CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 13

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LIBERTYVIELE INEPENDENT. T IIURSIDAY, Of- T. 24, 1918 1 AGE Fi v m of Is5..0 be appropritd to hLiake Bluff Orpianffl. Motion carried. upmviser Whfte prei>eflWd the fat ring Resalution: [na arder that the. Auditor selecte4ý tise Board af Supervisars mray Pro »d witi tihe wortt of audltili$ tis anty Treasuriir's bookis inreadi . Vor tise pending change In office ~o,-leThiefore, Be it Resolved »t ater due dîne for sdvertisiflg 1, the Finance Commtie e anti by are ierebY empawered ta 101 e contract for the Audit. Superyisor Verce oe nved that th( ition be accepted and adopted. notion carried. lupervisor Holdidge. Ciairman ai @ Prlnting Carnmittee. subimtteC 0 tollowing report. MTE 0F ILLINOI0S, *. County.Bse: Bard of Supervaiorë, Septernis wm. Septemiser 25, 1918. rCiairman andGenlemen of th( SBoard of Supervieors: four Commitîce on PrIntilg soc' tlanpry Claîrne woutd heg leave tU prt tha tthey have examined a' jire preeented before thprn. and re minend the payrnent of the foliow k and that tise Clrek be dirertec' *Iboue ordens for the severs' ountm te tise ceveral clalmante. ta rwsmes. For What Ami, pukeL Book Siiop, supplies .................<247.7C lti Pîntiig Co, 4Regnte.r................23.7F .1oi Prining CO, Confesmion Record .. 43.7r âç. iD, Barnard & Co., rMarriage lie-n.mce .. 160.2f eu. D. Barnard 8.-t'o, Bonds ....... .......... 6!5 boa. Blarnard & C'o. Coiitors ifoks ..4. 4 W.1). Bairnard & C'o.. Blanks . - ---t . ; . B larnard L, Co. 9 Rerords ............1. 3ql la. . Barnard k-tCo. 12 Morigage Records 72 . apl Adviaer Pub. . Itonî and Bridge1<6< tiantte ..... F6 F ýertyville londAperideol. SPublisis tng ioraceedings 231>21 Wison Eli.nan Quiet (co. 1 Pencits . . . .. . . .. 1.2F Ston Himnan Quis: Co. S u l:es . .. . . 2290 F. Pet iibonc & Co. Indexes .. ..1...57 P. Peitihone & Co- BIank . ... . . 0< P. Peitihone &Co. F. Petîbone & <'o. YBank's 9 .71 le. PEàttixiîne Ci'-, Banks - 2 SI F 1iion,' Co. Hand dater ... . 7. Of lainas Sinang, Bllsnks a... ed> 18.0f FWandel, È Supplies*,... 35.24 avens Malonyo. -supîplies c. ;. lly Sun. Supplîi- Simpon)50 260 ~il y Sun. supplies ts.I 145 SSun. Lsupplies (P erson s i ... 2 2,5 !Supptiee I WVelch> ... Il.7 IIy Suin, Supfflies I lInos n b... 19 2 lyt Sun. YSuppîlli I H(oard Îot lly Sun. suopiies I cne'i 165.i> Snvplies I lendl"c ballots.)> 1....7 75, M n fl oWarren, R. & B Btanks. 2 7. 9 '*1l5J>1» altowed) 24 1 o0unt ctaitrned ....i .Ont altnaed .....9.3 Il! of which is respectfully suit !ied. t W. HOLDIRIDGE Chr. ENI L A FI('KE. " Unpervisor Meyer rnoved that the lrt ise accepted and adopted. ~Motion earrled. upervisor Thompsan. Chairman o! - Publié Buildines Auditing Corn ~ee, ubmnitted the following rec TE 0F ILL INOS. Coîjot>. 5 rd of Supervisors. Sept. Terni teprTe er 25, 1919- Chaîrman aud Gent lernenf of th( aard ro! Supervisors:> r Committe on Public Build tAuditing would beg leave tu re that tiey. have examined ait a presented hefore thern and re end the paymeftOf the fattaw and tisat the Cerk lie directed te e ordens for thie several amaunt e several claimants. towit: mes For Wlîat Ami. Clairned and Attowed mao Telepisone C. tServices .............$ i. Brown, Msuling garbage.. ýImberg, Blanket$ ............. ofa Ait Producs. iOap................ aymorA Bairstow. S'pnihktlng .......... lo Mfg. Ca.. Soasp... ............ niothm & Douglas, ,Fling Saw .......... Kennedy. Ice.................. ýPaint' o . . . .. . . tis S.:lo..Ž Gas Ca.. Ga.. .................. lji Sc:e (Gas C.. ~ta.11............. ec Service Ca.. rUdse.'nd Ligit .. lut0 Springs_ 'mater .............. burg Plate Glass Co., rlponges & bruses..., Inson Bras., 2Fuiitu r e Ca5 .. Ct Stais .......... mty Mfg. Co., «Iec1tliobes.- 201.8SV 24. 40 3.81 44.9OC 45.0( 20.7,1 . 5c 46.22 109.32 115. 4c 390.22 26.0( 16.81 3.7t 70. t Waukfgan Towet Service, I sue artiers for the neyeral a nts 1S.amuei Echar, Towets................. 14.4( Io the oeevral clainlants, Services road outfit.. Warner & Co., iWaiter seller, Electriçi supplies.........59.9c Amnt. Claimed services ra uft G. B. Waraum Sans, Names. For What end aliwd. Op W.Stifnoetfer.... Supplies................ 15.36: <Sate Aid Road. Sec. C. Route 6.) MRepairz .. ........ ...... Taylor & Guthrie, A. S. Kennedy. MmeSib Supplie$ ................8.7F Coat ................... 12 Services stenographer ... --Security Sa'.ings Bank, Mamie Smith, $1205.04 acet. C. P. Morsn contract 206O..9 ies tnorpr Ail or whieh le retrpectfuiiy submit Universel Portland, Cernent E I. Wchmatenogope ted. C. tarpaulin....... 20O ear................. B. C. TH.%BISOW . Wauikegan 011 Co.. GEU H BAIRTOW, 2146.61 , Gasoline and oit......... J. J. BARNSTABLF. Bond Issue Ros' d. ~hrdnRosit.) Wau1egan 011 Co., Supervisor Monahan moveda i The Bond Buyer, gasoîîne and oil ........ the report be accepted and adopted ý "siiig............... 61.60oG .Wtn u os Motiti crrie. ý. B.ConolyHardware .............. Supervisor White, Chsirman of t<b» lnspectiog........ ........ 65.911 Finance Comrnitee submitted the fol R. B. Conoily, - -- lowig apropiaton tx lv J.Inspecting ...... ...........66.48 lownaT prOp iationS axev: R. .Conoily, SaT 0F ILLINOIS Inspecting ..............66.48 . Lake<' B. Conolly, Board of Supervisorm. September înspecîlng....... ......... 7.10, Terni, September 25, 1918. R.W B. Conoily, Georgette,1 Mi. Chairman 'and Gentlemen of the inspecting................. 65,941n lto Board of Supérvîsors: Eclip.%e Construction Co., O elto Your Finance Cornmitiee to whOir Construction work ...16706.70. and erepe d thle matter of ascertainina the amount Engineering & Constructing e» <f I.ak count>' for tihe ensuing, Ca.. advertising............ 12.50 blouses in li of money requlrpd ta psy thse experts M. H-. Hossey & Ca.. year, was refprred, having lisd the Cernent............... 5840.10 dark colors, al] saute iun>ý- considefration, therefore M. Il. iussey & Ca., heg Ions,' ta report that the following ('emeot........ .......... 2313.40 at eac amounts should be appropriated aF m. il. îîussey & Ca., Rpýcfifd herein: Ccement........... ...... 1081.08 For County and Circuit M. a. Hussey & Ca., Court Jury Warrantse.. $ 10,00.-Of Cernent.................. 7780.50 For Coroners Jury Wiir- 1 Clifford Older, ranim .....................00.0( lnspecting cernt.... 181 Fer Foreign Oitness Fees 2000 f Alf red Plantin, For Court Reporters Fees 2,400. Of surveying................. 24.15 p For' Mothers' Pensions... 4000 f Afred Plantin. For Commoner Fees ... 1000 .OA'lSrey lin,....... 80 For cBlidPsion» 5,ps - -000.OC.Alreylin,........40 For Bllin xPeins ..... .000.00OC teurve bi hin.. ....s.. 44.0 For Micita xnse s ...i.2.5,o000> Ader lshing. .,........67.5 For Puie Bnpu lin s 2.,000.0> ý ldvanrtskir For...t..... sait For PoorieBualins...28.000. 0"(C.FerVicas kineer Foi-.7 ferale Foi Moraina.ce.o.....U'28,0.0.1) evicsasgnuskr . ... 21 Fo yNa Feane un.........6.0 ..eVcas gineer op ne al slze Fo Rid Fanrid...... 19,000.0- E. W.Servisa nier.. 0.7'pns l i For State Aid nad ..15,000.04Of Signs ...... ...............25.01) For rousty Hospital ...26.000.00 ___ For State Charitie .... 7,000.0<Où 34568.63. Por Saiaies........... .. 21 000.O Repaire ................ $ 510 S e p n a For Feee for Counly Off> Paul llalrstow, cer ... ..............5,000-0' Services road outnt ... 75.2(t Fr lirtis and Deatli Cert1 Philo Burgess, 1C7lildren's si fiete FeFeS.......... 500.00 Services road outili . 2..2. îîients iade of1 For SpiDi Building Fund 15,.00 O Philo Brges, For ilerest on Bonded In Servicei road outtit ...106.110 flaiînelctte, sizes ,Iebtednns» ...........25.060.of Philo Rurgese, For l'aym' ni of Bonds ..j 25,000 . O Services road outtit ... 72.79 - - -Philo IBurgess, a Total . . . . . ....1266,600> OP Services road outfit ... 72.30 a Oe havéecstimated 11:51 the re Philo Blurgess, reipts <of the Çounty froni tee.. and Services rosad outflt ..... 116.26 other sources amouint ta Niney Thon Philo Burgess, .and >9 'i~<0 Dollars.tirfoer Services road autflt ... 93,61 Everett Gi Yur <,ommutt'<> wouîd teeoer Philo Burge'ss, rommend tisat tue suin Of One Hurid Services road outfit ... 75.29 In pretty pa red Ses enty-six Thousand Six Huifd Philo Burgess, red I$17,<3Oi00> Dollars. heiflg the i'ervires rond outlt ... 78.91 ular :35e value! halance hetween the arnaunt appra W. A. (Chandler. rvdfrti îrialed and tise aniaurt received froue Services road outfit ..... 789111'CM frti o111er sources, lie levied On RIslthse 1W. A. C'handler, I îeal. îersonal, raîlnoad and tetegrapi> Services road outfil ... 75.00 at per prot'erty In said Lake COunty. as as W. A. Chandler, sessed for the yean 1918. and <bat thO Services road] outtili..... 81.46 Cut liebdirected ta extendad sW.A. Chandler,T taion te prper valuation at araft Services road oulftt .. 7971 Ladies' Kid thm illobtln he aoveanluntW. A. <'handier, not ti exce'-d, lowever, seventY--fvc Sers ices road outflt (75) cents on enris one hundred dol W. A. Chandler, lars asseseçd valuatia!i, as providec' Services road outit. bv law. %' A.(handler, Ail o!r wti le respect.fully sa'b .rervere.i road outili . mitlt C. .Chanîdler A.T. WHITE. SerIlces road outfit. A. W. VERCOE, C. W <handler H. C. W. M1EVER. Services road outflt SupOrvIsar Meyer moved that th . %C W (handler report and levy be acceîted amie Services rond o:îttit adopi cd. C. W' Chandler Motion carrîrd. Sers e's ro>td nulitt Supervisor Meyer rmoscd lOat t h> C.'\'. Chiandler <'<unty t'lcrk tic nul !orized .îud in Sr lsroad outtit.. 'ýructcd to extend te tatxes- t a rot>C. W' Clandier "tla> witl obtain hie amaunt of th, Sens ces rond outlit tevy, for Caunty Ta'xes, and that ise C.W'. Chandler alsa lie suthorlized ad inst.,ucted te Services road outfit exlend the taxe on ail allier certi J. Bridgei, Gravel. lily. Vilage. School Repairs ........ firales of evv for Town, Rond and J. 1 Case. Higis Semai. Park. and ail allier taxe> Iepairs................ filed In his office for thie year 1918. Lew Drury. Motion canried. Services road outfit . Supervisor W6hite, Cliirmah of thc Lew Drury, Finance Comniltee. submitted thc Services road outtitî faltowioz report: Lest Drury. STATE 0OF ILLINOIS, Services road oulfit. Lake County; se: Lew Drury, Board of Supervisea, Septembet Services rond outft. Term. 1919. 1ev Drury. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Eervicea road outtt Board of Snpervieore: Lew ()rury, Tour Finance Committee ta sehan Services road outhît. the Certiicate of Lepy for Roa-J and L.ew Drury, Bridge Tax of the severai Towni ai Services road outtitl Lal.e County for tise year 1918 werf Dickerson Foundries. r< ferreü. would reconîrend tis.t, SImd Repars................. certiicates of levv he spprnved atnd W. F. Frazen, Jr., tiat <le County lerk be and lie im Repaire ......... ....... ierehy authorized te extend sucis A. A. <SehI & Co., Road and Bridge Taxes la the several Repaire ............... Tauns according ta said levies. pro W. Hobein, vide,!, however. tisaitthe County Clerg, Repaire ............ .... praperty af any taun a rate In ex 11W.paira ................ cesaf sixty-one cents on encis on( ErneSt Pott, iundred dollars valuation of taxabIc Services road autt. tional sum neot ta exceed twenty cent. Ernest Pat., praperty af tie twn, and the addl. Services road ott. on encis one iundred dollars valuaUion Ernest Pott, for lying out, widening, altering or Services road outlit. vacating rmade, when sucis dauagep Ernest Paît, are Included lanlise certificates of ievy ', Services rond autlt. As pravided In Sections 5à ta 69 af Ernest Pott, the Rond and Bridge Law as revised >Services road ouliOt. in 1917. Ernest Pat., Respectfutiy subintted. Services rond outlt. A. T. WHITE, Ernest Pat., A. W. VERCOE. Services rond outhît. H. C. W. MEYER. John PhannemntIli, Supervser Eger moved tsait the re Services raad outt. Port be accepted and sdapted. John Pbannenstill. Motio caried.Services road autht . T ioncrried. nedSpevi-John Phannnenstuî., Tise C W.Hlirman aHpalntWd Muer Services road out.ltt ors~ ~ ~ ~ ~~C .W.HdndeH.C'WMeyerJohn Pisannenstili. and E. A. Ficke as tise Jal Commît. evcsra uht tee. Srie odoti Supervisor Strang, Cisairaan a!ois John Pisanneastili, th Services rond outit. itate 0liarities Cammittee, sublmt. onPsnesii ted tise fplowing report on Raad and Servicanes n ti. Bride Ciima.Sarnuel Echar, S'PATE OF< IL.LINOIS, Services road authît. Lake County, se. Samue , Scisar, Board af Supervisons, Sept. Tortu. Services raad outfit . September 25, 1918.. Samel Scisar. Yaur Cammitte an State Cisarities. Services rond aullIt . aPPointed ta audit tise Road and Samnuel Scisar. Clmima, wouid beg lenv e ta report[ Services road outibi. tisai they bave éxainine,! aIt daims Samuel Scisar, Presented befare tisen and recons- Services road autlit . mlend the Paythent of tise fohiawing.i Sansmel Schar, and 'tiat t» Cieî'k ha dirffled ta ln.j eevites rond outlIt. 8 2.20 7 5.135 65.00 65.00 710.00 75.00 t60.00 70.09, 1.25 68.00 75.00 61.25 67.250 7.00 74.45 55.00 60.00. 70.0 70.0- 84.00 77.00 60.00 16.();, 29.00 3.Z0 18" .20 405.05 .16.61 J. D. Ada... Ca.. 'Repairs ......... ........ Brown & Smiths, Repairs .. . . . . . . . Wrn. Elchrnan, Repairs................... C. F. Pense Ca., supplies........... .... C'F. Pease Ca., Supplies............... Walter Prehrn. Rtepaâr4 ................ Walter Prehm. Repaire................ Standard 011 Ca., Ou1 and gasoline. ... Ft . Sage, Taxi service ......... lbuses e ( hut geel(ttu îight and 11l si/e, h$2.98 dcais ee Pants Bach 98c rments Sie.pjig ga r- heav v qîualit 'v 2 t>' 8 Y ears. teach 48c 'inghams s, speeially s sal yd. 271c Gloves Slightly .->îiletlkid gî< ves, regular $2.25 va lits, specially at per pair 1.35 Corduroy Cord<î lll ii aIl colot.,. rcguîi' -.z 7,5 values spe- at per yd. 1 .45 Georgette Crepe Al Iadle- in georgette cûrepe regular $2 value, speeial- Iy priced at Per yd. '1.48 Men's Slippers Biaelk or tan ici kid slippeî s, ELot t Uoi Opera cut, $2 valîtes at per pair 1.19 Men's Underwear Merino .ànd Jersey rib- bed shirts aund <r~e good weighit and sweil made. at -each 95c FCarpet Beaters Wel îîmade and very serviccable, spccialty piv~j- ed fo hs sale at each 15Sc Dinner Sets 31 piee inner sets, 6 cups and sauerîs, 6 pie plates, 6 diii- ner plates, G fruits and 1 plat- ter Se t Complete 3.59 Arnold Schauhle, Repaire................ Austin Western Road Mach. Ca.. repaire............ \vstit> Wectern Road Mach. COa . . . .. . . . . Autin Mfg. CO.. Repaire................ >'o H.Bairstaw, Committee work ......... Fred Kirschner, Committee work .... Sitand:ird Oi1 Ca., gamoline and ail........ Standari fil Co . gasoline and ail.......... Zion Stores, 1 tpair.s.... ............ For Flannelette -Petticoats1 Pettivo ats nIade of good qîuahity fiaunlette, liglit anîd dark colors at each 69c Serge Middies.* 1 One lot of serge rniddies -ail sizes, 5chlxp cd for thi.s sale at each 3.85 Union Suits Laàdies' fleeec iîîed union siîits, regiîhii' 1.î5 xvaluies spe- t'ially prieýed at Each 1.35 Samples Toweling Sanuples of linen l huek towels ini leuîgthis of 3'jI to 11. ards, sec thc'nui a Bargain Dark Percales Onîe lo t of <ark >olier- cales, 35.tvailles. Sp evial lY prieed at per yd. 271c Little Gen's Soes M\ade of ('af skin, l, N cher tut. higli toc. 11i 1 soles and heels, ý \ i1 at per pair 16 Misses' Shoes M isses gunnîciital anîd patent leathier so, plain toc, Eng- lish last elotît or leather top -«il sies 12'to '2, $3 vaiues at per pair'1.95 Mens' Dress Shirts W'îlson s, higli grade shirts w îth soft or laund- ered cuifs, guaraîîteed Special at. 1.015 . Toilet Paper Large rolis of good crepe, special for this sale, whilc, they last 3 for 25c Goal Hods CorrigatedI hods, No. 16 size, sp)ecially priecci for tItis sale at each 49c.. 1 Tisas. GriMfn. 2.20' Livery.....................40.04) 7 .30MNcQuay-Narnis .Ca.. 7.0 Repaire............ -.......37.93 Galion Tron Works Ca., 18.68 Repeirs............. ...... 71.84 J. il. Halle and Son. 32.48 Repairs....... ............ 14.90 Cthat F Ru'selt. 14810, Fxoensras..................127.45 'm. Lsscock, 47.70 Renair,....................50 tr,.-,tadtfield, 183.' Repaire..... ..............24.10 5.00 Total.............. .....142828.23 FIannelc:ze CGWLS Ladies' uowns made of heavy %w t ghit flauinel- p ette specialy prîced ~at each $1.48 Friday Serge Skirts Ladies' hlaek and navy serge dress skirts spcc(iallv prie cd at each 3.98 Ladies' Hose Ladies' blaek, ribhed top hose, 50c, values, spe- vially prieed at per pair ]39c Lining Satin' Two seasoit lining satin, al shades, $1.753 value, specially prieed at per yd. 1.35 Sample Hdkfs. One lot of saînple hand- kerchief s, just the kind for sehool use at each 5c Ladies' Slippers J de'feit slippers ail col- <t ad s'esfur-or ihbon h11utl;, $2 value at Per pair 1. 19 [Men's- Flan. Shirts IMN!en's tlinel w'ork shirt@( khaki color, just the oeght for iiowv Special at 1.50 Men's Sweaters Mcn's sweaters in gray onlv made to stand bard scrviec*, speeially priced at each 2.50 Double .Boilers 1"Pure aluminui double r boiler, 2 quart size, 'spe- cially piue at each- 1.29 Carpet Sweepers Bissels carpet sweepers, ey- eto bearing, spccially priced for this sale at each 3.39 ....... Children's. Dresses Childreîî's driesses ini light and <.aik col<r ging- bains, s im>8:2. tio £y-eaZs at each 98c

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