CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 6

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tw~P~uauTr T,0M.~4~.ilII&t __________________________ nevor used in Chîcago. The conclu- that wben lie remonstrated bis wife co u t y Sa e IT ED. Waukegan Man Makes Sensa- l1IOFILLI ~ tional Statemient, tiot Fîrst ~EIN AIN ERE f Kind Whicli Arouse§ùIn- tercst of Hearer-5 (»IPLAINTS ASSERT Tp.irin ae otpýhz ians arý otlt 1 îcof their owf \lAsO4d that Many Grocers arcord. 1 te siatetrnnt ma,,, Are Gouging Unfair Prof - 1îoîay îiy Gu: It in b Pcaiîing bt it from Patrons a pliicïan lieHa ssald LIE')nd il officiai publication of AT H FO00 SCHEDUI.le ý.jjtune i n VîiC infammatiGn,l j-, v> ih nacd tisaI press re- Customers Can Protect Themn- pott iii. isar wici state that selves'by Reporting Chargi- 1 , 'an are being forced baek-1 es Over Schedule ward jr" tnrcllable. esTbe~ phy .iian ln question vas Dr. luclf', aftor repeaf- That petty'peft1rî. c 4i t, altat i)eic¶<e had said, addled tisat *rougb , carelessness in keeping ii(iii i in lise presence of Chiet tme h vitis the food scisedule, or wivtil I ,l oce Tyrreil and Offcer Salmon -'a deliborate intention 10 go < D.Racifec auld 'Dtl tuktirproit ron tetreusom(grs, - 1eint welit fartier-he iald ht Its inpractlced bY a number of WauCoernials, would elect the kalFer thé r *u*m agrocers te the polrsitent reiriri esdtl cetsrvntoa .clng te the Sun and alsoto f10 tit ' repubi." tiess hy ett ý'1aqnkeg.n food. administration. Recently vhrn the allies wcrc JOMssypecific Instances are quoted sniasiing the Germans, Delckc re- r at there appears teb lto ha Tu111emri'dta the edltor of thse -un- 'ý»b but that the complainte' are- "Tisey have thse dameed kaiser on the on actual tacts. mun, ail right," and, jut thon be vaa 'White the food administration has wakngoIoacrti store, but gxed the price of potatoe ai :!' îqf.-re.tise remark Intquestion bad *mots par peck it ta cisargedt hat a ee-iîoed a*ay, lie qlckly added vitis aumboroe cr r echrrer n1 ose fervor:'137T, theyll neyer irm40 te 45 cets per pck-whiie take Metz." (Tt was jist at tisat turne Il cents per pound la thse maximum tlec Âmericans verestsarting toward polceallowed for granolnted suigar, fi Metz). la asgrted tisat 12 cents ts being _________ 4bazged by a number of grocers. l1hesee areonly a ev of!theIselcmn BU I L ta vbich the prices range hlgber 49B R A SIN' t:. ~e SbSUI' lorrbaf~ OÂKWOOI> IN OCT. be tiir articles of foodl on vhlch «Wbr profita are belng madqý Gofeuaon thse extreme sçith aide, Waulcegafl, Oct. 3n m,, 4cia1ly those wo oalarge cred- fRecords on file In the office of tise FIt busineus, are sald ta be tise worst sextan 0f Oakvaod cemetemy show aftouders, and cistomerB do flt coin- that 4ff victims of Influenza and pneu- ~ l in.h aid. because tbiey are be- manla 'weem bumied in that cemetery 'a are long on tise books, e- during the month of October alone. vin tensve credýt. TubI does not Include the number ToWuean food administrationl bnried ln St. MamY's, Pins Vev, 3 ýi modea mber or attempta ta Moant Olivet or the North Shore taa ptve evidence agaînst cemeteries. Undertaliers have made tàWm offendera. but have heen unsanc. the assertion that they ae four c4S5ft up ta tise present Urne menhaho hafi on theb regular or nor. an inabtlilty ta get ctizeni mal doatls rate. forntiward and present the Food Admnitrator John S. Clork Members or tho food administration bai been called ta Wisconsin by tise .t tat they should get closer Melns o! hie vite snd son, bath of êeqpmtion on thse part of lhe pub.- whom are 111 o! Influenha. It la re- Wtb mach eo-opratian It vould portei tisat lir. ClarkVa condition la ýi4 posible, they assert, te brlng quit. serions. lira. Clark and'son àaMoe.fehoe, auch ne hat were visiting relatives la Wisconisin tbM domelna mre other cdUos. whoa they ver. triokeis. ea~ Bell &N System AN'APPEAL TO"- TELEPHONE SUlISCRIBERS Our already reduced force of operators, throsugh War Condi- dons, is further depleted by the prevailing Influenza. Therefore Possible In Your Use of STHE TELEPHONE O)mitting AUl Unnecessary Calis CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPFANY 'IsedomeID.IHursl, President. W. B.Smith> Vrýk F. W: Ch-urchill, Secroiary and Manageý TELEPHONE 81 P5ECLJRITY TITLE & TRUST Ce ABSTRACTS40F TITLE TITLES GUARAN'-D Capital $125.000.00ý WAKEGAN - - îA , - t , .1 wsf ELECTED IIEAD 0f JI1 OSPITAL ASS'N1 Miss Emma Shumway Who HeId Office Over a Decade, Resigned Month Ago , ILL HEALTH IS THE CAUSE Annual Reports to be Present- ed at the Meeting to be HeId NextTuesday Waukegan. Nov. 5. Tise Jatte MaAlbster Hi'plial Assan ciciion held ils annual meeting andl eleclion of officcrsaiathtie Nurses Home today. Tise !ollowlng officers vere elected: President-Judge Edwards. Vice president-Mrs. C. F. Fiacit- mer, Secretary-Mrs. J. P. Hîtîl. Treaatrer-Mrs. P. L. Persons. tvetSmrWho myes onu May oet .Corp. Uirieksap- enlisted front Mari- nette, Wis, bis former home and went abroad vith tise Wlscoiiln reg- Iment. it vas About ibree yeams'ago that ho left Waukegan ta return te bis aid, home ln Marineite. Prier ho loaving Waukegao, Erick- son bad been employed in thse vire aarlta and aalôfuor a hort timp'ac a shole shop on lise south aide. Tisree monthes ago hi s relatives re- ceived word tisaI ho was misaing In action ansd nalurally 8ince that lime lias been vormled and vndeýrina Ise had rehurned te bis forces lnels meanlime. Tisey vere expectinah work every day and thé linal message today naturally proved a sisock tri tisem because they Lad heped that hé would turn up again all riglt. Comp. Erickson waa 27 yc-ara aId aed single. NIITliER CÀRUD FOR OTIIER EXCEPTZ INfi FOR FINANCES B ride Admits She Wants Hus- band's Earnings. He Wants Her Relatives HeIp IN CASE ME IS INJURED Directors-Mrs. H. C. Burnett, Mrs. Most Unusual Admissions Ever oeorze Carbart. Bev. 1.E. antr Made at Court House Mar J.gam W avl d m.JJ. 'utI Preliminary Steps Jrrdge C'. C. ffdwardti wio waa d eec- . ted prAsidant o!flise aSsoIa!ion lakesý Many uîîusual weîltin9,a take .place lise office visicis bas iteen fllepd In a le Waukegan and ss'fie flic ona dc- Imoi'l efficient nanner by Misa Emli taiied ln anctiser colurin perisaps la Shumvsy for strer n decade,. filone o! tise mostl fniresting anid out healis caused Misa qSiunvay 10 test- Of tise ordinary, anoîter iook place dem hemresffignation a montS age cand 1Wednesday even1nrng wielurima le since that lime Mrs. Blackmner, llîo . econd Place btiste onte witeme a cou- ber duties. attem'pts. At th, .,meeting tayIt wasa dpeiii- A couple came 10 Wauik'e:n Wcd. ed l,,make several changes In Ile by-Iavs. Tise annual reports vîlI ho presented and read at tise meeting, from Elgin, tise bide from ilal tee. and befome tlie knot irs lied, 111V' next Tuesda;y mamnIng. fact came eut iisýt " a';î narmy- Ing tise other l'or wisat cite or "le wa- >I5IIAI te geut oft o hle tite siapa o!flucea- ST L CAR FROX lail prospects and neilier vas back- yard le admiltin ihaaf '-o far as love IN FRONT 0F THE -' wtnrthe oratovr ACADEMqY TIiEATI3R pikr, age 36,ofEriflth ise i' naine was Lo i luckling of! Machine Belonging to lullus w"'î; e th ie couirt houas lI"V Knox of MoAree Road, Is in te evesier andI sPcureri a marris,.-£ Found This Morning iicense. lit vas viîle tise prolîmtir amy slepa vers being tak-en for tise IS ABANDONES BY THIEF ccremony tisat tise bride confidential - - iy old lise clerk tisnl se waeled le Rear Wheel Broken and En. marry Stîler nt iecause aise carèd gifle Out of Commission; anytitu for hlm, but iseuFle hb" Taken by ioyriders, Belief vas sarnler $12 a day aed aise vaut- sd ta gel advantage o! sucis a muni Waukoaan, Nov. ficent Baiary." Wisee Jullus Knox of! McAree roari Sut acerdîn osto developiuents, thîe vent ho tise Acadeany theater Mopday bride 1isad nothisng an'"lise groom for nigih ie le! hlitsaFard car standing lnn vhlio aise as talilng te Clerk }ten- front. At 10: 45 p. m. visen 11e loft dee. tise groom hiiself vas confidig tise theater tise car vas gene,.lRe me-ln Justice Farmer. Ne tld tise ju"- parted tise mather ta thse police but lc tics at the. bride vas a cousin o! no trace of the car vas found ai tisai Harley-David«on, motorcycle mag- lime, cale and as ise, the groom "had en- Wisen Policeman Patrick Salmn lisai!d and vas going te France, hie eacised tise police station Ibis mamn- tisougis I t vas a fine thlng ta marrY Ieg ho reperted isaving seen au ber, for b!flie vere injurod virile do- abandonefi Fard standing ln thse ina service tisat vise hs came bak 4if*1 on Glen Rock avenue. Thse num- ta Amierica ho vejuid have a aoft be r corresponded viti tisaI given by snap. for, Harley uavbdIon, a nan o! Knox. Investigation ahaved il vas extreme weslts vould moat natumal- tise 510e car and tise Knox fanly ly lok after bis cousin's hushand." were notified o! the fact. But despite theo apparent disinter- It vas feund that ans o! the rosi' est maifested by eacis Party lanfise tires vas but af commission and di!- ceremony, justtC0 Fermer vent ficulty vas ýenrountered ln starting asesd vuitIL.Tise lenot vas lied the engins.Sit vas nt keave visetis- and tise couple vent an tiseir wai' or the engibeslibcdbec brIe or "rejoiring.' Tise question la "how vseliser lise machins vas out o! gas. long viiltisey mjlce?" Tise polbie arc Icclined fa belleve tisai joy ridera; toe'a the car andl drove l uctîl 1h braire down afler vicis E O D i fhey abanoonril Itbeauds tiserod, Thora la% ne clew as; yet te tise part. ditINH~K A tes vbo took tise car. aa ,ÂaeAu58 ' FNL.ISTFD FR(IM MARINETTI EIOBIT, IS DEAD Wfar Dep%ýrtvM#?nt Notifies Rej- \Waukegan NM an Receives atives of Former Waukegan Shock as Word Cornes is Man That He's Dead Large Famnily 18 Motherless Ml' orîwi. i)w d1dinitfenliaI froc Mlwauktee, Nov. 4L-Mrs. Mary NVaitibet-a'îi e wtt' rc -hdred s Wau- Trapp, il, yni- olul, motter oa! 51211 I egali n.i, a' t -. s wit Ifrie lhoisadishldr,,n. wtt qfourd dead l n hem honteP fr- -.-'e '-"for- Romept'ears i 1517 Conter street, eariy Ibisi - - ' il ',e besnow mirmniist. >cmrdng ta tise coroner, i"~r- oie .nn n-ir -sIl iso! gen-fise vociae's fuarh«d le empieyed ln *"-tl r.t- - naiiiîae;an to kcow Wsukegan seul bis lait visit ta Mil- 'bal Camp. '-i omit-g.' Fiek"lonvas n-su'teo Ises is tanilY vas On i lid ins-' lc'r'ri'e n iSpieo od'y. Tb- C , . hi .ii -t ta 'rpeunter, vterais en-l "'a '. in'il b".'Vis ,cia ce-r on t.' Nortbvet-ri, brougisl e 'n n "'i ai i- rea!ao '-f a ini' it>'TisîwdaY froin 1,iirmf ." 'c 1rl'Cto 'n",2 11e W -Tise. ns hIfbackpçd f '-i"' " '"àa" i'~e o! out Ifîtî te trda, hoe vas foitd deaad C rtie "'- ... i"-t s fal ' ' . t."otie (arpenter ilved l1n ta- 50- -." e P- In 1, it is frpnian, Clar- r' " ' ""'f ln o' - -'i m ylr ' NortIs r inmg ave.. tii'iand t't':' -r "-i w in as iiieao "tirnt no response 1te a t, ýiand tî'"Irirg tisaItislco -t? 1'- " ' î'n, b a.iing ieyondlils ries- fil'st'i f tise engineer ccil jÀ.1a.oo XK1FMMOtNK OF WAR POSITIONS Government, Report Shows Waukegan Placed More than larger Cities DISTRICT 15 . SMALL Stellar Work Redounds to the Credit of Director; Good Reportfor October Tise city o! War.kegan ranka biais vils other cities in tise Stale o! Illi- nois In tise malter o! placing men and vomen b eéssenttiAl Occupations. AI- lhough ihe' local district lisoes o tise smalesl In lie state. compriaicg L.ake couni! lone wvile some c! tise otiser districts take le sevemal coun- tes, tise record made hy the local district is a niost grati!ybng one. In ed ie essantial vork heme than vas done in a numiser o! far larger cities and districts bnfise state. Ths'wiii hi' shnwn l'y the fi'otw- tng fIguri's f, ý qpf"mrni 1- a lu - notinced isy tbp - ment slhuiwiil4 the lofai number of mten ;. A vu!!.. ln cacis commîînily îtiaced lin wur work< Elgin-111. Galesbntrg 12. Centralia-37. Alton-46r,. Aurtîra 32-.. liloomngion-2119 Cairo-18f7. tIecatur-262. East St. Louis-9i:3. Ji f(d58n1. Ulaalle-625. Sladison-54. Pcoria-l f093. Qubecy-302. Rock !ord-2742. Rock island 1719, Springflerb-490f. Waukegan-239. Duming tise monts of October lis vomI or Citairmap Coulson of ths F'ederal Laisor Community board ha beq-n isandir'apped somevisalhy tii epidemir- o! Spsnish Influenza. 1 spile of that fact a total of 198 Mc and wvouen bave issen placedt] Inet FqenîliR empiovinet. O! Ibis nun hero, 128were men snd 60 wreoni en. GiROOM lIESITATES ON "6UNTIL DEATI! USSIJAIL PART After two "Scraps" ai Hym- enal Altar, the Knot Fin. aIly Firmly TIed DEMAND STRANGE WAIVER Wife Wants Dower's Right Protected, Husband Wants ChiId's NYame Made Clear l'Until doath us do part," suld J- tics Farier., "Hold on tiere a mlnute--I dooIt know about tisai," sald the groom. Thçn, thlnlclng isard for a minute, hi wont on with: "Weil, ali l ght, 1'11 tek* a chance." And tise vedding bellvas ung deve on visat proved ta ho tise most sensational vedding o!'tise lied tisa'1 bas ýever iee n ffnsummated tu Lake county.. Wise you read tise f acta ise-1 lov you viiiagmes lisat sncb vas1 tise case. One jumt lkes It nover hap-1 pwejad hors iefr-and l ielyocee lire Ii nover yull tale place again. Their cames wsro: Johe Hruisy, Chicago, 42. .tar:e Eicis, Chicago, 13. Nov isere are tise sonsational tea-1 tumes leading Up ho Ibis very remarli- able -weddiga,one v3ruae lermination le lime ho corne veulu no douist p-cverst >1Intkerczting proldnga iI would 1w ciranicled. Il vas ln August hta a couple camp. to Justice Farmem's ofice le Wau:c"a'a and mcdo arraegements i-o gel i-rarr-led. Hovi 'ver, they had no s oper arivsd le tise office than Ihey begati ta quai-mol andl, lepi il Up for oser an boum.FiNnaliy Justice Farm-1 er bcd un tell ti"l, tisatit w as a case1 o! golcg ahead htie eeremocy or calling It off. il n-as laie fn tise evenlcg and tisa depuly county clark wvos wsitiiig tise justices clIlco ta Issue tieh- conse as -per thpîr requesi-. When lise Justice insbsted tisat their plans ho decided, tise voman o! a sutîdrlo dashod out a! tise room and don the salar- site went.'rTe wedhug bel]is dIi' fot ring tisai day. Then irtleveioped tisaI on Sept-m-i h em 10 thp -aie" couple guI a liuce.-m le- Chlns i nd e nrndig te dperioé-1 mnts nic \edneanlay hat license vas HlM POI1SON; ASKS DIVORCE DECREE Clyde M. Ballard of Lake Bluff Makes Serious Charges Against is Wife WIFE LIVES IN CHICAGO Says Me Had t0 Leave Mer Iteged Eating of Poisonl Tisat 11is vite, Mrs. Ama-da J. Ballard or Chicago &et dbiaewof rat poison about tise bouse viser ids littlo daugister wosuld be moapaIt t finu tiem, and tishai se sYftomaticallY ted hlm poison until ho became vie- lently 111 and almoat diod, are charg- es made hy Clyde M. Ballard o! Lake Bluff, la a divorce' billfIled in cir-, cuit court aI Wsulogan today by bis counsel, Attorney P. R. Darnses o! Chicago. Ballard charges ln bis bill tisai wiile ho vas conductInga a opeoMo business be rsserved aise e!tishe up- per morine letise bouse te store tb-ý coasd 1 te rtise redontaaway placed sevorci disses o! rat poison about tise mren. Hoeîaa septthue doar locked, ha salul, Pe tbat hiei lit- ils daugister, Ethel isy a fermer Mcr- Mage, vould nol ast near Mt Me retureed homne one day fe fied the door of tise roa. unieckl d bis 11111e daugiter piaylng near th- poison. He sayta ha expcshulait-ad vith bis vite but ln raie. Afior tisaI ho renmored lise poison froin thse mre but scys that :i !ev daya lati eh !ound visera' his vife isnd set dishes cf lise polsour about thei' bouîse. Sbortly arler tatbho asyqtlsd itis vifs serveil mais t him and 1,i- lihîle daugiter on seçi-ale drs"we. Ho hegan te grcw Ili an il eial' condition b iiatorverv eriticai -i' says ise 'arrîrsed i' )r o! try'nf. 1 poison bim and CIst ts atiebsIbl net deey IL. W1hýnen hov.' tilt ii tram lise effecîs of the aile.gid poisonl ifs esys hiq. v'e bai hlm over tise head vls a clurb tedordered hiimte gel U of t habiotsand laYe hi' daugistar vitt in.iî".tl te'1 poison bots o! titi-nif !i r n ittid. Btallard lefL ' Ballardsayttratih,, '1 liqfus ele veme niarrieu a Cit 1tî" ý'I1rago. N',r. 10, 1915. sudtisai it,- 1t; i ";1 ià,.,, 1t beave hem Sert, . 1,17 i 'A Siany occasions, h ise 'I- gai' ut exterrte . J a ' toi hie luie <m dita ' .' ""lî s,-0 iseitibruaand tih ' - e attacked hlm. Thse wife, according to Ballard nov la employed and becaUse 110 ei- pects to enter the army in a short tlme he aslca that lie ho fot roqird t0 psy any alimony. He also ùàks tisat bis wifp be rentrained tfrom MG- lesting hlm or his littie girl. RAY N. -SMITH Ubortyviile, 111. slan vas tisat they muet have bad another fighh aftor getting tise license in Chicago and agaln suddenly cisang- ed their plans for getting mnarrled. Il vas on Wednesday evenlng of this veek that lise couple again campe ta Waukegan. They vent to Justice Farmem'a offce where they presented a Chicago Ilemse and amked hlm to perforretise ceremony. lie recalleet- ed tisaItisey were the saine couple tisaI würe here ln August. The jus- tice expisined tn them Iliat te (look county Ilieese vas not gond in laite ceunty sud accorîiingly l vai nec"- sary to geltihe county, clerk to go bo tise cÔurt bouse, open tise vault, set oui the tearriage license record and Issue tuent anniber licînse. ThIti vas done and tliey wcre rî'ady for tihe ceremony. "Sign Firot" Say Botis. I1- Pesr . 'foreit lie finl 1-vw(oàils vers starled tise bride wtinied lte groom in aigun apalier wui'ing ail of is dî'wer Intrcsts l fisir itroli- erti'. lie iiesiiaiî'ýd andti in ln a minote caYi hart vitii a cjiilter proposition that tlte l'une iglllai pape-r showing that tise baby vbkfhi bcd tcon tioro duire thvir lastt iait ta Waukcgan was realiy bis cbild." Justice Fariner became imPatient. He flnaliy eaid: "if v'îu peopfle want f0 sir-lt pil)iers o! this isid "î,(% i ii bat,' to arrange ihal laier or 'lac abandionîte erettorny now. Shahl w( ,rcel" Afller tliîng for a few minuteis tht'y lbolii i greel f bil îh lui i i',ti i or liii4. he imt t' iedI tise jt 1 ii'çrocecdî d witttilite c'te- mony. "ýWatt!" Demande Groom. Au i e--it aiongnfiùy tuti lite i te th(' word-i w tîcre te iihnlwýto A¶ftî'r ie jutiî e badi 'i i t!îei- word.,tand,. îurlttng bto te groom "toc peal ,alter me." the groolit ln as~ tonisismant and suiden ii"lmilg fPar exclairood: "-Hoid on, 1 dan't know aboot hat!' Tisen hie vas silent foîr a f!ew Mo ments wvile the justice was wondi'r Ing whiat nas going to itappeli nuit Sudîlettly lh, vas reiicvt'd when tis groomnu -uud:"\Veil, al rigbt, we'l talle a chance ai l." ', noix pro cu nice you Tnorla Ilan wit," said thew justice and art-' ;rd*riý tise couPIîle arr joined il ew'dtar le afler manYs' aunutîla atitiîts ti Lahave tise- kot lied. SSAUSWIFE FED Nunserous bouses wired bof ose Eloctricai Appliances r.ached thier present perfection are lackimsi in thsee. hey are 0*ily added te, any inaiiation We do thse wo,-k. It's inexpensive. Public ServieCo of NortbenIMirnois [%I~L[ MRPS 0 -OF- LAKE COUNTY Puhliahed by thse WAUKE,:-AN DMILY SUN at the special low price each Libertyville Independent Farmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and other âmali grain. use h F0 RMALDEI-YDE SeOIT TION 65. . 65CenCIaPint 0. I he, best ariri cheapest Anti-Smnut on the itsar- I>RUCL1~LANUDRU§ CO. The Rexa.) Store Ca' ?!-" ~ncSte. l'ne bt"am' fmi m' iYou.Money IT frequently in inoon- veulent to use a lamp socket as. an attachment for the Vacuum Cloaner, or the Electric Washing Nachind, or Toaster, or Iron, or Disec Stove, or Chatlng Dish, Percolator, Curling Iron. Heating Pad, Utility Motor, Fan or any onqojý!jL2ther Electrical Appliances. The Remndy is to equip the house wlth many Wall and Baseboard Outtets b ,ýýs ;ý !, Mm flo-'a

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