fTflERTYVTLLE TNDIEPENDENT, UIDAYOVMBE2,11S Libertyville IndependentFRMERýS 'WIL FI? Lake County Independent - Waukegan Weekly sun1 6 CENTS M,#ORE ACAN. The bard part for parents is when they and others I FOR [>ECEMBER MILK have been celebrating peace, to get a wire which sa.ys:*! 'We regret 'toInform you-- " '.That',swhqwlisashock-, u h'Rti Fce in Wauke- Ing, when it seerna cruel. Here they ini many eues5 were1 gan and Chicago WiII Not Jubilant and expecting word that their boy wus on the B e Changed from 14c way home and then cornes the bélated news from the de-: partment which ils like, sending a kniie through their Th.e pl- . f miik fi., tnrt-main Ptt hearts. That's when it's hardest: when peace has corne 14 cents a quart during D)cccmbý.r.i and when THE OTHER BOY is ail right and soon to be Titis det-ltion %asi riachti londn>,3 home. And, wth only haif of the caàùalty lit made Pub- In Chicago at a conferpni-e of thr- lic Up to the present tirne, it appears that there are thou- I Ood udamii ratleîî, pi sidpd ot sands of hearts that yet will grieve and prieve terribly- b' la-t A. Wt-t.-lfr, frderal atimin hearts in which there is now hope, pathetlc confidence that ýJ tt-ator for Illinoi. surely 1"he" must be arnong those-who survive.. lrrgltstp akgnpiPb FACTORY TRANSFERS MAKE LÀST WEEK A RECORD WEEK IN CO. Bggest Number Instruments with Bigqest Consideration Many Minor Deals tact i. S -îîti t T ii & Trust t to for t- î. '-lt- '-î'î. r 21ý, MAKES JAWSON WOUNDED MEN; Famer, Ih nmns tat Waukegan wil continu- payiîîg 14 cents for mlk ini Dr. Fi-Pd h.Gourle> of Waukkeeuti, feeîr wiîo i-i ne captain ln the medîcai h uie1 it rdîe a corps andi bas been tation'-.] furTo r ic F ti10 o7 ahundrt ounisan îLome imie In a Georgîn camp ilmlia%- increasP of 9 rents octr Novembar Ing a mot lnlecesting -xpsri(-nc.- inTe The ric pi-r t-an iu-fýilvred int-.Ch] eurgîcal wort-. cawoi und %Waîîktgan im $285. Dr. muniy ha, beîî t9m. OH The fat-mer-,thu.4 gel six cents a visit for ton day,§ anti expects htuh-le cnor for tnilk than titey didinii Sat.îrdac îînless hie lsabit- to gol , - dl'e day exteniion on 4N îfurlough-----------'$L'.79. ~5t . Dr. (iourley, wben al-ked about hisl workln hs suthen cap Rid tat DuaüPiti Tih-- 'ic-céat- to thie fana, ru workin iiisoutlten cmp 'id hjtthtepwilli 1,.- rio change ln pire 10 In tli a4t tati wepes li prfurni ite -Otim- iIitrmirtt id~~~~~~~~ tu-lo. "l-r ar forCents in Watilegan. Titi',;stqurltilit- dottorq in charge of ire h itîalI 1was mnadea odalv - AI l3t-tmtiond, of ,Aitre h,- laqworking anti th-y ha.,- i uhé-Northi qiire liit- ablout 2t men working unde.r theiieî Di. ,oirle's Pperenc littakng ..Th'- 'lîttribout-', cannûtî alYt rl o( N i iLi -- -- o.. - . 4 iat-i oh1 , he me-n wio hati- cnie iîaîk 7su:.i- -- --.tt i t,,îtiî s, from the' batle-lplds mint Ibu- miîuî N ii ... i s I ar)li' ,, inler--iting. W iten le wasaeak.cd I'N.îy gag.- Tht- Sun t0 expiain witst pechaps was Tut. - i-t t ti ~ fhitd, fl,,e moit notablen operatien bie bat Iiiwi-ucrnied tintc btag In tht- soutit-p - -- -r Ii-.ie-i'-t 11tiiCamp, i- sald -ho , helieved it" biit4.1 - "t Il r i ît an wouId lie te one whereiçi a soltIèlrt dutitg t.î- 1-'-i-ipri'.d >t- t ji-i lower jaw anti tain was matitv-r.t-- wa. a tu - t t'- i or t ik - aiHow t in Donc.s JI.î. i- î i, o'îaieUa'lac case te man& ciin anti jaw hai 2- t1,-- i ai d :joining t'le - en ,hot a:ay, HP-ant if ý4 1 rilt> ,iG I a ot ti tnsmdeanwjaw and n-a chI î-îgî,t pa.î- "r otal imi t'-ti tii-t-e la boa- tp' titi1: -- - "l111 - the..took a wiri- andtilaidîl t0%".-, PaY $: 77 for îIlk aloi S-11 I l atiIl i nt% inî hauki t-un.Thîis assurance was Madee Ioday iîyAI BIiirmonul. uf he North Short- Dalt-y.1 "Thte distrîiiatori cannot afford tl, pay 13.77 for znilk antisi-Il il atil1 -uta qut.t, it lii' Y decidFet tale lte additiunal losst-ater titan lave lte prit-e ailvance to 1. cents,"- sld Mir. Wheele- honday. "Tiîcir actioun tesc.rie credut andti iire shoulti Le no compiait if titiy arc a1Iow.-d tho ltitthe lite at 14 cents laIrt, -- lien lii.- irt-e of mili bi-gin. 0o go iowFr-at lu-ast long enitugi t 1 r(.Iay theit-loit1'. HUN DICTATOR This Big iedrn ( îîîîv\N<-\v Affl- '11. s~aut liv Wallîkî'gall Mati l li ea t"ulLBîtle of the' WaII~ki-ýgalSlltgai l. otl . ii New Jers-. r nCltii. t f- 'ri~fle -& Trit 1ie manH's l'acei-t-isut-h as týy as t lu I t [--itta;y e att- .îudu gt î til%(, proper contour uof hi.i it n IL 1YIJNISSLJLS Eic' - iiilil anti Jano-s anti jaa 'rhen tluý i1-i c - of witP ~[lor.' - t i a'- o, î-(coke a-as uiïi-t as titi- rtm froni whlch tu and i" .i îîrîî . it I statc-ti i-ut out a pi-ce of boni-ofrte man -l HA KS IV N hie p iit itt îit-dilf,. ! i igit chin bone. lu otepr a t-it 1' P OCCo,~~ pto. i- i: t u-itli,'n îoi wlce tut-nishedti he oritline folowetl RO LAM!AIONJ rc- c "'. i tittrnîit al'y flei-surgeons anti thyeut-aaay a______ duhti, t ~ ttîtn-. a--plut-e of thte boie of the- righl leg af- plgi-d lNv 60v Iulu.nt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t-r t t i--NthIie o "cbargt-m wihhextri-IHI <"re. T:ii-i Srnfet. li-N.-21-'o PlAii -ti- i-t \2'! ii -qapre et-c onis, t hem, watti 'le fiesit Frank 0. idowditî '.qtrctithe tnhIuw- fi-it fil' .i--...-andti%0ul gîtie i taken front the h-g, aas îransfocnîî'tilng Tianksgi.ing proclamatio)n- ploîu- t it 1' tiI apt-upue- -to Ititi mans face. pt-opert-i>fasîticti 'Thte prcsitiunt 'ofte IEniteti States Ainong fi-. tl i lte îlol-tto î îi and tcotdung htu)D. Courlu î'llias dtigntd ustiay, Nut'. , are tll.- :tuttirtn-,orltnut.r will grow thece anti he aili have a 11.a hnsiigdy Iî -j't iý~t--s ti-.u g)t the )rperfectiv gooti Iookhng chin atîdi aw "InPursuSnce of the proclamation Nfaxtuut:îi h iîtn 'na-! ie'hest sjA'- Aother tiilictae operaîlonthi-y ai-- of tile iretident, 1, Franks 0. lotw- from hI. t- "<tti-E: -î for $ ît .-perfoiniig Is tiîat of repaicîng a tien. governot- of Illinois, du tiereit> sulji-i 1t l i$1..*; i ,utnfit-)antc mans skuii wheterèiti-telsibern an urge <tilt-ciizen'i lu observe that day IÂIl lauî :11,1 hbýry A',h boîîght heîfle xouce 4lmost of te brain xI as a day of prayer anti thanksiting, M'il, 1. Wvi.,holýp n wct sde anycase th Injuryhasbee su i 1ut-ge that our people al,nblî iî.l l'oPlar -tt- it. otîî r îtsecond t. -ltai te doctot-aian see te braints Ii-pacsi r uie worsiuianti foc niomitnal : ttiirîtntnrobbing cet-ytleariy andt t enilh.t- -entier tanks 10 Almigitt Cou litn ' ttýiietcini ttîk il jle fri oui "i-pration in tis cas'-it- to take for te manifoltibtetisings hi- lias 11a r r.ý.Ilt t-t.Io.t îut., 0lt- -a Ilirt-i- lece of tait-s suc-h a. s itie-i ohafedt i s In Ihis lime of our acres ii] .tî,-gui mi e'itiinl st .on a t-ual slove, plat-e hoterthin- greal trial. div. onijnolnaý. . lorh o Gof salp "Titere lu muic:i foc ahichi ae Itoal. 'r 1rt tc -nteîlo. ibas-k on.le gays lit in iis way sitoulti t-nder thanlua on titi' Tianits- In Lake Futest: tiitago Till, & te path'-.nt tnt-el yrtcio, rs anti t-m givhng day. Abuve ail, te Goti of Truîst Ceî. ti-1trt,-.l.-.too100titie ute even stand qilhi-a iltia ointe t-c igiteoutiness anti jtstlce, the. Goî or te Thtîv. hipili-un 11t actc-s on cast pairt-sdopot-tîon uf te aiul ThI-. our fathers. again itas vindicatoti lis site Mc býintIy Ititti freintJohîn rif_ tice ofnca remaîns tii, te aîway.r sovereigniy over ail te tath. anîl fith ft'or Itihcate-ul$12t-i50. Time ibas lie effecttupon It itndtis aiti',dovrtn pwso In lilittl Pairk: Mary Ftiiit-rgiaie i.,consideceti one of hiile deic.ýt'it ivil anti dackness. Our faitlî itas bought it h t> Ilie properîy .ttinuterations biing Performedit aI abeen strenglteneti anti we nu,.-c tee eastý,jo Sý Jiýri, aé , out o, souhpr capaiitt a earrislo nîhat GodîletIs est-Iga îui'- i forJu nomnaie - soai d siuiet m.te -otlti. Let us relutHtiankss for efatlo.-ai i ffIitnni osîi ur -t-inowledge of hlm, andîlèIc G(rý qlthbog- fleC.i N R YI fHE LIJSIDV us ai.u liîank iim tiat mn rae ]Cglt.I o )rc i nitiî iiglî25l -tîot iD.n the Image of lus mnier, la pto-- on a--st iii- SiJohn-s utc, Hort-lithsrgh eril ime cof tht- ti-r hotu-,i fur $3.0-. AND WAS IIEARD ÀA nghirs riiî0rs hae hw tei . ja:. ý; aiTI Agns Finlay ouglit .1alor uptin a score of batltieltis. J-f ttiut ntic a couger a. FULL BLLCK WAI We atiketi oftItheM oniy titalte>'. 5'l-ottluI it uttIlî'aatcuitnet 'IV j aitî otîr allie',,h , old ur îtr i-iy In Par kit i -andtuinoîiuur a%., front chuecks untîl anoîher yeat-. Thoy have SarahA.uluhigigins, for $800t-. IFor uslnx -uss" wot-ftia tIcould rasepi ontrOm vîctort-y bvittory' unl- Il) hntiucli Toiwntshi: Chatles be hi-anti a block away Joih Broois, lfi lîehy holti!lite lutt of teir rues W. Nai îitin bui l.,acnru--in S. E.n lad of 15, was fineti $4750 inte Zion ,.Ithin thilt grasp. Titiy havi- net 1-4 Suv -c troîi liti- Consumers Co., police cout t-tliis mornnng. Chlcf onîy proventh îeir mcttle as soltilers. for i Bt. eciker testifiedth ie boy a-as ituard but îîey equali>' have sitoanthi-t 1t ilt- aii tsti t î:Mry -nt-r îoîuglit titi to fise the language as i- was comn-j fine qitality as men.liFor ailttis wi- tMtihiaI1,ts iiner prpt-rty- 4n 'itock Ing frotta abasket bal gaini-, antitd ,stci- îut tittHttak1u I l, Hotward Park it unox Lake- for nont- oathq coult ie haieard a block awt<y. mîghty (ot. Inal totr.deralion, 1Tire ioy bld te couîrt tat lue Ibai An o thïteclusfw In Lauke Villa: .JohnîuNader anti;hien provokei. Ilie sialedtilitni ,' At o ia lt l ao -1 wifei uittheli,-Annie Bilet ptoperty1 ln Su-c d1 for $2.000. In MWarrtn: Mauti iM. Wil.on bougl t ii I-2 at-t-is in S. E. 1-4, Sec. I 2j anti39 ll -2 acres ln N. E. 1-4, Sic. 16,i ncar *Vîr-ilH om rlwat-d S. Ket-lî-y tut-$1 2000. .ln Liîert-yvilli-Totwnshipi: Martin J. li-ialy boughi part of titi Rotine>' B. Swift properiy ln N. W. 1-4. Sec. 17, ton $5.000. In D-et-felti: Arttr L. Harbin ýbougitt 2o acret-i-sn S. 'tW. 1-4 Si-c>.1,. from Alfreti Pearson for $f,00 and gave bauk-morîgage for $2700. Overpowerim- Deal,'e for Famm. Were not hl taire of fame very rong, teQ.y' of obtalning 18 .and titi- ant- .slng Il wbe Ob- lained would ,l i.hilent 10 dter a 'jr.anftoua go %111î1 ipusuità-ddisoi. was titcown tiown te stepe o! a building wtene te basket bail game was going on anti il made hlm féel "son-." Justice Blshop wanned titi boy tai Lad langisagi- wuldfnt ite tlI-atêdin1HZion anti statedthelithlIe pi-oper course for hlm wee -te have nePotted te malter luelite police. Thte boy slateti ehi-iationl>' been lii ZIon about a montit andt ltI lecame I trom iChic-ago. nnd fait-et- day. ()nit of titis greai war ter- come cIi-at-ert- ian evet- hifore two sliniîîg ideas thal a&hal nîle titi a-ot-d-th ti- laerbooti of tiotiandt ti- itthleniood of mant." BANKRUPT, BLÂMES -BIS LARQE 13ÂIIY ______________Peter Kanulakis, who conduicts a ONE VESSEL FROM FRANCE stoire at Twenty-second tt-iet and BRINGS 4,500,000 LETTwERS Morrw ventue, North Chicago ap- -New York, Nov. 26-Titi greatet at Ciîcago,. îMonday,_andfIled a pe- shipment of mail trom Amenloan sol- tîllon ln vountat'y bankrupty. He dl-na .4n France- iver recelved, no acbedauld liab'les .of 1*2600tWith hies titaü 4,500,000 letterg-, came tu assets of $400. IKaneWXairla blamel Yesterday on the It-eneis llneT Rociha the itigt' cot of living fer b filie ambeau. - These hiters "to the tolks poltlns bto te tact that lie ba.se#- itack borne" wen- golng loday 10 art esu Bus h obdren 10 cn$'e for. IHe la parts of .be lUnted States 0On Cv<IY yelàbmutd by Attorney J. A. M<5eri amailtrain. of Waukegau. form a republiic iiiiig t iîu i-li-- if 'oath . i rîtattui, tMini .-'î' ti Ahj tria, SPLENDID CHANCE FOR PARK 'Ihat Waiik.-gýîn j-i> i îtîg il- n, SPENT LAST NIGHT PRAYING jand get as Close tit Hlm iia - a. iinymani who ever ULted bit w Tli aiy Sun it-in pot--.e,,;Ufl or Oool. Ilour etter hour the trh riivtt ilt-lt ting tao s in n l ii t --, ticssn i srp tîlliti> hie la t loir r'-C d t - - eisu,,in i 4rp icid of Siu-ilila e-r Ait;ai i i t- - i,-i iesire ta repent. tit' i- îtook a'- it in ht. dIiititEl his sins ta îhem and th y Wio lua 0 1 a t '-li' l,ý ie applied the acripture ('uî't -gat'<t-ti ,.,-1 in c ,pzaloiis effort Rn bt* 1h. ui'.d, it~ - ' "' hi-i sina of -carlet malle white as th* h ride hi li f ti ,il t I)îth i ,, O' i , n 'lt 1 tom -lndc d l one, III., it' Ott ) -t t ( -Li i iriwtiing on the tragedy 8a" i tc piing uîi peto 0 o l' i to patit. at tinsk place on thp boucs pretted. il-i prtaliiv,, li, iiiiitil' <a h m e11 known Waukeç$88 ~~- ~ 't' ~ " -I- a p iai -hoauinformedth ie SOI] or I Xi'corilig i, .-îî- uriii o i-Siin. %Wriîtiî-, - ii- itit - lii- .i- hi i. 'pIai iîîg tii', ti Tii* FSi> Coapi-liih.ý b).n %n iy tlu-.- lu Vrigiî-'.ani iý iis4u l i iC-pit-u'i andi lot il tiie:i uindi i. ii-îîthpv iard âa otuhs tIti hie tiiet took Ih o iin'ii iritlioti and ; 1î j', nou rét - aietht t lainiî'îiof ili-t.iire oit-1it ail. ofthe ii-niglt - forr- hrtiieytok l,t Ifatal Tii.-entir. îiiglt i ît' t-Ht iint, - <ýI-it ljra>t-i nd atîiriîi. tii-- crîilt i lindt lt-n hh iguet l-ft t ici r lioi~îni tiie-lai.tc oit--uf thiiî ntorniît I i-%t a-i t e litiil--î i iîap-.-- nlat i- lîud iiicid.-ii tii g.balto lulthe -tt Ii,]itl ae i'., l' î-itli-a mai vh' n -lié- fIit-,-Il i - court mtartial al .fi o'eock in t h.' îîîrnîiicg 'Fi-y ah-ut iiî- h.-liî-lthait i- hatI made huttil-c'- ltaliat tîtîl i ii iiiiitt-i a --rioiis olfelI1st ltît lO P%,-n nttw lanofthe i-lttali roin tto. iî ni.- li - t tîbfrlu lu-t liii ti ie (('ontîrueti -'îoîn lIa--is biiî-.î luiý-i h> îlt tkiing -i-p-. ititt.- hlîaitt ii-itdol ditelî tu hoil- if*ýt..î u- ttrc -ittutftii sera the. 1aisr- hut i nt, t oh.d-- c it . Ciet- li- ra t îtf blucaî l iiih Il,,-; n.îtl uf îuiat- e idatioil, pri Nir. -ileit l'litir-n o< I l -i i 1 -n t,îauîîuî public-1 aik, i ili.- ttt-iitHnt luiaariI -iting .a .1- street, Waîîkegan, a si.qtît iýf lit-.. £tequenîîy hearti tiring tlw ]alutt fc' Niv îeh tiera s.' w C'hat-lis Eiîert, wIîen as-. i] itî the days, t-ep'-chîiiy tîîi- oil Iîî-î-atrîe known of lîritycr woiîld tut- mnalter Ioda-, tieclareti - i i no', thuaI the Jolins-Nlitnt îlelant a tîiliIlu-il itellevPte estalu-ment tnu.h- fi> thee ct-u> a iLa-getrattofiiland onthe Ihîrintigehie glît, Waukcgan man was ct.rnt î su.norllïIfiiîs. 'ri, fi<<r u-xp--s.'ti L t bhat.- lctn fetrtît aald site lad nevet-ii-u- M-utNr. man y i-i îîîaî t hi- -it t'i. til uarl% lîl hu desire to prIly Eh. -I lîntirelatives whî.c' -n cou- of l-s availuuble I îrk sit,- propettelt -piotspoliticaliy. slip away i,.-orestelt-lire- takeon te lioweter. lt detelcur , t t--lat-ip Ebert wa8 keeniy lntirest, .1in a 1wt- Ilît-tomniu'iî(,uit tîîat ittee lno >h ts 1 'otual at> iyt hatWL '. - .rl4 o- î-itl i ttnfra Par0is In Europe. for, many ii, tt-t agi lmanrei.laui g'-loction foa-l rti k w-len tiîngs liugiil 0 'tu i t -roui- the nortli 1,cr Tue li* alling beach I ROTARS pl.-x, tifornîî-r Waua-a:i ,-i- iîuu.ilt th l-î o.t. ot tlt- bc.t aiong tht- he wiul sùehowextli asy. ent ire lîh- lor- lîî-ing far s upe-tut tenu lthe tar'el post *-t-'I'jthan in the- iîlit-h bain. 'l'le plant go t-rtinit Ht a as go hi- i - -t.- i 2.1 Il ý ,1 i iliof alinaantii tululirl-eos, togetit pounvtis t(, o nllu.t-at - t r e t- -ili ,.tliî't- troi 'c- i h ci i i In i mtît t. ht uîî h. i Ift-ati. ti .illîl uhlprovidi- plenty of cou ri- he i acutnu-it r-.' ' -d - take îGîe cote îgIlnîeîît iia. Well nown n Cuy. a tFort y tars a akegain lias dicu-.-ed Well nownln Ciy. alaki, itoîc drîi-. ilt- spoinleti out aas for c-ar, r ntiiteril lu iti'theendedttutht- laite shure une ani Cor-n Producis tou:ipait lIt- ta ;a odteinaüuhryiec citemist of pi andl'-ict ttil-r ~te hI ulii-.it itirlis Thi - aoui, superlnlend ent l i-utu 'Vauisegp,- il nealiîl',ac-cesie Ioautuir 't-pant; ti-n hi Ica sut nztu Argut andland ti tt-ts i.haîsliîtihIo r-i trom there leu as'- îlacel as sipi- tt~~ park could Io sur)ulit nîan-.of mat-nago e N iE Wtti t-n t Ii-e art-, n bltt pi ra 100k place a fi-w .utauto _anil ior i lipurr minaaîetira ti. it ittar1,-tî Thte idea ltppeasIot--' tr i ex - ahi-n hîr. Eit--ti % t-,s il! andît i ssî . OHt iiidiut -t i s lbIiu tit i t hitham a n u tt iir-e, ah îeuuilt-t giten ticriuons cutsutt-tation 1t him l'ey iý,I !, !1, rort1w,.,t iW'ukcg;n park buoard asi t i-i torner of SIt-I. i andt' itu ii intheta hemt(h lnl stl-iet. PiiO tut . ! ii u-rage -Mlr idet-l t u to i iit-P Ebert ki-pI a-tttti tat - tirrut C- i oî ulu ii î-- for Yeai-s ant ilst- it t îas notî'd tî.--ecg-t itin tpti-se bisi attention tu . rib',,-. fiuas t -I d ctrîo t - i lt-h tau t et-s, etc. 't-. Elt-tt aî ailso knocn Hwhitmdn tu-tt a as te frient ih-i hiilr.-nIn M'a. u- a t- Ire cn tit- ril,,tI kegan, for, i-at-h t -îu.lue plan- comulien e Dcme r ne t-t-es for te i, ui l 1-iiies md -omýsIn tht-y a-i--,'takiu ii. t-ittfortlni,- GET OUR IESTIMATE iuu titre titin te tri-e w sa-i i nd. l îti iat-i l ng :t-l i u Il- . ituurs, %vas gît un a 5< Th-uiannuiai îiou-u- !,ti'itug- Zîts hîsitulior i-vent a-as te hig ht.iiiNIt-. EbVrtttt' iî.î -, l-I.IZo7 u lite i-at-h yi-ar. ilhorîe 1 icti nCiiy. Wl Ebert s Overlhrown. - - M'hile i-t-Er s.t t tu - rînt-pit-touit ', ____>____lon____ as titi-citant-i-lot- u ýn i- u tr.i' kat- ut- -as oustî'd il tcthi tiu.t' îî ite bas bei-n iaii uttii tcot-dînu -10 Ibis tIlspaut tc ut ii t a ila Amse-rdam, N,).tl' it LIu'knet-iuI te radical. bý it-iergu-'itctor r0,-i A Ebert, te nuuîu -rut.-,in ru liii i ' > slruggle aIi ti iin As. in Ile t- itiir,- t-t-t.îionat-y combats,.te l iii îug9l- tut -ent-hite t ivel>- bloouil--ý. luit Iliii fi'tut-C 1.9 fraugitt with Lu luiig r, lort-lieti-rulcl-' upon tiit-bahiflir * TIi,- î-nd ju-ulif t e fies ail mealîs. i Ebert Now But Fiu-retead. [I Titi-affairi. of .ait (irmahty rt-stlo-' titi moment in tt- hand ft hp l ise ei ]in workmen and ssuies' coucil wiich hast-vre--t'-u titi îov,-r frotu éelor anditls tniîitrs ut-.- reitied Seni ,Simuitiuneoasi> aWitîl lhe si-utlot- ot tIse netiterror ~aoter has uitisen aon tbte horizon of tire strîf,-swaept fot- mler empire. A deiniti- splt Le- W om er . teen Northt anti SoutGermany. anti b CivIl Wsr ut ciil and..w aists, ftu . Civil nt ciuil war. Tihe Soutit Gerînan sîlîtes, Bavant - ; In thse 1-ad, have serveti an ulttnîuu -r, co tum 10 lite Berlin govertnHtutt thiat Ifli isfon Iposbl a heBe. dre s ,h -lIa Conférence 10 neestahlit unlty e s s e hrxlifct e landi, Bavarla, Wsteri- werec iemberg, Hesse and Baden wrilI atu- nd titin ltion te Id niake ,mobile' ,f In tor lIts lui ndl the~ er t-un of lth- t-tonda% eori - ans .11.1 'dY 1?1 or andiii asttïa rail Il-u it t-in ýul foir iîea v i vitiîhoît tIlînt ti g- rai, li havie b. ii tWriglýýey i-i iaiil at und aiiti,-sL in r u tht- AImigiliy 1t - i -, il I1arn confident Ilths i - -iii ng mti'. ttotiwas javedi 114 iIý i -i, îow -cfeiy in IHeaven. fi~ i ]ci r -t h sý otii ronit sin throflgh ,,I) "1 ltli.-anti admission diat ýii.h ilne wîong anti was 8MOiT i T er- -hc couple who spent tb» tu iii i n lirayer tb my wq -t of tiiinling hpIpcd 'ave the soul fol' Il att-n anI( whrcn he went be"l i' hi Nakir i amnsure hi, mins a i b, n waslitd itiari,' % TO PRESENT 23 MOURNINC BM PRESENT 23 MOURNING UAF406 41g k1ig tory Thanksgiving mie* inga il ip Seleila nthie Waukegafl i - tIlory v. -tinday, itu'piCFS of the WpUi. im t toiiîmlltt-.-t- ftfhe NatiOMU loti til of i).-fînse. It is at-ritngpîi a-. a specilmeeting - s *%lii.I fiî,îîojortce fathers md - mînîlt r'- oft tînt ounty who have fur'- nirihe sunimi'for fil(,service. Promîtietît speakers are bqUing prioi dii for aîîd there J.; a bdii. ciiîtit,- Jîttige- >Landis may be Viol: lii Ajackie lbandi li furnish MIuiul uIt1 li, ian scially fine proglit b» ltc,-îîpianneti 'Ptie imprestilie fEatjîre .wil) be tii. pret-untalin of mouT-nt gaTm ha-n& i,. .the motiters of the bblb- whou matie the auproie B acort* wiîh titeir lcS There are ln al (te ,3 or titese bands tu ie u îout, aine of thcm being from Wb* k.-gan. here! Ouch, How it Pains!l THEi SMALL 0F THE SACK OR OVER THE KJOMISI RheumnatiBnl faeity idcney All siguea of dsbià. IT e kidneya cave t» much work to perfomU,* Urie aaid accufnlatmib Obtain at your ni-areat drug store that splendid dlscover of l».' Pierce's called "Anuric "-t'anti-uric). Anuric is more potent tu lithia and dimslvu uune acid au hot coffee doeusugar. inn ing Satuirday- Our Great Thanksgivihi Iearing Sale sational Reductions On w -s & Chi1dren's App areI Includingî 1%s coats, suits, dresses, skirts Lrs, petticoats, raincoats, under- -sets, hose and children's.oeats, iose, h.ead-wear, sweaters, under-* 4f dyn- ystpry ititody. a 1*11- qtefllly Who »M Il oe 0f SI at Oak s homne of Bar. October ook the us once augitter formor MOER ber end ,yired c coilo- msday ln tin the mâchin. )ru f roui so terri- le offici- Injuries at four ite aséci- nid Mrs. îed fWt e leavin rm: Dan- ira. nothing -cidént - 1. yet the EBERT BROTHER 0F LOCAL MANI the systcu fin form of urate seits. ; No% einiwr for I)w nrirp n- ý,i. ih., 1 1.