CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Dec 1918, p. 4

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e - ~ 'L...a. ~ A ~ IUf~UrlI DUO a I ~ I ~ ___________.- ~ Y Y ITWW 111.1 -- I ml nmamti I Ii~I~ PIUI I~l~Li~X LJ.UftI. ~LU 5h LU AU _______________________________________ bertville Independent P UMaftertho The peu ublic lioroor..CR Coany nepndnt*Wake<ilW.eky mmSus Var di hé¶ t Mh#o ;p mucli of lb, procedubre vi .:Temssg ama;l.maggo. ' bu comoy ໫&*n - wakiwanland and amy r ba oed tt adlvery o-dhbuDe;odlirst A M Ofic TlehoeNUbe i LbetviimExisng.Great Litkes. The linuted "AupqunW «of d W ort UT, elfl"oay hooy ivreds1% ,hdeiaslve lI bAIno u---- a iceTlpoe h .LbrtvleEcane é f a ashort "0me ignature nc-m hmt 1opov â oittic 0i' I théPostofice et LibertyvieIl, M.seSecond Cla«MaMl falter itatli prporIt vau gé!i 1 11 I 4011, okafter wend.d vould mark *0 nmB es of the station, al up to hlm. Nov, vbat's the reason? Murely tla' not onilPublication for The Village of LlbertwVliie. Hovever, cc:rd gt a nten-notice ' ', ecoseofth extra rkothay etswgpoleFrO 41I111PuiUm tlIfer Lake CeuMY BoreatfSprles remig Auité oUlu~f8 zté vr n~s~m<fFr àdvrdin B&« ad KnwnonAp such la not thé case- gbvernment bas takew i~ n for deuiveries ln It? NO, JuSt a CM J*lith M7 MOMRIPTION PRICE, 01.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE theOforml In ~of5Cquirbtg tigto ld wbfth uptenov 0oprovlng inau y or failure tedliverls rmovedIfrom part oft bas boaunderlease. This includes the extensive acreage the people vbo payr the bil boarded BMITH ............t e4o tea ôPtàte ot n ul rom nov you send a message and if it la recoved ail R-n"Y .ECKHITI4 ... .............. . . .................................. clManager iii I mesa4s a big station for lb. future as vell au during the vas delivered, you can't say: <'Produce lb. recolpt--&sov und refl vu erirodIi It means- that UnoeSO= bas big thinga In'us Il va s sled for." er mind for Great Lakes wblcb only officiais bigh up are fa- Truly these democratto Ideas are autocratie ideas. ok mnilla wllb. 1Me 1hus, ail doubla as te the permanency of Great Lakea "U. 8. Suspends Licensos of Two Food Profiteers" MI,, Li station anr rmoved vllb one svoop of President WiIson's reads a beadlilu Sunday. Reading on, the article dtates M rw e pena~piedte he ~ia orer f Nvemer tb.that Ivo profiteors bad their licenses revoked for seven ably lot Nevs of th. formai 18kmn titie ofn land vin b s ad 1à days respectively. Some.punlsbm.ent for an cf- %o'i;Ie ______________________ rceved by residents .of a&ean an i orth Chiapfois. as henfous as could b. comitt.d against lb. public. but the Sunday, Docember 1, vas lb. sevenlà annmverBary ofaastatien. ertainl s lavb at Une'.st =U NNVESRWlbgot n..tbeasupt rsittf ~ Ltsm prunfortunte stoal oafofbr. id vatircheru" a akgnDaily Sun and Lake Oounty Indepeiident nvlsain Ceail tlata nb ould not profit«orsi d putnis ethcensuaevil herC!llOber lte hadr b.dirctonof heprsen onosW. J. Simthbb taking title te lbe 900 acres nov tht var la over unlesailasfnot te be metèd uI e teim Yd. G. Smith. , le had extensive plans for maintainlng lbe station as one The vay the sailors and abidiers lmsn.diately çoflgre. predlea It vas on December 1, 1911, that Meuss~. Smith of lb.e'world's stîn -*1 evile fr gated inNew York te put astop te the vaving of the. reil sudo0 biought from a-man Just th. tvo nevapaper p'r>p I tw excedhesain utervttot 1- flag, shows. that thore's no sentimnent anmong lb. service =i «tl.e, th. daily being located in Waukegaii, the weékly in mer statua as it existed before th1e writ vould not ,b. boys for lb nrhsi de htcm ihth ipaTd libertville Lake ounty ý 1 ncemrynow tetake i ' tl te tis lan whia gp tInodlodnhe ed kia lbddservice tboysrvie onoy tenput putInfrr At the tinie both papers-were purchased they ver. has merely been under lease. The goveiximent couldkefr t rout lb.' promoters of th. anti-free-America movoment Ired Is aru-ov cndtonas11ereul f nsruuou :î on under lb. lease and then surrender th1e land later. But bb1e '< d i.jf jl.naIng vi tMcsaidmelods vhich had marked their existence under such ta seen is not lbe case.bu ,#c annvdonor tok his-amighty good nevs 10 Waukegan people and lioft vhich that incident produced viii be very videspread. Urnbe Immediately afler telb. ones tokcharge, tlb.,onung 50 soonafe mre lb, loatio ftaethi-nvufle K enosha eelsakein dlsappointmient in the facl that the sr .,pers made a rapid change for lb. btternresn 9., i l ajuto. oeoftoe motattinga hc Captain Moffelt bas beaun ordered te sea. Captain Moffet ly imediatelyr and increasing lb. business ingure the. future for thiawcommlinity. Wllb Great Lakes bas bufit Up a school ab Great Lakes and lie bas built Pro lb e ves okcag. IOttmintainoil as one of lb. vorid's greatoat stations andTh te ber lia be eon s ead rs otchnrte.busines a i vilthlb.nov factories coeing bers, tbe prospects for lb. up a nov sentfiment among people on the lake sbore as -te ag t ther bu bena stady grwth inthe bsinessand fture fr thisvicenty maiedrmon. ofldlb.mnaofyte Havy uiiforfonmccourteste ivilci à,.l- la lb. circulation of the tvo papers and as our anmivrsaryfureorIivcnlysmbrg. ians and civillans demanda made him a real favorite. Ljike châir oms ron I l oideir 1 xpes orextreuie ap. H-OHR every ri saibor, Captain Moffeft undoubtedly vil vel- dueite pcition te business mon of Waukeganï LibertY vMle and One of the most significant thingu done in Waukogan corne sea duty-KeiOsha News. crm Uk onyaid te ciioens genoraily wbo bave patroni- durig thewrpridwfst tat,oz Sunday afteruoon vuen ehr ed our tvo leadi'ng publications. mothers of Lake couaty boys vbo sacriflced tbeir lives A Chicago paper Priday evening states a quiz 13110Or W. colil lot bve mde t 88suc e ave hav ad, abroad vere guesta of bonor and reoipients of gold star hlgb prices is 10 b. starteil by lbe governmnt. If lb.he o bA It not beel for t11e cooperalion el! the business men eiublems at a big meeting in lh. Waukegai M. E. cburch. j gverrnment viii only do somethlng folloving t11e quuis ve be ïmail the citizens. In the first place we endeavered 10 ýea The young monwvbo gave their lives that democracy miglit vou'd be contented, but, wM thley? 'Looks liko the usual in l tablisb a nevsy paper and tht vo have don. so is evident live veebro-ul.tu eneo b odbtsri procedure vil bo folloved out and Iben, as usual the mat- ýby the enormous circulation vhicb the paper nov possess- Ibeir mothers vore jual as true heroines. ter vill be allovod to die dovn. ' l t. Il la a compliment 10 our efforts and ve fully appre- Th mothers bore th1e brunI aI borne vbile lb. boys cate Il; ve fuily appreciate the confidenco lb. publice1han stood the ohell-shocks, lb. gas, etc 'lover thore." , England tlki of extradlling the ex-kaiser and th1e Sbestoved upon us by subscrlbing go unanimoiisly 10 our I a nipesv ill1 e 1emtesacp chief Hun talks of going back 10 Germany. England vil 1 jWHatons Itwas n ipresiv sigt t se th motersaccptbave 10 gel a busl. on berseif if she expects 10 gel Ihat pubicationslb.thegold stars and Il vua ameeting wrougbt villi 841158 ess l'ov l Wlien you stop te tbink Ihal lb. Waukegan ainl spilê lb. efforts te make il as cheerful as possible. __________ Sun bas close to 3800 subsiribers and Ibal the Indepen- Tbere vasn'l a heart in lbe vhole meeting vhich vasn't Saa ii on 0sa Well, that's thé place for ' 1 dent bas close te 3000 and hbM euch paper is réad by at filled vlth sorrov, there vasn't an oye thal vas dry dur- 'him randSi s gno place raflo er such a name. limaI five or six persons, il in seen tht the Daily Sun and ing lbe entire program and vhen it came te accepllng the______________________ mdoendnt aik 10lhity-iv orfory lousnd oisnsfip hgste significance of the occasion of course lmpressed . aery veek in Wakgn anduLakecounty. T aes tefuponthenolbei's more forcefully than ever bof ore IJMLAT InU1efiTrai mn d Fox wlll lve8R41oum. lare azil asoiatd it u l nlurll a ipeusand many of lbem throbeil vith anguish as thy recallod ' a Immariîcve r' SIO M-0m,. --fo us te do our best in 1the natter of gelting out a neya- th. reason vbicb made thern the guesta of bonor.NMfb, WIfN Train No :1ý;Il1Iaý Fx Lake M , d taL iswht w hae eentringto o lncl AIaD YAAILSON If; v .1 1i,.754 ame Round Lake Ia rudtaisvavehvbentyig1dosce Despite thoir endoavor t0 be brave, they no doubt -MO .- i, :17am arrive* bcbe 1, 1911, vhen ve assurned charge as ovuers of could not forget thal many othor sons had relurned from Wiffbîngton, D. C., Nov. .t Pr - . în~~iî these two'important publications. France vbie theirs vere sîfll Ibere. Those brave mothers !dent Wilson announced tonightt a aefid( 98am The Daily Sun bas been 1the mesof promotlflg m81y vere entitled to thefitt4,ig recogitjion given lbem rnday P3-ilth e~~prsent he niv diEvertt 9i.2M m Detied03 m sheven 0t wn1si t h av cnf-e e.T v hrn'1@v1l fi4s ani,,arre Western lb.tnt ig drn hesvnyears apr ntai 0:0 r.'a ai e 0 an uTfgand the ones who arranged the affair are eniled reê ..4Ore:7 1peace1:30 a, rhicgoe.100ham 1 fershave hd chare and e wil alway endeaor te tand fr havng tho-OODofOhemW eSOindy. PreROWdînStNTnaesudNt Tra 2 No.i52 wi velouvebertyvillel ferbte had chat rgsue il lvfacous ene avo1t a do a vigloub flbm8knl.ofttaeUnited States. Scrar 2:50 pm.Ifloudout 2:5f3 pu, Evereit 3:04 t forlb- bina ha ae rgh. f cure e annt ivruROBERT LANSINC-Ertr r. ageewthevrboyan orudmnt i otifalil. RO OTE NES XAIIe tate. Pm, lhrnllld 8:11 prn, ihermervlle 3I17 Bt apevr nfr sinh etreodysudourudge cntnetef i HSMObRNED XA IIGEDWARD M. flOUSE Tic pre-i Pm, Western Av 3:59 pai.arrive CuicaRzo i ~oveorlu utue a lulb.past vevii cotluo 1 be The Waukegan voman vho appeals le froenda 10 sug- dcî'tichief co'sfidant. now represett-4:10 Pm.. 12vi rv o and fion the square" and viUl stand for th1e Ibings thal are best gest boy she la 10 Ilinduce"l saiors vhom bier high school- Ing hlm at Versailleq. Train o 4 ll ov o akën for lbe pu~blie generally. sludent-daughter ontrlainaaevenings2:31 ,av, begleouse 12a36i poli,6 ltouudff0r That our readers have bad confidence in oui ji4dgment before midnigbt, needs te have a hea, i ionty court. GEN. TASKER Il. BllISSAmrî l'Ibert ville 12.57 pm. arrive Wetern saitouropiionbu eeneviencd fequntl bythesuPcati miltary advlsel- ot the suprenie Ave. 1:44 Pms. Chcago 1:55 Pmn. maloiopno a bo vdecdfeuetyb teSi-Any voman vbo needs belp ln sucb i situation is indeed a wr couricil. Train INa. 146 due LibertyvIlle 7:50 $f bouIbogl aroscandidates- for -fie bm4 ebs»m4r i ht.ej aprisb MPmwt, xiiiedaily, lutad ai dally «m adv oated a es i tto stos te vbie0 b oplylng 10 o e r i f her tym ohe vbo voil d ' apl-KAISER PO 'O E -exicept Suday, IMadîcon t< Chiagoon vne havee. n ote wo wu ALLOW ON TELEPHONE TIP; preomeutPecbednle tbsy asplred. In fact lu the seven years vo have conduet- saiors te keep ber daugbter up nlght after niglit uil MAN VAFRRESTO MADE Train No. 150 betve.u Madison and 'ad the papers thore have only been a fev instancs vhere midnigbt just because lbey do not have te gel back te 1the London, Dec. 2.-A Plot ta netOrOte bc~o daîolviib îe 1candIBdates vbo have been supportoil by our publications station unlil 1. o'lock-and the. gel bas te go te schooti lmverlalsm aud secure tbe retutn flo_____ bave nt been successful. Il lanet out of place te tbuik next day-lan't doing the coanmunty any good. merlurWil.aba bndinst aco- *bat postibly our efforts have had *som.thlng te do vitb She's rnaking a joke of Ibis desir, te b. nice. 10 the Patch irous Amsterdaml to the Ex.- V A. beepolitical-deallules; Il la also lb. recognition that our sailors. She's abuslng 1118fr patronage of ber borne, she's prosse. W3 _readers publicly have shovu confidence in our opinion as abuslng ber lagto-hesfollng berseif ite bellevi A ccordig to the dlspatcb, whib RAL4TES-10 Cents per Là vas it h alosan h o.d g fled etAimfsterdamn on F'ridal 0CseMn. t, lb. monits of 1the condidates lu question. tht ube's mkn i Ihl.salr nlte odubt "a 20ot enbeentshopla wom XIthe matter o! subscibers, lb. Daily Sun bau nov are gknlng aivt a "boobes"' she in. ileld Marahal Mackensen, Gen. Bora --------- attaineil a position lu lb. fiel vbicb la se far abead of any f t h - othes fWaukiegan canmot lear their bouses and Gen. Couat Sixt von Ami=l.I leMpetitor tht there la no comparison. Not only bas the of viiters aIANT bour lb. y desiro lb.y btter close their le eaid tisai uhey letructed the. PriseIl FOR BAUiEFG Mal1y Sun been leadlng lu circisatioz se fan tht there dosfrgo alamtlo ontko o o < lan o0oore corps to carry on a prê FOR SALE-PlymouthBRock Cockereie..u net emperor agItatIon, abolititheicire M. F. Wsgner. Phone 274-R-i. Prairie d"ud . n otovr'yaou h iculation any rmn their bmes properly or décently. t's a pitIfo admis- .dliely ater the. demoblIiaion prlw.45t louer, but lb. saine la true in refenence te ailvertishng, in fo~r amy niOUMe MAke no malter vbo. she 18- Ourthsetroopg vas comploted. Large ___________ 8___ 1W tI&, llitmh ailvertising and ailvertlalng that la iUUy belle! la thtsome novspapermimE ae ala rcm o! mo8eîare catu bave been FOR SALE-Two pure brmd Ayrmiire FC -,Y" for. Furtbormore l.casfe detsn fl.pp.r~.8r~ akgnbsn u~ ohrvoplaced at the dlsposal or the leaders huile, 11-18 montis aid. PromInent SayB u een runing Ivice as chastany olber 1o- vould b. obliged té appul tothe publiecorsuggestlonst hepot7î lvoong ttepiseslinee. Gond stckreeoLae cegolsd by tho lassifleil medium inluI community. lng guetta te leave ber hbons at a certain bour. 'Wauke- heard a teiephone conversation. îs Ilveiry aivertlser ilu th. national ailvertlaing field ruc- pu mothers bavetoo mach sense te concedle tht anly of mani'armeI hale beau made i Ber- FOR SALEORegisereuroc Jersmy faie thiu l.fac thIat a nospaper tht leads in lb. cla55l the= veulil do sucb a tbing.. ermeut bas long liste f o nB, ~Lb@rtyvilIe. Phone 298-2- FI bsd advrtlshng la lb. nevupap.r that l"adIn genenai. who bsd planued to seize mmsbreRS AEAixomlansuLe preutige, CirCUlation, ~* NOIE CAMOUFLAGE lo!t tb4premt faoremlmeul. ZRichAmEmirsmbaeti ___________ ___ 1 onc. myodem. Kari Jc es, Box 16 ELESSNESS vAUSES WOMAN mole mosibe a mon nemed Fred worked se a trnck driver for abr & Bon la thie City. Dnrtag a 4 b. mare Uime, b. snd hié vite ed ai tbm prTng reetanrant. y .Ieliey terrnllsed lmblémervice lie Goidenbergus ad vent to egan, bie vile remansing, wllb the taadIiig tal m@be wsto vork lai etaurant te, detray the board of 1sud ebldren. rking tu the restaurant at thàedame as s waitrepe and domeetîr, wmm aa billie Ganm.. Rorne thre, week emgo, ~leley leit the. restaurant, presm- or a trip tbChicago, wearing % dm@c, bat and iwo, ring@ twlouglng le Ganm, talie çlîonlperrnienlon, he née of wblcb wse Dot begrulged )rs trip to the City. Receutly Mi»e 'ecelved word ofthle desth of au lu Miwaukee and wlehed to go ta meral, b1t vaie bsndlcspped ta aa i on account oi ber wesulogapparel being retnrned. Leurning of ber Wàment, triende becarne Interected au Monday, Marchai LIrnberry. who Calied ta Woukegau on otier boi. with the. nid af Chiet af Police ill of Waukegao. Iocated Fred sud nfed hlm ouhle wife'm delinqueury. wentont sud laie? returned, bring- lntb hlm the rnimaing coat snd rng& flot tiie drseeand bat. IMmrobsl erry returned the rëeovered artiles he aivner and wlll erideavor ru seesire arice* rptalued by Mie. Jeliey. GOULD-I4OWELL eo rnrrlmge oi MI&e Thetem G(ould, gbter oi Mir- and Ire. J. (Iuld, of City to Sprgeans M ill ie l . Hlo wel of lemion, 8 C., vms celehra?-1 vitb cerernony in Waukegau, FrIday noon, Nxvemther29. Eollaing tii nony Mr. sua Lire. HQwelI rame to ý-lty wii. e a welddîu rejimit wse, id a% lie bume. of the. bride. Sergesut veil returned lu hle staion nu Carnp tr, Mîch Sunday and for lie lîreet bride wIii tottfflur to) mabte lwr hu,r hl»e ty. Me tndependent IeatisaiK Attention! For the kîddies there es no camrera 3,heat the M îîrdY littie Box Busteir own. h make3 fine, pictares and il stand hard knockLs. So simple nd efficient that anyane cao learn to ake excellent inapshots. Pricel, ~ron $2.75 ta $4.50. OtherAnico Cameeraiu P go Ses Aàui t. ihatvhem le jvc. An ideal Cistemas Glt ADSAD Uzw, Eacbi mmsertion. msmCre -OR g Rpatn htgungood W gov, 20 gauge. Addrein A. C. E. [dependent. 50-1 EZA 9ETATE + McKinley Ave. r Orimme. - FOR SALE-A 40 cré and a 80 acre tarin, 1 mile trom LtskVUIS. Good sli and good buildings. Loy price@snd oui terme. Irnmedlatm poemloa. Stock, immd sud irnpeienim if disared. F. M. Harding, Ares, 111. 4t FOR SALE OR RÉNT-55-aere tarafs.m 1 vm.lng, Libertyv W. m o s , 4 9- elder. Addrem A. C. 9. Indepnd. .e WANTEO-Old cdean cotte» ri. WiU psy 4e s ponnd ai the. md' defti oice. ..OST-Alrdie, good 1% je aid. Strayed tram isrrn near LAelee Nurecy. A. J. DeVal. Libertyvlille. R 1. 48-2 -GET OUR 9BTIMATE betoi. .1ev Ing stériw ealt, houe. -ovllkg, boue@ ralung-ZMon Insttfluona1*-- Industries, 'Dept.4 Zipf Cttr. IDL Phione 49 Zloa CitY. W'cly1M 11MIMPIDMIRM TIMBIUSDAY, I)JUUJMJISJLML 0, ivie mm-RMM- I I - w ortaW iforemher- moice Aud tsal Smty. OsWe rei death of vemrber 81 France," e to Mr. ai I-ilghwood stupey i Iulantry s M-et one, vas a me havk dlvi tise lirai To tim vithin th: armitice $bot dovi bard for tise meqs. The tee bablî tihe b. hkllled Owtng unuale tu Mondi. nndertakE arriveei And the Chlrtmai *TIie @CI Annunsit Buikley, membere laie?. The Lt docided t, give lue taking ci Sumner c A @teon Doat Wee audtanit caloterla ertailKly Heard report ci bappiti'. The b. * langed1 garce Ti literary gramn ai exceliefi due tu t

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