>18 _____________ k TAU E PIES, wMafflSOUKS Oeires Seem.to Make Tour of Lake Distrc DO LITTLE DAMAGE THOUGA in 0fle Case Th yCut Out P"~e of Pie, Aie thmmf and Then Took a -Whole Ofe LUNATIC MAKES IS ESCAE DY LEAPING TI'ffOUGH Wit4,UOW The marauder Who for the lait twO or three wekelhas bedh depî*tlng the lardera 0of fareuhouBea. ln- the vi. p:inlty of Grays Lake and Druce Lak. was ail but captured ea.ly this (Thuray> mormnng -whtp hae n- tered the William Flood homne about tîre and onehaIT mlles West cf -Waukegan. He esciped by IeaPing throuoh s window. Sherîfi Green ex- Pr=h,, the opinion that the f.law la of0<the lIn&atcs Who escaped from Ognqulmtg about two, gr three weska o. Prom the point le waa hourd from lait It apears that ho la rosmlflg doser ta, Waukegân. Mnr. lood. Who was aswakened about S:30 o'lock by flue sounit of saine one - îovlng aaa.( lu thaelantnY af bie home. He a la heard o! the roliber. les or food iu other homes not so -veny far away and datermlued ta Captura the nobbcir If passible. Tlie fellow evidently heard hlm couulM hwever, for he raced througlu t1ùý lbeuse and opeucit the firet door lie came ta, it hsg»ened ta b.. tis door leadlng te the -basencent, Mnr. Flood pursclei as rspidly as ha could linltce darkneee but (lia !ellow wrlg- * gid ont of a basemeut vindow sud dlsappsared in the daiknesa, The theor>. af the shenif! thet the T fi h- 7MET PICTVUP0F31URMMNDER 0P GERM German submarine at'Parkest.on Qua.y. Germans who manned s ubmarines wl tlaking with submiarine office r preparator to bie borne oul,4iy the tact that al- cally e ba Is vtae hy aklng b.erTof board ndconsideci them lKrlefly and te,1very mub leascd toopay 3hen hi' borne he contents blmnself ln lprsctOi- them lfack for a number of vlisgol thi' word from SPrlngfi-id tI-le ,ett- ualNITH - c ar4ln a case of -man-lice parole hccd Ieen graccted and that and nothing eu3e. E tUJ A 1 slaugher.Aeodigy a 'can-ISmith wocld bic back teo WNailke.gzti Wakgntsare urged te keep ea I w !II IIJ ~5ihtrcciwudno on plrathin a f-w- d aftcallr the ei- sr sharp lookout for thie felîow saslot- considecrati n wthln live ,ears or îîrliinary papi-ca are completed. liO Ikl ta e may trensfer jETS À PAROLE Illcefinielit was prc-ent"d1. Te trial of Smcith was one ofrh4 tathe lt a ay1low*eier. inIis icparticular(a- tme. Attorney Millecr sbowed tý ni lias been iceard ini Lake county. fi ?esheriff recelveda t-al ta Druce (atCe ra aeOE ircomsfances lee cu eci th-gjIati-dthiece or four wet, . s ta ra-- arolihe bai beengtredrt tc-i-1ti(aiiY took a week t1c get a jury, ~~ne~y ~y ~~.e repo.~~ ~,,a .~bar dto la.ke il)for coIcacdcrîconracvsenccccculscue cg tas lOckerd p In the basein ndt fmtewf'seitracigv icemcmedicteiy Ihis unuccuai cccmn:ccîluua t g- *èâ Ibke uplnthebatemntof heSmih'i wfe',;siserandgie- hecase. That thce parole Ihuant d'ciout of service~. ffeeman Cloir home. The fellow neW-born child a vinme. 'btSW 1hdetrlvi clP baikt a Pane of glass. however, anci The original fend broke amocîg i a Sil aldcniev ' elîe madebisescae. reek onNort Chcagoon iian.,-fense an dihccc possalcy the' lifle 1aiv mad h. ecae. rekean orh Cicgoin i n Et iclac iiccetting te (Io wii'c The "Particuls," Man. glvlng niglit, 1916 when Jim Slu-;,îthe ioard,cnofueraicccc ni i Otr Idesaif beng particule.- la when nos made a murderous assauit on thej ls ratlicer eident by the quick vtc ion, a mifflan trightens his necktle out Mon or boys ucth an appetite, n'Iljsecurici. we . ost h eehn at @=*boy wh la eai hngry basliTe af ane ai his country mciii croîciteth elpon e a somneod wo e ralhugr. ac the tS unth-Paul feud broke out Naturalv Attorney Mliller wa ith a woman.-Portland Pres. b-e lnvadlng boluses in the territor>- later. Rdear Druce'. and Grays laites. Aceording ta the story told aitht-i Oulng lthe Dast waelt3 envelrs.(toue ot the tragedy wliefl Paul imetlftID A boussesbave heen ransaeked and lthehie death. Smith waasstanding ln. disdî>1'IV'WPRICIES ON 700DS AS PAfl> E Stfe lPat of lot le that nothlng ef Gekes store when he saw Paul c- %IguSe lataken. the dmalg thinga ltg towaz 'bilan. Ancord>z - îl, RAND M C AR ED TO OUSTO X ERa bkg DiOBtlY sncb aM pWe,,brea.j Smlth'e tatement toite paroi.- boacrd Md 1 ie case siik stocklngs. when hae saw Pacul <oming into l- Moulday nîiglt the maraoudera ian.- store. the latter made a moi.- a- ci FolôwIig are fai prices lor foc ilsb !in OCounty for the current i.ked the Wbeeler sud Baron plue- he wac. going fa attaik îbcne &cîîca! week, as deternclned by tihe food asd minltratian. Names o1 ail dealers «e bear Grayelake. Nothing wae knlfe and hi * without he.sitatiic!.fc eliing ait pticee autilde of ohis rang e ghauld b.e reportAd to G. C. tlrldley %dB» bu a airof slk tocing atruoted ellnd he curivrfed z food admlalefrator for leec auntY, or ta townspblp administrator ~ed ut par cfeli ett-knge t rehei b.hicd Ie ccintr, -' iel Iode) illiirae the,proper action: the Wbeel- behote. notblng et the c.otgun whichb blongi-ci I., Hie- Ehuron pIace. Tuedodaj i ght 1hfy asdudolbat Paul tbrough Cite -î '_(PrePared by the Wauke.tn f000 ad mlnitration. Effective week baffl, Iveult tethelb.FreeaClougli place Pal i d w ith the iikiiiii crs- (lic.- Uig Dpe--m ici-r, I1lcî 811 Dines. Laie and, enteriong througilîlIps and Smithlc arr,-sî foot picie eaipIcd utmràlollpyfr h tpe eMdaol o the bammut. made thelr way (te the hortly af t.rwicrîî. i' iccurvncci l Rti ucsceomrilsOp-frth ttesaie 1ol o 0" where thir tracks ere een. te Chef afPuoliîcccx ciat Nrthc hi.ujxeed thé foUlowt. The eDet ta the retaller of e«ch article aise t.giv*a 1*t etiheY wenbta the homne o! caga wilhin Cif icuicc-. ,fii r lac- Cost to Retaller Police tg consume, MSU Thommee, doeartey and (heu -telng kilieci Pauîl. ke.-y aed gre(id...t)........FePr 1b.0l10 te 11O Ulibur Uavye-r'e. lt-waa there ahere Gekes Arrested. 1Whie Flor........ad... ............er lit. c --i .1% Ille tbey ebOwed' their p&arileular pi-u G-le ise lan cs arre-,d ci -, ............c....P( 1 arre 1 - j.$cc -ii Chu:-time and* was later ccii1t l t he White Flou.- (tibulot) .. ...........4 lits,-2 I-le TheY took four pieeofa a pump, grand juîry, il usAing i-c-n .lu te ye Fleur (in bage>................ 28-ic-. 3e km ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ta iethysikdofwh k lie furnicslc-cI lice gice ccîin - i ,: :Rye *Îour .......... .............. ,l'îctgt fsrri.l $1.3o f~ $51 Wbole Pie sud tbeir aisea ook a lbut but lter hi' w;L- <iîc.icis-l whi n il 0< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h( 4!: M.FIg10 h sra a jf~i i a ! cc a c;cci . JWhole Wheat Flour ...............5l-lb. bag --32 1.2e 74 -ff togiet thèqll-aiea t fte the Iis audtu in te mcrder ccndi ¶ l -î â'ta Por............ l.bag--3zt -. 37e mu kbousooe for a drink of mille:ha- mereiy ns nPi-ill jjcre leu ... c...h.' cbil.cccc) cuéatter one aesepie, a glaide oi According cI)Sci. I* tdým-jRe Flu.-------------------------r".I. iel.-$If*,>7c là., nik (altes fine. iPaul l,iai ail- Iliri:,. i 11,l- ira lC lu---------------------------1 b The dogs at the Thommeisen place iouci WednP.-claî filcI ciii c Io - - are NUPPaeed te bave iccareci tipienuPôsi'd teb liiSncic cor, cijcc c-uccccc., tIl lder tflic lrP-Iient's prrc>lamiion nidi-r. cit wicltadcconaurn- *WaY thefre without taklng anybhing. mcade thii catv'mc-îcIo Ch 'ief ei. rs micast hccy wî'h cach four pound., i of wicclC l1o': a pound aorcorne suit.- Neighbors heard the doges malinq as Tolus. ax-eording te Sml,ssîcici el.tute. Consumera havie chice <of c'nmeal, c-arn fleur. barley fleur, rie awful fu-se, ment ta the date ciacril c. icicclec-- i-uifleur, out fleur, lickwhpat fleur cand polati, fleur. Rye, flaur. graham. At the Sawyer place thce traces et Pal -coming tomaril bicc i- ic' cchaI four, whate whcat flou.- andi cale fleur tnay be i.otd. witthout substitutes. PlmPkia Pie an (lie door-knolcaofaieb..watt about in carry îoc c let uâ-aICom Meal (white bult)-------------Pr toitl6c-lle l. tihe doore ehoweii that lice dinpr'c ai kllllng bien. licretore i cirusili were flot very . careful af the ~tei get the gun and Iri-c hli !ng î'aj Co rn Meal (yellow doul)-------------Par lflcilu, 5 c lb. tbe hndedth pe-lcy 'c-ey at tay ucntil lie -cuili e ccrec-ct'cl Munis (wbOls>....................Par it-34c 38e diab ta t use nap'tîne. Ho's-cver, lie lau--r aidî-d fltac laid bacon (bout grades) ..... .......... Per lb-51c 57c dldn'tbothermade aniove s Ihoucli ic- pull..ccngBacon ..medlwm grades) ......... erl-4 . c Lock.d ln Cellar. te get hlm and tlcero-icri- dIci-..iPer -1 thue rlgger whlch 'reaiicuMlv icfi- acon quaes <whole) ............- r ib,-37 4le At noon 9beriff Green received a nof Ilanneci te call Iribo use exci Lîlard (be grades, &&dton) ...... ... Par Ib-31c 27e «aIl from Druces Lake qurtînjg as a means-"of celf-d-fc-nscc'La5rd <bulk)....................... Per Ilb-30e 36c li t t sendi a depnty ouît te help 1Thea wlcoie tuui- startl % wicîn Lar-: CorIpound.................. Pc.- l.- -25c, 29e oeut'e the-m*raude.-. Deputy Grif- Smth. wlfes,!cltir gavi- hii tc iii (ul c ett odr .. Prl.-3e44e au -w.t p t a clîlld and nameci Paui as ilic.-fatl- hea( l ra n aodr . e b-6 The emord that came ta the eh r e.Smilthî aticllfiime i-onf-:rt-cflChsse (full aream, brick> ..........Per lb. -40c 49e Wa# tbat Freeman Ciaw liad lhiiekeci with Pa.1l ccand crgeild 1111li) g'vr' ehic. Prunes (90 te 100) ...............Pe.-lb-lcli th fliv p n ii. acenen îi ist-ui aflcicecciil'icl c'iii-i 'ominy .......................... p o .Pcc10li-SI5i20 home Tueeday nlght. but thlt 4. , li-icccliiii- a in ci ii i l,1i, c..F....--------------------r IM, lb. $1 0 aCl fore sn officer cauli h' slc.i.lie er l-'oi da%ýi 1, a -cil i iiii Wbadlroken ithroughi s window and tU en i lîe.tuning i-a, c)ccir-, îîîRkcite lue rs).......... ....... . t-r 100 Ibti. -49.00. l2e Ilbe 0sc-»M. ll th 1i'd - 1i i cîicîseul", I t ina c ..Pe r inflh 11VHc lic 'It moly ie one of the seceratl un- ;.'1%;1ach ", IL"c--' M, 1 Na(hipha nad ed)..........lIc12 onue Mesi wliohave esaped 1.n !i,-bov ne l, c-,, MiII <ngeum -de) .... ........18o tsWe utltantLB na Ttely." sasd the Iltwadifwlihm t e.c lcc'l ccilii PritM lIeimgrds ... _ _7 îEtff mala der 1 o l lte pc'ilr w WnSsth aicol Pacil chat va k ef-'sperst.ci. mot sweetc',edî - 16cIs iiâ~ hamradr oow. Thankeglvlng cigici previacicly 'l any utter (rrmccry, cxtrs, bulki ......72e 7cC SaPaugkis met 11LnjurY when icm tke (Orne cent higheri In cartOns thst lu tubs>îl vanos stabbed heia ove.- uc- fl, ac- utterîne (stanîdard graes., cs..tons.Pér lb.-35e 40e -1**M303tà11116M & ZOV&pm& i fliTh a daggero.Sile lr utterine (standard grades, roli@) ...Per lb-3lc 36e id t illNaPoleUm * hbulotus lime ln prison came as a surprise i;i1Buttrine (medium) roll$ and bulk. .Per lb-t-35 lut a . AM alloten a othe, people generally ilu Wauke(gacc dil,.c1Eggs (etrcctly t.-elh, candled)--.... ozen-72c 76c - 0 tliug narlly when casec- are prPc-enL--cîcI-Eggs (cvocdetorage----------------.Da)zen-58C 63e -U~ ~~hhi ?.nxre bthe-parole board !or ,concldecatccc Pat........---------------Per 100 lbs-$2 25 pk.. of 1lb,ý,. 40ec tw U Ue O1 .;eclallY thOfie Oit mancîughter clii- Pîtatoes <Western>-------------- .Fer 100 Ibe-t2.0 rk. cf 1 làbbs.46e -~-1 h' PIMIIR AT nedy Ried'iScret tm - dtiS crë -« PRISON ERS ARE ARRAIP È John Unier Is Pt- Ulé $1000 L = 1t Quash.the indictint BULLETIN. Loauis Brlckman pf Druce ~l '~Ir brought taà'*kean tlM521f00 sndai .rlpd 1.inceltcourit on a charge oai eeling lutoxlcatlug Ilguor wIticout a licenge. He Wag plsced un- decr $500 bonds. A deputy abortif went te Drue Lake today wltl% warrants for the ar- reet ai Lew Brcknan ad Charle 1Cnnedy. hotà of whoin vere ludict. culd by thce grand jury lastIlionday on {àachaji.. ,Z._rajIIng lquor wlthoit, à license. Because nelther af the mem was la cuatody .States Attotb«S Welcb wthheld notice af the indlet' nient on Monday and 1'ueeday. Il la expec-et bat the dcputy ohenu fwcl brlng the two men back ta Waukc- John Unger ,lndicted an a charge. of obfalnlng maney under taise pro- troncs, wss arralgned in circuit cMurt todul'. lie wam represented by At- tonneyeil lock and flady. A motion waa made te qushe u(oindictmnt and ihis wlll lie argueci on Saturde.y of titis w.'ek. If tiiiMotion In de- 1nleci Unger then wlll ha required la Aenter hie pie*. N U BOATS AT HARWICIR .Tice charge ' aaitast UnOer brouglit b>. Raymnond Ba.lretaw for rhe thy sarrndeeà n fregolld- ritsh ffierwhonu Unge.- built a boeuse. flair' 'hentheysurrndeed i forgroud. ritih oficer - Sow clame ticat tinge.- obbalned front1 Sy tc> inspection. hlm a chaeck for $1,000 whlch w». suppicild to havre hein turned ovr ______ta an tuterlor decarating concaru but (' antlcrry. Aviation bas bein whlic -as net turned aven, it leaIa- IT'SNOW AMPclîriscendCîl(amp Enfiýrprise aidtLbIc-legecl. itiiew aclil-lie lfield C(onmtltioFild., Sacn TucdO iilgln ak a BA1, O nO E B~t~4î a crrnydfor whoi rraigneit on a chargeof XIEi N utif as ifrmt cccmmlv-cconed ai niti ol cAcaclandl he was released ce n t h-- Accurh-an navy îcc iring in boucnidsi $4. Unge-r wiiit84- ATýNAVAL STATION in a capticrve.- oeici-i-el cai.-fIin tbonds: of $1,, igne . Thie Pouriýnicîîl beglîncîl0,liiI). Marvelous PossIibltles. Enanieled Wbre. leution ai firéa. allki'c, kticucucia. If if wccc.uefor cccl.-fearg. worries The e ici-cfay to licenn etiar*dM. Canip Ioonfe acm]icccw c--las i. n l. ioehi iuîîIacta! utrc ltI cs iit1p î.dnary mait and lenlon for nien wîio arc- :cu Andfig tl Iics ai'r 1l'notair, aha fpt. 1 %nu eocc:Ibs% llke l DiW Mict, hasa ici-eu aiccaily leiignac c-cithere ' icnt we ejclurit <la? - - - - Blumerg'sSensaitionai. Holiday Sa-le 1 I NOW IN PULL SWING- HOW CA N HYBELBCH GOOD FUVIT- TURE AT SUCE LOW PRICES? 18 W HAT EVERYONE REMA2RXED WXO BOUGHT FURNITURE LAST SATU RDÂY OR MONDAY. LUT TOUR XMAS GIFT8 BE USEFUL AND PR ACTICAL. G00DB HELD AND DE- LIVERED ANYTIME BEFORE CHR ISTEAS FRE A 1Colîîilci ii;i( 'î 'vNIî*î 'iI d *'gi I 011laîlis iin-- ' îtt'i,îî.-1 Ieî-fi-g-tîîîîî Oi vesinîeiît. Al îîî'%% eXt'ttlmi fî'atîîîe. ' jf Il eat.eî, gai- 'oli-4r IlV Hl îîaYhIn.. c dî$~pî~ii in.~î' Only 24 at this prive impisii 10) bget ;î 111%Iett'î.Itl- e<$6Gasi]caJrsfui stok îw:;t14 95 itie., l '7,l 3035 3~................e Oîl v a ft'w (d, tles«' Easy vChairs.i hîft att '25. A $25 chair, lhaiid î'îîhhcd and polishied, tani vel oui' etushion, adjustable baek, quarter sawved oak frame -for only-.......... .......12.95 $50 OSque Tu BBrass ~Bcd hedxYsqul'i er4,satîin fini. 'lic iii ,.hI tsi>, Lmargest Tfrunk, suitcase and Hand- bag Display Buffets $4() Qîartcî'cd Oak buf- fet, siiî'er dî'aer, large- canopy mirror top, 50 inch ease. Youi will neyer -di plieate this val- ue at only ........ 7 1 $45 Colonlial Dresser', Ila il d rîîbhed and pol_ i Il P ( 1, I a i. g c Freulî liplate înît l'0.. neveCI'agaii at onlv 28.90 MAflt ae imuld UMua wages t] l. Dor y Our jol people e 1Wil makers were to Tht ua labi lie n ia - SUA Rerritic