MIC MAT,1 INSURANCE lre,. Lit. Accidet sud Huatb, PisteGis., tu- tomobile sud Working- mss'. comnpestionl. 3«t Him Before Plac*ng Your Insurance P OseR z-:ec e.'. a leStar. WELL DRILLING Il ilP" Fm te "vite ta as. AIJSIERMAN & DOLAN * ZION CITY Deha Phne 173-W f. BNIRSTOW -MANFACTURR F Marble and Granite Monuments temetery Work of F-ver', Description CGrespondence 5oIIcite<nô 116 Genesee St 's' on DR. 1 L. TAYLOR sea Offle in Pliet Nationalsitsia ulUlas *emn-1 ta 8:80 sud 7 ta, 8 p. m. ot Sedhn..02 Brosdw&Y, OPPoete Parle the IADev-v- ni DL GOLDINGca DKNTIST Hours 8 tol12 .m.- to 5 p. . Ml Over Tirt National Bank pot 1111111s Phon. 19-J. "e. Phone 157-J. ft Ubert7vlUe. Illinois In DL B.FL SMITH, a evus LA" OUIT iNATIONAL DARK. mOu-5 te 1 . ansd i ta Sa. .tf DAILY. O idbertyvMellIllinais CNAI, N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON a -ls"ealautionR, ive lo thse disessea of tth.3 the £mSEs, Nose, Tirce tra Hyeexained for luss th 001" oser Gou Co. Tri. 100 Lltertyvmue. h DRL 0. F.BUTTERFIBLD. m VHCTER1NARY SumIEOIN. 1 MIEIANT STATB YETMMLAEAI. fe Ubertyille. Illinois. the DR. A. (6. CAMPBELL r Vdteinary Dentist M taid Uvery Sut e Lbutyvîlle, . 2,0 W Dkg.s. Lare Foreaft, Axtoch. Kenonha a Ouan.Wd worth. Rusuili and ceer * adjacet towne tr ELHANAN W. COLBY Attoj-ney-s.Lsw the OU. s HoeCoo Ae.PhoB91s -Jde 4JBERTYVILLE,. - ILLINOIS. wi LYEIL a MORRI f Ubortyville - Illinos Lace isuidinet. au. ricns. liSM. l es 00PAnne là PAUL MAC GUFFI Cc AvVOIEY AV LAW. Libervylle. Uminois de s- MARTIN C. DBCKE t AITOBnU-AT-LÂW ta 807 Weingtou Street es VAUIGN, - ILLINOIS s V Offic Phone 8"8 lau. Phone 1860-B $I;AXOWYFEED & ,UU4CO. irA- N. SMITH lh.aivfi*, im * Laka Forest Min Kllld. Snt.Nov 2.-Tise iOow- Azucices wee iclued in tIfe nsuaity liaI-todar, Kilied, In Action. , j§d% I xe Fort IL 0f IOFFTS e* Oetaohment fvom Station: Has as its Objeot Hi. Elevatton to Rear Admirai DID WONDERS AT STATION~ Is Man Who Conceived Im- portance of "Worid-Rec- ord Station" on N. S. Tîkes tise Misaisaippi. CapI. Mofftt Ioda>' stated te tise Sun that ho ha been assIguel te tise h)atileship Missisippi. Asited visero tise ship nov la, he said lb vaà Bmre- wbere lu tise Alantic. juil viseno ho could net sas>. Wau'iegan people beard aou Sonda>' Lbh keen regret, tise ney _a.Cpt iliam A. '.Ieifett isad been ordered oleave Great Lakss Training sta- n. his ordrs iseing tisai ie musti ,te sea." His promotion te thre ranit et rear Jmira] itirisix mentis13lanatici- ited. He will bc succeeded In cern- md ai Great LakeaS byC-ipt.- A. K. taies, V.. S. N. rise orders ta1,-aie t'e station air re-ar- ton 'r-a iy didi net cae r1 bies-urrie h <'apt. MIfettand robab;y, becaua*e ofthtie serenueus b hae bas bad at the station, ho yull et ho disPleased ovec tise change. là now recaiied b> tise Sun tisai ime moutis agalise made the state- 'unt tisat iehoas ",Iehing te gel iback nsitp" agalu. Thse rting commandant viii go ta as Uic final .week lu December as ptli f nue ofthtie uevy's ducat ips. Hia pronmotion te tise nank frear admirai vas torecast More an a' yean âge. isut naval regules- Ina required tisatieh serve six more ioutbm aisoard 'sisip Sature ho be- me eligibie la that nanit. (-apt. -aIns vise suc-ceeris Ca P- loffot.i. le hn.-e ari.tri- -cnion in lunt ef service. Ho vas gnaduated- m tise Annapolis Naval academy a1887.,visile Capt. Mafett's yoan ras 1890. Commanded thse Delawaire. Wison tise United States entcred e van Capt. Scales vas lu command of tise Delaware. <Çapt. Mofoît came ta Gr-cal Lakes o commandant tour yoai-s ago. From ismall naval training station vils tmaximum capacît>' of 2,000 meu he station Secamne tise grenteat naval raiulng station 1iute varld. On e day tisaI CapI. Moffet gafes ta sou ieiil leave heisind hlm a training smp tltted te accommodaie 75,000 lin. Hîs work lu transtorming itb ef- cieiNt sailonstise recruis viso came 0 hlm tram thse tarins and cilles et e middle veat made Capt. Moffptt )e et the preminoul Asuerlcf.u fig. irc lu tise van. Tise capacit>' af bisc dation was net oui>' increased fraîus 000 ta 75,000 under is administra- oue but lise Great Laites comman- la sent Itbeactive service 91,000 Ttiiied ffgbtIug meofthlie sea. Offered Làke»Foresl Home. Lakte Foi-est nesideuts, antlclpetiug the captain'a promotlgn sud dopai- ire tram tise station laRt sumnier on- Jeavored ta present Capt. Mofftt rltis a $16.000 residence. sa tisaI 'heneven the captain vent, Mrs. Mot- rtt aud honaix cbildreu, viso are- fvorites of Laite Foreastsciety, 'ould romain thene. The LaIke Forest Naval Relief se- iety, acting on suggestions b>' WiI- Hmi Wnlgley snd Mrs. Frederlik D. aountiss, socured su optIon on tise Madam, Hoyt propert>' on Sheridan R0.8 ,opposite lise R. J. Dunham rosi- eute. Wheu the>' offered il ta Capt. Mofftt ho declined ta accept tise gltt. Recenîl>', boveyer, Uic option vas" taken over S>' John Orinill a rosi 'state operatoq n l Aie Peretsud atcv veeits ugo vu leasedta Mrs. M 'offett ton a perlaI of saweral year. lise andlisern blidrun vil resuain lu Lake Forest vsile tise captalu im at ses. Capt. Moffett vagaaa> tramn the station visen tis n evsof bis tranater came. Ho vas sot thse Great t*leaNaval academy football gaMo el Annapolis. Ta the Nil>' Sun ta> Capt. Mot- fe11 mute thîs atatemeut: "i amn ver>' aarry te biave tise Moation but itlaie.ii>'dut>' te go 8 ses' 1 have beZi on short long- er than 1 reaiiy ahould hsave been but toit that my actnoee 1tithe station dunlng the wàr vas moal .sentlul. Hoveveïr, nov tisaI sear la over, I feel Ji lasne more tisan right for me la go. i1 bave appreclated ver>' much tlie tact tisaI tis a vy department loft nu hors as long as tse>' have. My famiiy sel live il Lake Foret "Th. alitement ln tise pepers, thet i arn galil to ses for six mentis. ln or-der ta b. adse s rear admirai dos@ic. mehran. There la noting te tisat. The thse vqur admrl iiU~ a, vUaret lcavth flg 11dtios people wltls whons i have w.rk- ad. 91y relations witis WauIes. »an end Norths Clolo hm aveMec metpicasat and f phaI look book eon my tackeha e %;#M a met deaI cfstlefflone nd Pleasure. j1aegiet te go but my 'dut>' le clear." Asked boy beIlikel hie. vork aet tis station, Capt. Moffett aaid: "I have -ujoyed it iJumenely. 1 1u..1loae tise place and ail vbo ai-e bore.". It la aýzmtted lu uavy circlos Ihal' tise comoat, et Great Lattes station le, udxt ta tise comnmovsd et the At- lantic fleet, tise met sopotant poài- ion lu the navy. Mrs. Mofett Hesrt-graken. Mrs. Moffoît, wite ot the captaimi wam asited visaI mIe tisougist about It. Wai ase gladi? Was csc con- :euded taelitit tisaItthe captalu vas golng te ses? Here's ber ansver: "OGlad? Why, blase yaur Heurt, ne. i amn brolcen.hea,-ted ta thInit of ieavlng. It bas ail corne 00e sudden that i canliot roaiz. It as yet. 1 love every Inch of tbis station an d ahl '100k back te the, four yoiars we havebain hee 28 the hapoieettlime ef Miy IlIe il l 14 he.o'y liane tisatsehave had a home, for. you k'iow, a navy ofier spendasos much tirne et s a hohele wlth hl& famîlly ver>' littie. Tharefore, to have had a permanent borne tbe*e four'years hie mAnt, oh, no much te me. Stili, It ia beut for capt. Moitat for hoe lovoa tihe $sa snd hie dut>' calla hlm thora." Asited vion.ie echildnen vauld go ta acisool, Mm. Moffoît saidtisteir plans vere ual made. Tise>'baven't elartel inteshol t Waukegan thua terni but atleuded the nntis sciool lawtyear. Hone la visaI some Wauitogau mou tisinit about Capt. Moffetî sud hW prospective depanture ai comman- dant ef Gtinaii.akes- ASST. CHIEFP TY-RRBL-"XPt. MofftIt vau a big man for a big job. Fev mec culd bave handiel It as et flcient> aislie did. W. are tontun- aIe lunliavlng but such a capaisle man lu change ofthtie station durng tise critIcal periad vo have juî-t passel Ibrougis." ATTV. BENJAMIN PAIIMALEF- "We are sary telome Cspt. MottaIt but 1 preumeise te glad te go ton lb mans promotion. Tbeu. 100, Capt. MoffeIt la even> Iucis a sallor sud tise ses, 19lise piace oaatrucmailien. uat dry lasd" L 0. BROCKWAY, Circuit Clrk- '"Capt. Moffett bai recolved a de- senvedl promotion. If ho makes as goad a record on tise ses ai ho bas doue et the Great Laies station, and i amn confident Se viii bave sisowu isiito10b. one of the greateat nav- ai mouen tiste histan>' af lh. countn>." ATT>'. ELAM GLIARKZ-"Capt. Mofftt hai; fiuishod bis vont bore aud tise change la merci>' one wvIsci enabîca hlm te get Uic revard tisat la due bim ton bis remanitablc effort ho bai put forth isore au tbe norlb sisore. Il la my beliefthtia Capt. Moffett bai beeu anc o! tise biggcat sud moat Important mou lu tise nar>' duniug ths couflirt; bie accompilsis. ments bave, 10 s largo exteut, 1 be. Ilise, beipel vin the van. AV1PT W. F. WEISS--'We ail ne- gi-el te sca hlm go because b's doue uci a, venlertul tilg bore sud Se- cause pensoualy Se la sucis a charni- Ing man. But hie transfernail latise price men pa>' tan suce». Ho mest go ou; va couil ual erpect iim ta sta.' Peoplebei-e have bel great confIdence lu hlm sud naturally the>' regret ta bic aonc vbo baanieen no close sud klnd te thesu." TAKES THE MII88IPPI Capt. Moft ha cause today ta pin on ail hbe modals. ta hll is Scad a bit hîgiser and tucelebrate lu an>' étsen va>' that he osecs lit. A"I ail Chicago probabi>' la real>' tea mIGra the ululement aveu betore readins whal SPecretar>' of thc Navy De.uiela bai ta oa&y'outheic ont Capt. .Koffett bas t layas'of ise vork Capt. Mocett bas accomplished at Great Laite. To a staff correponent o! The Nil>' Novsa t Washington Secretan>' Daniela pald tisabigis tribut. te aps~t. Moffett. "No one lu tise vanhua accomplisis- ed a bigger or botter tasit tiss Capt. Mofetl t alise Gi-et Laitesstation." -Secrear>' Danièes as comsentlug upan tise tact that CapI. Maffett la going ta e ielioved of shoedut>' il go te sea as cornjuauder of Uic U. 5. S. MIisalasîppi, eu*et thUicuupenlreid- naights of the nav". lieverting 10 tise vonds of Secretan>' Danièe: "He bas douesa an denful vonk aud il liasbeen hecause ef iseo- aeplioual abilit>' thst holmaibecu kept on iëhone dut>' elgbt mentis. longer ISsu he ahould have been", continued ths e elar>'. Tise wovrds are belevel tea sotie thé lasse lu itavon ot a promotion tfon Capt. Mot- Thcy received a postal howevcr, notitying thoria o a change'lu thse allotmeit tisat had beau coming ta theni tram their son and this adds ta thse mysten>' of thee situation. Mns. Hummq appça1ed to tbè Sun cancern- Ing tihe matter 8iQt thse former efforts to run doa e scof thia kind have beon non-productive. t aeomas as tisougis it Io on.et fthoac caaes tisat retui'ns viii merel>' have toawaait dovelopmenta and permit thse gav- ernment toa anaer her ln due course af lime. Mr. sud Mrs. Humnieli have ane éther son lu servie. He la wîisth th Canadienl forces and they necelve mail t'egtlarly froiD hlm, Thse parents have written ai- mont veekiy tb their son lu France ad pior to tise time tisat hi@ lot-- tlrs stopped coming frém aabréadi b. was Wvery paatcuar to vniting to them fneqleuty. Friends are cf Uic belief tisat Uic au a>' have hecu trauaferred té smre éther division sud ha& just negleefl té se"l h% parents hie ev addrees. fett, aince es service ila al tisat ia ueede<i to make hi useligible lnaa rear-adumiraity. 84.1t Ship ln Nsvy.' *,1t -. oui ywlieu thse stress 0f act- ual w. ri.,- vas aven tiaItithe de- liartmt i. - cl t tisaI hocoiild ,b esD&r cd trom tise Great Lakos," veut 011 Secretary Daùiels. "Inaaslug command of thse Mississippi, Capt. Moffett mIii be &Ive tise best aBUP iu lise avy, a vessei vbich vas plac- cd lu coummission oni>' lat year." Capt. Žitoffett retwied taoncrat Laites tala>' treas froni a cafeernce vils lise navy o1ficiais lu Washsington. ou -SuRPgSE ON TUEIR FRIUNS; Roand R., Dunn by Pues- byteilan Minyster ! e Waukcgan. Nov. 21. Oprilsging a complote aurpnise on their nian>' fl-ends, Rolaud I. Doon sud Mlqu oss Bawer were unitelal mariage Ibis mornlng ai 9 n'lock at tise First Presisyterlan chiircis mange b>' tise Rev. Samuel wiiiis Chîdester, sud thon lippefi away tb Mliwaukcee on tiscir isoueymoon trip. Tise> viii return to Waukegasî about tise irsI et Decombor. Tise voddlng part>' vas a aimal eue, uumbering. ouI> mesubers of the Immediate familles.1 Mn. Douauioides e pogition of adi- vetislng manager for tise large E& penhains Dry Goods store at Milwau- kee. HoRebas mad isc hicineInl Waukegan pnacticaily aIl bis lite. ire- lng tise son et Byron A. flunu, asses- cor et Waukegan. and author of Civ- Il War atonies. Misa Baver lg a graduate. efthtie Waukogan township hlgh aschool sud alan bas residt-d ln Waukecgan ail ber lite. For tise lastil., years se isaî isld the position of doput>' lu thtet.f fice efthtie coîsut> ccrk et Lakte coun- tv. -qd- ig rêParuieO.a-, ne o! tise mest enirtcnt empjy th,, rs.Otsi!y bai yilss lower w*li resume hi-r duties whcn se returns trom ber houe>'- jnoon trip. Mr. -Ilunn sloed witiste asslstancc, ot a pair et crutchea vishile thie mar- niage ceremony was belng pertorus- cd. Sevon veeka ago he suftti-ed a severe fracture or oue leg nean tise ituce. Since that time ho bas berin laid up aI theebhome ot bis fatiser on Nortis Geuesee treet. Tt vas o I>' a day or Ivo ago tisat Mr. linon vaa able tab ave tise bouse vitis the aid ot crutchos. FAIMJIETO iET WORDOFerSON IS CAUSE 0F lWORRY Mr. and Mis. Hummeli of Zion City Cant >t Word from Son Walter Hummeli LAST LETTER IN JULY Have Written War Department and Have Falied to Get any Definite Answer Mn. and lins. '1hama* Hummeli. 2505 Elizabeth avenue, Zion City', are very mucis vonnled aven tisir tailure ta receive a letter on otiser Iuforma- tien tram tisein sou, Cap. Walton J. Hujumal, i.vltise expeditoi- anfo- ces lu Franco. Tise laitt lie>' ieard trom hbu vas on July 15 vison isey neceivod a lct- ter statIug tisaI ho vas al igist. Sînce that time be isas beau mute a corporal, but thc tallure of au>' otier jettera ta arrive trami im, leaa stbcm la belleve Ihat sometbiug isappeued te iim. Accordingi>' tise>'have wvI't- ton to tise van depantmout in Wash- ingteu, made sevenal inquinîe ta find outIif h he albeen Injureldnrla mar- ýTRAININO STATION Miss Amer Story of Ottawa, la. figures In Mysterlous Death on Thursday WAS IT ACCIDENTAL OR NOT Had a Sweetheart with Forces in France-Body, Wrap- ped in Fiag, Sent Home The body of Um". mer Stor>'. a nsvy nurse missing éane Wdnes- day, vas taken tram Lake Michigan near the Great Lattes Naval Train- Ing Station, Thursda>'. . Mis Story, 22 years aId, had a sweetheart vith the American Eipe- ditionar>' forces. She enlisted In the navy nurse corps at the time of thse iluefasia eDIdamic. She contracted the malady and for.days vas desper. atel>' 111. A thear>' advanced by the nurses la that the girl, vhile 'waiking ln a deliriumb stepped over the 7O.tcq cia>' embanlrment ut the edge of the Jette. On thse other hand the>' are at a loss teaACcouist for Miss Star>".sa- tion ln burning a bundie of persoaR letters befare her disappearance. The girl'@ body, wrapped lu an American flag. vas shIpped Thursda>' night te ber home ln Ottumwa, la. Real Estate Transféra Pe BLJOI1NSON - GENERtAL AIJCTIONEER Houasthe best judgaent acdvalue" &ud Cet& thse Iighest prie«. Farce Sales a speciait>'. For daàte., Phone or Write ZION CITY, - ILLINOIS Every once in a while an emergency arises, and you need sometîhing in a hurry. Then is the time when thé service of the proves wonderfully efficient and economical from the standpoint of time saving. Tbrough its fast, 8ure and careful merchandis&~canrying service, your local dealer can get the items for you. Juat tell hMm to -phone ta his jobber or wholesaler and, have the things sent out via the North Shore Parcel DisPatch. It costs no more ta shop in this way. In fact, you get "express service at less than express rates." You'il save hours-sametimes dais. If merchandise is turned over ta us early in the day. you are assured of Delivery in 24 Hours Dealers and jobbers, as weil as residents, should investigate the unus- ually 'efficient service the North Shore Parcel Dispatcli is prepared ta render. For detailed informaton apply ta the nearest Dispatch office of the1 NORTHI SHJORELUNE clilcago 66 Wat Admi Sireel Pb",,. cetial Sm libertyvMie Ph... Lbertysle 74 Milwauket Ph.... Gamd NS 5.1 Ire'- tir- i..-- ar.-r ' - .1..~ il,., a>r'n*i r- s' - s' 'i i. Buy It of Your Local Dealer 1 . 1. Diasoa Loke Park, W», «L 1 IL IL svift snd vte b M . J. Mccl>'1 U8 scefa Nu . W. 1-4. set . ? b, lyvifle TV».. W», $SMO. W. T. flivau t. Era..0. LTm't lot 34..MSsaY lLake Suis., W». Andra emSu Msd vite t. lamuel Gold, lot -43. Stok 4, lNeu& Chics- go, Wl>. 81. CL A. Nevcomb, Jr., to Samuci Goil. lot 41 ad IL1-3 lot 40, 8blocS, U, North obleao . ýDccl, 08. à Wmn. PHinen sud vite to Leura Tine>'lot 1. bloëli'""Powell'. Sais. Druce Lake. W»ý, $1. Nov. 91, 1918& . 1.Woolridge sud vite to J. S.1 Gridie>'. part loti 8. 9 and 10, block 2. Panrkiurst sud Cunningham'*s Suis. at Libertyvillie, WD, $2500. Carl Saloansd vite ta HîMisJohn-1 son, 8 1-2 lot 4, Killia uSuis. In SW» 1-4, Sec. 85, Deerfield TyJi.. WD. $10. Martlin Mowers et al. to Mary Fr18- berg p. ait lis 5, 6 and 7, block 43, Highland Park, QC, $10. Nov. 22. 1918. Sarah A. Higgius to J. S. Filey and vite W 1-2 lot 7, block 14, Ex. moar Add., Highland Park, WD. $800. W. C. Wandercook te h V. Sani- mena, lot 20, block 127, North Chicia- go. WD, $1. j. c. tiartiett sud wite tu Elorotisea A. Petorson, lot 21, blocki 2 aud lots 3, 4 aud 5, block 3 Diamond LAte Lake Park, WD, $10. Walter D. SRuice s icaClip. 3S "dth M. Ovecue>', sanie, 38. M&i. &.Kluth, Mlvauikee. 12; CIe& ment Ritorrà. ÇWM tLakes. 32. -Marlon Y. Clark Orut L.kïs, 23; Dorothy Hauson. ,Fevnton, tri t-- Wbi, Gran ,Sheboysaii, WUa, 24; Alvin s S aleruuc, 9. Ùovard Il. sd, Great lAkes, 22; Mary V. Motte Evaneton. 19. Anton O. lirsen. Racine, 25-, ma.. bel Wnilxta, same, 21. Harold J. Dreyer. Milwaukee, 21; Jennie Beach, samte, 19. Wm. W. Kias, Milwaukee, 21-,' v>- nevre Mintyre. samne, 19. Fran" Lecanowicz, Noth Chicago, 27; Amanda Sacewicz, sarne, 25. Arthur E. DJoyle, Pt. Bill, Okia., 21; Cornnue WIihor, Palivauke. Wln.. 19, John Jacoba, Mlwaukee, 62; Mar- tisa Steinert, samp. 39. Joaquin J. Truccisi. Ciicago. 24; Bilanche C. Copp, samp. 24. John Tomonieviez, Norths Chicago>, 21: .loseplslne Waurzuiek, smre. 22. Walter Ellinger. Sbeboygasl. Win., 27; Elaie Hausman, saute, 20. Husbert T. Tawny, Great Laktes, 12; 1Margaret A, Nentisamor, Elkins, W. Va., 19. Jas. FoIe>.'. Mllwa;kee,., 38; Auna B-furegard. same, .18. Harry V. Leomîs, Milwlaukcee, 27; Margaret Naas,, mre. 26. Heury' W. Momeow, Milwaukeei 46;: Louise Pieper. sanie, 32. John B. -gcrt, Milwauke* t9; 1Martisa Raasch, came. 41. Edw. i'ctzald. Milwaukee, 29; Hat- île Itartelt, caine, 31. Nov. le, 1918. P. M. Benner. et ai, te Mary Ben- mer, lot 9 and N. 10 fi. lot 10, Howard Park, Fox lalle. GCD, $1. G. H. ýNelsan and vife ta Efivard Nettisauni, lat an east bank Poi riv er ln Sec. 22, W. Antioch. QCD. $si. Alfred Pearson and wife te A. L. Hardin. N. 20 acres, N.F, 1-4, P. W. 1-4, Sec. 21, Deerfleld Tvp., WD, $10. Alice M. Sexîmitis and husband ta H. S. Dodpworth. 54 âcrpH. N and adjoinlng Village ot Antioch, QCD, $1. E. 8. Koley and wfe te Mau I . Wilson, 101-2 ocres ln S.E. 1-4 Sec. 2E aud 39 1-2 acres ln N. P. 1-4, Sc.: 36, Warren Tvp., Wl). $10. D. J. Dunne te Catholic licBIeP Of Clilcaga. 1o-' 4, 5, 29 and 1 blocke 3, Shore Acres, Vlla~ge or Ares. QC-D, $10. il erman Albrecht and wifr- te F. H. Wohlfel, lot 30. blockt ?, iiamondâ Lakte Park, WD, VI). Her-rein Arecht andi wlfe te Yrank Wohlfeil and wite, lot 9, block KÂRRIAGEICEiNSES. Wm. A. Green, It.athdurn, 1dahe, 37; Laura Hall, saine, 18. Athur J. Kochs. teeclswood Wsc.. VI5: ltarna crinanu, came, 25. Arthsur E. Staego. Random Lakte. Wis. 26; Martisa 1iHn'z. Kevaskum. Wln...23. Le.e Roy McAllen, Grcat LaItes, 23; Laura A. Wozin. 'Mlwaukee. 22. , Wm.C. S3mith, Dallas. Tex. 27; Editis P. Snow Msilwaukee, 20. Amy NI. Dean. Highland Park, 24; Carl B. Schsmidt, Camp Coster, 26.4 Caesar Linden. Gi-ait Laites, 24; TAla Ga>elte. Chicago, 22. Goe. Sciseppen. Fart Sheridan, 21: Auna Gebrite. Two Rivera, Win. IL W m. G. Penkie. Mlwaukee, 39: Loecla Foolkeon. &ane, 30. Guat A. GnahýJ,,Kenosisa. 30; Ida Arsenean Ocenlo. Wis., 22. Tisas. J. Have>'Gi-eal Laites, 26; fluna F. BurkteChiscago, 22. Henry fD. Sentie>. Chicago, 35; Ro- rella M. Hane>'.Peonla, 22. .iccsle 'ei Racine. 24; Ebisa C. rcterson. anse, 20. ltobt. Szezopoc'i., Racine, 21; Stel- la Pezanoski. smre, 18. Seth G. Waggenen Giest Laites, 22: Over Ti Made 1 vas foi HOWWI Each W Cover- Elate The W tee of tise dil great to-houce C tag for thr Summar foent dist big campa ln thi" Cun cd $138 wl vWomenwh banks an, ln your i( West ci Sauth aid' Total ca'i Adding vomr n cr thee banke tion Ilt-i Mrs P. thie w.rk ai ccli1 202 work eaclr wcfl Interrupte lu r. r wom' n. nmai '1ortr var lI calti -l ' and o!r - meml>' r work. Souteh v! wisih t' and tlia-. donc I-v Klor.s'* charge, Th.re lieut' nia! KID