CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1918, p. 12

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*.~a Wiuvt É~T~ERTYVILLE T1IrnEPE~îDENT. TUUTtSDAY, NOVEMBER Libertyville Independen t Lae oimty Indepenent -WauhegN4 Weekly Sun Keep your eye on your job these days. Men who are only half awake are ging tq fid it mlghty hard to con-' vince the boss that they are hiecessary for the conduct of any business ini the mighty near future. In the years to corne people, instead of looking for 'Made in Qermany ware will look for the words: 1"Mlade OUT of Gerniany. "Made in Germany" hereafter means l'Mde out of the blood of America and ber alles." A Zion boy who cannot be induced to stay at home' because bis parents insist that he go.- and hear Voliva preach, tells the state's attorney thiat heprefers golng W jail to having to listen to the overseer. The poor fellow. Heis not 50 "1batty"l after ail, do you think? He needs -sympathy more than censure. THEIR FATAL MISTAKE Baron von der Lancke, the Gerinan civil governor of Brussels, when seen by the correspondent, seemed quite' cheerful. "Goermany," he said, "entera a new era. The[ kaiser is dead' Long live the republie. 1 Asserting that Gerrnany would ha~ve wonif it had flot been for the Ameritans, Baron'von der Lancken added: "We miade mnany mistakes dmr#g the war, but tl; greatest mistàke was when we under estimated America. His remark tells in, a nutsheli the whole world-war- story and its ending. LAKE COUNTY FOREST PRESvdcERVE DV MARY KELLY GRAVES of the step which must be taken to Chairman Publicity Committee scure the preserve. The nthsiats i bealrof ,e ý"Pepleare turning back -witl, a Theenîusast i beai ofh1 sigh of relief to culec pursuits," any Lakte County Forest Prtsprves, N010 IOlr. Mllarti. have been engrossed with war activ "1 .We have learneti one thing, If we ities, Uirst fortls again last wee' i 1,1have learned nothing else f ront the a victory spirit bpIendîdly keyed toý war, namely. that if il is desirabla home necessities, and wiirever twol to do something for the publie good or tree f tem wrc atheed 1 on a large scale we can do il anti that or hre ofthe wee gtheed o-we can raise the monpy with which gether there 'was enthusiastic tait or bo do IL. atartig anti loi educational cern- "The proposeti Lake County Foret palgn which muât precede the ac- Preserve la a plan flot only for future quiring of the many beautifui- places but for present recreationai grounds, which Lake county la s0 generoualy even before It becomes a vital neces- supplied Into a forest preservp,. sit because of the growth in popula- TueMaor o Wukva aieý these proposed recreational areas Porest andi Highland Park togethey which are to be set slde as the reg- with Evrett Millard, moving sprit ular piaygrounds for the chiltiren of in tihe plan to savc Use areas o;j future generations. "The Cook County Fores, Pre- acenie beauty for the people 0f the~ serve has been organizeti for a long county, ail express hearîlest endoràe- enougis time to demonstrate lt.s great mat of the idea tist w,' shouid wasLe ctibto hecv etrmn no imein riningthepreerv i(ea0f Cook county. 1 believe il le fully before the citizens of Laite county. a motn o aecut ohv "Late ouny i th theahoit orIts forent preservé as for Cool: colin. that vast territory opening out of ty or any other community to have Chicago. This territory hba a great room for Its expansion. Il takes but weaith of natural scenie beautya few generations for people to be 'which shoulti be preserved Iintact to depriveti of thelr vitalily If kept thse people of Lakte county." sait! rmaculcotc wi hesu Samuel M. Hastings, Mayor of High- "The proceas of securiog the pre- lanti ~ark.serve wouid be to file a petit* be- "We sboulti follow tise lead oý Cookt fore the couniy court azking for an County andt aie steps to form Our election to be held t Iwiich the peo. foret preserve aI once un Justice tu pie wouid tiecide whether or flot they Laite cointy. We cannot afford to wish to organize areas of thée county ing behint inb his, preservation mo1ve. or whatever ierritory they May tieem ment. An earneât and enthusiastir. proper to be organIzed I nto a foreat ffovement toward that entd shouid be rsve undertaken at once. "Shouldth Ue vote be afifrmative, the "*Tais ia the4 psychoiogical tinie counly board of supervisors wll con- The war la ove..People are tari- stitute tise boardi of comissioners Ing baci b civie anti communIty in- for the Forest Preserve district. terests. They have become usedt o This board of commisslont'rs woutd doing big things in a big way. This proceeti with the selection and pur- 4s the biggest thing that rouid posâi- chase of nuitable arcaq b lbe pre- bly be dlone for L.ake counly. W-~ serveti for the' scenlo anti recreation- gabould sîrike nuw. The time is ai value. Wiatever may be thse ripe" areas so far recommentied, tte final nI eartily nos hicmag sejection will bc matie by the boardi for thse Lake rounty Forest Preservès of commissioners after the district and wiii cooperate ln evcry possible' has been organizeti. 'way toward ils acom piîsh ment," de-- clard Wllim W Peacemayr oi "Rlght now. Il appears 10 me, l% ciarei Wil iW. e a re mayor o1 the lime 10 organize. 1 betteve il for gn "lwi b re this ont. will be lise most popular movementt for Ib tai guly iay" ntb ubmilled to the votera for a long imovement lowarti the acquisition of ime." a foreat preserve for Laite.counly leI wIi11 be récalled that promineutl sount in principle anti la of the ut- citizens fromnt'North Chicago, Lakte Most Importance 10 Lakte county. It Bluff. Zion City, Wauconda. Fo x shouiti be fully anti freeiy supporteti River. Lale Zurirlh. Highiand Park, * y hy 1 reaienîs." tieclared Keene' Làké Forest, aukegan, Lake Villa, Atidington. ' mayor of Lakte Forest. 1 Libertyville, Wadswnrtii, -Round Lakte *"11 dose n ot occur to me, however. anti other places in-the couinty were tist the expendilure of money would among Ihose wbo organizedthie com- I- . 'eqsied isconnection witib tIhe iite. forenst upreserve movement until tise 1 The proPoseti canîpaign was aide- necensity for conservation of our trackcd in the interest of winninq Now On- A Special Sale of Women's Wool and Silk Dresses ALz HEMNGo. Northern Ilinois Foremost Outitters to Women and Chi!dreru Special Sale- of Fine Furs Scarfq, Muffs, Sets and Coats Great Coat Sale! -ail sizes, styles, materials, c r and 'prices-many are fur trimmed Coats to 22.50 1498 Coats to 30.00 Coatsto 35.00 24,e7 Coats to 45.00 34675 Coats to 59.50 4500 - F 11 ri Beyonti ail doîîbt, the greatest display of woticîi ', aîtoid ssemicts evel' seîni inke <'01101y is iml'I1I<d in this gî'eat fille wool velours3, plushies, silv'eit sues, lut adeithtes, kersey's;l i' il i iitl '1iî'd I iit îialy 1iuiids 311(IV ut't îiiîiiid. Odds .and Ends Sizes to 6. at Coats to- 12.50 Coats to 16.50 Sizes to 14, at 1 Sizes to 14, at Ci s 'oats to 22.@50 C izestol19, at F4 4-065 8e75 l 2.50 16.50 Oîîe whiole side of oui' gieat store is dev'otetl to ('111 LI)REN 'S COATS. Here are îîidîed s of thiein at everv size wool v.'bai'rs, kerseys, cordiiroy"i i-cIvets, plîtsli<'s, zibbelines, broadcloths, chinchillas, umixtur'es and Treiîeh coats. sa 1 . 1 0-H(-;e1te Coats'to 35.0J For Women & Miss 24e75 fo 2fi o -21 1t -e Iî )o, ses I l- Wom en' sSuits Haif-Price The 'Greatest Suit Sale of the Season "For Out-of-Town People Only" 29.50 SUITS Haif Price at- .15 39.50 SUITS Haif Price at- $50'SUITS Haif Price at- Haif Price at- -JoM -Ilaif Price at- 91!5 During this great sale for OUT-OF-TOWN people only, you can take your- unrestricted choice of any suit in stock at haif the regular-price. There are ail sizes, colors and mhaterials to choose ëfroém. RTMLLE -INnErENDENT, TTIURSDAY NOVEMBER W.,. -- Mý pàm PMI, Ir

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