CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 2

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LOAKS TAIE DROP TEACIIERS WILL ;î DURINfiiWEEK; IUSa MEET SATURDAY; MNSSRAT1ER DULL, GOOD PROGRAM Loans Aggregate $26,430 and, There willIlbe a teachers' meeting Eighy-oe Istru en inluthe Central achool. Waiikegan, EWhty-one Istrumentsturday startiug t 9:30. The Placed on Recordmong prograin wîfl ble specIal"- - - -helpful teru aud village leachers. 64 CON VEYANCES MADE1 There wiI> bie a writing period lindcc direction of Mr. Hudson sud iwo pi-r. By ý K Boes Ast. ecetay S-'ioda on "Christmnas hand work' con- cuiy ATK.isoand.TAust C. Scrt iy ducted by Miss Wblpple saul Miss Business of the Recorders office forLasnoth ukg col. the week suding November 30, 1918. t There wiil bie a singiig period ini Number of convyaices-64. bhe morning and aftprnoon led ty Nîîmber of Chate Mortgages-4. )Iiss Smilh. Number of Trust Deed8 andl Mort- lu thc afternoon Dr. John A. Scq)ttl gages 11. j0f Norhwestdrf li1nversi1ty, ili Total number of Instruments filed- pei-' on the topic: "Probable Worid 81.eChanges as s resuit of the' Total amount of boans--$26.430. M.Sotsoels erbfr h Business lias; been rallier iet and M.Sotsoi etya bfr h loan belw th aveage.teachers on the 'iNMesopotamia Cotin- S The following are the more Importtyanai e dlge whbs ant deais: 1.51k which proveul very helpful. in Waukegan-~Edward S. Adams! boîîght the George W. Gut 2 ffat buaild I In nort aie Grand avenue. sî A A F K R of Hckoy steetfor nominal consîdiN V L O FC R ertosubjecitoe a$66000 encuma-EOR E EDT Emma V. Smith o! Rochester, N. Y.I look< tite frein Mary E. Randal 1 OTO S A S O RJ«Sihhose on west side'Suth 0T E N Sheridan road for nominal considera. lion. %lany oficers at Great Lai;e wil Samuel Saari boîîglîtthie Jacob O read IiiIem isitli much minen-st Kynberg property on soulli side Cum bruselbmeaus a sîîdden termlina- Mning$ avenue, casi O! MeAlisici av- ion of their shore duls: enuie for $3300. Washington, tD. C. Dec. 4-AIl navy in Lake Forest-RalPh R. Bradley officers eiow th ranis of rear adl- -loght the Thoma« J. Carroll proper Mra wbo have been ualgned to tan t>' on east ide McKinley resd for snd a bal( years ot continuons land $4000 'Iduty are te lbe ordered on sea duty !ln Highland Park-Firank Mutchler as soon as it is practicable. Secre- and wvife bought the oscar Wood place tary of the Navy Daniels anneuneed on matl sidW-St. Johns avenue aouth today. of Walker avenue for $3500. - Before the isa ra ruling was effie'- Theodore Scbeurnianu bought 2 lots tive lu the navy that ail officers ah' lie M.k idgworIdark fronGavehaul been on lwo years continuous sickM trutddfor $21c6e 0. . aeland duty vers lu liue for ses duty. baci trut ded fr $260.The rullug, however, wasa suspended Wm. Alîken bought the Win. tD durIng the cmergency to providç oth- Uighthall estale property at North. cers for Important officers' duly. east corner Oak street and Broad. Secretary tianiels s..:d that lie bsd way', Porl Clînlan for $950. instrucied the bureau of navigation le In Deerflld-ll. W. sud Sarah A. senu te hlm naines of ail naval ofii Ravage bought 2 lots ou uorth aide cers who willilbe subject to ses duty Hazel Avenue froin Ussette M. Necu.ndier the order today. hausen for nominal consideration. in Vrnon-Geo. Fraucia Redmnoud bought the interesi of Michael H. CENTENNIAL PIC- Redmond lu 75 acres south of road lu section 1 for $3500. lE AtHI L1 In Barringtone-Zoa A. Moorhouse jJTjREOFI I NOjI S~I beghât the Dellah . isyne proPertY oi Walnut street adjoiuiug R R for SIO'WN IN THiE CITY Harold E. Tregillus and wife - bought the block bounded b>' 131h sud The state of Illinois vas 100 ycars 141h streets sud Lincon and Taylor aid Tuesay. atreets Chicago Highland tram San lu cominemoration of the <'entcu- tord Peck for nominal consideration. niai the Waukcgau Chamber o! Coni. in WWînthrop Harbor - Charles W. inerce had made arrangements te xeCabe bought 3 lots ou west ide have a lecture delivereul at the At- Sheridan Road ln Bsrtlett's North oytelnthsorofhetae Shore acres for $300 The lecture was lluslrated profube- An Newport-Merrlll J. Achen look ]y by st.reopticon alides. The lec- titie te the Achen fsrm of 148.94 acres tur a delivereul Tuesday i-vening lu ecton frm te hirsformdiby Mrs. Heury B. Maris o! Chicago, cated $13000. sud proved a 7.11 treat te the se'- n Warrn-Charles Farman oughl erai lîuudred people who attended. 20 acres ln NE 1-4 section 10fro= H Thse sldes etahvs.linols; from the H Sponeuberg for $2500. time of ifs birth op te the Dreut _________ -time. The old capitol building, te- Il à% MIR..n. à l iregether vith improvemeuts made !rom U. S.IIJKEAUi.s STATIONED AT LKS. TO CARE FOR MEN Important Branch et Federal t..borService Now is Oe - eratinq at Staion il id. e lil tc- Iz the home of Ucî oehrvt spo.. ! hstoi iterest acre shown. %ira. Marks proveul te be s most ilu terestiî* taîke rand these Wbo ai- alîlle.> No fluer col lection o! pictures o! Illinois ever have been ahown andi scîdom, la one prlvileged tu hear 'a baliser Who la no conversant with a alate histor>'. The lecture vas as Instructive as It. wàg Iutercsîbng. Waukegan Locals Great Laçes wF1 have thie di,tiuc. tian o! being the irai mlitary campli Theic daimo! Mes. Nary Randali to csablishr a bureau tuo Sud enîploy' again..t the estate o! the late R. .1. ment for umen beiîug mîstered out or Smth for %vbom abc vas bousekeep- heing placeul ou inactive duty. This was aunouneed yesterda>'y 1.1-ut ir for maiuy hiarc. vas dismissed lu Roberts, exesutive afficer couniy court Ioda>' because a settie- The Uited States Emiloitsl ment bas been effected out o! court Service Bureau ofthie Departinent ;f wheseby the wido vo! Mr. 5Smith not Labor' ailbe the agent thraugb oly gels bhis houas sud loi ou South which insu about to, leave bbc service Sheridan roud. but oibtains a large <wiii hi'placeti ini postions. ohipi- biock Rf alois lu the Fulton Phouo- fessional sud artisan. Inauguration o! Plan. graphu comîîauy sud a aura of! moieiy The plan was inauguratcd t Great ,qually the value of bbc stocýk. Mrs. Laites througb the suggestion o! ('.lj,- Raudal bad put lu a dlaim for 1240 tain Moffett. A nunîber of commun-î for serv ices as housekeeper. ications bave been sent fronu varlous R.Il. Morrow. Jr., vas omittei f rom concerna offernug ta, place men froîn Ibe ist o! boys lu the navy. le ls the Stat.on ater the>' bave been ni lu bbe aviallon department ai Great tered out. As there waa ndeilit t. 1 _aks. o ...A. Mcçarty. su. way lu abic to take care aI lie, ste nùnv an s,11.H oaBers. Captain Molett oneived the'l-e u snv a. a,11.H pla.n o! bavlug the departinciut af la, _s8eupioyed at the Public Service bor eotaualia ha biancli o!fiisemipioy- station sud ived at Il?, South Sheri- nient bureau here. danI, toad. le lias a vite sud tva The 1'uilcd States Employameut children. liv ing lu Wlmpib, Servic.e Bure'au bas branches lu il ire aof îîukuowu origin iîrobe 0out most e'.ery ciL>' a! the country sud eariy Iis morning at the Goelduu'r man>' o!ftielbusiness aien of tue talNr shop on iSouth Gcnes"c stircee. country are csing tbc organization ta A làtrge pbsî-yglass mrrar vas brais- 1111 vacant positions. er. A policeman reporta .sàavng accu The braucb t Great taises wiilbue the Piarce of anmi 01 slave lu Cie store established at Campi Boone. Mi. ail night liut thie slave was caId Dudley' Waliser bas been sciscted in aben lie firemen arrive uso Iis I5 aCt as representativp o! the serîce. not blabmed for bbe lire. The damage He "llInterview ever>' man wào vas not heavy. cones ta, Camp Bonne to be mutered -Peter XeVermott toda>' receivi-il out s#d If the man bas no delinie fromt the State vounicil of Dteense ani positIon su sight wl iaise an effort honorable diacharge as enrolmentl ta -place hi. Lkevise ail requesta agent sud counit ylabor director. Mr.I for mens reçeived fmrm business bous- Mctiermott sent lu tbe namea o! 2501 « vili bli e rrs to hi.. men a prospective sbip carpetersj Theiilservice i 'li e inaugurateul fin- sud alaIekmarendered Tli'i:h othti.r J.MriVLJm5 V E .5. Y £IN i ivi J. i £ 14 jL J L . ,FJ2 1 : U. L j jSL 1wStore ô0f the CrsmsSii 0Mlo*jà a Ch.ery" Christma-It's the d"spirU' that Lezida Beauty to the Gift. $2 Chamoi Domet- Ki-monos at 111.59 In pretty patterns and J-L eolors and ini good quality_ aund ail sizes. Women's Gîft Bathrobes Special 3.98, 4.98, 5.98, 6.98 jr(Christmas boxes-soft, warrn bathrobei, of blanket matertals in dainty colorings, ail, mauv lrira-'s meld with satin lu a varety dl new sye.ChiIdrén's Gift Bathrobes Special at- 1.89 and 3.9 Cl;idren's robes 2 10 6, $1.89-- (u 14 1$-9 Phillipine Hand-Embroidered Chemise and Gowns 1c_.,4 Gifts--in Christmas Boxes En. Chemise Beatitifil patternsh, fîie(lle ullty, daintîly eflhlîloiîh'i d, ail sizes. Chemise and Night Gowns Special Bt- 2.50, 2.98, 3.50 3.98 and $5 Prom thj_ far off P'hîlip lunes coul." these eX îuî"îtt iîndergdrflwft, baud and hand tmbroiderod in a mostt cliiiiniiig array of sty les. The %îiJt Women "Love"- Ivory Toilet Articles In Separate Pieces and Sets 25c, 50c, $1, 1.50, 2,4i89 $5 Up Useful, Beautifuil, Lasting Ivory conîbs. lair îîushes, shoe horus; huttoîî hooks, trays, powder boxes utirrors, buffers, finger naît files, voeu kniveS', e t. The GIFT of Gifts- FINE FURS -at special holiday sale prices. It la a diffîcuit malter te deacribe such a large sud varied collection Ruffice t te say the nst beautiful fors and stylet; abound. -Mu ffs 4.98 Upt -Sets 15,75 Up -Scarf s 7.98 U. -Coats 107.50 Up. Gifn landiterchiefs- For Mon, Womon and - Childrenj -(Ihîldrieîî's lha',dkere!hief s, '. 1îh<iii a nd bord ered 1'c and 15 e, - Mcns iboxedW1indký' hiefS It 10e aînd 25C. -Wonl's lhandkerchie s at .. 25c, 50c, 75c, $l, $1.50 jýùd $2..* Philippine hand embrioidered i~'- handkerek4iefs 30c L) $2'each. , WÇ4CFI Give "Her" a Practical Gift from the- Northern Illinois'Foremnost Outfittera foç Women and Children Styles of Chtarmi*g Originalty i a Great- Sale of Winter Coats -offering savings unusu#l addSensat-ioflal A remni rd e(aking ovvailol, iuîi- dredIs ( f hand'soîîîe c<it's inithe niost favored 'styles., tîloi'. and fab- CoatK Up to, 22.50 Including Plushes Coats to $30 Coats to $35 Special at- 'Speciai at- 19*75 24*75 At eaeh of the tlîree prives quoted above t heî.e is an assortn eiit. f ot' eî'a1 î'îîîiî ;î.ig theý lewest vrvatiow, of the season; seri-belted, belted ail aronîî<l4, fur lt î'iîîîîîîed and Cat as)to 40.00 Fur Trimmed 29.50. Coats to 45.00 Very Special Reduced to - W -1 mwIp mr O Fashionable models of silvertories, wool velours, Yukon plushes, kerseys. r, llts poin poins, "short beaver plushes" and burellas with pretty fur tiîînniiing uor plain. ,-Coats: distinctive, becoming and reasonable. Winter Suits Haif Price! Ineluiding Our Entire Stock Beea use of the trernendous success o f our Great Ha If Price S iî1 1S4' Nhave deeided to continue the event through to Saturday niglît. Omu cii- tire stoek of handsome models have been reduced for Imine<iate<leil ance t<) cxactly haif their regular priee. Ath eveîît of the i-arest iîîîjî'rl atuce for w<)ieIi and misses- Many handsomely Trummed with beaver, seal and martin: ail colore, styles and sizes. A Saving Event ~ Uncounterparted, a Great Sale of Dresses ý Sp.oializso.d Women'a and Misses Ultra Faaibionabie Models for- Afternoon, Street and Evening Very Much Underpriced at- 10.75, 15.75, 18.50 23.75, 27.50, $35 Dresses in bewilderiiîg varîety f.î'.iîîîncd lhom the most favored fabries into the îîcwesut aîîd most maodels in ail colors; til(ll'Cd <'fects, panneled, plaited, belted, fringed and bîîtton trimn- med modes in the following popular fabrics: -Satin -o Wolserge - Wool Panama -Silk Crepe .-Stypeh New Velvets and Various Combinations. The various lots include dresses ini sizes and styles suitable f« misses, interniediates and wom- en.

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