CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 9

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TYVILE INDEPENIYENT [AXE INDy EpIMWENTLake CountY's Pig Weekiy WÂ1fAWM 1rC'LcS U TM'XXVI-NO. 45 PART TWO LIBERTYVILIJE INDEPENDENTNOVEMBER 7,1918. POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVA2NO ~EÀPPI3AL TO sCICL TEACIIRS ~A ipson, CoUnty Supi. of hoIAsks for Observance f iberty Boy Day AYS THAT GIRLS CAN HELP 11be i Has Been Set ked sthe Day on Which Subjets Wili Be Taken Up V. A SIMPaoIN, county supertaen- it of achools of Lýake county. bas et ont letters toarshool teachers 1over the connfty urging 4beir ô&. peration tu putting over Ibo aliieti ar drive. He bas askod tlit tise bebers maý(e an sapecial effort ou *nday, Nov. il, designated as "Vie. Ci Boy" and 'sictory Girl" day ta eanise the scisool chiltiren ta stand ubnd tise solders lu Francs. &gr. Smpsofla letter follown- November 4. 1918. >w thTeachers andthe Ib Ta sand ,Girls. of Lakte Cannty: Iupt. P. . Blair bas demlgnated Wêuday, November 11, as "VictorY' W,-"i and VWcory Grl" daY for I111. de. "ie teachpe s ili iécelve prînteti aterial which vili çxplain tise pur. se cfibis movement. I1ask Ibat Mmut aside a ime dtiring ibat -day bsn yen can 1*1k Iis over glti W pupila: perbaps You ean sfecurs nIe oe eln thse neigbborbond to de de, if iran feel tisaI Il vwIii b. Ibi Itter way. Thse var Isnt yet wan. we muOt it relax our efforts fer a minute, let gexert ail aur powers tisaI vs may milen Ithe lime ahen pence sIdi Me. Thse slogan "A Boy Beind Every piter" eaun be matie ta appeai mngly ta the boys. 1 arn sure. Brlng itthele ia that It Wvii e tiseir 4fflge le grasp IL vOturn"dtsé*l kW* bandi and rsav.11 vowrketiand yod for you 'Over Tisere' visile you- «0e flgting fer me lov-er Tisre'." aks eounty liait fot talien beiav gr quota on a singls var effort, tht' We and girls of Lakes couinty viii t permit Il ta do ls than Its gare for ibis one. 'fours for "An Unconditi'iflal Sur- mder." T. A. SIMPSON~. ftE COMMISSION MMEN OVERCHARGINO ON POTATOES Complainte matie ta thé Waukegan ood administration have causeti subers of the arganization to sacb an investigation ta determisse htber or not local commission mssn are charging Waukegan mer- "tal to00 mucis fnr poftates. It is argeti that thp commission housea te chargng tvice asn Mttt for tise ylaIsses as tisey paid for them. As resait oi the complainte made by rcero that tisey couiti not ssIi po ktoes on sucis a narrow margin Uic »Id administration increaseti the ro- il price two cents per peck. the iv price bheing 40 cents Per peck. mastra potatoes nov bave appearsd thse local mar'oet anti cost mare. lretail price maximum la fixed at enta per peck. UtIle rye or barley fluur nov le gng sold lns Ove pounti sanke so the fine bas been placed an the basis ai Ir anti seven cents per pounti ln mk. The price of rice flour vas re- bed ta Il cents Per Pound. Corn miai vas reduce to bsix cents Per Mmd. Rice vas reduced oaie cent 8r-.ýound, the nov . .ximuni prIce jmug 19 cents. Navy titans aico aie reduced one cent per pound. Tiseprîce ai evaporateti mllk vas wreasei one cent per can. Butter on Increaselti three cents per pounti, .e nev maximum being 67 cents per Mmdt. Thse prices aifreati eggs vas toeaied twe conts per dozen. a >l1ng scale oairtrm59 ta,65 cents 00l dozen beiug eat^bliaised. Thse le of cold storage eggs vas in roffltitt, 58 cents per dazen. U-soe tisaI -somne dealers ver. vrchargIng on lard compoundi, gel- pracllcally as muchi for Jtl as y do for tienl laid cousei the food Ilunitration ta fithe maximum iloe ai 29 cents per,.pourid. lhVLI KNEEL «WORE FOOWi. Amelrd&m, Nov. 6.-Thé oeman TIREI31WÀUKEfkANMEN A001. TO IIONOR ROLL_-OF'TIIE U.Soi Waukegan Army Officer Inf lu- Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. enza Victim Just After Reach- Bower of Madison Street, ing. Shores of France Added f0 Honor Roll NEYER SAW FIGHTING ZONE LEFT HERE LASI APRIL Ambition Was to, Get'int o Ac- Trained at - Camp 'Grant and tion and. Jusiý as Realization Was Member of- he 140TH was Near, Death Came Field Artilleryin France, Éapt. Sam Bradibury, son oi Mr. endi Mrs. SamuhlI Bratibury of Wassb Ington atreet anti a member of lise 49tis coasi artilleri' force la destiln France. Tise sboc'ing nevs came 10 hie parents tiis mornlng vhen lisey wsre eallng tiscîr breakfiainetaItise family home anti as a resuit of tise nevs tise motiser la prscticaliy pros- trateti, belng quite unable In graap thée fact that ber son lias actuallir Passeti avay even betore he actuaiiy gai lutaactuel service Is France. Tise telegrain vhicis came 8teh Bradbury reqtidence This morsslng anti bore the sorrovful neya, foilows: New York, N. VY., Nov. 5, 1918. S.H. Bradbury, 6l$ Washington e. Feiiow offîcer in 451h in imter te hie family report that when three - seu I e, Sam ieveloped 'n- fiusnza and waae very sick; luter he IniProved and thon grew worse and on thse evening of Iher landinq ln France ho p»sed swaY ln deb*rit- allen- hospital. Ltters freni Tilit.a and ne follow and offer you and Yeurs our deepest synîpatiy. Chas. M. Bur., 125 Riverai. Orive. Mr. Burke viso signedthIe teicgram!. in tise fatiser cf Mra. Sam "Bradibury, vite cf the captain. Tise'Braburya coulti bar dly re%lze tisat their son visa gave sncb prom- ise ID the service of- tisir country iat become tise vitIl of Influenza. Anti Juat vien bis vas nearlng tise Unes in France anti expected In1 gel mbt real action an ambition be hati, ever mince tise var began. To tiinki tsat h. sisoulti prove a vlclta Ib0 tis' terrible germn anti not get a tiay'sacse tuai service In France, madtiilal tise harder for tise relntives te bear.ý W&O Born ln Woulegan. Bradibury voulti 1w 24 irears aid tise 17tis of Iis monts. He vas born ln Waukegsn. B3esies is parents ise leaves bis broIser Len viso la rtationeti et Great lAkes, a smail braIser Bion anti a uitile mister Lep. Veda. Bradbury began is militer>' u'arer as a member of baller>' C, Waulcegan. anti vent ta Fort Itile>' vitis tisebat. tery lns 1912. Tt vas Ibrthe had~ charge ai several 4%W Ç One of bise affIreela I is -fot _ vised him tl altae an erffrtint gel lnt West Pint becauae betisplay- eti sucis ablity lID military mattes.1 Pmmetiltely oliaving bie returis Bradbury loktIttie n.cessary sgteps anti as a resuit entere& West Poit lis June. 1913. Mie gradualeti ln Wau. 'iegan blgh scisool vben be vas 17 years nid. Bradibury matie gond i a West Point anti vhen tise Wat broke out vas aise aitise cias.-,viso hall raduateti tva manthe betoro regular gradua- tion. 'He vas commlslaned tirati bluý tenant Tast April anti about an houri after ise recelveti hie commission vas marrieti te Miss Tlita Blurke ai Nev Yorkt. Me later vas promotet int captain anti vas alatianeti aivarlous camps lis tiése ia, lnluting Camup Tiltan anti Camp Frunalon on Longu Island,. Eustîs, Va., anti Newport Neya. PHie death follovi about a rnantb tisat af is brother Leo's twvtn bo)y viso vas 'nameti afler the captain. URIE Bora> AT LAKE BLUF PASSES laIte Bluff votera came tbrougis lu fine shape Tuestiay ta, aperove the $1.000 bond issue for tise reco'Dtruc. lion of the Sherdan Rloadidgelt.. Tise bridge. t larecalleti. vas coe« for mantha anti Iben Capt. Moffett sent sallors Ibere ta i'eiulli Tt, ad.- vanclng thse money necessary aler persanalby borroving Tl.,- The voera tlserefore suplsortedth ie bond Iisue te reimburse tise captain. 'te. vote was: ipo-8 lmen. -.13 vomen. total' for '114. Agant-15S men 5 vemen, total agminal 20. Another like County boy, Ibis lime a Waulcegaii boy, basa been aMiedto1 ,he honor roll of heroes visa have given thi'rlilveg on thse battliflîs ln Europe. Ilits nanie is: ELMER BOWER. H-e vas Ililet Inl- action on Octo- ber 9tb. It vas Tuesday evening tisat Boy-i ers' motiser, Pirs. J. A. Baver, ",Il -,aison Street, reeiAveti a message frtis the var tiepartment Informing ber of the Sad neya. Rover vas one aoflise men is s'as sent avay lasI sprlng by the' Waukegan draft boardi. Fila relatives hati ieaiti from him from time ta lime anti therefore Il vas a big shock to tiscin 10 gel tise vire Tu<1atiayl visicis bore tse sbocking nevs. Boieer's father useti ta be connecî. edti vilhie Practîcai CGas Works company at North Chicago. lis- motiser iatly bas been cmPioyed at tise office of the North Shoure Cas eompany ln Waukegan. Tise fatiser at present Ir traveling ln acuthermIsllinois anti effors er madie todair to getlun tonch is vi hl to lnform bim of thse nevs. Bimer Baver vas a member of tsel 340th flielti artillcry. He vent iroin Wau'îegan ln a trait on April 29th tant, fraineti aI Camp Grant andt Ien a fev monlisa later vent abroad for active service. lie leaves bis parents anti tiree sisters anti a brother. tis latter being iiln the navy anti iaving ieft only iast Saturtiay for overseas duuly. Pis siaters are: Mrs. Trapp. Ves ' uleal fWYpin SEVERAL 1tEALTY DEALS CLOSED -IN CITY 11-IS WEEK Realty Business for the Week Has Been Fahrly Brisk; Loans About Normal SOME BIG DEALS ARE, MADE Several Pieces of Property in Waukegan Have Changed Hands, Transfers Show Dy A. K. Boves, assistant secrc, tary Security Tif le & Trust Co. Business ai the Recorder's offIce for-the week ending Novembaer 2. 1918. Number of conveyances, 86. Number of chattel mortgages ; Number of trust deeds andi mort gages, 25. - - Total number of instruments iled, At 11:30 o'clock today, iTtlamount of lnse $61.025. kegan Daily Sun received the Business bas been fair and lbans Germany and the Allies had E about the aVe.rage.1 hostilities would- cease at 2 o The folowing are tihe more lipi- T he news came te the Su ant tisuais Wn.Hrbrt o1sociation and the Sun's new In~ ~~~~O 1aiea: B. br son, of Glenco. bought the î.anyon on the biggest item of newsi building at souhvest corner (genï-F The United Press beat tl anti Clayton âs.. ftram Messrs. IDurt mntsadas i h t anti Fariner for a reported .,oniiletîa- mntsadas l h t l ank of rk $ u32,000. in the world. lionk of re $32 gtt000.ams L 'Te Sun, by being the f i6wayer homne on east side North news ixrmed.ately notifled1 Counîr street. north ar Franilin st. for $6.000. wors, the aiorthe Bran V Gracc A. Brumsund bougbt a hoitis works and other places wher( on north side Liberty trept, just ly awaited. east of Maron tree.t, frein Fred W-~ rs ritc a iut II $4ko00 dca0. oniieaono o'lock and hostitities ceaqed t *ai! $4 me000 . F lo g t t r S . o'clocli" saiti the Sun te the varlous Jame A. ultn boghtthe am-Parties as îhey answered tise phon,,. uel A. Seidentelti place atnorhwestand the suggestion was edded: cerner Waxbington st. and North Vir. «Bow thse vhistles at Your factory tory for indicateti consitieration Of and blow tbem like bell." 12.00. . You het vii will, at once," saiti Gust W. anti Signe T. llloomquist the ueiinet fth tannery, isought the Antan Lavi piac" on easf of tise vire works, o! thse brass vorks aide Meflisîer ave.. belveen S1h anti andi other places. Andi ae the vId. Rit streets for $4.85, sithiecito en.- tlen biew-andti hey lhiew 11wHkê cumbrance. Purthermore te churc bpblîs ail In North Chicago: Thomas <'ypear o ver town luegan r(<îgîng a perfeci vera na Lciiý,au o wauxgan. place on veat ide Eristian ave., sauth Prier ta entering tise service FI- 0ai stis Pt., for $3.000. mer workedet atlie Chicago Hardware In Lakce Pore.s*: John GriffiMth Founiryplat. ought lot e0 Rose Terrace. frein Christ S. Hansenî for nomtinal cana;iti WAUKEGAN'S LATEST Pration. . OLO STAR Raipis R. Bradltiiy0k tflue ta the Another golti star vas atide ta thte Ha-lI J. Hansen hous".eon lot 61. Ilst in Waukegan iotiay vhen Il de. Rose Terrace, for $4,100: alsa tWon -tebopeu tisat a ulegrain srri'et Iîn lots ln saine auhdIvision froi Jaohn Waukegan Wednessiay evening tell- Iriffith for $5,O00 anti olso the An- ing of tise duatb In France ni Privat. nie Fuindiay 4 1-2 are on Pest sitie BertllNI. Stadig. 26 yeosa ad. sonMcKinley' Roati for indlieuteti $4.500 et Mr. ant i ~rs. JIohn Stadig ai Soutis subject te encutnhrancu' Park avenue. Tise Waukcgan you2g ln Highland Park:- 'linnie K. My maon vas iorc bere anti upenî Most erso n boUgbt a lot on veat vIde Juti- ail off is tinue ihère. sonavis., insI norths-nlf Masisman -et. The Iciegrain frn tise va" tepart. frin Tiseo Scheurmiann, for $2,000. ment la Mr anti Mrs. Sladig arrivet lnis Ubertyvîlle: Georce IB. ant Emma M rue ogtteCal abont 9 oclock anti reand sfoloair: M rue s'h ie(hr W&8bln9ten4 D- C, NOV. 5. 1351 pace an eal side Mlwaukee Mr*. Josephînestadig, ave.. Jut souti of ltcric Ry., for 414 South Park ave., $4.000. - Wsukmgan, lit George B. Foliett anti vife bought Deepiy regret te, Inform yeu thal It 5.65 armesID noriseast 1-4 Sec. , Li- la efficially reprtedt liaI PrIvate Ber- bertyvllbe, froun Franklin P. Dymonti. tie G. Stadlg, lnfantry, dled Ocober et ai., for $1695. Fourteenth froni wounds received ln In Ares: Dennie J. Dunne bougist action. tbe Cathserine Sullivan lots in R'en- HARRIS, loch Park for $2500 andthIe Margaret Thse Adt. Generai. MulvIilIl lot for $1500. Statiig vas one of Wauktegans In Barrington: Abert W. Suther- veli knovn yaung men. He vas born landi ant i vfs iougbt te-o acres on on Souths Par' avenue. 2ý yenrs agoain obem t. oaltofor 34y'.00. o Sepptember 24. He lidaleways livetioetC Cmtefo 400 ln Ibis tit>' and lhe vas one of thase ln Ela: F1red C. Borlîn ant i vie men who vent vlth the hlg tdraft ai bougbîtishe Jacob Sturm south 1-2. 53 on May 22»d. Stadlg vent nfom 6.87 acres Is NW 1-4. Sec. 34, for Waukegan to Camp MacArthsur, at $3500. Wac, Txanandremlne thre n- In Vernon: Elmer E. ant i Mnute tiI about Augual. visen he vas sent P.islebugtte Cors Smith 4 acrosa -seas. HPA bas been ID actioin 1-2 acres ln E 14, nortis ai Road, Sec. a gveat deal of the Uime sînce anti' o 1afiae 400 vas a member af Co. L. 3915 Int. He In Miton City: Many properîlea are vas a member of the BertH-ur Of cbanging banda as sisovi by the nuin- Waukegan. 1 m-moua Instrumients fileti b>' H. Worth.- It vas September 10, tasîtishe fail. ,Ington .utit & Co., resi estate bro'c- il>' recelveti a letter from im .fi anti ers. because of tise lap of lime since the lis Winlisrop Harbor: Peler andi taat Isîter they isat beeis worrying Tiseresia tex baught -tise Abina consitierable as telis safet>'. We Wachta lbree lots on vest stie Franki. on Wednsstiay mornlng they isearti ln ave., for$.20 abaut Câpt. Sain Bratihury'g teatis. u Nevport: George. N. Vase . tieir vorry vas ait the more keîn. bougist 138 acres of the aId Buschmaa Tisey felt sure Ithat qometing badt frm inl Sec. 7, froin Ray' B. Dixan, vas cornIng Inthe vay ai nevis from forintlcateansitiatlan of $1000, Bertie. 'Sore enongis at about 9 subleet te encumbranct O'clock îî arrîveti. - In Mantanti West Anîlocis: C'sarlea H4t Io survîveti b> is parentsa, tva C.. Mri'ette E. anti Atit . Wilton brethers and.. four îlalers: George, look tille froin the, Master ID Chan- Nera,î Ve;a, Cortiels, Vatoria anti cery ta tise Wiltan estale li s e. 1", Normais. Thie tathpir vorksaai tise 29,t31 anti 16, for 4.15A50, and then Tannery ant iqlaone et tise aide et em. ulAAtivôlUntar>' partition of tise saine ployes eftishe locial tanner>' caJpany. alnong themselves anti. Blanche Kefer. LAKE COUNTY FOR EiOOD ROADS 20 TO '1; STATE STRON6 IIInoî'. is to have the greatept sym- tenm of god roads ever planned b> any stat,.. The voiters gave the $60.-, 000.100 ijond I"ue a sweeping lndors(-. ment Yesterday. Puting ftie measure over hv a niajority sonîewhere In the nelghborhood of $ 450000.1 The returna vo far indicaf.ahout' 00,000 votes were cast ln favor or the bond Issus. This la far more than t1ic n unber required te carry It under the proviEion that It must re. ceive a Tajnrty of ait the votes cast for, memnhers of the general assem- by. In Lake County the vote for the rond bond Issue -went over by a ma- Jorlty of beiter than 20 to1. ln tact. there was practically no opposition te the bond Issue. Ev'erybody sepm- ed ta vant gooti rends-and the.y vol- ed for the state proposition. Campaîgners. who have been wor'ding for morÉ, tlan twa vears on the state highway bond Issue, were Jubilant over their victory. lncom. plete rctllrne from downstate tndicate- that the project carrleti ln ,êvery county. with onts' one or two possible exceptions. Thi svwas botter than they had expeci cd, for opposition bail déveloped ait he last minute ins ev- eral localities. Outside C'hicago the vote on the measure was nearly G to 1 In its tavc or. ln the city It ran only alittle hetter than 3 tô 1, iqdicating that the general epîdemic of goond ronds en- thusiasm falled te reach many of those wlio don't own automobilei, and don't realize what country higb.l Surveys te Begîn at once. State btotbvay offdiais Mdicate last night that rond surveysvwill be! begun at once, in order ta be ready ta start the actuel work of road I)ulldlng as son% as the var Io over. A total of 4,SO0 miles or Inter-con. necting paved highways vIii be..cor. structcd. and Il ls possible that the' wbole job cAi h-b"completed nithin ive or six ypars. Lais Gmm~h Unanhumus Dm- - ilsîssumat si ~OPUU .u~ uu~ E - *~UUUM Waukegan andi Lake countisrman truc te form ln Tuesaiy election andi pileti up handsome Pteoubllcau pluraliaies. 1cm ocratlc candidates, Ioclutiing Senator James Hlamilton L~Iewis, dlii net have even a -look< in." MeCormick vas accortiot a splendid I. plurality. Tise tact that tisere were nso cans- (Tiiursday, Nov. 7). the 'Wau- ty conteste on tne ballat probably Bfinrt neyai Waukegan that <'sused a smaiier vote than would gine thearmiticeand hathave been cent un4er ordinary cirCun sgind te amistce nd bat tanc,,,but consitieraisie Interest, 'clock tis afternoon. vas exiibitetun tise battle betveen tinfro mthe United Press As- Lewis aund McCormick. Lievise lthe a association beat the worid four propostîlona subimtte. j lthse littie ballot ceated mucis intrm!. since war began. Interest ln ïLake county seemed te Lie Associated Press by ilaIiy center chiefiy on thse rossi bond laue ter associations handling big andi tise proposed tIetenution berné. ~ ~ 4p~jbut there vas consItierable, Intens iratin W ukegn tt ge ~ dise, In tise prapaseti constituticeiai ârstin aukean to, et he onvention. ,qany of the bsaking the naval station, the vire lav andi for tisat-reason the proposi, Vlorka', the Tannery, the water tien vas net voteti as heavlly as thse ,e he ewshadbee soeagr. ther three ant i i did flot carry by as B th new hadbeenso eger;large a majority. altisongh ail foUr Propositions carrIesi bi enarmeus Thse Suns bulletin vas crowtied in. majorîties, nomei as mucis as 20 te 1. stantly after it vas posteti. In tise race for congreseman oiýthe Thse Sun vas net only shead ofu the Tenth dIýtrIct. te MI the post belti aiher Waulcegsn p4per but afler the by Congreasman Fos, bobs Wauke-, wbistles vere blovlng on thse Sun's gan and Lakte connty gave Carl li. tip. the Gozétte force vas telepisous Chindbiom a lin. majority. bis, per- ing te find out visat Tt vas ail about centage over Finnegan being ftliy and vben asked vbat tise noise vas, tbree ta one. tisir reply vas-u "We are lo'dnjg I A persistent campalgn bas been up.', wageti throughout tise caunty for thse Anti yoîî shaulti have see-n the faces4 Putting aver of the $60.000,0ôt0 boud on lise people. Ilappînes. cheer anti Iissue for gooa ruades. Very ilittie op. conielsimnt joyuuuprerne vas ap- Position tieveioped. In the anatter ef paret onever sid.lte proposeti constituttonal couves- People threw Ihîir bats Into thtiselin-'thse vomen diti much la gel ent air, there were shouis, thse autoista lise vote, for proposet amentiment, sounded their* hna anti openedte th ie, constitution provitie for glvlng tîscîr cul-outt: men siappeti men on vomen a more liberal suffrage, AI- the lark anti occa«loneiiy the-y siap- though tisere hati been a littie thI pedt he wonen-e-veryiso.y vas care matie ajaanst the detention home Ibm free al of an Instant, Tt vas spon- Proposition carrieti by a big majilrity. tancous. One of thse surprises of the electlon "Do ve have scisool today.'- asketi vas tise faclt tst J. W. Freund ef several kiddtles vho rusheti up te the Mc Henry receiveti as m.ny votes as Sun office 'troi tise crek." h. dt. In some precîncta his vote "Oh, dear, 1 dont think ve osgIl "an Zue e 0tisat reçeiveti by Thomas to," Insistedth ie youngsters wih r4 h .ia but In other precinets Mr. looks of sorrow on tiseir faces GCraham's vote vas suilcntly large "Bertî neya 've heard ln tour 1 to give bime a sale maJOrlty. Siurt- years," saîi one voymaîs. lipf anti Vickers vere concedet vie- "Sorry." saliti one prominent duc- tors before tise election se vbat lîtîle for, addilng.: "Wte 1ud just slarted lifterest there vag In thse legfslative gtying in vbwat f<bey vere ionking ! ghti evelopedtw leen Messrs. Gr&.' for anti 150vthoy's'e quit." h ain anti lFreund, lnsviov ai the latý ter's recent sensalional appeal fur' support fram people tfi s "dur na- E X T~R A Tise Democrato put up eandidtes for county jutige and for cosiDly tins- urer, but tise tenerai puble var net Conradi tazel. of Lake Bluff, re avare oe the tact andthie Repiiblicla ceiveti yard on llontiay iast of tise cniae alpdhm wne deatis o! hie son, Fred BasaI, vasa as large a vote as they wouldi bave dieti et a base, haspital somevisere tun received hia -hey been «ioppdbsmd. France, sept. 28. The socialiste put up candidates for He vas a metmber iC C. B, 329th county cler'i, sberli anti county Ireai. lnfantry, enlisting aI a southeris urer. but no ans. knew assytbing camp ln lise second tirsft in thse about Tt. spring. In act It bas heen a long limteInce. 'Bazel. a life.long resitieit 0f Lake Lake couflty bas biai an electiM i Iu 1iiuff. la survived. by his mother. faitbvhich tisere vas se lîttie Intereal tu ET and three Rsiers. Ti slatise tise local ticket. tirst oi Lake Bluff's 78 service stars Because tiser. vas no county cou- te turm golti. tests anti because th. county stura - on tise other propositions vers Rot lrongresensan ýleCormick's plurailty considereti of suMilcent Interest. th*. for Unitedi States. senator, vlth thse Sun titi net bulletin ail returas. poIi retuîna alilil incomplets. la indicatet Ilng nierelir bulletins on tise atato le. arounti 55,000. With 294 dovnstate tuîrne. 1-undretis ai telepbone Ilu- precinctas stil misslng Wetinestiay quirietu vers ansvered. Praetcally nigist bis aciuai, pluraiity aver Lewis ail ai these veire vils regard te iMe ln tise precincts reporting stotioaI senatorial conteet. 44.207. Tftishe mlssing 294 precîncta ___________________ returo figures lns the name ratio as; tise rest of thse claIe tise-final plur.-Tttvas th irs OraUf-YSer electioSg allty for NtcCrmick la esîlmateti et for maniY Years tisat failed b reat ielveen 55,000 anti 60,0001. is sending at leasI eue SocFÉM. te8 - the laver bousne. Cantrol o! bath bouses of thse lt- noie General Asiiembly vas again The dry cialin lastat ntgtwvlat Iplaced lis tise hs eto tise Republ- there la an easy tiajeitltb ie. Uni cau party hy 'tise voters tiecision illtnois bouse et represenaitVes M Tuestiay. Returns up iintil laut nigist the ratticaî Ion of Ith etieralconeti-. sisavet part>s '.rcngtis divideti as tutional prohibition amendusit. tolons: Thisa daimt la net teidet bY W- ftep. leaders, andtihie chancesa»e tii8, Rep. DeM. mai. propostion ferths e*tl t Ile ...... ... Sa e- 19 cent egtlsive llmb"sti ylu lIuhý. i-ous............. M 05 23 Botbe auIssue a tP4 SI5ê 'a 4 I 1~ -3 1 si. au- a - munil 1

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