CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Nov 1918, p. 4

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~9I'mTRADÂY. NOVEMEER 28. 1918 bertyville Independear b"@iWoh mou bave *flj3 COL. <o mty nde endet - Waukegan W eHly S&nM ldbiA. DRIUB N ' ______________________m__Umm___ u m"utive i à-uR aSAW ~ 1Ofce Telephona Numbr 1~. L iell xhaf.goverM«et pouition la oloW7durln l.u -lw HRNl OFEI thea oot a bertrvllla. Ili. » Second Cies il Mtter who bau bm umors ourtow m ud d"o àt newâpaper B I mmn at al l ime. Md &Bl voun. bol>. or tg that bh u cc* Mrs. Ge reTotrdi, 1lo Officiai Publication for The Villageocf LUbertwvllle. iib lIyS irat uW.kgnsdNih o akg oder iIIe OUhIaIPublu.tloa for Lake Couaty Baourd aetSuprvlsra' Pr.àelm s'o - qU a tme n akP ndNrh-o akglSlirKle ..IEvery Tbnreday. Advertitng Rates Made Knowm on ApplIction. ObCM ga as OaPt. Nofetbus boeL Arad, of a His DeSert-F '18S8CRIPTION PAICE, 01.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE 9 Thèeo's no rosainutie. varld vhy President Wilson ing Her and Child, Then Dy- S*.1 MITH ..................................... ....1................................. Editor should flot go to thie peaco cenlermee-B1UT, bis desire t<> lng ln France, Pr. G. SMITH ...................................... .............................. Manager have ail logfiuiation hait vhile hess avay and te have the. GOVT. INVESTIGATES; FINDS VWM H.ECHARr oca Maagr dciionmad i adane tatthe vice president's handa "1SINGLE"Y CLAIMS UNTRUEA r '..~~~~~~~ be tied with shackles that canflat be unlecked is in line SnainlDvlpeti with democratlc ideas of "'hogging. " 'Twould be a fine Coeconwt Deh f thing te have Wilson go abroad for several weeks and b have nobody who was the actual head of eur nation Ar Waukegan Boy While Fight- 1we so short of efficient men as that? We are perfiectly t mu with'Forces in France willing to let oui- pi-sident. be a big man but when it F eo r rane h at cornes -to giving the impression that the country cannot 'l hat proves to ne the first domcestc ________________________________________run things without hus. pernonal sancton n every detail, traljecly that has corne out of the why w'll ave o bakup.Nar so far as Waukegan la concerned CAPT. WILIAM A.MOFFETT wyw'lhv obc ~>-a atory Of s Waukcgan boy desert.F Waukegan people stand between a smile of gaiia The supervisors at their luat session, considered trie Ing he lf. and babe, enllatlng to gratfic- 1figlit for hie country; of hie subse- Upn and à wave of sorrow as resuit of the news that Capt. niatter of previding a suitable inemorial for the boys who uent death ln Prance-a.nd now ofA NKoffett is to lbave Great Lsakes stton went across seas. Thoy concluded it was better to allow the widow corning forward to ClainmF the matter to rest until it wus ail over and until the pro- that -hich her liuaband had sought to The reason the public sheds a tear thatthe captain is moters of memorials should have Urne to produce their ceny her; hie nome and hie InheriL Luete I - 1. ~ clse 1~+. ~ ~had~d itance for lierseîf and lier Ilttle giîrl; 40tt eave is ecause of the close relatins ..e hsh o das-thon, the board members said, thoy iwould be init la Coryof whre* ccd'ntot Çt:auegan The reason thero is a sinile of satisfac- position te sot kneowingly oln the matter and the unani- the wldow, the war department lnves- tà l th= ea of everybody is because thoy are pIeased mous. opinion wus that the county board would do soine- jtigated lier huaband'a taise iaim and $6 know that (Japt. Moffett is being sen~t to sea for six thmng fine in this lino, the momorial te bc erected some- I found that lie DI D have a wife and .,, ,.,Ain order tha1 hem.a., 1,.r ,,,a+dAtea Rear Ad- wer ea tecourt hus.chid-ard where tliey now wlll be Mirai in accordance with the navy rules. rvd f;acsewr àWu Thns bis promotion as a reward for bis wouderful It looks as if thero's somthing wrong sorne placeé ea o gv i îf o lecolor, but where hie duty to hie famlly ap. t Vork at Great Lakes can corne only through bis removal; when tie goverrnent is able to e so butter, eggs, meats, ParentlY waa of no consequence. t trom Great Lakes as commander and after a six months i'etc. te sailors at Great Laakes at about fifty percent of wbat The soidier reterred to was George f - vce at ses. Thu.s while bis succesa and promotion is s askod for the same articles lu Waukegan. 0f Course Totterdili, son of Ilarry Totterdeli le natural ambition, novortiiolesa Waukegau cannot seeUncelo Sam doesnt figure tho profit, h. does't figure clerk ofMetWaignSre nid tR M mdepart without a strong feeling of sorrow because of Ihire, n or rent, nor suylblng of that sort--but, lhe differ- dath ln France was recounted re- t theo many thinga ho bas doue hereabeuts and beoause of1 ence in prices bore sud Ihero is so great Ibat the conditions centUy inthe Sun. Here la a self.- the personal interost ho had in Waukegan. do net offset the price variance. explanator letter trom Mme. Totter. ' No cirninandr wh haseve bee at he dll wichtelle of the domeatic trag- comandr wo bs oer eenat hestation bua MIr. McAdoo lets ail the railroads of the company go edy and bringe to Waukegan for the No uh esna eaio oad akgn n te 1enewa that Totterdelli #amumed Chuchgoapsoarati on et.e avauko n dahead sud print uew statiouery, bearlng bis name, etc., had wtme ad hld Noth CMcen a hseeaut offthit hy wha lv ilg ieen sud now ho quits. Weil, vbo says he's flot a .friend of the Chicago, nIl. aaymo udteysemdtetin he er ivn'r? But, let's flot forgot: the freigbt and passenger Nov 21, 19111. »Re outaide eux particular locality Not so with Cap llrte ae enrîudmreta topoits on the print- EdItor Waukegan Sun, UOffett. When lie firEt rme aebe asdmr hntepo crne here he ra4le it ria-i. tEtDer îb 1sWAS a part of the community and l u vr ;ing amount toeovon lu lhe case of tie most infrequent. int atnarcnt.'eu yr iü'is ver ac sice1pnteintern rtravelor.of ou taIlie he bas proved ft te be tie tact. Whonover any p______________r paper you publilied a notic.or t he C rdeath ci Pvt. Oo, A. Tottordel lv1r)y *,hg came up with luterest te Waukegau sud Great That neterjous Velo rail-riding affair neyer wll be- 1 wag killm.d in oHonFranc po oi eltlY Capt. Meffett always assumed the position conSnleyoslt.I ep obn pi n a ept. 27tb last. uas vbat vas weil for Great Lmakos was weil for Wauko- io u4ir ofrato ftejdmn o r.Rc The tact thst h.- Iýtt a widow anditi or sud Y Cofimtin-f hejdgen ortm m.h- -n,1, ýtionccl ro rilidc SMM ieversa. To the oditer oft1h. Sun ho inany, I arilsen lu circuit court Wednesiay oughtt 1.0 eîp soe t daiebe w he .-r )d eaa -aaY limes made the statement that be vauted everybody once fdfrai.BT il it? rî'hi'atadbayhnaou la 'Wakegan te feel that ho wau persouaily luterested i n d for__ ail.__ BUT, w Iserp ix oi. adrig ay t1915,aot 4.-eveyàjthigIat was going on bore.. That fact wuas pia. o..e :,oos ta rest. Ilicv were unaware of hie whcrp-9 -~~ bybsproa#neetsonl 5ljILSO~N M O 1 j Germani comuissioned officers about. tntil Sept. iast when she was Wbe CpI Mffttfistcae e ienaalsttin, FR3NJISAS ~ d entre tewar. The n-that her huband had:ýn.,-tedln the odioe t. e Su n vas amie tve navartateono, fsryenutth. kaiser.s grmy a'my early In 1917 and had ciaimed ph fio o h u us mo g evry Ont .tOLIER'a'-widlfi ctonby the ,non- exemption trorn paying the canipul- » Ue iplan for the world's gesteut naval dtation A CO. SOD R OMS. sory allaiment to bis wfr, ho made - 41Iba tio pepl geeraly cofed a bi exensve heyWaned evege. no mention of the tact that he had It tat tud seox pubelty we it as fetesivre ~n ec<m wît r Thebys Wantd reengeTh a dangbter. However, the- govern- ileas ad so fr as pblicitywent i wu ofentime hard iAmCzin mal. e'augbts Pre-dS nnochtnte Innometnt eas mentb bheidthald -haitalotf hiý lao gel Cbicago pavers rnerely te mention Great Léakes dta-1 sident, Declares Lieut. Leg- (-on. n..- bornîing etties tbey bad evpay ince bis enilstrnent. ppndbng tou- However ail tinslime Ospt. Moffett wau persistent er, Son of Late Librarian i rate.d They ieft band grenades ln their Invs'tigation af bis claiu, tu bis staternt te the Sun lhti im re lie naval station the roads and in the bornes and hun. wbIch wu algaie. .Vould be oeeoe the mont impertant training-camps of the TàSATHGLND PR dred, a! persans met death by ibis Mrs. Totterdeli bas had the neces- lW .Rehdh__iiond__u____gtwrdTLK THIHAD AK dastardiy act. sary, paper and supporting aff[davits ~@rI. H badbisvison sd h wasvoringTii. Amerit-ans wante.1 Vo remove Illed and wil naw recebve the aliot- *a n i h he hnas tigmtrazdaI the -Second to thbe Preeldent of Frafl., bth e h< < ment for botb bersel! ani aaugnter Station, il vas natural for hlm occasionaily te mention the Prealdent Wilson la theiedol 9f the trat'-d tiese cowardly.deedo. and they trom the lIme of bis enliitrnent until Prench people. Woodro'w Wilson Ia lhiee b-kisrsoidme si death, a coniderahie Oum, after ftct Iat his vas a part oethle big scheme ho bad lu mind il, receîv.- a welcome 'ram te bbc i end tamhe taprescrib meti whlch mine wliirecelve a rnonthîy Vor the nertb shoro ' Ho wus lie braius o fthieworld's Frenchn upon hls landing bn Paluis en ln a andnebing" prIenson «M" na u.val station, for, prior te bis cemlng il wus a ,wbicb wîîî am~saze ela." b The enciosed IS a pictire of the %Mr training camp ralier than s world-wide station of Tiis le 'thne message whlch ienet. daughter. Ferli. whicb yoo wfli please' 'tMpotanc Suc as t isnow hen e Isleavng.Fred M. Legler, son of the lateý lien- WAS A QUIET HOME AFFAIR place together with th1e abave tact-s ry E. Legler, tormerly Chicago librar. I_____ n your paper. In leaving lie station Capt. Moffett takes witb bim leu, brougit borne to Highland Park, M.adMs r .Se rnwun ter homend wigtherr Ue. best vishes et every resident ,of Waukegsu sud ho I unday. r n r.IaC hry.Mowmak Ttelr hoamdeauintherar eau carry wil im hlle knowledge iaI everybody is aux-1LIeut. Le&gler saw 16 rnontbe of Fer-j Celebrate Over Passing an s15er, Mm,. A. W. Bannes, 2208 We.ýt fous for bis great possible suceus. As commander eft hl vice under mbiiafre. il wuaieI mo- Important Milestone .jackson Blvd., ChIcago. ar to 'or transport corps whlcb ted abels Tinanktng you ln advance,1am station ho bas provod blmself democratlc, unautecratlo e thne marinea at 1the openbng af the WueaNv 5 eytuyyus '* h eteta man who bas lrled te make lie efficors battle ai Ciateau Thiberry, Mr. and Mrm. Ira C. Sherry cele- MRS. CLARA TOTTIOUDELL, -udr blm realizo that lie ordînary sallor under him wsu He partlclpated ln the batlles cf brated their golden weddbng aýnnIver- 2207 West Jackson Blvd.,t as important te service as goldatrlpers; he is MnWh Chemin de. Damnes. Montdider, St. ary today at the borne af Ibeir son, Chictaga, U st rfr a eta alvays oudeavord te recognize -everybody's vortlie osn road. The cesebration was a quiet ofavr Iet laxen halred child IIIIIS provod biniuoîf an honest, determlued sud ambitious " Had Nan'ow Esecpas. on. elng attended oflly by lmme- dressed lni rampers. as sweet and as éd.orhos. idoas on world-preparedness, on the natlonOS Lieut. Legler had many narrow es. diate relatives. lovable as yan would cars te Omec. prprdess proved Mest important te lie national gev- capes ftram deatin. Once haovau or- BoIn Mr. and Me. Sherry are ln Tbat 1la111e chIld for vinoi Mra. Tot- um u.dered to evacuata the Illronch gener- e«collant bealth. demlle the tact terdeli la speaking ln hem letiert a'. hsadquartare. tinat they have reacçhad a mile-atone above.)1 As Commaindanit Ofthlestation CapI. Maffett bail un- Ply rme - »Iaa rpiana s wooped la Iheir Uv. soldons reacinsd by mer- 4d r hlm l. bsdling of aul wlreleau tl" part Oftàle dawmn anihsmotor trucksandu opened riedtcoupiem. Mm. Sherry la '7 ears A DEIIVORATING PLANT poume, the govorument patroi beats sud »mauy other aire when but 100 teet off thes ground. oid-blm vite las 74. Tbey have made Wsukeaan. Nov. 22. «Mènes of Service as weil as lie station itsoif. Ho The driversaiofthfin rt 8v. trucka their home lufa ulcsgan fort he lent Tie no Dy*'Ous Producte 4 CM a proedhimelfa mterln ll ine. A hed o th gnt ere ?<iled at their wvhssaMifesn 20 71'B* dehydratiflg doncer wibhlas boing maserlu illIns.As ea etlb gralotbers vere luJured. ,Mr. Sherry l.a a terait of the civii .po bord th11e tUnited States gav- Main emore than mado good sud il is safite yt ay Ib A . An e1enInoraeeboe 1waa .war havlng line distinction Of0f intg entnt taif , la dearoum of looellUg Wv ery en oucould havo sccomplliged what hoedtd for around rny neck," said the Uelsteanl.t kf atl iGt t ysbulrg on a aue.Mjor Pm*«Ctl <if1 *0 lime be bau been at tho station. tu explainbng hise scape trom Inurq palai. tino U.S. girmi, outllnsd the detallS teo Wasblufttgtouegn oig o or deatb. AMtsr the var ino enterl tins em- of the plan before theo board ar di-9 Wbe Cat.Mofltfirl bgatgougLieut. Legler tlid his story aI hise1>107 of a large ralroad and for years rectarm of the Waukegan Chamber of to er turaedaofo h e aiom'ridthog, dCommerce loday. The board'is ex- un vee tured to Him foveer«, ho vas perslstentaud s fatbr <lied wvISle ve-as over- pioyed 1>7 ths raad for 84 ysam ie once and arrive aI a decbsion. 1 shn» 1 aIl hovodfleauloiisatsi.gtoAl- aI leRsPR.* n._Lge-sen anainfrsonàeî .f o oany nTactive 1The dehydrallul proccems, whlh, -e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANT 'ADS, DATE-b Coe@ v« Un% E m aseto 3coe" uIu.mChawg. FOR SAL -Plymot okCcees Id. P. Wfflsr, Phone â74-1-1, Prairie Vlew. 48-tf FOR SALE-lt jou want good coc"erels af pure bred Rihode Island Red@, White Roucks, 1ibî#e 3aridote. Catli at th'~ Alert Stalil farin, l'rait lm Viovw. 46-31 FOR SALE-Two pure. bred .¶irwhtrei buIIm, Il 13 ogîths oId. tlru;iiiit.stt Wt. Ni,'redle, LaI..- ViE. 47 j FUR SALE-Twn oJerW~y and (ue III. otein rnilehcowm, Ais.. yoting tandiard bred pacng ire. IDr. Kitti.-, llw&uk-o avenuje, arn um irth uf Hall l)ay. 47-tl FOR SALE-A l).rmw lotr, ïmt7to oIc]. Migot exchaiýg..E. 1wlieux, Ar@,IW 47ti FOR SALE-one Regimbered DurtieJer.' boar 1%, jr. aid. Charles H. Peteroon, Llberty ville. Phone 298-.. +. DWAT. wamAm .1.- FOR SALE--A 40 mer and an 80 acta larmai Milsleroma Lak$jVlla. (bcd mailmadotood builgs. Loy prlce sud esuy terms. Immediats possesalan. Stock, food aud Implements i9 deslred. 8M. HardiD«, Arèa, Di. 42tf elFOR SALE OR RENT-55aeré tarin. Sweig iétvle. 42- MISCELLANEOUS WANTEO-i lave lmolers mind rentera fo i rw tesma bimo 2<1)li 8() acre.,; one, o mmli l uy c f ni toI.iie A.B l 227 N.Uia iittkg liii- lt. 27 I îcaSi. Wî 45-4an WANTEO-oomi c-eîîî an uw(y. Plions 272-J-Il.jbt-rtyvili. hl'iosait 0WANTEO-Old cdean laIton ring.. 4111 .îtay 4c a punrd at the t ndeîii-oient joffice. LCST-1. Libert) ville une ilie', hIa-k miieu, vanu a.,s a gifit rai a solier @on. titider pli-tise lýeat lidepeudent LOS-AIrdale, good lIj jear aid. FOR bALE-Choie resildk-utre lots (in Strayed tr,.m tarin near Lmslles Nursery. Me Ktiey Ave. Mro. (rimes. 2-4' A. I. I)eVault, Llbtrtyvlie, il 1 48 2 all food been transportcd in limaI manner for onder th1e plan Ibat pre- avled lime ahim wilch carrlcd ftod ta the American army averseas ver- I transporting watî-r ta a large exIl-rit for that ls the principal con.tltuet 1 of ail fooda. Tiîe.govemnmüni, accuirding to Ma- jom Prescoîtt.lias approîiriated $2511, 000 for the porpoqe of experîmenta tionn budi-hydration snd niso for pi.. paganda in lunying the' îbsirability u such food hetare th.- Aniran péopi'. Alter many testsý he says th1e pro-' ceas invented and patented [iny Mes.srs Ilogle and Hulhert ai Chica-: go, has 11.-n fauud ta b.- far suo-r bor tealal others. The giisernmtnt plans 1.0o uip mci- erai 0f these plant» in vatlaus parts o! t.e contry ami bais sel.cLed W,.- kegan hi-caume il would be c-asy tý. bring food te thla point. The gos 1j errimnt ill instaîl ail] pmoviding Itut Vaukegan supli'". the quartera for th1e periad o! one year. At the end aif the year an op- portunity wiii h.- gîsen a local stock eupany to taïe a',.r th1e plant ut a nomnli gure and operatle I n 1.1 future. A royalty vauld 11e asked by tle inventors o!f1the proc.'sbtinthei tirmn wauid lie in local hands. Th1e building at North Chiraut'. msed by tle Sexton Castor Motar OCli company I19 one- favor-d mailt by tic' goveroiment and pros iiing the plan 19 accepte] ibis plant may lie rýt--i by the Chamber of Commerce (o- tbe nexî year. 110W THEF SEXTON MILLION WAS DIS- TRIBUTED FAMILY For First Time it Is Revealed that ioe Sexton Gel OnIy Share of the Estate WIDOW GOT HER SHARE ,And Other Son Gel $150,000 -Youngest Son Got Resi- due of Estate, Friday Tt. ls varlousiy e5httmated Ibat lue Sexton on F'rlday carne Iota an es- totc-o! about $700,000-wbîcb, while itlbsn't a rnlllioi le qoite ennîgh no lie a-on't bave ta worry abount lb- hign cost ai living and tic only tliing be'll have ta steer cii-ar of le th1e excessive coet of hign liv- Ing. There have been many reporta ne ta what Sextan was ho meceive, lie did recelve. etc. Il vas flday, an bis 24111 hirihday that lie was ta coînc Int th1e restitue of tne estate leit by bis tather, Patrick J. Sexton, pro- minent Chicago conîractor. Hlere ftomh1e fdm51time laesinovn th1e statue o!f1the father's estate and nov hae lefI for disposition tine prop- orty vinicn vas vaiued aI $1,100,000: Tom Sexton, eldeat son, $150,000. Slaloms, inrother"-850,000. Widow-430,000. Balance-400,000. To son Joe-tbe hmiance-400000. Tnus, vittinelns stalshavlug bessa hsld for year, for thes youngs mt, fil laseald his $400,000 bas gone up ta close $700.000. Fer tinspaut year 11e la sabd la havo heen alloved $2,000 a monlin from the bnheritance vinich nov lias camne btat bis full posseosion and central. Sextan Il-t-ft tinrongn th1e fomel- ly of acqutIrng hie fortune, and bis oeily celeb 'n vea an Informai dinner part'1the haine of Arnold Chapman a : ô09 Lafayelte avenue, Chicago. No Plmns. Save Armny. Kuowîn tijeOmillion vas comlng, as Lieut. 1 ,',ton dld, th1e ardlnary marial woid be expected ha have framcd large plane for tins future. Agaîn Lieut .Sexton le different. lHe inan'h madie aay plans etaI1,ai-,e A great sud civit play un il etarti'd I: Chicagoala th@e jroini lie wbdeep ci timenoii religions h lu th@e adv ar the bon living in Chicagoa]a muuilUes- prove I' réligliios s Indleateii stand 1luiti1 coul.uit band tu Ile The lirol lie "Viol' lOti,, il] M ta tic rai.. th1e preli: the liri tbe recanm 81.tht.eid oburelt.e, end lie v The d rive di reetln vhicti le 1 ilentatlvi- upulii Oea- wuirk S4c nu' OC deul ot ùl Pledgem cturclues chureh c Who bas' sual saulpaigi local pas thal day pastor ai Cburcb. Libertys as au lu have a f remarkal darkeét elty lu l ne., Presidt chuche the var May lie I sort lu t' world," for th1e progralin làat "mi vantlit ehurch i apporta etructiai Theceh or assit lisîtt ment,.a %" M gns IF M01c 18 188[NiIA[ Frm a rep>' mnt b>' Mr. Ut- te the esilar ônIle Etude: "Yiu aak nie il mouetulà uma, esitentliaV Tu the Emiquitiau. or Southt Sea betlader, no. T>the Amerlcan, Frenchumat,, Engttb. man, Italian, je.. %ere elot-rie@ demande natbutug but food, driink, clatbng and imelber. lint whtin u attinit tu raiie elmtii m a hiffli-r plane, yubav- tu nom-ý lshi the train am i Il as" île l'ud.l hbnsie, usaita oreligion., tilj Ouisgreateèsi 1aLe. nlmi,, ite greaàtesi luepîrattan." MàonUni> Paymemnt Plan HAVE AN £VISON FOR i CHRISTMAS oicK[R'8 IR~3O[~ PHoNE 55 Ssays. RIght 00W 11s o mtly interestcd In t'ncle Sam',; piany for tic ammy. 'Beyond that eos orytnbng bu tudeinm. le." 1ho sald. "Nul muich chance ta a7rrange for t11e future while thne var was gain gon, you kn',w, and we're stîli In the army." It a-as suggested tliat wlbî bis new wealth yoong Sextan might think of matrimony. That got a littie mise ouI of hlm. "Marmlcdd 1 shouid Boy not, and nat lntendbng <o marry met nov, nelther." Hard luck, girli! A Modeet Millîonaire. Lieut. Sexton le a modeat million- mire. «Tbere bsn't a thInng 1 can thlnk of about myself tbat mîgint Interest tne publlc," h11e ialted. (He muet bava ovgrlooked bis million). «I visn you vouldn't print aM thing about me," 11e sald. '"The la.1 lima Tins Tribune had a atomy about me a Rlock of lellers .eekbng doms. lons for aIl sorts a! thînge ptied l On. of tinom vas good--a vouas dovn moulin vanted me ta buy hem a cov-"1 Hinta o fa tour of Europe. a yacht, Lpsminaps, large celebratians a, la "Brewster's Millions," annoyed Iel. sextan. "There lsn't any etoi7'ho 1e'peet' ed- 10 sacnIdea. 'Pleais don'I write anythiug about me." Mno. James Harcossa las recetved word train hem son, James, vho. vas home fotr a lime ln september afler 1an excîtinu experîence vilin a Getmp 1U-boatlin vblch bis balai vas badly lacerated, 11e states Ibat 1ehe i>eft raîeed tram auatant congnlesary steward ta chie!. He bas mml meM tnmned tram hie 5<111 trip overseas. rWinen he returned lnt September witI - ?an inlured band he tlid o! hie 0,> perienceo wien 1the U'boat'attackêd, thein and burt 10 men. 11e bein& one ý-fth tisnumber. te the bia telobra tanc e"ceV urged tace ThoéBi), organizpul bave air'-.. jear. M. tit fi Wlint Ur yil i1-t aire <otg fruit, b-.1 Lieut. 1 Tiiuredtny ri ti nîaüy ai haine witl CIIURI HO TI

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