CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Dec 1918, p. 2

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pi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & M .BETryVlTDPN N TtMÂY )O BE5,1!_____________ ____ Jiv bic n.PROCTOIR X o'. tksTte to LbAI s.eAdeant snd Mort le the formai order by whIch nbdwhhaaieta7w nteamstc Raah Pai G..~. preeldent Wila.e, In the came 01et igned, and when peace came the government would Re "ooblieandm Working. U. e. governiment, undo.. date of NO- shortly thereattei, release the hundrede of acres of land it T, amm. ompematlon. veniber 4th and oflolly pubIlmhd at had leased about Great Lakes naVal staltion, "bas another 1 - Wathlngten e« Nvember41CiSIN. for- gu Roig". .....e mally teok posa of. e&Ilithe land 6" Mn orR HlM Bofore PIaChIng djacenltatethe Oreat LakoesNaval Your Illsurance Training Moation which ' uP te that , -. , tomimeilmshd beau merely rider 5k 10 ]o - 34~ ~. LU>lt3PIIIKIL the govemmorent.TU 5 Ome~DaeeaDegStre By th# Preaidmnt of The Jnited L<FUJNgl) States of Amerlos..1 That, on the l5th day of Novemnber, four days after . A POCAMTIN. the armistice wau igned, "The Qlliclal U. 19. Bulletin" La WELL DRILLING Wselreathe sel o Congress aP. published the formai. order Signecrby President Wilson on ItDB Fu5 Ow~e10US aU ogees> * ma198kPlnicappropri- November 4th Whereby the U. 0. GoVerument FORMATL. AUSIIERMAN & DOLAN tions for the naval service for the LY T094K TITLE TO AUL 0F TME L&à IT HAD ~ ZION bITV fiscal year9 endiug June 30, 1919. a-dlMM UNDER LEASE about the main site of the naval Nf Mwa phone 173-W for other purpaseis, iprovides that: statin. Se ______________________ ~hePresident la herebY auther- . ln ail, 'acordiîîg to thec officiai noci e. the governrent mi lzed a.nd euspowered, within tare bl F. BAIRSTOW amuna erela appropriaîedth.tzer. took title to three tracts of land Mncluding this acreage: $3 MANFATUEROF for, te take over lm.riedls.îeiy for the FME8T PAiUCEL-36.0O acres. t MANFACURE 0F United States, posqession of and fi- 8ECOND PAMrOE-223.72 acres.t Mârte and Granite tle ta eacir and. ail afttie parceis of TUM PÂROHL,-M9.15 acres. 17 land, including appurtenances and $ Monuments improvenienîs for the acqucistion of TOTALP-908.87 aces. which authority IF irerein grant.d The land in question in tract thrcc includes ,til the bl ailîrn alicriappro;.iona!, landn iffl il-batse 1wthe goveirnmiit fandcIlving uc îth, timetery Work f i - berein niade Provided, Thàt f oi f tnd owstf the. t4ation. it inelîî'vi; ili t1lat lanld Descriptionr pro.e.LLnji., albsie taken ou ,scuth of Morrow Avenuie aiti. bounded by(irccnbav Rc.d,fi ti aforvàaid, thre United States shall on tlc west and riiiming south on Olreenbay Iload 6554 p.rcspndnceSoicietmake just comnpensation therefor, îtr fcct. whieh carnies it Ponsiderably south of the Dewey s eorrepondnce S1Jc e edeLt rimired by thre President, anjd j residenee and i.ncludes that property-thc large brick 1 16 Genesee St if he iore te'o, detürminedI palace standing jnst soiilh of Five Points on the cast side Waie~nthre per-on entitled ta receive th, Of (ircenhay Road. The east boaîndary is the Northw'est- si r s rie., arci person sarai be paid cý rn tracks. IE DP TALOR perecnturn of tie arnount ao deter- Tract one includes that land north of the naval sta- fnred ibrire Presideni and aIrallb ionw! htovrnet >dpi(%ioil otpiejsdt 011I1lols in iNational Bank Buildica Ienttled tu sue the .United States otiu vihte me~initha rvoîl ntp cac _lomm- to 8:80 sud 7 tua8SP. nM. erer suchifutirer surn as added ta tictdsalthtln ac ne les or ast of s ' on Broadvay, opposite Pari er-numw! make up su,. the North Chicago Northwestern station. LibertyvIl î,so. arnousît as wili be lust compensation Traet ttvo includrs the land soiîth of the înniai oti I uierefo n flicir nianner provided for and on the east side of -heridan Road. DR OLIGby eto 24, paragrapir 20 (and), The offlciaI notice shows among otber tbinzs that: DENTIST Is ra 14;rr r eJncii<rtftehR aei Rosn 8Sic 12 a.m.-1 ta 5 p. I .itrr j. il] Li- idki'ig Ff theTlandnhave thirty d(18 in3 l Qve, Firet National Bankt aven of salit preperty by thre Presi- w-hich to vacate the landI and remove their personal effect-Ç Phous 1-. lie. Phone 157-J. dent as aforesabd, tire titie toalal -this includes the Mastersons, the Deweys and others 1L. bertyvllle. . .li.noie property sa tauten aven shall urne -hose homes are inciuded in the tracts involved. DI .F MTL adae vs utr ntdSae, SECONT)-That the land hereafter shall be under i DENTIST. M'heresa se act of Congi-easa aore- direct control of the secretarv of the navy. P LàK& OM o.Y rNATIONIAL BANK. aaid autirorizea thre acquisition of ad-. THIRI)-That the pregident shall fix the price of the bý l 12 a. m. and I ta & P. In. dîtional land for naval purposes al landi involved and that if the owners are not satisfled vîit ~~EZth Navl tnin l~aes, Ga altes.-the price he fixes then they shall be paid 75 percent of the rIA.N. STEPlIENS, M. D. lu. amount the president had spccifled an~d thcji they sball bu PETSICIAN &0 1 SURGEON 1Naiy yard, Puget Sound, Waai.; aliowed to sue the government for w-bat thcy consider the ~smd.llloUontre.ouedlrasoîà2 and aise auithorizes tire acquLsiirc aac deihm Eye,,E. Nos, Thygat of 1and at QuanUico. Va., as a per- ThofeantienThBucinaredhihc- £m sexaemied for Giasses manent Marine Corps base, aud Th feanoienTeBultnaredhshad ~h5OC CIi LbTIVII ale apopItin lrih cqi-ing: fePresident's proclamation taking titie to landq for l Iibon eftihe lanrd required at the plue- navy at Great Lakes, MI., andI Puget Sournd. Wash,. and 'M 0. P. BUIrEW11ELD. es mentioned; and site for a Marine Corps base at Quantico, Virginia." YVfIIIÂ RGON, . Whereas If la a mllitary necoasIty a ls ap SAWàul T ATe Z<oItreUnir Sie t lit 0555- It isrepoxted about the station that the navy depart- sien of thre trltet fland requtred for LIhrtyIll, Illnlc. naval puipeses at tihe places afone- Ment plans closing camps Dewey and Perry at Great ..Id, togetirer vitir ail tImprovoments, Lakes andI its men in the other camps. No- DR. A. 6. CAMPBELL ememenis, righsaof< ay, r1pariau thing officiai bas been said about that matter as yet. Ydtamary Detmt and ours-r rigirta and privileges apur- Lad Llvery Stable LUbtrtyville, 11 tenant or appertainlng lu alry way he First Notice of Move tire satd tracts ofl and, sud ta ibe- h publication ini the Sun today of the formai taking Quees. adà4e oret Atlo.rand. lieol.gnvtirtdla iedvlpin over of this land by the govern.ment, is the first news that adjaenttois tof tire said tracts o? land for thlel as been pri.nted aboulf It ouffle of Wadblnetn.- Thc, usas sud parposes of tire naval mer- atrsest aebe vrokdb vrbd pt ELHANAN W. COLBY vice of the United States; -mte exst aebe Vrokdb vrbd pt Attorney-at-Law Nov, tberefore, iurow all mon iry now. The" l nlVOIV la tliat whlch a long trne agu wau Coo Av. honl68jýtirsse presents, tirai 1, Woodrow Wiî. taken oî-er îînder leaqe at varions tiînes and the general reemaHome Ceot Ave Phae ~Bon, Prosideut.ef tire United Sate,eln ýstaattecoeo h va~ h at ol - .8URTYVILLE. - ILLINOIS.,<of America, iry vîntus-of tire power fbelig a sloedto rventtthe oeofterswo h a ~n rd for ansd authenlty !esei n me by tire b loe orvrtt h weswo a enp o LYELL. MORRIS said aci ef Cougresa appreved j.uby thefr leases. This, it now seems, is a thing of the past- A1'teET-s.r-LÂW 1, 1918, do bereby, on beirait of thre Uneie Sami is to keep ail the land and pay for it, bis formai. Uibertyville ' - llinois Unfted States, tait. title te Sud a- act in taking titie settling at once al daims the original lace BuLidiris. tirerize tire Secretary of tire Navy onr a aehdo ti h at 1118. Piteie u.. anc. F1phone rmte taite possession ot tire tollevlugowesmyhvhdoni itepat descrlbed tracta et laid:b Thus, this art shows the permanency of Great Lakes, PAUL MAC GUFPIN-. TRACT NO. 1 it shows it is to be maintained as the world's greatest nav- AVIO"EY AI LAW. Additional Land Neded for the. En. ai station. r Ubertyville, Illinois largement of the. Naval Training As the Sun wau ftrst ini telling of many of the big s- .aeaSSStation, Great Lites, 111. raoun sa Ail thoie tirre. certain pare10 oe? ve at Great Lakes in acquining leases of the land ad- t land or Interests tirerainet evued jacent te the station, so is it the first paper now to tell of MADTffl C. DRCKE by the United States, altuabe. lylng the government ha-ring formaily taken titie to the big r 0 shaa-TLvadbingtontirSconteet Laite, tracts of land involing in ail over 900 acres. 807 WtC an, ILINOIt State ofIltlinois, adjacent to or in tire The interesting part of the deal is that the president fAUKEGAN, . . ILLINOSvlnîcy oethtie naval reservatlon, nav- ~t wesae' hi Oco Phono 848 i of h ad aîfe, Bac. Phrono 1860-B al traning Statien, Creat Laies, . is oI h priceanith wesrntstsfd hn viiesatd three parceis of lnd are they take three-fourths of what he bas fixed and sue ini nre dei¶nitely deacrlbed as folv- the courts for the balance. Then fotiows tire dotalied descrlp. - iion ofthtie land Involved ln the for. -ln m bl adti bu 0 mal1 tskinq over, referonce .b lgS Ja1~i'ij~j tns luandIlfllredi tatbut 200 made tg Ilbase tire. palcels of 1Ind, .SA,I J S RTI Atu nai ilb dsrbt thre finit parcel being nortir of tho station, tire second south and th:ireELÀLT EA SAE RNFR thIdt the west.IIIRF LAL T REL ST E_ AM ER IO JNT.FED FUEL.Co. Tr The "Vacating' cî5uv. MENT IN WÀUKEGAN Nov. 29. 1918. Gimr liosTeformai conclusions of thre oM-Est. of ieljlair F,. Iyle, decd., te ciel order, showIng tire notice to land _____Zoa A. Moorhc!irr. . r Ivided tutereet --es e ms vcb wtrm 0 Ildvee, cat.-i'- lvn b .2,.un( Si.,Br bock 8, De.rdld Park, Wl> 30 Nov. Z11&I P. m. Ourtett and vufe t. C, W. MCOmbo, lots "48.IK mnd »., B&Mtlm Matmibro> arbor Bob., Deedu, $L Jeeme M. Judd to Tbao SBobeur- -amu lobtanmd 9 block &5 Rldue ccod Park Highland Park. W". 010. M. IL Redmomi and vite t G. P. Redmond. =Mdvlded Intereat ln S. W. 4, oaut of rom of sec. 1, Vernon vop.. W». Il. <laiton Cunninghaum Md ,lf. to Rebecca C. 11olcomb, traet of land N., tr M&aie et.,EILcf0R.a. IL& a cf ek ln Village of Ares.. QC, $10. 1 Nov. 27. I91& ua O. Eyunng and Vife to> 0Oie Oc mn and vite. Interest tn lot 8, blocku LMarsaaldale Sub.. Long Laite, W». M0.w Julla Alfison tc, M. .8. Snyder ad vile, lot 127, Bhaw's Snb, on Poiz Lalke, 'w, $10. G. W. Guet and wvit B . S. Adams M. 3$ 1-2 ft. ef W. 68,1,-2 <t. cf S. 100 lc ot 4. block 2. North West ASid. toWaukegan. WD,$1. J. F-. Cribb a -nd wife, et al.. îs» [ary T. Kerr, S.E. 40 acres. N.W. 1-1 ec., 6, Avon Twp., QC. $1. Oscar Wood and Wlte te Frank Mutchler and wlte W. Part lot 5. loet 43, Highla.nd Park.,IIM.,Wl)., 1,F00. Nov. 23 1918-Nellie Mlumnie et al to n j. Siocuni; 110 acres ln sectionq 7 and 18, Newport township. Deeds. $2. 7 Jý P. Jopîlu te P. E., Marsir: lot 36, Cira. Cunningham, Milwaukee, 21; biocut 4, Oaktlaud cuir, Waukegar. Q. C Frances Maie, anie, 19. D. $5. Reirt, M. Thonipsen. Milwvauktee, 21; Couc.umers Ce. te C. E Martin; 15 France, H. Hunier, cames, 0. aères lirai mile norti et Vll1ag3 et Ar Clifeord Eting, Gtreat LaItes, !S: lioch WV) $1. Mattida SemaI, Crowu Point, lucI., Maud E. Peter te Fleabe 3. Gravee 25. S 45 fi lot 6 sud N 30 fi lot 6 Tuant I j1Pc-er Schirudt Fot Licie, 48: Al- S herma-i'e;cuir Waukegan--W l) $10. ripa E. Albrert" Mayville, Wl.., 4R. Wf. D. Whyte sud vile te L. T. Asir Arthrur C. SteIn, Gre-at ,aitea, .12: and wile,; N 17 1-2 fi lot 5, blockt 7 Margaret 5-if. Llberly. Ky., 31. Sthiand AdanisNorthr Add W'auke- Pnedc.ricit A. Hamirrick,. Greiat 1.aices gau. WD $10. 121: Ps-arlil.-Derkeann Rarne, .21. Nov. 26--J. 0. Kyudherg aud vitel FrankIl 1. Trumpour, Racine, 44; te Samnuel Saart; lots 8, brlockt1 Cum- Mary Paton,' same, 42. mnugs & Co's Add te Waukogan. WI) Hermnnau .ecs. Fou du Lac 36; $3300. IHelen KIrst, Oheboygan, Wi,. 36. Josepir Car-oui te Thomais Carroll; IOscar Il. Olin. Towuev Eann, W4. 10 acres E et C. & N. W. Ry. lu NW 36; Catherne M. Doalan, Town of roruer section 28. Lakte Ferest. QCD Franin, 38. 1.Ciras. Heldel, Racine, 21; Clara J. J. Carroll sud vite te R. R. Brad- Sirelby, came. 20. ey; lot B of C. & N. W. Ry. Iu NW Irwin T. Fitzgerald, Chînago. 21: çomner section 28, Laite Forest Wl) Ersher Pritte sanie 20. $10., Nelson W. Robins Milwaukee, 29; E. J. & E. Ry. Co. te Gris-Pifger Marthas Tesnovsampe. 19. ranuing Ce; 889 acres N et Cas Ca Chras. H. Pearse. Madison. Wts.. 45; iani. axud Soutir et preseut Taunery Hertira Luedite St. Jee, Micir 26. preperty at Wsukegau. Deed $10. Hernian P. Joirnson Racine. 21; Pirlippa B. Lyon et al to Laura E. Carolyn Curclo, lame. 19. Collar; lot 67 Cee. R. Lyon Suir o? Jesepl Busii, (Great Laites, 37: rabr Greuudo4 WauiteM .Wb $18, Pblllppa B. Ifon et al to ulbelIt Jones, lot 31. LYOn. euh eofVi& Grocum .Wmuumm W» $10. M aSvmtm mMd kumad te W W. LeIgweu; lot la, lol 3St N. chien#&. Qab «.1 IL I. *ponneuber and' VIN toi Chas!. Parman; W 20 aomout 5W1.4 NB 14 section 10, Warre township. W» $10. Nov. 30, IBIS. W. D. luhtbs.ll. et.. to Win. Ait- kten, lots 1e and 17,lcok 4, Port CMin- ton. Higlasnd Park Dftd $950. Alford Ranimonsto Irank and LenIrs at lot 9, Pries Euh.1(gb Wood, W». $850. H. B. Plerce to IL B. and D. A. William@, strlp 50 ft. wide for R. R.. ln W t.1 -, F1 Soc. 1, Weat Antioch, W»), si. S. C. Waniber to Math Pape@ lot 2. block 9 Waukegan Highlands, No. Chicago. W». $1. P. W. B. Acben et ai., to M. J. Ache. 148.94 acres In &. W. 1-4, Sec. 7, Newport Tvxr., WD. $10. Mary Y. Thomm« o ec. Loulea Tbomson-lots 3 and 4, blocit4, La,*te Side Stub. Grayalaite, i., QCD, $1. MARRIAGE LICENSES Hardy V. Hughens, Waukegs.n.if.- gal age; Agatha A. Roemer. legal agp. P. B.JOIIN SON GENERAL AUCTIONEER Ha& the beau judgrment of values and gelsthe hest pricea. Faim Sales a specsaity. For dates, Phone or Write ZION CITY, - ILLINOIS SUPERIOR DININU SERVICE ON THE NOR TH StHORE UNE R idneof libertYville wiII find the excellent dining car faciities of ltre North Shore Uine valuable from the standpoint of economy and convenience. In these days. when every minute counts, it is mighty advantageous to be able to remain in town up to the at minute, board the limited and be on*your way to Miwaukee in a conifortable, modem dining car.! .. . ~ -i __ We aiu to make our dining car service the beat in the Unitedl States. A varied array of tasty and appetizing dishes is off ered and a high level of service prevails. Pricea are moderate. Test our service; convince yourself. Let us know what you think of it. DINING CARS leave Lake Bluff junction at 12:53 p. m. and 5:53 p. mi. To make connections, leave U-bertyville at 12:25 p. m. and,5:25 p. mi. Lesxe Milwaukee at 11:45 a. mi. and 5:45 p. mi. ~~~ ~ For furriber iqfosmatIonapît. ~ 7 ~ F NORTH! SHORE UNE Chicago 66 Wew Adams S<reet Pte.'Cenirasme Libertyville Pbone., Uberireille 74 Milwaukee lC Setrsd Stret Phoe., Grand 1136 e e WmL . G. "0vL C harleton. a. 01 Si. TharMa Gocild, Lbertyvliel. . Ailbed elsrt Rookord, il-, Roba Tehm "f. le 1. »4v T. Roebkeu, Ot lakea. S21. = .pdoxett% lManitous, 8L G. Lyona Great lskes, Il-, lemmette O. lPimber Chicago, 18. Molburne a. Jobnmton, 1Mllwackee,. 82; JaNU. La Burke, Ii $, 4. John N. ,'adler Ob9 = 1b46; Clara Buttes. a.meia. . PlUp 0. Mohberg, Waukegpn, 18-, Dorislason. "iMe. 18. Audrev J. Uchits. Great L.,,e,, 28; baut* Railige. JAilvanhne. go. NOv. J. Woodrjff, Decatur do., Rose E. fnyder. Chicago, se. Or0 . J. 7MOUle, Cudahy. Wis., 21; Isabelle Gordon, South Mi1waukop. III. Toby E. Parker, Uhtcago, 33; Eu- Phemia Melntoah. leake lForest,.24. Walter R. Clieveland, Champalgti, 32 Mary J. Ragerson, mante, 40. John Wi Mariette, Milwaukee 83. Emma Willert. saute, 33. Joseph A. ias,. lLaites. 22. Fayette Collier, C'hicago, 19. Pete U*angon L. Forest, 29. Anna UrIcki, nmure, 29. Raynolds E. Hfayter, Sturgen Bay, WIWs5., 82. Alma D. Srntt, FIsh 'réel. Witt. 27. Geo. A. I3aly Milwakpp., 22. Mollie Rlesing, saine, 28. Lester A. Ratitbord, Milwaukee, M1. Uilah Lacia. Charlevoix, 23. Ed. Peol<ert. Champalgu 85. Dorathr Sts.niey. Waukgn 19ý JeuitiPrêcher. Milwaukee, 43, Aima Jensen, same. 42. John Burns Chicago 48. Sadie Stark, saine. 39. OLI Thlenl tirat by geative workIn~ and lite, ioyed b: vanelicct *ccrd the ont The thorizec steps ai mssmary negotia f13' ci wlthin 1 et lard( lng the sald 0w compen ln aito the act andlmi Slon A, accorda hereunc are ber the boa. rstary elaima ateresai above-do ing nia on are muid trn therefro la thirt: proclant In tes Done thîslit1. yeax of bundrpd depende Ainerlca tirird. (SEA I iv th. ROI

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