___ îfj]MERTYVILLE IN'DEPEN T TURSDAY, DEIER 5,91 1, UWMB 5, 9ý urnd MtRAII4 ti. li coue on a wag plaeed un' rent te DruSc uts fer the ar- i ad Charles mn were Indict. &st Monday OR luor witboit, 1 ier of the mmI ate's Aittlmm of the lndict. 'uesday. It la Ity sheriUf wMt tek to Waukc- I on a charge. idor fuIse pre- à circuit court1 *sented by At- dy. A motion ho indlctinent ffd ou Saturdai motion ta de- be required te st Uneer Bairstow for hou se. flair. r obtained froue ion which W»a In turned over ug cancerc but over, it la ai- land Park,.wu e0 of aflaflhl .There waa a we waa relessed 'ng'r wi15 t4p- ,()0(). slgued by rlenn enamid rdiuary salt end tlunew m i'Ugmi- ID WXO YOUR RD DE- ts Oak buf- et-, large- )50 inch iever dw tek 7Ge4_r LqkeCouty ndeendent WaegnW klSn IV's a "derned" slght sasier to raise salaries and wages than it is to pay them. h. Don't get fidgety! Hold on to your job and me your job hold on you, is the best possible advice te rive people at this time. 1With'the sugar ban lifted, we wonder if the candy makers will be as prompt te LOWER their pie au they were to RAISE thein. Here's betting they wll N*T. The Crown Prince wants to go back to Germany even M a laborer if necessary. Well, ho found he waa a failure TO THlE BRAVE AMERICAN WOMEN. Tout Law sÇoant.a yau do heipas ison - dier wbo la itln ove? there i Thi111. ar 11a boing fougbt as truiy 1. the household and ln the work-ghop siti . ln the trenches. - ~ It 18 the women of 00/ Amerlon - the mothers, sweetbcarts of those at the front - who are -making real wor sacri- files. , t 1% their ever- iefting love, undying -C.od - given patriotismn, w'iiich carrnes the spirit «Z ofsucerato ever, iMau ln our army and navy. Somiof o uAmeican sX~ omen are borne dowu /1. ~ ~ '&4j~ p ysically ana mental- oI f their seL. They sui-, À? T2lWId~ ~Zh~d f dragglng sensation-, mil!1, t) i,ý- aFavorite Prescription of t)octor Piercea. a woman'q, 1cm- 'r pl abtI forcs as weil as Llquid. ;r hudtry If now. flon't wi Begin taday. This womar'i fj irýnq vim vic'.r and vitality. Siend ta Dr. i'ierce's Invailida.> Ilow, T; N. Y, 10ceuts f- tilpackage o! lablets. are Doctor Pierce's Pleasant pellets efective. Bilions and Sck Headache, 't. - i~~~~~tcks andisydeagmn oth lvcr, stomnach and bowels are prevented SMALL BUT E£FEOTVE rpieyed and cured. Put up lni seaïîed Was thA'UitIc Monitor that met the glasmi iais.' andi aiwas fresh and Rerrlxua :t 1Hamîton Ioads. ha ioo reliablo. The favorite pl, for 50 years. at holding Up one corner of the throne so he's now ready'ý to take a chance at anything. Dou't b. in too big a hurry to get your boy out of the a'rnfy. Remeiriber there, are four million oithers of thern and motof them want t.oget out at the sane tune. moith more wilenevr hurt him or you and the plans cf the goverument willb. carried eut much better if you sit tight and let the demobilizati'on orders t4.ke thei course.' j- iàu f'III>r ~IflI cores21, when sit e l la iî- a;.I ', LAR ~VIJ~I UItL acumuiatedcd m The remaining haîf ilt,, I), paid INIIERITS FORTUNE; t0 lier overa eido ,ranI STAG~ RJNG SIZ ila receiv: th: balance. t je P rineipal o!' the star. b' lii fo, i drthe viii aof lrs. Dei ora R. !iý baxîlft will go ta Ml ne,.. G ,aýcs. widow or John W. Gates. Dlel Shlouid bath die wlitot i the lama P. Angeli of Lake F'ore'i, a fa%,- o iii tir-ts that theIr '~. l. arite niere. becornes heiress ta pra- >siiea shall be used in iîîî'dEîîg an tlcaiiy ail of the Galles fortune, bc. 1'd .IeopI'iis home and a auIii'ru, lcved ta te about $60,ï)00,000.. rtldren. Mrs. GatesfiltinifluNew 'York iast ___________________ Thursday andi while the will has not, lîcen proaed, certain Clauses 1vwe î iNOi LI .dJ mate publc erday by one of 1î executors. The Catboiic Girls* cluh of th, liu. Mlgs Angel if eIn the casi for nti. 1 Viniil.% iar*eh vwili gîve a i aunt'g funerpi. i Wednesday évenlng in the' Sodalety Girl, 16. leas Favorite, hall. Ali mernbers andi th--rtr il She laý a quiet, tua.surng lilti, ;r- nified as a mosI soi i le il)IIr girl, Ir, yearr aid andi a grent faliîr- lisbeen planti. ie wlth lier ciassmatps at Ferry lail, ieSg~ \esnrll %n ardent laver tif nature. althotu.,i Stelitst le. Ili.. late Suilîls> nriwl.t a home girl, ehe 1l4 fondîl o utlio.îr 111 vtii a severe headacht ;iîiI fit er 9sparts, rsperfaily horsebac*i ridin.', and la reparteti no better I seiminina. boatini. and tennis. A -equel ta tle Sctwaitî, K;i.p-r T-he Utile heiress le the daugfir troube waa et it t '.'Nct 9of R. F. Angeli, who lbas les -ci th,iechoal anc day tl#s v-eI k \ir-Pl spactous c. B. French bomerne tii 1 , Pauline Kasper came to tsi sethoal flower avenue. lier mother wu, Es- ta sce ber litile girl v'ho hl hepn ther !liiilander. turnet over te the faîiiir by flei On the death af ber oncle iO> court, after the divorce t gralît- was tert lu trust far ber util she i d. The waman, v-bore tl chutle 1 reachedth te age of 21.. taving, tallowed hemera a nier Mlrs. Gaies'. will vas ex"cuied atn; ilght look place luinc rtif titprom Sept. 2n, 1916. After maklug laumer- I af thc schoal. Itwas . igreat ais bequcat-' ta relatives, fit-nde dificuiiy that the principal , a, able sud si rvants. the v-ildirectesliii? la inducethem te leave t iIiii1n ttc residuary esixie be given lauiills Seicral menibers of H. V'aiae 1for lward . Baker of St. Chai i-.î tarnilv are 111 Ibis v-CpI. ll., andi for Miss Augeli. i Mrs. Merten Roth a' ],*'h "irîce Mmr. Baker l.,Un' <letels brathe' on the ilckItlst. calarecelvrs i$Of,00,9100 oitright I Tht mnîîers af th e P:. r.i ti t'lî.- The incarn oore-ai anc ai!tb" I r-co ra' associatian speut a -Ide'a-. <luai v estate il tu, e gin ta \r. titit et euiug aItthe..',î, l iiîe iBIaker for lite. oft the' remeiniri- Tuesday eveniug. A shîort arograi liaifthie truscca are directed tO uas given causlsting oat se.. t> mnu: pro' ide, for tiie suplport and elltitî.-1ical nulmletrs iîy 'the îuirnh. r, tfith tionletaisIs Augeli unti! she î! )Ii eoai. Afer the proe'-.iî le Pie ning vas speut witmboniua \lrs.lies __________wvn fir! i e sud Mmi. .i,n tart I 1 lia' iîtov. Re-Iresiiunîi -ut vi' i-rt- 'tdlIy ttc iea 'icra aif'!i-ebcool. p r 0 0 0 Practical Giving Is the Keynote of This Year's Shopping alifiil. a. i lva n îil kîi thei sjlelIf iîd hi iiîftIti-, -.tiîi ~ilt is ciiliîlihiliivestovlis of tirter îeiîcaîdisc il1l( ilii is veiv i191tîi tiv C hristmtas shopper to take advaitui. i f ;iilY spvti al iffcIiiiigs. t jîi'uii l *i viin luit tllie goverîîîîit 's siiggestioii t 11la igt a stîg. îllclîoîsctheiîigsi iea'. ed ogvr ws îîîaîî tt ii tvaiiiti I%\ iqueliîa-v liappav fiorîlie isel t. Il erc' a ce îigseiitîul thei iatust vre;îl ionîs ini &j i OU i0.1 I Coats, Su its, Gowxis, Wraps. Mifinery, Furs, Blouses, Skirts, Child- ren's Wear, BFIIr Under- w e a r, etc.,-appealing Gift Merchandise that fulfills the require- nients cf practicablity and reasonably priçed. S'cvia Ivalutes îlot,'ariictt i'ae(t- ____________________________________________________ ___________ i fi1 Having rented my farm 1 wil seli apublic auction on my farm on Mii - waukee Avenue, one-haîf mile north of Belvidere Street, on Tues daey Decýombeir l* At 1:00 O'Clock 4 HORSES 26. CATTiiE Hoisteins and Gùernseys 1 Bull, the Balance Milkers and Heifers 11I Hogs and Pigs 150 Chiokons 350 Bushels Barley Seed Wheat 400 Bushels Oats Potatoes Corn in Shock Seed Corn Silage Complete farm implements, wagons, buggies and one Ford automobile. In fact, everything found on a well kept farm. PHIn SD E FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer LÉ a ABig Holiday -Furniture Sale Furniture, Rugs, Stoves and other Household Utensils at a discount of 25 per cenit This Sale Starts Tomorrow and Lasts Until Xmas. If you are really intelested in buying good furn iture or stoves for the least rnoney then don't fail to visit us dur, ing this big sale WNe la ii ii ilased tiji entire on iiii t stceiciof Round Oak-; Ranlges. ,Nîal uffer vi 1a: 1rie!(îîl C jîîil- $87.,50 TIisis Iil ioii n la cve (lisoiff(ýl. lt il ii;ide iii titis towtn gîle <lsi<ttere. È ~ Iteass ad iiîtIou Bei s la hrarv 'Tables linval IMoieris Chlairs Ov(il Stîffed Rm- ees l)iîing Tables Chiairs and Rockers flrcsser., and Buffets. Seetional Book Cases . - Hiior fandt 'Table Lainps Aji<l iîBi ((fier things tyil be iiîiIiîdeîli iii thiis Big Holiday Saie Select your Christmas Gif ta now-avoid, th e rush.. Miake your selection froin a. cer- plete up to, the -minute stock. A small de posit will hold anything for future delivery. lessfrinitii;, Fa1'ic to yu one t o ide offciîvimal:vMtesIv tifaefird i011Vplait for Icssthaii l'et a lPatlte g]addeîloiriîi hiîiiilîi lhie toed' ih<t îîî ti.Viiiluita vaSinial .4ui1111 aiff tlii I"stiii m pîyîa 'ilieîuts, andî .in 'ftili-ii t* îîîîgef. a tail:iug îîi: iiUii< Hi!; ciuipped tii pla 'v evei t-'.t YpE tif(dise records na«. -1 talkuing iliacliinc that lia, the Pat lie Sapphire Bah -no neediles te, exehiange. SorId C el, i %where for $10 and inorie, qu.Man-68 ufaeiuîe pie ....6.9 A dlandy Wood Wooi Mattress, heav'v fiieait',tick, roll cdge 45 I1,,s., withîîîit a dnubtt the hest nie- diuini priv'ed matt;ess. 1- 11 our other Mattresses w-il surpass both in quality as w'elI as ini price anything iîtferedl to you else-where. jSchwartz FurnitureCompany Waukegan,