,VOLUME XV-O 48. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 191,8 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PEU YEAR IN ADVAl¢& GREAT LARES LADS TO GET DISCHARGE; DANIESSYS0 Secy.. of Navy Daniels Sends HE'S AN ELl( Peace Brings Us New Mouths to Feed EACH OF THE LER. WAUCONDA MAN LAKE COUNTY MEN MANN BROTHERS TO DIES FROM FALL AMONG HER0ES Wl Ge rP. r0 n EA buer ofGET $600,000 FROM A LADDER "HELD THE FQRT Lodge Sent Him Congratu- latory Cable Vitor Me"ore of Wa-onili dafý Mother Left no Will; Three Mil. tn the tWest osid hspi. tcae 0. H. MuMNke, Libertyville and ERC) lion Estate Goes to the °n at ilzi"rd,ofiniuripes suffored Nov. .J. P. LeMton, Lake Bluff, Waukegan, Nov. 21. 18 hnhis rm adr C.ræalan aso hidrnMoor %%w a nmaking rpairs on ',h tSrong Praise Mander of the ,Amierlean forces in home wheýn the accident happenedi. France Is an Elk. Moore waes a wtoll known rsdn serme h ee tdeLEHMANN HURT YEAR AGOi of warodavnity an d ce1 t OVERWHELMED, ,TAKElt at its mnoeting Wdnsday ve-ning, fall his frienda hbadl worri,,d thiat hie paed aresluton nstuctng he ight not pull through b-ause fromn sfecretary, nlarry vnoot, to send thee Ernest Lehmann and Wife Had the start th, : injiri-wr regirdý[ Nine Survive in the Platoon Af-a gener aaa of conri£,tulilation Ar- Close Escape from Death a., vry soriotis ten Notable Defense, Then, au r(o ihi-mrIlong na' " " on North Shore Ry. Are Taken Prisoners w ich prhapj1s ;*y tistime ,ii> nearing the nrllt.oates Ant estate of $.2500was lefti by D N' A RYT ESr.,4Torý0 of Chicago was oeof GEN, J, 1, PERSH ING, P' n : O D MEN, WAIT" IS °°-o Commander A. E. F. France on or l ifldmnil on Oct. 9 while eai Wakea , IlB, P, 0. E. i r nihi lPn ea Piß,F A SOLDIER l 7I ' a ee crs" 702~~I, COIaü.tsyUOnyUM ehmaýn died at her homp,2750 1ý 1 t rmip to support the MMn t» UrÛÛt r i f m myIlvaahrd, aror he m nn H n't.as ora c,ýUse of human! y ind, in for- - befor ý,won slp m caght In aandr 1al'o a litiuii allop alt'til u l1 rmns.Thon nine survivors of the. m, »tiÎa eprse p- uoaeelvtrA rs eIAman women. Furthewrmorfo r ncl', su&rrendepred. , , 1 rfIlno wiii. th.e estate wm heitdivid- il ook1 ek at the m arriaLe r,--enIs r@ h PTh others, according to the il precntion (if ynir Vallant ser iu(Iyiamonýt)rrg her six ciirrn vak.anand nottes the llnmb 1 o il P rxhibited the other d Iwere Il Villano, of 1315 West Polk vir,, e are prod t rcoS uls atinisedtat En "ma1,Tl iden ladips" to whom Lthe nv! hcao0. iH. Muhlke of i nize in you the exemplfirCatle-- rtehsado r.Lha. station has provedl a God nd. on" vm1o: T. S. nrewpr of Big of a true Elk, one who carried -I-la nt r i mdextcenterF ofthe -annot hvI ill "troilizi'nt "soî-n, Toun". . epon o" ake luff -nio, phin n's i asnal Porboy',alwavs taIng the nvout o W WI TvOr nRI o , ia of Benevýolenear rtei-twsa s20 h o of 2448 South Homan avenue, -- -- --ni] uht of Mrs. LI hmann, who Rodth) and C. C. E. Borah of Kewanee in a way which will teachhu-Le e it Ixa 2- T orsot did not have the namties ef- n yth U S'r rpnannI" wi dow of Cha ). DPeathim iris triv:ait until we, hu. t Ier en capt'adilwere †I* ;.711 rior vrno - - -parkway; a'nd not ito marry all thle l o i n t o th erio tr e n , Lehmanno . 32 Fialeto wa te m.ae Gn.Eh0 Sergt. Torsot. iwskp - - 5- w io WOLehumn.2740who lhas just'returned to Fort Ibly because they needed ba.M" H A R R7 HOTT, ni a I Em idhM 1 orthIllfromtaFrance, sa n!r(n SPCetlV r ,wIifof IINnt L. Blhr. 505 Strat o mor snt hom<- hhv l i . Gn1 1fI i T nest PE LhmnnofSwftsaw servIice in Italy and rran Both E7rnst and Otto Lehmn.havet e e eEYE JUDGMENT llURL TOTAL 1,580,000: I nw i ,ii ar "ry DON'T SELL LIB P S S;W DE EN AN0I ATiEM "ON THlE RUN" C:penhageniNov. -aip o Ohtlsingeard-nt muc of ER TYt B NDS," PLEA BEJUS 1.1,80 eýrman so,,Ilders were h sm ertm Sed n th ft ofi BrlinsayIit was Ernesqt Lehmnan who. n TOWUiGNlE lit learns on reliabir author1, rii c oma, its r gon and t mkeHealth nd Finanes Give E ver H ea r H ow S a ilors a t G t. our n m iton sold irs ' ha beI-i t de "a wh erhi goch auf eu do v e this Ca use ra ia c h a i ng e â Naval Station Officer is Being Lks rwMesrd"fr n"e" a"1erime h ear in frntilof th Nou rthSore bEsec fo 1h their Outfits 000 Cermani"PrI(n ,ýn hostileco trie train on Telegraph Road and Scores Here Have Sold their' n Hs Pans Death ofSmalisByi® :maI'"ueretyadlisan oroar Bonds, Trading them in to- A- GOB DESCRIBES PROCESS! ie' "She allyrpa èed onot ward Food Bills WHO'S TO, BE SUCCESSOet _KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE OBTOBER JURY ADJOURNS 1Thcaufe urdatmet injuries which ahntD.CN.23- Waukegan, Nov. Lehmann rescently sued the electric McADOO MAKES APPEAL tary McAdoo hbas resignedà from ti They Give SiZe of Shoes and Judge Edwards this afternoon u a ccidn for $425,000 because of the cbntadfo h ßc fd -Boy Ran from Behind one Au- tggjggj gggd journed th, Odober terni of cicuit1 Ie.cbtornd f rosheoepfdfpJsso tomoilein ron ofCaron that as Basis BcrtThevrdicHtthe -as o n n n Says it Is a Patriotic Act to d hisretiremtent to prv _ alimi Driven b Lt. KellyBacmnv.Htlso was open- AU U S LDIR IS Hold Them-Buy War Mr. McAdoo gives as hies"o ed In court toda-y. Huttleston was frGaigteamnsrto At the outbreak of the war there found not guilty. Brauckman ,an-C N ERi T R C Stamps is hi Pea ,mp eatvenetessdiitr, ion,0 Waukegan, Nov. 21wreomdeasadtub csd grO, had sued hiim for damages for Bcuesoeprashnrdtrfnnilpoiinfrhstmn John Charmernik Ified suit In cIr- by shortage of iupplies, clothing, haVing searched ishouse for soln ION S WA f sLibrty-;ndprhasnr Waure. tani posion fthes a or cuit court today through Attorney A. çete,, as well as inpxperienýe In sup- wir, abouttoy rsao h es a n NrhCiao aedsosdcbntlie n f earn 5F. Beaublen, for $10,000 daminages for plying enormious quantities of things5 of the day today was consumed In o hi odgvn hmt hi rvt neetijte hog the death latit September of his lit- (cickly. That was long ennove-r- taking up Land passing on motions. gocteirbandbues, ivn pament foer rIveglet ndte xe nses ofpeubg toie.o whosutwas rid byazn ato- comte. A Great Lakes s ailor thug de- h em enaverY quiet. Lieut. Jos. LaRose, Back from food and to merchant. for lothingi life In washington. moiey Tesi wsbouh g Ins ril>es how quiclkly they outfit newv- one, very few cases being trIed. A the Front Entertains Many and becauseq otherm might followvi the -lis restignation as segretar loftr lient. P. NM Kelly of the naval sta comers there wIth now clothing: numiber of criminal cases had- been Y ai oreuls eerd h fl rauyi otk fetuo tion, but who resides In Wautkirgan. To llniisrait,efe siciency orthe et foi- trial but only two were tried, 1 PerSons atY. M. C. A. Raelowing di sp rm Secretary -Mc.. qula tnof his sufceossor, w At the timre the accident happened ýnav ý,le', me describe what 'l believie those against Ptack and Panasek. lwAdoo.atcashintwil eread with hais esation o ltssdirector gne eLieut. Kelly was drivIng his automo-is 1,the fastest tailor shop) inthie world. Ptack pleaded guilty and received a Apbi eto as enerdoen itereshto n wpatbrioic ctizns ohi rosli to sbeetr re Ja rI bil frmGetLae oWukgni as marvelously. ýfficient. Upon light sentence. Panasek was acquit- Lieut. Joseph LaRose in the Zion Y.1 Washington. Nov. 23-Secretary of next or upon the qualinlcation of ?L tuýOn Marion streePt, opposite the oiço1 our, arrival at Grat Lakes abouit 145 ed. The otheir cases Including those M. C. A. rooms and wias attended by' the Treasury MceAdoo today gave Uni-1 succ1ssor. Il baseball ipark, another automobile were assemIblýd linto a company. We against James Petorson, his wife an exceptionally large number o versal Service the following state1 The identity of these successors was drawn up at the side Of the didn't look muclh like a ilr or. and her brother, were continued until epe M.Jh Mlea eundmet houe nsercbu pc iroad. ganlition and the first obstacle to the next termi of court. Only a few Canadian soldier, was also a guest of "On a number of occasions I have In officia circles turne upon Mr. W ..Just as the naval officer was Pas- be removed was our civilian clothing. common law cases wnere called for honor at this occasion. After a sho-tý urged the people to hold their liberty: Son'$ well known inclination not i c-igtemcieliteFacsCa- The obtaclE, dIsappeared In about 10 trial, few attorneys being ready for programt of music, Secretary Bartonl bonds and to part with themn only un- go far afield in choedang Un le mernik ranl out fromt behind It ana rminutes. It was a feat In a way trial. nrdcdLetLaoeadfrerhepsurofeesiyTeetr.Ithrfrewudcaso Into the path of the approachIng ma- comparable to a carefully timed and' The Decemnber term of court opens ovr a odue u and ohlfheanswerdhaeenatndnyo the paesr fnes-t. brt osrrse wheret re iden oc l. chine. He was knocked down arnd prepar.ed attack on an enomy posi. next NMonday go Itleaves court offi-qusinadtodmyitesin smeoexhgehirbdsfrerpntascetyofhe ras fatll inurd, iet. ely pckd ton etlslitletim t ge ceaud p wthand thrilling Incidents in which ho chandise itandrothers have bsen per- either Bernard M. Barnelh, new eb uthe boy tapt and took hIm to the hom' We were taken into a room and the October .term before they have took part or whIch Caime under hIs; suaded to part wtih thoeeinvest - man of the star industrIes board.,% pital but efforts to save his life were told to undress. Our eMvlian clothes to start thei next tormu. The grand observation.mns~na xhn o euiisSceayo giutr os in ai. wrepu inou vase ad lbeedJuy omsinnexMöda bu ter Especially thirilling wats the storyl of doubtful value. Comptroller of the CurremeyJO e Another child was struck by the to bie shipped home. We then march- appear- to be little to be dons tn the of how the airplaneil makis their at-ý "The, approach of ppace has ledj the place. o) automobile at the @ame time as ed single file Into the next rooml. way of returning indictments. State's tacks In batte,.how It IR necessiry mnany people tobelieve that their ob.j Skelton Wililiam, is a candU ilM cti Francis but his Injuries were not ser-ý Along ont, side of the roomn wasia Attorney James G. Welch asserted t- for them to fly as high a4; 10,000 ligation to hold that their obligation For director general of nr Atu. outerewththetalo anootftteedy hatcrmeappar tibeonth feet to keep beyond the irange of Ithe!to hold their lHberty bonds ls at end the logical successo17t-r . orA1 h ieoteaietLet rangedl behind It with clothes on decrease. anti-aircraft guns, and how the:Tia rmtefc.Soln sWle .Hnä Keltrdiacm-t saeetof'hle planes dive towárd the enemy lin.,,.as th. oermn must borrow lit I.s man of the executive OKàt n- the facts in the case. Outfitted on the Ri box. He took one looi, yelled a num.alal the whIle keening up a terrific eletthat those, who have already! thse Santa Fes and nou )b-~~ As we eontered thes roomi we were ber ,and the next Instant vie were hit fire of guns and throwing bomblls il1nri-:1elr mntoTi t he governmentý rector general, dRaie be MEN RELEASED BY NAVY handed larre canvas bag% the -se by two suits of dress blue unIformý, He also related the manner Wn must tnot. fxrept in cases or necessity - Hale Holden and lrdB.lbis he KP NRSRELS "sea bag." In whic hthe Jackle keeps Gets Nearly Perfect Fit. .which a convoy of Yessels travel sanicne i on ysligtebns oaemnind not is clothin'. W@ then dalshed along; I think it was somewhere in Gul. how eareful all movemenits must bel "The AmArtran people lave a rep ei WashIngton, Nov. 21. _qPretary in front of th@. counter and shogted liver's Travels that the talor meas- guarded. When the vessels tra"vel at station for carryingout the under There was another hmm a Daniels annouinced today that mecn out the mise of our shoes. No other ured the circumference of a person's night not a tit can be seen and tknsupnwih hyebrkad eur oa now being dismissed fromt the mer- sizes of measurements were asked. thum and fromt that was 'able to dit a gulding !a done by ehlart entirely. S,) this war for the freedoma of the!i dell contest Of WIll ose.1% st vice will ho placed ln the reserve As we passed the couniter a veritable suit of clothes. Even a thumb meas.e-carefully are instructiops carried (), ol d ilnthaebe1inse n ordered Dr. Taylor to Me a @ * ý( nless they insist u!)On complete hall of shoues, snderwear, brushes. urement i9 superfluous at Great that In the morning all of the e til our heroles have been returneJ tol ventur. by December li. At- n ise nlmetsuttelaneertngndd Lakes. Everything was then tried on sels aret' rn to ube in the,;-relatly itheir Lemes and th-..dobet ncurred K. Orvis, represedting *W ke Their enlistments were for the by the most fastidious sailor camte and to my surprise, nearly every, psitions. for aOI war purposes have been cared Hiart Who la contesting Ile 10%s l, Period of the war, but the secre- Our way. These we caught or picked thing was a perfect lit. I.eco. H-as poeo tear ate-nfr.nuce-htJute er tary declares that only a negi-. up as we could, and put ln Our sea- lained that something was too large which he was wounded and ,of how i rpieal to. the nept oAmeicawouild be madeit the inwet0s 00. ible number want to sever conne- bags, but kept on the run. Our size We were answered that It - wold he was - caredi for In the hospital. to hold theirliberty b,nds toc ntia that time. He said thast Dr st tions with the navy entirely. BY was judged entIrely by the eyle Of the shring; If we Insisted that lit was Lieut. LaRose la new on a six to invrat in war savings gramps ad isaincluding tr going on the reserve liait they at outfitter. When we passedl the prIn- too small, we were toldit oudmonthe' furlough, but now that the to give In anticipation of thefuta- *" i rth of edrrne berome inartieand wouald be ciianl taffn orut themidndle ofthe istr pilh. Rearkably ffew o. nswr soe e mà ewehg' " etegvrnot hc a cnee k, ilied1,nly in ,%ven, of anothepr war. couintor e too td fer a seMond on a ,had to be madeli. bforë 'that 'timeit expires. "W G. MclADOO. ar naw'aey Order Permittmg AP oia- tion for Release of Men ARE FEW EXCEPTIONS Men Who Enlisted for the Re.!: serves and Wish to go Into Navy, Must Act Now All oof9 rs and -.enlist- dmen ;n tii navy may rnake Iinun. dîiate pili tion for dis4char4- a mordIng to aà teI:a re ivediWe tary of th grs, ath i1cy manding officers to receive p- tions for ds>refrom artise-t Ice for mein in the nav.i y and Mtar., corps aind to forward them pzoro: to the anauofNaiton It fui ther states, thait It s ti , ru pose "f thIdparnwt o r aoe young men who wiIh t,,rurnt, schoul ad such hrs m en1 spar l i s, ,,on a p e lah .. . Piaces for Reservc Men. MIen enrolled In the rro refor shouild m tan e iate app iUat If thr-y wis ý to he trana*,.rr ,d to th, reg .' nýýN . Thos)e in tl-w r.ser%, fore ,5 ne aplcaonfor (a- charge w%%al be put on th,- Iiative list. Mn c.ilidrò in ti r,,gu ar navy for th( duration of iIý-war %wi beEgi r o p l( t r and elas. h- wit s " .n, er, n whether h ishF to- relkased ow- ,mg to per>onal1 or bsnesreaon . Nearly 40,000 at Lake@. Tlporil-r l al eat Lakes by Capt. Moffett to meaýn tF charge from iactivi, duty in teca thStudents and mrn wi:h d- pendenit- and busIness ntereýt ,wIl be favor- ed. Ther, are abouit400men na Great Lýakes and neýarly ! l r, afftt ed by the order. . WILSO'zûN S fNS ALLLIQORSLIU ntoxicantS Barred Until Army IS DemobiliZed Washingtoin, D. C., Nov. 22.-Thç United States will be bone dry aftei . ue o ! l x i n t n t h e te r m n a t io n (i forces is piroclaimed by the presiden, of the United States- This tremnendous victory for prohl e Zplisl ed 1stetoday whenwa ns del Wilson signe-d the food produc tion stImulation bill containing thg Jones nation-wide prohibition rider. The effet or the new la ls as "Il tow$: After May 1, 1919, until the conclu %ton of the present war and theren ltion. the date ofat hich shal determined and proclaimed by th president of the United States, a grain, cereals, fruits, or other produc production fber, wie.anufather li toxicating malt or. vinous liquor fo .beverage purposes. After June 310, 1919 until the cm euston of t he pt rm a ar andd mo i Ilization, the date of whIch shall b determined and proclaimed by th presidentr of the United States, n beer ivne or other inoxicatngr v erage purposes except for export. lire. Bertha O'Neill of Lake Fore today Ilied lin circuit court at Wauk iga a pe tieree aMohthst thercoa George Ilendlay. president of the La Forest Trust and Savings compan admInistrators of the estate of h bus ndtJosephwO'Nell.1,The20sta O'Neill appointed the Lake 14e T'rust and Savligs bank as execut of the estate, but the bank deelli eethe c t 1 y U 1 LIBE RTYI E INP DPNDENT Lak Cony--Bg' kl WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN-1 LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT j