-r'~ p~w~p 1~ O~UR AN tm1o, md wlta- »~o bic ul i-- WELL DRILUING MâEJtMAN & DOLAI uI- ON CITY n N FBAU RSTOW MANUFACTIJ ER O. arenmd Granite mâtuents inet.ry Work of Ever Description nr.poence 5olicltec 116 -Genesee St l». 1. L. TAYLOR sso ta Fins* Natiemal la un11 Uslh-i 8:80 an% 7 to 8 p. m. iieme on Broadway, opposite Pl Ustli hinais. Z= di"I D. GOLDING DENTIS? Eloures8 B 12S .M.-1 b 5 P. ,Pvr Ffrsh National Bank a Pions 19-J. au. phons 157.-J Uh.ortyvUli.. Danois DE EL HL SMITFL IYDI L»i OeUUTY NATIONAL a555 «M-8 te 12 a. M. suidI1 bo5 aP. n DIL!., Llbsnlp'vlfsDaoist IA.N. STEPI-ENS, M. D. *PSYSICiAN sud SURGEON bslasUeu ireto lb. diseue.of ls Eym, Es, N.a, iireat amevsusmIn.d for OlasO. M»'««e Oua C. TeL 100 Libertyvifl Dm O. F. DU1TERFIELD, VEPERINAIT SURGEON. iUAMWNrAVT srsn M'iAaIAS. UbertyvIllo. llnos. DRt. A 6. CAMPBELL Vcturhny Denist lad Uta,>'SIhI.lJ bulyvillt. III. usakw . eporem. AuIIoe. Ken"c 'Oum.W&MwrthRiueU »an cibi DLHANAN W. COLDY Aftteney.tLaw Ost aB o., Cook Ave. Phoneo Îàn . .VI . ILLIN LYDL IH ATTOSE, Llbertyvili. IL Ph eba disi <Connuel Immue 0110 1Y-u- uhii »ppey t topuy t h l âmemrator for her- «mu-o. ê 111l5 icieil ta"au the Ume A>l pleyvus (enlisaliassau tuho case hq Lau-M VOMM efiweu va booni>' iteemieltu hlm and. mais y uany taqul-losbout hl 311;At aht". dme thestraugeci de-À na ves iel«a maie liaI ho hlm1- mun vurospondthe fou-,hW cciut- lion, a W'auiegaa ouas visietle ceuni>' Ioupital h te lhonberouV" anai Y seel ov suiit feubavads Apple>'.E Tihehf-wited'voman, sttint 0an the lava, viien tue Wankegaaa vm- us tld her asheladlbeu ho tue LaIke couat pont. faim spoke up In basie, and sali: 'How la Mr. Appel" The Waukmgan vaman paisci avor tas remark andi agalu talkoi. about the th- m'ns wo Apple>' bai chsrged 4e tb being gulty. Tbe i-et- ci-once - lthe othern s"PaVed ovor" 1il., maxslted voma's bai and tue vomsflm tiionhus seemed ta le of Appley rther tia anybai>' elae. SI1 é euen expresed ber destre la go back ta the enunt> tai-m pi-c-i- If.' the eider Appley vas te le- there. Il le recalled Ibut thei enveyl woin- an. wben ahi' vas taken into collnty court %vtb ber baby toughi vigorous- ly wth anyboiy wbo t-Iiedte taire tue chili trom hon.I vas mt one ef those cases cf animaIinstinct viiere l'be vouai net bo removei tronm ber youag." That vas wl>' 590- cial- aniangemonts were maie viere. 1>' tue chili <as sont vith ber ta Lincaln. The Mling of the papers la caurt bing 1te5an endi lie mostsensation- ah case atfls iUni uhalever vas re- gconiei ln Laite caunal> or perbaps ln an>' otben couat>' a lnte sîste, viiere- In île superntnenl of a siate la- i stitutlo betrayei the trust of one of lis changes, especiaily one of sncb - extrerne mental Imperfectioni of Iisi girl la question vho vas about 22 >ears ot agi'.1 The d-evhopmei'is whereby Ap):,IcY, la payiag bei-bill of $5à0 have net nome as a surprise ta tuase wiiosi-e J. familian viii tle caso trosi tbe very stari. Thoeowhe beard Appi.>' suy liat 60e wasqgulît>' knew thut eventuali>' ho would live te maoie oodte lIts poor, Iaf.wttcd womn and chlid D. whose -future ln thc wcnîd is ver>' uncerain.1 :3 e- 1-,I a H-lis ActTelle tar>'. In is issueo0f March 22nd, the. Daly Gazette, referrlng to tle AP- pley case andInla is endeavor tb mako It appoar tIi paper vas "per- secuting" hlm, sald: «'Outaide af Waukegan, parti- cularly In Ubertyvile, vh.re Appley bus speat the greater part of bis lite, none could b. found who belieVe the accusations against hlm. Ail expressed apeaâ disbelof. "I vant to liear Chalile AP- pley's owa story,» ail sald. "Tou can't tel me this old man viii a dlean record of hait a century bas dons this uiing. fHe vould bave te, tellme vlth h ava lt IPs and then 1 would doubt uis men- tal clarity." Thun, Ilaeacordance vîth tii.Ga- sette'.s uggestion. Appiey MAS an- answered tiie charges by fAutA coulatbils admission uni agiemenu to psy the mmaximoum for aucii an of- 1fence that tiie lav provides. The Gauette and a UÀbertyvifle pa. per connn.ntlng lurther -on iii' 'L MORRIS persecuUon" of Appley sald ln the 1r-tAv issue la the . me week, Mrch 2und I llinos "Tii. Libertyville Independent sumac.Owned hy the came Waukegan In. O aqe on. 18 teremia ijch cotrol the Wau- ___________ kogan l)aily Bn, tlisi.weeb Pub- Ulsies a mant unwarranted attack Iic QlJIMIf4*upon ffuperintendent ebaries IY AV [AV Appley of the lAIte County poor farm. ln$, Ilinos "The Indepenient and Sun, maSS vthout evidence other tha lthe assetion of a iistwitted lamate r. DBCM Rstt thé cOUI7litit iOiesabel- av-AN"WIlahed wth couelions rten 184000 suW or th"e pape5, ve t taa-6 ILLIOIS Probablîe aid ibeievble. eek cons ~ ~ ~ l liea iure a m»a, 70 venu 014 aU _____________ wo for de yeubai becs lu charge of the Lake coilaty poor farta und aayum-eil ibiS for no P cther purpome tii..to imiaite aeoSuxtr vih tIc io4ebc- minute, protremulve brai cf Jouraaliesm viieb tbey bou.* ADpIey'8 aaffwer IM COURT tIi shows wiio vasrigiit an vho wu vu-oua: h show that thé.fabrie o & 6 u'eo vicb tIi paper's &tor-y viitoum, - el vu s mm trom the.starI aid ti il. effort 15 reag il 1,7villifYingti editor of thl. paner, have not onl talled but Appley Ilmef bas, t h. court action, provei is des ' z er.i mi'iplaced their o0nienc."ý wbeî TVIE N'ÂCT 19 tbeY KNIEWk vas -1i'y but telaidthe opportuii pou UL 1t tr- and IMAltE CAPITAL OU ~ IL 0F 1118 ÂGE linuse aalui Iis p --M per which stands for fair plav, ove a «Coseffte .ques.-for the haif-ttîtea ion ci te smd o nvhieh beteves liai tho county po( tu be voW ID ou ete hm awua aplace vii.?. feebleêmi,, bil aed ahould-hi' prôtected tather ithe ta,.- vaged; tbat tbê OUWho VIe llade lad malter vet v, as, a.etltle ~7 , __ condemnation of imore persistei VS, 8, 'I 'teSI W.O.Giuonma if plumu.Illa liese, 13 are cvv.1 ** Li acres lu S. W.-14,000. 17, libOrIMN tr ~ ~ i o La De]maWkl. lots -4de. toi1 au 14& 8ýawaSud lui.. oM Vox LAbo %II R"« L $M b3 et ai., to-G. W. selle, M E put lot 7, Si Aid., to Nort aide., w w sAo oJa 4 Jug OwTru eta., MarryL Yet,'O*,ly$10 Was Found Loben, lot 18,. Omminga & Oo.'m.on His Perton t Death Nou-h a»e.Aid. Waukeula. Wl).- 1300.Mysteuy MAuroudthe deaIg et Nenu-etta Doua ta Henry Mau aSud Syivester ufinaki,'*ge 39, Who va" wlt., 10 ace' ltu N. W. 12 ,S.-E.12, touai la a dylua condition lu i$ Sec. 34j Deerfleld Tv'p., WD, $10. roosi at the bosedlng hause ai thê Elae P. Strong to Lola DIamoni, corner. of lih treet and UAncolu ave loi 10, block 10, MfoKay!e Aid., 51t Tiie plicelaecouducled b>' a fam Market st., Waukegan Wl), $3. namnei Corstick. Henry Menke and.vite to ?'elliq X. Orhe vltilUM ils before a doco Tweed lot ai Fox Ike. , 8,1,000. bai been eSlled and aconiilOy Cor-' Ve.. 4. 1918. oner Taylor heu uan Inquest, -The.iu Frank Useatt and vif e te Ernest queit develop« thle tact tILt M , Pçtl and vite, vari lots 19 and 20, ski hbai le. nsck four veeke g " - Sd. 8 underiisV last addition, but ii. b" d med to 'recover asu Wauk.agan, Wl). $1800. wuvas ekinatAout the houe iduriot F. N. Tomilson, et ai., te T. J. the pat several days.He. vas agaln Xilian, lot 43 Sudi N 1-2 lot 42. block tabou sIdck aeordlug le memler. 0' 51 Pouth Waukega, Deede, $375. thie bourdins bouge vbere hle f. John Meyer et ai., la Abert 31014. Thm ere es everal roauons vii eahuer, 5 1-4 acres la ýN. E. 1-4. un Inquéâtvau ioemei necessary. Sec. 30, Vernon Twp., WD, $800. la th i ti-t plaie ne doctor Oton H. E. Bryan and vete 1R . M. Cal- te Utlmlehiand 1 ntho cext Place b kingc. 10 tracts ef land adJacent C. had à ver>' badiy bruIsed oeanmd hi M. & St. P. Ry. in Grant Tvp., deed room wus ln a very muçh to-n UP -on. Si. dition when the. suthofittes srrived Alice Murray and busband te Leon- aud cUW t1151hh ad passed awây. ard Dsney, lot 17, block 1, Oook's ,Tii. boaqdlua, bouse keeper eiplaiWt Sub., Llberty-nlile, Wl), $3100., od uat IjIleUk bai l'en a vlctim of Dsec. 5, 1918. the "fieu that he na dob a d t la tt Mater ln Obancer>' to Tatten Gar- bisi.reaaon, uni that ho got Up la an don Bldg. & Lean Ass'n, lots 20 and nnbaiunced sdate of mini, fe11 against 21, block 15. Dreyer'a Sub., Nortih.heoi u ni aimausinashed one of tiie Chicago, Deei $1700. windows la bis roora. John Griffith uni vif. ta W. J. lx)- MA t althst ln the tory thel gan, ict 37, Washington Cii-cIe.Laketl. .. Foi-est, Wl). $10. on the other band cousins of UlIn.- M. C. FSter uni vite ta A. F. Beau- ski wh o liv. on Market Street. de. bien, lots 13 ani 14, bock 10, Wau- ciare iiioy an. Dot se Positive Of 1%le kegan Highands, North Chicago, Xni., deatb haylina eccurIn laiisM"- QOl) . S. er. Tiey point ta tiie tact tiat Dec. 6 1918. thero vas louai on bis personandf4lu Max Koîner sni vite ta Mary E. bis romoucl>' $10 in moflOy viereas Just, lots Il soi- 14, block 11, they knov lit ta boa fact that vîthint Wright's Aid., Libetyvîlle, Wl), thie aut four weeks b. had $400 la $4non. cash on band. Mary R. .ust and busban te MAx Âccondingiy vhat the>' vau4t t Kobuer and vite, lot 5, TnIggs Suh.. knav la "-Where diiithie ther 1390 Idbortyvllle, 'Wl),$9,000. go 10?" 15. H. Johnson and vite tabeoa. Tnllnks' condition vas of sncb a Sciienimanu, lot 8, Maheres Sub., chai-ater follo*ina bis doath that - Highland Park, Ill., WD, $10_ ît vouli not le ver>' bord ta concînade - iâhaib.mihbave passed througb a REAL ESTATE TRANSFER serons confiot vlth someiody and 'Inlabis vembeni condition ual miglt __ Robert Cra.mer Gret Lakos. 27: have causai bis deauii. Tii evi- Marguerite L .Knigît, Traverse City, denco, bovevel', at the lnquest af MicI., 22. such a nature tic verdict va ideatt Thuo Garnick, Milvaukee, 27; Clar, vas fram pneumnonilE. Draeger, came, 29. The tact of tue matter in, hovover, Edv. Koch, Shbqygan, Wls. 39; wbetuei- the clreumtaacci are sa sUS Laura, Marquandt same. 46. pIclous thai lie North Chicaga po- Oscar O. lungner. gheboygau, Wls. lice have stanted un invosliaslias SI; Esther Brickmer. smre 21. taeicicnanine if possible whethor uSy- Henry' Eberle, Milvaukee 27: Mag- lady stole 1390 trram Unincki's roolu idalen Fack sane, 30. or viiether In realit>'hie final Ina- Atbur Klne, Milwaukee,. 21: Ha,- mont came vhen he vas engage i le ei Paras., saine, 20. a flght lna s eiken$d condition. Pc-mb V .Siieridan, Chicaga, 21; The case la a mymielaus ane aoi Ethei J. M. Neumus sanie, 18. deveiopmeiits may le fast diu-ing Chas. H. Duanom, 4i-eat Lakes, 23; the nezit ew isys. Clars Nelson. Chicago, 94. The Goreklis deciare <tb* lle>'tW [[anc T. Rhode, Mivaukee, 21; Ce- touai Ullas'ile vas la a dying con- cil Maduw-ha, Wan-wataaa, Wl.., 21. dition and even then île>' did net Archihali O. Stengei. Jefferson, cýil a doctor. Tbcy sali they dii Win. 34: Ainais Wagenei-, Tva not kaov lis condition vas soious Rivons, Win.,. 26, until 1 bey touai hum ealyyetei-iay Ralph Sherit!, Giet Lakos, 24; moi-alag, vlth bis oye blackeood, Gladys H. Young, Chicaga. 21. vitI the vindav brokon, etc. .ntoa Adam, South Milwaukee, 46; SAgnes Eval, samt, 32.,, I11,14 flO PLANS T 24o F . Maseley, Highand Pr. i& unT 2;Ethel M. Spencer, sane, 24. WatrJ. Bank, Giet Lakea,.24;: Q T C M B E .7th . Schloe. Mllvsulee. ï1,Iii VWr.555h nature uap if scdI-aan e ver. Iw*LL1 ccmmihted aulside af lhe paen tai-m.- -Bitter Opposition Expeoted to TuE pETITION Measure Patterned After Copy of Petition as Fled which RE EN E iï&s URGEN Brought Settiement In the m,. County Poor Farm Scandai Provision frtcetllsmn u IflrlivIna i. lie officiaipetiton Illilnoi of a state coustabuiary viii Oed la circuit court by viaici e maie Ita abil l e itrodiced lu Carles Appley, 'former.' superntea. tue goneral a.imWby, vbich con-. dont of the connaie'Pmo fac-m. agnes venue Jus. S. unies -boni ta pay ta lie cbfli of Suit a ln--"i1SOultno cau Lina Luasi, $550 aSprecribsi y a liveél>' fuI, e.jacily ta. thé bouse. tihe1mw 'under uh es«: OSatho libou-unions.a"«e exiitiho lu i .théofléof Lena Lase, oppose fil vihiau i eup<>eb rTic a feeble mîisid pereen yeUr pe. bill ho b. lutroiuced le vatterned al- tItlIit, on@iéi-ltoi- cf the See- r the. peu nsylvanta -lav, vbichlala- tete of Lena Larsen. a feile. p»M Vo ticM..désti>*ww ena. MIniè ersanmo, péetlion lb. eli-t other dattes, liai of hidlWmt ieut.' tuaI ho méw4bybe éth~ te Oppcitien ho lie uuet tfhlialoile c"mte thi.e 1aèletcf 1-U$dc enLoa mtutia, for the munedsson of riotina La~-u Pl« it nsmeoiesiet gP0*lfla eo t f nkeu bad been isi bIngSIthe. luths.' of ber- bacrd c. sttt.l asetci lbtaG oy. oil b>' septMlg 4hNud for- the. Levismla ta taver cf itsecossiahu- as lasynentIotett aute of ld lai>' tien. 'i Lena Lai-mec et là*-egofeflews: Hoaded Off et LMaut SuoD. Mi $100 dulne heUicu-t >mar et" At oeetime durilft eh mo»81e0Bcf I- th~ue rthf «Id ccd n 0$Waà the IitthhGeneral AiioÉbly Il vwu ait yeau- for- a p.rled cf chie yg. r rprcitIsI at a OnsabtmrlaiT lli te ELMER J O. 0ve wuid hl ntroduosi. The bovir- Ceumervater. noes- oZoWcela sali 10 have ical' b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ À 1l uotloi----le eio d-stuemae4- .. ia ts eh- lp Shdfithe Lake Co. Paqir Uive-or Die?, The comw annal eetngOf the Lk aty - Board of A iculture has, been wiied to DecembIer 1$tkh,1918 at il dIçkPl'm M: the Towni à7iat. hxtyvle . lcin of ocers b.hgId and- roposition of con- mg ordiscntwig the association b. csssed Ail persons Interested, as wedl as members, are invited to- be present and loin ln this dis- cùslon. IT'S UP TO YOU! Corne to this Meeting! W.E. MILLER9 President O. E. CHIURCHILL, Secretary "BayantiHome and Support Vour Local Dealer" Pride in your own home town uhould prompt %fou ta support every ene of fis activities. Buy at home-help your town-support your local dealer and, at the arne trne, serve your own personal convenience. -THE NORTHISHIORE PARCE[LIIPAIGI makes it possible for your local dealer to supply your requirements promptly. Iha *merchandise-carrying "express erviceai leu than ex- press rates' brings your local dealer dloser ta you andi builda a spirit of co-operation. If your loca dealer ham not what you want, he canphone tabhis& jobber or wliolesaler andi have the items delivere toa.town by the North Shore Parcel Dispatch. If your dealer ordersealy in the day, heis assured of Delivery Wlthin-24 I-ours - For quick. certain delivery, cornbined with careful handlig of shipumnets, maIon k«rcandis.arrqyig via the Nouth Shore Parcel Dispasoh. For particulmaaPPIY to the. nearet Dispatch office of the NORTH SHORE LUNE CHICAGO OFFICE LIBERTV VILLE af W. Ad"». st. -Pies., 74 PhonoConesu am8 MIL WAUKEE swzh. ualm avs. Phosmi, Guand>S