CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 9

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LI~I~VflJZ ___ WMOIOB FItUh I« (31'~IT ~ aifti. iWss«.7 rPort sh l'Oha ilitK. ami Mmi a.. 0. Eim mg dRoi, jqu* Wytsmmddauhtin. ore ta Kw am Mr. Fed bsoni ear vin ho lossd wIil unlobilgatioue »d Mms . 2.ise ateeed the stock w»at and a hte. »on u .andec m.r 8 aduOb-er amie,. Ala pari of th@ ersditla 1dus show la Chicaglaut Wed.sedsy. @Pm uvi s a i lu Chicof go.U on TNdlIté, NiauGer..uae Stoffelh e Ladieosi Aid ciyfor tât.e eelent Dos'% foriet o asozar end cbilsn pi,,S&.eMd hm ith fibe ruvie.l t Ubertrudle et l W h a <'f Itii hebowling. euppter, Saturdsy at the village hall #li wu.ýâ hg wih te friui'- st141ortviD. @eutthetirt 1 About iwenty peope front Rail Day lie5Ithe l adieS' AId Socety of the ,wSekai tha homes of ber uoher hbs.. atended teb " ie yteLdt'IYndSeud dletees8c cbraiAia Wagnen and Mms.John IMke Behm and Misa Erme Dryer of & bsargie b lutdis'Evnllol huel Amî. 20etc.c eosi liii yen. Chicago yvitons t Lbertyville, calied Ou r elailveseait AUdSociety of the. Wheellng churi li iudeSc à" %raot si. Waukffan Snoday. saturday nighi.1 ~s. t.Pays ad M . . . olpb juse Rirnomu. 01 VolO, &pettTueuday Sonstor Roduey B. Swift will apeitonj Wedasia la aukgan at iteWliiw frt."The. Problenti of Reconstruction" ai Mi.. vaTurnbuill eturnsd bomeTitun- adElizabeth Kuebken Mdise Hennlal4 Lynch. tomber of St. tie.lRait Day Congegatonal church day al tor a two wsek's stsy with fisotte the tomcjerse meeting lna Marys Perochial @chato, accoàpanisd next Sunday ev.ning, December 15, at in Oak Park. ber &unt. MNy.. Katitryn Kerigat 8 o'ciock. The publie le. invlted to hear NMr. and jars. Berney Geary returnéd ta UL D» O.w"i o Clncgo,attelded eburch yere Chitcago shapper. Saturday. a'uboughtlul discussion of monte oi tihe thelr honeia L Ute Rock, Tuesday, alter ~S.iy.Patrick Butaley, whoabout vine years Imiportat Issues ariing otii.he,an @peuding everal day. at the ihomteoftse &un mnu a Raie entertaitid Rer. &go wasi a teachér at St. N a!y's choul by a mnai who ba@ made a speclal tudy former'@ o.othen, Mn. Alice Geory. and two f rienda front was ordaAned toa te prietbood se Oi thia ubjet. Mrs. M. W. Hughes and daugitter, hMi Navl lstation. Saurday and Sut- Chitcaolat Sunda3r. Ru-v Buckisy cont- - Maron and Marvîn were Chicago fisîtore ur paeted hie studios at the Iiémioary of NOTICE. Friday. asiaa àMca.Abert Pauser rlited iL tSt. Mary'. of the Lake ut Ar".during - àNy wilféaving toft my bed and board, Lo. ngd;, ns. W. .3.sSuterapdso wr ta'obateria CimgagoSnday. t te pait ummer monthe. 1 amnt Lreeponsîble fon any uelt.con. Lo1gW.orevIston Suday gEmma0mibespont the weekend Tb.- letter pri ateul the peet week whicit traewtd by anyone, but my»Saf. Elb . J bahuts, sonn !W 0Dlns !Waakq witit Mr. oo and MI@@ waa ýrtten by Private Carence Kniege John M. Meyer, Halt Day. 111 niet m ikli a véry setrions accident Suuday j M 0" vas so i te gu@t of Un. B. ta b- ioma lueai Ares. was oertainly 50t1 mori î.ug white out buating wlLh three ~~oa. on .-f tih Most irtno.ely Interestlng -b-'- oy -ompanions. Alilthé hoye wétre ius- 'Wa« "it ndFred Lrabbe visited' leitets the public has oer had theéu- lVF.D-ife, h bel f be «»It stck howThueday oportnttotradin. lwaeriten t,,.,louded witit bIrd @hot. Al ter tramnp- Mm lob Kxhken @pot Wedneedai ehortly alter the October drive ln wbieb Mr. and Mmr. Roy Rankine uddanth-1i4 througb the tamarack sauthof sown ami ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I 1umdyiiWakgnfede M. ngeto anatepr t I er of Wiltette ene the gueste of Fred 1ýey etopped ai an old log ta refit. E.. .Mhm Chihilasa W&gncr hm. heen on relative o! the boys over there could Bidéntadt, Saturdiày. wood vwas standing on the log, wheo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M@ Bc a oa1vdy.reiebo aei be etr l arry P. Thune of Fornat (leD, une-ot the uther boys jumped off and hé us romais.01! Mn. Scitlien, vbo died devonred hy thé friends of the boy@ utwa the gnest of Mn.. Fred Neyer, ,)et hie balance vitén the guu dlscharged, e* t. LouIsl, alter a lngerng Ilnes. home there would b. more of ttthaTbanday.- thé entîn chbange golng lto thé toit @Ide ver bragb tatiis lac fo hula prnte b he onty apes. ow Mn@..Ralpb Knickerbocker and daagh. of hie face, ehatberîng thé clteéî bons and variebuay. Th fa lac fothurglm- abotdtu thfe ntbys oergea. hé bers, Mises Elizabethi and Nfldred of lulging &aove thé lu-t ear. Thé third aI » oieail lTheir llbeaveteo $Sm. abutlhe rmc oln boy@ o think L ThtCicago. vere thé week-.end gue.ts of! Onger on thé nIgt bandl vas aleu chat. #"yol ai l toirbeesemët.- risr a ochlullad o hlu tatMr@. Enîmet Knickerbocker. tered Edgar Green, who badl startéd on soune oftLient cao vnlté a veny Intereet- Mledames limelser and Fred Chriten. hie way homo, boand the abat and liook- DUMO LA E og letter and wouid ho greatly appre. Son amid Mise Margaret Vedujer of Chicago, 148 back .aw ln fait. He rumhed to hlmu ciated epelally bY thetr home fl@s esteFia uet fM@ .8 n -lpdhmt i etsmwa Mr iii Mms Peterson and fauily inom Fientant. foli ortdn. h rda uesfMs E .Iand beutéSÛhlmln i ul sfet gwhat h D@qeela.tted at the borne of Mr. andlJno.dzu u tl nbefI un. hnb Mmra Wm. Eunmmann G LM Thé procee for thé t'nltedl War Work aoked il hé vas burt. Edgar, cot ta Urin. George Mitchell rlelted lin Cbicago is nhrHl odsnaercrr apaigo in the Everett @chaut ditrici alarm hlm, enid, Ob, not véry adiy Mma dayhu laitandwenear rc v é re $596 05. hut wé bailbotter Aurry and geLtoathé oMn.a dst er.. lhn tus u agI-ng trinu@if euge o!thée lluenîs Mises eéBatrice Carolan andl Teegi. doctore," fearlng bu- iglil faînt Ubelote Mr n r.nbrtRueaddu* Mrire., erwin unid son, Louti,,made a t)awsou rlsited irientujelu DeKalli oçer tu-1cul eL hauk itu. tu and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd litzenthaler buelneoq tri p tu.KansaeCl&y Iast.wu-uk. thé weuk-kend. Be thon ook a holul o! Elwoode arn sai daughter @Pent SundaY at thé lienry Ful Undurwood'g chidrnu and the .tISee Edith Ridtgdahl ai Highland Park, andl tbey rau ail thé way Lu Dr. ticCar- Minle home. grandeblidren are coatilnd ta tbirbhomes was the gnest o! Mise Su@%e Eueion, muickotiice. Thdocorwasdowntown M. and tMrs. Wm. Stoup @peut Sunday wlthi nfluenza. Wedneeday andl fhuraday.buw» oaeimeatyanhrid ai tehome af thé latter'. parents tiro. TU.' (bluter Red Crosiebu-Id litsmeet- Mies Brmina Eiaune.-tlid entu-talnied Uta v@allca. W.iuT.iDlatmEly a d 'su ilophia Towner. îng on lrhurséîay thl e u-k acîl-Y the nitting club Tu eay eveènîog lu Aiig oliabJe. W.t. tiand woen n B"v. Bckett spenlt Satnrday evenlng non' haeuwurk ta ptntout Mies Elizabeth B.-che-lt entertalniu-at r, vaof ithé uuldt rme a wéclou. ih-iNr. opiia Townruenandl family. tMr. anI irs.P. iHi Thatuiuiîc,'I uelta, dinne-r on Suîiduny for %lises eElizabeth j d théetstore- and ruieh,'d Luthé diutor'é Suite a féw firbn fhère attendu-d thé Nt>D, are l«eiLng ut tAe homie oftMr. and Midred Knicerébocker of Chicago. ofeAtrdeen h olg lwu ff Cos% aleutGiltiier Tlturediey even- ami i \rm. f.D. oo. M-§Thachrte Rît oenher i ofGratLake, woltle a ilér d eguaud iv.O uhîlanLwo tMg. -Ail report a gond tfntd. a gieer ouftirs. Cook. [viultéd hie parents, Mir. and Mn,. Fred roin Waukegau vag eýumuntuii-dLu ai Mr. end tir@. Artbur Holiand have Thoé humer Red Croie enturtanmu-nt i firenhu-rgur, Stîndav. Ihim Lu thé Woet Side Huu-1îtoilIn (Uhcagit >01. en tathe Hentry Brocrnaunu farin. auni e,'u-provu-ii Lubu- a grand success lit WIlliam andl StuhuCarulan loi t iast' Wiiere au X nay e[amînttion vas umade Msis. Marg Alianson and tire. Paul evury way. Lrint. Ritvhalb tvf France, wu-u-k for Shreveport, La. and an operatIon perforuîed thuet utght. Àllepmtemand children spent SundaY et the sîjeader of tluceveaîng, was a iorcufui Théetbarras oocley oaithue Preebyterian Frouru lateet reportite hé a getting lis HaBalme.épeaker. Mr. Breverton, eoutty chair- churcb belit thuir anmuai azaar Thur@- Sanog as weil a. coula bu- uxîîucted. but Er$. Mashal utchIngs ha. returned mlari, anîd Senator Swift gave a short day eveing. Thé proceéits ere $123 SiL e feaned ho eMay loeé te igit o! bisu buu f ster @ponding a ew weeo lu Chi- talse which were enjoyu.d Uv ai!. Mies Mies Mamie Faust o! Liberty ville, wa9 lu-t eye andl thé tiret joint ofaits hIeird ý;4ffl. Weiskopf gare a iew musical cunîbene thé week-end guet of Mise Elda Buren- inger on thé right baud. 1Itleis ureiY e 'Mr. mm Mr@. Fred Townen and daugli. whlcb were very muutluaîupiru.iiatu-d. Outr berger. very utfortunate ondinx ut a littie outini vitad ivtb M. andMtin. Ciayton able auctloneer, M. lralilil, vas v ry Mir. and Mtrs. Auguet Stihepp and but bu- lenou donbt thaukfUi that blé lits ý.Mt6hlqp 5uaday eveniog. succuesful am thé reuuIp)te wiliI show, daughtén, Lillian o! Gieucoe, wéié thée was epared and tl its ould tué a warnlnug _________________________$370 véere realiied. -8 Snday gueotsaIofM. andl Mrs. Carl to ail yaung buoys vho go hunticg. '[lnge. Lueemben a gun la dangerous and the * COUNTY PRAIL.E VIEW' i»sie FusRiton etertained a iéew epty gun vry olten dlechangoe vitI L ESTATE tire. a. Albrécbt vas a cté rielton fiainds Wedneeday èreung ~Ini honor a! fatal reents. Tburoday. bregienhbrthday. S LMtrs- A. C. Richarde made a business Bn Berfetor o! Bactown, a former veuCOrNDA TOWSIP earealna cOhR tOTEtI SAStrip to the cliy Saturday. formen resîdeot o! tAie village, vas Vpla Tiffany, of Waukegan, visuted Farina Mr. anm . irscfîton of Bnvyn, @petit buried lin the Deerfield cemeteny ÉSunday. schant Friday aftonncuon. hie vacation nt W. Hclttbhonte Misa Dorothy Supple va. thé guet of Matlda Itandmu a a absent last ljffl AciresRer. and Mus. Bauptiuhr.n entertained Mise Carlson of Laie Forest, Friday and ndy t ., ~ ~thir daugitter trini Pliifleldul ver 8Satnrday. Marha Ptrsnréturned - Monday Suciday. Mn.. Arno Frani z entortalcéd uto muraîng alLer b.lng absent for the put bd. W. Knedler and sonceot Sanda, MettIe girls st a blthday parti ion ber two veeke. seatAn.s th gaests of the. W. B" aid daughtr, Rath, on Saturday aitennoou. Mlided tnderwood la stili on theé aid aidlot.e Ber. McCy o! North Chcago Pnhy- flost, belng absent nov for tvo veeks. Turne. Loomisandfanlly'are te teran chancit, preacited lu the. Pnssiy. The tavu and high sehool girls prse go " ekli%.tentai chanci ieors Oanday ntornig. tiedbasket bail Tituraday evenloî, Mn. aid Mn@. J. A. Nason vlte~d th Ed Mubie. of Libentyvllle, vas theiAte the gains a ew vileursnmere allowu fat stock s"w Thurday and Frlday i ga55Lof i&bis ater, Mn.. 1a- M' Vat ed ta go loto the gym ta dune awhilé. th it.$unday. Thé mmn thé, ithe Botauly ci&@@ havt A. C. Richarde vas a cuîy viitor M.adM. îcînPti estétheîr ovo Signatures. 0ne veny Inter. Taeaday. SBnnday euts ui Mr. aud làm.. W. A. eslting tapie vas wnttsn on the board Ch itaBn bas basa bsiueed witit a WhIting o! Chcago. and oigned, Der $utlley.Titnu. IN M "WN phildthe pat fev dys.Mri. Anuallberman is vieltiog ber 80o, Neit FrIday nuuut. Déebmhér iSti Tii. Vernon ceotetery assocation w ltClarence of Chicago. Nnflonry blgh §chatol ill conte ber.Witt Most viti Mns. Chai. Smith, bie. 19. ,~t wu basket bail teante. Menny alvasi IL KEZMRCH Icarr es good .tnong teamu and Lb. ge;ïm ln Mmuory o! Orné Wehpbirng. vb tMr. and Mn.. George Meyer visitaditslesure ta ho lnterestlng altd esclitios iousesl paosu.davay lecémber 1, 1917. wlth relatives at Wauconda, Snnday. Coine. eIti This vifilieb thé opeiénl Calil nuLbaci te dear duparted. Ies uAnna Frank aid fienul spent't gante o! thé seaâon. mot oàAnehoreul «aie where stoiuîu.aret.'ur, Suoday at thé formers@bomeé. Thé igbqechool baset bail tea iil: On thé border licdse Ilu- ihm, Théetiemorial services whlch veré tu a ti toîk Friduey ight wheré bot] ryStsSoon to muet and liartnci tre hé heid Snnday mornIng a1 thé Erangé. teame von, a décléive victrot er 11, W heu vu- learu-t bis vorld of changé. ical cburch, were pootponed u ount Atioch quingete. Bath gains vel SudiisonWu-$hail fini Our nuii.lnig lnvod une ouet@ at thé home u1 F. fichoiz last bardl carueul. aut(ck tuakit he leat] dui lu unr Fathe'e uiansuuu bauin. Sunday vere: DI. F. Aldrichi ai Belviev, Ing thé tiet perlod ln1 both teauts. Aflto Tc Wu-réuburg t'ammil. Minneota; gise Hanoah Suthols and thé héginnmg of thé Second parfaite ou 1 , " ~'olzandiamly.boys won the iead and éaillY maiaîatil TnackGardenenrsaml e d it tbnuughout the gamés. Thé fini TruckGardnersHAV AY Mise* Uebrude and Oliver Wlenu-cke o! score vas§: Firsi eani, Wauconda 4 Five bnndred delégatés f rou thé Con- L010a, N. Dak; are @pouding a fév Autiocb, 19. Second tean, Waucond yand Sinaîl Fruit gregatlonal cbnrtcbattended tUe banquet weeku vioîting relatives andl friendei. 21, Ahtioi'h, 10. HM ~~~~~and annuai meeting o! thé Chicago tity Misselertha (Irahér ha. résumeul ber OEDR-ARNPIL Nlselunary Socty Nonsiay e uug, pouetIOn aiErnt@ets a tertna vééks LNOFCARNPIL strWorks Déember 2, ai -the gtéven.e restaurant illtes4. Chcao.Ovn ixbudnd e péa-u. iM. and tirs. W. Laun and Mim. Barr Oleudon!, o! Lihétyville, au er Systein Thé annuai report va. read Uy Dr. t. (leninudé lm a ttéuded tite uedication Mim ss Iiencs arr, o! Deenllld. wvo L. Bu-éd Théadde.uso! té e eierurleés at ethé Saleurcharch ab Bannlng. unfted ln maniage In.Chicago. faturda Ebectricity vas deibrereul by Dr. Wm. HA Day of ton, Suuday. evéunog, Dean Edwand S. White. 01aiR Radra'Blrdgeport, Counn, moujraton out the A nunihén frointber@ atteudod thé Red vesvood, formerly vican o!Si. Lawrent RailroadNatlanai Couancil o! Congerational Crolss seaigilmer, 'ursiîay ovenîng. paieb, Lihrtyvllle, eficiatlflg. Tb Pailroad churche. A servIe liag va. dudcatkd The prucoeda ver. over $340. bride lu thé only daughten ai Mn. au wth aven 9001 tars r(épre*entbog the l&,bout opened agaîn hluuday ater a;tins William Canr, of Deefleld. li Iine Connections contribution ai tîue -ty mileoary Lhoough fumigation. fathér lasaveil-novo conducton lu ti ciursce Lta thé cuse utaidmocnacy. Thé Mime tiahél Béler @peut Snnday se bu- ervite o! thé Chicago, Milwaukee & f tiful Lake deicgate frou i tite Haltll>ay churcht vur.: home. Paul rallroad aod thé famlY veei1 Ai.....Loul Lldet.îru, Crl ILLMIs Agn. M.. . Neer ni!Geur Lntl man mer wull.îoovn and hlizhiv.r.seftt FRED SCHUCKERES . lEASY ST. Louis Fn.denlck W. llcllcer, fiteits w ov to 1ie1@rlande as Fred Seblicier, dIsi lu M. M&ry'a hospîtal lu lMot St. Loais, gaturday. Novemiter 8SOu, ai pntoulna tioovlg at attae flpfiosm.a. ie romains *ovesbrougit 10 Amea on the attennoon tratie Tneday, Decsntber Ord. Blunlt loccrni!on Tbur.,,déy alternon, December 5fut tbi s[vanios csnti. 'thé fanerai ,@erwIcs. ve ubold aitihe OIVE AWAY UIR XW MA DNER (UliSn Courier) Mrs. FY&ak herwood, 763 South Liberty streot. today telepboned te aecretary.0f The Courier Christmas Dinner F'und the following cheery message: "I ad ~lauedfor77h ipas dims', but V W bav, amie. colved anInivitatioD Out for ibatdi «I &btan!therefore take 0&1 the" teriaa snecemuay for the dAmas7, i. was going to prepare &Bd put thÙM la a bfg basket ftpr morne poor tam. WIflI you le se lect a fâââge of ail persons, Who really neel a bountiful Cheiatmas basket, and l4t me provide them wlth tr" Her wluh wtl i graated .And e..e fainlly thuna wIii b. well cared for at Christmaa OMOt. boue aud conducted by ths R. GeUoge- Mitchell o! :Wauke.ian Tihe M. W. A. ______________________________ lodge 91 whieh Mr. Schlicler wasaa thecermonea i ti.SP ECIA L SALE T HIS W EE K 1fr. Seblicker wu tiret sud lust a Lake eounty man. He s a son of Il. and THESE PRICES. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY lAre Gane. J. $ehliekor of W.rrentoo. 3 lb. pkg. 30c coffee... 68È Corn Flakeq, 2 pkgs. for 25ç now ilsn; bte t Wilson, Jafluary 31, 1880;, lred te MleElla Weil@, Dutch Cleanser, 5 cana. 25c~ Mince Mat, 2 pkgs. for 25c- Febru#ry 19,1906. To thie union Oive! Golden Rod Washing Pow- Large can Lbbj's Milk,14c cbildren were horn.,Fruderiek asel;ý der, large pkg., 6 for 25c JmiaPn.Ck Mlyrtie aile 9; Theodore age 6; Violat Can Salmon,lSc; 2 for 3Sc Ant -,., an Ck jage 4; and Paul Wills, usbo ffe 3 lbs. Manor House, 1*rFour, large pkg....42e Decetuber 16, 1917, st the age of ive 11t lb. L gTapoc ... 8 deys. lteolden a wife and tour cbldren, for..............92c ,g1poa. Nr. Schlicker le surlvedl by bis father, 2 lb. can Kara Syrup, 1,4 lb. pkg. Shreded Co Soa- mother, two uinter@, Ny.. Minuis Abra- 1 3c; 2 for........ 25ci nut............. ... 22c hamn of Wilson; Mit. Blliabeth Robs ai t lb. can Tommde. 6c i lb. Baking Soda...5Sc Chicago, and two brothers, Charles b cnBieElc o 2l.cnN~ ren Seblickerof Wilson, and Wlliam Silcker 2l.cnBieEetT-1 1.ýa e ren of Chicago. matoe ........... 12ci Mol"Pes ........1 The greater jotrt nf Mi. rk-hliîws Bottled Olives, atuffed or Granulated Sugar, lb-..1lOc active file W&@ devotil to t îrui!ng and plain . ........I 3c1 Argo Starch, pkg ...... 9c miarket gardenîng. For a. ti. MÉAT DEPxt îs engal dla the wre mail ut '.1 ukeutLu.MATDPR MN Be teed .>Are lt .titlalo la Fresh Spareribs. .22c Vea1Stew ............18e tie orked foil .1.1. lu. Late 1r. lar enae t b U ie il Pork Shoulders ..... 25c VeaI Roast ......24c Company nt R, but %%eis i l-@ Callaý Rams, whîle they ýVeal Steak . . . . .. 30c plant burut in S..pteuble ' ' e r.te~ lait............. 25c Leg of Lamb......... 27C ferred to>onu. of tbe Mî i oui l e Bacon, heavy .... ... 35Sc Lamb Stew........... 20C plans t East st. L I. ii.ov','ll~ii Guaranteed Eggs, doz. . 60c Leaf Lard ........... ..30c fil edinflil zetnd II i , ii t amU tousma feilultoi.~tlut ruer Best Round Steak..27ci Bonelee onef. cette of! litusiel uùd ci iur v Pot Roast...20 and 2 2c 1 Salt Pork............. 25C of 1 ix ci Vtt'i5goAijls Sweet potatooa, orange..applesaaafull lino of vegetubles. wiui wu@ inforin ilte ecyluuLeêse 0iORDER VOIJR CHRISTMAS POULTRY FEARLY ié condition and @ho. bastend to is beiieoufy Lu llnd bils reuaItondîtle" GEORGE 1M. IAT4J more e-roue thau elle bail unticipaied. A. .EA Thie cuuny for wlboni lie wvorited gavte KAISER BUILDING LIBERTYVILJLE ' bitructon to tuostatteiing ils tae' -.______ and prupern urelung but iutwitlieiitu(duiig:_________________________________ ail %iIs ueioi the great, brave ili ttat; ho pas.up tLthulIte lle:rz .1:îî:::ti P O L~ 0 R~ NI g Ille lit. Scllcker wu a nieunlcr of ithe' tCongregatlutial ciurli o Waukgiu, a mmeofteMW. A lodge; the A D ESB ICI Mstie eil sd carriedi111felrîuuran(e A D ESB lu inthe Mîchîgati Mutua ialeLu cturance. Comnpaniy. The geunerusl u-pru-selouel cou- 9 cerclcg the character of Mr ir chllcker asi i0 a an aréa ctizenaare the lthgi thé busi.ATOR RODNEY B. SWIFT g et ae utan au a ted ret e bggee. ues@ colmunity le tu lu«e suuth a mtt aud a wlie and four clilluren eliould ho ILFD Y 1tP le deprved of a klnd and falthful hugbandi M L A CO G G TIN MU C ie andl a lovînst father, but snceb lete lte t.. whlch ail are autbject. A ' L C le gSTREET FIGI4TING IN BERLIN i London, Eng, Dec. 6-Seriaus dis- SIJNDAY EVENINO. DECEMBER 15, 1918 ordens bave arisen ini Berlin and co;n- et alderable filng bas occurred la the____________________________________ principal treeta accordlng to reporti,j 'y reachlog the Dutch-Oerman froutier, Nc.i ii r w esays mn Biehange Telegraihdis4-'iblic Sae Nt lspubhsthed i l Independient aer patet front Amsterdm. The troub'e b mth. t i, es«as many responsibl. buyers as la saidt!o9havebhein caused hi tho1ý fo hr of Germn aibshevik. In amy .o".vweekIy .wuWpe inLake coniy.~ THEREar e two (2) kiuds of insurance. Botharegood tiil death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps rig4it on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tubl you have 'to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy., Your Lif e Insurance shoubd not be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong kind. THE O1D' MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good 'as the best and better thau many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS a poot buoe »mi vag r. tbase1 bctmR g. m of thé recelved kt Geio a Mn. s .thie t ft ln s L.frotu t 'are ho of 0f9C .dated dd of 1 be vas bepenttt selative 1bave la tett 'aruistis gottetu mtificat fii «Mernt rt W oal hei»m muent i - veî S aid Io0 plan spring -r i-.

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