent Tait Ust.............. .......81 L. A. 'H-endee, Covmty Clark,1 Costa at Sale ..... i......' 5 Mapa and tiahor on ale....- 16x, Postage and Express.........180g, Costa refunded Sales in Errer .4, Total............ ........$12»04 Interest on LibertY Bondis tu Building Fund............. 3qe $ 12394 Exceas earnings te Coanty Faund........... .........39069 The foliowing figures aggregi cash on hand September 1, 19 whIch Includes the respective fan lui thea ofioe; money recelved and ml dIstriated and lai money ta pald to different trpasurers after si tember 1,,1918. C'ounty Fund, cash on hand Securtty ;avings iiank, 118.............. .....$552947, bond sale.............3001 oîlec'cteîi 11Yv ounîy <ale- Heirmhîi Fund. cash on band tor......... ............8a1:)4 SePtînîlber 1. 1915t.... 1363W Miscellaneous Fond. cash on Total........ ...........$744)ùi4 go hand Septemther -1, 191. 126,4, - __. Istitut@e Fuod. cash on bîand (us), on band September 1. Sf'î>îî'nîî"r 1. 1919 ..... 218. 1918............Il:î:î Wilness Feq. Pund ca-li0on Diabursements. Chand Septembher 1. 1918, 1n. Lee Mclonough, County Counii lBond Tax, -a.-ih on Treasurer's eomiilsn. ..$ 67j1.:;4; hand Septexuber 1, 191), 23383. Secîrlty 8asiî4gs Bank. Bond Non-High School Tax .... 497. sale.... .................23)400.1)0 Bond Yund, cash a n hand Transferresi [o Bond fund. .25010M0 Sephumber 1, 1918 .... 1t961 l.luiidin* Fund. lmsh on hand Total....... ..........$367.:;t6 Se:,temhîl-; I. 1918 .........:0:100, Cash on nand Sîpt-mlar 1 Redemplion of Forfi-ted 19 18>(. ... ......... 38. - 1 Property .......1.. 16. 1917 Personal I'rop.rly Tax 379. $74054 I9o General and SpeelaI;l Tax 1¶0 WITNESS FEE FUNO lie paid rû4p rhjve Irpasur Receipte. ers.......... ........... 3.91169. Cash on haud Sep(lmber 1, - 1!417............ ... 87o Total cash ln hand S-,pt--in ber , 1918 ....... 834501 C~ash on hand Si Ptember I, COFItLINOIS 1910. .... ......... ......$ Lak1 e iou)Oun)es Osbursements. 1 LeMcl)onoligliC. iyCollg Transferred tb County Fand tor. dIo soiermnly swe.îr that the foi Three Yearm Limitation igoing arcount Is I ail rispects ju Act............ ........... $ 48 and truýý acçtrdiag l. tO. st ofU Cash on haîîd Septemaber 1, roid'anîi ,Iil 1918........ .............. ~, LEE Nlel)ONOI*(li, Counit> loilectc *3tISubscrîbed and swotiî 10 before n NON-HIGH SCHOOL TAX ibis 22r;Id day of Sc-ptenbc-r, 1918. Receipts. I.EW A. liilNDEE. Cash received f ront Town- t County Ciel shlp collecetoirs ..... . Iî . S uperviser Eger movud that the 1.lI.te y Couuiy Colîece. port 1w referred Ile oi annîtteeq tor ............ ......... 2929.1;-,S itlenient wlth the Cotinty Trea4î tir. Motion carried. Total................ ....$494W Charle-s F. Russell. Count'. Supu Cash on hand Sc-îtembîýr 1, I Intendent of Ilighways. suj)rmitted t 1918..... ...............Il:497.49 lollowin-g fJsimate, Diabursemerits.i Waukegan. MI., Aug. 13. 191 Lee Mcùonough. <'ounti To the. lion. Board of Supiervisors Treasurer's commission . lss7 L.aite Couqîy anîd th-e Ilighway Co Sun Pulblisbiiîg Ca ...........47,--t, missIoner. oan orfla, Lake 0 W. M. Welcb %Ifg. Co ...... )1 Il11 Wni.l)ooley, Twlî. Treas- Sirs: urer, 431-12 .......... .....20 1001) Jomejh foot, -ontractor for Coun F. S. Kern. Twî,. Treasarer, I Aid Bridgeis in thl, Town of Ela.In, 4411. .................... 1102.91 pieted scieraI bridge-s as here iati Nietropollîan Sapply Co_. - 2.6 2 enumeqated, thhe lfollowlng hbeng, L.. J1. Lohdell. fap. Trias, second estimate. b sherelm subl tt 15-10.......... ...........1001.f00 n hk fitvor. and tt i., er,,14 reco .John L. MeIners. Treasurvr mended thia;l'ie 'w ai)a.acî'à aeoee Iligib School D)istrict No. 4 729 t)i partial estimnai, in accorîlance he: Chais, IL.Patten, TreasaýL.r aithas folio As: Twip.111gb School t)istri< t iSecond Estimate. No. 211...... .............20..0 Illrghorn lBridîge$11 4 W. U. Wiliamîs, Treasurr .;,Erîm-eîr Bridige ... 1168,11 Twp. 411,14..................244.04)1 i 'Pper lBridge ... 7S8.1i .5 3 Hutte Birîlre ..179.6(j Total.......................*344)2Il1r.. IlilInian ri 1rigî . i ,4M0Iî Cash on banilieSptenbh'r 1i. 1 _ 1918....... ...............:1497 19, 1.4-qtDiscount a, per ctîil)lae 14â.6 De% A 8,l mil. RUAD I.>UiNU Receipta. Transferred froma Count>' fBonS tax ................*2.000O.o0 Cash on hand Septumbur 1, 1918....................1964 Disbureemcnts, M. H. Hussey & Co ......... R. B. Connolly............. 132.96 Alfred Flantin........... 44.00 ecpt.Total ............ ....... $ 9039.314 Cashi on hand Sept. 1, 1917 .$ 9ô.57 Cashon baud September 1, T. A. Sinmpson, Coant>' Super- 1918 ......... ............ 1361.46 intendent af School4 .... 834o.0 Total .......... ...........$931.57 EARNINGS OF COUNTV TREASUR. -ER'S OFFICE - Cash on iiand Sept. 1. 1918 . 218.93 Rieceipis. Oibursements. 2 iler cent on Gancral Tax M. P. Giessen--------------..8115.00 Collected by Coanty CllIce- Percival Pearce............... 5-Z,) tor ............19934.77 EstIher White................. 501) 2 per cent Special Tax Col- C. A. Faust.................. 29.14 lectuii by County Collactor 1773.78 Kate Crainond...............f1.00 1 per cent State Tax 'Cellect- C. R. Ronds.................. 20.00 uS by Town Collecter .... 1407.3 Sophie Gcbling............... 2.00 1 pur cent County Tai Col- OhJn A. ýScoît . ,......25.0f) lected by Towns Cllector. - 1116.12 S. C. Schneider ............. 15000 1 per cent Count>' Bond Tai J. M. Thomapson-------------40.00 collecteS by Town Collacto1s. 309j3, Ludillu Peturson.............. 500 1 par1cent, Nen-Iligh School T. A. Slmpe~n................ 6.00 Tai collecteS by Ttown Groth McDGnald Concert Co 20.00 Collecter................... 60.34 .Mrs,. Cha. Johnson........... 25.00 I pur centi Shields FIat Tax Martha 0lsaIx................ 70.00 collecteS by Town Coléct. J. R. Jewel .................. 140.00 or.................... ...... 2.:77 2pur cent Statu Tax Colipe- Total ..................... $712.64 ed by Coont>' Collecter ... 1634.57 Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1918... 218.93 2 per cent <launty Tax collect- aS b>' County Collecter.'.. . 133.235 $93117 2 per cent County Bond Tax INHERITANCE TAX collecteS by County Colle- SRecelpts. ton ...................... 361.63 Russel D. ill Estate ...$ 6284.853'2 pur cent Nocn-High S..h4)ol Coton Il. Ostrandar Estatu.. 49.65 Tax, collecteS b>' County Annie J. Mcarty ECtate .356. 65 Coflm-tor...................08.56 lloraîio R. Wilson Estatu. 402.26 2 per cent Shields Plat Tax Chas. A. Whitelîouse Kstate 13.53 collecteS by County CelIuc- Chas. Pulien Eatate ... 276.90 tor ......................... 3.34 Alicah W. Coke Estate ,,1921.65 Ces,.,,collecteS for writing Wm. IMvans Cagselbéry Es- Prlnter's Ligts. Prdnter's tata....................... 19.31 Feus and Writîng Jud gment Annie Burke Estate......... 2Û3.60pnRecordo...................13229.32 Chas. 4. Smit0 Estate,...343.»8.22 t neruat an Gcral Tai cal- WE'lter C. itately Estate.. 11431.86 lected by County Collecter 2944.88 V,81)7.3 Lu os artiiiI(-'0 pi'r cent)î ru huasslirai estimaie .....800.j Total imounu paîah1e . econd-- estimate............... .... $3846.6 Payable by Lake, Couwyt, 111., one-hait share . .... 1923.0 Payable Oy Tomwniof lai.L.ake- 4 Co., one-haîf share......... 1923.0 Total...................3846.0 Attached herewitb ig a atatemen ot orders. a'lichb as beeu i gven bi Mîr. Itoot (o cover debts for materlâ amnd labor on atoresaid bridges, an, ather indeb)tîdness on bis part, and I iq rucommended that the Couty ai the Town make payments in accord 7ance theruwith. lte-sPectfully submitted, 8 CHAS. E. RUSSELL' Sapt. cfof lghseayi 3 Maternent and Distribution of Ordera given by Mr. Rgot tipot 2Lakte Coaîmty anS Town of Ela te b deducted from montes due, hlm fo 7construction o! bridges In the Tow of Ela, To be paiS by 1,ae County agai 4 Mtimate No. 2. bos. Chants. foîr lahor palS. etc....................... 192310 d os. Chunts, for labor paid, 11 etc------------------------.49.4 7m1%. Il. Hluas-> htmber Co....50.0 Walter A. Taylor ..........19- $2670,2 To be -aid by Town of Ela, Lai Colinty, .111. Emil A. Fickc, for matarial, -fornishud for bridges..$ 808.r. 6Lame>' & Co., for material fur- niubeS for bridgea........ 78.8 Amarican Systeni of Raînfore- 41ing, for matenials furnishud -f(order nuLake Co4.1 .. .- 703. American Wire Pence C...., 136,e E)mil A. Fleke on account for 2 miaterlals ......... 197.1

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