uIBRTYVILERI 3DI TTU 8DÂY, NOVEAMBER 28, 1919 ------------:ses.u: - - - - - - - - - -u:s::m s.s.:ms :: HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 80 st b. Good ese.eon. deelred. 42tf 'ré. farmu. 42 t 1t routera itikegan, 45-.4 a soldier tpndent 411.pl ear oid. Surwery. I 482 Edi- bu ruai iku. orl T) the ngIis. loterie@ drink, nojiur- body.' Libertyville News vaW%1 rmdn i.., L..*. ..i. Mlati 1t@As t knd-f Iv ol a n N. 1ntsM Nit week a etoreoptiSan leture wlill eced wltbi eaeh. W. &Il ejoyed h@ s SU~Jj > e. .ws~' c- -"' ~ b. given ln the Bigh auditorium relatlug tak ver>' mucb. ---------- ---------- t. te brae tor ofllole. Thue adient- i ohe tro hol asethalleres gFunu> iat il, how w. heard no much the woret enemy that the soldier hall to lancebtee n e Ligadey n ait- ed it ave n Darvidho lak netb lefi aboutt that Thankegivinp turkey that contend wlth and It was the cauee or ri mnage forbathaide. wa tuho rffle offet Igleod n an > a abelier commiting suicide. They UdtanCe on i i.caKdad vrrlél ni itae Dl Fam.wa -et-weathon a obofard tingle ofela bad ta wade throngl. iud tu Mihl bpe. Thoedtte W-,kcdl managewill'l W er fo ry otheles teeuad heesw r etiretin and when Ihat tage was reaehed tier Théfla'. nrittg l.'eratî1 ,e: I Wewere ail vr>orytoberthtsald turkey alter the retiiri o ptveraI tonk te) the open and thêta th, np. !iI l.iilai.'allanti r li.mi1>Youngt h.iîefuie who attîcid tfti" raille.i.'. it iîî ha eari-. iIe e m v ,rt,- i mloi ri, 1. -Hc l i t,," i. utWe re'î.lty tviuliilike é t , tv t îî,'i y e a r. c. i l o t b e ui dorn .h » i i ! l . i e Miinare 0V . i gtliig tîî get? le I..r t ea.,.t-r Ml- l' ù itT,.., i fl E %fe. test. àr l'h',' ioii,, le ilit pp-. rsb trîn are Ilotîg te) brlig t i ba k i Iiitkweii 1Iiack1tcI '*m r-'îit;unoi' ,f t i>ti cet ar e fr i t i]r'est-- î ".z iltc, I i ottd i i lti1"#àlit.. lttr t fr en. >,' , tee t iii i l us l. i p fiiwAorh reit cpttarit"ilald Vin XL liw t30 1' fr if ect,iu -rte, Iri.s" if lis.it Th rd yil etueln nhme ie.; o oi hi 1s,1 itle ina .6utjn tiri lfui, tomitt sud<lhear the ot, r t o.i i [le ît te j'raver uecîîr.g. 'eicîîilety c t Teotr y i tt ve or i tr. e . p o h Il us!pr- dto wt tr ifeti ofi1îé h4 a îaîiIra.g ' p1,dueeit a pii'tîîrk'Il ;o i.. gt't ,,î, j. for Noiv. 27. " Uv t it h.;tti ip éelutu aîrlI a le ha eî u a iiîî ta'u l li-aItb î -akme y onict"ari and a'elt praduî'î d i)tir t1,îtl M i,'li: itire l"' tc 'itit 'Toi tr r nian>' 0iticre tlie, a lilui btrught tu lay, doiî't relue i im oil to otiibau r 1 1 ,î - 1týNi ne]' M argaf ret M' w maa44auketan tientre expeetm bu show t.tt, r t imeilie. 4, "Wtat the ititîte %,eans ta N> tif tii-ySdo. I.l'aîîp Firé Gitrl.. at tiw-liareoruage. hume lth lm ail ttd hé liuuLr.y iuu- t îu ant e'îaWu. iliettr Sido.v l.tuî.lIitta~ t'î'iiord wa a tejiir Ticlucrnetaiéxli-re BroyitnS13» S'ilutatthieii, i'ilday' Siening. CIUR H EX E SIN~ ~,:1~ '~ofi ~ i thie Jo)ettieiiii'm, aunday. taire the <ueitloiiaires as a ltîîî-4nfor lux-Mtoi-Esca. lnug urhsaiiiisiilire ut ,r tr. ANt'oa aiî heya. utlrgle ' Service@ ri,'tt tiundaywiteelitctîlai' CH R H E T N IN t1Br uM.and Mm ..à Nco.ata cthimedu lase n hepe i fîîttawé: Suuday i'îutut 11.) O eiîî'k. Suidila cl >'teatiii thoetut umifno<l .n r 27t h a daugli tér. Yeonîparaî1vélysrvic etulait, - k BOARD PRILESeY- ii een cOlIlPar&&'vire @tuhhtt i trId yirthéil:eEtanatitpresti ervie t 7.0 tv 'chidrenoff he, tre t d aeditgu r Ij .Wilig aud dauichter iAiCicag.!. 1 the a f quetonaires tith as âofa ila hu, Witt Préaeti un tIlie sulecet: "Thé a aa better tii, are amms.ted. retifwîirk > allmcunlus bve eeni îiiîarahvtv lthih)dtnrv nd 'otinîu-pac mari'@ ernllg@ ave een ailara iii C,-4jfh r ina y " andier outmtn- lNae TERY 0F CHICAGiO le doiuctfr tire puor. joliare fturid for Thei'Pautafuilhaevirt'~" réeseai> li iiirur i nleCordi5ianity. hrewl o pca reyfaiy e erit it lare aw pêe atoulhe arumers acaeruéc t hée'elugérîc The putlit spiritual aid gîvin ti) t'buiî-uudo who Mhim Helen Spate "net Saturcia>'and acrasé tîis vear. "Our Ait For Chrit" wttt be thé gréat csubjecgi lnmt thélthethurilwarthfort l Ia miteecmeetIaingr A empagi tna ut hiéclorc apt> f'r etpItiiiticihret a wirkSuuiay ai the humé ofltier uncte. 1luna léttiérwrltn tromn ti- Frint néx tha'e cning t, :pag. meeig and ci4vie wirktrs ai Libenty'ville wil lti tie great ety an-' iatt, tie ratingi Thautîriebug haifutofitud ,th.ct' h-'Font*'A. - elhutildye wi téat';:;mee.ti. Att play' un important part, lte met béing th tUseccar'! n,îrey anditthéeatuel&it taeteiuîtty decrated for tiré Thanine- Siaauc writes under datéeii iuotbér [e2m 'arc cordiallyi>'ictcd taratfeG4i startérd hy ubile stîterian etiurch ln exteneion ai aeitvitiei nma& epoéîs u i n ivîug dance. .tu tyadKnei'i.o tcfîu The chair wlilrt tiie xt 'vck fo Chcago and thée urriiundingîtt eesfrt1 th, naympndogrnnedri- îLatirabfrontrkdfo thne promtonofIta misn wmaynd e laakéd ogrm "ii tîc écrelce redeed-lir@.ed Scheider and A giem Ligtt. and ibat Libertyvîlle Il w,-il réprpseeted séeyialereheariai i )n luceda.y kan'd lTihure- t haluedfrtitiesrie edrdbdy acampanied Mré.ltnckwatt and at ciéebatile fue. lié ai-t, tutiniatetiers are urgéd t,, ai r-1-d Its widéspreiad social service and btctier tI. ne of the grea-t.tiis"toi(uary fields o0to >' ,ta l ok a huzl hi tri0 cttwenghp atirItifés lutkres f loceal lu tire w'rtd etalagi>. Pejyd rb tt at it loke w as thlyouer.ti o îr tet relgiaus leaders ha.atrcady tsclîariitid scotch i, alu gh tire artcle un-r uei r- si'îvle wsnéarutu eove thoughver thé Iu thé advanced prilitruru fur thé welare Born, Tireda3 \îîveîyibcr 21, tautMr. sue llhuh u rillewo à rItc etioaéti w ek af thé hundrede i ftioumaudé of peouple arid trs.Jaiiîî's ('halptet TyreilIof atbout It was ceeured. 1afler thle letter wae a ritteti, man>' living lu 1h'. teuted district*soai1 V'aukegan, ut theshote,of !rm 'lyrcl'e, Misé; ettye Juchebie aticudeit tie auxious parente and uthter relatives Chicago and tuetitrluR ludustrial con' arete lMr. au t rs ýJ(lun iei it cisperformance uf "Jak-oLutern" at che Iawalt word of thé fate ,l cbiîr lived umnnuitie-v. progritriithaLle eicied t ty, a on. ému itîpti2 aturday eveiug. I on ae@ a ther erge ntI> arna Prove bi'te urtt.vtlu tleire ltoîio er3 iay e>ctliiig latir N iBernard, oi hBotte drng tares wtt hs open fronti Th are of mie Georetna e iftarirof religiiius artisity Ilii Anerica uudhave tire' L.llrty3 liiýgarage. receitd e a I,ýJlm lu 111 a. m. on Thauksgîving dey iew bas héén contractcd ir, thé pur. @tand lu tie Idsataiong ticheu r an caei ogàn iyieIJrto en lu xtîniu aaeî'îue ti he e1unricit' c'ce. r IeLde'Adse> lserveh, mal Burton F. Haleprés@ent oli rraiOak- comuinitieé ~rcqîntr.' indîît î*ltt i ýuL1' tiiIcN'ken îie.nupcicr lu the g> innuluri ( f ~wîod tara) and the Athrp,-tit tarin,. whIch bau t, tes uiiîturate">~ iuii~>5 irdg. u,'n'ise ice, Iurtriver, ah'îîîlt tic N-i. t' 'hurch nudt week Thursday wtthu the nw purchaoe a iliigicé hMnr a The tirotetécl iure ,, lain,iura t i,- tieuîrh î t',n aku unaleeug s' thé 'L,'ictiuryt eirf t"e IahnI aIminuitie ti8ih tatotal tract 'close ta 7tiît acres. Thé thei, iitorylit, eiuît f tu 1 ltI ire cxti:,bcutohmr, iler tërinarî ldru> e te Iti .1' rtdaY ei.efliglicetuer #;tih buyer tallie th craps, tnastiucryand 1tim ili liefond 4dî'hîîîrI')() 00lI lite plu. wheure tlu' tond a \aehfin r(e!uiat.a. ilcguîn oëst1hanses. Thé balance i1tfInseprîperty ta hé raimel aitire 104 - hai c.Frticis >ue 'tutît. oteh0etrîi< atreoIl thé pr0 e t el 3 aI E i foriii.tîu tir llixitlui k tii . ,'leî)tI tai in> c r tiî,uiiuvnrt irganisto wll ghr.' a rctutlcînshting of a, large ofute' Idaîr> tis cîur'h i.wuii iiriug tucticI iar îîiîrueil u l eîîlîîai Te-,(-edt utheir,1reslyterian uluret,. cutis hugsand dair> eq 1i-ittwilt bie wohé reusrutîu 'rhi't, t) i'eijurt Ie i I nd l,,re a'llie "a Sunnése lrause au Ieîld ut auctban, V. ednec..., bticenier >1 th rcth<riea thi ertaiuinil Dt ait hrwu i 'nii. Jà,ek t1'tt.." ', tii.ue n .scvu -.rle' it hrdy4tlu iae adscrtime(a lu ai,..r t.'i iimiî ot Mth te riv mil b Ifliicie( i al ire ,oloinet te i II.hrt3y it.' firîr itr i INvruTi, kwz ' i vee ild "u - h is oburchéeo, putitreexcharuglug 1îeulitehe'ttrlu\ gnsTltm irintiubt thé M.E.chturcb i rom '-9ta b su and the wîîrk ut tiehr,là nrbPreeculed vent ,tila.. t" ac r'î,...inlr tîn hrdg.>1 ,k. "Lie publie lm cordlalîvtdITeuhrtGrsmi.r uoal Thé druve is hétng eauducted îuoder thé àtslml iei,(icgolii l1lrdveeig diéeln 1ti îuî',exeélnhîîri .]h rg iunz't-.î."t lttîth Iu.nrbiiiue taum aw sixtecumîmt Im uthegote Itîrcta13à eveuî darknée, ilf atirt tihurrît, l'retsiatntnl lier r:a% tuuge -lIup'ueiiberé. 'hhrei' stut the>' uttPuded t11 i ,i'rîà iauee aif whrt t Pehi tnlnt,,, îlIet r(rs. .',utàtt.. ~litlhi. fîIdr iât lc3 ie lîler rth,-toîp lutitue paat mon&i and> ticre Happlues" utt t,-Ploase rsTheatre.l seulathvc hin instfrliué ta needytieldo, wst't njuri-i. e are, ,siéral more prumpei.'ée ln igit. iseued that tliéy tiasi,li bîisappahnted uphuildtitgwcas elîurî e, and tartlug _______ut'_- tre Floyd iaumer. fôÜr%ý, gradé lu thé béeginnirn ttig i heccsliug.as thé>'ée I.r ugohgtéd.lrHuy______ ~'i new rkinîî r lurtîstu le tîe wfuerneny .IPL NEtesaclusr ioitheé iiertyvitle trammar were deta>'ed fur art hour îou thi-North AI"I'I 5 haîi le III wtireucumanhu.Nues Ilatelshore ins ut the greiLouéeewaiiiug1fr déni .îîthhboard. teuie et'bctigl tr a mrethé caunettinu ,t as). lorne lrom Lai hldges wltl teeéitakien aîîîîîug tt.e jfl Di I ÂT I lff. lbeliig letîlliu, ut the ralrau ctuctis unîtsîî u yui ti,'st'. nue iîr a IJi~1 3 I IAI pu'>.crossiug. The girls icît Lîheryvlilte au elhurch cauvulse liai t it r-ail t.eLient. M'are, son ut Charte@ A. Manecoft1thé six 'clock iar and arrIved tu Lake wha have tuot bail thi iiî'rturîuty t'>'W aukegan, Nov. 1.Kuniltorti,, was kîîtsd Iu action IlutBluff arti t:7ullsstug tletr Chîcaga con- entiscrîbé ou thetic pentung daeya tof th uhltuC. I;axter, tini>man for r ua- rani-. t'tare V.Iare,a'n, a farn néar section au thîs Sîîrtiweeleru, thé>' then eampaign Il,-. LarI à'.Morgan. thi-1 l'înl'st c mate at ttc aviatuon camp. Liberty ville and IsmîuitewselI kuuwn lu taok the clectnue t, tLake Faret, tuuking local pastîî r.ail exîiýange tUlppt&eoun Greiit Lakés station, dtéd ln ctII,u >i N iei>'. their connccil'îin and arrtvIng ai the thai day "eth the 1ev. J C. \lctOy, nvt station hospitat todav as a re- Miss-. Nt>rtte Surale waë tuken sudjeut>' chealre jumt ten ulmiutelttéfor the pasorl héNatb 'tzegoI'ésh3'eran~ut i of lirles receIîed tht' mornlng Ilit u Sunduy and was ln ueh cba critIcal show. Thie>lyeld dltghtfuh svenlng paoor r he ort Cicau Peey trrin he, hé was bit on the head by au cburch. Thé 'miuistsn aîcupyiug ttre ain plané proplloi' Death stas d'ue' conditiuon thu' t l asthaught aise tiayralterdeaeadarvdhm Librtyville pulîîlotataiday le ku.'îan tu a fracturci> ekuli. This le thé first send fîor ber stter, Mise Hazét Smale. aiter the perfrmuaunce 'thouLtany iuthkr as u nteesini seakr.,su h îcllaccident that ha, occirred at thé a> ta. ia tIo a traiuied nurse. miehapo. hs odef hav afaeiutiitcstîryta el aithfton camp aithaugh btween 100001 bae âmiatng@or u e"0 teand 150,000 boys have béen turned , thiarle>' Portéone, ai Park City', eMni, Thé chiances tit morne of théantamcu- but wilI also4 remarkable w,îrk twng donc lu thé out stucs thé camp was e'tabltsbsîi urrived tiers Saturda>', and Gene Luces, bile owners§ taireiusgttIng ta hé munms- darkeet ectiîîrne ut the seco'nd targeet Word bas been sent ta the vctims aléa If Park 'It> camé Manda>'.lih thîng ta, comîment ripou- l frequenti>' Scientificahly ci .11>'lainAierica aîîîug modemn cturch mothér. Mrs. Nancy liaxter - Kirk- witt uake au éxtendéd eca>' wlth frIeude happens that whcn the two fast trains liDsýwoo, l. ndrelatives lu Lthertyvitte. cames alougu n t. M. à St. 1'. you M d nmn Président WVitéîu'e umessage ta thée11'he Mimses Eva Wiliams, Maude LéIgb- wili observe au auto cumingaiong about cburrbés ai America (uin@!ug the tres iHfHJÀN A K otadétinshItook,. Alvarette Light- théeainelime aud thé owner ai thé Maede by HOO lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - va"ha'hfo nchlIcaCièeAE ÀK4' body, Verile MeCan and Elizabeth machine witl cakre thé chance ai being May' hé na etackéiiig or recelan tan'&Dy & IiDICTD cancrk.entértainéd thé saitors at Wau- able la cléar tie crossiug before the train sort lu ci e mislonar>' program ai the flIDllIN1QIN T>R UIiTOR kegan Mehadiet church 8aturday night arrive. It stiti happen Once toOlten worid," bas ben takten as. the kéyuoté Our per capia ou h War Savîng hère ln Lihértyvilte o aio thèse days for he ew aw-te.wr agreotveIS SENT TO JAIL Stainps atthcsiid aiOctobér was$17-90. jueft as it b&PPOued a week ago ai Glen. thait ,m&gnifying home missions mnsiashauid $2000 vi chan enelotr thyuat Malntalnlng horne morale," and the Six allen enemies living lu Chicas 318t- There le eMI conidérable work ta oakta hueadbfr h> o ehurcb le resoived ta rises ta Iollseig go vere turned over b>' Marsbal b. dans to brlng us Up ta aur standard, mactOhn.l et iwa uée train shl@ c oppitful>' a ervce urog herecn-Bradley' Thurada>' iu Chicago, for in- iseEdna Knox @petta éw dey@'mabis e. AhfasMailw aukpiléain tun k to struction daiys..The men are-:ihMs iae tcka uC icaga.eebétfrtesez fte-- ------- The cburch extension board maintains Edward Otto, 522-1 Broadway, a rld- MIss Stocktan has heen teacbing lu * W-.iés ba -î -esaeott- - - ss:msuss--- or assiste more thtan tblrty churches, Ing instructar. vba han had patroins Blbbing, Min, but le énjoyîng au commnunit>' If not for tiroir own sake the lutitutioual churchee and social seule-. in the Hghland Parck district.()ttoe redvctocdru nèpdmca automobile owneérs shauld not laake thee le beiiéved ta bave furnlshed In. en cdvctindra n pdme0chances. î It Ionoa ver>'&grenaille r s ments, and conducte tseactivltleâ among mation cQnernlng Fart Sheridan, ta the Influenza. airtt t aoegtkle yatan D r s o poopil*peakiug more thau a score ai Germaan>'. Thé Ladies' Aid socil>'y of the M.iE.00t tadvse a ye gel plook>' tan _______________________________________________________church vîlI meet uoit week Tuseda>' helen b.fore crossing a railroad track. etatemnon. Decmb.r 8Srd, et the haine oft ode adteohrdythttiusW fe ayie Mis. tis. Eatan on Orchard treet. Mr@. aesoidieriveale oot e day thafthee Weo farany i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~EtnandIMrs.Elimer Young wviiiserve,.r ulfv omD nmlea b htaefrIw Ai memb.re earneetll> requested to solder. -la France lu the winter rme. FOR SL! atend. The>' arn: Bain, mode lice and vermin, Black, all-silk satin, Mr tlybad hie arn brokren ln two aainer>' ntteretluh u ad abaIl 'fatand u suti usi cesla& wekhlbelg trck y h atve a n (lesnau tou d avehale t.for-c Commencinu on Monday, liovember. 25, we will place atwe > eu lukb'tsyau lia bavé heard ail of b th n thletrat Seilvle, sd For tbaggage car on the North $bore. Ho bosMid lu regard to the hghtlug boys lu Theis a econ 3 sell lourat toughleuel putont l@ bnd tlikg F eluthe wlutertlime. The manager hsi neoo It was the passenger car and the motor. hbaua appaintinent wltb %bis soldier and is a rare br an rau Juta t thhnklng b. vouid pull and expects to ale hic. Rve you Shauentao $ 50 per 49-1b. Sack lItdown intUme. accoant of sanie af the datage of aur Sotlntso &tMsu'@ jazz band, of Lib.rtyvlhe, fur-~ boys ln the trenches. &moug soins.of colora. These ai nished music for a ver>' cucceesul dancing the titrage b. told about la tb. bardebipi more in the regul We want to reduce our stock of wheat. These prices ýpart>'ariven b>' the ViolaT1 Club lit Gros. oftlb.oualdier la France lu tbe vinter are to onsume ' .îos hallai Kensha, Ws, lasTh tislla ime B id test the veather over Go agis~ aetcosmronly. ilqyevenlrzg and tbeitr music made agreat tIberormainse&%aIabout the freslug Go agisi TheFod dmiisraionruins ae onume cn uy as the>' have boaked severa-futture temperature and itl icaptiuualy ralilg.-0 Th FM dmnitrtonruins recosme cn bu 1 .la thal Cty>. 1The baye remain lD therwet lothe. for a 90-dy supply. M.isesEizabeth Hark le>' bas ressigned perlioda offMle ai sIx day@ and triat Ihe>' DO YCI ..rposition as lusîructor of Englisb at hardI> eveir &eIcpmare than one or tva M s ~-thé Lîhrlyvlle Townehip Hlgh schonai houre a day outil their @lx day parlait le BIY WAR E. fli. id basves Wednesday eveufilng for up thon thsy go to the raear for eix dey@ ods, Silks and Velvets ns in high grade dress materia1a,.fýom early purchases er in price than any we can buy ,1ow. m40 anches wide, fine soit finish ~' atre; yard................. $ 2 2' ,inches wide, black or handsome medium blue. >mical width to buy for akirts, etc., ý,gifl at..................... $ 21. 5 fine alI-silk taffeta, black, navy anI some Iighter are goocis that seli for about 30 dents ular way; per yard ............. wooI ana worsted dress goods, in serge, broaidoth, ottomnan, meirose and other weaves. DUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY tSAVINGeSTAMPS. W! SIEIL TIEM RROLL & SONS COMPANY Phoue 29 nterested hp army. tudeflii. hance ta the war d ver. 1bts néw thlnk of e rise out not, and st nov, tmillion- thlnk of erest lte ust bave Dry' about In dona. h>led ha. à vouas u>' ber a .a yacht, ed LIelt. e repeel- nt vrite recelved Who. vas iber atter a Gefmp vas badi>' bas lIen mest me ovemeai. ber whth~ f ie Se- .attacked being one à> i was necesJ8ryofieele io emra ioleiice. eaclinew m esi W& ew oCG'overnment. iin &:ls», tie 60aleA c.iIr, 2f 1 ihle Gveuinen{wi-icli is g 1cizl inea!yre. w ir C roest cf al iiemeas-urte g'i ' 'elqioibe eorle the ne 01,IImankl luie" X, .N ouu akatwi*~ t The I idependent Libertyville and Lake County's Most widely- read newspaper. Judi cious advertisers obtain. prof-,i itable resuits through liberal use of its colusinna. >osier.,, MorBLA&HEMATER -warrn floors and corners -to Save fuel if-a bcat,ýr that will flot smokie or explode -a heater that will burný ~ any kind of fuel with the best results, and 1' ld fire over night A HOOSIER i heater wiII flot only reduce your coal bill 40%.o give you unequalled cold weather comfort. onstructed, beautiful appearance ysizes and designs. )SIER STOVE CO., MARION, INDIANA FOR SALE BY Schanck Bros. Lîl>ertyville, 111. i