CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 6

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,tae ChuryoJr wlitIIMm NeMDeler wookes avenus. Au mom ,un Phono 50-1 mn. +OO ». lot$ on br@ farin. 42 il mgo. WinI idependont or. order movinag. litiail. and Cty. ni. W'cly lit iLion mes. Di conte&. abi,. Vir. tbh It wa» of tbe bat- ng did Lob e until Lbe. ped wiib It g occtitred. al of thein. lb dancing alÏ iho way hb for th. an troPe. J banda, eaw- o sway for V knov tII. They caine r. the §Rh# y vero the. l unknovu, they voulé rnluy. ltile l'iue- ons mabbea loch on the a beld at the. Pdan va! by ivilf. Tb* D the. lhins.- boldera Who, W York 151h ld witiî the. c.. antd tudr d: acrnim the. Pt..byterk Oundai sebool 10 a. il a. m. Praaching.1 g- Watcuom lWhat o01 the 17:80 p. 'n. Pyeacblng I6A Woruhy Workman." 1 amp Firs Girls, Fr1g Bol Scoute aet ti. cburct Choir practice Fridai a'clack. M»s. Hermnt Durand, organsat. 0 congrationsl meet, iDeoember 18, tatraneaiÇ bunu.eîe upper 4111 t umuai bour. MothodiÏt.EPIS5OP&I. Urvtuoss moiSSnday wlI b. hld as spows Bafnday ciat 10 O'cloch, daines for ail ag«. 0MornIng proacing t. ervies sSii a'ciack. Eveulog prsacblngi ssrvlmo s7.80. Thers@vilbe .pedl nuoie attthe svening arioe under the. lirecton ut M. Bradford. A cordial lnvitai oin laeeLnded ta ail. .4lov I vas won to the Chritian Liffe" viil be eoubecot the aiporth Leagno etisg Dot Sunday ovming at :30 o'elock. Mr@. John Woich vii laad the. meeting. A cordial Invitation laextend- ai La ail. The Vitory Tacliero' 'l'aiiinwcCIao. vliiib. held nit Londay eveing at 8 O'clack st Lb. home of Mis iarion Taylor. Ail menibaru art urged s0 attend. The. choir WII meet thua week on Tbursday eveing (to-ight) st 7:30 o'cloek. Ail memtwrs are urged to attend. ThéWaNoan'a Homo tila.onary soclety vili hold the. Decainder meeting nexti esk Thurddal attsrnoon, Lecomber 9,l Announcement We desire ta announce ta the public that of Treptow & Mason bas been dissolvcd. B. Mason has taken over the Furniture ai business and Mr. Treptow will continue the taking business. The continuance of your patronage will k ciated and will aim ta serve you in the futu have donc in the past. GEORGE B. MASOb Phone 27 Lib MAKE THtIS CHIRSTMAS- À MEI FOR THE LITTLE TOT5. Our Tyln is hilled with everythi Christrnas day-the greatest annual event1 cb*en. Dolis. mechanical toys, musical iny.trunks, toy beds, washing outfits, toy pia horses, coaster sieds, childrens books, garni things too numerous to mention. Just bring the children down and let the lovely, interesting and amusing devices es ceNed and madle for their pleasure. There sheep, ponies, buggies, automobiles, cannon, sets,. paint boxes, work boxes and hundreds tasteful toye which we want you to sec. LESTER'S NOVELTY I m:mssSsOS:U M---SISBUOSMS onlboth M. ,'::u:mm:::US:S:SS:- --------- S m y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i evsnlng at a iutmo oaplig5e."iqi anvneeeyinu oa n b * dirctor. MI"e vi eltor arolTu.ed na y in rotrena" bs of casy eef n rtof iiLOCiALD CR. OSb. aIEubr Sain Eviloteor van lu Chicago 0on seveasitimai and bas, at the présent the Ried Croes by Cbratxnae, '191 S. AI- ing, Wi.lneeay,, business Friday tîie. one caseagaînobliura tu Waukegan. ttlougb the work of the Ried Crosse lea bt oeve impotha Mis tnhEvlezO vsiedbe s.t In Out Issue off tat week lie mentioned long vays troni being ilnfihed. yet we Me scrved a Stlais wEvanatob.eSundr. the name off Lient. Mciocald tsâjtant are asoured that this le tLiat var loul ilIo rMyrtemi, tebo ha. ben e. jitinater off Sycanore, I, s being Idrive that theY vill make. We are f the etockholders e ~~~ ~ kiled la action ln France and ththoigtprnofhewkteRd os tii.aiokhoiera -John W. Let.r ie nov aervlng on thi.wva a nepbew of W. 1. Co)lline off Liberty. baa don.; oeiLto the.crumblingthe Ban, Bank of Lberty- petit jury in .lndge Landis' chamber ln ville, vbicb va.t an error. It ob,uld tbe work don. by thla organization basl ofLaen tlate Cîcgoave been Capit. Harold W. Davis, Co. bosn second lu Importance in tbis great >1 ak ad ta.. 'o7&ary aacb ofilwaukee, vieîtcdM. 129tb, A. E. F. and ho wattanDephew war. 1day o!f.lanuari, ber siter, lira. Peter iIower a ew day. off Irs. W. 1. Colina Intead. A corps ot:a@izteen worker villeanesel P. là., for the @ee-t.ibis veek. tb. township over vhicb our Auxtlliary eenouung year and reC.brvneofCigi.pnd On Iriday, Dcamber 13, at 3 p. m., ha. juriediction. Tbe drive viii beglu scb ~ ~ M@ în v vbere of acatio a e home ere viii ho a lecture at the bigh echool Lionday inornlng ai 9 a. mi. and la ta loch othrbu@for Itheagirl woand'vvaaeon offbrthomec ommn.b.ioibed ait 5 p. m. Wednesday. Ih mfor th meting laLibrtyIlle fo th alri ad wmenof titrcomun.will mean qnick and tiorougb vork on WDEtor CIhle etn. i ietyi.itY. This lecture wliiihi, given lu place of the part off the. vorkere and your bearty ILIDLeV. asier tr. and Lira. tri Andrews af Chicago, th. reaular meeting off tbe 1P. T. A. under co-aperatiOn. Tiie Red Croossvanta oue aopenit the. veek-end wltii their Parente. vhose auspices IL le b-elog heli. Dr. Har. dollar frain you, in retun for vhich you Mir. andLirat. M. Andrevs. rnet Alexander viii to the epeaker and it sme cbrltaLm geteban ebtip01 Libertyvîlie nov ba. aigbteen Mai.le b oped tiat alarga nunîber viii attend. other "Idope" ail tbrown ln, fIres. If muin club membero and expecte to maire No admIsion tee viilibc arged. yon bavs joined thé organîzcationi aine. lu twenty Thenur 11 September last, yon need nott ln again. by aniat li.Theystic Workrsele'ted tbe 10110w- Thore viii b. a balf.bour meeting of Tii. poatoffice baa received the Initial ing offilceroeat their regular meeting workere at Ited Croaa roome, Kenumdy auppiy ot 1919 War SavIngo StaxuPe Tuesday evenlng: Peter Boc , pretect; 1:ufiding, Frlday eveing. 7:30 o'clock. vblcbl will b. on sale Jianuary lot. Edt Bubbard, monitor; i.ora Sturmn,NTC Mra. Elizabeth Whitney visite Lire. aertary; Eniily Luok. baulier; Mary NTC E. icD<nid, vbo i.a erlonsiy 111 ai %ihe Waters, marsaa; Llamlce iapke, aot. A efieelai meeting of ý'ctory Affhlated- nireaiC olneSeu elCounciliNo . 192. N. A. 1i. le rallidfor st. wlffzabehbboeptal, Chicago, Tueeday. mr , l aroie&habee, warden; Tueeday nlgiii, lecembelr 17, 1918, In the firru Lre. ticDormost and chidren off Edgar Swan. sentinel; Lew Fiagg, i1(). O). F. hall at 8:115 ehaàrp, importanb Gerg Waukegan, vietl lier parent@, tir. and eu pervisot. These othevrs wfl le bcI- businest. Ail membe.râ nrged to b. M.2org 5jPetrMowem he do f th wek salleS ln January to merv.é for tbe present. lommItiee.. rid Paint Tih. Llberty ville poatoiffie eent out ensuluag year. Undr- fiftytbree cacka off mail un Monday, No word ha. been rec..lved b, tii. e Uner- forty-tbree sacko being sent on tbe noon famlly off Orin H. Mubike as to hiei train. wbereabouti coniy vat bas appeared luaV l tir. and ire. Charles ýH. Avertit lof t the Chicago papers. la tbe raeualty flostN be appre- Snuday for Sloani Springa, Ark., vbere puiillabed la.t Frlday iic wasi reporter! as ure as we j inter. evening paperas ometime &go iie va. M irs. Jennie Just and Mira.Lortîmor reporteS!a. belng a prIsonFr anS tint bo M iller enlertaiued memberofthe County b.dart een retuvnod to the raidis alter the Exerutive Board. W. C. T. IL.aithe arietice vas algueS, that le ail Eat home off Lits Juet on WodntesdaY. prsent Limeimuptet tus §Golden Ward bas beentiii fora few Wet"'ville deys anS una'ble te teacb ber casses at Paliabaanntrsng idw tbe higb chool. tire. Geo. Bond b.. dlefflay et hua fîrnlture' ,.uore, eeîiecially been snbttuting durlng Mils Ward' for the. kidd;ee. SeveraLiluiature tailis absnc. erelu action and iid..nontratedN absence. uelr iowere by cilubit over boxes or A commuttee 'romi the M. E. Suuday eny llier ,I"tru,!tiii Taîl about echool Io planning é Chisltmas ttrourau,. 1wa I-xpoeutoî r,.tdiwhy tle There vill b. Chriaimai trees anS a yugspéýumdlý%idwwrè Sauta Claus iu conuection ah i îeitiîetl no eee prograni. i reatîemseln t-ir atttihltis o get neaàrr, *eosSSoU .1 ut. Hugo P. Gutti la hometron ttat tti rFI,1y I f tieflc uate glaba p ::Grant, wbere lie bas teen actîniz Wiiidom I aid loIt e i cu,.rdered antd Le RR lïONE Ili thec c.palty off AsstPersonnel AI,- t v.s peri. jurtant of rhe InIaatt TReplace t rcops.lilesnov.'awalting ditechue.a ucAtiîe: \ ire I cei,usay I A boilt tLW Ari v Yvonrttigapeuple Iro mi 1'b Ia I Et 11 i i A'i ,i itIb. ý o folr i ve ingzo thtýrî( emIOYcce of NMarshall iField & C I ycars ma8,1Iii: Lil'y that com patiy,l Iwb'rc liii. Kale ('arrol was ioruierly 1wae î,licîia , 1-i l îi.'iîg iniactic l ýke merry on cî.o dcm o Libertyville Saturdoy luce Sus 7: Ir..,iuellat 1 in the lif e of er,'.lrg te pive MIne ('ar lil a surp)riëe iibuittt E il I' 3ra-s or lige, bas tig instruments, .pârty I1 corne lu hie t! i oin t ussIe is tnOtve anos, rocking îItre Treuner, th- Nimse es ':a Niîianhý, melid .'tYabratoclp a es, and other Mari @aon,' daNIhele, o .rvI an p lu ( -iii't 5505 5001 "lt Itto opo)k(n Qf b3 1.- ,riit r cmplrtyers anS rn sec ail the ttiIi,,(d tbe Epattrtb League lîlstriit Yasccis' 1 hikd by irieuD& ail pecially con- rally ot Ziou lCity, Frday erenlng. Fli Onalutel.c lu int.t>sî -are doggics, The Womneis Club vIlI bold an open Li. ur"iamanmdWut. "h" odr i soldiers, tea meetingu t tce tbodlot churctu on lIed- drbut cr Ilîglp o tc anlu of other tiny, nDeeday, l1e% 18. Madame Jean I)ibil e paEly ofni rituî.1ie, alter takilinl u wilas w has epent @on1@ Yeats in Beiguin Haîf Day. litoiiil1.1s way vithout t- Scientifically and wbohlias been proitmlnuthy connecied chient vortb îî'îaîluining untIllibereaciedMaenmi wttbrelief work ln tbffs countU viithe corner of Cook su ad Mil waukeeavenuea adIi mi ST'IORE epeak on "BeIgluni Relief." Tiiose wbo lin LIberty011,e. earlv lu the evening. bave beard Madame Dubiel apeak very Hars bié visilounh, came eomewbat buired M ado by HOI Dom en bigiily off ber vork. anS be eDys tirehle tbougbt b. aaw two red llgbte.. î.u'a.IaJ ofloing on. eye, : he trieS Lo drive lnu btween theni, etriking the concret. base off tb. varuIng pot vitb sncb'viole.ncecaa te break IL off even f A Victory Christmas As Usual, We A re Carrying a fuhline of Men' s Furnishings Goods W. mention here a f ew article* that are appropriate for this holiday occasion- Our usual LARGE and COMPLEE ne of Neckwaar In Dreas Shtirts, we have soft and hard cuffs; also collar attached Dresa Gloves, lined and unlined, dressed and undressed Mitta, lined, warm and cornfortable, in finished and unfinished stock Bill Books and Coin Purses. Belts and Suspenders Handkerchiefs, plain and with initial. Mitfflers and Reefers A coniplete line of Caps, Hats, Umbrellas and Shoes Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Supplies Corne in and Sec Our Stock-The Old Stand-Enderlin Building "EVERYTHING FOR MEN" PHONE: 14 Je Be- MOR SE & ÇQ. inches. i s needîcas ttat hie car va. badly wa ckceS, vas arreeted but alter promflétlup to ieturnnluna veek and pay for thc damage8asustafued bY the village, vatt allowed o go home,. :. 9 .U S Tb& teacler, Mis Adeline Miller and puplie o! Hawtiorn achool, localeS a couple off uiles doutb of Liberty ville. enjoyed a trnp to the Chicago Live Stock show Tiursday ae guaste o0f Hawtbaru Far, ovned by Samuel lucii, prealdont TME GIFT MOST ni the State Council of Detense. Tbel went dovu on a epeci car on Lb. North House Dresses. Shore et 8:25 in tbe mornIng aud put ln terns of perca the day looklng over the uumeroua oxhbîte. lu lbe evening boxe§ at thie tra sizes in i horse ahow vere att bir disposai and Liey vers afforded the. opportunity 0ff Flannel Night seeing the show at ite beet. tir. Ineuhl grade of oS looked alter tbcir coifart during the values at day and eav tiet alenjoyed-thenieee aven t0 belng treated to caudy. DurIDg Underekints in the .sternoon tiey vers presented ta cents ta $1 . Uovernor F. 0J. Lowden, vho vas a $1.40 and sc visîtor at the expoitio4 on that djiî3. Bawtllorn ecbool i a. beeu Iauglbt t1Y Some very attr Mie NMer for te Iset two yeare "aj 1 The low top one ., the sebools to b. advanced by tie @tft t,î'ritou4ent tosouperîorecbooî wear and da titis t,_ b, as being 100O% efficient. A new brown. NOTICLWinter shoe 1 wilb.l #the J. B. élorse &Co.'@ @tore, Liii,."t, i vlle, lii., untIl Saturday. Dec. 21, BUY. W 1918, to receive Lhe Liliburu Inaurance W Iigpolicie. in.hlacompafly b. romptt i, rnaiing thair 7'paymente WLa uiâtSt bs1 ~addrese. 9. D. HUnnÂso, Colector. mg~5gppSSU eacl new admn ofGovernmeit. ail, hie 'ernIw afifÀ ,4 co4nfr s..ks wa, L1cial rnsurcs. «realesl ofai le ftmuw NapclAnliý, secZur OilIûS The 1 idependent-- Libertyville and Lake CountY's mcm widely-read newepaper. Judicious advertisera obtam prPM itable reaulta through liberal use of îta columna. AND ~SOT C OA L OAKM a- )Wr If you 'L±ad cornersI -to Save fuel ý.a i ific tat wilI flot stmL-Ok or explode -a heater that wiIl burn ckiy hmnd ci fuel w,*ýth the Le~t c.sit~ :n~kild fire ~ivcr iigbt A HOOSIER ui heater will.flot only reduce your coal bill 40, egivc you uncqualled cold weather comnfort. constructcd, beautiful appearance îy sizes and designs. OSIER STOVE CO.. MARION, INDIANA FOR SALE BY Sh'wc~Bros. --------S---- pp:s:~*fUZSSSOU ol9ractical oqhiutgq TAPPRECIATED tS TUE USEFIJL ONE. GIVE SOIIETIIING NEEDFUL a. Styles that wiîll please any wornan, in nice pat- cale. Some particularly. mcc anc. in grey ....... $225 blue at.................................. 2.75 îtio n flnel eat lyletriln r s hteseve specia ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125 and n.wide varicty. Nice, warm, knitted goo ds at 75 15. Striped gingham ones for evMrday wear at Borne handsome ones with taffeta ruffles at ... >p elastic band models, rnuch wanted for, athletic lancing are .................... .......... iShoe for big girls an ladies ha. corne in. 1C a sturdy :e, with mediurn heel and good sole and is orly .'" NAR SAVINGS STAMPS. W! SLLTIIM 3.75 1.75 4.W ARROLL & SONS COMPi phone 29 .1 NOTICE The annuai meetlug ail of tis FireL National 8 villa vii b.heidat ita c1 off Libertyvelle, COUDVIit off Illinoto. on the l4th, 1919, at 8:80 &'ciock, i Mon io dIrectoro for the for the taatmue off018a me msy propelycomebo ,J. SERLY GR in a ise- ess aneS er ble, RE LND KS

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