CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 15

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-. LIBERTY VILLE The New-The Old IN'~LAINE I At the left is Capt. Scales, the new commnandant BUT TIRIJT STARP R~tfWDy NKS at Great Lâakes; at the left is bis, predecessor.Wvho ' CARRYr KS just left for sea dutNy As cormrandant of the Battie- 09S ghip MýisÎssxippi.> H. C. Coulson Says Task of E. P. Sedgwick Sends Out Ap- Gettng Jobs for Sailors and -patoPbcto NtLes Soidiers Is Sig One Up" iln W. S. S. Move WIU.. NEED MUCH HELP FOUR STAMPS FOR EACH ACCUSE WILNELM FOR Says t Wold Bea MitaeDEPORTriNOVYOUNG Say itWoud B a istkeOur war wark 19 flot donc. Pace GIRLS FR059 FRANC£ not o Gve osiion tomust lie permusitly e3tabihll at Parla, Dec. Il.-Prosecution ofthie Hundrds o Patrotsaur army muet be broughl back and kaser for atbdtictileîsad etroat- - demobilired. Ail war bis inmi e ment of French wolnen and girls la Thie ebtalnlng of positionis for thë paid, hungrv snations muet lie ed, ankedl by an organisation of French huIéio oder n alr h devastated counttriés must lbe re- vomen unlted uniter the naine of b-k d."Lill1e Iothers." They have started WOOauke am n e aCm Ylalg A. Save oný- Salve now! This ls the legal action against the former em-. anW s auk andet L ey C. u CI18 la ant manth 10 huy Sar Savings peror imiter the camman criminal ,to whom the job bas been assilgiid Stamlps, ta lie redeemed ln 1923. lava. by the governseflt as < thet co. Each Wa Gavlng Stamp this mclith TIse-charges are that the Geridan~ operation cf every man, wcman and la $4.231. In 19231 Il cen b e. echanged commandera In Aprn, 1916, actiag chl u h out.for a five dollar bill.agiter lhe orders or Ilstuet of ,*ln manI instances the frma WbIlb ion't forgaL that thrift mtampa% are William Hahenzollern, causeil young emplyed isan me befre te *flont redeemtable tînles, excbanged for girls ln occupled totwns La bc deport- bave btle the positbons open for War Savlngs Stamps, Fil]1 odL pour eitfronm their familles and subJectod thos a ndi the young men vili lip, thrift carda witiclx you have started ta ignomlnoa treatment yakntrllvteu a sitfl and get a war savingm stamp, If you These gi-lis ere eften foreed ta froint this office," Mr. Coulsan Raid. want ta cash Il in* and get the Inter- associate closely wltb wamen o! lis.,. --But there are bundred of csa -__________ est ln 1923. moral charaelter in German townaI vbere thîs a fnt the plan followed. W UK ANLC S adjustnient, progran" for the first veY man. womnan and chiid la says the nrganlzatiofl. The positions of the men now la ser- lime odsy wbn bundrda o he cuty1 ikdehv nlt vice have been filled bY other men .jN Ratv«y P. Lewin s te10act as timeWod.ayfl an ugirlseplofed n Possession at least FOUR War Ser- ingadteortierse edand hgirlsLb PREIDENTTO RlnH RANC or by vaomen and itlaefnot going t. ereaytu the new county ireas- big industriel plants la the City WeeThe tms or fthe endof l n th.nd EIDN ON C 0F AONCEO hean èz asy tank to gel back on to itirer,.Mir Bracher. Sbe tarted lier laid ohf. WXhie no liste have been Th wnortecuyti adcetimèbss"-dtes today. lIrs. Lewis a few days gis-en out of the nianber rof opçiq-a q l oatafflc" par Brat, Franche e. il-The United ;P. Cusnn pointa aut that menis go esturnedt fron a sti-eral weeksq' tuves wbase turne cegaed tlua evenlngth oOM,:BeFrnD IaCtigrera. business men and rfs stay wth bier husband lisne York. ait tfe v&rious factorlIl a s t satd ZrihPer Capîta States steamer George Washingltoni sinlisPCnadt rtetentM.s-I eenywsmd ar aeZrc ......... $36.00 wllh Presîdent -Wilson and part; by oalli u p ace dthaeat ertendnt Mr. Leisrlneay ande a wor of mel n ownuleadrks ht one tl fluwthorn Farni............. . .29abraad. changedlits course after leav. Mtr ba ie adplae iegidiera ntuant fierolate teNw Oran Lfter ~ousitof tewho <luit conrtons would ,Deerfleld .....................102.g.h Aaes31.02 rIvslir voaiedyae elntlglthebl nrue aNo rlaîsate outo!te bagdnddtin wud acad............0rrirvel dvicec teLlunnul Hfi a b r e l egays It vould e a b c b h a g es n a trip o France r a o e h u an t I IWh a uc n a . . . . . . . . ..c00 r s n a v n e o h i e a n u e amataxe for hundrads of thesflinfinewth is course of! lnstructi<en. tories. -Masy of the o pralives terytla......... 1L8e.occrtgt avlvrls i mnt euneran idAftor bis rcturn ,he will ie nmade a l'yCusan R eeie !Iusselli............. ......... 19.44 pateh reeived taday. 'The president tbattEtlanemlpnitfrtanesg.fiantcefrmteardaren Lake Villa ................... 18.00 nov ls ex»ected ta reacb Brest et 1 tbatýtbere 1RoundeLape......for.........17.30. o'cloc noFrcdayrmornhngwainsleadtoneat I& amaay instances local fatorie3 Word bas been roceived ')y hî bis lits bother, Lt. Raymond Coulson vat, RourndL...................... 1.307 so'dIck Fin ea fernoo n. île ofvit csre tablas back old aemployez vbO parents that Carl Obison ai 1119 wounded sllghtly Octobor L.HGband P......................6.76 depart forlnParis aI 4 acloclien the bgvq beau ln the service and thîs la Wadsvortb avenue who .eas gsa.ed A assaied verdict whlch was returned fox Lake..................... 15.90 afternaon. aMi*liï r. Coulg0fl's office te a5mark- white serving o,:-rseas, bas itr-ed l ieh Mann vs Pearl case leist Batur Rajînie ..................... .14,3-5- tg çsatt la cases vrbse thera arel la tbe United States and proajably dlay afternoon was openoed ln circuit nlie..........41 gp4efl fer the yonng mon freab vili ha transferred ta a baîpital un-~ couit ibis afternoon. The jury gave LaklesFae .t.................. 1.2g RI IR RS OSIVK fMo the cservice a favar vill bp be- tii he recovera coniplelely. lise lîlîintîf! $62460. . 3.l Brî,Gray ody e.9 #bffed on tisan d on XY. Coiiisofl Chcago la doomed. Exactly why, Ala atî eft' iebr fWaLiwdrth .................. 10 eln emnMody e.9 àgget elaspoyaie wii apri-Il hm hw orWittn. olly. wh di Vie Ait f Cptai MPrairiefie Vievo.prarie.................. 22.5 ~5iîIf mploersvii cMisahlm ey r vea. olia wh dl tlcnowa vilI remain t Waukegan, foiWltrpHbr...... 1.4 -The Garman cabinet bas sent a bey i moni Cea plaeed. doamlng Idunday et Zion tabernar'e, today the balance of the bord vas de Winre....................... 12 relss6esaeta tbe Russian gar-j T1berIî are mors or leu. oon.iag for ididnt erplains. "I vill tell yeu." lbe llvered to A. J. Dupuls, North Shari LaIte aluif....... ........... .9.00 crismelit asklng net taese'sd a delI- uMW lelaborers la Wankfflad i tdamelareet at vithîn the next few dan ruadt. He now bas Oive et hi aNrBlCufcag..............3gto aBri o ofrne is. Wou anbctnfplacen utoberPo1 pea thie wrd ii i a ottde ome. They areaail fine specimens. Waukean .....................65 plannad for'Dec. 16, Th,eaon giv.i «Wj eoff uin t er mPasios ar.p p le" Brooks, sion of Edwird liens'sallors wba have bean tâtlen (irayslake...................5 6 -n was the "lleent situation 1lai, .a~bl a flilg eter uOllous i Caresoff the hosto at eastero ports r i- Antiocri ...................... 7.50 Gernsany." The Russan holsbeviat' eotel'atiou ail allan the linse. alter aervlng la the Canadian srmy. for pendlng their final disposition. Il Zion City............. ........ 4.00 tire committoe of thseotllera' and Tbe pepulation of Gui'nee was D-là- hiaad that se far during hitelias itllghvaad .................... .?,àvorkingmen's counicil against the cressed hy tva yeierday 'w'en week 2,700 such men bave arrivPd ah E. P. SEDGWICK. wishes efthte Cabinet îiaugters vere liorn ta Mr. and Mrm. thse station, s80,vIsile many men arc 'TÎUST F ND TOGeorge Winter and ta lîir. and Mrs.i beîng releaised, man ymora of titis 1 Ear Washbxrn.1 character are comlng ln. The impoi- FOCH WON T LET FOES COM- AiLueryvllle farmer vas arrest-laneoret1cq s gi PERSHING NAMES ADDITION- MUNICATE WITH PROVINCES, edFrda n cate o!luntlng manifesta itself for the mon heing AL UNITIs TO COME HOME u~nrn~witbeut a licee. He vas fIneet. sn eenvcmsTa i at abntn .~,~ 3.AIi Paris, Franc, Dec. 1.-Marabftî Hiearestwas mde b Depuy Gae sen her now onsel fren ai pars Wasingtn, D.c., ubas1.refusa.: batreeuraquaeiteqe c! ftth â.)IIARà)~YILJ ardn Hnni Kou"Isa r * tlonai organizattqqs designated by German armIstie delogates thit tbey bee ovr qicky ~emvarto r3nsr nlht n elebWtln c e aente-ai. annassncad.taday hy tihe var de- the provinces West of tIse Rblne nov brtrondse ak o ren20000aeoalwork," Raid Glenn timth toas Juat Dr. Bair, the stete suparlatandent of section, signai corps; batteriea A, B, commande r.ln-nbiaf declarad that It' pledlutia ae i'at atca mter returnlng Tfram Detroit. Ho publie instruction vihl maka an adt C. I) E and F beadlquartéris Company; vas necessary te maintain thp bloc'i-' b"au Ca trust tiane for maintenance added: "They are ftst turniag Out drens. Tomorrow ilfter Dr. RanhaEl supply compansy, headiquarters of eade of Carmany as provlded lis' Use o! flevarai bele la the Chicago LYlng- 200.0 pleasure cars a dav." Yen-av and Dr. Nollen of the L'aIver. ,t aimn os rtleycrs;amsIe la IscpiW lfer accommOeUD Olf m m 8vrwstidfo a! liosSh eietcatatllr op;amsie via t aite a. ia MaySorrvs re ors1' fflhosvil spea' Music lat battalian 814th pioneer infaistrY his o lsvsrtied en. pfrtirn- bere.satla cunty court today, wlli bc gIvon ly special talent o! icolored); 172d and 174Lh sera squad- - .- suces o! thea "Great IAiee Revue." vsoudnanadtae 10teCm; llGth, 3Olst nit 316th trencs la ocgntia e ttaratmaîfai-iisae asylstm et fgi. The Ladues' Aid socicty of the Gar- marIer batteries. in thy Captin oa n re a. itettla Dr. Barman vrltésehome that ha ex mani Congregational churcli vill meet ________ theestthlissmnt f his.belethse pecte ta ha dlscbarged frott the madi -rbursday atternioan, Dec. 12 et 2 p. the at shulsha t a thoseaba ri. ly ha home hy that dtme. Haelias at the home 0f.Mra. G. Scbierscbmltt. d rtn aIed te s end Ana l îeaa et Fart Ogletisarpo, Ga. 134 North it. Her daughtar, Miàs ~erly Noietat Clh, nsmned aftor I oJe Jaric returneet home Saturday Elle vii entartaîn. Ail ladies are ih1- 9z olunet dangitar o! Captaîfrin CampZachSry Taylor, Ky., at vilcd as thora vil!lie business of lin- an Mr#. Moffat, . brn recently ln tr recdztng lan 6snorable disnharg atne from tIse arms'IlIe vas in the ofi- r. Alrabish h a sdcag 7 tii. espltl. cr' training school, but becauxse of jof Camp L.ogan .;Ince the n1svy bat; -bis recent severe scnyes., he fFe;- hlt'lild tha camp vwas Monday re- NOTICEbtter net continue tha e orse. Sa hisc, ad of tIse duties andt a man namcda NOTCE hen t vas stated ail cesld resigis Patiant succeeds hlm, The number aof PULI NTIE 8 ERO GV ho wshdhelokaseatae f len et Logàn ta lieing redubsd rapidly .4u EN isai the Board ef i..oa>lU5PoYe.and nov I stipe ta stay. in tc a mp lis wgty d j monta o! the City of Nortb, <7Isloeb Kenosha toit tjse veighit of the 'ra plPted. lAite Caunty. Ilinois. bas Bled la thea Rayîssond C. Ruissell o! W ukagan. Cdunty Ceut o! Lake ContyIlliisl va mngtos r da i hCame, c :certifiata tbat. thse !.àioviDgaK ln 1v' SjN M E& iGardon, Ga., contraI officers' train- pisvsitli a s encmlteth ng sebool an Monday. Ha was cein- tbik t conforma suiutptiafî f5ufnthe nr ilstoned a second lieutenant ia the rd*urfflents o! tihe orignal ordin J53iIL1IE~I~ reasrve cor, s and, vlth tba otiso", - sileW tIse construction cf tisa saine vas inmedlately retired. taswt: S i RNiID IP Miss Lydla Van Slyýe dili t Mn- P The pavlng andt othevise Impral . F RIN i FRANCE L Alîster bospital ibis, marning egeet 1.5 the roadvay cf a portion o! Teatt' The fatherieýss ehidreis o! France F2 years. Bbc 1liaitheen slck but a Btrmet troam Ianeparafai vwitIs and'arepang ta0Ameica for aid. short tase, bing taken ta tbe bos-,m t ývfty.os S) etE'to h 0-Ta re '600,g00litîle ver urphans pltal Sundas'. Sbe llvpeiat 409 South tcst lina of ase treet vesterly ta th( la France vIsa must lie helppd liefoa Park avenue and vas a sîster o! Rd- WetUe o! Section Tirty-tbres (33)ian. 99 by base beoomaffeted wla Van Siyke. T.susllp i'oty.vo (45) Northb i, four years a! suwr and unîcîs ve ietla.Jr., j 3-year-old son of e Rang TvePýe (12) East of the Thîrd nAeie<nhl 'e o.ssryJs, Ollos o! 310 Soutb Vetory st. Principal, Meridian. Laie COuaty. Il et thsà lW111 folow thelir soidlr fait avec a littie wagon wbite puay- lninls andeW t. thie saine lîeing Norîl' rthers tuaa <e glorlous death. lng in Iii.4 yard andt frantu" ne oflO --- Chicago apeclal aosesament o! sais' TWO Cents a day, $3 a niontb,$.5u ie I arma et thse ebosw. IMN Collirt; Docat No. 103. ay.avii ave anc o! these chil The Waman's Foreign MissienaryBA Pl Tha Board aise ceftlOaed te the CORI dren. Not ans' c'ild, but an,, whos soclets' o! tbe Cungregational church LVL thbeot jad tise saine estimated thal name age, aex and aderess vili b'- j vill meet et 2:30 Tbursday a!tarnoo's'qWAC Je rettifired te pay accrulng Interest sent yaa Immediatals' and whe oVg l~iDec. 12 litIshe home Ob lira. Fre-d1 iWRS ons bonde and vouchersit asseet ta Rn course will write s'ou tas most gratte E SrI. 312 Ans e t. Ail Women Inter- NCL tidpat6 the collection e! saiet assessa fui ler yoenoser reclvcd. calîing osted are invitedt. IVR * ment and made applicatlcli ta sais'yos ieIL beenfantor. Vîtors' hingrT 'he L.ades Aid of the Swedîsb Luth -. C Court ta Consisder and deterinri rejolcing but it cennot bring bank h4 eran cburch wilI meet Thursdey ai- vbatbar or tnt! the tacts as staîe Ir 1 France tIs e mn vIo for years bain erioon et 2 'leck int the clsurnh #4a ecrtlflcaté 'ara trime. A heaInirfouigt our liattles. It nannt rI-- parlor. Mra. Bd Conade and Mis.. vi i e hato a hesalet applicatien or,, store lired innfs ttl-s- ;ul'Noînan viii serve. tIse àft dcy of DeaaMber A. D. 1918 lcilîdren wbe bave suffpreet se muni Tva intoxicateet monvres talien K d eIthheur cf 10 'eîaci latIe fera Wtvecntsevîiltele akoc r !tho..oi lunhîy thî.police,, Tuestady tntishî. 10.0 7.50 - 850 K dk puesio f sasid deyat hé Coutsy Coussj Chiieren ifor onc day. o! Tbey voeegiven the emial'y fn îc ,B o~ ,G a goisRaid Court Inthe Couffty 'rite vomilusi nomnîtte f r t)- Naof $740. Bak r w ,G a Cour Rote t Wisk..n ha .al .tlnaiCoun..o!.iefnso. t .'a1hç.-IG-rge--- nt nines1ou--bveAd q trl»e1i W.uld R«tum 1$ Tt was a very hot day and the klnd- erted iceman had given a litti. girl place of top. A newsboy isk.d ber. r it, but the rstufied ta Ulve It op. ,w ahucksY sumd the boy. "l'il Ulve baek to a u0-I only want the micae t of It.'1-Bton Tianucrlpt. If Lindi ~s Afi ages o OF COURSE you are "Wonder- Jifig" what ogie"the boat> man, for his Chritmes. Dis miss the worry t once and shop at this store. W e will be very glad 40o assist you in every way we cmn. -AKE MIEYB ---BWI-TIRS -4COLLAIS -Eux-CAPS -- SUSENDEA -G-GAOTEU -TDRIVCNGNGLOVES -LAL LEP I--NOG nanRMENTl l -FUICAPs ep & fro. -HOBIERY 113 NrthWeÂR ,Stet -BMn'sit StoeSo al WheRtSWoensÇit shoul be smethng tht ae pou oelect ons -ref lrsélonG ul no and w lay JwyandyucKTdSen irtheîp away oto hwo nîplan ie of oa sre. tlrn le 4oc To persl thingsand ber Cismas gftr shu e o methig hat ihe 1and selet her- would like to give ber. We have assembled a most unusual line. Let us~ help you chooge ýIre gift. It wiilI be a lasting satisfaction and a compliment to both vours'ani the reeipieflt's taste. IB BRACEILETS BURtEAU SETS IIROOCLIES HAT PINS VANITY CASES SILVER PENCILS CUT GLASS igaisBros. & cameras J, ewelers & Opticians 112 N. Genesee St. Open Evenings Tilt Christmas standt làisI seMan cd t' bb aboult halait the ,« thc tari »latnt libi Ibo extrein cd repeats but Ihat il l'elle!. He Smc compe tbic noige vara, Mali litIe loe e te go te Ib At tîmet 'feh, haile hlm ta s"tu ha reti'"d fired bIs fered.Il, h -tamllp va tisa, vers Msny timt $lobt. The a d tee plant, Outvas 04 li. Thse cal Was licd court at thea defol panlted 1 4eavcring 8IOGER Wlsen sagumned Confronte than any proviautil: The r imw whl pear IL il « Illinol «ech spr eollected b"e. -la - iclor'a j astunli, trfaluref tuecs. ebuty ccuuty '0 or force ean ma uneans il lièrsona thc cou tveiveet Thus meail than hi ln tic bis çrel loy bils lmrai g.M. Br. mev Pli etc., lhe coliectil ai IltIse aover le elug dc ing tur fArbr. IL bis fori fortsn lutat c oficeq job 'I ýND RINGS INS ýLIERS HES ' WATCHES 'ACES RWARE

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