CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1918, p. 6

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~orwardand Enters his Ï=àrete Case Is 01v- -en totheiJury_ WASEK CASE TODAY w1h Chicago Man Chprged WIhAssault Is on Trial in Circuit Court Vban prison doors yawued Mail- 0 for' Paul Ptackthe young mon. âr*, ville baviug stolen a large pUtlty et coper bouding vine fromn ,W*rM Shlore rallroad, tite defeud- i-B~ bwath ne.! a adegne. by ï t4efrward sud pleading gui- tmim a sentence o! six monl.he bbb Lii. courit> :ilI. Ptacit made 011& et"gulty" aflen the glato 4 #réomted t case and ite sav »Mg certain conviction etaning a ta the face. To have venmihled 0 «se te go lu the jury might bave itai In bis beiug founfi guili Iptrhaps smeneced 10 serve sev- -years n.iitheostate pententiary. Ptaek vas ebarged i wti havlng ne- yv tho bondLng vires from the *et car tracm nean ZMon Cty. Tic le as tied once before but Ptacit Là dhrnlssed bocanie Il vus, held BtWtk lsîdic Iment vas.fnully. A *, iedlcts-ent vas returned sud a avlieton obtalned. - Thse Panasek .aae. IÏao case cf Walter Panaeek. "w vit i sait viii' a dendhy kpeu a'tarled lu court lih m toring Sjury vas obtained lu a er-'rc- Oý siot lime. At Il o'chock t2eo "y$ nu"aiehein openlug state- toteaJury. Panae Is citarg- bï bavng &rsçk a telow eCm- W&ý tthbbcNertChicago founr um kéohuaiviti a iteavy bar o,! I* 1Tîîallt ok plate lasti rINSF6fT trouee of 15 ceula per, hbouand feei, maýkilte 'mggimmpri~e 81.25 ver tiiouanud. This rate a a upposed t0 be effective nafil .anuary 1,118. Subsequently the gai Compsny PeQ- Atoed -for- su adà1tJeualincreaiseaa .he utilities commission lloved a Bat lacrease of live cents per thoui- $and, maklng lhe maximum rate $1.301 per' thousiaud as It la at the present lime. Not aatisl¶ed vith tbis the gas Comn pany argued to bave the commiestn grant '.,u additional -increase oft15a' to- '20 cente per thousand but &fiter Iistenin,- to ail thearguments and laclng the matter nuder advisernentl lte commission denied the request. Their deciio han !nat ben madeý known. That thçre must have heen n difference o! opiu' on the Part of membens ol the utilîtles eomrnLs- slon le seen frornthe tact tiet it ln gLva n out tbat th increase *as de- nled by ýa snjonty vote. Much credlt la given torpoatlon Counieal Bulkley for te eficient man-. nar in vhich be represented the city hofore lte commission. FACTORIES WITft DRAIW REQUESTS TO OBTAIN MORE MEN Chairman Coulson of Labor Board Says Armistice Cansed Change CONDITION IS 5TEMPORARY Says it WasBound ta Occur in Peniod Preceding Returri ta Peace Operations Wlth the signlug of the armistice and tb. practical rturu of peste the. Federal Commuulliy Labon Board of laite counly -,Af whl&8b Wrvey C. Couison la8 cbafrma Lftzu1s lse mis- sion lu removlng men trom uonA4 sential employment and placing themn ln war von han heen completed. The board aubomallcaily turne lts efforts nov toward the reconstruction period. Demaud for mon ln local plante C eM 2toteàamanited extent duriug ~UI' ATE OOST tise ast seevral days, acoording t: armistLce vas siined lb vas airnost 01ýn9s!on Hokis ImpoIsible te obtalusufnlent sren lt o CWsn Rates Will Re- fll Unoeds o!flte local plants. Thunplate owbava vithdmn ç EIn tYotve liere roquent& for aMidboual omployes and BOOSTIN FAR e rnott ligos- an>' more. As a 4ýý r"ut te laOr bardhas hsd Utile vudowihIn h.elit 1fevday.. Um laPeMonng Tp conditIon. accordlug ho Chair- CMgiu"on iflfor, ancoulson, la marl, lempovary. ->jt~or nctese Me "YB It la oxpeti Ibat iuch a q» V ft u uencomms. ondite on ould develovp bobveon amioh, 1y a majontty vota, aumptien of openitions nuder a peace M. 'm-Inerffe W l rates asked rOgrAM. On. et ,ils dullos le to 1" Miore O»f company tusa dkiulg &av&thst u. "liaI thia 'Importent period la1 UWm lit SISi bged over ithosit any .leusa- 06*p& Au a reauit the pies- lion o!rnovelne 0 i- b. off*" tive ntIl 'yan- vemamnt «Il. for Waukegsu ~Im B tthe ol are s wpo sa n m.jte go ta otiier clUtie ont rkin t. tx.m 04 ae ovi$1cit Inunllon fsctoniesansd pfvoda, mili A~ 1iZ'hihl Bte ! 8.10have beennamled andvwhIleIt Io isi oublo o. LPs'obibloltat tho mon vho have idt "ii iratier pleasng goue fromt here ho fil lies. positions ~0l its Orse tah in, vM b. retalned for the prenent at ~ gise en..atvoM leosthon. Il no likeulood hast. be terbeir Lforsuation tat Iso more vîli ha nequired. imt hl~ av e U pthtndhie The local labor boards bas proved çtiL ~7 1e oumjm. for L. an Important organization dulng Ins Ow la turtea. brie! existence lu he IpLus te solvo 00 .,doâUmorinngNovember tite lalor uhortage taI affoclod van 00 e<piile. cosmlstn ilho16 vork tactorlas. M., Coulson bas é<Elm >01111051 o! the provoîl a most ellcleub man ah lthe ~~eralircad te Incres. 15b head oft ha board. Oh4de orporation __ _____ h~le aeeon islructed E T R AN 2 N ff ert Waukansd Inter- E E T M ; Î* *MW"nMoliection ho the ho Iilwl dey Iiovubwe, sOVER SUNDAY Mr Miss May Mimer, a teacher In the , sus n t lte Cbioao-Tae. South Cdlcago achols in tasenter- e oupany for an lanefse ln t.alnng 2Sifniendsetahber uummer: a, detals o! wich verent ati bOB aIt(lus-ne.. Ti e mte %Pend be, su a fev vesîs ago. Suidi viti Mes Mimas' and tâts TIse ea FiIsI.eveln8 a dance and dînnaer part>' la Thé ao Fghttsiho iteld nt vhlch thora viiihb.U9i ba cfly Lu pleueo4 aI hsving iseen jackles la addlbon t0 lia young vom- ho prevent lie North Shore (las on. Mià Ilîner malines u anul Oni frein %eL±Lug anuter in.,week-end oevnl a dsllahttul on. cadi' talsud unualhi &, boutte mre i. atea. Saverai nontbe ago "~br o! young toks premet. *»4eveU0.Mursî. Preident. W . B. Smth, Vice Preold1n. l F. W.,Cieurchill, Secritary .06 Manager YIELLEPHONE 81 MURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. e"cTgo TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED ýc&p;Il$125,000.00 ILLINOIS Adam Mihaéljeio FoslterSon of George CessWrL:at Who Sacrifioed' Liue BARRINGTON ADDS 2 STARS one BailingtonlBoy wrtes ne Went Over Top Six Times- Seventh Was Fatal George Cessar,' 237 Lake atreet, -vas grieved today viien ho rectived word ofthle deatit 0f a former Wau- kogan youug man iu action, a youn.g mhn wbo badl kuov hlm n. latier aud vise haîtd ilodvîithlm mauy year. Thse vire from Washington read: "Deepi>' regret tb Inform you Ihet Itlta officieli>' reporj#d blut Privale Adam Mihaljevich, engineers, dlsd Jul>' 2Srd from wàunds ,ecefved In -action." Adams vas oue of the first Wau- kagan men te enter the serilce dur- lng thse Present conflIs-. Re volun- teered aud vas sent 10 the: Texs border. Liter ho vas ordored acroes but vas nover able to corne baci and se. Cessan vbo vos sncb a good friend. Cessan today recuflod hov ho had gorDe vlth Adam te the- court bouse te g.4 bhis final papers sud how coucened lie. young man vas lu hlmt cltizenshlp. hers. Ho vas amuas o gel Inte lie fight sud therafore vas aanong lhe first ho volunteer. Another close frlend 0f Cessar vas Adam Melici. smzo'one of tho very first ta volunleor. Tihe strange part of il L laI tCessar bas neyer iteard a word freim hlm ince the dol h. left la serve the country. Boti lieue meu formenly vere dl- sons of wvit a a.once Austro-Run- gary, a oouubry nov being conventod labo a ropublil. THE BARRINOTON STARS Thomas McGraw, Co. P, lîstit lut. wnote homo on Oct. 4th, iaylng "I've been ovor tho top six limes sud baven't a&#scratch. Two more bripe sud I11 be home.» Ponce day hie motiar, Mrg. Charlotte MCGMaW, ne celved ofliciaI notice that on Oct. 7, 'Thomas bad inode the "supreme oac- rifice.." Verrii Doyen, also of Barington. va. iled la action Sept. it. Ou Sept. 11h b. vioto home he bisfi-. suce, "I amrn <e of 80 citosen to do my bit Lu a big drive! Arthur ViI.y o! Waucoesda. Pf., vss wouudad Jue 11h,.- covared sud vont igala talte front an ed16o! pueumonia. word reeved Nov. 111h.L McoGnav sud'Boyeren. from the lit- tic vilag, et Barngton. town o! Cuba, vhlcit proudi>' shows a service "lg o! 32 stars, ono ilver, Ivo goid. SIERI>AN.R DL% JINKD;15 UNSAFE Bel COUIItY Seat te bey up large quanhtidea of flour. They bave becomce accustâmed, t tic Plan of purchesusg flour ln Oive on tua pound iots liaI thoy do net thInkto oern tho larger mact. «"Mh e r ha.beauof Inestimable, ývalue to hundrede.- of Watcegan housevive. oua, local grocer mid. "lb ha% ahovu liem uer wte bas shovu them tint tiey eau gel along on a lmited portion o! sugar aud thay do not bave much dîfficuit>' suy more. Truc tbay havï hoon un- able te bote as muci pasbly a. for- menly but tiey ihave o goh ngluit as veUsund bave .ufferad no rosilu-n conveniece. 1 arn conulnced tiah aven ,vheu bte sugar han la iifted compieleiy 1hat people vriii punoitase tbis article lu muceh mono- imlted quontities than hafono. People vho uftd 10 think.t ho>' eedod tvaoor tiras teaspoonsful ln tbirncoKfe asu.mwm psuvenises btuuure "."v""roud out that a ucant ipoonful for SaIe-ays it la Goed te sudk4cent sud bhay enJo>' heIn eo- Onlyfor erapron tee ail lie more for it Only or Soapiro "Unes o!foflur bave been llmited CONDE NED EARS GOsud 1 belilve thal lie same viii CONDMNED YEAR AGO prove ires lu the case or sugin.- Hope ta Have .New Bridge In. aide of Trwo'Yearaç Other LIEUT. WHO DISa. WorkDonebyCouncil The eld Sheridan Road bridge, for APPEARED. SAME Y6ýrs à adm. In Wuukegan, le te b. jusniedl iA JO E ,S P Formal action tate isi. ffect _________ ÀF taken by tho dl>' commisIo Mo- ncuagm tLetWaRea do>' nighl vion tise CîtY dort vis lu- -orgmetLetti e atrssctos ta advertise tf hidi fan helitetves of Wauikeqan Aviator sale of thea old bridge asesraplrasr. ByL.OdnsSau Tit action vas teiten on tise reoern- 0dn' tau mondllona! CmuslsLoser llot E n-Rcouragemuvnt IF, gîvpn 1 ea on. "0e POInted Outsat thse bIotîves sud frieuda O!fLieut. Homer b;ks heen conderned rthat rdge I?8,1ilnger, Waultegin aviaton vbo It bas been epe alaediforliav as rePOrtod "mL-sfllig lu avtIon ou it~~~~~~~~~ ha encosd rie o e-SPt. 111h" b>' au Item lu a OChicago oral Yeais, liaI but f ew people use ît paper wvieis aoya how su ovlalj 10r oût pasag, tht te rplaagvho dlaappearo.i about the m iame î for 001pasage tisI le rplala IL, 71ahringer ies nov been located- o! rolhlug plants la a source of con- aà Pnisoner lu a Gorman camp. A stbal eXPonsa ta -the cit>'. and tht Chticago usapen poss If bh ity>' ishpFt la rocelue a bigh 1 LIeut. John wîîmliot Ogden. 2918h prIC, fer tise Junkt Itimust b1 ero fqpjadron. repos-b.d mlbslug silice ' is hi.plDe va-i Seen ta railbehin4 thW dimpoffl of at once for the 1Market ln (Gorman lines, SePt. i9, te safo lu lbe Ou lia dovuvard grade, duo ta tisei Oermiu primes s-mp et Kanishuho, 81gnlng oft he sarmistice. . ;Il vwuas 5eu0155rod b>'thp van depart- Tic 4unu can ba dîspomed of nov,: ment today. An s uveIfled reoat b that LIessI. Osden iied f allen Into, On- 0 e aid, tor ibeweu $8, sud $20 ptr ernY bande vas rocetved tIva Teks ton. Witn 61ix etec e taheiredlcled ago b>' his soi-Muqs Thomas A. lie price vvll bau c dnoppod ta bal! iWe*d'ue Iff. Ie of ¶a;. Wootlrui, con- taI aMount. Irc polnîed out tj, tnected it vie bmmedlcal corpae, t tho pnice o! ¶nuî :;-onat tho limtethoe Camp Meade, a" - Oaoeee et. »es lis-vmW L Mâti Tor,~ t>hatiqw vi - - - - - - - - <- - - -_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Iý'ëN; r oit«o01t It«rÉbrI tbeold bridge lasu m oe oeoatpt menace aud l a able to Ioapgiï4y 'Ure uzdeî #t 9On [w.iI4.*8 ,A.ild e 1 t â~SI lat t1kO 10w,~pffl*ho traverse h*o atruc- fts' op ibetrouid b. willg tego ofpgiii by vof eG(eneede streot. l'fi têaquestion fro. OCeilà IaI#bpa »ust Mr. DI)eop~eyer sM14 LUO 01&4 gefthle question te repair tke. ol d notten structure. Re sald t wui overhanlsd n 1912 and- was open- ed to, hait 'tminc. but Il wBO fo'iid Imp"eeble- to kecp o0 the.beavY- trucits 'nd the result was ltaIlthe structure va" literally shaken te, pla..,*damag.d beyond nepair. Mayor -Poarco ss$ ho thoughtt would bq a mlata'îe to tear dowu the bridge vitenaa new structure miglit àot be Pected for the next soveral yean. hMr., Dletmeyer sald hc toit confideât ter. would be a nor bridge withîn twq years. He sald !t would not b. .gpodlont tu taienu te project nu, beaos. of the. high prIce et mAéterialu but bho predicted titat th re would be a materlal decresse I- prices. At the present tirae ce- tuent conte, $2.6o per barrot. Wben the. Genee. treot viaduct was erect- od lte Price vas go cents per bar- roi. Mayor Pearce cast the only dis. senttlr vote on the motion t0 au- thon". lte clerk to advertlse the bridge for sale. WIVESiNOT 7AVERSE TO- SUBSTITUTE'S Local Grocers Say, that Mlun- drods of Womnen Dont Avail Selves of New Rule STILL " USE SUBSTITUTES Believe that When Sugar Ban Is Lifted Conipletely Sug- ar Sales Wont Increase Waukegan maerchants aset that ln many case. that have been0 sllod to their attention cuatomners have be- corene o us.d ho purchasing subati- tutes vitit their vhite flour 1h14 tbey continue tu do no despit. thé tact tat the ban hie beau removed and bread can hb bked o!of tire wheat. Oue grocer aya that mauy people have become .0 used to auhatltste.3 ln bread that they have X ynP bhIke Il ttI way sud may continue Indefln- itely. It la quit. noticeabMe. grocers as- sert, that tene Lu ne evident attampt On the Part of Waulegan housewlves ÀlTE S ý% VJCVScores of Waukegan Young ATTENS SER8~.1 Men Who so Desire, Can OF 'y, SAyS SECV. Obtain thefir Release Parnt - i'Wakepn qnDANIELS MAKES RULING WJlIs a ui U i noner, WiIl Favor Patriotie ,Young Snda___r - reMon Who, Enliated- for the Mn. sudMn.. H. Ramater bave Duration of War recelued oaWro word foue a "Y" vanter vteho a eson u ad ulebd Etnino a mrm tbeLr son, Ubgne Rama'<er. Co., C. Uxeso fteAnrcnn Regt_ 127, vho vas captured July by svil go .itead dospite lie armistice, tha Germene sud whitenov Lu la a t eneàry oft ho Navy Daniela stateg ceri* cmp. fiera te.>a format note loday. vwhich' tic amaerst a>' roolvd T'ri a: s.lite;vini bearàa beavy froue Ciaui D. Nelsons. aocraary t prlaouens-f-vor overseas: 1 abar lth thepoldeng ofthlb. vend "W. thiat you viii ho lateret.d inatha futre and muet b. extonded in lie fohiovlug quotation tram a hf"Seorebar Ilineh s t.d pont b>' an Amenlua Y. M. C. A. soc- it ée wer vn e retary la (bermauy, eptembor 301h, liae meovvviib 1918: pormltteid 10 bave lie jàrvica, ItlaL «'* have luit returnod titis moru- expectod, altieug t hey bava cullal- ing ra othon tires day' t d for doflulte termes. secrcbary Dan- vt, oboys la Rattt, =,V,,,vho 1 bldanu von botter Umne tien on hl$ ne"bS.1040 1 ,«d Ol 54Yong My provine vieil. - We bual-e u n nvitecnbased thc -var are dolng * everyting possîilete for pLlnLole reoos andvite de- make tier ImprImoumeul a. conitort.-sir~h e t e. ie othe& pu,"e Urne ahie os oaa be.. l"nends vIlno 4ouht, b. < - y.o Itri Yen oit vil b. e vea ry pponhual- vii 01 hess-itI nSsndyvoco-ty te d60no as aocnas arrangement. dictai a citaénolervies vitithy 8mn eaub.mode esr. piayed by-su orchestre pnduusng b>' Homai. It lAor. et-. veor. tint hoe Men, prayer an addnoss giv- eu by theo ecrelary, sud lia ver>'the personnel cf tie nav>' vM ihav" sisngle Ameican Irrespetie of d. t ke th1i. ô"tetho pr-sent mark nomination vas lualandainus.tMd tint vont muet, go ouneaI bail "Amon& tbe men visi specliflly until îurter arrangements are mode. nequesteil ho seceeary tu tond Th ey m7000 onard greetings te tieir .borna olks vas Tanv a 000mnira "Rions geneRmaker, Co. C, RegI. 127, tncludlu mzarines, DanLienId- ceptured Jlyff. . Dtu ' -Woniton battl"pblp *.-sM langer ToLu NryrlSO." ver vessels viict ipu benenjasck- "OLUDD. EL ened #mcus o!f t, ent ueenlt>' 1117 t~oi patrol ani d soe .rf ili ICJCK D DI~(I~ 0E" e resurncd as part of tha Permanent #Qw ,ý egpauson p4iicy o0fIl. nauy SIIIJL ER NJU EI) emobîlisedel t one, theic eW - sald. Plan. viinet ho obanged ex- JlaiLoku>,employai at h@ capt , ler carofui îd~eHratOn la tihe Woodln f aou vauet t Waukegaia 1 nxhfev days. Couttýelsfor le lu tho oounty lboaptl aufflog fr0515boais may net heobcariOd Ibrougle. o badly fratorel elenlis, M a nes DeivM ofet 100vus aaecbei by nain suit of binl"itleked b.b iorne0 Wai- smmen. usnasafteanownite voeklnt on _______ thc fi*gi Trhefather orM. V,1P-- IOf Great Thé eboilder va aie.basfly, cutLaites, irOPPai dead Ibis afharhioeta vlseretaic maionu u. hose% abo, :80 mter bljding geodbr ta hie mm oUi. vho %an les-rIng 1la a dme ra mhos5Uee ____________ statimn.It le bol.eved tint lie vie- lime aucembed' le ieart diseuse, *1-bThndepeudest'solrselell ooss- ile droppoldead vitenbhoasvwte stet. W RRAOtRS-mot 0 el.otes, train, about ho pull ont vi'b4l &On PRISONEoRnMAoE o B. Warre3 8Et",~ Steen la weIi knewa JV &sud 44. Ç0!5t, b.ltie ~ N County mnran"à ort.d. RAY N. SMITHi .oe~ ~w. Divine Z omtest viboreinw the vldèo thie R o ~ ~ ~ ljI6, op 0fpiumograe& idator moeltg oQtuSa 1Wnnuon e son , âmo e Ibsa h er Ww s d iower e! ~uçe~. nut runung Méry Bandol, *ite for geai.vais heusé.pr fer Mr,. ganw', and, who LETTR ON, ViCTORHy DAY -ta nm".sot beco.ieiary àbi Mi't..Johnoen .Doubty HU"p Y b. »ed out tc courlatse oi 'Monday Whent Log tateinent et parties wito are la a Looked for Nofe Cam position te ituow. The. loto Mr. fSmith tt mfI astate 'Wgukogaa.Nov. Il vahued ai about $16,000. -Theis ncud- MMr. Victor Joauson, U2 South ed- $10,000 for viticb ho »d16 bit tnezee street, bua recelved an iu. phonograpb patents in the Pultoq- torostiug lettér frottaher son Roy, wIth the forcos, lu Prauce. site >e-4Iden eompany, bis bouse sud lot da lHeves hlm te, be the. youngost bo Soubt Sheridan road. valued ai about vith lthe forcea- -for ho -ia oalY 16 83.00 aud about $1600 IL uah. ygars oid no*. *1sum prend et my Te Mary Randali. Id. housekeeper, .bralre hero." sis Mmr.johuacusud,b sb@teo ha aight 10 ho. for on'. lt- ut vbo foryars had- passed asebis ter teliiug of belug wounad, ec * ie, ip loft bis entirieseaate. Mia iodowe: viiiContulned a debaildsd tatemoat 1 oct. 1a, 1918. thit Mary ihandeli iiad nursed hlm Duer Mother- 1 eue In Pari., but a. you havenot biC4 te heIalhttter bis vifs ba eaMd toue me for no long 1 had bot.. driven hLm f rom, bomne. Mary Rabs. ter eiplain. ,dal. 'ho said. had holptd hlm to, gave 1 vas transferred trom tlite 1 what ue bai. Company 1 o Bth cSth' h wdvwto rsds I~NW company sud imrnel tely **Ilked" to é wio Wh ruds aXv te St. MubLol sector Lit fàke part in Vont, and frrnm vhonSmth. neevr, lte drive there. we ver- n lu t hall obtalbod -a divorce, bocaus.. as Ues for qeven days, but i PsraPe;Iliha explati lt.ite hoita been glven uuiarsued Orceptlng f- ron>e 10 ndrtdha dlocd hm scratches that Ygot f:-- ftil-r;jt neaadba!(1oci it somte barhed v-Ire entaugirm.ent*. , carne on to Wau'<egan and netaiued were rolteved and were h ;cie nfMrP- an atorney. 'Suit wan started lu Ilues but a few da> s wben w, wCIIt court to have theo vii set aide so te the Champagne front. ltte w<oca obiu ilI. IL vas a hard drive,' sud Iilaheniowca btar-l h ous flgbtlng. t vas wo;;nded o r 1 . property. It vas cbarged ln the. bill mornlng of the ibird (ua>,-Inuw t;; l i i led in court that Mar.y Iandall han IL la bot a dsugerous veud, tifli>'4a vilded a lputcInfluence over cheanuwound, thrut's-th t'- I it î.ig; mlhtbtab aue hm cauued by a mac-hine glu îIu'1îlet. 1115-htab id cue iat 1 lotI the Hne', dlnty. qPirsîjn' alid 1 desert bis vife, sud that sha badl tfrpd and you tau Imagine how I caused hlm ho viii ail bis, proporly eujoyed a ahb*lea'-sdreoslnr on ru.-10 on. vound sud a big bowi of cereal and a cup of choclat. sud g,, forth. Ai-1 The counsel for Mary Randail 82ys sa a dlean pair of pajautas and. p1 IL vould lho an oas>' xiatter 10 prove «*bed with deéan white sheets and, a tiaI R. J. Smith va. a man o! keen mrattress tu sleep on." judgrnent and vas In possession of 1 amn nov atifLan. 85 lu Parlsanad albsfclinwe oml viii, soonbe put on dut>' bore. ti llbsfcti, h iemdou inay notý mean thse linos again for;hibuviin. ttngtai r My vound vii soon butai up uireiy pouding nov vhlch ma>' resuit la lthe and 1 v*111b.a as ood as nOv. Juts t blgdope 1 stimn nov itlei. Try esors and f muI vt aluit en rpe n eUm wille a aliglet llrp. Ilbeing made out of cour*- ILla 1 have 'tr106 10 write to yeu mai,, that Mary Itaudail may b.ho la Limes but ve vere, camping lu bic, to consent te auch au arrangemnent vooda or norne out or the way -la-' andi I eouij- not seotd It.BtI viin rather titan etabd a Ion gfigt la the lie able te write 'often. 1 have rm- coirts. Ait the parties lu hbqlitliga- celved no mail for about thre. l ion are Ln th.eet at he present mouilia and eau hardly expect any for Lime s0 IL soee improbabsle hbat the a couple of rnonths yot. liowever, 1 Ihink that Germraevcase viii b. stOrted tis vek, even wiii cash lu titis vînten but 1 dont 4t a iettlement la ntarrnged. think that the marines wil besent horno for about a Year after peso. la . dcae.But if 1 roturu home tiae- I lE l 111 ly afttrr uat ll viieb."chuek'! ful ENLISa54aDaMEN ef Motes sud'vIii 'wazst much _rosiF I Ff I apdl travei. TI)R, AI F T -OF- LAKE COUNTY1 PubtimbyA" > lt WAUKEO -AN DAMLY SUN at the. qiecial low pric. .ach1 $350 Sie3ft,Sin.by4ft..m Libertyviile Independent For your poiatoca, oals and other amali grain, use the. FORMALDE: INDE SOLVPTION. .5.65 Cents a Pat e The beetand cheapest Antl-Smut on the mar- ket DIWCE-CLEVELAI«> IRUfi CO.« The Rexali Store Cor. Mndioupm.dC"i"at.. . lue Store 1%Thav ie. Youo n" Ventent ou ea lakp mooket au an attaohment for the Vacuum Cleane, or the Eleotrac Waahiog Namine. or Toaster, or Iron, or Dio Stove, or Chaling Dinh, Percolator, Curling fron. Heatlng Pad, Utility Molor. Pan or any oneO of man-vothr. mecticaîl 4pan l ;z The Remndy a'ttt almau Nuis toeu bus.thled of th moeeai efctoyv Wal gandlb....Thq'ard osai'add.ét am iaeilte WC do the werLIsh. é'pieupaive. Public Service Co à V a 54 %4 1545 A î1V LEAVE TUE NAVY t à~ am$ e the Pl Tbem <Mr. à bdfreg Te ha mrh. 1 àtn Mb iai emy liai tb a wbosa bon » heh lest oi hiOTY 1 1 -

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