LtMM- VILLE -END ,1EMMUDT, 1NOlS(EE129, 1918 1 LAKE V I Mas. oea. Keller vau a Chicago shop- pu lu ast Wbdo$. MMad lie. Jonn Myer aré e rcstvllg .ODgMteBU B »on the brtb of a 4obigtr on Tuesday, Nov. 19. lire. j. 0. poulton sud lire. Oscar Doula.s@pen Monda>' and Tuseda>' wth thir siter, Mrts. Kick, near Aria The Sorenson fujmil>' Telved word the fart of the week that Ocar bad talion in action, etherklll'. ormorlouslv wouuded, i. chsuta faileil to ai») tirs Fard tanliasaud Mll'.u Avery atteiided the RoYal SeigLbborl UchîOi o! imstructo tîu tLiberty ville lest ?rlduy. Mrra. R.> moîid tbrwoud liau be1 quite ii but le tauî it) 1 Misý AI Boebu Peut Moudet> wlt Mlisse l oiwiltou, Barry Miller speut the aét wiek lu Chicago. RUSSELL -h.e Ladies, Ahidâtar@.K. I . urrien Wb$ Weil attendèd- Tihe neit metIng wili be wth lMr@. J. . 8kuYlis. lire. E. A. Reeveslà l couvalssclng alowiy- Mr. an 1 Mr@. L. N. (>knis e for tboîr Dow hou' lu Winjrtli luit ,Tus> The OkB akinluîîiîhas tid lto the Oskin bouge Severai from bert attended i lieociable at Rosecrans. Saiturday bîglt. Mise &Belltre speit Tliiktglving st ber home ln Forest (iieu Margaret Mlacii)ougail spent Thaiiko glving witb ber lather and glâter In Chicago. Tbs@ Murale tamly calied ou Catberine Bonne, and lamnl>' isunda>' nlgbt. Mrs. B. F. Sivrbhae been quite, but ls btter. Mirs. R. 0. Mordle @peut a lev daYs wlth ber aont, Mir@. Smnith at Bristol. 1 MILLBURN Song service viii hbellci at the churî-b ThankMOlligeveling. Everyhioil>'tme. A shover vas is-en Su Mn - Ray' amer b> tise Eanler Star Chapter, Thuruda>' eveang at the hmo! t01idrs. Elmer Mrale atbituell. MIss elieugalilgave a Miesonary. tesaet Lakesîde tet Tuérday aternoon 01 Ibis veet. lins.Gordon bomnebe .Lutr. .Mis@ Smilths v.calied SaturdaY lu Curtis Wells home where a baby girl wa. haro The Mies W atouenturlalned Iboîr brother, Wmn Wat.ôn of Lake Vila, Sonda>.'. Miss mu-z puuiock of Chicago. openit the veet roui aithi ber aîîrîts, the Mispes Walo"'i" lire Carenc-e Bon-ýr and dauglbter, Jeu 0ofPark Ridige, @Petit the pat vert viliîliin.ud lins.W. li iknner. lin, andi gmiRay la'Dat-er o! Beach, sul Mis4 et Josie cannon @pettSunday vth tihe boie -ki Mise Dut-a leto! ofthe' SUn Oifice, -Wauks'gan mçuit Suil(lay alîli lier Patente. litr.asdtIdre. Emil VauHaecke enter lined compasav bunday. Mr@. Rlebocik recered word lt-cm Vermont, Mi., that ber brother bad dîed from cancer. Mirs. liCormusck reselved word that ber brother bad died romu Spanlsb Influenza. - Miss Emma Vanflaecke spent the week- end vilting relatives lu Waukegau. IUr. and Mlre. Amann and daugisiers, Helen sud Marthe, Celetia Younlg, Dîmîs Âmes and two farmeretts vent to Wankegau to a rectai et tise Parsh Bouse, Thureda>' nlght. Anthoni Smth @peut sunda>' alter. noon st thse Amann borne. OCIIOOL PNEWS The third scisool montis closeil huila>. Thoie viso vere perfect la attendqince for tise month are: Martha Amann, Nils Portegîs, Martha Dalioyer. Emil »elieyer, ()mielsAaann, Shirley Thomas, Lloyd Bebreck, Aber Delioyer, M argaret MIcComack, L.roy Rlebock, Jasper McCormick, Loreta and Vitor Delieysr. Those resivlng ten or more hundreils la spelilng are: Emma Delejer, Gecils Amaunn, Shirley Thomae, Lero>' Rlebock. Ilorence Knessly, Willie Knesely andl Mdargaret McOrnaack. There ar e eght Victor>' Girls anil Ibre. Victior>'Bo@ Inaidistrict 54. The men andl vomen lu tise district ausnisclbed $19011. Thls mairing a total of $24511. This lacke about $15 of goit over the top. Tis sle very Weil snsidering the large familles ln the district. The Vikings beld a ver>' ireosl raile 91 gesse andii tnkeys Sahîrdu>' eventag and Sunday. Day. Russell la agalia on tise job st the blacksmth shop alter several veeka absence cauoed by an Infecteil finger.' The cemoter>' o"lty will haki thela onnual bassar about th mileisof t Necmber. At their neit meeting the Woodmen viii hoid election of officers. The>' have -. dscided -te bl a mld-wlater fairtui v. The Inflenta bas again madeItei Sappearance ln this vîienit>', a e ____________________________ 'scattersd - havini hua weported. I il WAUKEiÀN TO MEAVE A VEMITBLE 5SHOW ALL ARE INVITED. Comne' Li zten 1 Men. vom(-n andu chilulu-nu SemuthIng Is t-mail> geinz te liappen. T'.à *- ' i- le lu- a rruil luonest-to-godness vegetable shows riglu bot-clni Waukegan. Tý J SUillbia-s eftet-d uis cilie, fuirt-Ili- shoiw t-uuun md lu aidillon1 alîl pu>' a pruz'- in ca-b, Twuî dollars te eacb exhilbitor baville un e i'xîub- tien the most pot-tort <one ditC7<tu . et torn:in:tethe on'- b.aiinz h. eurf anil most perfect -eadoz,"n of 1' -h potatoes. 0one dezen catruli -,os-. doz en mangle aurzols. tte1,b.btli- i d o cahbabe, the la-gt-ga auui nd iw largeet pumpkin. Ne pîrnup'ubns wl ho corasidereil nuit wcighinz pounile of gooil ma-tut>. Nowa-c-b us'v andul %oauuîcannoisai n lbem ail Vonu nat leasuonue ofuit r-- $2,01 prtizes. Come soi mako the trial andilelt folks su-c alat yep b-.ire doe. There vîlIlie tht-ou-compe- tont juilges preseni wbo vilI reniler a fait- andI mpartial juilginnt as ie the luoet.This ba opi-n teail bn Lake count>'. , ., ' I This is onl>' a t-bal show malin proportion as s'eu show a wi-llingni te ce-oporate. Will ve lie uIe bo sr ta-blieli andl maintalo a -est-la' exhihi- tien ai thiecont>'%st et fat-mprou dut-te. llveetock ,milk< and dal-y pt- ducte, andl renier sucb publicit>' as luelengs to the fat-mers et the besi ail round agriculturral rournty in Amerlos, bat-ring noue.a-nil the a-rit- - ha-s spen a fev. Not esen fameus Dutcluess counta'. N. Y., bas anything ou Lake courul'v, but cheese products. Future Farm Products Show. We alrenil>'bave a quiet vorkin-, capital et sever al thousani dollars for that future fat-m show provvhdi: You ail tan encourage aoi tester tbc project or ileetro>' lb b>' yur co-oper- atlon or noglect. Nov got Dus>' and tomne te the show vli yotar veegtables andl encourage tthe cblllren te ta-ko an active part ln the vork, kneving that the>' abal ho regardeil for tlioir labor b>' proper prale adcash. Wo are seeklng te hnîng next year bte the notice of aIl, a real shiov of 1h. preducta of our count.'. Hov fow know or have es'er seeu the $17,000 animal on the Haies ]Patrn, and about 6 Octhet-u oqually as gocil there. The 0Ouest homs of tthe vorlare raitisi andl evned ln Lakes count>' andl Ibat le aise true et hogo, poultry andl dair>' cattle. Wby net maWee a show thal vili lemouatrato these tacts and put Lake count> ou the map of the vo-liltothat endl? Comeocuit andl holp bo maire the libîle feeler vo give thls year, a suc- ces% anil the fort year vo vilI show yeu a real slow andl not jackpot af- Ifair. The sluowIbit year lu tc bo ,a hld bn the office of T. J. Stahi Co., a-t Washington andl Count>' Street$, Wankegan, MI., Nov. 301h, 1918. Ws vîli nia-le thse avad of the prias visa gardon at that time. Asdmission fros te ail andl evor>' oue.ta tiavlbeiandl ail are velCOinO. 9 J. D. TIBEÂLS. War Gardon DIrector. Âlthough isipatcbes asort that Pirovost Marsbal Crowder hu lssaed Ir an ortier that ail draft bWordb miU A bave completol blelr vork b>' De ceenher 10. this orler bas not >'et heet S receivel lu W@p4tkogsa Thea lacs ae boardil ovover bas receiveil luatrue in tent te ovpelilo lits vork a mudla a lipossible se that a complote reporl s aa> ho sulumittoil I uthe ver>' usa W future. à nunaber of Mao,.froua bs atteD& at' Past Mastes iat latuWaukMga Wseday evenlng. CAPT IOURLEY IS Dor1e ON FUlOUilI; M&ÀY <0 OVERSEAS Hospital Unit Is Formed and Sailing Orders are Expeot- ed ai Any Time (aliitn P. f,. Çorley, of auke- Pan rel îrnpd home Friday nil~it from Evacuation tiostîtal. No. 41, Camp (ircenleaf, (Jeurga -ioci-d abkiut twenty miles trom Chattanooga, Tenn. He le home on ton day fuir- lougli. The hosptal unit of whicb 'aptt Gourley la the iiead-. bas 'been ln readineso for the last menth for overseas duty and saillng ordPrs have been Pxpected dally for some time. ..1 expeottenhe sent 1e France alt ainost any tine, but jione oft11s have any dfînîtp Information," Capt. GourlPy eald today. "I- la possible tbat sýome of the youngor physiclans ma>' be sent but It la just as possible that some- of vo older medilcai mon may bho sent. "The var la oser Ibut Rtill la mucb work te be don,, li France, Thore are a large numti-r or men awho are suffering iif w0undu, whie'h musItua. cared for. Agaîi there le. a scarcity of phv ,cans in France Thure are many twety fluc mile areas wblch' do net bave even oe phyiciap. "Indication,. apt-iblat the medical and liospital unit$ wil l b ie tedin France for anothor year at iat.' finat bas talln place ln W.iikegan n the (niriîlîtt-î'11 tfuir evey There's a C'h.îe o-Pyhlgs oWoki oieto man>' a day because ltbriîîngs to an man a-ho fougbt ovorsous there are withi the WrigI -y Suieidc-what Promnoted Im te endl the B>stom of piifeting viîcl ten aut humie usIiing to nîîîke an>' sac. the agent hoers had diffilt iy lu trac- rIfIce requirt-clt belip pay the war bille.s«CC Churcli as Sccne forAct-IDid 1HeTh kH- Ing. If yenu Cannet give your vaste mate- was Nearer His Maker? Was Hie Really Smcre? Tbo nov agent bore, J.A. Plekons. laifr tise good of your Country, doclanoil this morning that Imme- BsoI t-i In the suicide cf ArthIur Wrleiy, a cellat-BUT, tu leik tflue hu diael> ater o arleila fw mntl5 Olil rubisers, rubber baga, tubbng. scoutmaster oft Wankogansa Troop whvh i ail boon no kind to dlael &rerho rrveda ew onheautomobile tires, o11 shoes. gloves, NO. 4, the oulstaning tling ls: Irue ta hlm. and bmsanrc Is ts w ago ha suspecteil that there vas sc-s o eahr.volnanacotnWMY did h. go te, the Congregation. b>' suclu an actl - somethîng vrong vllth h(shipinenis: srau, oarpet anil coleng en>'Coton- .4church to end hilsIlfe? One voulil think that Il voulil Iaavo, ho fait that someboil> was tealing. ition cobc usoil la gond ailvantage. Why dilihlu, after the cburcb folka, be h atpail h Prom thon on ho kept is -o pn eeaes wapn aer i ca the pester anil the >ouni folsha-il wblch Wrigloy voulil have thvft but~ ~ ~ ~~ee Itvsna> ltlt Ocr-n l Nt paernls r apni tor fl aiie uo d muchi et hlm; atter flue>'bail oftateend i lirelIt JNLESS ltWÂ#I' but If as olnyuntil rc,ýntl shownppe! api stre eandicitatflaiskifor ahlmBubecause cf the happluesi 'O ber,1 bis suspicion Ionteil te I ynan. Lvi liânÔl ho eavod and saoit Insleail of satter ui eken feteaio aniforoatil bailhad betveen those wu&I *MW man biail alvays heen t-i g-at-ed as a helng cnint ebuie. Oi royatî>' ami gîven the confidence et bocume, wbo knovs, ho toIt h staihtfowad.ahrd-wot-ling youngi gotl andl slver are bought by the the bout peopleofe the chut-ch, brins nearor hie Maker there thon - etragbtforarl1 redoerai asa> office for remelting, tbe chagrin that naturail>' cornes b>' place lse ln tovu, mynvbeaah man andl accordlgybstreusaewhite tintoil, braee and etal jaulk, sncb an unorplinabie actmtigsc acvri'at amazi o ii ta iciu gli.t1ii Io, hachtcurlien ndraw- WHY DD ho go ta the chut-ch? It la one ef thonseunexlalafummi .d a fnd hatbc 1 s gt Jl' ol lien.ol arh tctualthings, one vbicb even a payhie thîs serious trouble. Inlgs and teluacco coupons are accept. Was ho. after ail, a aincerel>' reit- gi'ut voail have trouble suiving Both Are Sent to Jaii. able te the lRed Cressa. Mu oio- vai h nefu as a treak et huiman thongbts J _û,mn air.-i . .i 'b'- t- "lu respa~nse ta an appeailu>' the 5%bien ldnet u bisconfeseu>d .îc sentiment s-gi, ' MagstateTaloran gulcouatonail'anoting overte lie.ta he Noboil>'but WrWge>' andl0 Magitrae Tyloranu pi-udc guitsNatoa l ar Savingeienmiteanrd. Diho fee1 that b>' golng t teknovs vhy ho pîckeil a churcli au to petit larceny. Tb-y wPe ined Woto Isn E-rsdn nlclintch ho voulil bethat mucli near- place ta end ieislire. $100 srld costs o:uuh an-b tison ueo Mrs. Tatfnî x sd't a(]Ropse-ot e h olh rt hth a isrmr i dyinj1.Tvni r lce douaë oden vrnteul s secu!ing but bail falleil on catIlte t-m vas fnly oxplainoluhe a andl are tryhua loe g-t the nioeytc Troasure and Trinket funil end repent aiuain? word toalis friendu. lisbgedW drives ln (Chicago liase filied sarious Wby Iilho go ta the cburrch ta do Gillàhvemrc ao issui- payther fOp.melting pois te overfinwlng. the cevanily> thing? pet-hans that WAS vby ha vent t _______________"(al throatgh your home rnem by Altet- suclu confidene andl respect the chut-ch fer the final stop. - I~AlfU înî qe s-atyo co gvaorluilboon x-poeoI n him b>' everv-Paeo »1 t-nomand -qy. dentyyoucsuppose lue - Anothor lntet-estjug paecf1W SEAIARCI WARRANT i îl furîthle goux of the nation, Sp 1 ody o juspoeh ratp ate a h wht ldthng ytico ue gan athpt it voulil hoea terrible blw to alevaIbs wba ni Ilbug you tn ue aaînth e chut-ch people's prude andl fap1- Writley vas the one porion wI»i aveu unneessary ependitig f or nov I nga te have hinm de suclu a tbing? helpeil greatl>' ta lift the lebt cf tWR RLSULTS IN SUIT i one. Sep wbat yeu tan pas on or MWasn't ho bralnY enougb tebnnw mnake over ta avol druwing on the îiuat Itjei; n that room vhere ho endl- Cnrgtoa hrl.Drn lîmîleti reserves of 00w matorial. ed bis lite that the littie eidrcn year hohiat been at th. clauri. 1 FOR 816 iDAMA4IES' "WhalItie salvage but-eau or the have met arnd prayel and u ht for iad vwrkpd 111e a Trojan t0 ef Harry Brauckman, Colored, masîer's deprirtmenî et Wnshîcgton would nîcet thero ln future? He 'had:- Sue Cifor Hutistn or bas aecomplished wiîlu waste initroial THUS, WAS IT betause hoevw -o la pretty aei knonuby Itis lIme and Ia at eas oko heci- 1-D enothe janitor vork for M=&,, $2OO amge' It aboutit he an Incentive for ever>' dren whom ho lovoil no much andl meunthesta save lirlng al jautoir $2,00 Dmags mn, oma ati chli ta belp. J asasoconternei lnl, gathereilthere 2-Ho lai plaYed bb, orgeatIn &NO Clifforil llubblu'luun, a ietActive In *mn w ninov andl lad gathereil there for don le savo expenses. "Bsell ailt>'ou crin anil bu>' War Sav- years that made hlm choosoe that par- the employ ofut bicet-lbShore fine, l isgristîsmîs, thereby>'heiIu;ug la put ticular spot ln vhlch tala>' ilwn 3-Ho bhailplannol entertaifnmoaW, ilfondanî ru ai $Mon (1dama-goquit Illinois Overflue top.' luis lite? anil other al ' 1ra t- aise mono>' Mr which lq hein gbrie-l ln circuiît court Was It becauseofe the associations the churcli funils. at Waukega-n tîuday H-atr>' Brauclk- THE IDLER et pleastire andl happinees that ha-l Thus, perliaps ho foit ho WAS *e occnrred ln that room of ailtrTan man, a colored nan living near Flue - hen ho preailei at hI% boy scout close te the cburch that If vas t»0 man, a coluircui mue living nea Fli,(e If yotl bave an hide dollar meetings that caused hMnta select prope'r place for hlm to go teIod Points le plainlif?. Its a oslcer. that piticular room. final set vbich brouightta1 stu About a yoarat-Io thore ver a nuii Tale It rrînl>'b>' the coller, Ordinat-l> lit voulil soem 'thiat lic lermînatîon ailt te gool things 1W50ý It's a slacker. vouili have %funk jute a voode Into ber of vire thefîs in Uake countyiand biBlefit bafIle for the nation; a ravine, Jut an ontheuse, or Intas'la done.- a systematie bunt va-s made for the o olro aain_________________ gulît>' parties. Bloouheunds were In thls present situation use lnb atternpilne ta locate the t-en- lsa a lacker. ilezvous wbere it wa-s belieevil large -Harold Oosterrelcb, - quantittes ot copper vire stolen ft-em the elertIcrailroadold otîluround. W. IL IL MONRY STAVS MOML - Cleva conu ncod i-utlestOn ithat vIre mighl be secreteil ln Brauck- The Wor Savings committe for MlI- mafia bouse. lie ebtaineil a seat-ch nOIS cele attention to tihe tact that the B el 1I ie wvarrant sud made a Ihorougb seat-ch amount of mono>' receiveil frein War ~Sse or the t Savings Étamps bdaenet lave the o!teprenilses, accoriing teatbe country but cornes ba.d ta the people. ' charge made b>' Brauckiilan- The litleusel n paylng the buill due for latter says thiat considerahle lamnagpe labos le Ibis country, sol for looping vas lone In the seaith. No vire vas open the chaunels of trade, tlereby founil. furnîshbng labor for tho Indivduel fman ELE PHON ING lias been Tbe coloreil ma-n nov dlaims; that andl voman. Thunlit le seen tbat pro- ha vas dana-geil ta tle extout of $2.- vidiug the govrnment l vIa ea d>'made simple and May, yet it à 000 and for that reason lrnlgaquit 00v cof cash enables the poorest man iastr liutlestnuI. to do lis luit>' andl to shuow bis prtriat- necessary for a person to follow agaiust Mr. ~lsm ln exctIly tiesemre vay au peo- stm e hnlem kso nw r __________ pe vho cotendl the governmont great strlsw e em kso nwr b u onlr'todsvnt , smoansof mono>', or wbo con go acroe a call. t o&ffl the Allies andl made yital contrik sad flght. ebllon to tihe vlnnlng of the vas but myI o urelesbuallustatca CortClrkSel $41000ln W. S. I. There is a riglit way and a wrong Kf théa cutis>' bnt of onr ova G. Edwin Mitchell, dopi> o oees t1at an>' effective systean of thm Supprior Court. Chicago, bas sol way to use the telephone. ratténiug voulil bave exlractedl. It lucre than $41.000 vgrtb of War Rav- it vroull have cost ua about $1h00 np s@temps lu the hcSk Count>' bulil- I té* las,.polîcel ourselves as aaajns at m. -nebleclairman oethIm e Mnl>The right way is given in the'-,, o the àcents pu capltafor c.oprabag building commtte No othen man bu form of suggestions which iare a dlhar capaett>'tr the stato bas ex- B>' mvins andl eharlnt Amiaca ket eeloed thume record. printed in the telephone directory B. Ows vrid together dlrins ths var cri- 2,2 .S .Sueisl lios wlbuuta brings helbMg oi & Âc Iouuîg the latest reports fron Wasitgim ter > reav 21,11211 War tions will be found a distinct aid. -.meaus ifit tihe state bas sons oer to the telephone user.' A ,~,ri a~ g~ the top in Ibis reapfth. The quota vms tIn m war gavera. whlch la consul- »in m our money's esr save fA-"WU'~0".4 I Wben stanupe mature- l ETDDI~ ho Vaut nrt'aga~ i e ane 1un IIU U ome va>' or ther ho and i ynas ho- WG 0 H L UE ON E S O44,came yery cumyadaccordinSAt utilllang a k.>' vhich LYn asasys lot the=n fu the badk rooma and gave WAT AN XRVO CED Robert B. Lyman and Alfred thena an opportunlt>' to ransack the CLTAD X R COUNTflYIL Therriault Sign Confession S packages and pick ont wbat they CLARKT O OFRULENTRYS Robbed6 Express Co. vanted. _ _ _ According In OffieFDingor, four STOLE BOOZE AND CANDy other employes cf the express oti- 'UJUNK" NOW IS VALUABLE _______pany vere Involved i ntiîc thetts but Declared their Thefts Totg~ lc o1 the e.tent wherîý they iveri f, f aoiiWer tCnB $1 ,OOO-Both Fined on gven "good taikings to uani put bau-k Used Again a Patriotlc and Petit Larceny Charge te vorlr. it vas reveai- d ti t their Profitable service. Waukegan, Nov. -21. 'tbefts" bail been more inthi- nature Systmate teft an plferiigof f bonze, etc., whlch th-- olcer merl, To help put Illinois over the top- Sysemaic heîs nd lierisa f specîally Lyman,. bad gen 1tliehm. overbuylng lis quota cf $125000000 the packages sent through the Waii- lu Wr Savîngs eîamps--alielilinois kegan offies et the Amrican Rail One other "reprehens île featur- Cammitee for War Savinzm. <ifwhlch way Express company vhlch nettcd accordlng te, the police. caiwnFe b F~- artî n A. Ryermon la dîrector, sug- to the two seif-contess;ei thlevesý ruar>' of thîs ys'ar wben t.. man admit gest$ that every pereon ln the atate anything 'f rom a dose of cauecara' to ted that lie took six pou-tus 0ff augar enlist ln the salvigu' service...But this a gond drink et wblskey," or a tew sncb a terrible offense could bat-dIv la met-el>' IncidentaI tote uOver thue wel caonilogs r pircfstckble overlooked. ITop" drive, ln which Il lo estlmated well sosoned egs or apair0ofstock-worth ot etampa muet be Ings, or a tew candy heans were ex- Bitter andl Sweet. od posod andl brouglit to sudilen tormia-i- t vas lnterestlng te notebliat ln ffTvOo cof the country's most powerful ation today by the arre8t of: one case Lyman admltel luehaad tak J enemies are waate and extravagance ROBERT B. LYMAN, trusteil dopaot n soins vhlskey from a package because the>' take force from the man for the local express office. . consigneil 10 a Waigari man andl building power that the Unitedl States ALFRED JOSEPH4 TIERRIAULT, on unober datés a short tinie aller- muet put forth. Theretore Itla urged exprss essngerworingon the varda lie bai taken som,- candy tromii that the putting of materiai where It express cars andor woring a 0 akg osg oi' r tbý an be useti egalinla distin-tly patrl- exprss ars nil rcsilngat 43 apacage ensgnei lu liebrob'rotlc. At the saine time thIiindivliuel Parmenter streot, Menominee, Midi fottli man lnqueiPton lii',baad re- In the saivage service profits thureli>. Cofsso u .e ey the t la mnchi. i (tewhik. Waste matoriul sollt 1nkepp Il ln active showî-d that thu-yitai conspîredIl.h Officer Diriger vas ors i0îd ln luls isorvice helps the goveruiment bn Ils their systematlc piiferlng of the prieet Chite Tyrreli fot- bil part reconstruction work. If tbe proceed.a consignments sent tlireugb the c(Um in bringing about bhe î,afu s.ion or are investi-ilnlu War Sas ingg ettîmps pan>' and that the thetta; had exten(:-1.)man and Therrlanit - that la anîtbî-r lilu-ihi for thie goveru- ,,d Verla.perod f aouta yar: Thearrstsof hes iien roy toment.on wvih utii-individuai draws cd u>r a ~ et - ,,.,~a ,~, Tue a -ret f e o t e poe k jin torat te bave ineen austaineil by tlie corn- puany. The arrest of Lyman waq brouaglt about hy Chiet et Police Tyrreilland the cotessions et both acre signrd betore the chiet, Desk Sergepant Tr3y- on, J. A. Plckon.9 agent of the comn paIIy ln Waukegan andl R. O. Dînger. lieutenant of police for thie company. Lyman la 36 years olil andl bas liveil bers for some yearu. He ls siaigle. Therrianît Is mat-tled andl bras a tamill>'lnMenominee The confession cf tLyman covorsi ihree typovnitten Pages andl sPecifleq dates on wliich he looteil varionsI packages and be even ileignated tise men te whom tbey -aet-e consigned, Praise for,,Tyrreil. "The oompany's officiais at-e net S-'iaof belng bard c-, ?1-.eml. an.d because they have ccntessed, vo base piacoil merei3 a chat-gi-ot petit at-c-ny against, Ibei. Chl(f 7T't-rel d.d fine werk ln 'tbis case; ie d'- -t-vu-s rudit fer il. lie, not ont- de- patment. bandljed the r.ase from startto10finish." aald Offici t- Inger Aimeil Thefts et Booze. Lyman, ln lits confession. Loid abouitbthe cbat-actrret goodu lie pli teru d trom bbe N arioîlis îackag-e3. Ttîey incindeil amnfg othet- thin .gs, cggs, cakes trom a big Chic-ago bak- ing bouse, atookings. sansage, cau- dy and tbonze. It -4-cmed 10 le the latter which, both 1,ý-man and hta compacion wcre most desît-ons of obtainlng. One of the most Inberesting Cla os ln the confession waa that at 011 tintc Lyman opened a package- shietî ho thought containedl booze. but alter hc bad takon a gond simple et l. ho tound was cascur't, a declded laxative. The "repreliensîible" part et the vhole affait- vas Ihat ln seserai cas- es viiere tbev took whiskeY ont of jugs and botties ,they filied the bot- fies and jugs again wltb vater and the juge vere ebîppeil on te the consignes. Ly-man Un bis confession etated that ho bail siarteil to verk for the express compan>' In Felit-ary. 1916, andl leftln November. le returueil tto the conîpan>' May 2, 1917 andl con- 1tinueil until November 15, this year. r t vas atter they bad heem talcen rte the police station thîs mornlng, vbwen Lybnan vben asieil hy the Sun vfor an explanatlon as to vby"lie bail 0commîtto dtheelethete salil "it was 'merely a case of fascination of oa- dprose packages i guesa that caueed 9me ta do lt." y Clever Capture of Meseenger. 4 The art-est of Thertrlault vas dbrought about lu rathier a claver man- net-. As the endl cf lis tun vas ID Wisconsin. the authorîties ilil ua care to at-test hlm thora becauie fit t. voulil necesaltato extradition te ebring hht a-ck 10 Waulcogan. Ac, -cording>' a message vas sent t Mil- la vaulceo Wednesilay ovening asiIng wthe agentthero b seuil Tberriault ldovn to Waultegafl viLluaavspcl A package in orlon that ho mi ght be brought ovor tù, fllnols. Unsuffectl Ing>' the express muaoaiger teck lbth lIttho suit case andl came te Wauk* at gan. arrlving bore lu the eveunna id and, as ho eateil to liver the pack, et age lie vas.Piace lu narreat and hit îeconfosioni cf being an accomplîsee iu aliment came afterws.rds. a] As dep4t-mian for th.e «press coM te pan> a aWknegaat, Lyman bad l clo M .relations vlth t. taaav vorktue 4w rt the offfce. Irhorlanlt Came ta' Wau ar kigàm n OntIe 7:1Il and bies run en ableil hlm to la>' over untîl 9:50 vber SER14ON ~ktheidoor of the litte omie PIUFAREI, SERMON tchatret.dbn h . ON prim;e favorite A Wth ail mea e MAN'S DEAD BODY ho been so lnclilnd, but for te 4 Waulcegan, Nov. 22. the boys Ilitba troop. "The Future Punlshment of sin 1t" 1M. O. Atterbery of t.he Carl Âtt&l. Whon Rev. J. R. Scottford, pastor, ber>' drug store, told of having MU or the FIret Congregational church, -the acid to Wrigley. The purcbaft went to an upper room of the church' waz made about 7 <Vclock NttEý frtday morning and dlecovered tomlg the Young naval offlc qs bodycf hefYeoman Arthur Wrig- piainIng that ho wanted It for lev, scoutmaster of Troop Noî. 4, Ro IlOy eîîl put îose.. lie sald lie ô Scout.s. it wasS is plan to0 vi ite out Wrigicy that lie thought ha1f,ý1 an annouricemen t that lht. aouid s oiaX inci' ouid li inough but th ê on the foreoitia subifr ctinorroiv young in stilii Uougb.lit e u i1 lt I co n sid ired .a ifoqt ,-i i ;L o i an o ulice . T h er w aq s n V iing II c.iden(,e th;at lie ihouiid ha% ie "\vrivieyg manrier, ac.ired'ng to Ub. ered the body ()f thé suicide %i(ii t ,iter1)ery, whieh ilndicated the tard- ;ît that partlciyiar lime. hie me ntal aIrain ufld-r WhiCIl b That Wrigiey died of acid poison- iiiist have been laborlng. ting. self-inflict(,d witiî suicidalIin- lent, mas the verdict re-tnrnîýd by th(> FATHER NOT COMINO Jury et thecoroners Inquest heid atI When the racts of the trage# the Conrad an<l Weizel undprtikinir w,.-î d i-cosered. a w"lySva ÇBut, roonis late Friday aftcrnoon. The lnquest liroîîght out no new tiiNAig. fathi-r In Poiiac, M1CIL descîrîpmnrts. Rev. Scotford toid o-f HAletaIonir. tin-liplan. !')icoule t", liasing tîcen informed Thîirsday utr Waukegan after hies oa's remab ternoon that Wrigley had had 1 m- but acenrding to a teleet-am frorn tiroper relations witli some of the to ewslknac<mtat lîo 'vq In hîs troop. lie had been i-ta- .lewstknfle e fk formed algo tit the aîîîiortîe' ut lie iad slaried fotr the train te coe* the ,tatMon .%Préin îvestgating the tb Waukegan. lie w.î- ahligc,' t& mater anîd for tibal reason imagined tut-n lack andi wirî-d tbe t»z that the young mîan had bi-in Iloccdi aetebd èthm.T - up bîy this morrilng. Th--ret ilie hao h ovsn oe t was quite îînpreiîared frt1w ii-iî to be shipped loday WIIY DID MiE CIIOOSE CIURCH?