CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 8

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mals 5yntthew7umd iri r.a ý"Udaigo tondsUv. mu4 lTs. Dm il n te ' a ffl h«#w wm b 0%rwet a tedeIto h stokshow tuDIIstaIM là bu le I bueluses l airM a" Ma. d. Umapu el Waie supl simt wMllvs saeeSpk.bowe4ldwthM.a j. N.> liaielgTla Lp.nla o som.. si çlhssohsi a wber, be UNISsES g.'.'et b.010À showluChiag Cpsatiiilou a , limeudmon @put d aI.mucOMa TbaDIaar. CaVa i. Jaemre l catideus bsuqu1 Mî. a' Mr. CJaresnce ltsrof(talas- d"@ a"r,.oas wk. . t&@ e Sa SPUIO Jft. N . awlndg le epà.uWllacoetime uusaRiov vof UnI 1 ? Bl ela ible .on t aler hi@ IhR o@ no tS t a" of sagou»us. Sohool .Thée Suadai sboilt e Peaiug a prnWats* Utho given et lb. cbureh on .Heresa 4 new Idea lnu Chelesmasove. à Christmas Ires vilii ie tsacher-mid. because Lake pralei id ata Clams vili viit the ru» short ou teacher. rgbta scoressa If It coild b adan Davolà Dansel bau joue to Evauston Lake couaty vitis succes.A to ataed the. collegu there. t he B. A. T. Oh& telecgrnlays: C. as Lake foreit viers hae baonhso, TISAtthe * Racile-K0fl8ha attadla« bae b.u dabaned. Joint Training echool for teac sttadlug hae b~n dabaned. Union (rove la wor'lng out a The 1*421..'Aid eoieti vii old la titution of great value teo Chensama.msis et thé. ciuruh Wdisdaycoutles la ehovu by the rsi gvelg&gecember lbîfi sud wliibals a report of the board of trustes, es vFgrkty a1articles suliable for schoal wvilch was ubmitted obuhias jCote for sale. An e»ter"al- conty board et Itasmseino th meut, (a pay by home talnt) xviii h part of laut veek. ThSe répor glîsa ja sonunedon and cole. aud- tIaIt here ba been a teady1 vices suad doughounte w ii« b. for sale. ln the vot done by the och ECverlone cordially Invited. tIat the Young women gr At th. anual electIon o1oicero! 01from ithSe sehool are alreadj ibe B. N. A. et tbistregular meeting places in the schoolhougès ai Vrinda atenio, te oll w oi ofi oie ndKenosha county I ma n tusdSyafernontbfolowlgOllCieceptable mauner. vèes secteit: Es Talbott, Oracle; The mombere af the board Letti@esbruitable,Vice Oacle; 1Ide tees in their report 10142 of t Mille, liaishal; liabel Wald, llscorder; 1 ion of the new building-- »lhel Douglas, Escevel; Fditis Shepard-1 scisool and declaréd that the. Mu, Chancellor; EZ lîa aste, louer be ready for coccupalicy bY t! leatini; Eva Wolf. Outer Sentinel; part of tISe apring andt wlth manager, 01. Baresitabîs, thie eare' Pleton and oe,-tuancy of th terni; manager to ni, vaeancy. buildings l lq expéetpd that Vvbb, on@ jear ternis; phypilau, tDr, dent body t lb" sehool wcli' siderably lnerea"d. The Tibott; musicien, Ethel Douglas. shows that tire educatton of for th, tw. counties wa b# RUSSELL rîIAd on nt a maximum of C, siderlng the igl'grade o! w. The Ladie' Aid ab lire. SkOYWB use a ThSe report shows tisat du iairl aîl.ded.ysar just closed 281 Young lu tht. negbborhoodwere gradussted fromt the Tb@heik peop!el tià5 egbirodaciml, 19 of the numberi am Improving. fiveyar certiflcates as tes Mies Sarah Browa ie vl.ting friende Kenocha eouny andt 21 Ir bits. county. ('ounty superlntefl C. li. (orham andt iamlly ai Wauke- the two cotunties declare t seau. vited ifurrie brothere, itatOrdaY Daciers are meeting everY Laura Voirise l vlaiting ber slster ln for sucessful work and thb Wetowu, Wls. work la the best possible r( Wm..IMutile spent laut Bonday lu the dation o!tlthe suces of It Gros e chool. lire. corrna sud faml, coiied ou tise sonnet laîlàtlila il vesi. ileorge DeForris la ahi. ta lis Ot agaln. Demember lbe CocmniY meeting9 Fmiay igit, becember 131h ID tb. LAIE FORESTER, ARE DEFEND, ~~ J. T. Waitavor, a yenl &W "Tumdent of!ILaite Foru'st, 1leh Ifor $11476 damages iy C. N,. Gertrude udCterne PorlulsansdiC.. a! Lakte rorest. vieltheb Kneeiey cisldren Bunday vas 01.42 ln circuit court aiharouoo. Attorney J. A. Miller o! 'IN Ilir, sud lins. Lonel Bull o! Detroit, TISe damages. Il la sald, netl Ilih, Set unday vitS tir. and tire.allegeit UnPatitbalance on Uich.spentand ceaI bisll. Anan and tsmily. lira. Bull viii The Lake Forest Garagei remain with ber parente ntlCirltmas. defendant In s damage suit Ailt th. tarmeretta roc lie Illinols 1.42 ln circuit codlkî îoday 5,sliuing tarm and tbres sailorsansd a Standard M1 company. ce esîdier visiled aI thesa mann Pas iy Attorney J. A. Mller- laturday ulgist. lamnas vers piaysd la for an alleged unpad bill suld one saIlor vas real combcal sud liin. PALE Ms W L. M Cn.fARRW Retthe gra d Jur oun $ 00 banda. Ne uevsr Mbttev lu my Ill. I arn bavlng ta MS ve I1016Ous rviesm @à , & W- b " # IEEfI~I~ 1>YÂOED~ IbE TOF wet:tojaii. nytmauabrgas ugobodae ofilal fodau d gelgtnde vsry besimi, hISluk etuoe Tise 0 othoeities belleve lhey havae 10 Bu léeep.II eboulit gelt i euprojst mors faItbIliy " t neialf ]m Lm ECOUNTY I>SWORTIIla C. Ths tii.ordwu aym o Gire - Is't it glorlous Devra vs are gottIng of religions service 1 bave til.. - sm ro n w s r o n l b g fl i - t s e y ? T o h .e u ra tIS e a d v uces cip aite lu, b t m Y belle! l à ib Is Advanoo Agents of 9Blg à eligo j munelug tihe deatisBrwM" Dotdhllu biay ar ai ens made wihoub coul. W. ths Y. id. C. A. work eîtaily jdoos 4e . Hot.C or Un. Mai& làDe recelvred ternooli There tu the. afatement of Ameriesue are paylng a prie., but we grow a wIlt lm, but if possible ià no- Pa" us.f«r Roopeng ye«* by ber ntsc.,Mi Pe lis te orkmen tISey foud a lanlern, camene spsetingho aud nvs came ep" . danger dey by day. 1 waul 1cr7 0f. of Q OIU !Park avalic. Uris. IA Due dl.' a aok islch cantalued stacklnts, lag ho show the Boche tha.t AuericausaescYOuaJIl, but ca"nnaI1do so0M Daas Tuesday niait lo 7 oclaock at tISe bandkevoetssand ather uick-nacks could 001 only do business and matre I do flot know wheSutise oppol tpermet TO GUARD HEALTH OF ALL hone of ber dauglolr, Uns. 1red taken fm ,wome rom fl d a mous,, but liat thsy could figbt and wIll offsi. Noru, waffWosth, lui.ffon l rgi PUIow «» 0lu ylicb Brown 5S he ey hai! no superlors lu thSe figit. Wfth un!'iIpd love. ases'er, 55alla of lafueuza. Uta. la Due had carriedtise food lu vilcis ho glins, flot exceptlng thisse whr. b.d inre,.ndbu'. Wth Prevalonoe of Influenza vijla &rutilent of thé Jeunle Snow lad stolen from the different places. been training for decades in the art and Fraie fi.,me.S.. it ls Feit State Board WiiI HM. for th. AS5ed, but bad been Brown Ilnslsted liatIllse dii fnot practîce of va!. f.Wo& spendlng lie somrmer witis ber daugh- teal lie thinge, liaI hohadai foulait__ Keep Eye on LeouflLy e r. she bail expiected in reluira them aet dîfferent places. lie aises Viewed front close hoctise ighbinig l!n.'_________________ j)home Ibis veel. Her busband. J. Il aditeitthat heoIad 001 beon aroîn ie u e n u f)possibiliîy ot deteat tor D Wlt.h tise coming o! theie 1colder aL Due dietI AprIl 9, 1896. La',e cauniy for a long time but thSe aillies. 1% Io pursly a question o1 1< eshe te araCeagnts of the lIrs. LaDue pasaedl ber seventy- clotilng liaI io vore bore marks of élie. low long thse Bocks cau isold ouI weat îlg thela ice cmale a vi' sxti blrtluay last Seplember. She local stores. 1 suppose nobady ktoov. That tise made thir apoearance lu tise county had &pont Most o! ber lite ln this Bron daims tisaI hi'la 72 ceas central povers viii flnally h. utterly and they arë'maing plans far sn ear- city. BShe le lie laut of her famlly, o! age sud admîts thlat he spent lwu îanquisissd I tinknt) u au v a 18. ail lased ly openlng o! thSe tee bouses for theelier brother, William J. Polis, havlng yesrs at Jolet ýpenlfitlia,ry. acquainted vils conditions co dîubt. 1918-191 crop. ThSe managers ex- did tre yeit ago.-Rockford Investigation o! he records of the Undoubtsdly Ih'îy are tiruving til sr vesI yl be an anusually long One arrested on Jan. 21, 1895 and thlaI on Otrongent forcee agaînet lhe Ameicasp. lii yer ad I teexect.d ISa co- a ~April 13. lhe was taken ta joulet for a What their reasorslng malt ie unoIre It tîrainlngand t b.e eBROteE iletTcn- twoyers 'terni. Thecharge tho ie hsai the point ai viscisthêisA nericars1 t cnny d l scuingme t wok n he-BR Nvas burglary, the specifie case belng are altaeking le ans o! very great alon illaks ad i th boses Th bord-the heft ofCarlyle Druce's fur over- etrategle Importance Icannotiay Ter. pIed lu lng ioueIn b hicis tISe cen arU jijRS aQ, jni k Kets-lisb. huse ar ta . gvenespelaiT ~TISe socklngs founit ln Brovn'e poverfui gun@. Tbough vs are matsy Ken re)- tiI . yueamnTactu legnaets] e' A IlIE1 OM ot vere stolen front the Wisecler miles bh.iid th ise helswindows of, !an epl emiTn co nt f the ra among 10 NEW ONE ho!. near Graln's hait, according t 1 atn0os tebealotcd Cober. a n o'<esmiertof Infrenza amiedbi - -report today. An ail clots coal t tu oe rei lotct-R f H ~ l 4henak te woiers ShriffGree andbiswisich vas found aiea beionged tlu n slantly trons lhe force@ a!flies guise. P.B. O N li an in- depulies are going to laite a special j oh4n Brown, Mysteriov; Mari fermer near Graylake. Tise exemples af voudertul courage tISe tva interestl n thee safegsmrds liaI are la P EEALACINE su anuai b lietrowu about tiese men lis ses- Pcked up at Grayslake, Is Aceordlngiy afler ail tiese ypars and darlng are no cammon îlsat ane fEVLACINE ?a f t e on s her l gr ve ea s a on N o "S ran e rown aga n willi pro ably tri 5t s n t s no mo r !t isu t isa n o! 01 e aiug Hoa t h b aI judgim et f a lmva s tf lie son e ite. aigve feasaeth "Srne tie road la JulletlIn a very short Ilseneit cedi. Tise sentureota! a ingle and gela hedi. hsesi prices. Faim lie Istise people luthe otlyng oftwns od-lbine bcause lie aitborltle'i clalm boy capturlng a neet af machine guns e pcas.Frdts se lhotser conty tte coun a theisard" BROKE JAIL YEARS AGO teybaesuffcient, evidence sgan't unaidei, tise wondertui vaior and cola. Saea Pc*t.Frdes locrease In a 00w epldmlê of the dîsease bc- Has Been In'Denver Much of hlm wlth tie recent liefi... ci for leadeship sisawn hl socs tiret Phoue or Write hcil ad Ig bouht o tis ecton May -Arrste A. TIPL WEDisuad sien econd leutenantie, cien he1, ZION CITY, - ILLINOIS, radilaled cases o! lie dîsease are tie-ng re the Time Since-Arrlteh______ _________are___________ ly flîing ported amoifg vorkmen ln Cbicaf'.'j Years Ago for~ Theft esI, bave lsd their bottelione lu. tisetilgisI; _______________ ,f pacille and otier citllesasd it fi§ exPecîcit Grpal Laites, D"c. 7. tiriseatis tise prodîgiaus daring and atriil ut ourt Most a.c- tisaI a large number af tise men male. Waukegau, Dec. 5. baver of signail iags and evergrefl, avialore wisa are brlxsgiug dao et lng up tise forces vorklug an lbe John Brao, a cotoro-l mais, stand. in lie presence aofhrîndre<ts o! blue jes ieBceplnetoeAotenS .LT IE 1o! tru.s- Lake county lakes wlli be dravu ing oser six neet sud wighing over jackets via fillted lie drill halaIeaiieBosepnshausArcn *, LT I R the' erec- front hie.qe places. As there are rio 200 pounits agalu occupos a ceil lniCm kvy ie GetLies, plane lbel; lis, terrilile barrage@ laid Hardware, Haru.e el, Pointe for the ISsptal faclties 10 care for these lie, Lake cossnly Jl: w, startédin sa eamen vere married here aI i11:30 rdawn by our artiliery-ailitin. e wili bo Iasd Giases. -y vould men lu thse western part o! tise coun. eay again occisples ho' tBrown,. ai- Ioday. Tise triple ceremofly vas tuld Iniltary. or altieast many of tissu Agent for li-Vet stock tleuudy te c-ariSly i u xetdtsI.oepoiinIog get lccrnsh erformed iy Chapiain Moore. Thi'grill be, altisaugis tiousande ai liertes ROUND LAKE :r ILLNOIS tbe cou,. viii ie made by lie cuvers of lb. fore, vas a 'gssent" lis 5h' oid cosnty tr.1 pealoie euahle iig neu. i a id my boy là _________________ b..'iig Iee campantes ta provlde saure jait. a ie present ji upraised evords a!fCGreat Laites fi om- l denaugis ta gl ie bIlll t uis-- li. .r.roon aI lie boardiug hausq% tolakie 'an ua man chw ssv ppre- cers and tise croîsoid ewords of lthe var, Iecause i vaut binla have.apait 1bu - iCa.1a!men vio may b, taken slckhe deiton the Wlch" ic erfeu a. tie Irst Regîment iband play- ilu tise reconstruction visiclimuet lu'-I I!NRY JANSSIEN reprt SIL tiesemer ca is reosed 1 Gr>'salt lridB a!vtrOrîvin ed vedding euslc. Tii' couples vere: evltably tollow, but ver, ise aid enougis Sterng Battery and Electricl8uveW teselli , bospîlals lu Chicago sud 1.t1lwaukee. vorituren were absout'o rthrow hbay Ralpi Sierlf! a!fttnderhil. Wi s.. uol ga e bl ae i at c T. lh. state,sieth deparîmeut lias from a aloftI othelb. re~s blo.and s itess Gladys Lt. Youug. 221 No Iwudgal e l aebspr, Seil-Starter. OCuerwtor. Maeto s&M eing car- Lemnt-' avenue, Chicago. even tîsoug ait tise greateel COOLtZIgs5 niti~on ervice osI. cou. let Il bc underietood tisat it wiii give Tisey founi thle coiored man covere Lea1. O 5l EPhon e@:-,Roud Ace11 ®rk done. capeci attention ta thse cauditiosîs up vit theboyhansd as ntce suspect- W. A. Dougiass, a TIret Regiment 1It le Sunday ulgisî and 1 iaveu't been rlng i"Q undcr vbicis ice voriters are houLsei ed that he vas the iii ut wanted for seaman snd '.%iss Wlnlfred Ferg'r- v ouseisIbis year sud il letal timp.rabable ireakiug Imb sad rr <Iga o-son a! Kansas Cly. MO. tr.liniisg tsIaee' agent of tise state ber o! bouses ln War:'-ýn township. hre .funon o! tie bospîtai roceiving bord of hesith wl bc sent to akeit The arrest of!Bonira -srather lun corps and Miss Cura, Nelson o! (hi- &-bers iii couty la loa'y aver tihe provislon.i teresling tlilng becs- irecaIis lie icago. THE M OST ln Raci' made for the men sud see t l ata facltishat about 24 -r, ago wbelir Ciapiain bMoore vas prepartig 10 ideuls Pf ait regulallous for ioustng ImposeJ George Brownis wi cu !Is'~ go ta Devey hall ta perform tIse dou- DANGEROUS 1IEAS taIt th'-ýe by tise ,tate board are carried oul. couuly. Browns (thr,rcinuan) csbhe ceremony for Douglaosesud Sher- IIKJ~ y demaisd Il is not improbable tisatishe que..- arresîed for tleslin,_.a tur asercont lit vien Bunnon telephoned th11P tic .rgane or the humnan body are 0o0 (lot sor... uOLýD M5DÂ I-i 01m aI hei laisif -cee iiicase 1. o iru-front Carlybiteerruu' u!Druces Laite va.s ready ta, be married also. -rlO 0 h and 555torr liw the5 Capsules ut oncs. They ar, su otd, tliéi at hpr io o waeswil aue alo o tcui 1 t-s tvteis i-Y eicusup ntii coms- ecîuier. i'for tleise k cutte-rs 1h15 year. Hoie toic as i. h train another t er. 10lac ins iurrduties. Io k on tt1preparallois ua,-d aIl over lbe wor" fa te 'Uion IVîtis record vages ieing pald. la ail eau lu W'srruýn Twnsisip. A1FACE ,'St 5shat tie trouble l--vltlosicenturis. Tiu-Vry oa u ir onla-fa .rVYPfl FROM ~ ~ ~~ vu tlereir'- ysu fteet rervoiii.n.d, r.anumiuu. u, oursi I Irad."sud cils the crgaruzatlau a!f ie sarreIs tv,wdd S hoI ic isrrui. 5.zr. s.ufur froc sleerieýýisâ, tng andsystei-eiCleaiq Ibece usen, il la expcled tisaI de- laken ta Ili, 1.t-i e (ournty jail ho-r 5u.uve p.8Ins ructse bu-,k--.t' sp terls el, ck oi,î su ad used by phyM i .r. Y.rur a leterfr mkFan Ui,,-u-', r u.url uci' . iiu s ru tiýrrsIr insuS practîce ISOL candi sylîl i' made for largely ln- fore tie prc.sri jisitbuilding vasi li Tis oluîs l eîc rc ru r use . vr--1rsi r. youu M.d Et 1'AtL15u euOi LpSlare ta vage. Avsne aentso! ae.Tis . tlia lise a? la- Webt, a cousin oflire. LIll ot Lbetyvills: .r.u u t.u. t ueîurruuricr cr--urr. ru -t fruum the taboretoi les,$ s reaselr as d vac gnso s.-hjý!;ttattm lý.'l- e. - Ti,-:«, nl c- 'tttln. - -r-co.useileisttutal iite company vho are preparing for lie laver part of lthe'presenl Court Fr'ance, ot. t27,1918. u. ulur r-,,l.k SI 1are ;attur' ,u slu ivi tiser give l1rrsmpt ret!! Isysi' iccomin giarvest. are eaking an bouse. ;tisai Folke: r:-r ti-or; ,uu,rutitand b.. o-, r -u1- yuwi. .- i e ref.uisued. Âýk ta thj~ e r ionodao t r- ils aimopt Impîosellule tus thilrk &o* -t.,u r i-r-'.,ut nir- p u".u'--.tu udrustr,..but it oser srnhlclbll s Acri r ýi Jp r.. - ur poanbiecenver'h oru, Improvenients af anytilg else tissu tisevork. W. are it y ysuu rîlea. tise are dIuvelu i i . i \catnuosc'iustt Under normai condliicî.. 5i la ve tise l Brou' ruasd auoths'r macr planning tise wol reorganitalion o01 ou yre u rI r-04-.rr.ce llisy nesi- pece! tisat tise ice harvesl yulli e cade thoîr o<apei by ctr5llng unsodfsevet hea Yutqw zz 'q )eng sue! stan-n iîtelweç-n nov sud tl irs rIof!1traugh a pire ais!for so.e days aue ronstintao! servie e i rm ad ýT. Gnon .lanuury. but vils lie indications liai 1hey vere ai large. oFinallyIBrownscn T,@ y ukj ii h The suit tise forces .%Ill be sciall le ex vas recapturrut. was obliged la serv-' e an are.lyvrkevîits Ioe ypecîed tiat lie iarveslt ii he con out his jaîl rtînce sud later ventAmerneau serinl.U ore anI11 lTsukergan. tiîsuéd util lat.' ln Isehruairy or pos- away. He h l iu" ht een iboard froc yau bow ncany men Iise varInvoiveu, pres?nt an sibiy voîl lita 3tsreh. Ilta seid Rince. but you viii bave sucs Ides. Ysu viii s groeyIhtalotil.bues u uie Tisus Ilsems lîke one a! thosp -aiea resus. tisaI tise reorgaulsation ot -htalo h eebue n1- The art, the ekili,- the discrimlnating tante wa aecoun ty c ill lb,-illed Ihis yean. No cases vbere a mn lateattracted hly vaut ai Ibis kim! la cucis mars sxsctiig ofmany crafts unte in the construction of vasmad cotracte for tise erectîan of any a sortl o! mani lt la came hack ta lulils demande $hsan tisa carrylng au of t fo ')0 large new isbouses hase iseen let. tise lovuvee r adl w.Tn wr eordlug lu pTeylouely laid ont,- 1by th-__________ cems lu ha ve heen tise cfie vith trie! andI lssted mettisade. 1lac dictallng e ned Thee lndependenre circulation Cork Brown. Alîholrcbheombetsnlu Ibis lutter wbiie 1Imarnaatlug lise E e Ifrgasa- sutt@ of RE^DER-net D cn e n over ail tiose years he admits returu of tour of tise coat Important E e t i a p h n e ifo sa-tenta. DR, ofcne nov tisat he ha! s longlog ta coule Y. Mt. C. A. men lb France lu coneidar baec to LaIte caulstY even liOugh be- cana. a! hie prevIisS actaons. hedid and Il naliy decide upon lhe generat plan ual ht ave sus frlends. But there 10 bho toliove! la Ibis reorganiz&auln. -'- - . . *. seemed ta hc a certain attraction for W. bave a slcpiY corklng staff 01 cen to produce them-objects as attractive in îîm isere. bers, lu tact 1 Ilot vithout question vs form as they are efficient in operation-ideal ~MI Accordiisglate rown aler he vas bars a staff vici lu ltÎ entirety cannaI arrestedl Fr1! "v. be merely arnid b. qnaial lseeiel France. TisaI l Ch£&etma Presents which satisfy the giver ln Lake counIs on Tbrday nigist. s leboul! h..for va bavaelth. largast and gratify the recelver. lHe' dented tirai e hsd braiten loto logis tasai. Ou onlisly business rune tise several buises ln Warren lavis- lton millions ai franc& and o! course tisat abîp, ivisere !oodaît!S vere pnicat- ytebuleê Ie panly stlandmb liedWit ar o fort Baaidss tbe caotssn or pool excisange Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, tise afgers no theut. H ban fthe isetISeconduet of ail lth. relî glos brush brasa, verde antique, silver, art 1][on11 empisalicaltha.tlho hait raibeit vont, tisa ntertalnimna snd social wce ih sae n at gad A fram anybody, but a Grafslake man featuires, tise atilate, @e. W. have ~ kr wt lae n at gai Ik -aller hie arrestl ninteld tisaI lie today put lu isquistiaisn for 12 hute cretonne. - " s'sveater h. vans had been etolen 30h00 metu, 14 susaliar buts, 50 tonte fr00t hte place. 20z60 sud a lot o! scaller tente. W. sa AI O Brown wvs. ockeit ap lunIthe Gray,. already hava socns 30 tente tâe ie ln1 Electric Cooking Utensils, cha.fing dishes, - laie jalil Friday a!ternocis819d lu thse the ara sd o! courges a large part o! eveulitivia labota tise LB'e 0aon- he vont viii b.e conduced fthousIsooe toasters, grila, dise stovea, percolators le. sil. .. Ity jlit y Depuly Siseriff Griffiu. 110 luthSe villa"a and barraise eracted by lnaeted liaI he iad vsiked tram teamy I u Wtncooda ta tlrayelake Tisnvcay Wlian utarbomy.k, tersp * naitsoit vas not lu tise netighaOr- W ites ndputhlngY. Mot drlAtseruup- tLabor Savers, washing imachines, irons, ..~. 11.1 soit o! Warren township, vison tise pliesam orai Y. M. C. A.serirvaguum I êP W US 1*5. 1U l~[N - - eieof robberies isad acorred tise uip Iscn assh ltt linsEIVauu leaners, utfllty motors. ~ NPINE IGH evorai nigits prevtous. o! tISe iriug line. We haie ISadons mau 1161 PRIMe s s Brown la a strapa lu!,lov about tilied sud Seio or ighit onnded receut- 55iyeare of age. go erts a kiiovA y. i hblotyou viii tnov tis ailsa Electrical Articles for the toilet tale ta eé 1 m. bE~'I ie bui nover been vicions or ioleý-nt.Ist dodglng an>' neaasaty danger My'- 0 'c t- lb ~1 se N i Mom.~ M 1

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