CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Nov 1918, p. 12

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Zab Comniy hâde>endmt )ruq W.S, LEST WE FORGET Ion* ~thon efore. 84, DOn't forget: The boys over i.os r .s.= entll that tinta coene, are ST ILL over ther-S-nd on th .te9 le .s race te .a1 ZAd.dàt-aa Thun 5why the unlted War Workero:s' aq-ptodmme Uo ~ funda have pot ta be raised aven 1Ia; ! If luerWh te ugqm there is an armistice. will net 1mw h"w te diape"s. . HARO TO FORGET BRlITISH CONFIDENCE W. cannot forget that those Who The Meivno nas«item la self. vwent aown on the Luebtalila for iff. *apluiy and ehomid case Preal. stance, dldnt have a chance to fight dent Wilson and i frienda to ait up for bread. Therefore the wàrning and take ntce when it la seen what now that WE will soon have to furn- the aillied oeuntries think of the et. ah bread ta the Germafla Who wtre tttudOe « the Dosmecrat. va. h e willing te stand for the kaiser white pubhlcans la war enatters: he had a chance of wnnlng, d9eant Losdon, Nov. 9.-The WeatMIn-ý sink ln very deep; It will b a hard te« Glette mya: *Thie American mauthful, ta shove dow'i the aveOISOS eiOclioft r0turur', tu ordiflaiTrcu American. . stalnc, lrotld âean thi eakn Of tthe Position of the. president, who SOFT-JOBS TO GO bt asbttepsto fAtr 1There are poing te be s tot of soit ltS iuthe leur vii lt be veacenied jobs that sean wil 'go by the boaidS bY auiiy OUIOWSId avent for the R - in Waukepan as a result of appreOW - Publileaaare as sealousasi th Dem- ,înq disinterest in thînga that caused 0015<0la their determination ta pur- snthusiasm in the war-period. The iné e ilisue vitb Oertnany ta a de. * eckless expenditureseof money ln laite eabciusion audi on the platfai m certain j,,,. may continue for a Urne have been. f aaything. more aggres- as the fundsaiaready rsised are ba. sîive 8B their War apeeches tbau ilh, ng used up but when the prestift DeMacrats.- --- *d W 111lculmake Ibeir caîl __________________________vas of the tuen Wedneaday of tiis reei ai *cich tume they viilvisil evcry homeof North Chicago. TbIý t.peddcrocd toned out last! la tudeed a verkt t aIa1' eburcbes mgia t. tle Vlcory aud Wam Work cau joain l. Have your pledge read> un, -meeting. Nortb Chicago bipsfor thom chen they cal.i. lout fzii,-n dowil un au> aof the wari TAieyoung ladies o! the Presbýtcr dirt.,.s yet and we du noal blitve able lag ebu'ch vii hoid their regulai Mil fuldown u lb, dmve of tbis meetng t the home ai NisPovell w.- k. Tht pjakit band caâ the ThuhudaT veang of thua veek. gr. ai atracuion of the etenlng and. Pet er Ruua entcrtaiend bis sistcr la-y furnisbed core splendid mualc. sa" iceas 0,cr Sbnday. Thte tirai addresa of te cyc nins. Xv. andi Nia.P. F. DeYoe and '.Ira w-s< gittu 133 Attorney M. C-J clr. 1 F. FP. Baker atteuded the (3hicago i- spolie of thse vitory th iOrsNchimufotball gainé Saturday. and chat j: s-ould mean !'0 tbI~'il 1 Nerth Chicago did hersel! proud nation.« sud ciosed vi:b a s'rdng a.-,)ionday lu one of the lruIpr ,eai for the var recreation land. ade cicr given In the clty. The par Nirý,-F. Baker sang "Wben the adae vas cailcdl for 1 oclock and ev- Boys Corne Home- Atorney- A. I.,cry interest of thp ctiy vas repreajut- l.eaubîen cas then introduced sDi cd.. .Tbe parade vas headed.,,,Ir, jeàit- a rtrong appai for the var' -are departmeut and Nay-or Chrîsicu. fund. He outlined la fuul just the sen and the city officiais.. A band worl aofte seren different slied' froni lhenaalaistation came. nudt War Woil i'anii.aions.- He pt(51511 and thia vas flloved by a spendid lisat ha vas sure if tie people knew epreetatonof theUic hools of thc bow gest their carl -as there vould, rity. A large reprcacntation o! lhe * "uatuio about raising llse' orti,5 aide societies andi business qbouer- We are sure Nort Chicago îo tUctv cm aI b cill do Les ahar*. cemea of the love headed lîy the Tb*e PresbyteriaVlctnrY social ladiles libary club made s fine ta-ven Pid5y evening authUic curcb chovlag. A long Une ofaf 501 ." ont ofithe mosi enjoyabie test- brought up Uhc rear. urv', that thechwurcIbasien for:- Thse lue of marci .vas froni the <'me time. 1-, asa inthe ature 0( lr hall veat an 151h streelt M Lin t. tog-ther social and il suray"cols. Nerh on Lincoln 10 101h easlt acrtomplisbied lu aobject A flue pr-o- *on 101h 10 Biate. soutb on State t, zram cas Irsu by teYoung people tf» place of beglnuing. r, c-te church. vhich vas as flles-s: iAI Uic cloue co ftbe parade s masF tou-rature . . Mises Hoye and Joli-Y: meeting vas heid lu front of the city %jp*utng, Soxg-.By aofficers snd tes- hall viti Mayor Chriltensen pveaid <ersT of Uic Sundây Scbool. iug. The naval baud fulnialied th( Praysr-Rer J. C. McCoi. muni aad StateS Attorney WecIc R.c1taton-Arvii Deyoe cvas the araoicf the day. He pa.d Sl-Nirs. F. E. 'Baker. s hlgh Iibute to President Wllsoixj ltEcltation--Floence Crane. the ailles. espcclly Kng Abert o! leritatlon-Betrn.n-d Decier. Beilum. He closed l wth a stroug I>sâlog-Alice Vael and Gladys D- pics for the United W4r Werk drive. yoe Hi emy7Deacon ieft Mandai for lielcamp. Francis Martin and Vio- Norfol, Va., viere hie bas s Oosi- let Rlouge tin,.tu..the nDavy yards. of *h.5 nDuce. le 1? TRUMRDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 19i8 jr 2 PANELS' PETIT JURORSý --àff One Panel Cornes in Dec. 2,- Other Dea. 16;,Maniy La- o al Ilien are rawn A panel of grana jurors and two panels of petit jurora have been d1rawu for tic Deember terni of dir- of circuit court. -TheCrC*% iMrdlu cuit court. l:e grand jurors and! one Panel of petit Jurora wiil report Decembey' .2.lThe dlher 'pgnei of petit jurors viii report Decembar la. Se far as kuown there viii flot bc many casea for the grand jury to revicu and tbeçe are Indicationsl(tet not many cases wiii be calied for trial. Foliovlng la a iist of thA grand jury. together wvlîab st et th Ie tv paeeb efpetit Jurons: Grand Jurera. Bentea-A. S. Burgesa. John Do0w. Newport-John D. Murray. 1 Antiocb-,Charley Smith, .1. S. Stb. ley. Grant-N. P. GrAuter. Lake Villa--Scoît l.cVOY. Avun-A. W. Harvey. Warrn-Harry Flood. wanlegaa- Frank Ope'<a. Ax.l i..beck, Arthur Stripe. Shlelds-Elmer Atkinson, .1. E. Fitzgerald. Llberlville-Tbomas Keri. Freuont-Geore H. Hertel. Wauconda-Ocozge 1enweIi. Cuba--John M iller. Ela-Fred Sebunianher. Vernon-Uloyd 1L Maethem. West Deerfiled-Bert Bastofi. Deerfild--E. G. Nuber, Frederick A. Wathins. Fiaet Panel. Bentaa'-W. J. Harknens. James Hardie, Conrad Shafer, E. G. Topli, A. A. Walker. Newport-Exnmett King. Antioch-B. Nabor, Samiuel Sîraba. Grant-Herbert Cahier, Ben Law- rence, 03e Piîzen. John Rose, Pari Tevuaeud. Avon-RarI Converse, Albert Shoe- maler. Libertyvile-Ldv Whitney. Wankegu-S. Berlin, Amcb Dam- rov. R. W. Dow, Harold FrYedbeck. Albert Gorenson. W. L. Hanley. Jas. lCelieytW. Undberg,, J&Y Merchant, George Neeley. IPeter Needham, Fred Shaber. Ed Tyrrell. ShieLda--Wm. Atkluson, W. E. Clow. Jêhn Whaien. Libertyvllle-Jobn liodge, Tom HoîffaLun Deeuftld-C. T. Alexander, Walter StupeÉ' omnd Panel. Henry Otterbaucher, W. A. Simon, Grsnd--Çd. MUeneh, Maurtin Stof- fel. Lake Vifla-Norman Burnett. Avon -.Charle Brainard. Win. Moore, L*te Walt. Pbii Wells. Warren-Heury PuaI Wau.csn-~surBjorI, Audraew J. Carr, leva Chamberlin. Oco. 1~ THE LATSST- QUITTER.l Hel:QNith is shown King Kari of Austria and bis wife and ehili. Kari Iost no tiîxîc, aeeoirdiiig to reports, after seeing tlie Urrman kaiser kieked off the throne, to tak& the junipl iînself. It is offiiallv annuned at Vienna, says a ('openhiagen dispaltel, that Kari lias ahdicatcd. FUEL FAMINE 15 AYERTED, BELIEF 0f Le P. ERSKINEI Fuel Admînistrator is of Opin- ditional Fuel New MAY TAKE SOUE TIME Says that Jncreased Produc- tion May not Show any Effeci UntilNext Spring That th. danger 'of s fuel fpmi'te that bas been menacing Waukegan bas been avertpd lhrougb thte sigun ing o! the armistice terme anS tlit oractical return of peace la the opin- Ion of 1. P. Ersklue, fuel administra- tor of Lake county. liecause it viii not be nereumary la, ship so mous coal abroad and because I ii cii-L possible eoo release more men for worli 1 atho coai mines Mr. Emekinvu believea taIhlb supltly of anthra- cite coal vîli become more plentiful.1 This condition may flot its brougitt about unlil suring. be save. but th'e PNEUMONLi FATAL TO W. T. TAYLO# AT LOCAL IIOSPITAL,ý Father of Magistrate Taylor Passes Away Following Short Sickness Walter T. Taylor, 65 *o! Antiocb. dled of Pueumoula, accordlng ta the verdict titis morming of a comone's jury prpsJded over by Corou'-m J. L Taylor at an Inquest linlte White sud Tobinunudetaking oor.s Mr. Taylor, Wbo was the fatber of Walter A. Taylor. police magisîmate of Waukegau, bail been allung for about lwa veeka. and bad contracteil lte Influenza, but would not "give 1 uip.' rueumonla'Iben developcd, snd Ibis caused bis death ai McAlist"m haspitai aI 5 o'ciock yesterday of- ternoon. Besides tbe vidaw. bMr. Taylor. .Who vas a lather, la surviveS by the folocing cblidmen: Walter A., Fraunk, Herry, Clara, Elmer, Leonel- la. Lucy aud Naona. - RUS-TE3 hJD Ne W.,IIOSPITÀ L co-wo.ker wlth C. J, Jones ini' JONES NAMES SUCCESSOR Under Verrns of WilI the Sur- -vivlng Trustee Must Narne Aid If Other Dies ln connection of the sudden deatii lu Chicago. e! John Boomer, one a! the Ico truses o! the big Nelson A. Btele.Estale o! Waukcganit IdS- velepsat)1gr. Rocepuassug cas very sudden. He bad been ta the malinco vilhbihs step-daugbier and cas rsturfnuug tea tbeNorth Wesi.-ra station ta iako a train for home. As he neared te station, lire began ta feel bedly. Vbeu armvninslde te dapol. il cas faund Ibat b.c as bae-1 ly able toi getloto the car. iioc- ever ho dld go th ie train but bis -canditQ.n bocame corse, anS he vas'.ed ta tbe bomptal lu the dpat. The doctar lmmediately pronouncesd bis, cas- serinus asu d haiS ..... Ild ual i irvive. He lied very sboîily rafler dards. Mr. Boomer was 65 years of 55el auJ hi. vife'dled about a ye:r ugo. lic vas a personsi fieud of Nelson A. Stepie aud that le lîow Mm., Stecie designated hlm am ou.- of thi- 150 trustees of bis vast estate wheu hé, made bis viii. The oth'-m trusteesri C. J. Jones, preaident of thé Iirst N,,, tianal banir of Waukegau.' Jones to Nome Successer L'acer tbe terme of the wcul mad. in al 'Wi thi pli gua fitf the is l cet ané tici aot lana Solo-LouIs Deeler. i Tha north sh<,ol l e rte Pascf KIMg Arthur Utle. G.' O d- - g. nijolt'o-pe p" b ve m - -ieaW AUKEGAN LOCALS in icmar'is-Atly. M. C. Dcker. by mrcblug ta Waulsga dJoin- Bnci PalM1 C. Peaddlng. coal lu thaîr bina 1taluet, untlilthen. Amrig ies a nudl )uet-Vera Amaden and P&s, (ait- iug wcltosla tn heir big pPasec Par- Bbi@idu'4cetl DuT5d. Au Eiiiia Tue fuet, hovever. that peace la A aniege io us. astaJon Wed lan ey. . d. Tho«. Quayle. St -baud dose not mean tirat ail re aukgeaa odaybohnof Wbrezen Rtàchtatau-4Dorothy Sailta. Norths Chicago vMlfbad a -Vie-ory LUbcrl'vu»-j. F. Dyer. strictians are ta ho abandoned. Mr.-udAesSambtofune. e Recitattua-Ralph Blanchard. meeting and War Work drive mach Pem-ODW en,1ae3 rkn asrecvda etr- Washington treet. have eceived a lng e hea dtI mthseenn.aGiner, Oven paddock, 1 quesI frainiSamuel Imeulh.chiiirmanupsa adta tersn ue A'aoadVoi ut-eadn naval baud vi i holn s ttnance Cuba - E-mmet Riiey, George a fte State Couneil o! Defeuse. auk-1-psa aSta iersn oee folley sud Luiu Hoyle. ad- afine seaertg ,rmh dbyOcrode* nghlm ta emaîn "Onthejolb" as wcita lebeiug teld a prîsoner lu the Afler ite pogram beuel.ingdministrator". ngGerman iUes. The carS vwaa dateS vfe h rga h vnn as, the publlcity committe or tbe var la-EmilFrul fel atmnlî Rlotebalci- Baden. Raymakcr pt with gantes vbicb ceme igh- vorli drive. Bmng your Sage Msd West Deerfil, James Dawson. A almlar request bas been made1 mereiy asaleS about hie famlY'a 1etijoyed by ail. let us maire thls theb iggea einrà ,peerfLeld-John G. Bell, Elmer ta0ail members of the Stalc Couacîl hatanexlidta h msf DEICATE SERVICE FLAG 1.ion of Our ittory. Evans, Ir. B. Green, Alonso Jone, of Defense, siioving that flhc goveru- haitba iand bel be on s elf Tite Preabyteian clîumcb Sedicated - __________Albert Jiauder, E. H. Raymond, N. A. ment dose not visb ta relinquleir tse ascaild rigb etd. Hit parontas i udier service flag Sunday nigith. Rev IlfI g'iir u. perfect ognzt nîsutil psae aût- na cauld he eecanlted Dispart McCaoy lu annouucingthie service lastI I045: WERE CÀREDI-_____________uaîîy la oras.lltrai im aceret agan îti ea iuuday saiS be boped thal Gemmany in ,îIID saasueuea usvsMr. Rrsklne ma<em il plain taI Fred Lampc, Milwaukece, aged 73, -oulS be luduccd ta bolS ouI unîl 7f jiU5 1 R K IYA J [ w bn ho predicte thal Ibeme le less tOOic out a marriage license lodey lu tey coùid have their services O NN ÀLS E - F VfV IiC .I probabilty of a fuel famine IhAt he Wu.ea awdMr ia loo Tasacuwmurae lee1 lean w odt spealiing nol thraugh any officiai Milwaukee. sarsmte 1.fag. 1ev. NcCoy read aT L N E R à'iformallon Ibal lhe bas received. Oae o! kbe larIleat j'euty deao stvers! letters Ibal h. baS received but tg meroiy expesiug bis owu Ibat bas been made bors ln sanie f rom the boys ai the front lu France. DAILY AVERAGE WAS 32 Thé Frinîvale daIm or 62 atomes, vîcci on th. situation. lime camne t llghî today chen It vus Lieul. A. P. Budde croIe a splendid nw th JmsW NIolba lehler lelling o of evomk t aur boys -0-- o IDlaWaukcg ansd one la Nortb - - no, limai-nthat Jmes W. Nîh ofa aI hefrot nd it ucd ! spprt Annuai reporta. of tbe NcAhluti-rChCbjago have hein plscod ln thce "-Darling Bave" 'Conno l sI ta C. H. Buraetlpeleto uf the frolnt aIdborne o upothaspital read aI the meeting Tut-sday bauds aif thcreeer. member et Uic Chicago Board of jthe lWaukegan NailonaliBank, us of thefolksp ome.l i ero fevoihg sboved liereuting figures The receiver la lte Contrai Tru.4t Treille, SUdnev lu Service aI the tva story building iocated lust sauth Ihat M Cas ta ln i ermounofan tbe patients, carci fer durilsg the 157Cfmy tSlhii@ioraiChicago. sud lir, nl Lakea Naval Traliigsain ft ako oes tet h the goed ta a acreotsf0t r nci--tatI h on,1fibe ai on G&@. 120,M.el.theun the car, and o! tse corld Leagle of year Jual closcd, sasfollova: the hak ia mecdirectlng the affsire la L1.0 100 l'Wgotda u oeral cs200.iluu Peae hatheiapd oui !lio. aients admtted-1045. a! the company. Thc Waulkeman and a g&_la_ scharme in judge Kavan- Sersîaod thal 3Mr. Bunct's plane are Numbr o!dtaasa- hoNmth ubae maager ar 5111 su co rt.pitty 1-year-Oid tronc1 ta build sainelimte la the future b il Die spoke'of Uic greal wark the boys Number e! bimhs-8?. Nortducgolisloaatmes add'.e 8s lu fJicuplalig iî Prof. ual at the prosent týme. vers doing for thc vomiSol let, n woebcelr Ms oi armn(e hms Thé foîîovîng Dames ver. repre- 1Numnber or upeatinmlf 6. clame hey kuov 11111. about the plons LusAhro acoe bceo r.DrsHrmn(e Ioua sented on Uic ilag as memiters o! the Dellyjr avcs-ge-ie. or lb. causc or tbc'reoverahlp. 1upartmenja t 2423 Lawrence ave., bas returned ta Waukcgan after blè. sunday echool snd chureh: Hovard Thero vers 39 eat. during tIbe The Chain of storesanieOW04by the th. attadk laald la have occurmed, ding tarecell - ta ber husbuiid, Liet AmaenDr A.F.Bude, m.D ;n -liiiopdemie. Thc capacity -of lbe cempany arcerMs on a cO.operattve tg a!cndSflt. L. Y. Hamîman of tbe EOth regimeUt. lzad, Dmr.EvnA. P. urei Mrn-,hoaptWa 45, therefore ilIt1son hasts and theme aretiuany staoild. prof. Wattcr 8: »ride&MU« An ti.keheavy artlllerY. fire. Thomas ha, ne. aaymand 'Helslnmzp. William (Kat- the bospilalcas Wcil filued on 1h.« a tmh uiccauîity. it tg sup.-lioreal Collage, s r 1 c or eved sy vr a ber usba asan- cit, M. Jhamn.Car Lidee. Briavera go durlng lb. Pei'iodquaosddta be a pan wher'eby stock. Ibat CbalOi Bluart, yePretatlve o!rrive aeyoema.Ms aîa Mead, FrakMead, DaviS anS Glen Mm. Blocney. chaînnai of ina»- isoldsma gel grocefes cbeajUr. t a Nec «ork baul.lasnade hie es. bas ibeau living -vltb ber bumbnd on N-aIBI Bt. aulPaneRonldces, shoced'lb. !ollowvlng report fur nt1v avhesolrodr.cape frontRassisa and lu nov lu CO- the. coas for nearly a yean. Povu, elI. PauI l Pann, S. . Wlt-te cr:l Do ie oîit asa e si yl e ra--penhumgen. Stuart vouiteered tame- Jack Erwin, son of DaviS Erwin o! fard.~~~ Tcglsarcc.frVe.Iota1 lolletin............. ..........elerstpbtl th.chances mut il I. main ta ofai .urcan banit- Vctrysîee l d In spta clvlu fom& Th gaclfiestans wfor Ver-db. as! epuiue-----c*45 nteroc taa returus an îug luleresto. M& bhone cas fonmerly France.,codgt odrcie1 MM . lades SOIIttMd fre lt. oa .piiiue... . ather «» of sma.tu1 U&1k O2 bie parents' j conuttte of th Unit........t ........ $3».62 by 3fr. Stecie, Il il iwd'Mel tulecase or death le! qçler eN trustees; the other "bas teUinc esurO appoint and shall'appoint a aumO sûr." 0f course, lt.ecund" -ai shocklng daath Of Mr. BooSel. eau as such -a surprise ta 3Mr. Joncs mu ho bsnot anticipatcd anYthifig 4 tbis kind, therefore bail fDot Mv thought aboot vue a wiid be the ei cessai' te air., Béêner, .1 lan'the lianUnie Mr. jonues blE wiii act as the. sole trustee Of th' big fortune which. bal een Varions] estimateid as V teWhbre Mfli dollars.i I là a -bli;taub, thie h&# ling of muah 1property In Wsuk5BI and Chiea* go-'asil as extenal stocks and bonds. Under the w the truatees gel a certain percent4i of atI. and sithe tisee ofN Steele's demth, It vas estimatad, rabout $5,000 a year eaeh te the trq 1tee@. 8,hine p Sprr.w. cf etleda O)Ui 01 th@ toitsuanooke sudba Of the esrlY uorulul there came A uta eet, Plaintive notes Of Uic seug ai row. The Insn's pritiF vere droo- lie was Inlueuced by hi* pbyjsclse rotinding. Not so tbe bIrd. 0 sent hlm ta ing sud be sang trug the fog sud %mite sudha, and lt the heurt of the men. Anothet vork« took Up the duciii. of the daycho f ully. with new hope la hl$ soul.-To ledo Blatt.. Aged by Monotoneuc WOrIL. Mleu of the laboring class a er ou eariier Uian. men o! other classesbu cause they bave n break or variati.o lu their work. no remI, no chtange. Il ous labor which ages a lnan.-E3 change. Word bas be.en rs'celvsd lu Wauke gan of thé rutber audden death ln Cl casgo of John Boonmer, who with C.J trustee of the culaIs of the late Nel sou A. Steele. 3Mr. Boomer vas val known lu Waukegan. Women's Work?; women as yet really ne&lcd ini and uncontrollable nervououaeoe 1our industries?- One of our experts sometbing muât ho wrong with induutrial management belicves hboe i back, a womaa Dat tt hefore the war ende womiçn says, but cU1 the time the realtou iH ho needed by the hundrd c(I Y often centers in the orgama.1 tousnds an weough no tebe ine c&ases out of ten the seat of l uaand, an we oght ow ~ difficulty le bore, and aw anning for their training and safe- should take rational treatment for i iarding. Now > l the time to pro- cure. The disordcr should be are and dcvclop plans and policies. fiteadily and systematicayw 'ory woman should make hereif Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrition for wars al at home or ahrowd. and the hygicalo adviee foi Health and streagth are within whicb Dr. Pierce gives froe. ie reach of cvery woman, and4ltre For diseuses f rcm whichw Sno better time than noe to try an ifer, "Favorite Prescrptiod'"i erbal tonic, whicb has had a haif powerful r*storative. Duuing h cntury of practical domonstration liait fifty years it bas baniahed fromî nd successful results in moSL of the the lives of tons of thousands ci ëlicate derangements and weak- women the pain, worry, misery andi esofwomen. Itlethe"Prescrii- distrees cauaed by these diseaise. i" of Dr. Pierce, used by him in Your neighbor could. tell you. tivo practice many !years, and Addreue Dr. Pierce, Pros. la. ùw sold by almoset every druggist valida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.,ad tablet or liquid form. get confidoittial medical advicié ea' If it i la eadache, a backache, a tirely free, or soud 10e for taul nation of irrtability or twitcbffg pacIraIgB Prescription" taM5, TwiningGarage., ~BE WISH to announce that W wýe are occupying the building formeriy known, as the Jeffery -Sçgyyce,,Sta- tion, in rear of Sn office. S As we do flot seli any mgake of new cars we show no partiaity to any niake of car. We give the best pos- sible service on all candu Corn, in and we have expert mechanica ses us. It will soon b. Lime for Yento0 have your car overhauled. Botter have it put ini shape wblle pa rtsa are avaîlablo. Ted R. Twmning Office 'Pho4e 1611 HOU". 'hone17 7' - s ýan the ois oaiî it, ý Te Ut F7Ï -1- -J-L ý ba IL -- 1 ti i 1 1

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