CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 8

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L-TREvR!YVMIN IXEE N. TMO MAY, -OCT. 24, 1918 -- - --- ~ ~----- ---- - -- --- I yrea w'id Vieilntl< MNr. Lthrop lo vitftng relatives in lMr. sud Mrs. Wm. i)unn returmed on Vaukesba. Thurtoday froin au extend d vit witb tirs. Locke, of Wankegan, le spending relatives in the vicnlîy o a laesburg. a lw ds with M"r. Mers. lMr. and âtrs. <rreii andl irendo from Mir@. John Bodge and dsugbter@,, Irving Park, caiied on relatives lu tâté Barriet and Ruth, @petit Wednesday In neight.orhood Thur@dai.- Lîbortyvilie. Mir. acI Johlu îRamcb attended Word bas been received that Claude the. funerai of 1ùir lo îter.în.îaw in Knlgge and Ferdinand Tegrneyer have Milwauke*e last week. arrlved sfely over seue. essWlinâiFrkVcey A number of rilatives and frienris of Msr.P lim i rn ikr tre. Anna Latbrop motored ftm au- "àitored to Chicao, - aday tu ses littie Illmb, ad peit undywîth ber. (i.-arge. He i@s eut settieg aiong su very William Browder. who bas been tak trIlalnd s llud Dr..M erntVieycas me img a technical tralinit lu Chicago, was taudnre i.FakVceycm *ent o soins station In the soutb fasît Utvî'iitbenî and went back Monday. week. Woîi-l vas receved hers Iast week of Born to Bec. and gire. powell. of the d. a i of Mr@. Charite Kirtoger at Çvaneton), a daugbtor on Frldcys, tht. Evans iii. She leaves thres ail lSth. The Powell tamily make their chiidret. with na ans to cars for thein. Ihome ln Apea last @animer. She llced fiers for a short tims about lire. Earl Bitta wa@stalien to the Laboetoer yeaIrs ag Couaty Bospîtal Friday and on Satur- Fred Grabbe waa a Chicago vistor day mornlng she tenderwent an-apera- reentl. tion for appendicitis. Ber condition Is Mr. and Mir@ D. 8,. Doiph motored to etili crtical but she le Improvng as rap- Chcago Wednesday. îdly as could be expected. MieHelen Harding of Area, was the J. L. Blugesot Great Lattes, speut the gebo ieEm rbe audy week-end with F. M. klardlng and tata. o!MsEma(rbeStud. tly. MIr. Bridges baving jtst returned Bdii§me Mary and Agnes Payne were froin a tirty day frlongh at hle bomne, Area visitors. entlrely eesaped the influenza ePldemic RM NTCN E et the station. R O EM , Mises Helen Litchfield, of Waukegan, expecte t.. leace about Nov. 1 for Wamb Will Hiruelmus of Round Lake, inotar- legtnn, D).. wbere ée hma accepted a ed tbraugli Freinant, Manday. governuot position. Mise Ltchtild le J. Il. Jensen ai Libertyvilie, was a a cousin of MisésBes li-Bridp, oi Arsa, business î&aller bers ict Saturday. and has nany friende le thip coîurnunity, Ni.r. acd lire. George Frederleke and &IL of whain wish ber success in ber new latter@ brother, Bernie ced Barney pôsi Lion. Amnn and faniliy, wbo have been 111 I- - j Ewitb panleb Inflinza bave al recovered i nieli- 8o far these Swo familles bave Frank Lanphier ai Chcgo, @)ent the ,bt.en tlite oniy victime ot the dîsease le week-end ai the. Ku.bker hoine. Freiant and hupem are. exteeded tbat MIrs. t.rL auàsai-s@peut SaturdnS li'iîî,,t will neyer bices a seige oi the «ed Suuda..etWai li.dti, e 1dise.e Mis Eiona irche isvî-ted ~Iré Ziegler >i'rvies were h.Id as uoiai at st. and lire. ni.tîe t i,.ihst cat ii . hurcb Sunday Monarnlng but 8he wae ne tii.- ut aiftirnuslake ced ni. er the new raies whieii ilîit ail sor- Are& lriebds wlîl- cwîî', Thies haul opt.ied IMaitdcy anîd M Betha Kupliser beWinu tiers lu the Btterfleid ditrt on the saine dci lire. Rarl Ratta was takien ta the General ba..pital Frlday and atîercted on for appendicitie Saturday. Sbe passed through the operathon sucemsinliy aud it le bolptd by ail hait everything will b. favorable and tste may salît »ecuver. LAKE COUNTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Iunproved Farma 10 to 1,000 Acres Favorable Terma Of Payment These Fanns Within 50 Mmles Of Chicago Greatest Produce Market la The World PROPERTY IN TOWN 0OF AREA (Subub etOhicaen FOR SALE Modern Houses Vacant Lots Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision SmaIl Tracts For Truck Gardeners Poultry and Sm!lll Fruit ARÉA HAS Water Works Sewer System Cea., Electricity Electric Railroad Soo Railroad Beit Line Connections Beautiful Lake Constituting Popular Sumrner Resort Arels In The Market For ANéumber of Industries. Addrema F. M. HARDING, AREA ILLINOIS. vice@ to forty-five minutes. Asna case developed St. Mary'oeooi aix cLgain iast lioeday, Ottober l4tb boing iooed for a week. Mir. and lMr@. Fred Wagner eterta company fron Libertyvilie over Sui Sueday guestes t the Wllow1 were: George Hironimni, 1Mr. and Jos. Hironîmes, Idre. Frànk itai andetbidren, Frank Henkel and mi Ies Helen and Mise Irons tHertel. PRAZa VIEW J. Dolieninaier and famiiy @peut day at the F. Mitchell home. Rtussell Gliman le witte hi@ gr parentsetaIWbeeing for the present. Mir. and Mre.' A. C. Richarde Norsbtield vietore tat Friday. William Knedier and Esil Eddy vi two daye lait week at Mnneapolis. Mir. and ire. 1R. Lyoae saitn week-end et ber home. Ut. and idre. Pedeise rstnrned1 unmdal, accompanled hy ber par lit. and Idie. A. C. Richards. ldie. Eddy, St.. le -vsitleg ber som famlly., F . MItchell bas rented ie farmtu Klest and will inn.tuo Area ln the future. -L. W. Hutchînges ad iamily Genview vsitore Sunday, thegues bis parent@, W. Butchiege. The Vernon csintery association eteet wth li. Lena Bolet, <Jtoti The Hall Day sebool bas d eou two weeke. Mises Grogl mmd lilas cock are @peuding thie vacation at respeetîve homes. idre. Ainu and son HennIe, oen day lait week witb Grcndpa and Gi Lelcbtenberg at Palatins. Arthur Hall bas added eome nota to hi@ wlnter dlry. lit. and lir. J. E. liurray of Park, rnotored nut to the R. D. home and @pettc couple of daym week. &Il o! the Inlunza patiente fa negbborbood are weIl on the roi recovery. lire. William Dedks and daughte of Lbertyvilie, vsliled ber parents aed Mts. rts lest week. lir. and idre. B. A. Ieuneon and i ,te; aif Waukegae, spent Sunniay tIr. and Mire. Pbllip Aines. The chooi opened Monday al Wek'e vacation. The. tiliner Red Cross bad a inîereetliitg meetng et the roome 17taud ai quite a IlStie wnrk wae out. Ed Jaotes lies purcbased s shredder and wilii hie tractar e1 no w vc 11lrquippi-.for work. 1 Th. Wie 7" club meît wllb Idiot Bail an isaturday, (ct. ii, inebht ber birthday. The clui, lroeten witb a sterling isucer efilitîas asre brance. Election aifîilicers c maue kature of tihett..riaî reeeulted as faiiawe: Mimes let preident; Mliss Alfa Hall, vise pree Ies Cora Jones, secretary; aet Elele Mille, treasurer. lire. Amie lire. Merwle, dlrectresié new eed Somebody'sý Doflars WiII Do It- i Wonder Uf They'I Be Yours B, BruceBurton * JWILL tell you what will happen smre jnlght tht, winter in France. Some night when its cold and dark. There will be a rustling through the front line trench, where our boys stand guard. And a. heavy ladened t6Secretary will make hie way along. In his bands wlll be great steaming pots:i hie pocket chocolate and ciga-, rettes. .Frôoe na to another be will go, pasai a cup full- of bot coffee te hands that tremble with the cold; bringing the comtort of a bit of sweet and a amoke. 1 Men will hall hlm, cheerily,'olapping him on the back; and whenhe has gonel because he bas- passed that way. Hew much will it coeette make that trip, de yen suppose? Counting the pittance that'the Secretary las paid, and the ceat of the chocolats and the ciga- rettes and ail? Five dollars? Twenty-five dollars? I do net know. But whether It t, five dollars or twenty-five, I'd like to think that it is my five or twenty-Çrtcs--wouldn't you? That smre-night when it'B cold and Ions- smre, my meney and yours migbt send a Secretary out along that front inetrench. Let's make up our niinds that ws are going to pay for a score of those trips. 4& score of the nigbts this winter shall ho our nigbts -nigbts when the boys greet joy- ously the chocolate and cigarettes that our monsy provlded; and are happier Sbecause our representative bas passed. Pl( fi El ge fa] ye Ch fat ol Ev by yr oi ba i W UCO DAprofit ai $1281.02 foi theti rst @@von C îaiedJ weeke, while under the het-iver l g uday. Bie lete Murray Wns liante aven showed c dttieit. The c-îmnittee bas P tarin Sueday. been doieg tie work, but tbey muetL tIMre. Mr. and Mre. J. N. Ziiempneeîd Bise t aiese $30,000 ta complets t bo purchalese l ultous Sarah (iear3 oi Long (irait.. pent Sun- 0f the road by Novembeir lut if Wcu.M ister, day ctthelomre o! Mr. ced lire tHenry conda le ta retele the ralmroed. sl Geary SE________- L Mr. and Mir@. Jas. Toeiisky and dcugh. LA"E ZMCRIf ter of Cm> stai Lake, vlited at the bolne - otflit, and lire C, h. Pratt, Sunfiay. Miss Gerîrude ite epeut a few dayi 8un- Misl@ Helen Murphy, Who attends liiiChic-cgven at week. t eonI aI s Lak.eView wae bameSaterdcy lir. cnd lire. F. Bise retureed from nt grnd- and Sunday. Turîls Lake, Wi., imt week. r Dr. and lire. L. E.Golding aed Bise Anna Frank camue homeSahurday 2 were dauzi-r o! Llbettyvilie, visited at the ta attend the fenereàl ni ber cent. P bonms of lit. and lirs. Henry Golding, RoBe. aed tirs. E. Biuei. E. Frank aed ci ited Sunday. Mrli. and lir. H. (3. Ililinan atseded liMre. D. H. Murphy returned borné the fuersailani Bey. Bummiel at Long t thé Baturday cflter s wsekls viit Ji Little O rav, lait Tborsday. Rock, astbhebonté ni lre. Ailes@licCabe. Chas. Sebola and iamlly motored ont home Mies& Grace tIurphy and friend 0f Sunday tu viil Mre. F. trente, Chcago, aenet Sunday hore. Sboita, lit. Harbian of licHeury, was a husit tIr. aed lire. Uowntoe motored ont LI )n and essf caliér In Waeconda, Friday. from Chicago lait week Tueseday ad Mlre Frank liurray ofTitsb, OkIa.. he epeet tbe day ait thelr cottage bers. to lit. leItlDg Mat thé bomne 0i ber anotber, lire. Dr. Shewrer wasinir towe ast week. near Anna Hudson. Fred Bise le on the sick flot. - Mur. Baminond entertmned cnmpany The Fourth Liberty boan drive eduit were froni Chcago oaver Banday. .atnrday evenm. Ela f alsdtu corne estf E. H. Dabmes wai a Chicago vietor up to Ite quota of $57,25i0 lacklng lionday. about $15.000. ln wîîl E. B. Dabine was a Chicago vister The remalue 0f lite. George Bradké, ber li oeday. formerly lilas Jeanle Seip, wsre hrought eSd for Jli. 8. Hasa returnsd iroDi Phila- tiers Bundmy mornlng for hurli lire. Wood. dephie, Frlday evelng. Ail are pleased Bradké died o! penonola foliowîng an ttheir to keow that ho loft hie son, Paul on ths attack of Influenza. road to técovery. - Mrlit.and lire. Win*Priée of licHeury, D UPU vtited Wauconda friende Sunday. . -- - - Born, 1 lit. aed lire. David Potter, a Frank Bielmebi of Chicago, vileted hie ?nt one daughter, Bnay, Ocohet la brothers Thntedal. andna lit. and litse. E. J. Cook moved ko Ed igieson bas heen tranierred In theirborne on Maie etreet, laut Thure- Camp Crane, Aliétowm, Ps. v cowe day. Meedamies Bert Etutne, Ira Gardeet, R. D. Hudeon, Who attends echool letR. M. Vant sud Mises Leaurs, Mlihke ft Oak fit.MrY'si, Kan@"a Cty, le 111 ab hie ced Suses aston were the guesté utflit. .Cook bomes bers, of Intinseza. snd lits. F. Helinsetb 01 Ravenewotd, ye laiit Dan Meyt loft i lyfer Raligh, autirly North Outoina, where be enflltindtle IMrli. and lits. Rd Blegbmnt cre thé ln tbis . S. Tank Corps. This le thethird son proud parente o! a baby boy, boirelast oad to of lit. and lire. P. W. MIeyer ho joie tht. Tuesday. services, Charleseand John beimg amartir ehool opened Wednesday with S. P. trs of the tiret te go ovsrseas. Neleon ID PriicIpaàlBof nesotersa place. te, Mrt. George Alman viee friende ltu.'Ars, Grandtes Brand, Who bas been visiting Sunday. ber daughtsr, lire. Henry Weeilng, daaagh. E. L. Harrison @pnt a iew daye brs durimg theltinentaepidemi(i.nHighland Y wltb thîs week. Park, returned bomoe Tueedcy. EarI Brougbtnn, Who le workieg et Ezra Frtl t lEvtrett, bas tarted aflter a Kenosha @peut. Bueday at home witb ie buýildinghIe new borne on Hazel Ave. parents.lire. Mtab Komper Htth. Who e very Mise Allie Pools, Wbo bas been 111 fur iormnerly llved lu boortield. di.d at ber 's, et <icl@epasi week lentucb improvgd. homn le îago,debterday o! pueemoaiha igiver lMr. ced lire. H. J. Scbaffet and son of faluwieg influenza. She was blurl,,d le I BcHenry, violted Waucondc relatives Nartbtiefd csmetery. $he hs serviceS by a cote Sunday. ber buehsand ced ive cid tee. igus i, Ray Fishber returned tà Wauooedc, ES Blielei, Whba is beeît calhnmd Itô Sturday aller weýend1ng the eninier the bouses wltbinfluenza fuoattrne ij lue Alfa mouille the we#t. lowly Irnprovlng. - imot o! ý Privais Vit tr Carr leIorne on a short lit. and lire. F.&llskmae, Mesdames tedl ber iurlough. H. Segert, F. C. iedratadb aedl F.! remesn. lire. Bd Woîaver. Who bas been very Elore0ilerghr attendeS the tueraai f t eir: as the IlIn an Egn boptl le muchimproved. uni-le. John Hathoif fQi Sbserlerville,iî leD. Il P. W. Meî,r went 10 arriegtan lianday. ,Cook, wbere lie boa accepted prnploymeet chf tMr. aed lire. C. K. Orsbturn f IV, *r î-ldent; the arrîngton Flour & FleillII. Foreomt, are vieting at -orge susit ge'.: id lila$ The ralroad under thé ne w manage- Ilots tIatîs Horeûbi.tItrr eptit tIi,. eu and mentis ehowîng iarked'Improvernent. 1jWeek-enilIt.Delevan, Wls.,,%tu. 4i. c..d A siaterenee t ulued sbowe a net; lire. Rd 4 alerinan. Etberldge Moderow, who formerly ved ýn Evanston, having been '..- 1 loyed on the breakwater ced aai for the North Shore & Milwaukee ilectric ralwcy, bas been appoint d eed yerdmaster for the Southeru g Pacifie reiiroad company le Los An- geles. is father, Adoîf NModerow, la a trmer living near Waukegae. Young Moderow went to Los Angeles tbree i Ears ego, enlering the cinploy of te railway cornpany as a brakeman. -Evanston News-Index. AUCTION SALE. Tburmday, t>ctoiier 31, -ut 10> c. m. brfet Petereon bcvlug decided ta (luit tring wihI oeii at public cuction on tbeî id Hsrtness Farin on Lieoin Ave., one tile eoitb ni Deertiv-id, 3 miles sauth ai Everfdt: 21 Hlead a! Cattle-3 ifri-ehwitlîcalcee hy their side, 10 slîrieigor@, balance il I ers. fi Hor.çeo-teant dark baye. 8 ced 12 tes , wt. 29040 Il)s., teaîin black raclIl tat-bcd, 3 irs; lier drlrltîg lîîrme. M re ld; sjorrel driving hîirse, -,yeer ald Bcay ced Corn-11 ttîîîtiîitîirliv bey aled, 430 chai-be bh iarn. Farn Tois:-lnerncatoec iîî ols I H. Ch ay press, self feed; I. H. C. 12-h. p. Ra@englue, I. H. C. Kevetanie 12 diek pulverizer. 1. HB C. iatture epreader, L . C. bay tedder. badger seeder. sud and etubbie plows. shovel îîlow, 2 Nepw 41 commick mawers., 1 eew; 2 tarn planter@ 1 new, 2sectiîîn harrow; 3-! sction sprlng tbath barrmnw lcCormlek graie binder, lisering corn binder. water rougb, bore raite Keyetons bay Ipader, 2sulky cultîvialorei. patato digger, 3inch ire wagon, capacity 5 ton@, good ail sew; Iron-wbeei wagon, 3 eew bey ack@, 2 8.incb Bain wagon. land toier, 2-yd. self dnmp box, 10 aillât cane, ,eiik palle and straîner, Cable stacklng oufffit contpiste. set teamlog harnees, eeariy new; doubil eqrrey barnes«. Terme:-Under $10, cash; over $10 .5 monthe credit at 6% intereat. - Christ Peterbon, Proprietor. John J. Wlck, Auctioneer. J. A. Scbmluke, Clark. iasseLausen cd Mariu lbyer vwt. ed relatives la Wbelmg the lais 01 the week. lire.Aug.Muellet ofShurmarvUlle, @peut TuMeay vith lire. Chas. Elietinejer. UmaJoae Woodiàaa spept eoreral days lut week wlth ber leler, lire.W. H. Kelat, of WuIrette. lire. AliselEnder loft Tnseday te @pend soins tlIae ,ieltIng relatives le Buffalo, N. Y. Uir. and Mlireoerge Pettls, liri. Rd Jobnson sud ir. and Uli. W arren Pettie &peet Snnday wl tb relatives le Elgin. lire. Adamss and Lois retuned homne Sueday, bavîeg spent the week. with ber danghter, lire. Fred Klmbark of Ravene. Wood. lire.Bort Eaoton and chUdren and Mise Margaret Vedder were the guets oi lits F. Meyer oi Crystal Lake, Sue. day. J. A. Stryker snd iaaehly were the guests of lire. C. Stryker of Wheehiiig, Sunday. FORMER LOAL MAN 6ETS 600D. POSITION 'I 'T'EBEare iwo (2) kinds of insurance. 'Doth are *good tüi death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is, a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the othier goes to the bact Both kinds are O. Ke tii you have to make dem an d for money. One retires, the other gôes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you1 from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind' is the kiud to bflye Yo ur Là*e Insurance should nào be negiected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong- kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better- than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, fIlLNOIS .; mmm 4ph MURS "Poeson Farm,' là miles north of Lake Zurich and 4J miles south of Wauconda, near the Bennett school boue on the Lake Zurich and Wauconda road, sale commencing at 10 o'clock a. mi. sharp on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 309 1918, 28 Head of Catieeoms§lïtiîg ni 22 ouve. eew anlikers and eprîngere, soie witb cmlves i aide; ,tbroe 2-yssir-old belfers, two yearling boitera and a 2-ysar.old stock (inernssy bull. A choie dalry bord. 6 Head of Horsesl: Cheetnut golding. il yeare oid; bay gelding, Il ee old' blaek mae, 10 yeare nId; gray mare. 7 years old, le 10sf; a tine pair o! Beilian Ii.year.old coit@, broke ta work. A choice span. Pigs, Grain, Implements, Etc.: Pour ptsgs. 700 @bockseoai oboleripe corn, 800 bomsheis ai oate, Ires froan foui meodo; Keyetone bay loader, two soes oi draga, Deerlng corn bînder, walkinit piow. sulky piow, twîî walklmg cultivators, tbres riding cuitîvatore, lunther wagon, mlk wagon, bog waliowing tank, self feeder, two metai boUgtrougbie, pair bobs, vooeblnation bar rack, wagon box, bsîy rau-s, bay teéder. bey rake, gardon seeder, 500,. lb. seaiee, Prairie Ciry seeder, heavy work barn@@@ anidrnany other articles. TERMS: 6 montha time, 6 per cent ntereat* Le j.O KNIGGE, Proprietor' These Pnices WilI Interest You and Save You Mon"y by Trading ait LANB' Cg-SH GNOUSR! 10MRKI FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY, Bre4fast Bacon strips, per lb ..........48c Regular sugar cured Hams perIL.........3 7c Pinic Hams, .sugar cured, per lb ...........2 7c Best Pot Roatit Beef, per lb ................... 22c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb................. 30C Pork Roast, lean, per lb .......... ........... 32C Toilet Paper, 6 roils for......................2Uc, Armour' Oats, large package.................. 28C Corn Flakes, 2 package...................... 25C Dutch Cleanser, 3ý cana for 28c, and 1 bar Toilet Soap FREE Prunes, large, 2 lbs. for....................... 25c Fancy large Apricots, per lb...................I1 8c 5 Iba. AIl Good Oleo .............51.78 'PiIlsbury's Best -Flour, 244-lb. sack ........ 1.55 Potatoes. Irish, per bushel ............... 1.!55 3 ibm. Manor House Coffee ................... 95c Seeded Raisins, package...................... 12c Grape Fruit, fancy, each,. ... .................I Oc Will Pay 50 Cents a Dozen for Eggs Plenty of Celery and Cranberries. We Will Buy AUl Your Poultry W. will deliver in LUbertyville on Momdays. Wedmeeslays andI Saturdays. Phase your order in the.aorfaem Pea-ches for Canning. GEO. M. LANE, PrQP. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINOIS a .1 l

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