CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 2

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PS. Ié PROCTOR 1I113UR AN C E Ofln Uic. Accident sud E.sith, Plate Gimm.,Au- tomobile sud Worklng.- %ma'e Comipensation. a Ibim Before Placing YVour Inmurnce 154R i a:LO» t Dvl M . ;9in)duée r'.Dug Store Rf1L DRILLING a P gye 7Ute wite ho ns. IIEMAN& DOLAN eI3AIRSTOW qenad Granite .tery Work of Ever De*cription rý*p9ndence 5olicitec 16) Genesee Si Dl. 1. L TAYLOR la Filetut kocald akDeIIdfr is:-fl o 8:0 Md 7Tto 8 p. m. auenDhrodvay, opposite Part Ubsr*yvtis. alatnleo.. VIL GOLDING DEVT iwal8 te,12 am.-1 uo . en. : Vin Plt National Bank l'homoé 19-4. IL«. Phone 157-J. Ulboryvlle. IWlnole M ILR.IL SMITH. Il i,*A I 0111 "ATIONAL MANI. 4 le 12 a. M. and 1 t a BP. M. »>AILT. lbuity-vgII o.isl N. STEPHENS, M. D. 10111CIAN 6a UR GEON .*V Nosr, a% fut lbqs exsmlnd for aises nu a o. TeL ise Làbertyvill. L Q. P, DUTTERFIELD. VZTEBINAzy SUESEOI, ofiAN? 5Tv vsrUsjUAuis. OP, A. 6, CAMPBELL .Yetelinary Dietiat 19 th"e Siable Liberyville, Ill. bas. Laske..oesiA.UttC..Kenosha nOsM WadswOrti. Russeli sud omher . aieant towns aMUANr W. COLBY sO Rame, Cook Ave. Phona 168-J fl'YILLE. - ILLINOIS LYHL flMORRIS ï m.. L ce Pbone la PN.JL MAC GUPPR . Av9OENEY Ai LÂW. IIArffl c.DEOR * ILLINOIS '.U. ioe1860-a CD& RJULI nu"l 11 p -mtit V"a lied la Circuit r la h ffu el of the Ameri- Etur oommayagainut W. oa 01 lglanda Park for tmg aeeed ta lie voctb ,M alled iat Edvarde idYe np the-pnoperty. meI iAFFDAIT IN ORIJER TO VOTE AT NM3T ELECTION Great Lakes Boys Just Now Are Busy Gettlng Papers on Record. So to Vote 500 SIGNED FRIDAY Affidavits Sent Back to Couhty Clerks and Ballots Then Are Sent to Them Juat no* ona o! the principal aide occupations of Great Lakes 19 the of making oui o! affidavit8 whlcb vill permit the salors ah the station ho cast their votes by mail and bave theni recordad ln varlous parts o! the country. For Instance, on Frlday a lavyer namcd L D. Green came te Great Laites trom Louisville, lky. lic took' a notary public tram Waukegan withîi bim ho the station. and durlng the day tbcy spent theil- autire time mnlt- lng affidavits f&r the salors and those aîffidavits are naallad hack to the caunty cer'i of the rounty vherc Louisville 1s loaed. 'Plis the aM- davit declarlng that the sallor ln question desîrea to cast bis ballot ah the fal] election, lq placed on file and beesas- et ils racelpt the cou:ity clcrk mails at once ta the- signa-c a formai, lertion ballot whlch the vot- er lu question marks and then ca- mails te the county lent wlio dia tribales f hem among the vannaus pre- cinct ludge. The ballots then are hed ountil election daY and are open- ed aller aIl the allier ballots are counted. Iu aIl on ffiday fully 500 affidavIts vere madle anaong the boys vho are ah tha station sud vha bail tram Lousville vlclulty. It deevlops furthar that a man camee au frain Indianaspsvenal dayu egoa nd halsienspent the day et Great Laites halplng maire outt hose G. O. P. Charges Poil Blocked. Washington, D. ,. Oct. 22-Charg- as that officiais o! the Great Laites Naval Training station lied deuled, rapreasutativas nifithe Kentucky siate Republican campalgu cammttee the privilage accorded the Democrats for getting In toucl i vtb Kentuckty vot- era thera -and asststing than Iin vai- Ing by mail, na-ce made lu a talegram read Monday in the senate by Sens- toc Nev of Indiana. The telagrani, slgued by M. H. Thatcher, vice chaîrman o! the Ken- tuckty committea, said the traiuing station authorcles liad retusa-d t ad- mît rapresantativa, oi the commttee on the ground that a non-partiaa.u. commission already bad visited lbe station for tis purpose. This coin- mission, the message complaiuad, vas not von-partisan, but n-as composa# o! Democrats. Daubai by Motteht. Gr-at Lakes, Oct. .-Capt. Willian A. Moffett, commandant ai Greant Laite. sald Sanahor Nev must hava been mialuformed as ait lccons lu Great Laites were condacted wîthout refarence ta any political parhy, the men stiply bcbng notlfled of the tlu'e sud place where they might assemble to mate tha- nacessary preparattous for casting their ballota. "Investigation," gaid Capt. Moffett, "aboys thal the sae non-partisan proradure vas tollovad lnuthe rase of the Kentucky boys." PIIYSICIANS NOT SURE THIS WAS AN EPIDE141C 0F "FLU" LIBERTYVILT INDEPNDOtmJDÂY, OCT. 24, 1910 1 Marked- Decrease in Number of Licenses Taken Out Heme Since Epidemic 4--- ANOTHER CAUSE GIVEN Slacker Marriages Before Reg- istration Day May Have Caused Part Decrease Dan Cupid seems to bave caught the "fSu" aloug wvith many other prom- mnent citizans of Waukagan sud aIse- vliara If a decreasa lu the number or marriege licantses issued liera may bca conslderad Indicative ai hie stata o! beauil. Thle average number of licenses lW sued haro ranges troni 10 to 15 par day. At tumes Il bas gone as hlgh as 20 or 30. During the Influenza api- demiec s marited decrease lu licensas bas been noted. Occusionally tbera ara dive or ix licenses lssued lu a day 'but the most o! the lIme the dally average la but tvo, tbree or four. Clark,, lu the office of the county clark et Waukegan say ihey --ascrIha- no aller cause ta the .lt- off inlu itenses except the '*flue" unlesa it la the tact that the hundrads of clackter mariages that hava taken place bers durtng the lest tvo or ilirea moniba lbas exliausta d the avallable lat a! tbosa vho ondin- arily voald lie taking out niacciaga Il- causes nOv. It ais sertai that the number o! marriaga icenasslssued lu Waaite- gan 1hs ycar wîi break all previaus records, and Ibis Is saying a good deal for Waukegan bas enjoyad the record for the lest several years of balpg th e niat popuiar Graina Green lu Iluoia. Thousands of couples coma har rotrm chias lu Wisconn ta wed. When It hecame ituovu that tÈre goverumaut plannad 10 reglater ail men betvaan the ages o! 18 and 45 thora vas s grand rush ho laite aut marinage liceusea, liera. It vas sur- prlslug to Sud the nuinjer of men ovar the age of 31 who deslred ho gai marilad et this partctla ie. That they wera slackers, trylng to bide behind the ptticoats of their vived vas the only Infearuce ta lia dravu. The govacumant lias ruiad. bovaver, tbat 'these marriages viii avail uothlng es thase men arc sali- jeci to draft the same as thosa not marild. The dally Issuance of licanqes vas fairiy large, bowevar, until the "fla' epfidamie attlad dovu. Then the number sbovcd a sharp deercase, indicating that Cupid hinisebf bas beau sticiten JIAIF 0F TIHE 1EN AT CAMP LOOAN NOW AT STATION Lieut. Ridge of Naval Station Cold Snap Causes Change So Says Medical Men Corn'- Men WereTaken, from their Pletelyin the Dark Tents to Barracks REST IS BEST REMEDY t b touand eaisted meno m transferred te, Camp Devey and Camp Condition in Waukegan Con- Decatur frîday attarnoon. tinues to Improve; Church. I bnndred vere given quartera lu the I-si Segmnent and ilie romain- es Were Closed Sunday lng 400 lu the Elghth Regfment. Camp Decatur. That thare la nothiug conclusive as Thea. men vere living lu tenta ai yot ta cshov ihatihoe pldomic ibat Camp Logaand the avant ofthIe cld lis, avapt over Waugon., iest veathar Thursday caucai their trans- LWie,, Naval Station and the .whoe afer ta Great Lake@ ulier perme- Counatr-ytoc that mattar really In lu- neut harradlis accommodations cauid dlueuza sud that the randloui proies- ha suppîîad. sion la sui l Ite dan5en fer as u n Afthrthe iraser of the 1,000o men effective réedy la conecuned, la thre flday, Camp Logan had a population trank.admission of Lieut. 8. 1. 1Ridge, ai approilmateiy 1,000. An addition- U. B. N., aitatbonai ai Giest Lalpss. ai 400 men vould le transfarred fr0. Dr. Ridge Pranouncos t the vorsi Camp Loga in the noar fturé Ien Plagua ibat avec has coma ta bis oh- ordar te reduica the popuation tb servation. 600. 'Phére are permanent quartera "*Thare bas beau un affective I-est- for that amount et Camp Logea. The ment dlccovered fon the diaease.," ha wiutec Population ihere viil e kept muid. "Sgotan,. e are merely vont- dovu ta ibat number. tu& on theonles. At Great Laites, duc- Iag the eplidemic thene, va tried every AYeP S remady suggepted, vhicb vo kuev w lUEIN II' i vs, harmleusa.Honey syriaps, the AWBO NT STar 5Ma ÀEA burinng of cleiamcals In the roomi sud aveu the placîng ai a potata aven; U O AT O f fs the bed of the pattant vac trlad. But as yet va are entirely lu dent- nassa. ftisathesma lu the ireainiant Of aIl nervi- thingm' Omoboi If o! the so-called InlUeuza as lu the hcnighted ltifanole rigiru up tandon treatint of pneumonie. Same gat the vindelvs ai the Onvuatala clb vaîl, sanie die, an.d the lesyou do et Laite Purent Sunday nlghtimen tac Ui0 patient the btter off ha la strippad tbe moter earm standing lu moctiInstances." - thene ai itou- acceagonles and thiage. lu foretgn caunties, ia sald, the Lieut. Kennaîli Goodman, U. 0, N., deaili rata amaug the civillan popu- foc Instance, bei tvo speré vheeim letton ta gea-tar than lu the army, sud tires, robeu,.e., and bis chant. vhile lainlth army 100 out of avary feur's fur ncah 1 goue. Mm. Loods 1,000 afnilcted succumb. Michelltoelsoet «Pareétires. Andi --ut bebooveit uâ ta cive prompt at;-1 that iind of lire conta miach mouey teution bto the casea as th0-y develop,' Ibese deys. A FAKI3 III3SSAIIE TEULS A SON mid Lieut. ldge. "Personally 1 vould make a patient go to bed et once and wouÀdn't let hlm leSve ht qntW Qiv. day. &fier bis temperature ha., returnod t ormal"." The readants of Racine, w».. are Senuinely siarmed and -Mayor'T..W. Thiesan of that city heu vrttteIn a letter In Captalain offti t «thO nv- al etation telllng hlm that bs4lQrM are not wanted 1n.5*«i»euniS te gpanlsh influenza situation Subaldea. in (Waukegan the condition contin- use to Improve. Few casas are re- portedl dally and thora la only au ocosasional serlous nase of pneunlan- la with resultant deatli. No steps have been taken as yet to lait the quaarutlne. but It la feit that ibis can ho doue Inside of another waek If conditions became no varse. The lifting of the Galsas Sunday ban made it possible for people wlio could not attend churcli or the movies ta go auto rldlng, a prîvîlege they have not enjoyed on Sunday ln a long Urne and hundreds avalled thenisalves of the prîvîlege. CUPID lHAS "FLU;" 9 FEW MRIi3L CENSES ARE ISE MOTHER IS VERY 10W ALSO A father dled at the McAlster hos. plitai this morn n g after battllng pneu- monia and ha never î"inew that hieý vife and tliree chuîdren hacl been taken to the hospital the day alter, he arrived; he never knew that ln- stea.d of havlng three chlldran, ie hm.d hecotue the tather of a fourth vithin 48 hours after he arrlved; hoý never knew that a babe's cries whlch rang through the halvays af the hoapital were those of his new daugli. tec-be dled without lÈiowlng ai these things. Hie.tnaîne was Steven AldekonIs.ý a Lithuanien living at 1025 Lincoîni street, North Chicago., It was on the 14th of the montli that Steve's condition vas found t be sUcli afttr an attack of Influeaze that lie vas ordered taken' to. tii hoapitai; bis famfly, conslstlng oitl . wîfe and threec hildren, tFro boys- cf 8 sud 5 and a girl of 18 pionths. were ail alling but flot very aJck. Oo. he was xlaced ln lte bospItal. The neit day the faffillys condition vas snoh that they ail vere ardered to tht sanme hospital but the athiler'. state 0f health wvs, so serions that lie vamn't told that the balance of hi$ ftMlly vwas being cured for thora. He iWu on the Sret ftour, the, othars on tha, second. .1New Bab@ Arrives. .And, 86 houmrafater the motiier reached the liospital a bouffcing girl arllved to maire nu thef chIld ln the fsmily. The <ailer stlý vas lu s critical condltiorn. e uigbt have beard the bee crie%. but lie neyer knew h vw" hi chlld. *znd o, this mornlng at So'8 ok ha died. Ha lied long been a ploya of the Hadware Foundry C6. The mothar'. condition la rery e'rtt- ical and the chuîdran are getting 0* ail rtght. Another Fammly Ail Wick. And there's anothar famliy, everi meaner of vhlch la in tUr.UMcilste* hompitaLl.IiilaJacob Conue, 3Foi teentb streat, INorthi Chicago. Tba in the <ailier, motbar and three clieh dren. ln their carnethey are goulUsg on ail riglit and it lsn't feu t tey will staffer a relapse vhlch vil i>rve te, tai. They al came in on theaffle day. the 117tl. Thle father'. coudito te the voret of ail. Mis. Budde CaJled to Phono this MOrnlngby- Misorant Who Gave Fake Word DOCOR ATTENDS' WOMAN Stranger-'Told Her Cablegram - Had. Corne Tells of Her Son's Injuries More'% s @tory about a man Who 8eesuinglY nover had à mother; s mon Who woo Wiliug ta hell an- other man's mother the one thing lu horIlite that breaks her heart, namel:C. iait hor sou la dying -WHEN tir wAsN'T 80. If auyliody lu the woi-ld cen fEnd satisfaction ini prostratng anal ler in'us mathar by tellng hlm ber sou la dying, coma aicreant accompîlali- ed hîs desîres ibis morning. 1 Someliody, e maaq's voie, called thIe haine of Dr. A. E. Budde lunrorth Chicago and toîd bis aged inother, "Dr. Budda bas beau carioasby lnjurad ln France; be Is lu a base hospital; a cablegrani bas Just coma to thet affect.", And, bafore tiei anxious mothar could malte fui-the,-Inquiry ta Eud ont who vas bo'iln.g,thie telephone cîanged on the bout lie bad baung Up -. Noigbbocs vere calbed and Mca. Budde, protratad by the nans. vwas put to lied .and a doctor called soon sitar bacauma ber condition alarnied lier friands. She did not regain lier composuce despite the tact that l appaarad evideut the phone message ho ber vas a maliclous attempt ta score ber and nothing more. Tbe telegraph offices verse t once called sud naîther had receivad any message of the sort; the caulty ]lots thet came t thIe nevepapars toder vas scaunad sud aven thay did not carry a.ny sncb information. Thus the conclusion is ihat soma vag vith e keener kuovledge of venoin iban considoration. did this daspicable tilg-,ME appanenily ney- er lied e mother; et least ha never ioved bar or be vould neyer have doue sucli a dastardiy lhlng. Dr. Budda, for yoars a practioner lu Northi Chicago, las e lieutenant Iu the medîcal corps lu Fraca. belug ona of the tirst doctons ha-eabouta te tender bis services. Bacausa ai the lnebility to gai a single lina an sucb a message comlng tliroagh, sud the cuddenuess , vitli vhlcb the pans va.**cut off,' 'the only conclusion ta that sorneliody Just vanted tu belp break a fond mothar's heat and adopted vbat is regarded as the most daspîcable metbo)d n- In. the past faVIe messages bave ba-en put over lu Wou- kegan ln the casae0for iands--but nov- er hatoce lias anyliody stooped ao 10v as to do aach a thing vbere a mott- er anit sou vare lnvolvad. FATIIR ,DIES AS RIS ENTIRE FAMILY IS SICK NEARBY Father Neyer Knew a Babe's, Cries Were Those of His New Daughter1 "Buy at Home and Support Your Local Dealer" Use t. excellent facilities of The North Shore.Parcel Dispatch The frequent and efficient service that is being rendered by the North Shore Parcel Dispatch has won a hast of loyal patrons among dealers and resiclenta of the North Shore. It is the connecting ink between dealer service and consumer satisfaction at home-. k ena- bics the local merchants to render the convenience and delivcry service of the larger shipping centers. lThe North Shore Parcel Dis- patch, with its "6Express Servie at Less than Express Rates" has donc much ta promnote the civic spirit of the North Shore com- mngnitieIs b awakcning the people to the savig advantages in time, mone andworiy ta h. clerived ilirougl patroniziag their home dernier Buy at home. If your local dealer cannae supply your need from hie stock, li càcn get it fpr you quicly. -He can phione ta th ii.cay for mercli.ndise and supplies and requcot delivezy b>' tue North Shore Par"e Dispateli. You save mneny valuablc hours-so-metimes days -and et the same trneyau lutlp the. local, trading *park If pur- chases arc made early ihi thc day and are prompti>' dcivered to te station, you are assured of "Delivery Within 24lijoura" 8hlpper s oa" gau-d.shom and J.bbmer-val B.fd thlf" tmer- chamdae- ariguseu «viluchla, iQmthesregarda eomy wad onmmco. For pastlmbuuN oaWy te *0h. mm " paomoffieo NORTH SHORE LUNE Chioego 137 Se"il 11.1Sirsat Pioe. Cemal cS Ubertyvifle Phese. Lberlile 74 Milwaukee S".1 nad abmu PbIe., Grand sM T I. I. e j, BER 1. 'j --- 1 I~1~U7WbUiAPUt~7 Fr. Road. Libertyvlle, WIl. 3,400. VERY FCW K yLIX Amenda B. Wightman, to smo Ï~u Cuver, B 36 ft. lot 3, block 4. Pa"- se«'a Ad., -Grayslea. WD, 3187.0. AMnada 0. Wichtman to liWule I. Morse, N 25 <eutlot 3. 1800k 4, SPabneVs Add., 0rayalae. ~WU, S Loulse H. lffler ted hobéisd ta J. ______ W. *tterson, part tôt3. 'WIllteWood Sbat.. on Long aka, WD, 110. Total Amount. of, LOans Last P. S. Dolph and vlIfe, ta John -W« Week Amunted t Onlot in Village of lvanhioe, WD. Fift ThosandM. J. Kalowsky and2 vite ta Carl Fifty TousandCarlcan, lot 21, block 2 Cook'c Sub. NO LARGE DEALS MADE Wakgn ODl, loi0. Peter Gawfes and wife ho Jozet Sale of Lot on Marion Street Taraszka and vif., lots 85 and 36, block 11, Dreyer's Suli.. North Clii. Was the Only Transaction cago, vm, 110. Taking Place Here lt7bocîk ,l'aImer and H. KRusel' Suh., Waukegan, WD. $1. By A. K. Bowes, assistant secretary Maggie Kelly to F. W. Corniali lots Sêcurly ITle & Trust Co. 35 snd 36, blocî 9, Armatead'a Add.. Business of the recorders office for Waukegan, QCD, $100. the weait endlng October 19, 1918. Numbler of conveyances, 63. MRRBIÂGE ZICL'N8ES. Number of chattel mortgages, 11. ____ Number of ruit .îeeds and uslar- Oscar E. Douglas, Great Laites, 21; gages, Il. Total nuniher otf in"rumeri,s llled, Alice Larsen, Zion City, 22. 85. . Albiert H. Kraft. Racine, 29; Cliris- otal amount of lbans, $50.150. UIné Swansou, Rama, 27. Business lias bt-en very quiet and Arthur G. Spencer, Oconomowoc. loans babyw the average.Wl 2- Tlhe following are the more Impor- W ., ;Elle D. Buske, Suilivan, tant deals. Wl.., 21. In Waukegan: Mary 'M..sud Anhc.n Clifford Snyder Cb.1cago, 29; Cath- Luschner bougat. 31 fet o-ai West sidae rine Copelaud, samne. 30. Marlon stree,. sc,à.h uf Lberty «t froni James J. Calehan, for $3300. Tlmothy' P. M. levIer, Madisont, In baie Forast: John Griffth Wl., 23: Varda E. Hahin, iCancsaa bouglit the Chiarles Tonk>n place ln 20. Rosa Terrace for $4.000. F1rank Geffke. Mlvaukee. 23; ln Shelds Township: Mary A. Marîlia fiaIt. ame. 22. Marrison echate acqulred the lnterest oi Almina J. Morrîson ln 57 1-2 acrpe Meivin E. Battisfore. Waîstegon, in Secs. 18 and 19 wact of Lake Bluff 19; Madga Tordoif, saea 18. for nominal consîderahion. Edwin E. Sliepard, Chicago, 40; In Highland Park: May S. L0og ataI H. Sansîha. sanie. 2E. baugbt a lot on vast side Klncald a «t" south of Roger Williams ave. ,rn] Harry n Petersan, Waukegan, 33: Tlao.. Schaurmaun for nominal con- Blanche E. Wells, sanie. 25. sideratIon. Walter R. Carter, Camp Loas, 26; ln Llbrtyvill: Edwacd J. Heuer Mree aseKnsa 1 bouglit an acre of land lu lot 5 Schboal Mrae aseKnaa Section Sb., on the Caunty Farm Fred lartman. Chicago, 34; Mary Road froni Cara MI. Colby, for BaIl, sanie. 38. $3400. Walter H. SpRdel, Great Laites, 22; ln Newport: Richard, Elmer and Viola Blerman, Shelioygan, 21. William Relimer hought 51.2 acreq ini NE 1-4 Sac. 13 train James H Dolan Edv. J. Leesmnan, Warrantou. 34; for lndlcated consîderatlon of $6,000. Adeiia C. Schreck. Twp. UbertYville, In Lakte Villa: Josephi M. Horton 28. liought the Horace B. Tower 20 acres Fred Schultz. Milwaukea. 26;:lia' In NE 1-4 Sec. 2, for indlcated con- Kaîctsm,2. slderatloD of $4,000. teKrlk ae 2 lu Fox Laite: Claus Collin liought Water P. Sharwood. Mi-waukee, 24 the N 1-2 lot 15 Brophy's Suhdivision Evelyn E. Mueller, samne, 22. on Fox Laite tron Florence H. Brinkt- Pearl E. Gilllam. Wsukagan, 2f;; man for $2.000. ~rbr1 rg.GetT.ks f lu Avon Township: Isaliella Nte- Aee .GrgGet-ats Arthur boaght two lots In Sbaws8 Anthony A. Gondert. Racine. 28: Sulidir. on Long Lake ln Séec.18 from Evelyn A. Miarks, Chicago, 20. Henry Van Doren for $2100. Wm. W. Anderson. Great Laite.., 22: Vers A. Eli, MithelI. S. D., 21. Real Estate Transfers Wm. M. Watson. Chicago, 16; Au- Oct. 15. 1918. na A. Daly, smre, 39. Cara M. Colliy and liusband to E. Ralph UL.Nîcliols, Plymouth, Wls., J. H-luer. one acre lot on Counîy 22; Mlluda C. Hessia. sane. 19. Jomepb Wyckotf, Chilcago, 41; Edith Jodan, sanie. 29. î4chard Kneupt, Chicago, 41; lise IL Trotter, saute, 32. .'Burton Mancheter, Middleport, N. Y., 54; Maie O. Roubel. Wallace, Xia. ,30.- Iboverd L. Layton, Racine, 29; FlorenePayne,$mre, SI. ROY L . aMillukea, 21; Hilda Durbaliu. saine, 19. Gust Larson, Loclgvort, 43; Annie U. Johnson, came, 39. Chas. N. Steele, Waukegan. 25, lone F. Reynolds, sae, 24. Chas. Meederar, St. Louis, %Mo., 30; Edna Meerar, Mlwaukee, 24. Oscar C. Blae, Bbéboygan. Wls., 27; Pearl T. Brais, Kohler, Wis.. 18, Fred W. Vaugbaus, Qulncy, Ill., 24; Annie Johnson, sanie, 27. Herman Shiller, Kenosha, 41; An- na Hec., sanie, 317. John B. Paters. Nev Yorkt, M; Marlon A. F»dic, Ltbertyville, 1 'Wm. A. Dovling, Chicago, 21: Ag- nec Nimmeyk cama, 20. Frank A. Wier. Racine. 40; if-audo lnrnacki. sanie,. - Artlir S. amilton. Grea.tLmes : Lva MI. Williams. Monmouthi, Ill., 21. Elmer Jansen. Racine. 23; Mcb <ondert, camne, 21. Richard C. Adama. Great Ilkies., 22; Ida M. Shearin, Chicago, 21. Clanacaec V. Curry. Great lAites, 22; Elizabeth C. 1. 9vanson, Evanston. 18. Jacolh If.Simon, Milwauktee, 41; Rose Paters. ame, 46. EarI J. Hlenjum, Madison, Wis., 27: Emily ZibaI, %anie, 20. Anthony HelfrIch, Mfilwatikpc, 40,, Clara Kudiait, sane, 21. Clarence Holden. Shéhovgan Faits, Wis.. 22; Eunice Ra.makar. came, 20. James J. Malien, Chicago, 21;NMac- gara-h Woods, siane. 26. Wm. Sceese, Chicago, 21; Agae AUTOS SIIOULD STOP AT AIL CROSSINEiS The following appeared lu the El. c tric Railway Journal of Octoliar 5: At the recant meeting oi the Na- tional Safety council held ln St. Louis, H. B. Adamis, safety engiuee.r Au- rora, Elgin & Chicago rm.lroad. cep. rescnted the lIllinois El.-ctrlc llallway association. Mr. Adamis pcaeetedI the draft of a bill rs-quirlng autrima. biles to coma ho a full stop befor.- a grade croslng and sucaeeded in bas. lng thi.- adopted by the electrie rail- way section.thie qteam rallroad sec- tion and the public aafc-ty section. and referred ho the axecutive commltt'eo f or its approval. P, 1 . 14

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