LIBERTY VILLE LAKE. COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPEND.ENT 1VOLUME -XXVI-NO. 46. IOURT'EEN«PAGES LJBERTYVJLLE, LAKE COU.NTY, ILLINOIS, TIIL'RSDAY, NOVEMIBER 14, 1918 FISiIERMEN INTER- ESTED. IN INTERPRE. TATION 0f LAW SEND TIIEM IN Draft Board Besieged by Calls Asking if Questionnairesi View of Pending Armistice Stili Have to Be Filted out in FIRST TEACIIERS MEETINi 0f YEAR AT LIBERTYVILLE ACCEPTS $3,000 FOR INJURIES IN BARN ACCIDENT Sl0'OTINGi AT AN EFF16Y 0f KAISER; JIJTS YOUNG BOY ONE TO EIGHT. ~P15O PER V1~AR. T~ ATbVA CARELESSNESS IS END 0f WORLD9S FOIJND TO liAVE WAR BRINOiS -JOY- CAUSED DEATII TO LJBERTYVJLL Rprn.qId F- MPt7np u Nvai uownstate Juage Mules that Between 150 and 200 TechChrsin Jepson Who Was Arthur Winkler, Aged*11 Vic- SainM ,Sipe Ude Shikg WitsBari Law Prohibitng Throw 'Fhe( draft hoadquarters were lbe- ers from County Expected Hurt in the Hales Barn at tim of Stray Shot Whwn Car at Highland ark of Trumpets Proclaim 11d!m Lines js Illegal Aeged with phoneCenin5 andI erson. to Attend the Session H1alf Day, Takes Cash Residents Celebrate'~rsoabc t lei naiat and relatives of men wbo la Iy ire- Ti aasoyo aiwob for the death of Bernard E. NMetzger, TO ENFORCE LAW HERE ceived tbeir questionnaires 1. the 10 BE HELD NOVEMBER 16; hiIlatOy!a in hôb INVITED TO SHOOT "BILL" the naval station bluejacýýot wlio wa EEBAT1 ________ ew draft rail. . leved that 'la bird in the hand i île ya tet a t "ihad LOCAL E BRTO PLANNEIW '*Muet we MI out Our questionnaires wrth two In the bush.' Pkil nd yay nipeb ca atighlardc De~ty ishWaren ernofnow tbiat the war Ilsto stol,?" was Ms ehie o h lo. Christiani Jepson, Vthe ý,>ufg Il1 TagdyAmost Marks the rettfed at a coroners laquent h'1d Opinion Ruling Does not tl,, common qu'estion,.is whomr fth lom i some tlne ago sus,,'ind a fait End of the Premature Cele- at Highland Park toay Schools Close. Bnsiness Ou5u-ï Appy a ak Ca "ur, e g a)ath-tas1 nth igto Nrml1ohol ne thouh atrpoon Inth Brtn F batononPeapeacnds eadncndhowd ba Mta pedsan AlutrnOuffrr ¶n a apppn"d or was about teo 0f Principal. Speakers Haies at Hait Day bas 'be e- _____gr nItnMhr leakt a happen. F111 tbcm ot for you wlîl _____ tiemnent for bis injuries. Oebe iilglu Chicago and hall, ..,rumptu Jubiles FlhrnnI)MilkgnadLkibp in thePsarne trouble aq Il apîlH(-aettled witb Ha' ,r $3000, persoli, a young boy of il beau picked up in an automobile andI Fisherinen lii Waul<cgao tmdago. Til thora The firat teachers 'meetIing of the agreeýment belng reaci atwe.yan0 g a nue s~rsI County are coniiiderably intereetod lIn h our monthNlan(.aF111 thei th dcsincfi fd *~ot. 1Yeu bet." year will be beld at Li'aertyviile On Th- Hales place lis tOaod'ft e ovýe tim of ctheharn' gvn ie sfr a ilntucoe lAti At ain ar orou nd Iry lelnd -g> th etlno ug nrmtig1StraNovember 16. Thie morn- Sfo'i< tarin, .one oft Au' -11 known fIoigtedclrto ité tha t "n té baredaarctt,.i îî u aotr ou leofth rtl Al lcor tDl onI Lee cutyt,) And ftlins the draft board conitin- Studa.Istlcp bas;bren sigipA Lt ar.,. tsnthree ctand arid hr lt'. is wu reult e t thewre in court at Iol cu t ic os il- work as inntprraptedly as tnIn.session will open at 9:45 a. m., places In Vernon. 'lweeThe vintb scod arw'ic th flsbnL tb no"eth aw r nock bsti foe al T'he tirgt pe,d mlic Le aby F. Jepson sustalned hurt, in the fai the ci:tbcv sni. i,A. lt...'uasraio that cul eheaîd,- fliqlii, wth if- thn of, ookbas 11lthe pearf, runiors, l testop-ý *', Hudson awiý il use the tie for wili('îî laid hlm op and ":i he fie,] ARTUR WINKLER, Il yearq id, ~Tbev tarted to walk bac'k t h ut10 itneunto o b e n f o lm n d l 1 g a l , i t a l w a y a h a n f i î l n g r u n i o r s n fi e C o u n t r y . i n t u c t i o n i n p e n m a n s b i p . h i s $ 1 0 0 0 0 d a m a g o i i ' ' ' e a i m p le. o f P a il W n k l e r o f F o x L a k er c a b t1ou dth é d o o tr it a 'l i s i d t a si e o t t t o r w n .b u t t hep r, unl"rstood lthat a set lin.' for , oadn't "!arl ,i p tbe work of tVi' 'Ibere 'W ElI be seevral short perlod , le waa permanentls 'J ctd. u L a~ a o t 7 olc n F o ic r e n ctri h n fo rmif îhc-m th etat l crne favorae tth s o eh catctiing isli h'., been probibted b- irift b('id, oniv a îtrî't word trcfm in charge ut diffri rt tarbers .,li ut a, pet for trt'îI ' c m o snn hntt.rt iîla.o îvcol bncc- lc hn aoal atéwrds cause of ai, crIer from the attotry 'î'c9C0ncii angp their plan" cluding Nliss Mary 1)alry. 'Mi9a 0cr, colrt bolt sctticenent w ua î 'tindeforpi Lake hall reacbed ils hiI-bt. A h14 retibild Hirbland Park At L.îurIl mw-rcbu b iyaot2oco general whicb fochadée senéeto-A ri lb-il a'ill neot compefor a long truide Naya and Mtss Erania Stiidpr. t wis cailed. crowd hb asemild Inth vliagd1 avenue lhe train makes a safcty If, the aîîrnIng. moretha, ne hok. t i .ad t !tim, i,P If a p ,nn'în'.nt armilstice Thev o IlIImakles iison a'.'. one&nts__________-and ' boy nanied Johnny Stlze.ik i stop bpfore staypping at tbe regii'îri h tîii unedatly pandemonium. thia ls t1 I i ni ue the law tb,ý 'sb dprîared. according te local board Thr"e uothpr theiliirs w ili:aNe a CON ide an eMfgy of tue kal.-r, dragged i'Central avenue station. Thebo l,îe- rk rla prahtgjw trled nut In court andtI Ierfe la;con- mmea *TRrafl îîd\Vr 5 AC L ET !i* ' ro1,os Tris aprachngime m,.mberm. I >HI I iad el."Tthtrougb the 5rt-ptroisof tOi' village tgtsstarted te iea;p off th'.e'SI-Ion thse Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paut' i( as in wbcibî r or not thr',w lîna are.',iliss tî1flabTir-bita, Miss Li FOR 'nd final, landed l Infront of Clor7, ami car so that tbey rmuId climh railroad wouid sound thé ueuai warabetu W.ebb and Nl Flor-e M'\atibi g F R N W BD U oehscla , t-I. aî ibor h liicr.O, ifbm Iignail lor thé station, foilowing Ih wJtk' cros IciI buig Jblusl ad yungmaage t clmbabordwlth th " lîlaqsethat wpreréfirniJute 1rpréeîl as STryO ENdpttygan ad ý t itie utbrthLe no a oi r ôStIzr'sk cas toefticdoor, oppe ie ' iid cf the conijuclor x'in grathedlire alari.but when continui dtirouili dén'ltfa- atierligmaI 1 lrLi. ttialc lt.\warden of Lake Connty, AT. ' hAVALtancSTAbTorIO N lotd h" A TO T LENFROM thILib,-tythatr. . 1) Np.ii lim an shiite: hni tv the collar lbut Mr-îagr t'lin- tiheta va, th,- purposé ae ecagily81 In LAP co'înty bas any pffect In 1Lik,', iii-aiihs o ga. ar,____ i.dadtésfe a otgo coune, eç ép.clalîv ln govrreriet u» ITUKG N 10D Y tlrus, -nid cur'ent cent -'1! ý i r thr-kaiser.' i ndurrthe wheecîs meeting lnFt tnt'Wheu thé hour for g.aiog tri work ,--- ant pr-iialy al té anai line( the attIvne sa il -s de1m.- C ekarm toknt o Anr of rei, restpcnded qaicIr- tlclh.approuctel, It wascsion evideat tbat. te ané racnty ate inal l. Ine etteaUno eso isD tractor, bas receivcd contracta for; iv and a ha'f idozen pîsqtoîs weré ___________work for the day Weald lie out of il InLkMr ut r Inrn f thébl lftat té OtMcr 0o? the loaînlng'onNormai work ai tbe Great Linet trainingi drawn frorn liiag places and the JIjfg~~>ia~question. Stores oltened as uansi, bu ruu byJla o th edis . ef ahnena outoei ciol iia'aat Si aread station whlch aggregate $50.000. Oné air was illrd Iwltb abois. One Man,.'lE1NL M II MN rbi'uio h oy nthOfrcst' of w yJug Had a ter - ef cm ear Miutues n ftebý paeso hla for RedI Cross buildings antI the howevér, hapiscued te bave aa sotgun etAuyud-iivery watronswent on a srIke #A«.. vlth rprard toeassili bodie o'wtr -am ak20 Mnts kind In thesetate andI SuPi. Sime'ontother for a building fer the'Jéwlsb Close by whîch be had beén usîng In NAV l I.atîrnoon delivéries hall to héli it i or river whoré ravérriment egulationé Wh>bsthagioite-iNV L STAION AL. do otipty.Tl ey:ittt -n a Later ta FinuJ it Gote wobscrefte meeting '11 Wéifare soclety. The contracta for; the day antI scizi'îg lb he let drivée'~ Tupoday morning.aou dote p l Me n"'. hrow th naLakelakei . es tatthie eachérs the RdCroisabuilding.q aggregate! h ulcharge at the efigy. 5A'UAJTi1U UTwu@t I'eLTRL' 'otion bile tempt ta w-throw Unes n the lakfqare most fortunate Inbebcng able to; $25,000antI the Jr-wish Wéltare fButas uat aInoenIItad HUUII WIiK5EUS ssmn,5kn ha Hpaesa it ofhLkproin t eMreeallen a AKE SERC obtain lie r ser vies building wiil cost $1r,000. i er was injured. Young WInkler was nos close dunring the aflernoon s*id th asth rs! de no t ame w rn e ve T OIC AE SARH T ewIllibe' muslc at both Ses- The lieekstrom ' Company will' standing In the crowd antI thhobt & Il baie part luauanImpromptu aoslimu the deuyrsasmte wapply tHe aYaiesiens uoder thé drection et Miss Hf. build five RedI Cross buildings at, penetrated In several places. Theé p.M fet ap tt-tiou. itchoole weré diemsséd ai éocts, the or,-re -s the applyto Tjke 1 ,, Smih of Nrth Cicago. The te Grea LakC. One iMlffefor a- ladbsedtateusey but instrrundIons istructonsft mbuseble O county are eypenadutlteN TrcofMciehsB n teachers are asked te bring théir in- ministration piirposps. il ulîl hé a' a nurse trom a néarby sanitaruis That If WarSos m aqee :0ocok h #ao je nomehinmre iandent tathe NoudTraeo MahJin e s ee iéSmt c Nrh hiag.andteGraiLke. n wllbefrmdiladblderfufilutaouto at a SosIm ardeai180o'lck Téîueaa o! ajudgln snie 'hc-cou- Fond-Tough ioyide stitute song books for use on this brick hulldiic. The other tour which qulckly attendéd ta hier iojury.. provemnents Keep On otadwismi.,loinedui ruin a g deI uo t or Took the Machine occasion. yl hé éqmaller, will hé of tramé ceon-I Thé accident naturally calmed At 2 ooc Inetl the alternon,*a ttr laIn î bA e e n foce t bele.It la éxpected tinat tht're wlîl hé struction. TIhe JwIsh W eltare builtI- idwn thé entbnsiaam f thé people hpara e w a n Cokgamnd a h u. Dis té, b Laite ceunty. an attendance of from 150 te 200 lug ulîl be siniVlar te thé one huaI, and ana tblng uns certain, tbère were M ARI N ES DEMANXD Mlakeat Jo vns.V Péter Newhouse. editor o h 0 ahr fo l rso te uny cm l ite ýy the Beckmtrom Cerno ne-ore shooting of pistole durlng czrne Chariee H. Avenui, as Marshal 94- Grayalainé Times. dae his flivver ta Thé meeting promises ta be one uofhsny ai Camp Grant.I thé evéjming. thé dey; thé Lbertyvilléi baud, the ioei liAIw LUCK IBOY; WuegnModyto witttetIs the bs_______bu__________nthe lans For Over 50,000 Ti "' lh'aOfer-free' tghé bésitlVi.Ht befttheenahine u _________________ ~mth s wnltriing oMerfamnesnfo r oj BRE KSBO II 13i5standing In County ateptopposite cut osm ié h rganWinter -Permanency thé illîanolthelrainlng laromthLforý- ____thecou u~se. Whouth o etur n h onte fe.tngat isrctv O1 f Station Assured ville township p ch. adu Las erné hfooh, 8-year-old son of This wusaabout tour o'clock In thé - r M E 1 ' ____l cholIstrliradrîmens ahW oRlantI Hook of Warren, lé thé hard. aftra ivmrfl f a GILMAN PARKER, antI ilantomobile@. Ererybody m&4 lukbyofLiecony; ewhouse badti ogten the I t1 "s"' I EU locEdto Gea ak@ uletn.- al tinuwstre ant iie. arshl&M Jac uoyso a curda y h a pa-number ou thé mtachine andI bailsteWashinegon, Nov. 1 -locok -rndn i Armistice or no armistice pnace or bantât;g were smen inprofusion @M tg ine harn on George Vase'a cnup Graalak or LThs as TO SIIOOTINi 0f son thiis atternoon told goues and the world the tenulin0 peace, Great Lakes wvIii ot uvov nurnerous Sle&a .of pauriotte deélgu vou place toat hé feUl antI bruire loih jd a delay no that when the mter T sa L ....r a .aallîr cîther la area or personnel. Int&rsperSd wlth thé varions organija * L u~~ aou a éar~ lnally vau reported ta the policé thée AGTA L R ermaliy accepteu whon a sgnd hearmistice. t 1-i planned Le maéetIse station thong. Eepeciaily attractive vs. a toi., ama tIcl w- tai bohl utalé ri go ithief hailbail .umlcuént tires teget YALI. * OR These terma picturo Germany surrendering abjectly larger, with the expectation there wîildra.en by a nunnber of echool boyl@ ', bîcch anI rok oé aia Tenseame distancé from thé clty. - to Gen. Foch on the fild; her armies are beaten, her goV. be more than 50,000 mcli at thé sta- whchpedMs----- eroaa hast AnOhat hé fél from a iree antI Police depatménts of variosnorth erniment overturned and her master. in flight. tontboubotVis inérn LtoTh asliser vita bah brin t. bns a n~le horpe ctes were calletI up and asied LATu-MIt Taylor dIetI Tupmday Ara This Tinnuncement camne Isat nlgbtM b*roeth oanles a lu n'ie ta héon the lookout but no trace of ulght. Furtiier detai in Part Tms. Adents bu Cng wrd« a enthusiaam r a sot froin Captain William A. Moffét, coMý. carrled hy clidren labeled vith iba Sauda e a palu n Th é p formarernclnelet ohithey éry l attahed t thé hoot down1 the roté wta thé concrété 1. Cessatior n d fra io:ia n (Innt. vleara oImutdo h s te oeadha rprlx,. Hé e r nIIA acoUNTRY'S NEEDS GROWING wite a. repctonu's auoobtle voua arp 'I3o ethbelo. tah nrete Ts, cr as astaknbyjy idrantI te Vie te e na 0 ath eroo 1ACsatoroficas acq1ufl.".r-dtwt atmoil w Ilo etblo.Tersl a 2. Evacuation of invaded territory lneluding ail a el nIliéoftspralapaad ntéedad *bt-- - .k a .'.. h.I thé, belle. that lit bus been &ban., Taylor. assessor of thé town of An- éloaa d hecute a té nit. doued ta some oui of thé vay place toh ltpnt'ai- lii nilat e101Tainle a.nd Luxemburg. jgrowing menchant marine and jýtà@ecoltin bearing thé aonounosrnéa __________auidrthetcvllerhé 'rhcovéred a och . Amp l netat merg d tis top atadconsenluelt neéd for éxîiansioin Of the ..W"'" aut Hlm." _________o_ 8vee sorty eml ademr atth opo . Surrender of tamounts of guns adequip. aavy wi]h.' the chie* nç,.'sîn for tti'u.1Tho parade moved westvard t. Théflvvn as0fthéaitare of Vie head. Ment.' continucd develoPmmént Of Great Brinerd court, thénce north 10 Lake LI~~TL SS NIEiITS s aIra' iot etionMr. Taylor la now ln MoAlleter 4 vcaina h ef ako h hn.Laks, flb as explained b.v Captain'elot tuillaukee avenue, shênce @ou*I Asarsi raptite&oinhospîtal. Waukeran andi but forlpneui- aontMtok ottait.tu the t'ity park, véré stlrring addruug hrd tth frmofW.A.Brw- mul hich bas set ln hé wultI 5. 8urrnder of vast amonso rolling sokin o- Tetosse tLosar1ý- ,r aeb LouieBna lw À fINi OfPAST '.alî t.a'é a ve et .IoV otheatdoHapitaon are.w 'eniebyt-rusBnH.Ml 0F rion i aeceunity lie girl a e pulletI along aIl right. pn. supied terrltory.pRedwicR-1PaldauD.DanCetr111M ers____ portry antI trinig lamptntaor proa fta, 6. Aladirhnt ofc- ar stund orang n nrflcen ofDea.nid Chesetérà tg s th mau ;jngUgqi lioi na svon n hend ,%Ir. Taylor lVite te fP lce otar Dans ae téniasinp n nd. TRaymond E. Durham, fuel of caltle, one milch colt, one.huull Magltrate Taylor et Waukega and ndreiaryane g(trwih rR Tout ~thée dercisesthé deeia idi;,tr ,tor l' r Minois. annoUnced, fat?, and ivebyhelfers, vhich 'were in ahI was thé father of 14 blîdren: 7. Undonditional surrender of al Gerinan forces îu a ken.éxpalrned isg.raiintnat!o lngtythéfday. vîtI the eépto 8aiurday that as thera dl-inot appear preeented tota Vim byRuieben Don-f four hbping dead. llifta lé a st MIoanaks w Smsîbdled. aval anng'tot up@ ln tut is, drmtIe y us t i c ,0ithilty ofaot agecf ,. TC . Oinl. 0Fa-elAauoch .and. h vas trm teirtamily 8. Rera ati famage done. tctt said: andI other dévies, ibère .ras no dlsoriht ibe io r ,1intIused to cenerate ant i ~natnr Smth, uho bld no ex- home t1iittMr. Taylor oen Sunday ien 9 Slodrofsoeki umrn,,a-dlrPA a C.rtLsesl1obs igrtand urhnothlng tu mar tie exubérance ot eIcr . ;( i, eold ri nrîrprrhlbitug. efeily thst a large anmn u.a roalizéd i revohver fer thé purpose of gotag c1t ee bfr.drlpoei uE.thé ,)ouoscrowd. théu'e t lghs wttI h i-. Ifor th ed c]Crisa hich i.ato get thé ta thé high achooh ta shoot a dog. rp a i ' g' draoi "T ,ive Immedlately. Thé'proreeda 0f L'e salé. Ai, Airedale At Teast thai la thé bellet. At sny .10. Concentration of afrcraft at p~~îr oints. 'Traele noew;t'i:rindlnnavaPlaisafar cOlt Iretrion la thit exteruali pi )also wais "inocked tIown' and, rate, hé returnnd ta bis home aller 1.Suirr«e-dcr of allg] lckI belîtrot a ul en thismarer. m areatat e oLdes llg aeat aval ta é4g n Li uraniental llghtlng are prpsented lii thé vo'ant' farmers. having been ai thé high a chool for. 12. Restoration faldail Kvoqel. I rn ce cits MWbetcrp urnlr- elagr, cc Lains bcé atIe ca IISk proli" i betr-'een thé heurs o? ian- n_____ ome tUme. Hlaijacitor Viers .0 lidadU .!p""fv-iss.. ii roéimr éêgptr ade plnier, cc rsde nt Wprc1mai, nis 1. surîsnt. Lightiesa ntgbta are Albert A. Se" 'mb,-raptai f& f Bat, Later ln tbe'day bis dauîghten M~Iu 13. t,. nofteamstc ob dr'i brý. fr riv,nirns o a permanentiqnae puli by Président i f#IS to b.'ý <eoitlniicd four nlgbts a veW4c ta tery "C" le reporte'I lllcd ln action.1 happénéd to a vlEctata thé back yard IDrto fto r-itc ab drilu ie. natIlre.1 'ilenay storlui Ve sersar * Mbcica. carg aItOmbater uhch ad ta eancius ai lthblod al OE) WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov'. 11-Th- SttciDepart- ENLARGMENT 18 ASSURED__- elare f hebateywhehha Is oncin ad lt bon &l m ent announced that the armistU.e subn'.i' tt'.d h the AI. "Tiacre have been reports thée at curd aa p~ origin lat Waukegan antI wbieh vas Ms heal. Tt dii not lainé long to fi& ies to Germ anv h-'a been signtr"d. t lip ient he w o udthe con-chosevas annosed at .Um" i teyva Il bn btitvas oMdThlca bat- He vata ths hoatvherue ad ilovs.,.1.a'.1 Yrai y lq thc case, in view nt thé1 Waahington. The olnewi oé.ug Frorrk h toyw àformd. btholal b at-H a iibdt héhuea Mite'les will cease at 1.1 A. M. ]Paris time (5 (,,îi".oIr .tinie.1 nraebpronlat ciîis hutttyar.tletymis 7.Acnrbto gl omdln Chicago and atter h bfound pneumoula developed Inter and The Gernxan delegates hil beeni~w- 7? hours inn wplanneg.'hcao&Ntvetr ,,t ta tho UnitedI WàA got overseas Sercomh vas matIe cap- makes hi. condition sériffl. which to sig-n tbha arniiqtice ardi ued ail 1, -!t :.uCf! It s truc thero lias beci, a de-1Chtratgfom& ho bmto, <ta ' in be tIse largéét gift tain. Mr'. Talrle di not regfaincon- that Urne in iiccing their decisinn as '-- --o1 fces atI..nme f éihr uî xeis1ti etta éver mi"ocle such a cause, vas an- solouanes andi Ihefrétnébis tainlly I wDlhv u~sa 4nA .but tîîis Is onlY ttoitorary antI is! Dewey. nr,',. ' 'pire i i t ythedaitd-Ambyrathéicus'nastenat AnlaiarrIonsagendlicén vial; 'as isé wunP avluxpri. tai AaM.loisi at thundéraiqan, avevhai beuap-tW Sta' g ý(, ove $2.000.000Tohé ertél f A!.nesataternoen toWilliam pened. Mr. Taylor li.6 os oî<d upon, had theV'failed to slgn. the negotia;- imai. woul'1aemany ur. i, t'-e'draft huards , The lndepedent'i i ercatl..ý co,1.n " iv $200,0 o h ere f raand Sbphia Schmidt and one of the veli imon urosidluts have been off n-'1 higcr~do or i.o'u1 hnas wo tIid troinnaval necruiting1 s$lob OfRIÈADEAS-SOI 0 Re, 'r,e' iiliio' lts last campalgul. of Ake Zurich. af Antloch. eer -- taioia' Lake County -s Big Weekly ~fCmiadooGtetertuasodwe WeeUies in Couny Coubined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN IF I.-Il 1 1 Jýl 11, JL JL'JIXAt L-LN ZLJJ Y JIMj $1.50 PER YEA-R IN ADVX ONE TO EIGHT.