LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPEiNDE)ýNT INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXVI NO. 50. SIXTEEZN PAGES. LIBERTY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TIIU RSDAY, TECEMBER 12, 1918 ÀPPLEY CONFESSES the ostio t hl tne a 1> Dear Reader, 6 ULT BY PM ING ws I ae v irht arid ART. LAW CLLS ; t :c no i he caet,,ltr 'a tritl' av for the wrnanq-a. Court Dooket in County Court le e s o egét Dr. rrwet.,; Shows He WiIl Pay Child of te p ,sc, 1 r '1"1 t q<uet.~"'1In Larseni Woman $550 for its!allier word, bc did net wantlil g' n had Patd frrtalcing rare i ir Brown Catis comrittee. PROVES HIS DEFENDERS Dr. Brown bLacr anes~irestd DEFENDED G'JILTY MAN 1;o-, iie ha hostitai rernmtteo Formal Entrance of Court or.r- omrrtt te P?- Ap1pwlte der Showa that Larsen, 'ilît -_ IlonpThe siaar ,i'. Womnan Was Entitled to the 'th" do. 'r toi,1l, 'ln.I's Pay Allowed by Law to the ý r' flt Women Maltreated Like Her ;.,î,, ~r,, i'.n~.~ î . tai]. "'r' fli eh toi 1, r ne),.'r thr teon"'. 'r"iring hi- woi't,'I)- eli Chai es Appiey, former Svp' -ste'. j te '-t a rc"ii.îç',as ;p dent of the' Lake routty pc - f. r, ,i tnet a attt ril)'wl "t j a Who, aliter lie had relched thre aga 'f ti.'rau r 72 years committed an intlqcre1lin ir. l'r .' n ii ,,l 'v., d I lii f whlch he ravsijed Lina Larses, tne"' W ' iri% ,er n t"l l' t'e < hait .witted Inma'e of lth, rcunty flir., and, i i-n. A t t,fev rn itti q* s tt h il; AGAI N adnitted hioi guit. .r, l', pir, t FOR 'Ai, pit'i '.i - tde,.'iops Urat, in rourt,' >-î'i 01 in't', r ,f' i- lon Drc . 9, h.'a formai cofeo , i S ', p 5f- ~ that e was the q ilti part/ was el,.""'rn ' a' tare" r'.rrord i, thlie ot rwa' Ii, 1 t, . r-)'i - t t. r.) -Ç, il.a'r sý -fils. .îls 'I a., r l.a C , jt'1-'-af(" "f"'-m "i..' 'Ot' 4ý ilr, v<'lip , lu'y '1 (!1Chl i n.l l'-ta' , a ra' i' p' il t', Tie dpendant. Applay, tii' dl a bond , n,;plntpndepnt of tue o, ontv! of SI"t.. tnako, rertailfi t Il",'fartnu fr 'i rars3, wefiîldi cî'tmit ain! ' wfli Il! ',v ,.u' Iil- part '.' 'i ef,,,rn f l~it nd a n,a'or! trait t , ae,t ir ',cii .ju r t i' ithei rla.-ed Ie ita crhar,.'. am.i th' y itatiit' , serlng' ,.rh i O"e ndo,àvored teanake i prloa hMI LIBRARY MEMORJIAL Pai g, i Amount Ordered by Law lie a is h,411r ,t- "fI ta ro tc b t n t'pbtialv " ~ iFOR BOYS FRiuiii K. Who 1i> h.'oi gttlty of rttrh a , ariz" t' hlil ,guil' Tli 'v did th 113 lethoi Oaust Pay $550 l tta ,"thlfI' Ott aceili' fltic fart itai, seven or elgli hES S LA E -d"us,.xacitV abat Ap~pie, ha men eutii ted tbe aitbillbard hlm FOE STU L N E inow ,.no:, isha,',,trtatd,,confes. e and, trcerding la th., <ottrt îrd- Apfiey FttOM TIIEN ON t,dfat the tIrst $100 bas hren pald .ser '- h denîrd bis guilt and wlten the r't' I thecons(ýatr, fr Grrn.ivi) tno, ~t r wau:te coma t.efere te blard rf Steps Already Taken to Honor ~tgerty'1 butwh when he wa) -upersosrs at tha itine session ha h e hoGv ie pontd v hecent cur, a-gave promisecfo maktng a fIghtý deputy sh erif. against ancetev e te oust hlm ef is For their Country Thus, the Miing o e alies andtiposition as Asuperin tendent. He had the paying of the mono! brings an bis attorney present and fit oeked as. «nd te th is"sgensatitnat scandai and tifiuggh a flght was going to be on. F D ALREADY ASSURED ,.hows that after al the efforts -nrf However, aliter the commttea went FN A certain omen te malte it appear that ito session te considar evidence ha- Apptey was "tiersecutad," that hisa rt-foeasny evidence had been presented ialty did commit the offense and ttOw the auperintendent formalty tendn'- Committee Is Namned and AI- lam sald se te the werid; ha bas ed bis resignation as suiernlendeut ready Tangible Steps Have Maid te the worid what lie said te of the county fatam t it§l sald that BenTkntFiac the seven sttpervisera and otbei's iti bis attorneyms advisad hlm te do soie, aent iac Dr. Brown's office aliter the bad beett ln tact thpy had the resignatien ail caled "te the mat."j wrltteu itefere the committee star'ed No --Persecution".-Just ecencY te go lite session. The beard lm A public ibrary building IR ti' be "*Pltitess prseruttn" y.s etle saiataly fcceptad Appiey's restyna- halte Fores'., memoriat te lits henor liewspaper chargedi thia papt'r wit"i tien as superintendent and itamed ed dcîsd. &fier Ttliait beau feund uancassary,! bits hon, Sehuter as temprary super- Donald R. Mi.ennan bas beau out etfijustice te the balf-wittcd ol wo' j ntendent. At a later session Scbuy- namucd as chairman of a committce ap. IM, .tg bring eut the' farts inl the1J,r waa birad as the permanent .sîtp îlt. yMyr en .Ad case, if it was "pitiiess p. r.,"rtett" rrtntt'utkft. .loneib %ao en LAdn than. a .tareintty Appiey anid iis a.t The ceider Apptro-y ,ie% e, away front' ton, te ralse tuttds sud selpet a site vser' ,,,nsieoredi t w't5 Chea tasie"t the eceunto farm antdai ,.,,' bacc fnr litetemipe cf taarnIng. way ont cf tho,. mattar te puy wb itlivtng wsttb nother son In LII" rty- 'Fite commit taa' -Horace Martin the taw iiays must b, psitt undi r ville. I Itraar.! van flotre Shtaw, Roert J, such crcttmst5nep', Weich Starts Action.t)nam otTtirerCresW Old't antTrii.A taw weeks ltter Stat"'s Atternevl Folds and Oliver T. Wilsen. Tt ig clearly e%îdeut titat APPle\ Welcb look tite case ofti h" la"sone .tOgcdn Arnour bas stated that be did nt wish te face a trialiin this wonin pd clld unid îtril'aIlst,'ntltîttslastlicnier tihe Idea and wl case, h oîuecottrt snt had i conserva. --te "u'. bis ewu tangîtage" eitber Avoids Prosecution by Paying. ter nameti for the ea.tot. 'rhe t st-îlii' d er foot th,- Est of subscribert' Had tbey genelutae couîrt it woutId, cînsiited of the 1o'ýslbia tlalnittt ýit e a iiptîecrlpien cf $In0 000. ifttte tie settlemntt 'e did whorehyl seutan liai alt ArppIa or anc' Howardl vain Doran Shia-w bas offer- be pays stitis wemau tedehilid $55 body Pipe that waa concarîit lpi t'd ol iii" -rvicas bet bas archteet sud the chances are tnt hls arruî condition. She liad ne tîter prtrp'r- upeinoiendcnt of construc'tieon snd .ouid bave beu ortiereti before tenz ty and il, cottntv court 'ottslaerei bas preip'tred a tentative sketch ef and lie weuld lave halt te go inttt'1lit bis duty te name sontelody te tlic building. aourt anid defent hitmseit against tie look aliter ber Interesst at s verv The f,ake Forest boys wbo gave ferieus charge in tquestion. ftls ad- e'idenccd front the tact tbey named tîîîir lIv-r-: viserg ever sInca the, ronservater i a cous.'rvaior immodiatety. Liplt eorge NIcKinlot'k, aviatot- 'was appointed, a ea T'idrn t waa recatted that afier Appt' Feu t.' isint the' Germant inas. phat was the preper Alep t talc ke.1 t cotfrontetl wttit tbt, charge that t ieutî. WalltaC. Winter Jr., La Itl has beau evident that tltev bilha haila beau gtilty of sucb a beuletîs faNth,il',scidrll--fl behlnd Ger beenu parrIng for sonemeIne teirs cfens,. 'ne triai te excuse imseif by m- an lines. endea' or te evade respousihiilty, but -uvliz that there "arç oiters of the Eil, sortit Stoker ,flldof Injuries the admission as sbown by the'fillu rostnty tsrn" a-ho were gsitty equai- s lin.'l ealitlane, accident. 0Df tite parera shows ihey daenîad this ty a., runch is ha Inliais partfclîr Iii uhe't Sandy-Infanlry, dted ef tourrse the butter enaet ofîte two. case cf the baîf-witted weman Titis dl'asse i,>,7'le net gene ite court avorthead(thatprio' iI etrs feit ii NWillianî StndlyBrothrr of Hauban bavt an necessary te bring eut al nt exelise bis postiotn but 'de iTt iiliati in action. the a-rcea the stata essensadlu tthe moe)'itoieattlttte t'iuk lwrC.tare-aderss thîs n ,. Tt wouid bave bean nec. that lie, as superinttndant. w.auld par- C'r'. .Josephit seee îlled Iu se- essary .ýbriug afor the court the nmt sîtch a lhlug te ge ce. tien seevrat -pervisers who h.'ard Ap- Both Sent Away. faob nTaa Klta(ti lu action white ptey tetl lat spring that bha asathe Ailter tetLarsenl wettt a Lae ilgtilng wilt Canadians. iuitty Party. Tt weatd have been tept ait the county faraitfer semne Oscar Jelting Dtad oe t sease lu secessary to surmmen Dr. A. F tima foitowing the birth of lier child F,rc'mpoefJ.gduA or Brown, the ceunty physilan sud lits specil arr'tîtgamaflts warlre msdc Iouls Yore, lilad lu action. sacretary. Miss Iva Foq'vor. whereby - ha 'sas takan te th e bra_________ Pacte Inte Case. fer de'nena nlsleLincoln,.111i. Tbere~ v uooie rstdtgte Tt la racatiad thntthie aratmsîsia he ar thebahAbare sît l Iving eln,; wo 'j't t. l r c rasiotgpt,, I "iii,") file %vilj iU)illai, - formaily caite fton, ,Xtîili, Uii tultls.- iV, if t4' 3 ' fi , 0w ir,.. it li illi î,l- iSOity. svre is, fltews: I'-es t ' - es r'.a , it r' Iri't ,Cwc' A , e' . , ý:ine"r,,l'rt ('OMJ, .Wt'd Uu C Ill.ttiuoj r:,ay, ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEA-R IN ADVANW You're Wanted on the Phone PRIZES AWARDED SlIELL SIIOCK ,VI&' __________________________ IN THIE VE6ETABLE TIM ESCAPES FRI ~ ~ ~ - j i SIIOW IELD JERE UFT. SIERIDAN ç \t ,,'î .gais . 1, L;eta in, ,i, r ' itl.- wce, an siinted t,rgpr trIai o, andi',;- 'con Makes Euape from Guard, Saturday Niqht and Wan- ders to Hi ghland Park beau irc teti. J.îti tir& t .ir 'hi;t% D b 'c1 WIUE SEARCH WAS MAU bi u r- s c i t r' t i t a tt s a S ix ty -th re e P a tie n ts a t H o sp 'q.'?, t~r 7n, 'r tltal ow Epect to Hv il d.1 tliail guru ters adrail s t zge i More in Near Future i lite atetautî(eeîe'nt Iv t1"-, rl'' IIrr t ttit'n . a shiel sbock ktl ntg 'il estatitccract tt r i r r l'tes t ,,, .iz< g'asrnfent bespital r .r .r~~~~~~ - St .v ý l. te willtIll arran .'i ri s j tl 'i r aa .c ae gtrd 85 àa 1I Irda rpégursSt lit s(',. , i . Sii. î ia tlît.and aitile sttfarlng i 'Ftour ira r' t-redi att ,! ila tnpîrary uberatfon orougbt on t~V5P'V / '~'~~"('f ;,' w sli leratf,>Ir.I, Ilir r p s his lujuri. s, waeîil daway. lu oI. . dt.,' 4 ir. tit î ,'a usc im s' ,Iked tii tlîe w ,y te iHighland-pli Ii ýr ý,l t'jIe fil, ' (,*e' ', jý n d .iwss tritausti d wltau ho arrl't 1. 't1il 'a', i " 'r or,- e a ; l e .in o o in,' rn e late In - rr ' ' I'. r ' a il a, i vjt e' t'.ltig aliI a in d ftor foaod. ' .Il", t ro it ii t a. r ' i r"- 'T he Nooneys were iîtireased - 5" ~. a' i r Cri- . xl lii 1. 1,. ir. n it , ia nzie artice o n, and i t r i r,, r nIITii,'0 erai j1le z, i'ar i-il 'li ' teinet food In erder tieat ha mI4 r.for ýastne. i t g. t tsViy for the fleme baing, la l'ira ('a i'i si r'I ', t ' iii i trelle utitorîtle -' ltt davcooi 'r'lli :I 'ar - i'r. tt > .I l- t.. trt offil îs rt tFort Sheridan I r' I j îrr ~ieîrr f j-,rf Il a Ii .,s jrr'a ljt.titg a seai'eh fer the' - iii, i .- n r" 1.IaliInt lie as,'tak~en bh t 'aI . 'i led ri' i i pi;tllîi- ,fti o t 1, 1 j It' rt il rr: i e', triti)'ni' In that manuerlit r.liji . .r-r f tn I d ne(-, '.'ry tot a'tabl tIlr"., I J. i l l ;r 911 I,,a bultttt teliolpita tio 'ceep1 'i O~~~Wr. Tel orra" ti -'. thI .,'- t i, .j itt iii front esauculiig. -49" ïlisSv Inr.i t 1 il of thre firiit,'i A t i e preset tien-a atotat of' r" .,.. '.îj.-n' 'il '. s .ar Itahi ,,ltre bting cared for at ,r i ' j. .wl ia ', r .1, t' . . i t Ptit t Sheridan. Ma _____i rh, 'a i i.r i.e. If tuetr. re "bell steck victema V - ~- '- .." oirts'r hr.'l, en lus'alided homte i t l ' rrf $2,1(r r . tl r .i rît cautst'eof naîstrd gas lhurre. Wil 1 ý foIt I0 t-ta',e ri rl I i t tise tterriture ttegoivarumii t pli DRYaWET F111111 l16UILAND PARK I-i trîji , x ti , i a ,- .'a îtîît'tt Isrger number 0f- All rt: ,t,,Nr. l tI, a,i of tîetvville'. iicîts a i te hospitai as tmpro M AY BAR ALL LE6= liillSCIIOOL DOR- f riIorne. S l, 1,rtclslcIieo, lji"clitents attd additltis te the prli t (ty e.'Fstrnt: sweat cern. ("trI" ;buildings al the fort wilt collt. i.v,,hye Wattlleaî pop-c",ru. wards cof $1,000000. Thase addltld ISLATION TIHIS YR.' MITORY FOR GOBS brsSezy carro. l{ery Swan- arc ieing ruslted wIth alatt l he axi;- tet's ' ct and thIe cit i-pitntpkitt. WiliIant ('rrn'letta (tfGi As seen as the waather beffl Zens la atitrifine, do not ltnow itjTure: cabbag,g".Chria Sne-,zîtr ;rotia-,colde r Il will he ueceesary totarit Fifty Cots to Be Placed in In. baga, L. B. tiauterd; parrnlpr'. Mr. te patients aven ctoser for 5"Il tIfteli,,iltîtipe t!Pn tiuins acisCn 1Maxhatu. Libertyville, ltub'atrd rvsutt,'front exposura moighit fl tef thre rIio dernfe ldt ttuins acisCn I squtash, Mr. tiaxbam: ali. Je t riresa. that afeit î i, idtr.ctty lis tl Spend Night There j Adamas. Waukazan. ________ essautilty îî c'a lit wet _«ld~~ Second prizes cft $1 each wera sue. Scarcely a singla measure fpOja're sfles oaesR targar Iumportatnce bas, bacomte a îaw APPEAL TOTHE CIVILIANS by; oroiM iit h2nm TIIRILLINr In Ilinois lu recen yeasrs untît it bas i À_____ SanIn f Grnet umptlnGe passed througlî lagistative teests that SwaBslrsewofa iGure. epmnrv wane. the ordinsry min ncatirnotundarstand i Want CtBoatcFa atrstow;pab 5 Henfry Swhard n EPISODE SPOILEI> For the lrt tîme In 100 yesrs cf Ctsqute -ea aes, CL.B.erd Cole et a r existence ftleIlitnoiîs grirlassaut Consequences if iackies Go suaE MAKUdColeo Wuegn ge 8abu ol r n bep,,.eOthers deservlng thonorabte mec N TH A I atnd aotte' l' u obsn' to Chicago tien fer dlsptay, ara: Tobacec,pantI T s bohuse, Thli. présumption seeme: hy Mr. Hartford cf Waultagan: targe te exist thut tir," Itinois teglslattîrc, squash by Ralph Grat of Waullegau; ~ ~ soyrahsu witt ratify ehi- fedlerat prohiition "Lend a Coth" large baet by Chas. W. Perier. Wau-AuItrsig@oyes«»d amendotant,Ti tthe braweriesas tdi 1kgn le qah .A igly itbertyleiaytuîh ver, otiy retai distileries atiorfbusiness, tb-C Tbst's tise apiteal thatIs ls en aa1je r squaeh, C A. KcgslW Chicago i.,. a'iist lte bfeoma dry attdî made by elt" WaVr Camp Cotiitiituty lof Waittltan; endive, scotch 'tale sud alrssdn e ok uaIl filit he iqor IIeu Isdisosd o Svip i iiglan Pak.ThI Per-vegetabte emarrow by Mrs. t{uak of shttol I insasouthera liSte. W tad thetit-rell da i ipsdtf esc iIlgits ai 'i, lp-Sheridan ttoad, SXatltagatt; iisbarl wailiti ig rtitd lit Chicago tOhe t sud, ~ ~ ~ ~ i 11rfr" ed SIiIdStteo ,wnship higit sctelita.,squash, Roy Arulsen of Waulterau; day lu searcla otlad vetiu.i, he welatlf .lust Begin toe Figlit. jte : le-, st'to uca dat eill-t, for large delileous3 squash, wigbiug 32 hItl a pîscy e l t.usiltass wherf sa m Par front il. 1lite salooun's ccla-nemhes oh elal opcr bas, jîîst Ij.girst,, iglt. Ttîey ,-n j(reat Lakte'- caiers a very 'att rds 1 pîîdsty otu chaî,po Crnellta illes are mployed. Bsiis tha thy ne oly oln Itreacton. niht.Theaperi tosuply oteisby %Ir. Keulwuf, îscrsatali ie trttnitît trorîu thatho muet b.l Iha ttep St cut oîn bue ctîît nlhi.The uîtel e sppt' etslupuutpttus ,rtnd carrots hy f ou-tlets î~ boy." îusl returued troem F'r Thair pla'n <(atîl iesu2gests It h elttg faill' e oresit.'tts ,of I tigititti Nttchselcf Stautseran. los-îtti i- tiîtdai ,'s epyh the W t S trl r!~' i it)' hI co d ut, l'ark. H111,011 lîta im .e 1,'enrli'It rir lis t lizo for rte"ha. t garl. otl I aj as a domrinant ttî'ler ait Springfield, utelaîaîelletlst 'rî .i, t', itabo hlde.~stiaus. ltetug Itna parlicuiarty 0 for sevarai -.-a'.lona et the 1tagislattirc Mj Dst'bls wrri Ix-ltlttiatood, hea answerod jeu Yet tec, ale" Niriraliy tlta5'thitsi,' elle teîioNwtng aipTe .tî M tr. Jell. gTlbhsl', wr t-l' taIgdex-inc iratti ihat ~ o tb rdt te re imlhd" LFN> 'O.ldthe arrangiug eofts0,1 ilisasd utke a letttu t~o ik tbreur'h tht"r lta, etIe trwrb'. 'is-War i'Ctamp' C tnîiIV 5r- judging sud awardltîg tlIi r.z tAe u:::1tîlyseotisu dlsit,-resaui Iiesslcn tice prorir . fo.'r , se ioiI 'rSat- leliailttil ust aril et the crit i trdlrvnliht r id .stte'liyaiy f l rwn- i p lotI a littittg aecouait of l T W N EDM N staIp ligit school. CARSON NE VILLE, i' eda lpe ttti el rnhgret lI V S RIESIN lt'yfl ir t otl l gt ý Iý iRAYSLAKE Boy SE~ ~~~ ~L'.:~ Chcgwhet"r, elfaielP1IcY iin r r tt trticries, wt'n tboy camrte espdd ST5TU svere. V R LY IJ aRE uponthtetakaIsr auj errwu prince lu DICATINfiS AT S iilT.INS 001)('Atr 1'~\r. rIN igft a lkT Sheridan Base Hospital, 20 'Vîte."trvitte riotslier sigle','ds tae ad om]wàatce lt Ar om Tusdy litan arre reqîtestt'tt te communicitte of WeII Known Man of the thbat wutd have blott i wo A91WO w Are omig - Thrsdy tle fortteleRWta. S.,ndwicl chalret'Il Western Part of Countv uties tue placet As ho was aox The 4 laterriq wh recntly cof the dertnitory commlltee Tho- tie"h'ach hjcotr pic turuad frotte ovarsaas are new quar. wo olectl adbedngar l'-1 lteu tu 'ait relttif ho rollad a cIatt terad Ilu 1h"wst end of the new hos el Ill cotîiywl leittu. I, l"rbih- s t of Itaat .tr c ' N." ClAt tilltelca tsuut you pliaI buliling.No. 94. Port Sheridan, etn so htCro l.N, ttri ila oet yugl Mo5It off ltse patients are sufferting D pieu tîtie hpresapnt tîttith atvung yvlî t rayslae'.e. , i .e'îa.', riat bertyv'ia, a foramrso ittan(,IlssrIttou olîstrfareet i.irSturIvwtnitlddlunFrantce No fit thr stat' utle oftd îu. seuduotficier, a -lady re mo e i s itait sho t wAeu t ena haîf re and Su r id -ave r s st le 't ih ln rk m e tî is adull e tof l'h i tt r .and hi') troti to w to ara real aruti el gr l patintsarrvedThirgdy, avt'-erntaf e l"ltrg ýiaconthroaloc-,relatis rs hbac! hea,i ntIiig fltVtie î.ared rpothî,uIe lacete. Witbout As, oti beys are now retîtrning iAscaue o slîey epi e"e ehi"-e on'way of datils. luteniltu ti fbterrupting a o- A5I Fgreat mscy wbli ho lnterested Inlu a- :tnd litpy ave1 p. oî.t" *rIo Noville i.. about 21setrg olI antI sidutuN'Ot lu ie5 kuowing wbat variotns tripes en tise got te f"lirt goTen h pelt orofletlite b"'r.t kntewîtr.,inig mnl ld pnrcur)ZIIIte. slecava stgnbfy. A goid sltripe.on a Higchland Park feit that tiies w't a, Iln (rtysî to is.'sinlis. iII.' I-i t te stan! --z '"A'iet e tIl black backtgrounad plsad oc thte loft ni staîs"- As a result ttiC>'ilt u of t"F, \.Ritr1s.-."Ii s l po i ., Il- i - t, .li . I -tr-iti - i ' r- ' li , - IirIA -t 2% r, I i l oi t iw j s~jîti' . Want. For Baie, et: ela in tels Na ti rretl5 htOV'u 'eî"' r~ EPENDENTjrali 16.00 persona riai' l t.t ii ' iî. F S ,LK vainscloe.aokty. , à,foî i, eatîu r 'leeoe5 - Lake County'-s Big Weekly CaudltosCreste :baa otheîWeekiks win.(unty Combined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN